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[Drama 2019-2020] Wanna Taste?, 맛 좀 보실래요


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I am disappointed by this summary plot and the title of this drama. It's gone on for almost 70% and at this point I think this drama should have been titled "The Lee Family."  Sigh.  Am I a glutton for torture?  Enough about me.


From this angle, "The Lee Family", makes me think.


1. people are saying if CJ and JB have kids they will be turn out ugly.  You would think, huh. Cause JB was no natural beauty. But look at JS he's not bad looking. And did you hear JS bragging when he talked back to his MIL about the Lee family ethics. He's one bad dude talking back to his MIL.  So, what if JS and JB don't have the same mother.  And that is why daddy adores his princess so much cause she is his biological daughter.  And that's why he raised his "princess" to be a spoiled brat.  JS's dad ignored JS as a kid cause he couldn't stand the sight of him. This would make for a very dysfunctional family.  


@tulip06I, too was disappointed too to see her go back to that restaurant. It holds so much bad memories. The only good memories she has there is with DG. Buy her a restaurant anywhere but there.  I guess that's where her family sees her highest potential.  

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4 hours ago, rolisrntex said:

After watching the first few minutes of 76 with subs, it kind of bothers me that DG didn't even give HJ a chance to respond. He'll eat his words. No surprise YR lied through her teeth throwing HJ under the bus. HJ did not know for a fact JH/YR were cheating when she first saw them together. She didn't know either of them from Adam.


This is what upset me as well. He comes ranging in at her after listening to YRan. he never gave her the chance to explain anything. Its no wonder she could only say "umm" as he accused her of keeping something from him. I have to agree HJ did not know Yran or JH and when she finally saw them and heard who they were married to she erred on the side of caution to understand the situation. It involved two of her friends.Most of the time the person always blames the messenger. HJ did not even get a chance to say anything hoping that Yran will do the right thing and let them work it out. Instead he reacted to Yran and came home raging at HJ like she betrayed him when she only confirmed truth the night or days before. How do you approach that subject? HJ did not understand the demographics of their relationship and knows nothing of JW's and JH's.  DG will end up groveling back to her later. 

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A thought crossed my mind.  I  kind of understand why CJ did not recognize  JB due to her plastic surgery and name changed.  But shouldn't  JB have recognized CJ.  They did have a wedding 7 years ago.  I'm sure he looked the same.   Or does this mean during these 7 years there were no family get togethers???   If this really true CJ would be stupid to continue this relationship.<_<

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1 hour ago, nana4ever said:

 Or does this mean during these 7 years there were no family get togethers???   If this really true CJ would be stupid to continue this relationship.<_<

In ep.75, CJ mentioned to Yuri that he’s only seen JB once that is during the wedding before her birth. Given JB’s attitude then, she probably couldn’t be bothered to give HJ’s brother a second look. 

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I really don't know what CJ sees in JB. He is really blind. There is nothing to like about her. Never like her behaviour or her looks and the way she talks is so annoying especially her voice. Perhaps the actress is over acting her role and if she was instructed to richard simmons off the audience then she certainly has succeeded. CJ finds JB pretty. Someone please tell him that JB's face is paid with HJ's hard earned, sweat and blood money. 

But in the end, I guess both will be together (so hard to stomach this). The writer has been trying hard to white wash her but she is still as irritating as ever. Perhaps she might seek HJ for help or offer to work for HJ to redeem herself, hoping that HJ or mom will see the change in her to get their blessings. 

If CJ and JB marries, then HJ will have to face JS which might be a bit awkward; from husband to ex-husband to in-laws. How would YuRi address JS ? father ? uncle ? It is better for her to call JS uncle because after the divorce, he didn't even bother to ask about YuRi or visit her at all. Did he forget that he has a daughter ? 

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Oh gosh, do they have to show us CJ-JB last kiss three times?! But good news is, DG and HJ both realize their feelings for each other, finally. And in next episode, CJ will play Cupid for them. 


Talking about CJ, he felt it was his fault that HJ got to know JS and ended up marrying him. This time he will be able to match her up with DG, maybe that will lift the burden a bit from him. He seems pretty determined not to see JB anymore, so I am sure the only thing that will get them together now is a pregnancy. Thing is, I have no idea how much time has passed since they slept together. Didn’t keep track of that. 

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Ep 77 that was a waste of space except for the scene DG divorce finally got divorced, i couldn't be bothered to watched it sub unless i wanna know what Yuran-DG said in their  scene in front of the court building....


Anyhow, chingu, ep 78 is a very good episode...!!!! even the preview for ep 79 was good too.... heheh 

I won't spoiled it ... 


One thing i wanna say, when i was watching CJ and HJ scene in ep 78, i was thinking, this was the CJ's character that we had love before they decided to paired CJ with that horrid leech JB. This was the guy we sooo wanted CJ to end up with JW backed then... If i could, i would have liked to smacked the back of k-writer's head with their script and say "stop making CJ character crying already. If you really want him to have a remember scene, let CJ remember how cruelly HJ's ex-in laws were to HJ, how HJ was mistreated by her SIL and FIL, how HJ had to work like hell to pay for her SIL's plastic surgery. How the in laws demanded money to pay for her cloths whil not helping at all at the restaurant. How mean JB was to his sister... How JB was the one that got HJ to pity date JS just coz JS likes HJ. ... Get him to remember that.... IN other word, get his to stop with this moping, its annoying us to see this... " 


As for that annoying JB, get her to go far far away, so that she can be a "better" person. JB can have her own scene where she work and live to take care of old folks. Do demeaning work like clean any "spillage" old people accidentally "do". Cook meals for the old folks and wash their clothing and all. Let JB learn how to take care of other people.

And after a few years (maybe ep 100, she'll come back and JB really become another person (a decent human being) . JB would have saved enough money from her hard earning money to pay HJ back for all those plastic surgery and expensive clothing she demanded HJ pays for her backed then... Only then can any of the viewers will even consider approving JB with CJ....!!! 


Another thing, don't you dare pair HJ's mom with JS's dad...!!!! Enough pairing HJ's family with the leech family...!!!! 


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6 minutes ago, ktcjdrama said:

Oh gosh, do they have to show us CJ-JB last kiss three times?! But good news is, DG and HJ both realize their feelings for each other, finally. And in next episode, CJ will play Cupid for them. 


Talking about CJ, he felt it was his fault that HJ got to know JS and ended up marrying him. This time he will be able to match her up with DG, maybe that will lift the burden a bit from him. He seems pretty determined not to see JB anymore, so I am sure the only thing that will get them together now is a pregnancy. Thing is, I have no idea how much time has passed since they slept together. Didn’t keep track of that. 

I think that break up is too easy, the mother and the niece will have to know their relationship, so I also think that pregnancy may be come  but I hope it's over between them.
the DG script may mean a revival for the last part of the drama, maybe we will have CJ and JW now

but overall, I'm disappointed with the turn this drama has taken, CJ is stupid,  JW is too passive


11 minutes ago, Saja La said:



Another thing, don't you dare pair HJ's mom with JS's dad...!!!! Enough pairing HJ's family with the leech family...!!!! 



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15 hours ago, tulip06 said:

And as soon as there was a way to get her alone, namely, France, he went there and had long affair, making her feel all in love with him again.  He has literally driven her crazy and then blamed her for it. 

What! Did I miss something. I'm gonna have to watch the first 2 or 3 episodes. Yuran is no pushover. She's not going to let JH have his cake and eat it too - even if she has to mow down innocent people. The end justifies the means.  Who's meaner within their relationship? If we're going to keep score between the sexes. Some men are evil but women can be just as evil. Evil doesn't care what you are. In drama and real life the person who steals your boyfriend/girlfriend is someone close to you. Be it man/woman, man/man, woman/woman. I have 2 sons and 2 daughters.  



JH - betrays his wife and best friend, seduces Yuran, walks around with a funny look on his face. (did I miss something)

Yuran - betrays husband, cheats with a married man, flings her son across the floor more than once, stabs and twist the knife(figuratively) on her husband, lies about husbands' friend to husband, walks around like a peacock.

JH and YR tie . They are a match made in hell. Don't fall for those crocodile tears. They make sincere tears look bad.



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2 hours ago, Saja La said:

Another thing, don't you dare pair HJ's mom with JS's dad...!!!! Enough pairing HJ's family with the leech family...!!!! 

my guess is the writer is planning to pair mom with furniture ajusshi. he doesn't have kids or family and has been hinting to hae jin about his interest. I find them both cute together.

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8 hours ago, Lmangla said:

my guess is the writer is planning to pair mom with furniture ajusshi. he doesn't have kids or family and has been hinting to hae jin about his interest. I find them both cute together.


That pairing i am okay with it.. I am talking about all of a sudden JS's dad stealing that furniture adjusshi's bouquet meant for HJ's mom.... Its as if the k-writer trying to imply JS's dad is jealous... 


Anyway, when HJ remembers back DG, and the scene where DG said he is HJ's husband, that scene still make me smile... Love the Preview, JH getting caught, and the scene where it shows that DG confess to CJ that he like HJ, but it one sided.... Glad that they don't do the deny their feelings story plot... 

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DG did let HJ explain she just did not explain to well at all, she told him she just wanted them to work it out. mI also think ti made him more upset because he likes her.


But none of this matters anymore they going to work it out soon enough since they miss  each other so much.


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7 minutes ago, dramaninja said:

DG did let HJ explain she just did not explain to well at all, she told him she just wanted them to work it out.


But none of this matters anymore they going to work it out soon enough since they miss  each other so much.



She just said she wanted to let them try and work it out. He complained that she kept encouraging him to work things out while HJ knew about the cheating.; however, when she was saying those things she didn't really know about the cheating. She had seen JH/YR together a couple but she really didn't know the nature of their relationship. It wasn't until DG/JW showed for for dinner that one evening that she knew for sure something was amiss. That was the day before the blowup I think.


But yes they will work things out in the next few episodes.

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finally found the time and caught on the last two episodes. yuran really is a succubus. it wasn't enough that she had to show dae gu the truth but she also did something far more crushing -- she belittled and took away his work. when you do work that you love, it is difficult to describe how much meaning and purpose it gives. she had to take it away from him to ensure that he was as miserable as her. why? was it so important that she break his spirit? dae gu breaks the friendship with junhu and she gets mad at dae gu like how dare he insult junhu. so her tactic is to belittle him that everyone knew except him. part of why he turns against hae jin is because he felt whip lashed by yuran.


it was understandable that hae jin didn't want to be the messenger but she made a mistake in encouraging dae gu all the time to make it work. yea, she is conservative but given her divorce, she should have known better to stay out of giving advice when dae gu hasn't asked for her counsel. @rolisrntex ~ dae gu had no way of knowing that her advice was before her knowledge of the affair. he is assuming she knew and she suggested he work on it anyway. so can understand why he feels so insulted by her advice and make it seem like somehow he was making a mistake by choosing to divorce. so all that combined made him react very strongly against hae jin and also hate his work. rather than feeling bad for hae jin or dae gu, felt really bad about him throwing away his work when it was something he loved and enjoyed so much. it was good that hae jin took the effort to find the screenplay.  dae gu and hae jin will make up once he lets go of his anger and she is able to tell him she didn't feel comfortable informing him when she wasn't sure of what she saw.


junhu trying to hide behind a newspaper was kind of funny. he was shaking so much that even the newspaper was dancing a little. kekeke... junhu is now going to be terrified by this wild yuran who he cannot control but will make his life miserable at every turn.


was so excited about the breakup that I watched most of cheol jin's scenes and am not sure if these two will get back together. he really hates and despises jin sang. in order to accept jin bong, he would have to forgive jin sang as well as the dad. he would also have to hurt yuri, mom and hae jin ~ all of that will be too much for cheol jin even if they decide to just sacrifice for him. he has been angry with this family for the way they treated his sister throughout the marriage. how do you give up 7 years of anger just for a new relationship. he may struggle because he really likes jin bong but he may not be able to digest hurting his family again because of another Lee family member. he already feels guilty for introducing jin sang into hae jin's life -- no matter how forgiving they are, bringing jin bong in will create a tornado in the family just as they are regaining their peace. will he be that selfish? so definitely romeo juliet! yay!!!!!!!! for me, if the writer used a pregnancy to bring these two together, then it would be fake happy ending. within this drama, we had two marriages as a result of pregnancy that ended in divorce as both couples were highly incompatible. so we can just assume that after the end, these two will break up anyway. :P

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16 hours ago, rikimaiu said:

I really don't know what CJ sees in JB. He is really blind. There is nothing to like about her. Never like her behaviour or her looks and the way she talks is so annoying especially her voice. Perhaps the actress is over acting her role and if she was instructed to richard simmons off the audience then she certainly has succeeded. CJ finds JB pretty. Someone please tell him that JB's face is paid with HJ's hard earned, sweat and blood money. 

But in the end, I guess both will be together (so hard to stomach this). The writer has been trying hard to white wash her but she is still as irritating as ever. Perhaps she might seek HJ for help or offer to work for HJ to redeem herself, hoping that HJ or mom will see the change in her to get their blessings. 

The part where CJ finally tells her the truth about their relationship (which by the way would NEVER have progressed if she had used her real name!) made me laugh at her facial expression.

Error: input syntax error
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System not found.
Shutting down.


14 hours ago, ktcjdrama said:

Thing is, I have no idea how much time has passed since they slept together. Didn’t keep track of that. 

Didn't they sleep together around the time of DG's divorce filing? 

If the cooling off period for the divorce is 3 weeks (found on Google), that puts their relationship at under a month.


Honestly writer, just let them break up and have bittersweet memories - that they couldn't be together because their families kept them apart (or whatever bs spin they want to put on it). Let them grow from the experience and learn that it's best to use your real name when you start dating someone. 


Plenty of chicken in the sea!


Edit: I just realized. If it's only been a month since they slept together, that's prime time for the dreaded pregnancy plot!

Edited by Gypsygirl
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3 hours ago, Gypsygirl said:

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Dont forget:

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You must be a fellow geek. :w00t:


Welcome to the Soompi community and the thread BTW.:thumbsup:



dae gu and hae jin will make up once he lets go of his anger


@Lmangla It looks like he lets go pretty quickly since he tells CJ he likes her but didn't think it was mutual in the preview.

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35 minutes ago, rolisrntex said:

Dont forget:

               404- Page Not Found

               Disk Seek Error: Missing cluster

               Command Interpreter not found


You must be a fellow geek. :w00t:


Don't know my computer terminology, but my favorite phrase (since I consider myself a bit computer illiterate) is "OH #$%^, NOTHING'S WORKING! IT MUST BE BROKEN. HELP, HELP!!"


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