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[Drama 2018] Mr. Sunshine, 미스터 션샤인 - Winner of Critics’ Choice Award for Drama category

Go Seung Ji

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20 hours ago, peonie said:

Source: Netflix

That is such a well done short. I don't know who actually created it, but it's a sign of an outstanding drama that inspires so much outstanding fan art. :thumbsup::wub:

@Ahpheng , or Ms Sunshine, you're prodigious! I don't know if you do this for every drama you're into at the moment, and perhaps it is hard on your personal life to be so devoted to your art, but I for one am loving every single one of them.:w00t:

15 hours ago, Padjot Nguyen said:

I don’t think AS is immature because of what she did to DM. Frankly, she doesn’t like him and he shot her. What’s the point in being nice to a person who shot you? What do you expect her to do? When you get shot by a person you helped, you at that time will get mad as the first natural reaction no matter what reason it is; not to mention, AS doesn’t like DM at all and she doesn’t like HS, either. AS is very directive, just like EC. When she dislikes someone, she shows it all over her face and her words. Remember her first encounter with HS? This is her personality which I really love, not her immaturity.

@Padjot Nguyen I couldn't agree with you more. Thanks for giving rejoinder to my views with your great points - this is an example of what I love the most about Soompi, in that the best dramas bring out the best debates and make us examine our position and learn.


While she probably didn't know who shot her, Ae-Sin did not behave towards DM with any calculation - as you say, she is just being who she is - always honest and direct, and thereby commanding respect from everyone, even those who may disagree with her - because she is the only one who has both the birthright to be the leader of her people and the heart that is backed up with her consistently brave actions (whether in clandestine disguise wielding a gun or even as a lady who has always acted kindly to the people - our perfect and worthy heroine). A leader can't be confusing who is with her and who is not - clearly DM is the traitor, and if he is to have any hope of real redemption in her eyes (and also in his soul), he needs to repent and turn from his turncoat ways regardless of how he got there - so I want to clarify my previous statement that seemed to indicate that there is only tragedy for DM - there is, ultimately, a way of redemption for him that is not just a path for him to re-inflate his flaccid male ego in the end. We all know what this is - he can fight for justice and join Ae-Sin (or at least act as a subterfuge while allowing her to do her Righteous Army work). Will he? I so badly wish that is the path he is allowed to choose, and Ae-Sin can love*** him again and hold him dear in her heart after his inevitable but hopefully righteous death for her country, which is Dong-Mae's country too.

***not Lo-Bu, like she does Eugene, but in a sense a higher love, Confucian Love. The context here forces me to make a pun in replacing 'Platonic' with 'Confucian'. After all, that is how the young Ae-Sin loved Dong-Mae in the palanquin while hiding him - quoting Confucius with all her ideal and sense of human dignity and preciousness of the boy's human soul.


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my IG link works again, yippee !


@meechuttso thanks so much for the compliment and for liking my every c-strips. Yes, I have been 'stripping' for 2-3 years now, usually the dramas that I loved but I took a 1 year hiatus just to binge-watched many dramas that I missed, yes c-stripping takes up a lot of my personal time. Check out my IG if you wanna see the dramas I've stripped before. Cheers 

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Actually I just want to chime in and say although I have never been a fan of Kim Eun Seok's writing, she has impressed me this time with the plot of 3 guys going for one girl. And what better idea than to give them all 3 different passports? 


Certainly it is Not set in the time period that is the best of human kind history but I dont think the writer has gone overboard. The freaky psycho Japanese soldier and the very presence of Musin society depicted the cruelty of Japan at that time. I woukd think she romanticed the Americans even more, with the all so nice American legation a.k.a Mr nice guy Kyle.


I would like to see more of HS coming into significance into the plot because so far he seems to be more like a frosting on the cake which is a good to have but not highly essential.


Another thing about this writer is that she likes to give the character's cryptic dialogue which leads to a need for discussion among fans.


I think overall the drama is doing a good job keeping audience interested and I think that is reflective of the writer's strength in maintaining various mysteries to be unravel ep by ep.

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16 hours ago, Wotad said:


I hope from this drama we get some Eugene/DM bromance and by some miracle DM survives at the end. 

Not gonna happen since this is not the usual teeny drama. Besides it makes no sense for Eugene to get friendly with a man who is trying to kill him and has an obsession with the woman he loves 

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10 hours ago, tzupi said:



Indeed, the problem with Eugene is that he still wants to be neutral, not to get involved in the messy politics. He wants to love AS, get revenge and probably leave as soon as possible. But the situation is so that being neutral at this moment is impossible. What made me think about this was Lee Byung Hun's way of delivering a line: in Eugene's discussion with Kyle when they drink tea, there is a line that I thought LBH should have said it as a joke: he asks Kyle what the first line of his poem is, whether it is what Kyle said about the Philippines. LBH delivers the question as if Eugene is slightly irritated with Kyle's point. Noticing the irritation, Kyle tells him to not become a dangerous man. I was wondering why Eugene would be irritated with a piece of advice that he requested. Then I realized that Eugene was unhappy with the advice: he wanted Kyle to take the pawn certificate and set Eugene free of the burden of thinking what to do with it. But Kyle returned the document to him and advised him to return it to its rightful owner. For Eugene, this means prolonging his association with the people Eugene wants to avoid. (afterwards, following upon Kyle's advice, he visits the emperor's minister and at the end of their conversation, he explains to him that coming there was an act of courage--contrast with the moment when he pawns the document and says that the little boy is again scared.)


Hi all!

It's indeed intriguing of how you guys interpreting, analyzing, and discussing about the characters in this drama. Just like one once said here, it seems like a Film Class :DBut I think it is what this forum made for. I don't really analyze much actually, since I just enjoy the story, the acting, the beauty of this drama series. Yet, I think It's interesting to do it, so...


I do think that EC is not trying to be neutral but professional, as he's a Captain of US Marine not a politician, as he said to the King. He was contemplating about what exactly he should do with the certificate which could determine the fate of Joseon that people are ready to kill for it and as he said to Kyle that he also wonder why on earth it falls to his hand. I don't think he irritated with Kyle's advice, but surprised cos it does not sound like an American [ I agree with him there LOL:D] and also I dont think he wanted Kyle to take the certificate and set him free of the burden, he asked Kyle just simply to ask for advice because even though he got the notion about destroying Joseon, he didn't want to do things that could make the situation bad for America and for himself. And I think he's agree with Kyle, that's why he went to that old politician/counselor and told him that the interpreter in the palace said wrong thing and seem pro-Japan, just to warn them, which I interpret as his good intention that he does care.

Remember what EC said to AS in the pharmacy when she asked if he wanted to destroy Joseon? He said that it's not entire Joseon, but only to that certain family.


10 hours ago, tzupi said:

For me, the interesting part now is how Eugene would get involved in the fight. I'm wondering whether AS would be the one to drag him in, for ideologically there is a big divide between them: he was a slave, she is an aristocrat. (AS might be open-minded, but Eugene might still think that their life experiences are vastly different and she is idealistic.) It is telling that at the end of episode 8, he does not embrace her: while AS is all in, he is not yet all in. It is not that he does not love her: the moment Eugene shows the strongest resoluteness yet is the moment he picks the gun from her and shoots himself to cover for her. It is that he is not fully behind her fight: all the time he helped other people, he did it reluctantly. (this is why Eugene's help remains a puzzle for the Gunner--although now the gunner understands Eugene's motivation: he is just in love in AS, no ulterior motives.)


Well, AS is the one who drag him to the fight for Joseon for sure, at least in the beginning.

And the reason for him not hug her I think because he was surprised [like we were!], did not expect that would happen that fast at all [did you??] he thought she might even hated him and yes maybe he thinks she's a noblewoman who has fiance whose family killed his parents and he just had intense encountered  with him. But well, who knows that maybe we can see he hugs her in ep 9 (I hope!:D)



10 hours ago, tzupi said:

At the moment, I do not see Kyle being the mentor who can get Eugene politically involved. (Kyle does not want to get involved: he wants his deployment in Joseon to be like a picnic). I have no idea who will be the new mentor, but for me, this is is the moment I looking forward to it. I'm very curious how the writer will pull it off.


Kyle is not his mentor, he's simply his best friend. Some people or things influence him that makes him HIM, but how EC perceives things matters as well.


Awh, Im in that ship of EC-DM bromance!! I could feel their chemistry though :D  and EC-AS too for sure!!


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Has anyone here been so traumatised by MLSHR that Mr Sunshine just keep reminding them of it??? :tears: The journey we took watching drama on air and evaluating each and every moment here in soompi to be only shattered on the end. I remember everything so vividly abt not being able to move on. 

This drama gives me the same feel and I cannot stop myself. It's like déjà vu. History is repeating itself and like EC, I am worried for myself. :tears:

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1 hour ago, Susie Derkins said:

Has anyone here been so traumatised by MLSHR that Mr Sunshine just keep reminding them of it??? :tears: The journey we took watching drama on air and evaluating each and every moment here in soompi to be only shattered on the end. I remember everything so vividly abt not being able to move on. 

This drama gives me the same feel and I cannot stop myself. It's like déjà vu. History is repeating itself and like EC, I am worried for myself. :tears:

Scarlet Love is something I will never get over -.-' still waiting for the sequel we will never have.

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About DM possibly joining the righteous army, I think he wont. Why should he do so for a country that has did him wrong so much so that he has to fled to Japan? Obviously because nobody took him in within Korea. EC got the better deal, going to US because somebody pointed out to him that option when he was young. DM have a hard  life from Day 1, I am not trying to justify his actions and I dont see how he could have been educated enough in Korean to read the letter while trying to survive. The most likely scenario was that he found someway to go to Japan in his teens and learnt Japanese instead. 


I think most likely DM will trail AS and be her knight in dark shadows and just help along because she is involved. :ph34r:


With regards to him shooting AS, I think somebody has already mentioned that he could have gone for a more lethal shot but because he wasnt sure, so he aimed lower. Had he been 100% sure, he wouldnt have shoot her. There is a difference here. With even a slightest bit of doubt, he didnt dare aim properly, that is why I think he wouldnt have shot her if he was very sure. Which is all a ploy by the writer to lead into the verification at the train station.


I just wanted to write something about him, because everyone should knows that although he seems very menacing he is not a threat to the lead characters. His is a tragic character, created to have all the crap dumped on him.


And that's all for me now, while I go swoon over Yoo Yeon Seok.:D


7 hours ago, Susie Derkins said:

Has anyone here been so traumatised by MLSHR that Mr Sunshine just keep reminding them of it??? :tears: The journey we took watching drama on air and evaluating each and every moment here in soompi to be only shattered on the end. I remember everything so vividly abt not being able to move on. 

This drama gives me the same feel and I cannot stop myself. It's like déjà vu. History is repeating itself and like EC, I am worried for myself. :tears:

Yes and DM reminded me very much of Joon gi's character. I was so traumatised by the show and many things that ,happened after that I had to step away from Soompi forum for one year. But unfortunately or fortunately DM is not the lead in this drama. :D In any case, I have braced myself for a sad ending where one or few characters dies. You take care too Susie.

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New shoot photo of Eugene - in the Saturday's episode.


from mydaily,




"Mr Sunshin" Lee Byung-hun, "To go against foe for revenge"...



Article is about shooting EC sword fighting with Lee Se-hun's guards and may strike LSH. I'm looking forward to LBH's fine sword-fighting action scene! 



Also, new making!



Looks like EC dropping AS's letter envelope was NG becoming ad lib.




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@qwenli I think DM will be joining the righteous army,  albeit reluctantly. He will be the grumpy teammate. One who disagree at everything but do as expected of him when it matters most. Just like those dwarfs in LOTR/the Hobbits. OMG, there must be something wrong with me for putting that comparison, dang!


oh gosh @Ahpheng how can you make such tension scene comes out so funny! Thank you for that strip! You make me want to pinch those cherub cheeks!


Love the combination of 3 and 2. My favorite numbers. *loves*

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7 hours ago, miracle23 said:


oh gosh @Ahpheng how can you make such tension scene comes out so funny! Thank you for that strip! You make me want to pinch those cherub cheeks!


Love the combination of 3 and 2. My favorite numbers. *loves*

Hehe...glad you find it funny ! You're welcome and yes ...DM has really nice pinchable cheeks ! 

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