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Posts posted by Nodame

  1. Hi Everyone!

    Just wanted to say  wasn't able to be active last 2 weeks. But sad this drama ended but I am ok with the ending. I have seen some dramas the open ending bothered me but here I am fine.


    Great thoughts @sixbyul @Boj

    You know our OTP are talking again after he is back from military and she is in a place she is happy. We know they did not break up due to lack of love. So I felt that was fine how the tied things up.


    I felt interested that after the friend broke up with Hae Hyo sis, she was not mentioned in the finale. Assuming his photo studio is still going ok and she is in law school?


    Hae Hyo came out of military and guessing he is ok in his career too? 


    I loved that Jeong Ah working with her pal from the Salon (who was her good hoobae) and loved back in other episodes she recorded the bullying by that awful sunbae. 


    The moment grandpa and dad at the ceremony he dedicated his award to his son. OMG emotional. Cute how mom poked fun he was crying (STILL) at home since the ceremony. We know that dad is hard to express his feelings. So cute that he mentioned the sons should be more like mom and not him. Awww.


    Dad going to our ML and apologizing. I recall that ML telling bro he wants to be close to dad but it is hard (while washing dishes --the brothers together. What a rare sight! Glad that the bro was wanting ML to know that dad loves him and was strict because of it. So when dad confessed fears and telling him, he was not sure how to deal with ML. Awww. Then when he asked to hug, ML nixed it. Very awkward. Cannot make them close overnight, but it is a start and I loved that scene of dad and ML.


    Hae Hyo talking to his mom candidly before going into the Marines about his feelings was a good chat. (Sad he did tell him mom he was enlisting). I loved ML confidence to tell fans and tell his Manager he would sign with her for 3 years even during military time.


    Glad that Reporter Kim was set straight by ML ex about RAT Tae Soo. Seriously feeding lies to her and then I loved her revenge on him. We knew that once you burn ML he is NOT going back to you. 


    HEHEHE older bro first time getting chocolate has to be from ML manager. LOL. At least he wrote the apology letter. Even if it was to himself, he still at least wrote it. Then confessing to ML he wanted to be his son and asking for a SUV car. LOL.


    I enjoyed this drama and thanks to all for your hard work and being in this journey together. Missing Park Bo Gum but he did shine handsomely in this drama. See everyone around in another forum!


    Always appreciated efforts of those to share goodies not limited to but wanted to say thanks

    (sorry if missed you) @gumtaek  @Sakurafairy @autumnight @MinLyn (A star throughout the drama tirelessly translating a BIG THANK YOU!)





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  2. OMG the drama ended last week and I have been away from forums a good 2 weeks. Feels like forever as I was busy before break and then got busy with work. But back to say farewell to this drama and got comforted seeing goodies and articles and stuff.


    Thanks all for the lovely journey.


    Thanks to those posting articles, insights and other stuff. Sorry if I missed you.

    @Jillia @annamchoi @larus @cherrhys88 @monichiwa  @Sky8lue


    See you around in another drama.

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  3. @Sleepy Owl Wow great write up! Instead of watching some of the new dramas,I watched 4 episodes of Empress Ki. LOL! I admit you have a thorough write up, either you have an amazing memory or you take great notes. I cannot add on much to your thorough recap.


    @partyon @chickfactor @corey My contribution for this week (parts that stood out for me) -- -EP 25-28 (just past halfway to ep 51) 


    - I totally concur that the story is FINALLY is going well in the palace with the intrigue and Nyang being a consort is interesting again. I loved her as Jackal and as Toghon's servant I was bored. So this is definitely great! Tal Tal always was bright but wow seeming him have MORE screen time was awesome ( I admit loving his voice and visage. LOL)  His THOROUGH training of Nyang to prep for all the trips. He must have good spies as he taught her the flowers that smell lovely but cause hives! Wow! Or knowing certain items can be fine but avoid if you want to stay fertile and have children. So exposing the Queen using "nerve tonics" and pressuring the consorts to drink it like the bully she is tsk tsk.


    -Like @joccu the Consort selection was fun and interesting to watch. The fact that Nyang thought ahead to use hair ornaments allowed them to get the WIN when the Queen thought to throw a wrench to all the face readers to see the women's actual faces but to do it based on drawings is DEFINITELY not the same. Then to have the cooking and of course Lady Yeon Hwa (now Nyang's former servant nemesis) now the Queen's lack key was funny. Her smacking Nyang saying if she became a consort she would cut off all her fingers. (Hehe she did become one but I did not see her cutting off her fingers though.) Predictably she bullied her to not be able to cook anything locking her out from the kitchen. The Queen was in charge and when Nyang had salt and a witty answer that the King and Empress Dowager loved, she vetoed and flunked her. Technically thought not cooked, salt is a food and a necessary ingredient. But her explanation was amazing and way better than any of the Governor's daughters. They all initially tried to bully Nyang for being a former servant and beneath them. Then how Nyang gave the ONLY correct answer for the final question testing the women to come up with the meaning of a painting. The others all just immediately thought the obvious but Nyang looked at the painting very very carefully. Tal Tal asked his Uncle Banyan who agreed with the women. Tal Tal said you are wrong and was noting how Nyang was looking at the painting with intense scrutiny. When asked by the scholars why she wrote she did. She got FULL marks and being the ONLY perfect answer. Also initially she was the only woman to get a pass with the flower by the King. Then the Governor's caused a ruckus to the El Temur's delight as need more Consorts ahem Hostages, the better for him to the Queens chagrin and foiling her plans to have NO ONE chosen. Plus the "check" of Nyang's body by her Koryo friends and Dokman was great. 


    -How Dokman was initially against Nyang going into the Consort race and saying I am Yuan and not a Koryo person. But her entreating him with the women who were killed letters moved him. I was happy to see him be a solid ally once again for Nyang. Also seeing Nyang's father's staff be her Eunuch was moving and glad he is another guardian angel for Nyang.


    -The Queen telling the Empress Dowager initially she should not be allowed to help choose the consorts but she uses her dad to allow her the privilege. Then she points out that any other baby born will be a threat no matter how much the Empress Dowager assures her she will follow the former will of the Khan to only use the eldest Prince. I do agree the Empress Dowager is smart and noticed that the baby was not looking like anyone --the queen or Toghon. Plus she found it fishy that the Queen was unaware of the brutal murders at the Temple she rested at the end of her pregnancy. Very suspicious. She is no dummy and when she agreed and backed Nyang up for not drinking the tonic. It is against the will of the King and going against the Queen is ok as it is the Consort's duty to breed and bear children.


    The Queen using petty actions of whipping Nyang for wearing ornamentation (when she was not told) and conveniently made an example to not disobey the Queen whipped. She did not satisfy them by screaming or asking for mercy. Funny how Banyan said she should have cried. But Nyang disagrees. She turns it around and gets Lady Yeon Hwa punished by getting the servants who serve her all the Queen's people to be punished for not telling her. They cannot stand pain so obviously say it was Lady Yeon Hwa. Nyang smartly has the King be present (when he says he is of no use and weak) she shows him IS useful. LOL. The servants all point to Lady Yeon Hwa and she is punished. Cockroach being said that saying that was not a good use of her body (lol) omg gross. So he does have a crush. But frankly they do deserve each other but of course she is high and might/uppity the lead of guards cockroach Byung Soo is below her.


    -The Queen unfairly punishing Nyang to write 100 volumes of the rules of women's conduct (dang and she said it all right and then some even though she was not taught it yet) ticked off the Queen to be so cruel to have no water or food until write 100 volumes? Even Dokman was like, ok the writing exercise yes but no food and drink?  She is going to die in the Archives. Seeing the Cockroach, Lady Yeon Hwa and the Queen all hoping Nyang collapses and dies before getting the 100 volumes done is what they hope will happen. When the King goes to her, she won't let him take her as she knows she did not suffer to give up.


    While secretly teaching the King to be able to read his dad's blood vow, she is so diligent. Initially he likes seeing Nyang nightly and it is fun to see the montage of Gol Ta and other solders in KIng's retinue drinking/eating and being entertained with the King by Nyang. The cute moment he wants her to hold his hand so he thinks better. I liked how Nyang is like ok double the work if you want to do this that way. LOL. Later when he is tired and pitching a fit, Nyang gives him tough love.I love how Bool Hwa is holdng Gol Ta back saying he NEEDS to hear it. You cannot always baby the King. There is a reason. Later when upset King thought Nyang was ignoring him (she was) but he did not know she was in the archives being punished changed his tune. He decided to restart his studies to impress Nyang . (I mean he benefits being able to read and work and not be a puppet.) But hey if Nyang is the motivator, why not? Nyang knew it and that is why she did it


    Batolu and Wang Yoo , though we ship them, they ARE not interested in each other. It was cool she saved him and to make them even when shooting the arrow to the explosives to alert him that it was an ambush. Later when they went to save Moo Song, she let it be as she did her duty. Bang Shin Woo blurting out with swords against his neck that Wang Yoo was married to the niece of the El Temur, it would not be wise to kill him. Saying he was the diposed king of Koryo held not weight.


    Love how Jokho is spotted by Bang and he told Wang Yoo that Seung Nyang is alive. I agree he will be happy to know she is alive but HATE she is a consort of the King. Her time with Wang Yoo is over and I know she NEVER will go back. She thinks her son is dead and not knowing that Maha is her son. Funny how the Queen is unknowingly doting on him her enemy's baby.


    The look of shock by Tanaqishi was funny as he was JEALOUS and Unhappy/Frustrated thinking Nyang was dead to now be a Consort of the King?! He wanted Nyang and she refused him. 


    -Looking forward to more intrigue of the Consort Nyang figuring out how to OUST the Queen

    -I want Lady Yeon Hwa and Cockroach to get their come uppance

    -More Tal Tal please, love that I see him more




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  4. Hi Everyone!

    Work getting busy but caught up a little bit! Great to see some new people and those I recognize too


    @Jillia and @ponderings @Sky8lue   and others have great thoughts and comments.


    @ponderings Thanks for the reminder to be sensitive with "depression" "Suicide" and mental illness terms. 


    These two cuties on their BTS video --smiles and gentle and warm comfort chemistry translates well. Thanks for the Kim Min Jae interview @Sky8lue


    Cannot lurk as much as I want nowadays but the goodies, BTS, and pics and GIFS are cute.


    -Frustrated that SA has to go through so much as she is grappling with what to do though she tried to talk to Professor Lee (regarding HH) then later to be introduced as Assistant and just all around asked for favor to go to Daejeon for a brooch? Gosh shaking my head about Prof. Lee.The actress by raising her voice to talk in such a high tone makes her very annoying. So effective.


    -DY apologizing to MS (so late but the fact he did was good). MS realizing uh yeah DUH you had an amazing friend in SA. You just wouldn't even let her talk to you and communicate. Understandable you are hurt but she did not want to lose you and frankly she chose YOU over DY. DY liking SA and could have confessed but never did but feared to lose her friendship. But if he had confessed she would have been happy but doubt she could date him knowing MS feelings. It is complicated.


     I had liked a guy and the guy asked my bestie on a date. She told me. I gave my blessing. The reason is that guy did not like me. (They never went beyond one date.) But my friend treasured our friendship more than the guy and was ready to bail on the date until I told her do not bail.


    -Glad that JY stepped up and used the Umbrella and went to her telling her he was carrying her present daily. Loved he offered sweetly to be her accompanist and that SA was sweet to his mother and they ate at her restaurant. @Jillia Yeah she should have left /divorced the dad. (But society is not nice to those who are divorced as we see in other dramas. Also if JY came from divorced family background that is not for good marketing too -would have been a strike against him). Watching 18 Again and the FL is unfairly stigmatized though she does a great JOB just because she is DIVORCED! TIme and time again in other dramas it is such a stigma if you come from a divorce situation. No the kids fault or we won't now why, just unfair lense how society looks at them.

    My heart broke yet again for his HORRID dad causing 30K issue for our hero to NEED to work --this is NO sabbatical.


    -SJ is ridiculous. I don't love his pushy ways to meet JY mom, SA and then pushy to that CC guy who told him the TRUTH that JY is not a good idea for a concert. But he is a voice though annoying must be mentioned in the drama for balance. He is telling our OTP what they do not need to hear but still let them be aware of the reality of gossip and what others value of status, unmatching skill levels in their instruments.


    -JK not realizing how much her Grandmother paid JY for playing at the home that time. Also she was a sensitive teacher to the young violin student when she asked her those three questions. Her personal situation caused her to have insight on that young violinist as she was afraid of her mom /teacher.


    -Funny how SA mom and sis were cold and barely civil to JY . While JY mom was like he never brought ANYONE home to meet us. She warmly invited them for a meal. Such night and day from the reception of the families. I wish SA dad was there. He would have balanced them. OMG makes sense that SA mom is lawyer as they looked so much in cahoots and dad with SA looked like the odd ducks in the family to them.


    -Yes the conversation how SA and JY are different bringing in their personal family backgrounds. True SA never had to struggle financially as him and HH did. She comes from modest (but better than JY and HH) but not like JK background. Interesting to see more flushing out the JK father why he is still living with the grandmother and who he is and seeing his marriage with JK's mom. What he wanted for his daughter to not be so stressed and pushed by her mom.


    Shall be interesting to see what is next for our couple. I know i say this alot, I like SA's outfits do fit her character well.

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  5. Hi all! I finished the drama last week but frankly my brain is fried. LOL I should have typed something up while I could remember but I was planning an upcoming quick getaway and not in the mood to type on my tiny cell phone again. LOL. 


    @Jillia @H0ney @YongZura⁷ᴮᴱ I am sorry this (finale) last three episodes.


    Overall, I am glad I finished and watched the drama.


    1) Our COUP is axed and turns out that Yang Myung was already in Cahoots with the King who knew that he would be approached by the Queen's dad and cronies to go against.

    His ill fated love for Yeon Woo. He was there before the Prince/King but couldn't capture her heart. No matter when she came back as Wol still the same story. He loved her earnestly and admired her for her heart, brains and beauty. But she just was not into him. Still he did his utmost to protect her and be there for her and get her out of depression. From getting the medicine book, going to say he was her alibi when interrogated and he fervently wanted to be her man. But Yeon Woo and the Prince/King were meant to be. When he let himself be killed during the coup knowing that his existence could threaten the king as there cannot be two suns.


    2) The moment when Seol lost her life willingly for Yeom, she was happy. But she fulfilled his wish for her to watch over his sister. Wow dedication but appreciation to him for naming her and treating her as a "person."  I am glad she was there to protect him. Even her spirit is happy but still she was a lovely character. When she was upset with the Shaman she later learned it was not a simple situation.


    3) Shaman NY losing her life but blocking the evil Queen using herself as sacrifice and not thinking she is innocent and not hurtful or evil. Glad she was blocked and told off by NY in her Shaman who was cooperating with her.  Sad to see her go but she fulfilled her promise to protect Yeonwoo not only once but twice thanks to her BFF request. Happy to see this actress again. Miss her. Though I had a smidgeon of sadness and empathy as she did care and fall "in love" with the prince/King. But it was one sided as Wol / Yeon Woo was in his heart. Even if Yeon Woo was not around, we don't know if she would have charmed the king anyways. The fact she was the daughter /niece of Empress Dowager's family did not help her case either.  She did only keep her "dignity" by committing suicide to not have that title taken from her. But she did live a miserable life even when she had her "opponent" out and see she never had the relationship she wanted with the KING. Even though they were married and he PUSHED off being with her for a long 8 years as the Virgin Queen.


    4) Empress Dowager was all for her family and helping her brother and her niece be Queen. In the end, she got betrayed by her own brother thirsty for power and had her killed off. Yes power and greed have not sentimental feelings left for personal relationships.


    5) Even the light hearted lovely Princess, she was the sacrifice /Virgin earnestly wanting Yeom. She was used and we learned distraught after hearing that Yeom's dad died not from illness but by suicide. She played a HUGE part to getting Yeon Woo "killed" . When she was found out by Yeom, she was devastated.  When Yeon Woo went to her to forgive her she did not believe her. I could get it. Wol suffered a tough fate/life taken away from her . But both were pawns of a complex political game where they did not have much power themselves. Glad she served her time and that Yeom was able to embrace her when she came to see them (tried to hide) from him and their cute son. She atoned for her crimes.


    6) Yeom due to his handsome face launched being coveted by the Princess and that inadvertently got his dad and his sister killed for her desire to have him as a groom. The fact as her hubby would be politically strangled. Her dad denying her as he was needed to be with her brother and lead the country and serve the greater good. But with Yeon Woo dying before her actual wedding and Queen Dowager's side weakening her family, enabled the Princess to marry him. The princess was a good wife to him and his mom consoling her and has a bright happy demeanor. As Wol/ Yeon Woo said she appreciated she was there for her family. Yeom did grow to love her.The devastation to find out what she did from the Queen's brother to let him know was cruel. But inevitable as NO secret remains a secret forever it seems. But when Jang Shil met Yeom and told him what Seol always said to her. I wish him to be happy (every day). This opened his heart to be want to be happy and let go of his anger and follow his heart to embrace the Princess. Not sure of their future but at least towards healing.


    7) Yeon Woo was in hiding. The cute relationship with the Eunuch. Later when she was able to get out of hiding and go visit her mother and brother. The reunion was lovely. Poor mom not wanting to sleep a wink for fear she would be gone. Yeom feeing guilty being the reason the Princess was a part of that black magic to kill Yeon Woo. When the King and Yeon Woo finally got married. Then their cute scene where he had to have his 'way" with Yeon Woo. Unlike his prior Queen he avoided 8 years, he was MORE than happy to participate in his conjugal privileges as her hubby. LOL. Plus everyone knows he cannot stand to be away from Yeon Woo. So when he prepared her bday party and tried playing the instrument. A for effort (though he was using the Eunuch and got caught when the string broke) was too cute.  She is a wise queen and good partner. Instead of extravagant parties, she donates and gives to the poor and in need.


    8) The king, he went through much and not has his rightful Queen. Her brother as someone he can rely on. He made the  hard decision his father could not do punish family and refused to COVERUP their crimes due to them being his relatives. He lived by what he believed and glad that his investigator got a role in the government after solving Yeon Woo's death cover up for him. Haunted by his deep love for Yeon Woo she was his only love and couldn't let another enter his heart. (Very romantic for the story but I couldn't see him being a monk the rest of his life as he has to have kids.)  Seeing him with Yeon Woo happily married is nice all those years of sadness and despair and pining for her --he is happy again. Loved seeing that they have a son and he plays with Yeom and the Princess' son too as playmates




    Great OST and acting. I haven't seen Han Ga In in many works. But still love Kim So Hyun and most especially can see why the younger versions of the OTP broke out and became famous. They were EXCELLENT. Finally happy to see this classic and thanks to all on this rewatch group. 

    Looking forward to your thoughts.


    See you in another forum!


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  6. Hi all @partyon @Sleepy Owl @corey @joccu @chickfactor I am behind this week. Got busy.

    I was good for 2-3 weeks to get ahead. LOL.


    @Sleepy Owl Thanks for your comment on what I thought of Banyan and Tal Tal. I LOVED that there is mutual respect between Uncle and Nephew. You don't see that from the El Tamur with his son Tanquishi. So I found it refreshing. Yup agree PLOT HOLES galore not in this drama but others as well. We just have to let go or reason and common sense at times. Sigh when a drama shows common sense and characters talking--I am like OMG what YEAH.


    @partyon Wow on ep 38?! Crazy! I guess my heavy rotation of dramas makes me not be able to watch that much. LOL

    But Love your write about about how the Vouchers is boring. Ok I am thought that so far but more filler for our Wang Yoo to do something. OOOH he looks good with facial hair. OK so Toghon will do anything to have Nyang close. (We knew that and dang even though she is up front about revenge.) Well he knows he got her dad killed so least he can do is be her accomplice and he benefits getting into power. Though he is not happy and I doubt being in power will get him happiness.  OOOOH Tal Tal is in the drama more? Sign me up. Ok I have to do it (though WED-THURS starting 4 new dramas I want to watch and already struggling with my current load LOL). 


    Yup agree with you @partyon Nyang hardened her heart seeing her comrades brutally killed in cold blood. Also keeping Toghon illiterate made sense ---education is power. If he was educated he can do alot. Without it, he is weak and has to rely on HELP.


    Wait Nyang copies a book and no  water for 3 days. You can have no food but no water is critical for your health!



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  7. @Sleepy Owl Aww thanks for the kind words. I love your posts. You put so much effort. I feel lazy in comparison. LOL.

    I agree I heard good things of Tal Tal from friends who watched it back when it came out. I do like the actor and was waiting for him to have a bigger role . But as we saw him in the beginning --not too much only advising his uncle Banyan here and there. I feel Banyan and him balance each other. Banyan appreciates his intellect and Tal Tal respects his personality and experience. I totally agree we saw more of Tal Tal these last episodes (I loved Nyang and him alot. His being against her but reluctantly agreeing with his Uncle about Nyang. Testing her with the books and asking for her to summarize the books--she does it in a succinct sentence. Plus the fact he was shocked she was applying her going as Consort as going into battle. -She is not wrong.) 


    LOL I don't mind WY and Batulo actually, I thought back when she first came onto the scene--would there be something between them? 


    Cockroach Yeom Byung Soo is just living a thousand lives.


    I finished my other drama METS but then I added more dramas to my rotation. YIKES. LOL. 


    Enjoying everyone's comments and observations, makes for more fun watching this drama with others. Totally digging this rewatch idea.

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  8. @H0ney Thanks for your post! I cannot believe one more week!


    ost is great !



    Moon Embraces The Sun

    Ep 15-17


    -Wol after being used to appease the spirit of Yeon Woo (herself) regains her memories. Those memories she though were her divine ability from Shaman NY, it was not true. She requests time to cool down & appease the spirit after she is found alive the next day. She confronts Seol, who at first upholds then lie. Then after she is caught, does her bidding & changes into a woman’s clothing. She goes to Lady Noh (who was training YW the palace protocols.) After she leaves, the King’s spy Hyun Tae spots her leaving as he is en route to  Lady Noh. The Queen’s dad realizes the King is investigating the past. They had exchanged words showing his warning to do nothing, we know he won’t heed those words of warning.


    Hyun Tae finds assassins there killer Lady Noh so great cannot even question her. He successful talks to the person who buried Yeon Woo. One thing he thought odd and never told her family was the next day after she was buried, her coffin was empty. He is realizing that Yeon Woo probably was never 100% dead.


    Woon releases the Prince after the King got the Ministers to agree. He warns him to not go to Wol. Of course, he doesn’t agree. He unlike the King can freely love and give up bus rights to the Royal Family but can the King do that for love? Plus as long she is not Yeon Woo but Wol he has a chance. Though he feels deep down she is Yeon Woo like the King. When he arrives to the sick ward he harasses then why Wol isn’t there. She arrives in time to see the Prince save a young girl.


    Prince YM & Wol reunite and she wonders of his medical knowledge. He said of his teacher and mentor was a great man (her father) not only took him in warmly taught him importance to be well rounded and have basic medical knowledge and know the classics. He keeps praising her father & Wol looks tears as now she knows her  true identity. Later knowing her thirst for knowledge & her desire to gain some medical knowledge got her a book to read. Later he deduces her naming a rock to take her worries is what he told only Yeon Woo. Also her look of delight at the book and after he flicked her forehead again same reaction as his memories of Yeon Woo. But he hides that from the King when he spots him watching him and Wol playing with the kids. Then further defies him saying he will protect the person he loves and defy Royal decree & willingly give up his rights in the Royal Family.


    Wol had requested to go to her dad’s grave site to grieve. Her mom and family go and she hides. Her bro notes someone was there before them but figure it’s the Prince YM. Wol sees them from afar. The princess is with them but not doing well but her hubby is smiling and kind and attentive to her. He said he has much to learn and appreciates her bright smile though she has hardships. Now he even finds her sad face pretty.  But she is feeling unease thinking of YW. Especially revealed that Shaman Jang assured the King if black magic is used an offering must be made. So she is still alive but later we find out the sacrificial offering was the virgin Princess used by her own grandmother to put the spell /curse to kill Yeon Woo. Gosh her love /obsession pining for her brother. Dang the low level people will go to achieve their hearts desires. She has Yeom and she cannot fully be happy even when he is looking at her more due to her ‘sin.’


     Since episode 14, the Queen and the Princess have felt uneasy in regards to YW and their feeling of unease after the Eclipse. The Queen asks to see Wol secretly and is shocked at her resemblance to Yeon Woo. Wol lies and says after appeasing Yeon Woo’s spirit she wishes you peace and happiness. The Queen doesn’t take the bait. In fact in ep 17, she has nightmares and though she doesn’t see YW plague her, she realizes that YW must be Alice in the palace. Her dad keeps wondering after torturing Wol, her face reminds him of someone and it greatly bothered him. After much thought and time, he realized Yeon Woo. He wants to eliminate her and shaman Jang NY and tells his sister the Empress Dowager. She in turn goes to the King using her ‘one wish’ card asking for Shaman Jang and Wol. She warns that  he shouldn’t be reinvestigating what happened 8 years ago. Of course the King is upset. 


    Wol finds out that her father took his own life after a long illness of his heart after letting Yeon Woo go. Only after Yeom was married did he do it. Leaving behind YW’s poor mom alone. Yeom is devastated that it was suicide and not illness as well Wol is shocked and upset. Seol visits Yeom and shows up to him dressed as a woman. 


    While upset and thinking, the King walks around and bumps into the Queen. She offers tea and a rare moment after he declined it, instead offers her to join him in his walk. This is a small kernel of hope in her heart that the King might slowly look her way. In prior episodes, she told him you grieve and have been for eight years your first love. She confesses to him, well you are mine. So the King slightly has sympathy to her but still is wary due to her father & also his own feelings.


    Shaman Jang NY was away when the King wanted to talk to her.  After his suspicions of if black magic /sorcery can kill someone. After she returns , she confirms yes there are methods. But she confidently told the King she never killed anyone using it as she would have died if she did it. But she is standing in front of him alive. Also those who get the divine power must give up their families and other times special circumstances (as we know lost her memories from being buried alive). She goes to Wol beforehand and Wol told her to not reveal her memories are back to protect him. The Empress Dowager leery also asks why Shaman Jang is summoned. She makes sure to not say anything suspicious. Reaffirms her loyalty to her and is grateful for her to save her spiritual daughter. But Shaman Jang knows she must go into hiding and stay alive per the King’s orders.


    Wol and the King (if course) bump into each other as she left the Queen. He tells her to never show up to him again. This is before the King figures out Wol is Yeon Woo. The prince quick on the uptake tested Wol when he said he wanted to take her somewhere, his mentor’s home. But as he plans to keep pretending about Wol’s identity as YW, the King rushes to Wol. He tells the Prince is committing treason for coveting the King’s woman. The King lets him try to kill him. Of course the prince is hesitant & then the king said I gave you a chance. They get interrupted by Assassins sent by the PM to kill Wol . Luckily Woon and the Prince save the day & Wol’s life.


    Injured Prince takes Wol away and to the temple where his mom resides. She immediately recognizes YW. She tells her that her injured son wanted to show her the woman he cares about to her. She doesn’t pry about the past or how she came to by alive. Woon sees her there and when reporting to the King lies to him. Woon says he didn’t  see them there. The King knows he is lying and makes a big show of preparing a hot bath for him plus says with Woon’s sword at his neck it’s a joke to have him take the hot bath or be killed if he doesn’t.


    Next morning , the Prince thought Wol left but she thought it right to say bye first. She is sorry she cannot give an answer he wants to hear from her. But thanks to him, she was able to smile and be happy. The prince shares seeing her daily gave him purpose and happiness. The king arrives the temple and takes her back with him to the Palace.


    They have an emotional reunion. Cute scenes as the king is acting all childish with Wol liking her philosophy book more than paying heed to him. She is cute being jealous to herself. She nitpicks you say you loved only me but we’re giving your heart to Wol the talisman. The king is cute says I fell in love with you twice. His asking to open the door, her to come closer to him, he is so happy. The eunuch and his  smiles of happiness for the king lol. We get our share of cute interactions and the king kisses Wol/YW. Both are apologetic and sad to each other but you can tell they are happy to be reunited.


    Yeon Woo’s mom still troubled by YW lookalike who was harassed and she wants to send her donations to the sick and see her. Yeom plans to join her. At the sick ward, the girl the Prince saved refuses to eat. She doesn’t want to burden her family. Wol consoles her,  saying to her, “your father trekked a long way to save you.” You are not a burden. She shares a little of herself and then the Prince panics thinking no no you have to be Wol and not YW or I cannot be with you. Of course in dramas he happened to overhear that interaction.


    Next is how the king will navigate keeping his promise to his grandmother to hand over Wol and Shaman Jang (he doesn’t plan to honor it). How much longer will he pretend to not know the truth to others?





  9. @Sleepy Owl @partyon @coreygood write ups 


    @chickfactor thanks for the history facts


    Yup I am liking Tal Tal more and more.


    Lol as for anyone who is handsome is oppa, ㅋㅋㅋㅋ hehe true. I am of the Joo Jin Mo time even then he is  younger. But hey can always appreciate ‘oppa’ lol. 

    Empress Ki 21-24


     -Nyang warns the rebels in time that El Temur is NOT dead. Toghon attempt to kill him is going well until he warned that the rebel troops had failed their coup attempt. Toghon calls off the assassin and they are killed on the spot. Queen and El Temur thank him. El Temur does confront Toghon knowing the assassins were part of the eunuchs retinue under him.


    -The ‘leaders’ are killed and the last one says Empress Dowager was behind it. (In cahoots with El Temur, but she already told Toghon she will shoulder all the blame for Banyan, Wang Yu & Toghon. Just they must promise to raise support and an army . She warns not to be protected at all costs. She is deposed, exiled and becomes a nun. Banyan is rewarded as governor of Liaoyang- province of -10 closest to the Palace. Wang Yu wants his throne back but we know the answer. Instead he asks for permission to see ailing father (a fib). Nyang decides to stay behind to look for the blood vow.


    They visit Koryo village and Jokho the leader plays them saying many white lies. Nyang elsewhere finds Jokho’s weapon. At the same time, our fave cockroach Yeom Byung Soo is promoted to Head of Palace guards. He figures out Jokho’s identity too. Masked Bool hwa fights Jokho & they all fight Bang & Nyang. The jig is up & he understands El Temur wanting it but not them. He admits he had it and hid it. After Toghon’s dad committed suicide and died, all his staff were killed and he survived escaping through a private tunnel only he was aware of to escape successfully. He doesn’t know where the blood vow and wonders who took it. He gives a valuable clue of a butterfly on it. We know the king is illiterate so there is a special meaning between them. Later we see a butterfly on otherwise blank sheet of paper on the Toghon’s desk.


    Cockroach Yeom comes for Jokho and Nyang and Bang & Bool Hwa go into hiding. They torture him to no avail . El Temur decides why not make our own fake blood vow with animal blood?


    Queen thinks she is pregnant. Later she finds out she had a phantom one as she wanted it so desperately her body reacted that way as if she was pregnant. She decides to go to temple to finish her ‘pregnancy’. Lady Pak asks to go to mountains to deliver near mom. Also the Queen is loving her chance to bully Lady Pak. She refuses to have a fake miscarriage and tries to find a baby to be hers.


    Nyang and Bang and Bool Hwa are now on the run. She was saved by Toghon who saw her wounded and even went as far as putting her a rose petal filled bath. He kisses her underwater to give her oxygen when Tangqisi is suspecting something and unwilling to leave.


    Toghon successfully hides her as Dokman is called to check on her wounds. He finds out she is with child but does not tell Toghon and Nyang initially. Later with Lady Noh , notices Nyang. Dokman is very caring giving extra clothing, rare fruits, and medications. He knows it’s not Toghon’s and confirms it is with Wang Yu. He promises to protect and help her. Lady Noh and Nyang are cute as she is more sane now.


    A mirror Nyang used by Lady Noh is called bad luck but will give to her later. She tipped off Nyang about being with child 3-4 months along. She also sewed for Nyang a baby outfit and Nyang is touched. Lady Noh comforts Nyang about being a mom and shares no moms know exactly what to do either. Going back to earlier, Lady Pak and the ladies decide to protect her to go back to Koryo & Wang Yu.


    The Queen asks Tangqisi to kill Lady Pak as she doesn’t want anyone giving him a child. Yeom chases Nyang to a cliff and an arrow is shot at her. (Seeing her give birth and immediately run around ? Aww so she has the kid early. I was going to say, what?! Jokho of course happens to overhear cockroach and Nyang before she ‘died.’ He gets her and they are on the run only to be picked up by a slave trader. He sees Jokho as a warrior and Nyang as a priceless commodity. )


    Wang Yu back in Koryo had matters to attend to  fake vouchers from the Yuan envoy. The economy in Koryo will do horribly but Yuan will benefit. We find out Turk female leader is behind it all. Later we see she apologizes to a drunk Wangyu but puts his cape on his sleeping form.


    Both men hear Nyang is dead. Tangqisi is ticked at being robbed of  the chance of killing her himself. Toghon is shocked speechless with Aphasia. Both men -Wang Yu and Toghon are in disbelief and drink to numb their pain. 


    Wang Yu is pressured too marry El Temur’s niece. He shares with Tangqisi he will never restore Wang Yu to the throne. Instead unite it with Liaoyang province. Banyan is easing the army and weeding out corrupt officials using their funds to raise and maintain the army. But not enough money. The empress dowager learns of Nyang’s death, the Toghon is in shock and a shell of his former self. They all find out the Queen was behind Lady Pak’s death.


    The slave trader goes to see Banyan interested in Nyang and he wants her released to no avail. Instead gets him to bid and buys her freedom. Tal Tal doesn’t agree but Banyan is grateful to her. The slave trader used the Turk to run up the prices smart savvy. 


    Nyang decides to get revenge and decides to no longer follow Wang Yu. She is crying her last tears over him. There is a campaign for Consorts and offers to do it. She asks Banyan who asks to hear her plan first. She wants revenge and she has found the blood vow. It was in the mirror that saved her life and where she found Toghon’s dad’s blood vow. Tal Tal doesn’t agree. But I loved they become reluctant comrades ie and he is making her read books to test her. He escorts her back to the palace. Queen goes there to greet the consort candidates and luckily Nyang missed seeing her.


    Empress Dowager is back after governors asked El Temur she was needed to choose the consort and NOT the Queen. She sees Nyang. Toghon speaks for the first time at seeing Nyang. 




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  10. Yesterday's episode was up and down.


    -Loved that SA and JY had a chat about the order of words after their kiss. Of course she is confused and upset when he says he will play for JK and then just told her as a splash of cold water. Then when he was quiet and she was about to leave, he puts the MAIN purpose of the request to see her ---his confession later. Good of SA to let him know--HELLO JY sweet you want to confess. But your skills to do it were lacking. But the sexy scene and the BTS was cute. How PEB was experimenting how many times and ways to fall onto the piano keys. LOL They are such pros and so CUTE.


    -SA got to tell MS and she is happy for her. But sad at the end of the episode she heard her confessing to DY that she DID like him but she loves JY now. (As I know from all of you, they overheard the whole confession starting when DY was like---is that the answer to my confession from JY and MS POV.) Then teasing she won't be able to have lunch with her as she will be busy on dates with JY.


    True to point they have lunch and get interrupted anyways. Glad that JY confessed they were going out to the others.


    SA teacher , grrrr the way she is using SA. I mean the JK professor was giving advice to get connections you have to have  chamber orchestra. Also SA teacher heard about SA being a hard worker and being very good at what she does from Manager Cha. (She is totally using SA for her purposes, as all good talent leave her and with SA who is desperate to want grad school and work with her. She benefits getting a hard work and someone who will get things done who is reliable) Plus being so tacky to want FACE to go to a pricy place but the gall to have SA have to ask for money up front for dinner. Dang? They are not treated but have to go to a pricey place and pay for their time at the intro Chamber Orchestra dinner.


    JY realizing about his handkerchief and asking for a handkerchief and making her KNOW it is because it is "HERS". Though both have a ton at home, it was not the point. It was the point he WANTED hers at that time. (I agree why he put it in the drawer and not in his luggage or somewhere else? Setting up the scene SA has a CHANCE remote but in this drama it was not to see it)


    JY trying to get the foundation to work with him and we find out how he ended up with the german company. Also how he felt with his current ex teacher. How they started together---he was chosen for WANTING to work with JY potential (the right reasons not working only with the foundation). Sad that along the way their journey they diverged in their goal. So the fact he told JY to be free of him to enter Chopin contest and WIN. He won not top prize but second which got him on the map. Then he would be able to perform and make money that was desperately needed by his family. When we see he won (at cost of anxiety, taking meds for sleep and not being happy) was sad. Very lonely existence and just a gilded cage. Looks great from outside--he has fame and travels around the world, but not always that glamorous. 


    The Ice cream date happened I loved that SA took the initiative with JY! Then JY confession not liking ice cream but only saying it as a quick excuse to see her was sweet. The look of awareness of these two cuties when JY drops his cone to have SA kiss him. OMG LOVED she was forward with him. Then him gently lifting and turning her face for more KISSES! YES! Made up for the missed kiss in the practice room. I concur with everyone, what was up with the ANGLE of our OTP we couldn't see the kiss as well as in the rehearsal room for their first one?!


    HH was not a big fan of him towards JY. Thinking he is judgemental of JY dating SA and thinking that he would not TELL JK he is dating SA. I know you are hurt. But he is def angry and frustrated. His lashing out at his High School classmates who were just making him upset with every phrase before and after telling them of breaking up with JK. Dang he just is one unhappy puppy and wallowing in his grief and rejection from JK.


    Ok back to work for me. Thanks for humoring me. 





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  11. @heartoppaya Happy bday!



    Here are some more stuff I found to share to you as an early bday present & man he got moves!


    Ok some stuff on Kim Min Jae




    TV show together with BTS V and Kim Min Jae in Celebrity Brothers






    In Knowing Brothers 






    BTW thanks everyone for the goodies about today's episode. I have a few hours before I can go home to watch it.

    Thanks for it.


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  12. While eating a late lunch reading the goodies from  you all---thanks to @autumnight @MinLyn (so appreciate your translations-so thorough and I KNOW time consuming) @gumtaek and others I have missed.


    So far glad that our ML is a star. GRRR on his old agent trying to spread lies about him with Charlie Jung.


    The Ex wanting to come by and crash their gathering when she DID not care to keep in touch ALL these years. But she was quick on the uptake about Hae Hyo liking Jeong Ah.


    Love Hye Joon and Jeong Ah are talking and having dates. How she colored his hair and how Soobin advised him to NOT go to her. (She was right, Jeong Ah would have been more upset if she knew he saw her that way.


    Looking forward to more to read later as I have to go back to work.


    Loved yesterday's episode.


    -Manager Minjae was the BOMB to have Jeong Ah console her star Hye Joon. Just deepened their bond and she was right that he would would be alone and only Jeong Ah could comfort him the way she couldn't for the bad situation. Plus we get our OTP to kiss and his confession to BOOT. The kisses were sweet and in the car and permission they gave each other to KISS whenever they WANTED to. Swoon, Her Perm was cute and then when Hye Joon got the audition for the medical drama--YES I loved it.


    -Hae Hyo's mom seeing Tae Su with dislike. (She was right about him and glad she did not take him on as a manager.) The fact he was trying to curry favor and show off at the golf course to her. Seriously. Her rapport with her hubby and lack of conversation. Def he does his own thing and she does her own thing. 


    -Love Hye Joon's mom and her relationship with her son. YESH. Grandpa is the best and when found out he slapped Hye Joon. Hye Joon wanting an apology (not common to request) but I agree that when everyone ganged up against dad DEFENDING hyung but ok to not care or defend other family members. (How even dad knew with hyung gone he would be outnumbered for sure. He could come but not often LOL).  Dad drank he knew he was in the wrong and is not a bad guy. Just bad at expressing himself, so when mom took his arm later walking home was a nice gesture. She knows her hubby. He is a pain in the tooshie but she knows he loves and cares for their sons. He is not FAIR and objective but glad at least Hye Joon has mom and dad defends Hyung. Cute how Hyung tried to talk to Grandpa and see how he was excited about modeling. Loved how mom said he looked great and dashing. Plus asked to try one of his exercises and said wow her core hurt trying what he was doing against the wall.


    -Grandpa and dad talking how he was not intent on being a trouble maker. He regrets and wishes he could go back in time. So now he wants to be able to earn his son's respect at least and work hard for it. Not to be called formally aboji but appa by him. Language is so key and how you address others in Korean. So the fact the dad would not call his father appa is telling. 


    Glad that Jeong Ah had the salon owner talk to her. She told her she did promote her way too fast but also made her aware you have to be aware of your surroundings and the environment too. Even though we know she did not steal the clients, the other colleagues do not know and see it the bully's way to her. So when she had to corner Soobin, evne Soobin did not want to tell her. But you know, if jeong Ah, she should get the unvarnished truth. So when she heard the others felt she DID steal the male clients . She realizes she may NOT have done it but she has to get rid of that perception.


    Jin U trying to talk to his GF in front of Hye Joon's ex and she was giving him a hard time. The play on language and then saying all these "harrassing" and "stalking" terms to poor Jin U and then being told oh you are an EX she just did not TELL you yet. Dang . Good she is not dating our ML Hye Joon. She did him a favor.


    I loved the actress sunbae advice to our hero Hye Joon. To get rest, rehearse in his mind and then next time call her Nuna. This allowed them to be comfortable and add tension in the acting. SO that swoony last scene he was so charismatic. (So true what they say to be good at acting the actors try to get close or comfortable --or not depending on their roles. This translates on camera if you have that real life chemistry whether real life or manufactured.) The interview was cute by everyone asking if he did many part time jobs etc. I think they were trying to see if Hye Joon could bring some of that experience to act in his role for the drama. LOL. 


    Thanks again for being such an awesome forum.  I got to get back to work.

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  13. Hello everyone!

    Busy morning but thanks to @gumtaek and @MinLyn and others for goodies/clips/translations etc

    I am eating a late lunch and just squeeeeeeeeing over the kisses this episode.


    Our ML looked so sexy and confident --in character asking the FL out. SWOON.


    ML kissing FL and then going at it--I loved she knew he was sad and was there to console him. OH this two, I just can't. I feel blessed to have the recent drought of dramas with some great ROM COMS and realistic talks, kissing and I want MORE. LOVING IT!


    I have to rewatch the kiss clips (yet again) and our OTP is the bomb!

    • Like 4
  14. @heartoppaya Your posts crack me up! Awww you are a baby! Happy early bday! I smile when I read them. Hope you finished that bday party ok. LOL to your comment on wanting to hear HBD on piano. OH NO we got spoiled by SA bday piano performance.


    @ck1Oz I hear you. HN represents that there ARE people who have to bring you down to lift themselves UP everywhere. The fact she felt she had to SHOW off her boyfriend and she was happy to get the expensive gorgeous bouquet when ending her internship. All nice and good but put your jealousy and negative energy for good not negativity, gossip and just down right mean comments. Yup a relationship is a TWO way street indeed.


    Thanks to all for the recaps, thoughts, comments,  and goodies (sorry if I missed you) I am getting busier I cannot be lounging as long as I want to be here.

    @Jillia @vangsweetie637 @gracekk @SakuraC  @annamchoi


    OMG I have to get back to work. But the fact we see our OTP have more kisses, they TALK. DY talks to SA and he realizes JY and SA are dating. HH and JK knowing SA and JY are dating. YESH. Also that JY realizing he needed to replace JK handkerchief and getting SA (one from her) showed he realized that was a RIGHT move. Hearing HN was a bit of a bully to SA (grr). SA violin teacher is consistent with all her students (here I thought it was only with SA), good to know she is consistent in her DISREGARD or seems to be not paying attention to her students. 


    JY and SA having her former manager find out about their dating. She is such a lovely soul and positive person. Glad both have her, (in the last drama I saw her--she was the complete opposite of this character). 


    I have to get back to work but thanks for all the goodies. The BTS of last week's kiss, the ice cream kiss and our giggly and adorable OTP are LIFE!

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  15.  @Sleepy Owl YES, definitely agree with you her being in the palace on her own with the ropes looking forward to it. I too miss the feisty , strong independent Nyang when she was Jackal.


    @Jillia Makes sense Kdrama to have Yuan King as ML is not good, so Wang Yoo is a fictional character. Awww. So he is so "perfect" too much -righteous, handsome, loyal, fierce and smart. They chose the right actor for the role. Yes, I TOO am thinking right now with a tighter script this is not needing 50 episodes at all like you.


    The Turks fight scenes @corey for me too were not that great and YUP filler.


    So far I am starting to feel the drag of the plot a bit (since mid teens) myself and I understand @larus dropping. I will persevere as I read there will more Tal Tal and our Nyang? I like his character alot (more so when he was training her). I just thought he was nice voice and visuals as Banyan's nephew. (Plus knowing IRL both actors Ha Ji Won and the actor were really close behind the scenes. Is very cool. ) I liked how he challenged Nyang with reading material and asking her what it meant. She was precise and her accurate and brief answers must have made him appreciate her brain. Her persistence as her Uncle saved her despite the cost and glad that Tal Tal could learn from his uncle. 


    Though I like Wang Yoo more than than Togon right now, as a man for Nyang neither for now. I think she needs to get her groove back as others have been stating. I TOO did not like the shadow puppet scene. I was like (도대체 뭐야? ) when I saw that scene. (WTH, what is this?) So glad it wasn't me alone either.


    Good to hear that the Queen and her brother come to the end they deserve. 

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  16. @MTC771 Thanks for your thoughts on the character and overall thoughts.

    I think I can see what you say about Nyang and Wang You and TH. I think what you wrote about Nyang with TH growing and developing to be an actual relationship and caring and friendship on equal footing.(I totally agree.) Wang You is always a different level being her king. Though he is handsome and crush,I agree she is never on equal footing with him. Plus when she accepted his confession, he admitted he did not know her well.  Someone mentioned WY calls her SN and TH calls her Nyang. Very telling indeed.


    @Jillia Thanks my friend and you have alot on your plate. I get you. If I had NOT had one day in last weekend, I would be totally behind schedule. I do look forward to your write up when you are able to do it on your own terms. See you in the other forums I see you in!



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  17. @the8dark8angel Sigh. I know as I did read all the recaps/blurbs (quickly) back when it aired. Just finally committing to watch it during this rewatch party.


    @partyon LOL yeah the music===though not great is not jarring to me. BUT it is also not as enjoyable as other Korean drama OSTS that I enjoy. So I do find the music not really memorable to me (unless it is a ballad). Great post and love your thoughts.


    @Sleepy Owl Love your very dedicated and detailed recap. So much time and attention, I felt I was reliving the episode reading it. Thank you! I love your nickname for Byung Soo (cockroach) I will use that from now on.  I wrote one character in "Once Again" as leech and others in the forum started it in place of her character name. (LOL the actress was that good but this actor takes Yeom Byung Soo to another level of evil and being despicable. Makes me sad as one of my sweetest dongsengs is named Byung Soo too.)


    LOL yeah Jokho's wig was DEFINITELY higher quality in this saeguk. Great observation and I so agree. Also your commentary of Wang Yoo kissing Nyang and "boom" they are in bed is soooo true. Just sock me in the face with a bowling ball please.


    Nyang's love to WY (me too) is not one I believe. I said before I feel more of servant/vassal to king than actual equal footing relationship. I feel with Togon she has more chance to be on equal footing and she knows of his embarrassing and vulnerable moments. Def concur with your thoughts on this love triangle.


    Your thoughts on the other characters I totally concur. Thanks for your awesome write up. 


    I cannot wait to read @Jillia comments.

    • Love 3
  18. Hi All!


    Thanks to @H0ney @Jillia and @YongZura⁷ for your posts


    I am part of a conference so literally cutting and pasting this week's episodes.

    Heading into the last 2 weeks after this.


    Grateful to have you as my buddies during this journey. Thank you! Instead of just watching it alone for the first time, I appreciate reading everyone's comments/thoughts etc so far and glad I am part of 2 rewatch parties.


    • Moon Embraces The Sun

      Ep 12-14 


      -The Queen’s dad and cronies decide with the Queen’s inside info that the King likes the talisman and knows of her existence. They plan to use his love against him to get what they want - more leverage over him and a faster fate of the marital bed date. (Kind of funny how long he has been putting off marital relations with her. Surprised unlike the Empress Dowager in Empress Ki - she didn’t try to put another woman or concubine etc to have an heir with someone else. I guess his bad health and broken heart was enough to push the Queen off him and his grandmother.


      -Falsely accusing Wol of black sorcery when the King and Queen tried to consummate their marital bed to no avail (the closest the Queen got the King). They accuse Wol of it. Of course she is standing there sadly thinking of the king and Prince YM trying to appeal to her to run away with him and to please look at him. Aww de ja vu but this time like last time it won’t work. Wol is attested with King’s spy Hong Tae implanted in the Bureau watching the proceedings. First just inprisoned but later beaten with the Prime Minister toying with her to lie to save herself. (The truth is not important she is just their scapegoat.  Plus the Queen has her revenge too for her taking the ounce of affection and smiles bestowed on Wol and no one else.)


      -Hyun Tae investigating talked to the physician who handled YW and said no foul play but her corpse two hours later was still warm. Funny doing research he embraced a dead man’s corpse to make sure. He reported to the King who got to really think of the matter. Oh was black magic used and top shaman NY is summoned as he realizes at end of ep 14.


      -The Prince YM giving up until he heard from Janshil of Wol’s dire situation. Initially you think the Prince YM will ignore Wol’s plight, we know better he cannot ignore her. He even tried to plead with his brother as he did with his father for YW/Wol. Again he is denied and reminded due to his birth status thanks to his mom he cannot amount to much. The one person he wants STILL won’t go to him. But as we know the heart wants what the heart wants.


      He pushes through to say the truth to give her an alibi but Wol wouldn’t let him lie about being with her except she said he was there per her personal invite. She couldn’t lie to save herself but she would lie to make sure Prince YM  is not harmed. Aww Wol our dear kind soul. Still the PM and his cronies use the king to manage him in house arrest. When the Prince YM heard Wol is missing he wants to find her. The battle with his pal & King’s personal guard was interesting. That fight was just between friends and didn’t happen. Most you saw expressed in that scene. Felt bad for Prince YM.


      The lascivious crony of the Prime Minister lusting after Wol for her beauty despite her injuries and being tortured. Yuck. Creeper.


      Shaman NY pleading to the Queens Aunt/Empress Dowager by blackmailing her she would reveal the truth of 8 yrs ago even if she has to die to pay for her crime if black magic. Also her word that her spiritual daughter Wol doesn’t have the ability to do Black Magic. So I was happy she had her get Wol ok even if exiled the key thing she is alive.


      I was truly upset to see Wol cruelly beaten for a crime she didn’t commit all due to the palace politics and power struggles. But nothing new there she is a mere pawn. I am surprised if Wol is severely injured . She is a principled person indeed no matter which life she is leading. Plus I am glad she is learning that too often her memories are hearing YW a lot. To the point she rightly asks it is too convenient not to be my own personal memories.


      YW mom still haunted by YW and the deep love for her despite the years that have passed since her death. Even when Wol is leaving the palace in disgrace her mom felt her daughter’s presence. Oh the frying and pain. Her beloved brother cut short his travels due to the King’s health. The princess nightmare getting her wish but YW died as a result. She is cute rushing to her dignified husband’s side. He is patient with her and it was good he comforted her.


      The King went to his grandmother for backup/help to handle her brother the Prime Minister. Of course, she is happy to get a favor promise out of him for future use. Not surprised. Her look of glee to have her power acknowledged over her grandson. Also later using Wol to appease YW spirit as she and the Queen hear her wails. Ironic the body /vessel shaman used is the person with the grievance. The fact NY foresaw the Eclipse returning everyone to their right place.


      Love Eunuch HS speaking of serving the country then him, when counseling him to avoid the torture area where Wol was located. Also Eunuch HS let the king see off Wol making him a snowman. The prior time the king asked for it with pure and never used  snow  and stepped out that time and encountered Wol. These two plus his guard do care for the king. When the king saw Wol in her prison cell he felt horrible lying to her and having no words of comfort but she had more concern for him than herself (she did the same when Shaman NY visited her). Glad he could l lean in his body guard.


      Seol upset with Shaman NY and I cannot blame her. Glad she set the others straight speaking ill of Wol.


      Looking forward to the reunion of the OTP. Wol knows who she is and the king has a strong idea of the truth. I cannot wait for YW reunion with her family. Still with the king he is unstable and doesn’t hold much power. With the Queen being his grandmother’s niece , what can he do?


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  19. Hello All!

    I am dropping this off as I had written this when I watched the episodes. I knew I would forget otherwise juggling all these dramas on my rotation.


    Love the thoughts by @Sleepy Owl I agree about the Queen she is a mix of innocent and evil but she could have been fine if Togon looked at her well---I feel the same for METS (rewatch) I am watching too. I am not loving Togon's character either at the moment.


    Here is my submission for this week's watch :



    Empress Ki 17-20 


    -The Queen is funny and so full of it on her crush on Wang Yu. She actually thinks WY likes her?! Dang her obsession and cheering him during that soccer match. Also thinking the Shadow Puppet show the Emperor wanted for Nyang she invited WY and assumed (wrongly) it was for her. Seeing Nyang being literally pulled both ways by Togon & WY grabbing her hands. Lol. Count on clueless Queen to not see it and make her step back. Later to see her ask for WY help to find the actual people who wanted to poison ( with really poisoned wine) for  her father.


    -Togon upset at Nyang interacting with WY. His really absurd orders you will die if you smile, cry, laugh in front of WY. Oh please petulant Togon. But before that she helps Togon while helping WY too. 


    WY uses Togon’s death vow search and creates a ruckus from disappearing ink (from Magicians from the West) they were all killed darn it El Temur is ruthless. WY playing on his not seeing his enemy and playing on his fears, he then unleashes rats by the hundreds onto the palace from the Koryo village. Interesting to learn toad skin is a strong drug to collect them. We learn the strict leader is the missing head Eunuch Jokho. My fave evil guy Yom feels its suspicious there and pretends to join them. Funny when he tried to listen to WY men chat with the leader, the leader poked him the ear. Lol! From the former fave lady (crazy one) staying with Nyang is from Koryo and when sane admits Jokho has the blood vow.


    El Temur admires WY and definitely liked their board game and his admiration of him further fueled his son Tangqisi jealousy and suspicion. WY using the fake poison Western wine and tested in Tangqisi was brilliant. But spies upon spies Togon with backbone and quest to rid WY, uses Banyan with Tal Tal’s brainpower to switch the bottle with real poison to blame WY.  I mean making a quick impression to make copy of key & preparing the wine- very smarty indeed. Banyan lucky to have such a bright nephew. You got to admit faking a death to see who your friends and foes are was a brilliant idea.


    WY again wanting to try everyone talks to Empress Dowager appealing you her as coming clean about the posters. Hehe. Then using El Temur two bickering men who dislike each other with dangling offer of regent. Then she upset Banyan and Tal Tal who ‘killed’ El Temur & got no award.


    Thanks to Nyang visiting the other Koryo friends she witnessed bean soup pass by and from Head Eunuch the Empress Dowager is allergic to beans. We learned in the past she made it for El Temur as way to build up tolerance to poison. Sneaky. It’s like constant back stabbing and cat and mouse galore. WY hedging bets everywhere to try to be King of Koryo again. So exciting she realized El Temur was alive to warn the new partnership of disgruntled Banyan/Tal Tal with WY. Then Togon being not as a weakling saying Nyang was right and execute El Temur now!


    The script pushing WY and Nyang as an item. I mean the longing looks from WY yes and Nyang a bit better.  WY not wanting Nyang in harms way but you know she is not sitting in the sidelines. Genius to have the blood tears in the Buddha image. Also when she was punished after Tangqisi tricked them to punish her and WY. No one can have her if he cannot be with her. Her torture and later WY asking for Nyang in favor of his support IF he can be reinstated as King of Koryo. Good he took her away and even when Togon wanted her , she was no longer a court lady. WY personally caring for her, confession to her was sweet. Their embrace on the bridge & her pledges to return and be by his side until they go back to Koryo. She is a loyal subject. When he lied and told her he didn’t care or wanted her help, it hurt him. So that shadow puppet scene he was reinstating /taking back his harsh words to Nyang then.  I liked how WY admitted he didn’t know her past. When he cried regretting 15 yrs woman and daughter as concubines got beat and released and possibly daughter died he truly regretted. So when Nyang confesses then he realized ooh that’s why you disguised as a man. Loved her not wanting to be relegated to cleaning and cooking to make sure her archery skills weren’t lost. 


    While Nyang is gone Togon drinks and confronts Nyang why not him. I was wondering when he would ask. So when he found out who her dad after saying just saying his family were duly compensated. He had no words to retort back. The kneeling in regret and pain. Hearing Nyang was consumed with thoughts of killing him, he let her kill him. Glad Lady Park told her if he died all those from Koryo would perish. So thanks to her telling her that, Nyang did not kill Togon. Cause and effect no clean revenge/  as there is no simple answer.


    Funny the montage of Togon  memories with her as she put the hairpin for WY. I loved how she played off to him not wearing it first thing in the day but later halfway through the day. She knows how to make an impact. as she wore it though it did not match her outfit. Oh what a tease! Poor WY was heartbroken when Nyang came out without it first thing in the morning. How WY was teased by his crew about the pretty pin and his happy smile and Nyang willing to be his Queen after she wore it. I mean duh doesn’t match her more masculine attire. Then mandatory scene of them kiss being together overnight. So I foresee her getting a child perhaps? 


    I liked Togon’s newer outfits and very colorful now in these episodes. Tangqisi being evil and annoying. The crazed lady in waiting was interesting so I feel she is in there for us to go back to the blood vow storyline? When will Yom be punished? Still upset whenever I see his conniving face on screen!


    Tal Tal so handsome and not lying love seeing him there when I can. WY is so handsome, manly and stoic. When he picked up the Queen from the rats, she was reluctant to let go and get out of his arms. Lol. But cannot blame her! I mean Togon was jealous that he overpowers him as the ‘man’ image to all the women. 

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  20. @jeonghyang and everyone else thanks for making this a great forum. Sorry I was inactive as I am busy with work conference.


    But very quickly like to say--glad it ended on a good night. Not surprised on some of the open ended stuff.


    The last 2 episodes were a doozy.


    -The real BSH being killed. Our ML getting amnesia and losing the last 15 yrs of his life but slowly getting some memories back. Though the body remembers and some aspects his instincts--sadly the egg tarts, foods he can make he doesn't remember knowing to make, etc.


    -Eun Ha so sweet and kind. Sensitive to not upset mom to draw her beloved dad in family picture but upset her fave person in world is on vacation without them. When she hugged him hello and asked for a gift. Her answer was precious saying HE was her gift. OMG. The child actress is adorbs to boot. The BTS of her with ML and FL were precious.


    -BSH parents --dad losing it a bit and the mom serving time. Glad that she told DHS that she noticed DHS was protective of JW to help me realize if his "feelings" he never had before were real or not . I know she always had a soft spot for him.


    -JW and DHS omg the last two episodes. The pain she went through to want to have DHS remember her and be happily every after must have been tough.

    Her colleagues wanting that and good things for Hae Soo too. Very sweet.


    -MJ and HS, open ended but it is ok. If they immediately got together would have been weird. Glad they are close and talk. The chat she had with JW about being freed and doing something and having less guilt while protecting Eun Ha. She killed a man, though even in self defense is a tough matter.


    Thanks to all in this forum, see you around. 

    I have to go to my conference now.

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  21. Ok, it is hard to stay away this week even though I have a work conference.

    It is online so whenever I had a free minute I was lurking.


    OMG YESH on the OTP! OMG the kiss. Loved reading all the comments, seeing the GIFS, recaps and goodies.

    I have to be MIA but dang alot happening this week. 


    Thank god! I had to unlurk to say --YESH.


    Gosh my two dramas have OTP kissing on the same day of their episode and confessions from the ML. OMG.

    ROY kiss is more softer. But the confession from HJ is still sweet to JA. 


    Loving JA and HJ getting together and dang why his BFF is not thinking he likes JA? Oh no!



    Sorry if posted before (without English Subs) 

    so now the English subs is OUT





    Ep 6 highlight 

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  22. Ok, it is hard to stay away this week even though I have a work conference.

    It is online so whenever I had a free minute I was lurking.


    OMG YESH on the OTP! OMG the kiss. Loved reading all the comments, seeing the GIFS, recaps and goodies.

    I have to be MIA but dang alot happening this week. 


    Thank god! I had to unlurk to say --YESH.


    -DY so you did like her. But dang TIMING is king.

    -JK was at least professional doing the master class with SA

    -SA and JY cute moments and that KISS *YESH

    -SA with her dad (that moment with the beer) and HH with his adorable parents

    -HH standing up to JK and drawing the LINE (hard but good job)


    Can I saw I love SA wardrobe fits her character pretty, feminine and just very good . I especially loved the white with light blue design on the print skirt alot. 


    @Jillia the VIOLIN and the heart analysis -- so true


    @ponderings the scenes and appeal of our OTP and visuals just lovely


    Ok I got to go but couldn't resist.

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  23. @vangsweetie637 @Jillia OMG Punch has great OST songs and this one is def one of my faves too. I too think of our OTP. Just great lyrics/emotions in her voice. I am studying voice over, gosh easier said than done for sure.


    @vangsweetie637 Thanks for stepping back and looking at JK not as harshly. I admit, it is was easy in the beginning to just purely dislike her too. (I mean she is not made into a lovable character as she is supposed to add some stress/ obstacles for our OTP. WIthout her, then we cannot enjoy your OTP journey to get together. So she (her character) is a necessary evil. (I am thinking of many dramas I have watched one in particular --- Dinner Mate--the ex bf of the FL was so ANNOYING (a thousand times more than JK).


    I feel is desperate and grasping at straws right now. She KNOWS SA is an obstacle when she overheard their interaction in the rehearsal room and knowing JY played piano and add HBD. She knows that JY used her as a crutch to leave her presence (when he asked SA for a meeting) after JY was trying to leave the TRIO practice when JK was acting up and saying she wasn't feeling it and making them repeat their start again and again. Or seeing their song, he was going to play at the talk concert but changed it when he saw JK. Or saying--why you here at the talk concert? 


    I agree too that HH is someone JY felt comfy to talk to, HH DEFINITELY was half listening due to his frustration and being upset with JK and JY. But he was unwelling to say ANYTHING to clear it up. He had tried before but BOTH lied to him. But to hear it at the annoying violinist performance (the one who borrowed SA's shoes) definitely was upsetting. Then to have JK break up with him, his world is crashing down. The love of his life he finally can be around together and BFF in one place is crashing down. He is not getting offers he was banking on ie living/working in USA as offers more pay. For now he is helping his parents out with their convenience store here and there. Now he is wading it out to figure out his future. He frankly is in no position to get married in the traditional sense (too much of life is in flux). 


    I think JK did not realize what she had was great with HH, a man who loves her. Though JY had a one sided love, he gave up on it to let JK and HH be together. Plus as SA former male colleague said---they were bound to break up. It is fine to date when in school and young. But when out in the real world, reality social status and finances come into the picture. Her grandmother's chat with HH about taking a position as a professor (her offer for the vacant violin one) and she said JK is not taking it. Instead she will be a director at the foundation. You need to up your status to be "friends" with world concert pianist JY (thought riddled with debt and with no money doesn't matter it is perception of his high status. i feel like ROY-he is a dirty spoon what Park Bo Gum character said recently. The total opposite of the silver spoon/golden spoon). JK with the silver spoon doesn't have much but thanks to her family background she has the luxury to do what she wants. 


    BTW love our OTP and the BTS filming. The thumb war, their awkwardness filming the "pinky swear" LOL. too cute.

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