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Posts posted by YuSanSeul

  1. 10 hours ago, fiona628 said:


    Would you mind translating what SJH said on her speech as well at 0:53?


     I stand corrected after watching the video, SSH introduced her as the actress with a bad personality/temperament. Love how she just plays along with him, same as the couch scene wherein she agrees with everything he says when "blaming" her for their awkward kiss scene. Haha

    What SJH said at the wrap up party can be loosely translated as "I am thankful for everyone (addressing the crew) who has worked hard all this time during filming, and it is fortunate that we have managed to wrap it up well without any incidents (issues/accidents)".


    @fiona628 thank you for sharing the song that he requested! Gyah it made my day again! I remember watching his stint on I live Alone and he mentioned that he prefers soothing ballad songs over rowdy ones. He seems like a truly emotional and romantic person (regardless of what the korean public think of him and his past scandals) who is ready to settle down!! That is definitely a confession song , is it not? What are the chances that it could be so coincidental! :issohappy:

    That coupled with his numerous praises of SJH, his public declaration in that BTS video (looks to me like he meant it too, but said it half jokingly or was using the premise of the BTS video to confess how he really felt. Sneaky, hehe). I found it even more realistic and sincere because he said "I like you too, I mean it" rather than paying the typical lip service of "I've always been a fan of yours or I'm a fan too". 

    Ahhh, I'm more invested in their (possible) love life than my own:sweatingbullets:


    @Nodame thank you for linking the video on their final thoughts here. 

    Once again, the impression I get is that SSH is more forward/open with his feelings. He does not hesitate to express how much he enjoyed filming this drama, even if he does quote that its a healing drama and mentions all the other actors. I still feel like SJH played a huge part :smirk:

    In short, he mentions that its a pity that it is all ending and it has made him realise once again that time flies. Then he talks about all the scenes that he's reminded of or has left an impression on him. More than any other project that he's worked on, this is a memorable piece of work due to its healing effect on him even though he was only "acting". And because the chemistry with the rest of the actors has been so good, more so than before, it is unfortunate that it (the days of filming) has ended so quickly.

    It will be nice to have a season 2, and even in jest with SJH, they talked about coming together with all the other cast members for an action themed project or movie.

    Thanks the audience for their support and for them to take care of their health in this hot weather.


    @huckleberrymoonriver lovestruck is the best description!! You are so right. Haha that's how he comes across to me, the avid viewer! I feel like SJH is wary about falling in love, after all he is a very charming man. See how she laughs off his 'I like you too' as a lie. She must think he's just being polite to his co star, and it doesn't help that he's always joking and being playful around her.


    I wonder if our director-nim can tell if SSH is really lovestruck. They are mates off screen and have worked in 3 dramas already, so surely he can tell if SSH is doing fan-service and being polite to his co star with his praises, or genuinely takes a fancy towards his leading lady :phew:


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  2. @Ayame when I saw those pictures it really made my day! Loving these two SO much!


    @nyzah13 oh yes I remember in a IG post of their wrap up party, SSH pulled SJH up onto the chair to take the mike and introduced her as "the angry actress" and she just played along by agreeing with him. Their back and forth banter is just too cute.


    @akhenaten I watched an old interview in 2015/2016 by SJH and she mentioned wanting to try an action role even back then. So I'm really glad that in this Qiyi interview she reiterated wanting to attempt an action role but with SSH this time!! 


    After hearing what SSH had to say in the Qiyi interview, I noticed a really uncanny resemblance (with another couple that I am silently rooting for). He praises her beauty in as many interviews/BTS that he gets the opportunity to, AND he has stated wanting to work with her again!!! These are all positive signs. When there's a will, there's a way right? If we stay on board this ship long enough, its bound to happen! :Please:

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  3. 51 minutes ago, Jessie Huang said:

    See who is taking pictures with his phone?B)


    Isn't he lovely?! And what's funnier is his management agency posted the photo too (top right corner, King Kong Starship). 

    To be honest the last time I've seen him so smitten and happy/easy going with another actress is Kim Tae Hee and rumours were flying around back during My Princess Days too. Could be the genre of the drama being a rom-com that allows them to be all relxaed around one another. (Also haven't seen him recentlty with other actresses or his ex-gfs so I can't comment). 


    4 hours ago, fiona628 said:



    I can feel that SJH likes SSH too. Plus they have gotten close so for me their attraction is mutual :)
    if SSH does pursue SJH, I feel that she will most likely have a lot of hesitation. Imagine dating a Top Hallyu Star and a Hot Guy on top of that. Not that SJH is out of his league but she will probably does not want to get hateful fans.

    Though I read somewhere that Korean audiences are routing for them to be couple. 


    Yes @fiona628 thats mostly what I was referring to too. He's too much of a worldwide star that it would be hard for anyone to want to date him publicly, but I'm sure love and sincerity can overcome it all if they truly do fancy each other! 


    @Ayame @fiona628 thanks for clarifying that SJH has had lead roles previously. I was only aware of her daily dramas and more recent 2nd lead drama. It was CLOY that brought her to my attention, and as much as I love Son Ye Jin (have been her fan for years) and think she's gorgeous, I have to say, SJH did not pale in comparison one bit. TBH, there were many times I felt that SJH was more beautiful and wondered why she was never more well known.


    Anyway, SSH did say she's pretty and he's acted with SYJ and KTH before. So go figure. I wouldn't be surprised if this is how he looks at her.  :winkx:  Hahaha

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  4. 2 hours ago, fiona628 said:

    They need to do Magazine Photoshoot OR CF together.

    Those visuals cannot be wasted. 


    Omg YES please. If some magazine outlet would please interview them! I highly doubt either of them would be super busy with schedules at the moment since its covid and neither appear to have any upcoming piece of work

    It is, after all, SJH's first lead role. And even if the drama didn't garner fantastic ratings, the fact is all other dramas on at a similar time have been suffering from lacklustre ratings too. 

    So really, they did ok. 

    Or even like a IG post from someone about the drama team's catchup would be nice. 

    I would LOvE to see them off screen together again




    From 2:45, SJH's ideal guy.

    I believe some have seen this on IG already, but my first thought was, GREAT! SSH seems to fit the bill. He is humourous, fun and positive, they share similarities (even if its only tteokbboki that we are aware of for now!) and clearly do attract each other.

    Most importantly, I believe they are both single. After all, you wouldn't joke around or share that much skinship with a colleague off screen if you had a partner IRL or did not like your acting counterpart, right??

    I get the impression though that if SSH genuinely has good feelings towards SJH, he's gonna have to do a bit of chasing. Haha


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  5. hello fellow supporters!! I'm so excited we have a space of our own now:sparklyeyes:.  Thank you @Ayame


    No time to post much now so just gonna start off easy. They look so natural together!!


    These could easily pass for real couple shots.. if ONLY.

    And like this instagram fan has said, I would LOVE to see them reunite at the year end awards!! When else would we get to see such a lovely couple in public again :bawling:

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  6. Can't believe that's all they won. For all the hype, the chemistry ridden quality acting tear jerking world sensation headline grabbing and not to mention FRESH crazy storyline that dabbled with North Korea only won a popularity award! 

    Even Hyun Bin didnt look impressed at losing the best actor award, he really had to keep his expression in check.

    Man I was reallllly hoping for a daesang even if it was for the drama and not our beloved actor pair.

    Super bummed now. :tears:

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  7. @Chowchow @Seoshi.love. I echo your sentiments. I understand it has been a week since the drama ended but since so many of us are still missing the series and its characters, I wish all these "clarifications" could come at a later date. Similar to all the "we need to draw a clear line here" re. dating rumours, its like splashing cold water on hopeful fans. If only they could just let us live in the fantasy of SR-JH and their happily ever after just for that little bit longer :(

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  8. 58 minutes ago, J13 said:

    So sad that today’s usually the day but the dramas really finished :tears: I will be rewatching again tonight! 


    Same here! I haven't been visiting the drama forum for a bit to try and distance myself and resume normal activities but its hit hard now that it is Saturday and no CLOY to look forward to tonight :(. It doesn't help that TVN keeps uploading clips of CLOY as they normally would to draw hype leading up to an episode. I mean, that single scene of our lovers crossing the demarcation line in ep16 still has me in tears for the Nth time!


    Just a side note and pardon me if I have missed this discussion, but I was one of those (like many others) who felt that the greatest regret with the ending was SJ's death. Now that I have digested it all, I realised that his character was never written to be a "good" person from the start. He was a con-man, he was condescending and acted high and mighty whilst in NK, AND he plotted together with SR's second brother to keep her in NK just to save himself. Sure he had a backstory, (which I felt was poorly inserted towards the end so as to give him a more dimensional character and gain more love), and he demonstrated wittiness and redeeming qualities. Not to mention that I rooted for him and SD too. But ultimately, he was one of the villains, albeit a uncharacteristic villain, in the same cluster with SR's brother nonetheless. Being a con-man is also a huge no-no in
    Korea, with the number of scams and pyramid schemes that exist already. Plus, how was the writer to detail his survival in NK if he were to reunite with SD? There just wasn't enough time for more story telling with the second leads. Hence sadly, he had to be sacrificed. (Maybe a drama for SD-SJ ala Lee Dong Wook and Yoo Ina style?^_^)


    It would have been nice to have a special today just to tie things up and formally bid goodbye to the show, but I guess with the breaks we had in between and that mini special, there will be no more.

    So I guess its back to re-watching the series, and enjoying that initial bickering-hesitancy-jealousy-denial-thoughtful type of interaction between our leads and that atmosphere filled with uncertainty (of their feelings) before they confirmed their adoration for each other. :heart:


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  9. 19 minutes ago, pnaysurfer84 said:

    Per news, SYJs hometown of Daegu has a super spreader case of the corona virus. 
    Hoping that her and her parents are safe. By any chance the house featured in Master In The House, is that in Seoul or Daegu? Any SYJ fans who could confirm? @cybertron @AnnieCheesecake 


    I'm fairly certain that is her house in Seoul, as the pilates studio is in Seoul too.

    She's from Daegu but would make sense that she is currently based in Seoul and it would just be her parents home back in Daegu.

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  10. I don't know how Goblin and CLOY got lumped together, other than they were aired on the same channel, which sparked debate I guess. They were really different genres and had different writers. In fact, I was expecting comparison between CLOY and DOS since they both have a military background.

    TBH, I also thought Goblin had a greater impact in terms of setting trends (that long winter coat damn), exposure as well as its popularity (ratings aside). It was heavily parodied and it seemed (MOST) of the younger generation knew about it, and still rave about it. BUT we have to remember that it had two extremely popular male leads, who many attribute its success to--the show thrived for its bromance, more so than romance. Also, unfortunately, SYJ once said, movies with all male leads tend to do better in the box office in korea, hence less female lead centered box office hits. I mean, even Sky Castle got mentioned heaps in all the variety shows!

    But thank you @joonminfan for that parody clip. LOL. You can always gauge the success of a drama (in one way) by how often it is mentioned or parodied in variety shows, so I'm glad these clips are finally showing up.

    I reckon the next scene that will garner parodies might be the border crossing (ep9)/ border separation (ep16) scene. It made me cry like a baby, I can't imagine how it will be translated into a comical scene. :sweatingbullets:

    Nonetheless ratings are the best measure for success as it is cold hard numbers right? Just as it now holds the record for highest rated single episode, it is also the best drama for me in a long while!


    @Dana T @ncly I too really loved his bowl cut. I never saw it as a bowl cut but rather a boyish cut. Much preferred it over bodyguard look in SK. (Not discounting his final suave look in Switzerland but!)

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  11. @phoenixember you are right, someone should've warned me before I signed up for this ship! Hahaha


    Aww y'all where do I even begin? @Kyoya @lavanta @BinjinFTW @binjinunnie @BINGO_O @Xoxo @itspeanutbutterjellytime @Dramanoona @Winny @Sianna @BoyzwithLuv @avocado yum and anyone else I may have missed mentioning!


    We are such a down to earth and reasonable group of shippers, I love it. This must be because of our target OTP, and the age group they represent. Thank you all so much. I kid you not when I say I read all your insights/replies and my heart is full, just like when I watched their happy selves in the last ep, I am all smiles :D. You are ALL right, whether they were dating at the beginning, are currently dating, or will be dating or even better #tothealtar, i will be supporting them nonetheless. I think what makes this ship all the more believable and addictive is the fact that these two just bring out the best in each other (and I don't mean brilliant. heart wrenching. convincing. acting skills). 


    Who else loved how he mimicked the director in this video? Reminds me of his goofy self that we only ever see in his interviews and BTS when he is with SYJ




    To turning SYJ as suggested, but then not stopping even when CUT was called? (2nd video)




    Just all the previously unwitnessed goofy sides of HB, to the aegyo filled and fun natured SYJ, like I cannot even! :relaxed:


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  12. Ok so I need fellow minded shippers here to bring me back to positive binjin world!

    Please don't mind my less positive train of thoughts, I must just be overcome by the conclusion of my 2 month attachment to the drama (feels wayyyyy longer than that but).

    SYJ is harder to read given her really friendly nature so I can't help but notice HB more.

    The hug at the wrap up party, I accept discussion that their positioning made it awkward, plus being surrounded by heaps of people does not help. Still, my first impression was that it was really just an encouraging /good work-my-bestie-and-colleague sorta pat on the back.

    And then he did the same hug at the end of their shoot again, for that green screen picture? Again, great work friend vibes :huh:

    Edit: I just rewatched it, I think it was to comfort her because she was getting emotional at the final conclusion of filming. Although that is true to SYJ's nature because I remember the same happened for pretty noona.

    BUT a pat on the back is better than a pat on the palm right?anyone catch that quick high five/pat on the palm HB gave Seo Ji Hye on their last scene together?

    For the most recent BTS, on her very first attempt to jump onto him (when she nearly tripped) he caught her with manner hands, palms facing up. Surely not something necessary between two really close or dating couple?

    Its just that the sweet moments in the last BTS lifted me so high, this one kinda paled in comparison.

    Sigh.. I must overthink things.

    But HB is definitely more comfortable in her presence, and jokes more too. Compare it with the BTS at the dinner table with the NK ahjummas and he is a little more stiff.

    Plus someone mentioned SYJ doesnt do back to back dramas, but she did this time. Which I suppose could be attributed to a good script, but also I'm sure they realllllly wanted to act alongside each other.

    I hope these 6 months has made them grow fonder of each other, in a romantic sense of course! After all, its not always easy to work with your other half right :)

    Help! I need more #positivevibes

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  13. Naw mannnn, the drama, their BTS and interviews itself made it hard for completely sensible and logical people to separate fiction from reality.

    And so we all fell into this love story called HB-SYJ. :wub: Now they troll us with these happily ever after photos that look MORE REAL than real life could ever be. If these two don't fall in love and live in bliss for the rest of their lives, then they definitely deserve an Oscar for those more-than-believable acting skills (not trying to discount how good of an actor/actress they are of course, but you know what I mean).

    And I am never believing another on-screen romance.:unsure:

    Now for BTS pretty plsssssss TVN? 

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  14. 31 minutes ago, Dramanoona said:

    I will never ever forget this epic scene.

    Her desperation, his desperation.

    And without any thought, running across that line. Compared to the first time when he hesitated, but crossed the border anyway.

    I think this is the scene which will make me cry each time I watch this episode.


    Side note: I hope Son Ye JIn didn't have to do multiple takes of her running. Phew!



    Did anyone else immediatly think of the first gunshot that JH sustained in NK whilst trying to save SR and their BTS? I mean, i cried bucket loads at this scene in the final episode due to SYJ's amazing protrayal of a heartbroken desperate woman in love. But after that, all I could think of was the NG scene from NK which was also dramatic, but Hyun Bin just burst out laughing at the end watching her run. :sweatingbullets:

    Ahhh I love how all the incidents and how everything ubfolds in this drama from NK to SK are parallels of each other, including this scene where she is rushing to him, again.


    Omg those new stills, if only, if ONLY it was for another episode this weekend!!! I legit can feel a lump in my throat and happy tears, it is like a follow up to the drama because TVN knows majority of the audience are having a hard time letting go of our beloved JH-SR. I'll take it as the happily ever after that is shown in the form of stills-- our OTP have found a way to be together in neutral land, and are forming the family that they have dreamed of. The message contained within these photos are quite sinmple, if you guys are feeling regretful about how the drama concluded, do not.

    Because YES we are living happily ever after!

    I kid you not, this drama really tugs at our heartstrings. 

    I will miss it sooooo much :tears:



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