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Kim Jae Wook 김재욱 / キム・ジェウク


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On 6/1/2019 at 10:13 AM, cenching said:


For me, KJW is effortlessly SEXY with capital letters.....:glasses: He is reeking pheromone.....:love: He doesn't need to stripped down to show his sexiness. With every move of him the word "vogue" came into mind...



For years I thought he was mixed Japanese....:confounded:  He got certain swags that most Japanese actors have....I have never seen any K or C actors that swag like him....

Oh yeah, he is naturally sexy. In HPL I love, love when he came out of bath wrapped in black bathrobe and his hair still wet and mussed and I kept replaying that scene or freezing the screen just to watch... it makes one wonder what is inside the robe.... :ph34r: and yes effortless sexy, I agree 

In the movie Butterfly Sleep, he was fully dressed and his jeans were folded above his ankle as he just finished giving the dog a bath and when he sat down to wipe his feet with red towel I found that so very sexy....I don't know why... but maybe it was the way he played his character laughing as he looked at the writer while wiping his feet...or maybe because he has this sexiness that slays.....and he is not even trying... 

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4 hours ago, sillygal said:


No worries about it. I am really spoilt for choices when it comes to Kim Jae Wook's fashion. He's simply a wardrobe that he swags in all clothing. Oh my goodness, the one he wore in Shi-an's house blew my mind away, without the jacket especially but I think his belt was quite long for him. I think he has a slim waist.


The unique thing about Kim Jae Wook is even he's wearing tonnes of layers of clothes, remove a piece of it will dramatically look different on him. And yes, he's so looking good in black, not all guys can pull if off. :wub:


These two gonna be my favourite if I were to choose:


Black and white fashion and HE LOOKS GOOD IN WHITE ALSO!! He is the runway guy who swags in everything!!:wub:


The one in Shi-an's house... yes! I love it even more without the jacket. I do agree that his belt was quite long because he's quite lean, but man, the front view more than makes up for it. And I do agree that yes, he looks different every time he removes or adds a piece of clothing, but each time he'll just look hotter, ha!


Oh, I like the ones you picked from the last episode too. And I cheered to see him in sneakers, finally he has some comfortable footwear! He looks very very good in white, especially with sleeves. Maybe you remember this from ep 1?



Also, we should not miss this exquisite example from ep 6:




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Here are 3 interviews of KJW for those interested. From reading these interviews, I can see why he swags naturally because his mindset swags. Courageous mind and body swag ... that is super sexy. He follows his own path .... One can see it in his work. I love the movie Antique, when you really see he is a true artist.  He talks about the lyrics he writes that it shows what he feels and thinks. I wish though that the songs would be translated in English.


This interview was done in 2010... I hope he will do an interview like this again and talk about the dramas he worked on 

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18 minutes ago, zenya22 said:

He talks about the lyrics he writes that it shows what he feels and thinks. I wish though that the songs would be translated in English.

The songs from the first Walrus EP have been translated into English (well, two of them, the third was already in English). They're part of the subs for The Moment. 

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@belenaI just have to come out of lurking mode and thank you for posting that interview :)


It is very thought provoking - at least to me - and helps us see a deeper side to him.  His interpretation of Hedwig and Tommy and what he wanted to show the audience impressed me.  I am glad he is able to be his own person:wub:

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Just found my way to this thread. Oh my God, we all know why we ended up here. New fan of KJW here! I am so impressed with this talented artist who is multi-faceted with so many talents - modelling, music, acting. And he looks good doing all these. I love the fact he is matured and experienced. Not those fresh young boys but a fully grown matured man who oozes sexiness effortlessly!

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I am hooked with KJW too. Now, I am watching his drama Who Are You where he played a ghost. 

OMG his eye acting is impressive. He has so less lines but he channeled all his emotions through his eyes. 

Chincha daebak....

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On 8/29/2017 at 9:26 PM, Foxxy Fuyumi said:

Hi! do you know where can i see or download kim jae wook's DVDs like The Moment or Fanmeetings? Please help me! Thanks!


Hey! It's been two years. I don't know if you have found it. But if you haven't, visit here.

I just found it on someone's youtube channel. Not mine.

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Hi guys!

I've been on and off on soompi forum since years ago. I'm a die hard fan of Her Private Life and Kim Jae Wook. But just recently decide to lurk on this soompi forum for Her Private Life and Kim Jae Wook thread. I've been active on different platforms, like the drama page comment on other sites, youtube, then twitter and instagram.


My first encounter with Kim Jae Wook was in his drama Coffee Prince (I watched in 2008), but what made me his fans is Antique (I watched in 2009) which became my favourite movie that I rewatched for 6 times. Overall, I think I have watched most of his projects. But Ryan Gold's syndrome still got me and I'm still obsessed of finding every last pieces about him, which I began searching from two months ago since the first episode airing of the drama Her Private Life.


Now that youtube has barely any videos of him that I haven't watched, I'm hoping I can find something new in this forum to fangirling on again. I already managed to find some that I didn't know before by backtracking pages here (I've only done half of 80 by now) so I'm grateful to you all.

Nice to see you fellow soompiers.

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On 6/3/2019 at 4:58 PM, Kristin Lee said:

I never said he was. In fact, KJW's sexuality is utterly irrelevant to my comment and I honestly couldn't care less about it. What is relevant is that I don't think we should be out here saying gay actors aren't talented enough to convincingly take straight roles. 

you saved me from responding ... :kiss_wink:

ps on other news ... 



all you need is the ability to make others doubt their sexuality ... gay or not no one cares ...

On 6/3/2019 at 12:07 PM, jaemin kimpark said:


i laughed at this post because new fans are all so excited and am so happy that he is getting known , but i want to tell them that the man sometimes picks dramas like the guest ( that make you go GOOD JOB) or voice (that makes you question how you can attracted to MTG ) or HPL ( that makes you go "SEEEEEEEEE I TOLD YOU HE IS AMAZING AND DRAMA GODS WERE JUST TRIPPING ) or he can pick a drama like TOL ( that make you go " did you really want to own a restaurant that badly?? :angry: .... ) 

all these i watched for him , but TOL i dropped my tolerance level was too low ... 

On 6/3/2019 at 4:46 PM, sillygal said:


No worries about it. I am really spoilt for choices when it comes to Kim Jae Wook's fashion. He's simply a wardrobe that he swags in all clothing. Oh my goodness, the one he wore in Shi-an's house blew my mind away, without the jacket especially but I think his belt was quite long for him. I think he has a slim waist. 


The unique thing about Kim Jae Wook is even he's wearing tonnes of layers of clothes, remove a piece of it will dramatically look different on him. And yes, he's so looking good in black, not all guys can pull if off. :wub:


These two gonna be my favourite if I were to choose: 


Black and white fashion and HE LOOKS GOOD IN WHITE ALSO!! He is the runway guy who swags in everything!!:wub:


for me its all this , but the three piece suit takes the cake ...:w00t:


my heart just can't ...

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1 hour ago, sarafem said:

when he was young as "bad guy"

feels so differently

see gif here

I don't know if I can attach pictures here


He was so hot back in the day. I wish he'd grow his hair out again. I love it when it's longer.



Plus then he can do fun things with it like this.



And tie it up all cute.



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Thanks to HPL, I got to rediscover the wonder that is Kim Jae Wook. I had previously only seen him in 'Coffee Prince' and 'Antique' (a decade ago!), and though he certainly made quite the impression, his other acting projects never caught my eye. I may consider watching 'Voice' and 'The Guest' down the line, since they seem to be his most recently noteworthy projects, but I don't have much interest in seeing the roles he plays a second lead love interest. (I have watched clips though!) 


@Kristen Lee I would like to see him grow his hair out as well. He is insanely sexy with longer hair. I don't mind his current hair length, but the longer hair seems to suit him more.


I am in love with the aesthetic he had going on in his 20's, his sense of style, the svelte fit physique (which he still has), and his artistic endeavors with music, modelling, and acting. Regretful that I wasn't there to witness most of it, too busy falling in love with other actors. :rolleyes: 


I am most definitely going to keep up with him from now on though. <3 Hopefully with this boost in popularity, any media with him will be duly subbed and make it easier for international fans to follow him and his future works.

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