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[Drama 2022-2023] Trolley, 트롤리


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I was finally able to watch and finish ep 13 today.  A couple of thoughts.....

  • How did Seung hee think publishing events from the past would eliminate her omma's pain?  Her omma will carry the pain until the day she dies.
  • Hye joo needs to go on the offensive and needs a friend to guide her in that direction.  She should have struck first knowing the possibility was real that Seung hee would expose her.
  • It made no sense when Ki Young told Seung hee to ask her omma if Seung ho admitting to molesting hye joo.  Of course the mother would deny it.  Why would she admit it?
  • Yoon seo accusing her mother of lying must have been extremely painful.  But why did she doubt her mother?
  • Doesn't hye joo's dehumidifier have wifi?  
  • I still cannot believe that the live in lady and NJD had an affair.  How could they live in the same house?  Wouldn't you think the live in lady would move out?  How could they face KHJ daily? I think both the live in lady and NJD love KHJ.  I suspect Soo Bin and JH may have not heard the conversation correctly.

On to ep 14!


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Wah, I should have thought of this sooner, so we could have ask the event organizers for a poll :confused:

Let's do a mini poll! 


a.  Nam Joong -do

b. Jang Woo-jae

c.  Kim Soo-bin

d.  Jong-dae

e.  Seung-hee (an eye for an eye )

f.  no one-it was suicide or an accident

g.  Someone else--identify in a comment.


My choice is d-jong dae.  I really can't see any other choice but Jong-dae.  Maybe an accidental drowning.


Comments from ep 14

  • The conversation Ji-joon and SB heard the night of Ji-hoon's death:  My thought is that they didn't hear the entire conversation and made some assumption based on what they heard.
  • Like most of you, I cannot fathom YJ living under the same roof as NJD and KHJ.  Assuming NJD and YJ had an affair, wouldn't it be safer to get a room in the hotel?
  • I'm totally confused about NJD and YJ.  Initially I thought she was lying, but if so, why?  What would she gain from lying about the affair?  Is she trying to protect someone?
  • Remember early in the drama when SB looked at NJD with admiration?  If she knew about the affair, why did SB give him that look?  Red herring?


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I think Jeong-dae killed Ji-hoon. Just my guess.


I think Ji-hoon went back into the ocean to fetch the drugs because it had something to do with saving Su-bin, somehow.


I think Yeo-jin stayed in this house because she really cares about Hye-ju. I think she wanted Hye-ju to never find out what a monster her husband is, and if Yeo-jin left, Hye-ju would wonder why and ask questions. Or maybe she wanted to protect Hye-ju from Joong-do - she didn't want to leave Hye-ju alone in that house with her monster husband.


I think that's why she lied and told Hye-ju that she was having an affair with Joong-do. Because even though that is horrible, the truth would be worse.


A lot of k-netz are complaining about this show - that it doesn't pay to be a good person like Hye-ju because people just take advantage of you and betray you. However, I think we will also eventually see that the people she treated well - Yeo-jin and Su-bin - will be the ones in her corner at the end.


Not that that fixes any of the awful things that have happened so far. But I'd like to think that the final message is: being a good person is still rewarding and worthwhile.


But who knows? This show has really messed with my head for sure.

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1 hour ago, chickfactor said:

I think Yeo-jin stayed in this house because she really cares about Hye-ju. I think she wanted Hye-ju to never find out what a monster her husband is, and if Yeo-jin left, Hye-ju would wonder why and ask questions. Or maybe she wanted to protect Hye-ju from Joong-do - she didn't want to leave Hye-ju alone in that house with her monster husband.


I think that's why she lied and told Hye-ju that she was having an affair with Joong-do. Because even though that is horrible, the truth would be worse.

I agree.  I think we need to hear the full conversation that SB and JH only overheard bits of?  Why did NJD come home in the middle of the day to talk to YJ?  What was so urgent?  I don’t think it was going to be a lover’s tryst now that we know what happened 5 years ago.  It wasn’t about JH because he only got the phone call from JH later that night?  

1 hour ago, chickfactor said:

A lot of k-netz are complaining about this show - that it doesn't pay to be a good person like Hye-ju because people just take advantage of you and betray you. However, I think we will also eventually see that the people she treated well - Yeo-jin and Su-bin - will be the ones in her corner at the end.

Err…so they think it’s better to be a bad person then?  Thing is though, even if you are taken advantage of and betrayed, you have a clear conscience.  In the end you sleep better.  The right thing to do will always be the right thing to do.  Even if the person you treat kindly ends up stabbing you in the back.  It pays to be kind.  Otherwise you always live with a cloud over your head eg like YJ (who needed therapy) or run the risk of losing it all like NJD or become bitter and twisted like SH and her mom.  

I think JH drowned.  Unless he swam downstream away from WJ and then surfaced somewhere where he met JD again and then was had an altercation.  Car dashcam footage didn’t show anyone else in the vicinity.  And there was no sign of injury or otherwise from the autopsy.  JH had drunk a lot beforehand (he had a high alcohol reading in his blood from the autopsy).  So it wouldn’t surprise me if he drowned after diving in for the drugs.  I just find it implausible that he would’ve found them again after tossing them in the flowing river.  And to be conscious enough to shove it into his pocket.  

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EPI 15 The Denial


We should have put a poll to see if Assemblywoman Woo will support HJ. I had doubts when I remembered how she said that when JD was the one who proposed laws in the Assembly, he got the people's overwhelming approval. She gave back the choice to HJ, to sacrifice the good of the many vs sacrificing the husband sexual offender. Would it not give the populace more motivation to pass the law as well as make JD pay for his crime? After all he was the one who made it a trolley event? How about Ji Hoon, will he be sacrificed too for JD's "good"? He was a good kid who really needed a friend in Soo Bin. It is really hurting Soo Bin who cared so much for Ji Hoon, they were good friends.


I love that the victims, Soo Bin, Ji Hoon, Yeo Jin, and Hye Jo were in touch with eacah other and that Soo Bin was able to get through to HJ. Why would any of the victims including Ji Hoon be sacrificed for the good of JD and his political ambitions? Some other women also came out to speak to HJ about their experience with sexual assault. I think that Assembly Woman Woo may have talked to JD as we see her walking towards the Assembly house and JD in his office seating alone. I hope that the laws JD proposed will pass just because HJ got the courage to tell the truth. JD passed laws to protect people against himself. How ironic.

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WoW. Another tense and heavy ep.


Nice to see Hye Joo standing up for herself and takin' charge. Though things are only gettin' more 'interesting' for Yoon Seo I bet ahah.

    Seung Hee is just deranged at this point, she's no different from her mother tbvh. 

    What will become of the law? Will this be the end for Joong Do's career in politics? What of his marriage? The finale will be explosive LoL. 

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Highlights from Ep15


- YJ was raped by NJD 5 years ago.  
- SH overheard the whole story when YJ relayed it to HJ at the hospital.  She’s threatened to reveal it publicly if HJ doesn’t retract her statement about her brother raping her all those years ago.

- SB and JH misinterpreted the conversation they overheard.  JH thought his dad was having an affair because the thought never crossed his mind that he was capable of sexual assault.

- SH’s mother and Assemblyman Kang’s land deal speculation has come under scrutiny and investigation due to KY’s evidence.

- NJD pleads with HJ and YJ on separate occasions to keep silent so as to get the bill across.  Gas lighting is his forte.  I cannot believe he would use YS against HJ but he does.  The man has no morals.  And he sees his role in proposing the law (and making the world a better place) as his “atonement”.  That somehow, in helping the world become a better place, he can assuage the guilt of his failings in the past.  The sexual assault, the lies, the cover ups.  
- SB finds out the real story and overhears NJD begging YJ to keep the assault quiet.  She films it on her phone but is intercepted by WJ who deletes the video. 
- HJ meets up with Chairwoman Woo and tells her everything and speaks of her quandary.  Woo tells her that she’s certain that NJD would bring about a great deal of good to the world if she stays silent.  But she understands her dilemma.  And leaves it up to her to decide.  (Macro level)
- SB, HJ and YJ in hospital room.  SB spells it out to HJ on the Micro level.  HJ lied about JH (and he now getting slandered online with others claiming that he sexually assaulted them too) being a rapist.  And covered up for NJD who is the real sexual predator.  And all of the people who know now have the burden of keeping this “secret” whilst the perpetrator NJD is living his best life (totally believing that he’s absolved from his crime because he’s making up for it by doing good <_<).

- HJ faces the media at a Press Con at the end of the ep.  She goes off script and reveals the truth.  JH never sexually assaulted anyone.  And NJD did 5 years ago.  


I hope that’s what really happened.  And that last scene with the press is not us seeing a “dream” of HJ’s.  The truth should always win.  You should not suppress the truth by believing that letting one man go scot free can be justified by presuming that it means all the “future” rapists would therefore be brought to justice.  Lady Justice is blind folded for that very reason.  It’s one law for all.  NJD’s duplicity is astonishing and downright nauseating.  Because he ultimately believes himself to be righteous.  It was a “mistake”.  How does that make YJ feel?  Do what I say but don’t do what I do?  Authenticity is required for any cause.  If you cannot walk the talk then the talk is meaningless.

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Kim Hyun Joo, Park Hee Soon, Kim Moo Yeol, And Jung Soo Bin Share Closing Comments For “Trolley”


Kim Hyun Joo, Park Hee Soon, Kim Moo Yeol, And Jung Soo Bin Share Closing Comments For “Trolley”


The stars of “Trolley” have shared their closing remarks ahead of the drama’s finale!

SBS’s “Trolley” is a mystery romance drama about a politician’s wife who faces the biggest dilemma of her life after a secret she’s been hiding is unexpectedly revealed. Kim Hyun Joo stars as Kim Hye Joo, the wife of National Assembly member Nam Joong Do (Park Hee Soon), who chooses to stay out of the public eye instead of being active as a politician’s wife.


“Trolley” mirrors the famous “trolley problem” and is now at the height of impact for those having to choose between the person they love and a better world. Despite all their efforts, Kim Hye Joo and Nam Joong Do have uncovered each other’s secrets, leading to total chaos. In particular, Nam Joong Do’s shocking past has resulted in a push to constitute a new act for victims of sexual crimes, leaving Kim Hye Joo in a tough position with everyone waiting to see how she will respond.


Additionally, viewers are left with questions regarding Jang Woo Jae (Kim Moo Yeol), who finally raised Nam Joong Do’s suspicions about the truth on the day of his son’s death, as well as Kim Soo Bin (Jung Soo Bin), who has become Kim Hye Joo’s aide after getting tied up with her family.


With only one episode remaining of “Trolley,” the four main cast members have bid farewell to the drama and shared their gratitude for viewers.


Kim Hyun Joo shared, “Once I wrapped up filming, I watched after waiting just like viewers, and now we’re already awaiting the final broadcast. In order to pull off their individual characters, every actor put in a ton of work. I thank the viewers who have watched all this time and I hope you will be with ‘Trolley’ until the end.”




Park Hee Soon commented, “I did my best out of my hopes that the various societal issues dealt with in ‘Trolley’ would be improved in a reasonable direction and that the many victims would be comforted.” The actor continued, “Please stay tuned until the end to see the decision and results of what [Nam Joong Do] will do with the lever on the track that ‘Trolley’ is racing down. I hope this becomes a time where we can think together about all the issues that come out in this project. Despite the difficult and tough story that we do not want to face, I sincerely thank the viewers who watched until the end.”




With his meticulous acting, Kim Moo Yeol was carefully able to portray how his character walked along the blurry line of good and bad. He remarked, “I came to join this project because I was touched by the story it aimed to convey, and as a result, I met many great people. Additionally, I had fun thanks to the staff members who worked while full of laughter and passion.” He added, “I hope you felt a unique kind of fun through ‘Trolley’ that drew out individual dilemmas and hope that you watch enjoyably until the end.”





Jung Soo Bin shared that she was happy in every moment she was with her character Kim Soo Bin. She elaborated, “After finishing ‘Trolley,’ I came to look at the trolley dilemma with the new perspective of ‘rather than choose one track from two tracks, wouldn’t we be able to stop the train altogether?’ I gained the new understanding that as long as we’re together, we can stop the moving train to ensure there are no more innocently marginalized people.”


She concluded, “As we wish to become a slightly warmer world where we can stop the train together, and for a world where we are happy because we are together and not alone, I hope you will be with ‘Trolley’ until the end. After you learn of the ending, you may rewatch the project with a different mindset, so I hope that you hop on the train again and look upon the characters with a new perspective. Thank you so much for loving Soo Bin up until now.”





The final episode of “Trolley” will air on February 14 at 10 p.m. KST.



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I watched ep 15 while I was at work; I couldn't resist!



I'm finally resigned to the fact that NJD is a bad man.  I'm so disappointed in him.  I held out hope for a long time.  I loved this couple and wanted to see them happy at the end.  But alas such is life:bawling:

I am wondering why NJD didn't fess up when KHJ asked him if there is anything else that he hasn't told her.  Didn't he think the truth would eventually come to light?  KHJ hoped that her past was in the past and in the end it was revealed.  I really hope he did not kill his son, but he has motive.

At the end of the day, KHJ will realize that this fiasco will make her a stronger person.  

I am so done with Seung hee.  I hope Ki young divorces her and finds happiness.


I can't believe only one more episode.  Enjoyed chatting and theorizing with everyone.

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Here are the ratings for Episode 15! :).




“Trolley” Sees Boost In Ratings Ahead Of Finale As “Our Blooming Youth” And “Brain Works” Follow Close Behind

The Monday-Tuesday drama ratings race continues!


SBS’s “Trolley” achieved an average nationwide rating of 4.2 percent, experiencing a boost from its previous episode’s score of 3.6 percent ahead of the drama’s finale.





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Nam Joong Do was always a bad man. From the first episode he showed signs of sociopathy. He appeared kind but I never felt he was a kind person. Every step he took for his political journey was well thought out. 

I really really really can’t stand Jin Seung Hee. Her desire to ruin Kim Hye Joo because she believes her brother be he yelled at her. At first she didn’t know who to believe. JSH is miserable but she is taking out her anger on the wrong person. Her mom is the reason they are miserable, her brother was a coward.  He assumed he could rape anyone he wants and not pay the price. HJ gave him a choice , apologized to her and leave her alone. Instead I his entitled little brain thinks she came to his house for money.  Even her husband didn’t believe her truth. 

I hope this drama does us justice and make sure NJD pay for his crime. Death is too easy, he should stand up straight and do the right thing since he is the one who has been wrong from the beginning. 

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4 hours ago, CarolynH said:

I'm finally resigned to the fact that NJD is a bad man.  I'm so disappointed in him.  I held out hope for a long time.  I loved this couple and wanted to see them happy at the end.  But alas such is life:bawling:

I think we all are disappointed in NJD. I really wanted a happy ending for the couple. A few episodes back when HJ confronted NJD about Jh’s phone i’m thinking that was the end of their problem. It just so sad and a pity for HJ when all she wanted was a quiet life away from the public eye. @nrlleeI do not see that for HJ now if as you suggested that last scene is not a ‘dream’ of HJ. 

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