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[Drama 2020] Do You Like Brahms?, 브람스를 좋아하세요?


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@heartoppaya agree with you much! DYLB is so done well (no comedy relief, but with smart product placements, gif-able moments, tropes). Definitely other dramas should take note :) 


@nana4ever Just to add, string musicians put their ring on right hand as mentioned in an earlier scene with Haena and PR lady of Kyunghoo. I think this is to keep their left hand free to play on the strings while the right hand holds the bow. With Joon Young choosing to put the ring on Song Ah's right hand, to him, she is a violinist still :)


Edited by rozelan
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Just wanna share  


Right fourth finger indicates engagement

Left fourth finger indicates wedding..


Traditional belief established that this vein ran directly from the fourth finger of the left hand to the heart. ... This theory has been cited in Western cultures as one of the reasons the engagement ring and/or wedding ring was placed on the fourth finger, or "ring finger".

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2 minutes ago, Jillia said:

@annamchoi @rozelan

Thank you for the additional comment. :D And that's true, also noticed that knetz have been talking about it as well. kkk Guess there is more meaning and I don't mind at all. :wub:

@Jillia all of you make it such an awesome forum to discuss  everything... no matter how small the detail


Thanks Brahms  Family

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@Jillia Agree on absence of comic relief. Here in DYLB, it's more a mix of light, medium and heavy/dark moments. Slightly funny/comic is the PR lady combing her bangs for 10 minutes and rep guy fanned it out (that I can recall). :) 


Also have to commend PEB for her incredible timing that make kiss scenes super hot. She closes her eyes, turns/angles her head at the last moment, you barely see it. (Others do it so early, I feel annoyed when I see them close their eyes :).





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@Jillia I was brought up Catholic, wedding ring is place under the left  fourth finger  ..


BTW, what happened to the annoying PD PS SJ and Hae Na? Did JK become the chairman of Kyunghoo?

Thanks in advance!:fun:

@rozelan the kiss is the purest and sweetest! Because that kiss is from the person you love most!❤

Thanks for sharing the clip!

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Hey Brahms family~ How's everyone feeling after the last ep? I'm back with my usual long post after the final episode. I actually have so much to say that I didn't know where to start.


I think the story was really well rounded. For me the greatest part has to be that our main characters since to have find a way to their heart - be it giving up on your dream, finding the sound of your own playing, or to realize the happiness within the pain.


Love all the performing scene in the last ep. I'm happy that the JY-HH-JK trio were back together - I was so touched by the scene of them playing together  (Glad to see that Sung-cheol has got more chance to show off his cello practice too).  I guess I hate to see the breaking of long-term friendship more than what JK did. Friendship for the win! And JY's mum came to see his graduation recital and she told him that she teared up during the last piece - that is 10 points for you Joon-young ah!


The process of SA saying goodbye to the violin was beautifully written too. I really like how the writer didn't take the emotionally part lightly and didn't make the process very abrupt. She even got advices from a senior who went through the same process ㅠㅠ Ahh you have done well, Song-ah ya. 


And for the make-up of our dimple couple, thank you writer-nim for giving me diabetes! I like how SA asked JY to wait for her too LOL (What goes around comes around, PJY :P). But the choice of the Schumann "Widmung" piece was just beautiful - "You raise me lovingly above myself. My good spirit, my better self."  Such a good fit for the couple's relationship :heart: I guess nobody is complaining about the kissing scene (We all know the previous ones are just a peck;)). I'm so glad for the happy ending of the couple (PS: I guess the stare competition ending is left for HH and JK).


I'm really sad DYLB ended but it has been a wonderful journey for me. Throughout the process of waiting for the new episode to be out every week, the uncertainties and worries that flooded me during the process was clearly shown in my previous rant and review posts. I've only realized now that I was just like the characters - feeling lost in their own story. Definitely gonna re-watch the show but this part of the experience will never be the same again. I think the show has given me more healing and happiness than pain too - hope I could eventually find a way and the courage to go on in my life like the characters.


Thanks to the wonderful production team of DYLB for the great piece of work - it has made my autumn in 2020 more complete. And thanks to everyone in the Brahms family who have been posting updates, reviews, GIFs, LOLs, and interacting with me - it was a joyful ride with you! :star:


Closing off with our lovely Dimple couple




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@Jillia unnie, I consider Kim Min Jae immensely hot for some reason. Well actually because his voice is goddamm sexy. I have a thing for deep voices (a.k.a always gets turned on by deep voices) so when he opened his mouth for the first time in Persevere Goo Haera i fell in love. And he was the bad guy there. And ever since I’ve kept my eyes open for him. He’s super sexy in my eyes. And that gif you posted of him loosening his tie just gave me immense 21+ ideas. 



But then seeing him act with Park Eun Bin, I just realized how complete he is with her. Their chemistry is overflowing even off screen. They’re so comfortable with each other I’m actually jealous. Plus the photo shoot they had just gave me 21+ ideas once again.




if this pic doesn’t scream “I want you so effing bad” with Kim Min Jae’s eyes, then I don’t know what is. That single earring is giving me sexy vibes too. This man is goddamn beautiful and he doesn’t even know that.

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Aww~ it ended.. I didn't like the direction it took midway as it just seemed all doom and gloom.. anyways as usual it all worked out. Hyun Ho rekindles his love for Jung Kyung and I squealed like a dolphin when JYP proposed ahahah!:w00t: So good to see them both smile & be happy again.


That was a nice touch the black and white still image of Eun Bin/Min Jae. Maybe they can pursue their relationship off camera as well no LoL?:phew: I also liked how they showed JYP's cd covers side by side and the contrast. He looked so solemn before but is now all smiles. 


It was great that he encourages his mom to live for herself and be rid of his deadbeat dad. While I watched the finale raw (yes I was THAT EXCITED) it wasn't hard to grasp. I understood (watching countless k-dramas will do that to you) It was fun y'all. Take care, be safe xo.   

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Here’s a sneak peek from “Restless”:


“It was the last day of filming and I kept putting off Cordi Noona’s attempts to give me makeup. I wasn’t anyway a makeup guy but that’s not what was on my mind. It has been exactly four days since I last saw her. And I was waiting and waiting and the wait seemed endless because she didn’t seem to be coming at all. We had the final scene today, and the white shirt I was wearing was making it hard to breathe right now. I unbuttoned the top button amidst Cordi Noona’s complaints.


“Min Jae-sshi, it’s almost time—“ I cut her off. Listening to her babble would waste my time.


Standing up I decided to find her. And confront her. It would be too awkward to film a final kiss scene with the one person who has been avoiding me for four days. I heard Cordi Noona’s sigh as she gave up but I was more focused than ever in finding her.


And when I did, that’s when I learned the true meaning of speechlessness. I was tongue tied. There she sat like a goddess, fastening her earrings and I stared at her like a schoolboy falling in love at first sight. She saw my stare and turned around. There was no smile and her stare was loaded and all I could do was clear my throat and go speechless again. This was becoming a habit. Speak, Min Jae, speak like a god damn man.


“Can you excuse us? I would like to talk to Min Jae-sshi alone”


Min Jae-sshi? Since when was she calling me in a more formal tone? I thought the day we locked lips for the first time away from cameras we became informal. Apparently I was the only one who thought so.”


The rest tomorrow. Enjoy!


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Ok...I missed gif of him loosening his tie..??!!! He is sneakily sexy and yes the voice and his broad shoulders. I haven't been able to watch yet but I saw a clip on thread of her running up to him (when they called her bunny) and he was smiling so wide...adorable dimples. 

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Just scrolled through the long long discussion of everyone and I can feel everybody's excitement :lol: I wish I could interact with everyone during the live but I've exceeded my posting limit for yesterday when it was on ><. Can't count how many times I have seen the kissing GIFs but I ain't gonna complain :P




1 hour ago, heartoppaya said:

Guys look !!


Ahh Min-jae danced so well!!!



3 hours ago, Jillia said:

Awwwww~~~ Joon Young added "Planned by/Plan by: Chae Song Ah" :wub:

And he gave a CD to Song Ah saying "To my beloved Song Ah". :wub:


Haha the way that their name was arranged makes me think that maybe HH is the Clara in the triangle;)


4 hours ago, nicoley said:
3. When they held hands after the performance, he held her hands so tighty <3

I have been thinking of why he wanted to play with SA for her graduation recital. At first I thought he just wanted to play Brahms song for Director Na. But SA's conversation with her mum today, I thought maybe he just wanted to be by her side for her potential last performance after hearing her decision to give up on violin. Why am I so late in realizing this? The scene just hits me differently now:bashful:

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@Jillia thank you for the information about the song! I was really curious what piece it was and the significant about it. I did notice it has lyrics because in the scene that JY is playing, we can see the paper with the piece lyrics on the piano (while he was practicing the song). I tried reading the lyrics but I had no luck understand haha..


Also to talk about the significance of JY putting the ring on SA’s right hand, it’s as @rozelan said and it’s because violinst or string instrument players put the ring on the opposite hand so it doesn’t get in the way of their playing. HH mentioned this when he first gave the ring to JK..


Now the reason why I loved that scene is because SA put up her left hand but JY put the ring on her right hand, as I deduct it’s because JY sees SA as a violinist and she’s a violinst at heart :fullofhearts: Ugh super sweet of JY to do that!


Also yes, yes and YES @heartoppaya about Kim Min Jae. He is sexy, handsome, good-looking, charismatic, and his voice??? :hooray2:Those photos kill me :rip:


If you like deep voice, I feel like you may like Yeo Jin Goo too?

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The ending was just perfect♥️ Especially the couple rings scene.


I think the reason CSA is the narrator is that like her senior at Kyunghyu said that she cares, she has a knack to understand people and she has been in a situation where she has been able to somehow reach people and have conversations with them on what they are feeling. She’s connected to all the characters, be it even HH and JK who are not her friends. She really can empathise beyond personal feelings with all characters. She is a part of the story and yet her capacity to empathise makes her a fair and objective observer.


Also since the series is based on Clara Schumann and Brahms she has been through the entire spectrum of emotions herself  - she identifies with Brahms through the unrequited love for her violin and later Clara as the love of his life to PJY when he plays the song he dedicated to CSA. 

One thing I observed and liked is that at one point CSA compared her love for the violin and PJY in the same manner. But life isn’t like that each love has a different meaning and failing with one love or in one aspect of our life doesn’t mean the same result again. So though she had to quit the violin she could work it out with PJY. And though the violin did not love her back in a way and the happiness playing the violin was short lived , PJY was hopelessly and completely in love with her and she could find happiness with him for good. ♥️

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