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[OFFICIAL] Hyun Bin ❤️ Son Ye Jin (BinJin Couple)


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I just laughing again whenever their teams have to clean up mess on potential speculation. However, if they don't want us fans to speculate certain people shouldn't be leaving potential hints lol.


I did find the old article when APAN Star Awards decided to move award show date. They announced on Dec 21 that the award show would either be on Jan 23 or 24. That means that had to known recently that the award show would definitely happen then and they weren't going to postpone again. This is why now I am not sure if she filmed this by end of Dec as cases were really bad still then. This must have been filmed recently as her invite says the date of APAN Star Awards - the Drama one. 


I just don't know why the account had to make the video private though. Since SYJ agreed to do this video, then she should know there would be more speculations on whether she would attend the awards too. 


Plus they are still a hot topic in Korea. Now KBS made a video and even included hand holding under the table in the video too lol. Why! Sigh.. The footage clips they used did make me laugh - the choice of Hyde Jekyll Me as well. Although I am surprised they didn't include more SYJ wedding/marriage clips. She has done a lot more in her 20+ career. 


I guess they moved to number 1 spot though for marriage due to their age. As the other couples mentioned like Kim Woo Bin and Shin Min Ah (have been dating a long time 5+ years now)

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I m late but i have to say this.. Yejinhand post was so touching..I have never seen an actress so successful yet so humble..Because of the love and support that she is getting now ,she feels proud and confident that the 20yrs of her career didn't go in vain...

With that let us celebrate the 10th anniversary of Binjin appearing in a same project for the first time..

It is well known that Hyun Bin is Yejin's ONLY exception.


PS: Regarding that KBS program, it was hilarious how they used various clips from Binjin's previous dramas but left out the main one which brought almost the whole world to love them..Seems like either they are CLOY phobic (same as some award shows) or they didn't want to promote a TVN show..:tounge_wink:

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@eLizzaI know right! They had so many other dramas they could use instead lol. it's true. HJM is a SBS drama and so is Secret Garden lol. They are really limited on what footage they can use. 


Even though HB and SYJ didn't meet back then, I still think writer and friend Kim Eun Sook is still really good at matchmaking lol. Asking HB to come back and do Secret Garden - as she felt like she owed something more to him for A Millionaire's First Love - not having good ratings back then and personally calling SYJ to do SeGa cameo even though she was very busy filming Spellbound and other CFs etc then. She filmed the cameo late night on January 14.

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10 years ago today (Jan 16 2021), Son Yejin's only cameo appearance in her career was aired. She played herself in the finale episode of #SecretGarden


Wow I didn't know that this was her only cameo in her career, and it had to be Secret Garden...starring her hubby as the main lead. I wonder if BinJin talks about all their indirect encounters prior to The Negotiations (AMTR premiere, Secret Garden cameo, APAN 2014...) and how everything connected and here they are today.


The thread has been moving quite slow lately (not complaining!), although I miss the feeling of having to catch up the pages every time I come here, I hope everyone's not drowning with their work, that you're all doing well and staying safe wherever you are!


I look forward to seeing all the fantastic updates of just Bin (if YJ unnie doesn't attend) or BinJin here when APAN happens 



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I am happy that SYJ's birthday and their love story received a positive response from Korean and international fans. Even the media keeps on reporting on them. Only a few Korean couples that I know do another couple get big attention from K-Media, like this?
I hope that the news provide does not damage Binjin's privacy and does not burden them, especially for Yejin, because this is the first time she has open a personal relationship.
I hope after they open a relationship, their more need each other more and stronger. All the good premonition about them make come true. 
For the APAN Award, I don't care; they came together or not. The important thing they in a relationship. I pray they get their many awards. 

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To be very honest 


After CLOY they should milk the global fame 

Inspite of the pandemic drama shoots are going on and every other actor has a good drama coming up in 2021 except BINJIN 

I know ye Jin has cross but Hyun bin should take up a good project asap 

Really want to see him on screen 

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1 hour ago, Abanti Farook said:

To be very honest 


After CLOY they should milk the global fame 

Inspite of the pandemic drama shoots are going on and every other actor has a good drama coming up in 2021 except BINJIN 

I know ye Jin has cross but Hyun bin should take up a good project asap 

Really want to see him on screen 

I want them getting married and having twin. SYJ can't wait any longer to have babies. I love to see their twin first


1 hour ago, Abanti Farook said:

To be very honest 


After CLOY they should milk the global fame 

Inspite of the pandemic drama shoots are going on and every other actor has a good drama coming up in 2021 except BINJIN 

I know ye Jin has cross but Hyun bin should take up a good project asap 

Really want to see him on screen 


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I am not going to post everything that I recently posted on Cross ex.  Ethan Hawke taking on Marvel project to film in March. That I wrote a long posts on in SYJ thread. I will just leave with this part of my recent post - We can continue that discussion in her thread. 


Even yes she was busy filming CFs, she got use to not being so much of a workaholic. That is fine. More time for dating and spending time with loved ones ;) It is just knowing she didn't actually do a project in almost a year. I do remember reading in one of her earlier interviews that she is ok with eventually taking on smaller roles or doing less. She wanted to work a lot till eventually she works less to focus on her happy married life.. Of course it doesnt mean she will stop working later. It just always seemed like her mindset when she found the right person is to focus more on the relationship.


I do believe if she takes on another project now, Cross is definitely not happening. The only positive thing about the Cross is that it is a Hollywood project filming in Korea than overseas. It is also hard to film due to covid/pandemic. Anything can happen later. Since lots of other actors (last year) had already confirmed projects but some didn't actually film last year - got postponed. Some will be filming those projects later this year or maybe some of the actors who were confirmed on those projects before may not be the same actors in them.

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I'm a terrible Binjin fan but I have a question again because all the cute content just mixes or melts my brain haha. 


In Edelweiss' I Finally Found Someone fmv, there are some clips of Binjin on TN promo bus being super adorable together where they make a series of cute faces at the camera in close up shots (from 1:49).  Where is that from? I thought it might be from SYJ's IG posts with HB, but no, it isn't. Help.  


All the TN bus stuff was pure gold.  How much flirting/heart eyes was going on there? :P Love the clip from SYJ of HB fanning her with the electric fan.


When SYJ said/joked at the TN press conference that people said she and HB looked good together at those press events, who was she referring to?  Fans?  TN staff?  Or Kmedia were already writing about how good they looked together even then?  And she and HB had talked about the fact that they did look good together? :P And then somehow segue into wanting to work together in romcom? Haha.


The bridegroom comment MC and another lady MC (narrator in KBS entertainment segment? the one who asked them who they were to each other at TN press conference lol what kind of question was that?!) were teasing them quite a bit during TN press conferences.  That lady MC seems to know SYJ well? Or at least has interviewed her before. Not sure if it was the same MC for the CLOY press con.  If it's any media person that may get them to comment on the relationship in the future in an interview, it'll probably be someone they know well.  Though I think they will always remain very private people and hope fans can understand that even though the interest is very understandable haha. 





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15 hours ago, Abanti Farook said:

To be very honest 


After CLOY they should milk the global fame 

Inspite of the pandemic drama shoots are going on and every other actor has a good drama coming up in 2021 except BINJIN 


It's hard to say. HB had a busy 2020 with wrapping up CLOY filming and then Bargaining shoot which took a lot longer than expected plus filming in Jordan in the middle of the summer. He may be reviewing scripts, and signing up for CA2 is a high possibility. We should know more on that soon since filming might start in February. 


With SYJ, it is a bit harder to guess. Her last 2 projects were dramas and she normally does not do dramas back to back because they are more demanding so I assume she will do a film next. It was supposed to be Cross starting in April but we know that got pushed to September for now. She may do something else in the meantime if it fits her schedule. The pandemic has really thrown everything off course. 


The bigger question is when they plan to get married (I assume this year) and whether either or both intend to just take a prolonged break to enjoy their life together a bit. Or they may surprise us and jump right into work soon after. While I get the idea of capitalizing on CLOY, they are both at a point in their careers where their past successes speak for themselves. They are top actors in their fields. Its less about whether roles/offers are coming in (they are) and more a question of whether they want to work, and how often. 


3 hours ago, Seriya said:

In Edelweiss' I Finally Found Someone fmv, there are some clips of Binjin on TN promo bus being super adorable together where they make a series of cute faces at the camera in close up shots (from 1:49).  Where is that from? I thought it might be from SYJ's IG posts with HB, but no, it isn't. Help.  


When SYJ said/joked at the TN press conference that people said she and HB looked good together at those press events, who was she referring to?  Fans?  TN staff?  Or Kmedia were already writing about how good they looked together even then?  And she and HB had talked about the fact that they did look good together? :P And then somehow segue into wanting to work together in romcom? Haha. 

Some of those bus clips came from TN promo/media companies' social media accounts. And yes, pink bubbles everywhere :wub:


I also laughed at SYJ talking about how good they looked together. Did you catch HBs face the moment she said that? He was originally looking straight ahead and then quickly turned to look at her. It's like he couldn't believe it :lol:



During CLOY promo, when HB was asked why he decided to do CLOY, he always said he had been wanting to do a romcom next. I always found that a bit questionable. Considering all his recent projects were more action/thriller based, the idea that he wanted to do a romantic comedy doesn't quite jive. I think its more likely that he wanted to do one with SYJ and tried to make that happen (which is what we always said right? B)

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Guys I just wanna shared these. It was uploaded yesterday. They are the astrologers who read about CLOY 1yr.ago and about BinJin Couple. :)




And another one was about golf sightings. I don't know if the video clip are really BinJin Couple who plays golf. :)




Another poll again for our beloved Jinnie. :)



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