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[OFFICIAL] Hyun Bin ❤️ Son Ye Jin (BinJin Couple)


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39 minutes ago, PrettyNoona said:


PS. I have seen the photo that someone claimed they were having a meal in Busan with an old lady. I think it was photoshopped. Trust me, I’m a designer so I can tell. If you have seen that photo, just look at the table where the old lady’s hand is. Also there weren’t enough space to fit all 3 of them. And the restaurant decoration is not the type of place I think we could find them there. For those who haven’t seen it, search Twitter and you will find it.

It's not edited. V*ST message the owner of the Busan restaurant to taken down their pictures. Because the picture might use it for the restaurant benefit (and could spreading false rumour about BinJin). 

And V*ast DM message few of BinJin's shipper instagram account, to taken down that picture as well. 

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5 minutes ago, sooji28 said:

It's not edited. V*ST message the owner of the Busan restaurant to taken down their pictures. Because the picture might use it for the restaurant benefit (and could spreading false rumour about BinJin). 

And V*ast DM message few of BinJin's shipper instagram account, to taken down that picture as well. 


Are you sure the VAST message is real? People could do anything to get like and voting for their account. Are we looking at the same photo as I could not see any restaurant name or address in the picture. Here is the link of the photo. I cropped it so that we won't be in trouble. https://ibb.co/KKkLcD1

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1 minute ago, PrettyNoona said:


Are you sure the VAST message is real? People could do anything to get like and voting for their account. Are we looking at the same photo as I could not see any restaurant name or address in the picture. Here is the link of the photo. I cropped it so that we won't be in trouble. https://ibb.co/KKkLcD1

Yes, it's the same picture. 

And it's true v*st message BinJin's shipper's account. And the owner of the restaurant. Because at the time we couldn't access the picture (as it was already deleted). I remember this thread was on fire when it happened on CLOY's days. 

The owner even made a video on YouTube that HB-SYJ and a few of CLOY crew having meal at the restaurant. But I don't know if it was deleted or not. 

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6 minutes ago, PrettyNoona said:


Are you sure the VAST message is real? People could do anything to get like and voting for their account. Are we looking at the same photo as I could not see any restaurant name or address in the picture. Here is the link of the photo. I cropped it so that we won't be in trouble. https://ibb.co/KKkLcD1


It looks edited to me? Look at the table and her arm.

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25 minutes ago, PrettyNoona said:


Are you sure the VAST message is real? People could do anything to get like and voting for their account. Are we looking at the same photo as I could not see any restaurant name or address in the picture. Here is the link of the photo. I cropped it so that we won't be in trouble. https://ibb.co/KKkLcD1

Yes it is. It was posted by that restaurant owner on their account, probably to promote their restaurant and following vast’s message, it was removed. The women who was on the picture came to a show by Sleepy and said binjin visited her restaurant before the photo was posted on social media anyway. 



The photo is definitely not photoshopped as well. Their photo with them wearing that hairstyle is not available anywhere to be edited and put into this one. Anyway, many big binjin account and even someone from here got private messages from vast and you know we can click on the name of the DMer which links us back to their profile, right? You can backtrack this thread to see what the dm was all about. Basically it was not meant to be posted without consent of the one who appeared in the photo, who was hb. 



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9 minutes ago, BINGO_O said:

Yes it is. It was posted by that restaurant owner on their account, probably to promote their restaurant and following vast’s message, it was removed. 


I saw the photo and it doesn’t look right to me that’s all. How come the owner’s hand and the table looks so funny like that? Can a person like HB - 1.85m tall fit into between the two woman and where his legs can fit in here? There is not enough space for 3 chairs as well. Anyway, I’m not arguing who is right and who is wrong. I just voice my opinion based on what I see. 

Edited by PrettyNoona
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7 hours ago, Helena said:

For now, I’m one of those who believe that they are dating with marriage in mind; both mentioned wanting to get married before 40 years old, they are now 39 years old (in Korean age).


Yeah I have the same thing in mind.  I think they both want children. And they have been clear about when they want to get married. If it's true that they are in a serious relationship, I doubt they will mention to the public when exactly they've started dating even though most of us think it's probably in 2018 when they began. 


Speaking of marriage, it reminds me of the BTS scene where SYJ being all emotional on the CLOY BTS when HB confess he wants to stay by her side and marry her and have twins and see her age... and reminds me of HB being shy and continously making mistakes during the couple rings scene. So cute. Really hope that some of these emotions represent SYJ/HB and not just RJH/YSR being emotional or nervous.


Too bad the covid19 has struck the world lately, so its probably more difficult to have any sightings of them. And they're really quiet ever since after CLOY (could be because of covid19 as well). Them being off the radar is kind of suspicious and I want to believe that they're hiding something lol....

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22 minutes ago, PrettyNoona said:


I saw the photo and it doesn’t look right to me that’s all. How come the owner’s hand and the table looks so funny like that? Can a person like HB - 1.85m tall fit into between the two woman and where his legs can fit in here? There is not enough space for 3 chairs as well. Anyway, I’m not arguing who is right and who is wrong. I just voice my opinion based on what I see. 

I guess he had the menu (?) on his lap, hence the different color compared to the table and the ajuma’s hand was laid on the slit of the table, which you can see on the side. I’m sure it’s real but even if it’s not, it doesn’t matter anyway cuz we have tons of other hints, although I like that binjin looked pretty cozy in this photo :)

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Re. the photo, I can’t for the life of me remember the IG of the shop but I recalled seeing someone from that shop itself posted the photo first.


Anyway it got swept pretty quickly by Fast lol. 

Ah well, whatever that’s ok with them. I put aside my real life skills when it comes to shipping and just enjoy whatever I can as a fangirl. With the current ongoings of the world, it’s nice to have something good to see and root for :)


Happy shopping!

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1 hour ago, PrettyNoona said:

Are you sure the VAST message is real? People could do anything to get like and voting for their account. Are we looking at the same photo as I could not see any restaurant name or address in the picture. Here is the link of the photo. I cropped it so that we won't be in trouble. https://ibb.co/KKkLcD1


Is there more than one photo of the Busan meal? I backtracked this thread and someone mentioned there were several photos, not just one. Can someone DM me if they have more? I've seen that photo already.  Sorry I actually never used the DM function on this forum before so hope the DM allows photos to be shared? Sorry mods if I'm not allowed to ask for this then I will delete my post.

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For me, as a BINJIN shipper, there is really SOMETHING going on between HB and SYJ. The grocery photo is my ultimate evidence. At first, I asked my husband (for a male POV) and he said that it is possible for a male and female friends to go grocery shopping BUT when he learned that they only used one cart! Oooohhhh he said, they’re a couple already.:D For my husband to tell that is really something because I always tell him about BINJIN and their interactions and he will just say, People see what they want to see...

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7 hours ago, KameKame said:

Yes some BTS showed a cheerful side of him but also many times we see him being all serious when YJ joked around.  Eg : at the outdoor bush scene when YJ was joking around with the director HB said YJ was annoying and slightly shoved her.  Chicken Beer scene when they were rehearsing HB had no emotions on his face.  When he pushed her head away YJ laughed but he was dead serious.


I actually noticed that too but there were times that I saw him holding and reading the script.  He was reading the script during chicken and beer time.  Also the time when SR was sending finger hearts to the 4 ducklings at the dining table he was dead serious too. But if I remember correctly he was also reading the script and didn't joke around.  I'd like to think that he was serious because he was trying to memorize the lines not because he does not like SYJ.  But during that scene he was also staring at SYJ without blinking.

Honestly if they joke around all day no shooting can be done.  There are just that many lines to say..... by the end of filming HB was tired and sick. SYJ also got sick during filming and went to the hospital. I think they had a lot of fun filming but being actors also puts a lot of strain on the body with the irregular schedule and shooting in freezing weather.


7 hours ago, KameKame said:

The Swoon interviews are very sweet and they both looked very comfortable and happy.  But I think they are mainly for drama promotions and they were doing their jobs and pleasing the fans.  Both of them are in the entertainment business for almost 20 years and they know how to play the game and what the audience want. 


Yeah you could be right about them "playing the game" to show what the audience wants, but I don't think HB overly looking at her or pouting when she is pouting was part of the "instructions" given to him to "please the fans."  There are some body language there that shows they're actually close in real life. He admitted it himself he is close with her.


7 hours ago, KameKame said:

I think they have dated after The Negotiation film promotion, hence the US trip but that was over a year ago and I think they have now broken up and are just really close friends.


I don't think they would agree to film together if they have broken up. It'll be weird and would probably would show weird body language in BTS or interviews if that's the case. But I have no evidence about this. I think time will tell. Afterall there is only two scenarios. Either there's no news or there is marriage news.  Plus, let's say you are right they've really broken up. They can get back together after CLOY too lol.

8 hours ago, KameKame said:

Also some shippers complained the kissing scenes, I noticed HB wasn’t even kissing YJ properly.  The hospital scene and the border crossing scenes he was kissing the side of her lips.  May be they have taken many times but the director just picked the worst shots.  None of their kissing scenes were passionate, mostly zoomed out or with her arms covering their faces.  It made me think that they avoided the kissing scenes.


Honestly I liked the fact that their kiss scenes aren't passionate or the director is not showing the kisses too obviously. It's a love story that was supposedly 99% never gonna working out.  RJH was never the same person after his brother's death. He was never gonna love anyone because he failed to protect his brother.  But then YSR crashed landed into his world and he had a connection with her. But RJH/YSR knew from day 1 she would be leaving NK one day.  With that in mind for the actors, how are they supposed to develop their love like normal couples?  I don't think kissing with excessive tongue and pleasure is part of this drama. I would be so turned off if they had any bed scenes even though I know some shippers here had really wanted that lol. So even if they're kisses doesn't "look" passionate or "avoiding kisses" I think it's probably INTENDED to be like so. And that has nothing to do with because HB only treats SYJ as a close friend so the kisses aren't "passionate." This drama is not just about romance. It also captures friendships (ajumma/4 ducklings), siblings love(RJH and brother) relationships in family (YSR+ mom/Seo Dan+mom), etc. 

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The photo of them at the ajumma shop was a hot topic when it came out and yes, people were mentioning how Vast dm-ed or messaged people to remove the photo(and I gathered it was done in a polite manner) 
BTS may be edited but do you realise how many NG and BTS scenes are NOT included? Trust me, I have a few directors cut of dramas and there are way more stuff yet to be shared. 
In any way, whether or not they are currently together (and we pray desperately that they are), who can miss their chemistry!

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2 hours ago, Yanny62 said:


Is there more than one photo of the Busan meal? I backtracked this thread and someone mentioned there were several photos, not just one. Can someone DM me if they have more? 


Sorry I only found one photo. Perhaps others can help you with this. 

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10 hours ago, KameKame said:

I really hope this will not offend anyone.  I know this is a Binjin coupon thread and I should not be writing negative and discouraging things here but I just want to share my thoughts.


I am the biggest Binjin shipper and I really hope that they will get married because they are just a match made in heaven.  I haven’t seen anyone so compatible and beautiful as them.  However the more articles and videos and BTS I read I am starting to have doubts on their relationship. 


I think they have dated after The Negotiation film promotion, hence the US trip but that was over a year ago and I think they have now broken up and are just really close friends.  Their close interactions we see at interviews and many BTS are mainly because they are just good friends at the same age and both are A-list actors and have great chemistry so they are very comfortable with each other.  The more I see the drama BTS the more I think they are just super good friends now.  Many say HB is very quiet and serious and YJ has changed him.  Yes some BTS showed a cheerful side of him but also many times we see him being all serious when YJ joked around.  Eg : at the outdoor bush scene when YJ was joking around with the director HB said YJ was annoying and slightly shoved her.  Chicken Beer scene when they were rehearsing HB had no emotions on his face.  When he pushed her head away YJ laughed but he was dead serious.  Someone also mentioned that at the hospital scene when YJ was fiddling his hair HB was all smiling but suddenly went back to serious mode after she let go.  They say he got shy cos so many were watching but I just see him returning to his usual self. How about their reunion scene in South Korea, HB said the script didn’t say to hug but YJ initiated it so they ended up having the hugging scene.


Also some shippers complained the kissing scenes, I noticed HB wasn’t even kissing YJ properly.  The hospital scene and the border crossing scenes he was kissing the side of her lips.  May be they have taken many times but the director just picked the worst shots.  None of their kissing scenes were passionate, mostly zoomed out or with her arms covering their faces.  It made me think that they avoided the kissing scenes.


I watched YB old dramas’ BTS and he was also joking around and smiling and stuff, not the boring, emotionless guy many said he was   I agree some CLOY BTS are very cute and he looked genuinely happy but if you watch the BTS of his take with Dan in Switzerland he looked at her way too sweet. I don’t think HB only give eye smiles and love stares to YJ, he also smiled sweetly and warmly to other female leads and concentrated when looking at them.


The Swoon interviews are very sweet and they both looked very comfortable and happy.  But I think they are mainly for drama promotions and they were doing their jobs and pleasing the fans.  Both of them are in the entertainment business for almost 20 years and they know how to play the game and what the audience want. 


I personally think YJ now likes HB more and wants to go further.  Even though I have my doubts I really want them to be together and get married.


Can someone please tell me all my thinking is all wrong.


I respect what ever your views or your doubts are towards Bin Jin. But I think you are contradict yourself here. You claimed you are a shipper but you want us to answer or should i say agreeing to your doubts that they aren't a couple when clearly this is not our objective in this thread. If you go through this thread you know very well most of us don't have doubts about them. Maybe, this is just not the place for you to get your answer. 



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