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[Drama 2020] The King: Eternal Monarch, 더 킹: 영원의 군주


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3 minutes ago, gwin said:




The question is: why even tell her that?   His words to her in 2016 and even in 1994 are inconsequential.  It doesn't really change anything because he didn't tell her who he was and that he was from a parallel world.   Surely he didn't think that telling her to "be nicer to him" would change the subsequent events.


I thought about this a lot and I think he simply wanted to create more memories of him for JTE.  Because when he was doing this time travelling, he knew that their time together in the future was limited. So he was making more memories, albeit vague, to make their "time together" last longer.  I really do not think he had any intention to change the future when he met JTE in 1994 and 2016.  


To me it seems he just wanted to meet her , see her life since he didn't have anything productive to do for 4 months in stuck in that tunnel LOL. To me it seems  seeing him triggers JTE old / remnant feelings because the sad premonition and epiphany of fate struck her in the first meeting ( first meeting in view of  upgraded LG) where as in the time loop in which we  viewers were a part of the journey she had that realisation in episode 10 which is  after spending considerable amount of time with him. :)

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1 hour ago, Umjicheok said:

Ok now that I read your rant after a good night sleep, I realised that I forgot to reply to you yesterday night. LOL

So now our JTE has her ID which OUR LG got from his future self and upgraded LG has her new ID (that was issued in the timeloop we saw) in KOC . So at this pt of time there are 2 ID's right?

Yes, again 1 ID is with JTE , 1 with LUNA, they are the same ID  but passed on from different timeloops.Unless we count The Plastic Id cover which can be continuity errir from Prod Team.

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1 hour ago, Alice Wonderland said:
1 hour ago, SweetButters said:

@Alice Wonderland Oooo I have no clue either.... too many pages to scroll through :joy:, but I have a copy of it here:


Best quote ever! Ooooo I haven't seen any new stills yet except for the one of JTE and LG sitting on the bench haha

Yes this one!! Awesome strips!! Hahahaha. Oh my gosh... which bench?? I haven't seen it. Tell me the page or well I'll check on IG instead. 





Omg, I know this is off-topic but I am experiencing deja vu right now like I saw this conversation in my dreams before I joined this forum like whaaaaaaaaaaat tenor.gif


is this destinyyyy???????????????

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53 minutes ago, wenchanteur said:


From the first time he went out, he was delivered a couch next to the gate, a TV screen and a VCR + all seasons of Columbo, a Texas instrument scientific calculator, a pentium i686 computer with the Warcraft 2 game, a truck of chips and sausages in a box.
Then, around 2005, he got a high-end i3 dual core PC with nVidia GTX 750 graphics card, a DVD player, all seasons of 24-hour chrono and Battlestar Galactica, the Starcraft game and Civilization 4, and another truck of chips and sausages, with extra beer.


Umm Yeah No. okay!! Have some EMOTIONS!! (Even in the back of my Mind I can ask OUR LG to contact Lady Noh and get access to a washroom and Stationary for calculations Still):lol:

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35 minutes ago, gwin said:

But here, time continued to run in 2020 when LG left.   And so we are left with a conundrum: as far as LG is concerned (the one who travelled back to 1994), what happened to JTE after he left is still a future.   So will that future happen when he goes back?


I think it won't because it's possible to explain that he is not changing the "past" but actually changing the "future".  I don't know if that was clear though.


I think once he goes back to the present (our present), the world that he will be going back to is already different from the one he left. As far as our JTE's time is concerned, whatever we're seeing that she is living through right now every second is already the result of LG traveling back to the past, so it's not really a question of whether it's still gonna happen, because the moment LG went back and decided to leave breadcrumbs along the way, it already started to happen. So once LG comes back, he is coming back to a present that he has already altered. And then LG's and JTE's time (which has already been altered) will start to merge again by the time LG exits the loop. Omg I hope that made sense as well huhuuuuuuuuuuu


30 minutes ago, gwin said:

I thought about this a lot and I think he simply wanted to create more memories of him for JTE.  Because when he was doing this time travelling, he knew that their time together in the future was limited. So he was making more memories, albeit vague, to make their "time together" last longer.  I really do not think he had any intention to change the future when he met JTE in 1994 and 2016.  


Yess I think I agree with this. He didn't intend to alter his and JTE's future in a way that would significantly alter the bigger picture of the treason and the manpasikjeok and stuff (that's why the 'big' events may still run the same way), he simply intended to plant these memories so that they would be spared from 3 episodes' worth of bickering and bantering (hehe) and maximize their time right from their first meeting because their time is extremely limited.


Mygahd I wish I am capable of thinking this hard when studying for exams.

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28 minutes ago, Wanderer062287 said:


My idea, just to summarize all my confusing previous thoughts (haha), is that TKEM follows a time loop theory, where the travelers would always be destined to go back to a certain point in time. However, with every loop, they have the chance to do things differently in order to eventually escape the loop. Some of the things that our current LG and LL are doing now, are things that their past selves had not done, so we may actually be looking into a different outcome (or maybe finally escape the loop). We seem to also be seeing the effects of the loop not just from the perspective of the traveler, but also from the POV of those of us left in the present (e.g. alteration of memories etc).


But again I'm a clown so what do I know hahahahahaha.


You may also back read (if you have the time) bcos some of the explanations here are actually great :wub:

So it’s like avengers then? like another time line that does change the original one? Time loops make sense too.

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20 minutes ago, Wanderer062287 said:


I think once he goes back to the present (our present), the world that he will be going back to is already different from the one he left. As far as our JTE's time is concerned, whatever we're seeing that she is living through right now every second is already the result of LG traveling back to the past, so it's not really a question of whether it's still gonna happen, because the moment LG went back and decided to leave breadcrumbs along the way, it already started to happen. So once LG comes back, he is coming back to a present that he has already altered. And then LG's and JTE's time (which has already been altered) will start to merge again by the time LG exits the loop. Omg I hope that made sense as well huhuuuuuuuuuuu



But why would it be already different?  What changed, except for the fact that he met JTE in 1994 and in 2016?  And in those meetings, I do not think he did anything significant to significantly alter the present.


I am assuming, of course, that Lee Gon goes back to the point in 2020 just after he left to time travel.  Which means that he is going back before JTE gets stabbed by Luna.  I think the previews support this, since we see him running to hug JTE.


And despite all these theories, I still cannot explain how that 2020 interrogation of LR by JTE and SJ would factor into the time.  Or that 2022 video of JTE in the laptop.  Or that scene in Episode 1 where LG stands before the gate (where he clearly has only half of the flute with him).


So here is where things get a bit hazy.... if he goes back to that point in time... there is no more Lee Rim.  Where is the other half of the flute?


Therefore, could it be that he realizes he needs to get back to the point in time BEFORE the first time travel (where LR goes back and gets killed by his past self), so that he can get the other half of the flute from (still alive) LR then?


But then how can he go back in time, if the flute is not whole?



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Oh wow... We move quite a pages since last night. Everybody is cracking their brain to find the logic explanation of LG time travel. 

I wont worry if our OTP will have their happy ending together. Stay together in KOC. But, if its happen otherwise... Flip table everybody! 

4hours to go ~~~~

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please forgive me in advance for this long, confusing post. i have a lot of thoughts at the moment, and my brain might explode if i don’t at least share my opinions somewhere.


first off, i liked ep 14 and my initial reaction when he time-travelled was “I GOT FOOLED BY A PAIR OF SHOES. why did they have to focus on two different sets?”


that aside, i’m one of the minority who can’t appreciate how time travel was used in the drama. (maybe bc i’m still confused)


based on what i understand, in the current timeline, future LG MUST already exist alongside present LG and present TE, and the events we witnessed are the effects of his interventions.


Point 1: this is true, in the case of him talking w/ lady noh and assigning a task to JY.

Point 2: but what i don’t get is when he talked with TE in 1994 and 2016, and SUDDENLY new memories formed.

Point 3: then we are shown of their first meeting scene in the park and JTE has a completely different approach to LG.


point 1 hints that we’re dealing with a single dynamic timeline where future events depend heavily on savior LG’s actions. however points 2 & 3 imply that another timeline must’ve resulted from the time travel.


time travel is still a hard concept for me to grasp. what happened here is really similar to Prisoner of Azkaban. however PoA resulted in a clean loop, future Harry & Hermione were able to affect the events AS HOW THEY WERE PRESENTED to the readers. in TKEM, however, the time travel seemed to have resulted in major changes. i’d understand this if the timeline will split (and we’ll be dealing w/ two different sets of characters)


one like this:
SET A (the current): maybe it will end tragically for them? maybe TE here will die? maybe LG will indirectly guide SET B LG to defeat LL?


SET B (the resulting chars from the time travel): this time, bc of the events in SET A, they’ll get to live in the fate they chose?


also, if LL remembered savior LG, why didn’t he remember his future self warning him??


idk anymore. i’m so confused. i feel so dumb right now. :tears: 

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3 hours ago, mrsj3n said:

would think that anyone will still be surprised to see your self right in front of you.

Luna looked exactly like her and dressed like her hence I understand why JTE is still shocked up close.


As for SJ.. He is older than JTE. It's not surprising for JTE to call him that if she treats him like one since they grow up together?

SJ can die. I have said before, I'll gladly hand him up to his executor with bow tie.

I felt that the SJ we saw in 2016, he already knew he has no chance with JTE the moment JTE met up with LG by the phone booth.

I just hope that he will not turn dark in hope to stand a chance with JTE if he erased LG.

I'll haunt him down myself for breaking my heart.

Omg so many pages and i still need to read or skim through it all!


@mrsj3n not sure if I explained myself well as I was sleepy :D


JTE sees Luna with her family. She "sees" Luna before following her into the alley. But in the alley when the light bulb lights up she acts surprised, which is when Luna strikes. It is this surprise that I was questioning. 

someone explained that JTE might remember her mom who looked like her and died of cancer, thus the surprise. For now I am putting this under creative process and mom explanation :D


as for SJ: to be honest, i was trying to connect him to the plot and yup... his story should have a connect but seems disjoint at the moment. I am not korean but I havent heard another girl call a senior boy in another drama as Hyungnim. Nim is for request and mostly no one uses it for Hyung. I have only heard bros call their elder bros Hyung. You see where I am coming from? Is it a play on his Corea name? 

also, SJ and JY do seem like 3rd wheels at present and I dont know why. I feel bad for them. 

so like many others I am questioning what all could have been weeded out and what all could have been in focus. I would have preferred to see more of time travel.


@mychoiyoung that lady who is now LR's hench(wo)man scared me. I was like she looks more evil than LR! 

i was also wondering how in the world will pregnant lady come into play in 2 hours and 30 minutes ... we now have Luna and PM's greed to deal with, how LR reaches his present timeline to deal with, lovers will have cute time together, SJ to be sorted and JY to do something. Oi oi oi!

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Page 733:

3 hours ago, wenchanteur said:


Never forget you watch drama to relax.






3 hours ago, AgentQuake said:


edit: does anyone have a thicc maximus gif





He's not a baddie... unless you have other uses for it...




Page 736:


1 hour ago, Umjicheok said:


4. Pregnant lady

  Hide contents

So this is the upgraded/new Lee lim who sent that proposal to KOC lady stuck in ROK? Because the one we saw since epi 1 is dead .



I don't think the LR that we have now is an upgrade.

He is still the obnoxious prick who still thinks he is all that and go along with his goal and plan.

If he is upgraded, he will go for JTE and those who helped LG the moment he came to ROK instead of wasting time to check with KOC pregnant lady what can she do for him.


Page 737:


31 minutes ago, Wanderer062287 said:


Mygahd I wish I am capable of thinking this hard when studying for exams.





I need the flute too to travel back to my younger self and shake the hell out of me to STUDY HARDER! lol



I've finished backtracking!!!!




I'm ready for episode 15 now!!!

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58 minutes ago, madmad min said:

Yes, again 1 ID is with JTE , 1 with LUNA, they are the same ID  but passed on from different timeloops.Unless we count The Plastic Id cover which can be continuity errir from Prod Team.

Nooo....:lol: By the end of 14th episode One ID is with JTE and one is in KOC in king's chambers assuming the new LG just crossed the portal while our  JTE was lying there after being stabbed. 



Ok more rant:

1. Why JTE can't tell the truth to her father and nari . I mean if eun sup is trustworthy why not others.


2. Why didn't she call forensic doctor ( chief's wife) to help her? Instead she called emergency no. for backup? :unsure: why didn't she call eun sup,  jo yeong , sin jae or any of her team members?! 


I feel these loopholes could have easily avoided by writernim.:anguished:



@Dramafreak you are right males call their elder brothers hyung and females call their older brother as oppa but JTE calling SJ hyungnim is kind of her tomboyish personality calling SJ 'bro' ( as in English language where the guys or even gals call each 'bro ' e.g: bro,wassup? IMO it is to show that she doesn't see him as a guy but as one of her kind . I hope you didn't get  confused after reading what I wrote :lol:


@mrsj3n upgraded Lee lim in a sense new Lee lim :joy: I didn't mean his personality has upgraded. He didn't happen to go behind JTE because his future self didn't tell him that. He just told him to kill young LG. What I wonder is upgraded LG also doesn't seem to have new memories that our LG is creating. So basically we have 2 LG now? Or when both the LG arrive at the same time , we only have OUR LG but upgraded one vanishes into thin air (like Goblin ajhussi) and our LG has all memories along with both hug scenarios.:D OR

our LG vanishes into thin air and we are left with upgraded LG with no memories of him meeting JTE when she was 5 yrs old and in 2016.:anguished:

Edited by Umjicheok
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I watched the episode again. I have questions that might get us to a happy ending so I am looking for answers that I may have missed.  What I know

  1. King LG is working his way back to the present but is leaving clues and messages that might help.

  2.  Both Luna and the Prime Minister want the flute for their own needs and both know that it has the power to let people travel to another world.

  3. The flute that the King has is slowly breaking off

  4. The LL of the day both went back in time is dead and his piece of the flute has flaked away and is gone.

  5. That LL is dead going forward but the LL of the past who killed his future self is still alive until the point of his death so that LL would still have a piece of the flute

  6. In spoiler pictures posted we saw scenes that looked like both JTE and The king had gone to the past: back to what might have been the late 1940’s or early 1950’s

  7. For everything to workout the flute must be reunited so it can play

  8. Once something happens and someone dies it seems that dead is dead from that point on,


So here are my questions and thoughts

  • What if knowing what our King knows he is trying not only to get back to JTE but also to save the two worlds so he is working on a plan that will help do that

  • What if part of the plan takes into account the greed/ need that Luna and the Prime Minister have that makes them what the flute

  • What if both would betray LL before he is killed and one of them takes his half of the flute

  • Or What if while doing that LL’s half of the flute is destroyed so the only place where the flute can be found is in the past

  • So what if the last despite plan involves both JTE and the KIng going back to the only place where they know the flute exist in history which would be the day that Lady Noh left at the time of Korea during the war to go to the KOC. JTE knows the details of when Lady Noh left and from where  (that would be around the time of the spoiler pictures)

Now I am not saying any of this will happen but what if……...



or since I am loser, my brain cells are dead from trying to figure out all of this and none of this is going to happen, but what if.............

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1 minute ago, Umjicheok said:

Nooo....:lol: By the end of 14th episode One ID is with JTE and one is in KOC in king's chambers assuming the new LG just crossed the portal while our  JTE was lying there after being stabbed. 



Ok more rant:

1. Why JTE can't tell the truth to her father and nari . I mean if eun sup is trustworthy why not others.


2. Why didn't she call forensic doctor ( chief's wife) to help her? Instead she called emergency no. for backup? :unsure: why didn't she call eun sup,  jo yeong , sin jae or any of her team members?! 


I feel these loopholes could have easily avoided by writernim.:anguished:


Oops Yes sorry

Current Timeline-ROK has 1 id with JTE, KOC has one with Upgraded LG who just got hugged by Current Timeline Jte's memory JTE lol.


Answers .what I think...

1.How does she explain a duplicate conning to be her without any substantial purpose, its not like She is a chaebol needing to be replaced.The entire Coup d'etat will make everyone go TF.


2.She could have called ES as he should have been tailing LUNA , But she called Emergency instead of SJ or Cheif's wife because the Patrol Cars which are nearby will be able to help her faster.


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Alright here’s my theory.


Has anyone ever heard of Elon Musk’s simulation theory ? That we are all in a simulation being controlled by a player? I think the players here are clearly the time travelers, specifically the owners of the flute ,who travel across the worlds and time ? So currently lee gon is stuck in a time loop and I do feel there’s something he’s destined to do to get out of it .Until then he will keep travelling back in time. But since’s he’s the active player of the game,the more he holds to the flute the more  his reality changes, and if he keeps going back changing and creating memories with those he loves,  their   reality changes too.Especially if they’ve traveled through time.I think the time travel between the two world is cyclical as his time travel pretty much defines the future .The only thing altered here is reality  .I think they’re destined to meet in two different alternate realities ,the one before the change and the one after.As the only thing changed here are the memories of the ones involved,the rest of the world remembers and notices little.Maybe both the worlds  have moved into a different time line ,and they barely remember little.Its probably like the Mandela effect,where people will remember certain things happening ,only to notice it didn’t happen,since the timeline changed. I guess the main point of the love story is the memories they create through time and space,since at the end,only lg and lTe will remember their meeting and love story and how it was before and after as it’s mostly their reality that gets altered.Does this make sense? Lol.

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2 hours ago, Madu Mita said:

Help a girl out.


what kind of time travel theory does TKEM follow? I know it’s grounded on travelling  between different time lines, but is it based on predestination paradox or inter-dimensional time travel? I thought it was cyclical time travel ,starting with him saving himself ,leaving JTE is ID for him and thus ,becoming who he is at the future.I thought him meeting her through time then and there made more sense to her attraction to him within the first few episodes .But no , this actually changes her attitude towards him when they first meet ,proving this is something that has changed and not something that has always been that way.Tell me ,did Lee Gon travel to another world of dimension and change things there? or is the woman who he is meeting at first Luna ? Someone help,please



From what I know, and understand is.. 


Lee Gon come to the past,  not to another parallel world,  he want to change ( not let Lee Rim get manpasikjeok)  but he failed,  so.. He just want comeback to Tae eul in the right time (tae eul who is remember him), but he have to spent 4 months in "in between" place for come to 2020 tae eul, he sometimes come to tae eul in other years, for check the time,so he didn't go to the wrong time, 


Yes, first one is Luna, in KOC when he even doesn't know about parallel world, 

But actually not meet her,  just see her and chase her, 

Future lee gon make Luna come to horse pen(?) for let past lee gon follow her so he know about the gate and meet tae eul, 



I'm not good about explanation ,right?  Haha sorry.. 

And sorry if it's wrong

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