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[Official] Kookmin Clan


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This ep had major role reversal between kjk and somin in their kookmin dynamic. For some reason, either due to his tight schedule or something else, kjk oppa seem tired and withdrawn in this ep. And somin directly addressing kjk oppa impromptu several times to get his reactions were really cute!!!!! For instance, when they were preparing to move indoors, somin puts her hands on his shoulder saying: oppa you can’t stay still ok? This must be her prompting him to be active when impressing both the girls later.


Her gesture appeared very subtle and natural yet intimate with her speech and the hands on his shoulder. Apart from the song he addressed for her, i found kjk oppa very restrained with his actions towards somin in this ep whilst it appeared more upfront  towards jihyo. This understandably could be due to the love line. And as much as I avoid being drawn into the onscreen dynamics only, unfortunately, it usually ends up being the only give and take with kookmin.

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 So, in my opinion this was an amazing episode!  I laughed so hard, and I have watched it twice (still laughing).  


The problem/great thing (depending on your view point) with this episode is how much do you read into the stuff that is suppose to be happening off camera.   These scenes could mess with your head because in somethings felt real (some were acting like the shoot was over) and others were not like many of the scenes where the guys were trash talking JSM & SJH (some were over the top or it just depends on how annoyed you believed them to be).  The conversation between LKS YSC and YJS about JSM, as they were hiding behind the package felt really over the top and completely staged.  They were acting like they are really angry about her behavior.  I know that they care about JSM and would never say those things on camera.  YSC has never really said anything bad about JSM, but the smack talk in this episode felt like he wanted to make it clear to viewers that nothing is happening with them.  This ties into my next thoughts. 


So, if you are one of the conventional/official LL supporters and you believe the things that they say on camera, then this episode was not great for you.  There were so many times that it was made clear that nothing is going on with those lovelines.  YJS has given the death sentence to Chanmin by saying, that they wouldn't work together and they make him want to vomit.  This was giving me flashbacks to Kwangmin before LKS announced he was dating someone.  Also, all of the fake throwing up with the clips of KJK and SJH.  SJH saying to JSM that she couldn't remember these loveline moments and when off camera she even said so to KJK and that he used to be really kind.  KJK responded that he did use to be kinder (on camera and off camera they just don't formulate to a couple for me).  KJK would never treat the woman he cared about this way even if he was hiding the relationship (at least based on what he says and others say about himself).   YSJ and others even went so far as to say that no one there was interested in them (saw them as family/sisters).  Even old ships with KJK were brought up by YSJ and KJK shut down that loveline.  So . . . there were many official lovelines that are officially dead :dizzy:.   Of course this will not stop some shippers because they will say that of course this is just to throw people off the truth  . . .:rolleyes:.


As for kookmin (a not official loveline), well this episode was great.  When KJK did put in effort it was really for JSM (unrequested cheesy pick up lines, blankets, saying something knitted requires more work, and that she is devoted to her boyfriends) or at her encouragement (quote below).  Yes, I know the actions were suppose to be done to win her affection (per the game).  However, others would either go so over the top (LKS fainting) as to make it clear that they were not genuine or they mumbled complaints after their actions (none of that really from KJK he was subtle and supportive).   Although the singing was sweet this is something that she requested (so I don't count it, but I will say that everyone cutting it off hella suspicious).  The body guard kick was over the top (and absolutely hilarious) so I take it as playing along.  When it came to JSM, KJK put in the effort today.



JSM: You can't stay still.

KJK: Is it okay not to do anything?

JSM: You can't stay quiet.


A prime example of something that felt real behind the scenes is the conversation above.  They are not suppose to be filming/cameras are suppose to be moved.  However, we get to hear and see this weird conversation, and I will say suspicious as hell.  The reason why I thought it was real was because the conversation was not loud and they try to wrap it up quickly when YJS keeps interrupting with the water.  It started by JSM saying, Oppa to KJK and walked over and put her hand on his shoulders.  I think she could tell that the intro bothered him (putting your hand on someone's shoulder can be seen as an action to comfort someone assuming this is something they are use to from the person).  My reasoning/kookmin interpretation is that she is letting him know that it is okay (she is not upset about the clips or the talk of previous lovelines).  I interpreted the quote above, as JSM saying you need to react/do something. It sounds like KJK is really saying, do I have too when he says "Is it okay not to do anything?" (a sign that he is uncomfortable and in my opinion the not so delulu thought that he is seeking her approval). JSM said, no you can't stay quite (you need to play along).  So KJK knows that SJH hates over the top/cheesy things.  So he does over the top cheesy things by constantly saying "Pretty JH" with no sincerity in his voice as they are moving from one location to the next.


This side conversation gave me such :what!::issohappy:excited feelings.  


 The being carried was at SJH's request and YSC wanted to be the one to do it, but I am not sure that YSC could carry SJH.  After KJK does carry her he focuses back on JSM with an unrequested cheesy pick up line (I think he wanted to see her laugh and make sure that she was ok).  There were so many low key and obvious kookmin moments in this episode.  


So, this spoiler is just my thoughts on the episode (sorry no images this week).  You should all watch it and laugh!!  However, I put my thoughts into the spoiler because I mention some scenes in detail and I don't want to ruin it for anyone.   

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Ok I need somewhere to rant about this but besides the kookmin stuff I didn’t like this episode all that much. It actually made me feel bad for Somin even though she was enjoying all her temporary power lol. The whole thing just gave off this unintentionally mean-ish vibe. Like all the random segments where the members bad mouthed her just felt awkward to me rather than funny. I dunno maybe I’m just being over sensitive. 


What I expected from this ep was both women (begrudgingly) being treated like new guests. Not only did I not really get that but there was a clear difference in how she was treated vs Jihyo. It’s ok though since Jongkook was still being very sweet even when it wasn’t Somins turn!


One underrated kookmin moment from this ep for me was him feeling bad about her working hard even though she was gonna get the penalty anyway. 

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1 hour ago, Rumble fish said:

Ok I need somewhere to rant about this but besides the kookmin stuff I didn’t like this episode all that much. It actually made me feel bad for Somin even though she was enjoying all her temporary power lol. The whole thing just gave off this unintentionally mean-ish vibe. Like all the random segments where the members bad mouthed her just felt awkward to me rather than funny. I dunno maybe I’m just being over sensitive. 

@Rumble fish I have to agree with you on this. I thought I'm the only one who's getting the negative vibes from all the complaints and unnecessary comments from the members. If it weren't for the kookmin moments I saw from watching the entire episode, I will still be devastated until now.


I also find the scene where JK sang, a bit weird. Like, why did he received a badge for dedicating a song to JSM? :DB)This episode was supposed to be for both female members. They should have BOTH receive special treatments but that's not the case. It only favors one female member. I felt sorry for JSM for being treated differently.


Anyway, I'm still happy coz both JK and SM have their own moments. They always find their way to interact and showed us the difference between natural couple and forced couple. Hahaha :wub: Despite the love lines and unpleasant vibes, KOOKMIN is still fighting! :happyshakes:

Edited by JoJo8676
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58 minutes ago, JoJo8676 said:

@Rumble fish I have to agree with you on this. I thought I'm the only one who's getting the negative vibes from all the complaints and unnecessary comments from the members. If it weren't for the kookmin moments I saw from the watching the entire episode, I will still be devastated until now.


I also find the scene where JK sang a bit weird. Like, why did he received a badge for dedicating a song to JSM? :DB)This episode was supposed to be for both female members. They should have BOTH receive special treatment but that's not the case. It only favors one female member only. I felt sorry for JSM for being treated that way.


Anyway, I'm still happy coz both JK and SM have their own moments. They always find their way to interact and showed us the difference between natural couple and forced couple. Hahaha :wub: Despite the love lines and unpleasant vibes, KOOKMIN is still fighting! :happyshakes:

I agree. The way other member talked bad about “only” Somin really disappointed me...Like.. there are 2 main women, why did they “diss” Somin then flattering Jihyo?


Anyway, some little KookMin moments has saved my mood. Yoo-nim took care of Somin and the “puppy fight” with Kwangsoo also raise the mood.

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32 minutes ago, Grumple Lee said:

I agree. The way other member talked bad about “only” Somin really disappointed me...Like.. there are 2 main women, why did they “diss” Somin then flattering Jihyo?


Anyway, some little KookMin moments has saved my mood. Yoo-nim took care of Somin and the “puppy fight” with Kwangsoo also raise the mood.

What did the other members said about somin??

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i watched  only the opening subbed but i feel the episode was set up more for sjh than jsm.  The premise was that the guys used to see sjh more as a woman once upon a time, but that down the years, they see her as one of the boys. so min has only been on the show for 3 years and they still treat her as the maknae. i also don't think jsm's appeal was her beauty in the first place or her being able to make their hearts flutter the moment she met them. kjk himself has said that she grew on him over time - 'the more you see, the more you like' and it must be the same for some of the cast. lks and ysc have always been her friends and the three hang out all the time. kwangmin share the same agency. jsj picked jsm over sjh in the radio interview saying he felt more comfortable around her. yjs does an additional show with jsm. haha and jsm also regularly interact outside the show. i don't need to talk about kookmin - kjk and jsm drink together, he knows what she is watching, he has her book in his house, she was the only member to attend both his concerts last year and be invited to sing on the stage with her. sjh used to hang out more with the cast before but for a few years now, i don't get to hear those stories. so, just get the feeling she has her circle now and while she must be chatting with the members on kakaotalk or phone, i, personally, feel it isn't as it used to be. sjh has become quieter on the show and now that there is another female member, there won't be that special consideration like before - 'she is the only female member'. so i felt it was pd's way of giving her a special episode which has been her fans' demand for a long time.

i wish though that the concept was about treating the two girls as princesses because recovering initial feelings would lead to comparisons and since both women have different charms and sjh has been longer on the show, it is not a fair comparison. i also felt bad to see kjk being penalised for singing to jsm since the  concept was about the men being nice to both the women and not just to sjh.   



anyway,  i don't think the pd's purpose of the episode was discovering the initial feelings for so min. we should keep that in mind when we see the episode. compared to sjh's clips, so min's were shorter and from the way the guys kept praising sjh while being normal with so min, you can notice they did what they were supposed to do. it is a bit sad but to me, it just means those feelings are still there for jsm. yjs also said that - we treat you the same way we treated you when you first came. jsj also said that 'i don't know about our resolution about jsm, but we may have forgotten our resolution about sjh'.


so i wouldn't go much by the spartace focus which was again clips used romantically when they weren't like that in the first place. for example, kjk calling sjh "pretty jh" was in an episode where he was recruiting members for his team and he was being sugary sweet to everyone on his team.  the guys also know that, but they are exaggerating because spartace used to be a loveline. i didn't find anything weird in jsm's words to kjk away from the camera. i thought it followed the concept of the episode - the guys had to do more to win the favor of the ladies. since kjk hadn't said anything about jsm in the opening other than that she likes episodes where she is the centre, perhaps it was about wanting him to do more. she also addresses him as jong kookah and asks him whether he has anything to say about her entrance during the quiz.  so  i would take 'you shouldn't stay quiet' as not asking him to be more active with sjh, but to be more active with her. if jsm wanted sjh to be treated as kjk's loveline, she wouldn't have asked him to sing her BGM. that is not usual jsm. she doesn't pick kjk even when she can; so i definitely think jsm wanted to be treated as special by kjk.


i do feel kjk was being asked to do more for sjh by the pd because the three clips that were shown to the cast were about spartace. it was haha who was part of the love triangle but only one clip involving him was there. lks has also been quite considerate of sjh during fanmeets, but that was also not shown. ysc also talked about dating sjh in his first episode as a permanent member. that wasn't there either. i believe that is why kjk was also trying to play his role. it was on sjh whom kjk commented in the opening - that she used to be very pretty while the guys were more unsophisticated. he called out  'pretty jh, where are you?' a few minutes later . that is another reason why i believe jsm's words to kjk  soon after wasn't about wanting him to be more active with sjh because he was definitely doing his part.


if kookmin have private conversations, it must be at the parking lot like kjk mentioned in a previous episode or those conversations won't be aired.  towards the end of the episode, kookmin have a conversation by themselves in a corner, but it is not shown and the others also talk to take the focus off them. but the way so min touched kjk and put her arms around him is important.  it is much more casual and intimate than what we have generally seen her doing in front of the cameras. so it shows one can't always base their relationship based on what we see in front of the camera. other things may have been conveyed there than the words. that is my feeling. i also wonder if she felt a bit upset that her clips were not shown. she got a bit hot-tempered with lks who was the only one who helped her with her bag. yjs, haha and ysc went to sjh while kjk decided to watch everything from the sidelines. it was after that she went to kjk - may be wanting his attention, wanting him to do things for her. in the next segment, kjk did that. he covered her legs with jsj's jacket.


coming to spartace, kjk has a strong friendship with sjh and loyalty because of them being close colleagues and the firing incident which involved just the two, but never seen any romantic spark. perhaps he looked at her more as a woman in her early years, but down the years, it has been just a close friendship. i feel the spark between kjk and jin young - they have chemistry but i have never felt that between spartace.  kjk's mom said the truth - if they didn't date even after 7-8 years of being close colleagues, then it is not going to happen.  whenever he  has been teased about her in a loveline, he has always been awkward.  sjh has been more active in the loveline than kjk has ever been. The questions about marriage compatibility were raised by sjh during the fortune forecast but kjk just joked he has to be careful about sjh.  even when  haha once said sjh got upset when kjk picked hjy over her, kjk didn't change his stance.  haha has tried to pressurize him many times to choose sjh or date her,  but he hasn't done it. last episode, if he wanted, he could have played sjh's husband, but he didn't. this episode too, when they played the clips and said he was shy, he defended himself. first time, he said he was just awkward. second time, he said "you guys asked me to do it". the third time was him being sweet to her as part of the mission to get everyone on his team, but he couldn't obviously mention that. all he did was compliment her on how pretty she was. it was not about having any feelings for her once upon a time.


anyway, i thought the episode must have had a conflicting kind of concept for kjk and jsm. kjk's supposed role this episode was all about being extra sweet to sjh since the introductory clips were all about spartace. it didn't have anything related to jsm. on the other hand, for jsm, the concept must have meant today she could make a demand to be treated not just as se chan's loveline. she could demand that kjk also should treat her as a woman - sing to her, talk more about her. that is why she was doing things with kjk she normally doesn't do. she went to him asking him not to be quiet, wanted him to sing BGM to her, called out his name during the quiz asking him to comment specifically on her. kjk doesn't do these things to jsm these days because that would be getting in the way of chanmin loveline. but he also understood what she wanted and tried to do as much as possible - sing to her, cover her legs, say cheesy lines. if kjk had picked up sjh and brought her to the chair at the very beginning, i would have seen something there. but if you watched the proceedings, it was after he got penalised by sjh for singing to jsm  claiming he should be singing only to her. so, sjh was asking him to treat her as his loveline for the day.  sjh must have thought since jsm has her loveline, she could also expect kjk to play his part in their loveline. 


i haven't watched the rest of it subbed, but these are my thoughts. anyway, sjh interrupting kjk when he was being sweet to jsm made me realise kjk and jsm both might have professional roles they need to keep in mind when they are on the show. kjk cannot treat jsm differently and jsm also shouldn't demand special attention from kjk. despite all that, they still manage to be sweet to each other. 



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Yeah. Quite sad because they only diss Somin. But if you look at the other side, though they flattered JH, but that's it. Most of the oppas attention were on Somin. Though they complained, they still flattered her (except LKS of course. Haha). When Somin happy with their flattering, they laughed. Real adoration. Different from JH. Yes, they flattered JH, but it stops there. Then the topic rivert back to Somin. First game, it was more lively on Somin part. When it was JH's turn, Somin gained their attention again with KS's hair. Second game, yes they attentived to JH, but their reaction were more lively when it was Somin. Third game, they praised JH, but then talked about Somin who worked hard to find the ballot paper, payed attention to Somin who wrestled with KS. 


So, don't be too upset with how they dissed Somin. It is just for an episode. But in reality, YJS said he knew Somin too well. He knew Somin's favourite triangle kimbap is chicken mayo flavour. JSJ always laugh and enjoy her antiques. Even choose her as his favourite. JK? Well... No need to rehash back all the things that shown how she is his favourite. Haha? The prove that he frequently talk about her outside (Haha PD channel, Byul Channel, MUD) shows how he adores her. LKS and YSC? Well maknae line always close and hangout together. All these are more important than few compliments on an episode of variety show. If anything, it is sadder for JH actually. But we can see the oppas were trying in this ep.

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Umm hi! Long time no see... I've been quite busy with work so I've backed away from writing here hehe still very much on this ship though. Anyway, the recent topic pulls me from my lurking. 


I think teasing Somin about everything she does is part of her character? They always do it and it honestly can be quite comedic. I think it felt weird this time around since it was used often and it differs from the treatment SJH was getting. But to me, it is very obvious it's for gags and that Sominie is loved by her oppas and unnie so I still enjoyed the episode just wished it was toned down a little, especially the talking behind her back bit, it is funny and I get it but the classroom one before the sisters arrived was a lil too much.



With Somin, I will always expect teasing, it will happen next episode when she dances with Blackpink hahaha. Whenever a time comes I see Somin uncomfortable with the teasing then I'll say something, but for now I will not take it to heart since it's work, she's a good sport and can take it, it's part of her variety talent.


I will continue to enjoy our Kookmin, it's kinda of amazing we still get moments even when we don't except anything :D.

I hope Somin asked about the lyrics KJK sang to her, it's a very heart fluttering song. :Please:



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Hello everyone !


Haven't finished watching the episode, but what I feel is that they teased her so much because they know she can take anything and would not be offended. And their treatment of her hasn't changed over the past 3 years; they never fawned over her beauty and always appeared bewildered by her craziness, and often encouraged it.


The major change is how close she has become to Haha and KJK.

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Personally, watching KJK especially during the classroom session, he may looks like he's tired but to me it's more like a worried look. Maybe I'm looking at things too deeply with KookMin shades on.



Before the girls come in, KJK has that worried look instead of joining in the talk amongst the members. Some may say tired, but to me it looks like someone thinking very deeply or worried.



And when Ha Ha and JSJ were saying SJH pretty before she introduced herself, KJK just stare ahead, lost....



And then when everyone trying to hype her school name, he is so not interested.



Compared that to when JSM was in front.


He looks more alert



Even though not clear but he's more relaxed, which speaks of the members easy rapport with JSM, when JSM also said they are more natural with her.



And of course, many people have posted this pic of KJK when JSM did her dance.



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I would like to add some points on @Catch-22's thoughts.


First, about his 'paparazzi' action. I think he is genuinely wanted to take some photos of her, not an action to fawn on her. Because you can see he fiddled with his phone (like he tried to open some apps). You can see the difference of his action taking photos and YJS's action while filming Somin with camera. JK didn't try to attract her attention while YJS otherwise. JK was calm and quiet while YJS, his action was large, loud and over the top. 


Second, after his 'lift JH' stunt. 



This is his face after putting JH down. Look at his face expression. I think you guys will agree with me if I say he was uncomfortable at this moment. If you observe him, he has this tendency to scratch behind his head when he is uncomfortable, restless or feeling hurt (usually because Somin's barb or blunt comments).



After fidgeting several moments, he stood formally like this (hand claps at the front). Most of the times, he tends to stand comfortably (hands in pockets/cross his hands at his chest). Something about that lift stunt made him suddenly behave like this (from what i see, Korean, when they feel guilty, they will stand formal like this). Not saying that he really feels guilty since only he knows what he feels at that time. 


Now, we compare with the next scene. 


This is exactly after he said the cheesy words about Somin being an angel. I would say, he was happy when Somin felt happy with his words. 


Two different reactions to two ladies. Of course it is unfair to compare lifting a girl and saying cheesy word to a girl. But for his case, it is not that he never do that to JH. However, somehow, he was not comfortable with it in this episode. On the other hand, he displayed such a sweet smile just because Somin was happy with his words.


Edit: Forget to include this one



There was this Han Namja who seems happy with the appearence of the 5th member of BP :wub:

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I agree with all the different perspectives about this ep. I think the one thing I didn’t realise I thought about until now was the fact that a lot of the negative comments made about Somin in this ep will be used by the people who often twist anything she does or is said about her. Especially since she was compared to Jihyo a couple times.

That’s probably why this time the teasing that I usually don’t care about bothered me slightly. As always I know the members love her and love focussing on her. I know that Somin wasn’t upset by the teasing so it’s not really a big deal. It’s just that I had very different expectations for this weeks theme.

But on the bright side I expected little to no kookmin and got more than I bargained for . Forgot to say in my previous post that I also loved all the little comments he made about her doing the classroom bit. 

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Lol I for one enjoyed this episode. I get what you mean with the bias but as @kookminclan RunningMan pointed out, this episode looks like it was mostly for SJH. The PD did point out to JSM at the beginning that there was no change in how the members treated her in the beginning compared to now, so the concept was mostly for Sjh obviously. I like how my baby didn't mind anyways and made sure the other male members treated her like the queen she is. When yjs said 'are you trying to kill me' when she smiled, I laughed so hard or when Kwangsoo fainted anytime she did anything.  


Right from her first episode there has always been a clear line that Somin was just the younger troublesome sister and Jihyo the ace beauty. I remember her first episode as a new member, when they had a who is prettier between the two female members question and everyone including Somin chose Jihyo. It was to set a boundary and more like a declaration that she was trying to take anyone's spot and was going to do her thing. It made me upset because why compare but at the end of the day it is what it is. Even in this episode when Jihyo was to come out and they were pretending to be shocked, one of the male members said 'I heard she is prettier than Somin Jeon' or when the captions read the gorgeous beauty and the charming love frog. Both women are beautiful and I don't see why one's beauty must be placed above the other but I guess it isn't as deep to them so I rest my case.


I really thought Spartace would arise this episode and at least stab my Kookmin heart but it's either there is nothing there or I have been blinded by kookmin because I felt nothing lmao. Kookmin were so cute, when he happily told her cheesy things knowing she would melt I died lmao. Or when he sang for her, that was so adorable. 


And Somin deserved all those ballots she got because she really made her oppas work:joy:. She made them all stand up and dance just to greet her, lool. And for all their grumbling, she just had one ballot more than SJH.


I enjoyed all the ships this episode, spartace, chanmin, kookmin, kwangmin, yoomin, Hamin, forbidden couple and Mongdol. 

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20 hours ago, Grumple Lee said:

I agree. The way other member talked bad about “only” Somin really disappointed me...Like.. there are 2 main women, why did they “diss” Somin then flattering Jihyo?


Anyway, some little KookMin moments has saved my mood. Yoo-nim took care of Somin and the “puppy fight” with Kwangsoo also raise the mood.


Don't be disappointed. JSM and SJH are only playing their different roles in RM and it just happens that JSM is responsible for the role of the naughty sister so she has to take on the less flattering side. If anything, actually this episode was meant for SJH, but it turns out more as a tribute to JSM's capabilities/chemistry with the cast than SJH's. :D


19 hours ago, kookminclan RunningMan said:

i watched  only the opening subbed but i feel the episode was set up more for sjh than jsm.  The premise was that the guys used to see sjh more as a woman once upon a time, but that down the years, they see her as one of the boys. so min has only been on the show for 3 years and they still treat her as the maknae. i also don't think jsm's appeal was her beauty in the first place or her being able to make their hearts flutter the moment she met them. kjk himself has said that she grew on him over time - 'the more you see, the more you like' and it must be the same for some of the cast. lks and ysc have always been her friends and the three hang out all the time. kwangmin share the same agency. jsj picked jsm over sjh in the radio interview saying he felt more comfortable around her. yjs does an additional show with jsm. haha and jsm also regularly interact outside the show. i don't need to talk about kookmin - kjk and jsm drink together, he knows what she is watching, he has her book in his house, she was the only member to attend both his concerts last year and be invited to sing on the stage with her. sjh used to hang out more with the cast before but for a few years now, i don't get to hear those stories. so, just get the feeling she has her circle now and while she must be chatting with the members on kakaotalk or phone, i, personally, feel it isn't as it used to be. sjh has become quieter on the show and now that there is another female member, there won't be that special consideration like before - 'she is the only female member'. so i felt it was pd's way of giving her a special episode which has been her fans' demand for a long time.

i wish though that the concept was about treating the two girls as princesses because recovering initial feelings would lead to comparisons and since both women have different charms and sjh has been longer on the show, it is not a fair comparison. i also felt bad to see kjk being penalised for singing to jsm since the  concept was about the men being nice to both the women and not just to sjh.   

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anyway,  i don't think the pd's purpose of the episode was discovering the initial feelings for so min. we should keep that in mind when we see the episode. compared to sjh's clips, so min's were shorter and from the way the guys kept praising sjh while being normal with so min, you can notice they did what they were supposed to do. it is a bit sad but to me, it just means those feelings are still there for jsm. yjs also said that - we treat you the same way we treated you when you first came. jsj also said that 'i don't know about our resolution about jsm, but we may have forgotten our resolution about sjh'.


so i wouldn't go much by the spartace focus which was again clips used romantically when they weren't like that in the first place. for example, kjk calling sjh "pretty jh" was in an episode where he was recruiting members for his team and he was being sugary sweet to everyone on his team.  the guys also know that, but they are exaggerating because spartace used to be a loveline. i didn't find anything weird in jsm's words to kjk away from the camera. i thought it followed the concept of the episode - the guys had to do more to win the favor of the ladies. since kjk hadn't said anything about jsm in the opening other than that she likes episodes where she is the centre, perhaps it was about wanting him to do more. she also addresses him as jong kookah and asks him whether he has anything to say about her entrance during the quiz.  so  i would take 'you shouldn't stay quiet' as not asking him to be more active with sjh, but to be more active with her. if jsm wanted sjh to be treated as kjk's loveline, she wouldn't have asked him to sing her BGM. that is not usual jsm. she doesn't pick kjk even when she can; so i definitely think jsm wanted to be treated as special by kjk.


i do feel kjk was being asked to do more for sjh by the pd because the three clips that were shown to the cast were about spartace. it was haha who was part of the love triangle but only one clip involving him was there. lks has also been quite considerate of sjh during fanmeets, but that was also not shown. ysc also talked about dating sjh in his first episode as a permanent member. that wasn't there either. i believe that is why kjk was also trying to play his role. it was on sjh whom kjk commented in the opening - that she used to be very pretty while the guys were more unsophisticated. he called out  'pretty jh, where are you?' a few minutes later . that is another reason why i believe jsm's words to kjk  soon after wasn't about wanting him to be more active with sjh because he was definitely doing his part.


if kookmin have private conversations, it must be at the parking lot like kjk mentioned in a previous episode or those conversations won't be aired.  towards the end of the episode, kookmin have a conversation by themselves in a corner, but it is not shown and the others also talk to take the focus off them. but the way so min touched kjk and put her arms around him is important.  it is much more casual and intimate than what we have generally seen her doing in front of the cameras. so it shows one can't always base their relationship based on what we see in front of the camera. other things may have been conveyed there than the words. that is my feeling. i also wonder if she felt a bit upset that her clips were not shown. she got a bit hot-tempered with lks who was the only one who helped her with her bag. yjs, haha and ysc went to sjh while kjk decided to watch everything from the sidelines. it was after that she went to kjk - may be wanting his attention, wanting him to do things for her. in the next segment, kjk did that. he covered her legs with jsj's jacket.


coming to spartace, kjk has a strong friendship with sjh and loyalty because of them being close colleagues and the firing incident which involved just the two, but never seen any romantic spark. perhaps he looked at her more as a woman in her early years, but down the years, it has been just a close friendship. i feel the spark between kjk and jin young - they have chemistry but i have never felt that between spartace.  kjk's mom said the truth - if they didn't date even after 7-8 years of being close colleagues, then it is not going to happen.  whenever he  has been teased about her in a loveline, he has always been awkward.  sjh has been more active in the loveline than kjk has ever been. The questions about marriage compatibility were raised by sjh during the fortune forecast but kjk just joked he has to be careful about sjh.  even when  haha once said sjh got upset when kjk picked hjy over her, kjk didn't change his stance.  haha has tried to pressurize him many times to choose sjh or date her,  but he hasn't done it. last episode, if he wanted, he could have played sjh's husband, but he didn't. this episode too, when they played the clips and said he was shy, he defended himself. first time, he said he was just awkward. second time, he said "you guys asked me to do it". the third time was him being sweet to her as part of the mission to get everyone on his team, but he couldn't obviously mention that. all he did was compliment her on how pretty she was. it was not about having any feelings for her once upon a time.


anyway, i thought the episode must have had a conflicting kind of concept for kjk and jsm. kjk's supposed role this episode was all about being extra sweet to sjh since the introductory clips were all about spartace. it didn't have anything related to jsm. on the other hand, for jsm, the concept must have meant today she could make a demand to be treated not just as se chan's loveline. she could demand that kjk also should treat her as a woman - sing to her, talk more about her. that is why she was doing things with kjk she normally doesn't do. she went to him asking him not to be quiet, wanted him to sing BGM to her, called out his name during the quiz asking him to comment specifically on her. kjk doesn't do these things to jsm these days because that would be getting in the way of chanmin loveline. but he also understood what she wanted and tried to do as much as possible - sing to her, cover her legs, say cheesy lines. if kjk had picked up sjh and brought her to the chair at the very beginning, i would have seen something there. but if you watched the proceedings, it was after he got penalised by sjh for singing to jsm  claiming he should be singing only to her. so, sjh was asking him to treat her as his loveline for the day.  sjh must have thought since jsm has her loveline, she could also expect kjk to play his part in their loveline. 


i haven't watched the rest of it subbed, but these are my thoughts. anyway, sjh interrupting kjk when he was being sweet to jsm made me realise kjk and jsm both might have professional roles they need to keep in mind when they are on the show. kjk cannot treat jsm differently and jsm also shouldn't demand special attention from kjk. despite all that, they still manage to be sweet to each other. 




Agreed - it has become very obvious that KJK and even the cast is much closer to JSM than SJH. Guess she really grew on them, especially KJK. Talking a lot outside work, having drinks together.


Perhaps what i felt is very telling is that once cameras supposedly cut, JSM often gravitates to KJK, HH, YSC as seen in the Haha PD youtube video. Even more than that, I noticed how she sort of 'auto' seek out KJK for a chat a lot of times when cameras cut. This speaks volume on how well their friendship is.


While I am hesitant to bet on Kookmin being a romantic couple (if i'm forced to place bets), I still enjoy their chemistry and how close they are. :thumbsup:




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New member here ... can anyone make sure the scene in the classroom (at 53:18 )  when JSM tells about her still likes the scarf even it smelled like spit .. somehow I think the boy she told is KJK..

JSM : one cold winter day, a boy i was interested in took off his scarf and put it around my neck..

JSJ : did it smell like his cologne? JSM : no, it smelled like his spit,but i still like it..

LKS : he was someone who drooled? YSC : what kind of comment is that? KJK : he probably couldn't help but drool when he looked at u ..

HAHA : that's right ,how was he supposed to close his mouth?

JSM : u r the best (pointed to KJK)..

HAHA : it was like royal jelly..



Please.. Anyone who specializes in this matter make sure who the boy is? among the reasons that made me suspect KJK is ..

1 .the boy she is interested in and not her ex-boyfriend ..

2. try to observe KJK's reaction, the way he looks at JSM (  before LKS tried to faint for the fourth time) .. and the sweet thing when he used the  somin's name instead 'you' in the pick-up line and the answer to the JSM question

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Talent For Sale ep 14, time stamp 24:02, JK said he likes the song. Even sang it at his concert. 



He sang this song to her. The fact that he chose to sing the song that he loves to her makes me smile silly. LOL, that oppa has a very nice voice. Any song he sings for sure will make Somin smile. Somin is his fan after all.



It broke his heart a little bit to see her work so hard at the same time he knew it bound to be her who will receive the punishment. PD is very nice to include the part where he searched for the voting paper. He didn't have to since both ladies didn't target him with bomb badge but he still rushed to find it


JK always win the 1st place and Somin always be the last. Both of them are like the main characters in high school drama. The hero is the serious top student who always score the first place in exam. While the heroine is the bubbly happy-go-lucky character who is bad in academic and always get the last place in exam. But the plot usually too cliché. The boy always fall for the girl at the end. Apologize for writing a fiction here :joy: but how kookmin develop is really like a romance drama.


Edited by Berou
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The latest episode is rather interesting. Here is a thing about shaping and protecting the image of Jihyo and Somin. It is not really popularity contest. Jihyo has give Running Man more popularity based on making loveline with Gary then Jong Kook. She has gangster Jihyo and sibling chemistry with Kwangsoo which is rather rough and tough with comedic antics. Jihyo in a way has a persona that you have to please her otherwise she will smack you. The members are trying to build around her to bring comedy and skits to RM. Her most famous was loveline with Gary and Jong Kook. With male guests, she friendzone ever each of them. She is predominately as one of the guys, and gangster Jihyo. In order to create a skit, they have to please her otherwise she will smack them with her strength. Her fans actually like her doing that. I know it is double standard of her fans that Jihyo can only hit others, that Somin cannot do. **eye rolling** 


Somin is a person everyone finds her strange in first place. Even in first time, she didn't have graceful entrance. She had hit the box to break free. Despite her beauty, her quirkiness is caught up easily as first impression. Her remarks and jabs with Jong kook was memorable. Somin is all about personality. She is actually very humble, sensitive, and old soul. Somin is like a mix of Park Na Rae and DoYeon with Kim Tae Hee  and Bae DooNa all together. When members made fun of Somin is because of her persona and engaging personality with quick wits. Remember her quick thinking jab at Jong Kook. it was epic 'rap' battle to burn each other. Somin's sense of humor really wows me. She also create slapstick with Kwangsoo. That made them the most sought after best chemistry and collogues. They were hilarious to watch. Kwangsoo gets really creative with Somin in several ways. That made me think of her as Park Na Rae and DoYeon with humor and elegance. Remember, NaRae and DoYeon were candidate for daesaeng. It seems like the members have to take jabs and skits and all kinds of things for Somin to get an award for herself and for RM as well. She will get attractive offers from other shows to continue her wacky sense of humor and quick wits. Somin's has a beauty and elegance especially as an actress. Like Kim Tae Hee, Lee Young Ae, Kim Hee Sun.. Her portraits from King Kong are elegant and graceful. She debuted first as a model. Now. I also say that Somin has resemblance of Bae DooNa. Both of them could be sisters. Also DooNa is an international star that she often stars in artistic and independent films. DooNa has some kind of haunting artistic soul. That is what Somin has come together with a mix of humour, beauty, and artistic soul. Her quick wits and humour stands out more. That is why members focus on that for her to build persona for RM. 


The whole point I am trying to say is that, the members are protecting both women. They are building their strength, privacy, and substance. Members did a lot for Somin, but for Jihyo, she seems to be at ease to sit back and relax and enjoy the show. She comes in when she has idea to make everyone go wild. Jihyo has an image for RM as a woman of few words. She does have impact but not consistent. Jong kook has similar consistency as Jihyo but he is more talkative and happier and expressive now. Even more than HaHa now. 


The way I see the show, it is more balanced that what others have felt. There are several jabs at Somin, have put me off, but it was for comedic and skits. I remember about Park Na Rae. And how she has to go through these stuff. She knows it but she preserves. She knows it brings contents and comedy that people could relate. 

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