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[Drama 2019] Spring Night, 봄밤


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Thanks @richelle @Chellsee @annamchoi and any others that I forgot to mention for sharing all the clips, photos and other goodies for today's episode!!!:wub::wub::wub:


I haven't commented on Soompi in a while, but this drama is sooooooooooo satisfying to watch that I couldn't resist. I really have no life, the first thing that I check on my phone when I wake up on Wednesdays & Thursdays are updates on Soompi hee hee:lol:.


On a side note: I watched Prison Playbook yesterday for Jung Hae In's storyline and the actor that plays Gi-Seok, Kim Jung Han, and the actor that plays Si-Hoon, Lee Moo Saeng are also in this drama. One Spring Night is like a mini reunion for them lol. But thank goodness, their characters were not related in Prison Playbook, that would have been really weird :blink:.



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I knew it. The episode last night slays it. Bombam is no.1:wub: It was really good that the ratings justify it.


SH and GS are making an ally. Birds of the same feathers flock together lol. GS is thinking he can manipulate JI by using her family. He does not really know her. As JI said he can try to stop her. Once her mind and heart is set, nobody even her family stop her. You go girl:D

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About the kiss scene. I think it done in proper manner. First JH short kiss is like testing a water, will she like it or not, based on her reaction, he kissed her again, this time a little bit deeper. And i still think its in proper manner and suit JH character. He is warm person. So a suddenly passionate kiss in this first step of relationship kinda miss JH character imho:wub:. He just start to show a truly-(himself ) to JI and they can walk slowly from that. I prefer kiss like this than passionate one. Only by holding hands.. i can feel their chemistry ( this an actor & actress acting skill)...if it become passionate kiss i probably will disappointed.

OH i really love this PD nim works! It's bring back to first and most favorite movie "The classic" feels. But thats just my Imho. 

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3 hours ago, thistle said:


Apologies for causing a disturbance in your sense of peace.  :)


Actually, I also find real-life shipping to be questionable and, without a doubt, an invasion of the actor's privacy.  Those are the sort of posts that I find unseemly and uncomfortable and quite salacious.  And I avoid some drama threads because of them. 


I respect the work of actors because they give so much of themselves in a very personal way.  However, it is true that the "real face" of some actors does come through in their roles.  I have known enough actors to be aware of this; it is not true of every actor but it is the case with some.  So when I see someone repeatedly playing the same sort of character, I question whether this is talent or reality.  It is not unreasonable to wonder.


4 As with when we meet people in real life, sometimes the "people" we meet in dramas can be off-putting.  For me, Kim Joon Han is one of those people.  To be fair, I also distinctly disliked Robin Williams who also gave off (as far as I was concerned) an extremely creepy air no matter what role he played and I wouldn't have wanted to be in a small space alone with him either. 


3. In any case, I hardly think that the dislike of one small-town non-entity like me is causing anyone to lose sleep, much less lose work--so your statement on that is just a tad unfair.



2. The profession must bow to at least some of what the audience wants, and in this case it is not disrespect but a desire to see more realism.  Few things are more of a wet blanket than have to watch "wall kisses" in a romantic drama.


.1..............anyway, I'd rather discuss our drama than be called unnecessarily onto the carpet for my views.  That indeed is distracting and not nice and it is extremely far from the point.  Please do not do this again.


1- I'm not calling anyone on the carpet.  That would indicate more of an investment than I have.  Carpet calling energy is reserved for folks I know in the world, and I would do that in private. I wasn't call you out, I was just disagreeing.

I do believe that young actors, particularly, find it difficult to find the deep well of humanity in the "villainous" roles for fear of people hyper-identifying  the real them with the villains. And I think comments like that just feeds their caution. Lots of American actors who play soap opera villains have stories of folks attacking them verbally or physically on the street for things their characters do.


One of the best, and most disturbing piece of acting I've seen in Kdrama is Jung Woong-In in I Can Hear Your Voice.  I'm not saying there hasn't been more "human" villains in drama, just that I haven't seen them since I studiously avoid watching cruelty, torture, and violence.  That rom-com sucked me in.


2- Personally I don't think that the drama has to bow to what "the audience wants" because really the audience is not alway unanimous if what it want #shippingwar :crazy:. I think the actors are obligated to deliver as much physical intimacy as is required for the story to be told fully. I'm not sure about SKorea, but it the US actors contract enumerate how much skin, how often, how much touching, kissing, simulating they are required to do the role--especially established actors.  Even with a good contract it doesn't mean it is always a good or safe experience for actors to do that kind of work.

When a kiss is needed it should be done, and done well.  There is one SKorean actress and one Japanese actor that I wish would stop accepting romantic lead roles because they seem unwilling or incapable to create realistic romantic intimacy on screen. 


Much of the clamoring I read for physical intimacy, seems less about serving the story and more about, well . . . whatever:blink:


Personally I thought the kissing was beautiful done,  The first short soft kiss checked whether physical intimacy was welcomed, the second acting on the welcome. That interaction and Her Secret Life  has been great about modeling consent in intimacy, something Kdrama is not always good at doing.


3. I don't think small town matter and viewers are viewers and no one is a "non-entity".  I don't know any human beings who are non-entities, and I'm assuming you are not a bot.  Every viewer counts. The only way you might not matter is if you aren't able to consider using NH Bank or can't be persuaded to drink  Ediya coffee.


4. This is the 1st time I'm seeing Kim Joon Han's work so I have no opinions of him except for GS.  I tend not to be interested in meeting actors or any artist whose work I like because I wouldn't have any idea what to talk about.  I never got creepy for Robin Williams, but I understand your feeling.  I"m never wanted to meet artist with a capital "A" because I figure their intensity would be intimidating.  Sometimes I see them on interviews and I am "Whoa". Prince, love his work, but never was interested in a one and one--he seemed like he wouldn't suffer fools, and most everyone not working on his plane would seem like a fool.


3 hours ago, Kooslee said:

When they zoomed in the back of a woman's head near the end, I thought it was Eun-woo's mom and readied to curse at the screen. Why can we bask in happiness for awhile? Aigooo!


You may be right, but kdrama loves doing point of view shots, behind tree, around a corner,  and 99% of the time there is no one there that has an impact on the story.

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4 hours ago, richelle said:

I knew it. The episode last night slays it. Bombam is no.1:wub: It was really good that the ratings justify it.


SH and GS are making an ally. Birds of the same feathers flock together lol. GS is thinking he can manipulate JI by using her family. He does not really know her. As JI said he can try to stop her. Once her mind and heart is set, nobody even her family stop her. You go girl:D

And this is what worries me.

1. GS was described as having a short fuse and a temper by different people. Furthermore, we saw two scenes where GS barely hold himself and showed a violent tendency: the exchange in the hallway and in the episode 9, where he put his hands on her shoulders and shakes JI a little. Furthermore the way he screamed in the car out of frustration showed that he could barely contain his anger and frustration.

2. SH and GS are both liars and manipulators. SH has no problem to let people think that he is doing very well as a dentist. The truth is that even if he changes the office, he won't be able to have more clients as his major flaw is his arrogance. Besides, I sense that the owner of the new office where he wants to move in decided to sell it because he wasn't doing well financially. It has been said that it is difficult for dentists and doctors to make a profit. LTH, JI's father, is not a businessman (see the book he read), hence he is clueless... Recommending to move to a chic district is not the way to have more clients, especially if there are so many dentist offices. His wife seems to be more level-headed. As conclusion, SH has no remorse to lie to his in-laws in order to create the illusion that his marriage is fine. 

GS is not different. He lies to his father, his friends and his colleagues and lets them think that there is no problem as well. Right now, his friend from the band called him because he thought, his girlfriend was cheating on him. There is no coincidence that GS went there in a fury. We clearly saw another dark side of GS, when he used his position in order to threaten HS. Friends are not important, he should support GS and cut ties with JH.

3. Both keep saying empty promises: "I'll change", "I'll make you the happiest woman on earth", while in reality they see no reason why they should change. They are not able to reflect on their own behavior as they don't listen to their counterpart. LSI warns him that by refusing to sign the divorce papers, she will hate him more and more. JI still shows respect towards GS but at some point, she will come to hate him. Since both are in denial, they will be pushed until a huge scandal appears: at some point, I can imagine that LSI will file for a divorce suit if she has no other means and the consequences will be that SH's career and reputation will be ruined forever. 


I guess, JI and JH will go to his parents' workplace in order to continue their date due to GS who appeared there to make a scene. One of JI's countermeasures against GS will be to meet JH's friends and colleagues more openly and let her friend YJ come with her. She wants to show to people that she is doing nothing wrong, she lets people know that GS and her are over.

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7 hours ago, richelle said:

Reason why JI's front place is near a busy street is because of the PPL for NH bank. Have you seen the ATM at the front. 


Oh man does that mean I have to watch the credits now to see if it is a sponsor? That's the OCD in me coming out. No not OCD curiosity. And no totally did not notice the tablecloth. What tablecloth? There was a tablecloth? I just noticed the cups.  And I keep wondering if 2 customers just order 2 drinks each where would the profit be. 


But the absolute honest truth? As long as it's not $^#£@€= Subway or Quiznos I don't care about any decor or location. And what truly bugs me?? When they have a sip and it's super obvious the cup is EMPTY!!!

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Thank you all( sorry, I cant name all of you)  for the goodies!! from bts, gifs articles insights thoughts views opinions! love reading them all..:) & Welcome to all NEWBIES! welcome to our humble abode.:)


episode 9 was all about confessions revelations letting go of the past and welcoming of  a new beginning.and following the heart.


my thoughts:

**JH/GS convo..made me realized one thing GS has no respect for JH from the start, and he always has belitted him because of his being a single dad..from the moment he knew of that fact, GS he became judgemental of that, how can he easily assumed that nobody will like him bec of his having a son and yet not married.JH made him known that he knew all along that he disrespects him all this time because of his past. I dont why GS is so earger to used that past against him!? He'll use that fact  to disgrace and humiliate JH, will it bring back JI to him?! suree , it will not.GS was born into rich and privelged but I feel he is not educated enough, no manners, judgrmental direspectful .GS really annoys me now.


**Seo In confirmed to be pregnant,, I hope she will find a way soon on how to make him divorce her, before he can even now that a baby is on h the way .its a definite that she will find it hard for SH to divorce her, SH will be so clingy and the more he will hold into  and use her because of the baby.I hope in time, SH will punish accordingly and suffer the consequence he truly deserves! 

I like how Seo in really loves her sisters, admist her own problems, she still has warmest of heart to assure JI that to follow her heart in wharever she is going through.same love and care for Jae in too  .


**Its not a mistake! I have feelings for JH! 

JI re affirming his love for JH.. is an confesssion that finally she found true love and happiness! whch she  never felt with GS in the 4years of being together. she has enough of GS toying with  her feelings ( JI being abused enotionally) she has enough of being GS too confident of them not breaking up and be forever together..JI has enough of a relationship , a love  that had been long gone..4 wasted years of being with a person who used you for his own sake not because of his love for her, which I truly believe there isnt at all.

I find it ironic that GS is trying to mend the relationship where he couldnt have done ages ago.but why now, when JI had fallen out of love? He never did once showed his sincerety in this relationship and I  think JI became a rebound after his dad disliking of him as a musician.He never loved or cares for JH! shes just a punching bag that whenever he is in a bad mood, he turns to her..one thing more Im also astounded for the fact he belittles JH so much that he cant believe that JI will fall in love with a guy like him? why!? because the issue of JH being a single dad?freaking issue right!? that bothers GS too much? his pride and ego bruised! 

What GS doesnt realized is that heart and feeelings changes overtime! and he stop using JH's being single dad to descrimanate him nor humiliate him



JI will be forever and the last girl in his life! what a statement from a man who is truly want a lifetime commitment with a girl who he wants to spend his life with.through MARRIAGE.

He had truly deeply fallen in love with JI..he took him six long years to finally meet a girl whom ge sees himself of settling down..He will fight and protect JI all the way and all his might.comes with it that JH wont give way to his own mom's request but follow his heart.

What do you us to be?" Ill turn it that way" in every way? YES! ( SQUEALING ME!) JH would give the world thw the to her!


** JI Im in trouble

She confessing I love you JH! he a cry baby at such couldnt believe that finally the girl is his for real!.love how JI has accepted everything about him including Eun-U whic really matter most with JH..


**  JH mom should accept and support his decision following his heart and not but anyone else.. I think mom should get together with JI, to know her better so that her presumed personality of JI will change after meeting her.Dad on the other  hand, I know will supoort JH despite his worrying over Eun-U which is understandable.


**GS Dad

I dont know, if he truly sincere when he said JI is too good for his son!? what does it mean!? SOMEONE!? 


**JI Mom/Dad

Like all moms out there, I feel that with her daughters having troubles on thier own, I think, She will always be there in time of need supporting and guiding them .assuring them of no matter what happens,Im just  here! 

Dad ,I hope could be more understanding supporting instead of meadling in his daughters lives.





I dont think he is sincere of being friends with Hyeon Su or JH  after what happened! He will always and forever be a jerk!& I hope he stops using JH's  past to des credit him  .


**Ms Wang

love her being so supportive and advisor to JH, reminding him of he deserves some happiness inspite of his past!



Love the HUGS & KISSES..hope to see more of these in the future episides! and bonding moments between JI & Eun-U ❤️

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About the comment on audience wanting deeper kissing scenes which may be disrespectful to actors, well what I can say is that kissing is also part of their acting. Acting workshops in a big entertainment network in my country includes kissing scenes workshops. The kissing scenes should be in accordance to what the characters feel in the drama. First kiss tends to be hesitant while deeper kisses will be needed when leads are falling deeply in love with each other. Actors and actresses are aware if they are required by the role to kiss. It's up to them to negotiate with the director if they don't want to do it or suggest some ways to make them comfortable doing the intimate scenes. 


The kissing scenes in the drama are okay and in accordance with their status. So for now I won't expect deeper kisses but maybe soon. :P:lol:

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Yesterday's episode was beautiful. High points for me were when JH stood up for himself and his feelings for JI in front of GS. As a character he seems so drunk in his own superiority that he does not see why JI and JH makes sense and why JI would leave him for JH. The break up is not an issue for him, the fact that JI now likes a man he looked down upon is a sore point for him.


Another favorite is JI's sudden confession of her love. I was surprised and surely JH was too and mostly he did not seem to believe it himself. However I like the fact that his face now shines with the confidence that JI's confession has given him. I love how he said the 'endgame'. 


I am rooting for these two beautiful souls to start a life together, married or not, with Eun-U. 

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I doubt that LSI's mother has realized that her daughter has been abused by her husband. She saw SH showing disrespect towards LSI but that was it. I am quite sure that once she hears that JH is a single father, the mother will have some doubts. However, I sense that once LSI's family gets aware of her true situation (the abuse), the mother will side with JI. SH's social background looked fine on the paper and it is the same with GS. Both were or are considered as good marriage candidate based on their social background. They look fine on the paper but they are terrible as men. The personality is much more important than anything else.


GS's father is a little more intelligent than his son. He knew that GS couldn't put JI under pressure hence he told the father that the couple just needed some time. He was definitely helping his son. Like he said it before, it won't be easy to get her. So he knew that cornering JI is actually counter-productive.


Due to the 4 years, where he abused her emotionally (the threads of breaking up, the disrespect he showed to her and as apology, he tried to act nice the next day), GS thought that he could do whatever he wanted with her. Actually, his behavior reminds me a lot of the behavior of an abusive husband. JI allowed him because she had no real reason to fight against him which created a false image of JI in GS's mind. As conclusion, GS doesn't know JI at all. First he has not even imagined that JI would dare to say to his father, she wouldn't marry him (GS). Secondly, he thought that by acting like everything was fine, the truth wouldn't be revealed. He didn't even anticipate that JI would reveal the break up and even announce that she likes someone else. That's why he thought that he could act as if they were still in a relationship. Deep down, he imagined that JI wouldn't dare to date JH so openly, admit her feelings to a man who is a single father. 


Now, the contrast between JH and GS is even more striking. The former saw JI's true personality right from the start: she was daring, open-minded and even kind to her son. She was not afraid of scolding him, if he did something wrong to Eun-Woo. She never tried to hide her flaws, just like JH. Both had nothing to lose in the end. This allowed them to be honest to each other and even listen to their counterpart. JH respects JI so much that he asked her what she wanted in their relationship. I liked how he kissed her, he wanted to make sure that she was fine with it, especially after she had told him that she was happy with their relationship right now. Finally, when JI wanted to talk to GS at the end, he stopped her and showed her that as her new boyfriend, he is now responsible for her. He won't let her remain close to that "jerk" and ensure that she doesn't see him any longer. Furthermore, it only took JH a few months to decide that marriage will be the endgame. JI already has this in her mind as well. She wants a warmhearted man as husband. They are both on the same page.


On the other hand, GS never had in his mind to marry JI in the first place. He knew that his father wouldn't like JI hence he never introduced her to him. Besides, when he proposed to her (episode 1), he did it out of comfort. He wanted to make his life easier. Later, his point was that they had been together for 4 years that's why they had to marry. Comfort and time were the reasons why he proposed the marriage. Now, he has two new points: his father's approval and JI's savior. Since she is about to commit a huge mistake in her life, he needs to save her from ruining her life. As you can see, love is never the reason why she should marry him. He never said that he loves her. He only mentioned love once: "Let's love each other more". Striking is that JI has not reproached GS yet that he never loved her. She only said that if he really cared about her, then he should respect her feelings and her wishes. With these words, she asked GS to prove that he indeed loves her.


JI was right: when they started dating, they never thought about marriage and now, with JH it is different. Both are already thinking about marriage.  



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1 hour ago, lu09 said:

@Chellsee Looks like from the stills, SI will talk to JI. Good job SI:).

In my opinion, the conversation will take place after LSI met GS who told her that JH was a single father. After hearing this, LSI is able to confide to her sister. The latter will show her support telling her that there is nothing wrong being a single mother.

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It seems that SI will tell the JI that she is pregnant. She needs someone who can be on her side and will support her. Especially at this point that her scumbag husband is playing hard to get on their divorce.


JI likes to show to everyone that she and JH are dating and there's nothing wrong. If GS still clings to her then it is his fault for not accepting the truth. Can't wait for the episode tonight. Little France/Paris is also one of their sponsors. I think JI and JH's long trip date will be there. I am hoping:wub:


Food truck for both from their endorsements:wub:



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