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[Drama 2018-2019] Encounter / Boyfriend, 남자친구

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Just had my lunch so im gonna watch ep12 now lolz


I love how CSH tears up everytime he sees KJH - hongjaedong painting scene, when she declared they were in some relationship, restaurant in cuba, terrace scene during year end party. Not sure if there are other scenes like this..


And when she said that she was happy... You can just feel it in you!!!!

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4 hours ago, Glycie Manongsong said:

Chingus, what do you think about Woo Suk's uncle the former teacher and the hotel's director who convinced Soohyun's father for the wedding of  WS and SH? He emphasized that he convinced SH' s father because he knew that WS is a different person than that of his mother and father. He is telling WS that the hotel is a No-NO for him since this hotel is loved by SH very much.  


I think he will be a great help in the next episodes when the battle begins about who will own the hotel. Coz I think this scene will not be probably given an emphasis if this won't have n connection to the remaining episodes.

Sorry for cutting your post, but this, this right here is what struck me the most in episode 11.


Since episode 1, all we have heard from Evil Mammy and the Wanna-be evil mammy is that had it not been for them, CSH's father wouldn't be the head of his party. Had it not been for them, CSH wouldn't have been able to enter such a prestigious family, but now we know that this was their doing. I believe JWS saw CSH in a magazine, or on television and became somewhat of a fanboy of her. Then the arrangement began. His family threw money at her family to get their kids to marry. However, CSH's father had reservations about it. 


The uncle said that he HAD TO MAKE PROMISES TO HER FATHER. He had to convince them that CSH would be protected and cared for. The uncle was upset that JWS did not do what was promised. So, in essence, that divorce contract is technically invalid. The promise or contract made before marriage was broken by JWS, so this idea that CSH owes that family anything is preposterous! Moreover, now that JWS has entered the hotel business and has made himself co-CEO with these new shares, the other shareholders will care nothing about his Taeyeoung affiliation, especially if it goes against that bottom line. Now, his evil mammy can't sabotage the hotel, because her son has attached himself to it. JWS really is dumb. Stick to what you are good at. Clearly this isn't it. In fact, what does he do? All we see him doing is professionally stalking his ex-wife.

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41 minutes ago, stroppyse said:

The power play that her ex-MIL instigated so that SH would be seen to still be obedient despite the divorce, and thereby reaffirming her position yet again, even in this issue, especially since Chairwoman Kim is planning on kicking SH to the curb afterward is just a mean and nasty ploy to belittle SH and her family. Of course, no one but Chairwoman Kim and WS fully appreciate that. And, though WS is aware of his mother's plans, especially since his mother specifically told him that while she would never accept SH as her DIL again, that she still wanted SH to be seeing bowing before her will, WS does nothing to try to protect SH. Rather, he's still hoping for the best that when he finally wins SH over again (can we say he is so delusional now?), that his mother will accept her again.


Anyway, on SH's side, she is being encouraged to be conciliatory to her MIL this once, for the sake of the hotel, for the sake of her father's career. And, of course the memorial day for WS' father

@stroppyse If SH play her cards right she could get out of alot of the agreements of her divorce and get money out of it.. To really embarass the Ex-MIL and WS is to take her new man with her to such function for all to see as they appear of the front headlines of the paper.. Her divorce agreenment said she must attend it didn't say she couldn't attend with someone.. This would put the evil lady in her place thinking she still runs things and wanting the world to know she controls SH and family.. 




She thinks she's going to control Dad with the election by offering him the presidency if SH gives up her share of the hotel business.. She's in for a rude awakening because once she realizes thats not happening she'll try and detroy the party that he represent but he already has a back up plan.. SH mom might stroke out when she learns it's her husband also whom turned his back on the president position which is why she never became the first lady all for his daughter happiness..

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3 hours ago, thesunset said:

Episode 12: Netizen’s Reaction

7. [+107
This couple is so touching. They could only fall for each other because they are that way! Seriously, there's no exit in this drama!


Source: melohwa.blogspot.com


We're in trouble, two more weeks and there's absolutely no exit from this Encounter. 




@ahdrianaa will be so much fun talking bout this drama over soju and snack :rolleyes:.. i wrote next week, it should be next 2 week, right after the last episode :tears::tears:

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52 minutes ago, nubianlegalmind said:

Sorry for cutting your post, but this, this right here is what struck me the most in episode 11.


Since episode 1, all we have heard from Evil Mammy and the Wanna-be evil mammy is that had it not been for them, CSH's father wouldn't be the head of his party. Had it not been for them, CSH wouldn't have been able to enter such a prestigious family, but now we know that this was their doing. I believe JWS saw CSH in a magazine, or on television and became somewhat of a fanboy of her. Then the arrangement began. His family threw money at her family to get their kids to marry. However, CSH's father had reservations about it. 


The uncle said that he HAD TO MAKE PROMISES TO HER FATHER. He had to convince them that CSH would be protected and cared for. The uncle was upset that JWS did not do what was promised. So, in essence, that divorce contract is technically invalid. The promise or contract made before marriage was broken by JWS, so this idea that CSH owes that family anything is preposterous! Moreover, now that JWS has entered the hotel business and has made himself co-CEO with these new shares, the other shareholders will care nothing about his Taeyeoung affiliation, especially if it goes against that bottom line. Now, his evil mammy can't sabotage the hotel, because her son has attached himself to it. JWS really is dumb. Stick to what you are good at. Clearly this isn't it. In fact, what does he do? All we see him doing is professionally stalking his ex-wife.

I think in the first place , TG doesn't want to sabotage the hotel but to reclaim the hotel again since it was always said by WS to DC that it is the face of their business and it prospered already.                                    Seeing the conversation of MIL and XH in episode 12, they don't connive with what purpose they have. WS needs to be in the hotel because of his unilateral feeling with SH. He clearly stated that he needed the hotel to be with SH always.  MIL needs the hotel because she just wants it back because it prospered already and not in the bankrupt status. She clearly emphasized that she would never allow SH in their house again. Inviting to house because of FIL DA is just to test the tide between them and, SH.                              

I agree he just needs to move on.          One thing for sure the Battle is now ON since Jang Biseo is the one who attends the event.  Brace up KJH and CSH. Our grape and peach. 

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@ahdrianaa: That is for Seoul Metropolitan


Ratings went up a bit...still something to be happy about! Again I say to say this...this is high for a cable TV program!


Nationwide: 7.623%

Seoul Metropolitan: 9.630%





It's interesting to note that Boyfriend reruns are in the Top 10 Nationwide...5th and 6th!





For Seoul Metropolitan, reruns are also in the Top 10, 5th, 7th, and 8th!

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2 hours ago, Glycie Manongsong said:

It is also amazing how he carries himself whenever JWS is around. He shows confidence, bravery and sincerity. Even a mighty king will give in when he sees ones sincerity. Like how Samuel harabochi saw it in JH. 


I think JWS will have a change of heart in the coming episodes because of the sincerity he is seeing in the couple. It is the sincerity that will matter.

@Glycie Manongsong  I have to agree with you in ths WS will give up because he could never stand up fully to his mom for her.. At some point he will cowardly stand behind the scenes and watch how is mom will humiliate her especially after knowing she has or had someone else in her heart and willingly gave her full attention to him knowing her son was still pinning for her.. Mom would feel she needs to punish SH and family just on GP no matter how many girls that WS was seen with before there was another man for her. She'll even go as far as to try and punish him and his family.. She has to be seen to others as the almighty..


This is why I say she needs to be bold and show her man off since Ex Mil wants to hold her to stipulation of the divorce to embarss her she can also make them look even more embarassed by bring him along with her..  Ex MIl always like to have reporters around for all to see how the Ex DIL still involved supposedly with the family bringing the new man along will be like killing three birds with one stone.. Which she invites a slew of reporters to a memorial for a man thats been dead for years.. ( they don't even invite reporters to celebrities memorial after they been dead for a while) He don't even have to go in and wait outside the reporters would be there anyway to take pictures as they get out of the car.. And for the kicker it would be fun to watch him plant a nice kiss on her n front of all the reporters to make sure it reaches front page headlines.. It's nothing the old witch can do about it because she's not in violations of the divorce agreenent.. Nor in the agreenent were it says that she can't see anyone.. This would teach the old bat a lesson and if she tries anything funny she can be sued also..  


It's time for Mom and son be taught a lesson that the world don't evolve around them

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Just finished episode 12 and I’ve been hit by this strange feeling of melancholy. I don’t know why. Anybody else feeling this way? I feel like the episode had an overall sad tone. May be we’ve been spoiled by sunny Cuba too much?


I can’t believe we only have 4 episodes left! I feel like there’s still so much story tell but at the same time I can’t take of any new plotline (for a second season, which is next to impossible LOL).


Help. I can’t let go of Jinsoo just yet :bawling:


And having no preview for next week certainly didn’t help


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23 minutes ago, charlieblue17 said:

Ep12 thoughts


WS is a jerk and a coward.

I love JH for calling him out on it: hurting the person you allegedly love for personal gain is no love at all. This time it was clear that WS did not protect SH from the machinations of his mother after the divorce simply because it suited him. He gets to control her comings and goings and still see himself that the good guy. WS pays lips service to the she should not be forced to attend the family event position, but then happily sits and waits for her to show up.  Hypocritical to the max.  And the fact that he used JH's help in the Cuba as an excuse to get his way makes him a snake of the lowest order. I wonder how he convinced his uncle to vote for him. I bet it was nonsense about him protecting her from his mother. Must have pulled a fancy act there.

Still the truth remains: WS's world revolves around exactly one person - WS. ('SH is what I need' says it all).


I was initially kind of mad at JH too, for doing stuff behind SH's back. But then I thought more about it and got to understand it a little. His way of protecting her is lowering her burden, as much as he can. Instead of forcing her to chose, he lowered the stakes. His job is to make sure that she takes care of herself, eats and sleeps well. Beyond that, he trusts her to sort out her own issues. And that is kind of cool.


As usual, I love the reciprocity of their relationship - last episode he said I love you and made one huge step in committing to their relationship. Now she does the same. He may be working behind the scenes trying to protect her other love, but she steps center stage and choses him over everything else. No wonder the poor boy is a goner.


Really looking forward to SH + Kim family fun. Once they got past the initial awkward phase I hope they get to see how adorable she is, and how happy the two of them are together. Looks like dad is already fully on board, but mum will need some more convincing. I hope she gets to see SH - the lonely kid deprived of motherly affection, and that it proves enough to trigger her caring instincts. But for now, give the poor girl some proper homemade food! And some soju since I doubt any being in existence can resist the adorability of drunk SH.


Your post made me cry.  Here.  In this public transportation. On my way to work.  I had to act like my eyes got something while wiping the tears away. 


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