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[Drama 2018] My Mister, 나의 아저씨 - Best Drama at 2019 (55th) BaekSang Arts Awards

Go Seung Ji

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Can I just say something? Still watching episode 8, but just wanted to pop in and share this.


The first eight minutes of episode 8 are the best 8 minutes of K Drama I've ever watched!


Every minute, every word was so powerful, they didn't waste a moment. It's like what @timidjock0819 said, the criticism must be forcing the writer and PD to come up with the most creative, original ways of falling in love.


I felt like I was reading "Structural Engineer's Guide to Zen and the Way of Life." It was unexpectedly and yet deeply powerful.


After all, isn't life a struggle between internal and external forces? In Dong Hoon's words, it's not heaven but hell.


The struggle inside ourselves, about who we really are. And then expectations of who we are and are supposed to be.


The family and friends that make our internal pillars in life -- or destroy them.


The monk's choice to let go of struggle. To know what it's like to have nothing. To want nothing.


Because when you want things, you have to keep trying to prove yourself to others. It's exhausting.


And even if you get what you want, if the things that made you you start to crumble, it's impossible to withstand it. Like a house collapsing on the inside. The restaurant with the cracks, that's Dong Hoon right there.





<dramatic pause for a moment to let that sink in>


I loved the little jokes - like Dong Hoon correcting Jian's arithmetic "It's 30,000, not 3,000" HAHA


I feel like I could watch this scene a thousand times. The long take of them walking in the dark, ramshackle alley, interrupted only by the backdrop of the city's silent lights listening in. Ending with Jian's "Fighting." Telling him even if you feel like your internal pillars are crumbling -- there's someone out there still rooting for you.


Dong Hoon's stunned expression. That Ji An understands what he's going through. That maybe he's not as alone as he thought.


My only worry - when he finds out that she was wiretapping him and trying to take him down....which Ji An will he believe in?




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Random thoughts:


1. Joon-Young, you suck. I think I say that every week, but really, you s.u.c.k.


How dare you ruin this for everyone! You are a bad boy.


He's asking Ji-An to do exactly what she's already been doing. Hanging out with him, eating and drinking with him. He explicitly instructs her to form a bond with him. She is doing that already, and it means the world to her. How dare you pervert it, you sleaze.


Not throwing herself at him naked, that won't work with Park Dong-Hoon. (He knows Dong-Hoon so well. Joon-Young, are you in love with Dong-Hoon?)


This precious connection she's already formed with him, he wants her to sell that out. He even pays her in advance.


Oh, Ji-An, what a dilemma.


2. I think Yoon-Hee and Joon-Young's breakup was supposed to be more impactful than it actually was. Oh, he's been a sad, insecure wannabe all his life, and she is embarrassed she ever liked him. (Well, yeah.) And oh, she's crying.


Uh, I don't know. I don't care?


3. I enjoyed the corporate shenanigans, for once. Despite Dong-Hoon's history of not-brown-nosing or politicking, his sheer excellence puts him on the candidate list. Skill and hard work is acknowledged? What? Well, that's just nice to see.


Okay, right, he's still a political pawn, but his stellar performance was still a strong factor!


4. So Jung-Hee was in love with the monk. Well, that is rough.


I loved the three brothers' kindness when pretending they're walking her home after they found out that she still lives above the bar.


5. Soju bombs is my daddy's special talent. A+ from the teacher.


Also, Ji-Seok exists! And he's really cute and bright! His parents' broken marriage has not sullied him yet!


6. After all that, Dong-Hoon still buys porridge for Yoon-Hee. To help her recover from her grief of breaking up with her extramarital lover. Goodness, he is something else.


7. And my biggest takeaway from Ep.8:


2 hours ago, mujay said:

It's just me who have feeling Jian will end her live to save everyone who she treasured??

The line belong to her is "she born in the wrong world, she must find where is she belong to and be a peace"

:cry: oh no..no writernim don't ever have this idea please.

Her presence itself enough to crunch me, let's be nice with her even just in the story:cry:..jebal.


Remember how DH told Jung-Hee about this later, and how she replied? Her answer was that to find a home, she needed to give someone love wholeheartedly.


So anyway, you know how I've been saying that this story was a more profound connection than conventional love? And I was happy with this wonderful, platonic connection they had?


Yeah, I take that back. This is a straight-up, heart-pounding LOVE STORY. I demand lush, swelling music and epic smooches.


8. Gwang-Il was practically crying watching JA gaze at DH as he was nerding out about building structure. OMG!


9. Ki-Hoon and Yu-Ra. OMG! They're like two fragile baby bunnies.

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10 hours ago, bedifferent said:


Oh yeahhh, Yoon Hee does give her money too. I guess I was referring to the scene in the bar the morning where Jung Hee gave Mom money for taking care of her and the place.  Love how caring everyone is toward each other with no need to take credit for the acts.  Thanks for pointing it out.


What happened to the monk?  Jung Hee's carefree life is in contrast with his disciplined one.  @maryofbethany  Thailand is known for its temples (the sheer number of it). 'Ya think she went there to escape or to learn more about his way of life? :lol:  I'm starting another loveline here.


Re: drinking scene between DH and JA, I can't help but be impressed with her alcohol tolerance, that beer mug dwarfs her face! 

Sorry  sorry. I have been to Thailand for her Sun and beaches and shopping.  So its rather easy for me to think sexy Noona JungHee was there for spiritual cleansing. Haha. U may be right too. She may want to understand what's behind his spiritual changes or may want some realisation herself. 

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Ep.9 text preview - translated:


After Joon-Young suggests to Ji-An to deliberately approach Dong-Hoon, she follows Dong-Hoon after work.


Dong-Hoon tells his brothers that he is a candidate for Executive Director, and this news spreads quickly throughout the entire neighborhood, and everyone is excited as if it is happening to them.


But Executive Director Yoon begins to move, trying to block Dong-Hoon from becoming Executive Director.


"Park Dong-Hoon... Park Dong-Hoon... Park Dong-Hoon..."


Kwang-Il's friend Jong-Soo confirms Dong-Hoon's name, and remembers him...

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7 hours ago, bedifferent said:

..........."In recent years, the word [“ajeossi”] seems to have come to have a negative meaning, making me wonder why. Through the drama, I hope to redefine the word and change its image,” Kim said. 

"Kim also said the character played by Lee Sun-kyun, Lee Ji-eun’s “ajeossi,” is a reflection of himself"

This conversation with the producer is very interesting. Especially that he sees PDH as a reflection of himself (I guess he kind of thinks of himself as a Buddhist saint :innocent:.      And, I think by  "ajeossi" having come to have a negative meaning -  he may mean it is not cool to be an ajeossi, that means a stale, frumpy, leftover (or something like that.   So if he sees PDH as being himself and wants to make an ajeossi a person of wisdom, restraint, inner strength, cool again.


I don't know how the romantic situation will work out.  It depends. I think there is an attraction, probably from the start. PDH was drawn to her even if she at first saw him as prey.    But I do think he has been sublimating that attraction, I don't think he has allowed it to raise to the surface. What we see, what his brothers see, he does not see........ yet.  But what will he do when he sees himself and how he is also encouraging her, and she is becoming attached?  No doubt, the producer is projecting himself as he admits, but how much will he admit to? How far will he go with this?  It is a challenge.  I will have to judge this drama as the  partial fantasy of a man of a certain age.  Has he created the dark, suffering JiAn as a symbolic way of giving a path of desire between an aejeossi and a very young woman?


@maryofbethany wrote:


A, my JA went to confront the thug, (that hunk loanshark. after to her horror, pieiced everythting togehter and realised that Loanshark GI went and made contact with DH with malice. so she went right into the tiger den and confront GI. loved how she was again fearless to protect someone she teasured. be it love or no loveline. she indeed esteemed DH in high regards, he is indeed somoene worth her going to the Lion Den for. i will find times to write something for My JA.  whatever GI has for JA, even if its affection, definitely it is, its way too warp, creepy and twisted, possessive in almost reaching dangerous level. JA definitely deserved someone better than GI, so by now i cannot forsee any relationship in near future between a 'repented' GI and JA.

It really does take nerves of steel for her to go into the lions den as you say.  I also agree that whatever ther "attraction" it isn't really affection, but warped and twisted.  She did kill his father, rightly or wrongly.  Even more difficult than a 20+ yr. difference in age would be a relationship between a man and woman who killed his father.   He wants power to control her and keep her imprisoned under his thumb. I do not think he will ever fully get over it, and let her go except and until she has a very powerful male protector.  That is his fear, I think. That she is going to get power, and extricate herself from his grasp.

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7 hours ago, bedifferent said:

To fend off possible criticism, the production team has paid extra attention to self-censoring some of the more provocative scenes.

Omg what scenes?!! I’m dying to know haha I wish they didn’t self censor!!


Interesting how YH goes into a depression after break up and says how am I gonna go on? Maybe it’s cause of humiliation or because the affair was the only

thing that made her boring and mundane life worthwhile. DH, when walking with JA, talks about the monk and scene pans to pic of his kid and wife while talking about reaching point in life achieving everything you’re expected to. Is he saying that he too is depressed and wish he had become a monk? Also is he suicidal or is there a chance Dh will try to kill himself? The snow scene, bridge scene and then now the roof scene all seem to have an ominous feel to it?



ahh I can’t wait for next week. These past two episodes are just fueling my delulu shipper mind. How it was cause of ahjussi that she smiled for first time in drama. How she protected Dh by going to wife without any motive behind it. How she also got his wallet for him (kinda reminded me of scene when DH when to guy that humiliated his bro in front of his mind, both of them are like tigers that were sleeping and wake up roaring when their loved ones are hurt). How she says she likes him and then JY says he likes her cause he wouldn’t go out with a girl if he didn’t (he is a hoobae so I’m too asking him up on that). How ahjussi called her pretty.


What were your guys thoughts on when he talked to JH about JA saying she was 30k years old? Was he saying he could relate and he too thinks this place is his home when it isn’t but keeps getting reborn anyways? 

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Hello all,


Joining in the fun. I just watched Episode 8 [it's a weird habit of mine - I sometimes watch Episode 8 directly before starting to follow a drama] and WOW what a superb casting !


Just a thought - Maybe Ji An will sacrifice herself in a much different way by using the conversations between her and Joon Young to save Dong Hoon ?

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1 hour ago, philosophie said:

What were your guys thoughts on when he talked to JH about JA saying she was 30k years old? Was he saying he could relate and he too thinks this place is his home when it isn’t but keeps getting reborn anyways? 

Good question. I guess being 30000 years old clears up the age gap (just kidding :wink:)    Well it is Buddhist concept in a way I suppose. She is being reborn into the saha world, of endurance, gain and loss. When you realize your infinite nature you transcend the chains of birth and death and realize the mystic way. 

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14 hours ago, sadiesmith said:

Is there still a lot of negativity even now?  Is that true everywhere or just on Nate?  Do they even watch the show?  Who are these people?  I am seriously asking because I am not familiar with Nate or other Korean platforms for drama discussion.  Do they have bad things to say about LSK and the big age gap too?  If they can't be pleased any which way, I think the director should just ignore them altogether and take this show wherever he and writer really want to.


This is a late reply, so maybe you saw the article on Netizenbuzz already, but NB only translated the Nate comments from mostly IU-focused articles, so there's a lot of hate on her. Nate, in general tends to be full of negativity no matter what they're talking about, so which is why I try not to think about their comments too much.

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3 hours ago, justamom said:

Can I just say something? Still watching episode 8, but just wanted to pop in and share this.


The first eight minutes of episode 8 are the best 8 minutes of K Drama I've ever watched!


Every minute, every word was so powerful, they didn't waste a moment. It's like what @timidjock0819 said, the criticism must be forcing the writer and PD to come up with the most creative, original ways of falling in love.


I felt like I was reading "Structural Engineer's Guide to Zen and the Way of Life." It was unexpectedly and yet deeply powerful.


After all, isn't life a struggle between internal and external forces? In Dong Hoon's words, it's not heaven but hell.


The struggle inside ourselves, about who we really are. And then expectations of who we are and are supposed to be.


The family and friends that make our internal pillars in life -- or destroy them.


The monk's choice to let go of struggle. To know what it's like to have nothing. To want nothing.


Because when you want things, you have to keep trying to prove yourself to others. It's exhausting.


And even if you get what you want, if the things that made you you start to crumble, it's impossible to withstand it. Like a house collapsing on the inside. The restaurant with the cracks, that's Dong Hoon right there.





<dramatic pause for a moment to let that sink in>


I loved the little jokes - like Dong Hoon correcting Jian's arithmetic "It's 30,000, not 3,000" HAHA


I feel like I could watch this scene a thousand times. The long take of them walking in the dark, ramshackle alley, interrupted only by the backdrop of the city's silent lights listening in. Ending with Jian's "Fighting." Telling him even if you feel like your internal pillars are crumbling -- there's someone out there still rooting for you.


Dong Hoon's stunned expression. That Ji An understands what he's going through. That maybe he's not as alone as he thought.


My only worry - when he finds out that she was wiretapping him and trying to take him down....which Ji An will he believe in?


@justamomLoved your whole post. I agree the walk scene and the "life" talk was the best scene for me too and you succinctly summarized "The struggle inside ourselves, about who we really are. And then expectations of who we are and are supposed to be"  thank you 

DH last sentence "nothing is what it seems" really profound 

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5 hours ago, chickfactor said:


7 hours ago, mujay said:

It's just me who have feeling Jian will end her live to save everyone who she treasured??

The line belong to her is "she born in the wrong world, she must find where is she belong to and be a peace"

:cry: oh no..no writernim don't ever have this idea please.

Her presence itself enough to crunch me, let's be nice with her even just in the story:cry:..jebal.

I didn't and don't make this connection.  But it does address something I was curious about and now bother's me. Why does the drama begin with an image of JiAn standing at the of a train track with her back turned to the track?


The writing is wonderful.


To Paraphase: JiAn explained to DongHoon that people have helped her before.  They helped four times but when they realized her life would not improve, they ran away.  JiAn, "I guess they thought they were good people." implying they weren't.

DongHoon respond they were good people. Four was a lot. There were people who didn't help you once.


The nuanced performances complements the writing.


This drama depicts how burdensome an ordinary life can be in middle age.


Random thoughts.


DongHoon is suffering from deep functional depression.  And the worst part is he cannot complain about his circumstances because he seems to be in a better position than everyone in his circle.


Gwang-Il is torn over JiAn.  I think he wants her to suffer, but I also think he is attached to her [and may think he is in love with her] like a spoilt kid with a toy he refuses to treat right. As much as that kid neglect and ill-use the toy, as soon as someone reaches for it and insists it is his favorite.  I think what really sets him off was seeing JiAn smiled.


I think Gwang-Il will be redeemed. But I won't  put money on it.


Wouldn't it be weird if Gwang-Il was JiAn's stepbrother. Not likely, but definitely weird.


I think the person JungHee likes is SangHoon or the monk.


I don't know how JiAn was ever found guilty of killing someone who was beating her defenseless grandmother.  It was clearly self defense.  I suspect her conviction was the result of lack of guidance, just like her taking care of her grandmother without state assistance.  I wouldn't be surprised if expunging her criminal record is a part of the story.


Echoing another poster, the drama has begun to use more light as JiAn and DongHoon find their way to each other.  


DongHoon is very likely right.  He may not be fit to be an administrator.  They might be promoting him to hell squared.  Being a director seems to be about politics more than the work. What DongHoon likes most about his job is the actual work.  All of today's scenes about structural engineering, DongHoon checking the restaurant stability and explaining what structural engineering is was meant to let the audience how much he loves what he does.  He'd do it for free. 


This explain why DongHoon may make a terrible director. 



Donghoon is in such a terrible situation.  His allies behave as badly towards him as his enemy.  His "allies" are pressuring him for their own gain, trying to force him to go against his will and his spirit. 


I believe DongHoon's marriage will survive and he and his wife will learn more about each other and find more to love.


Right now both YoonHee and and JiAn betrayed DongHoon.  YoonHee by sleeping with his enemy and JiAn by invading his privacy in a humiliating way.


I was right, the married co-worker's affair was meant to signal the seriousness of of the risk to JoonYong career having an affair with YoonHee was.


I want JiAn to meet the brothers soon.  What that child needs is a family not a lover.


I think JungHee, YooRa and JiAn would be an awesome trio of women. 


I totally  don't see sexual attraction from DongHoon to JiAn.  The director also directed “Misaeng”.  During Misaeng I had a low keyed desire for a romantic development, but it never happened.  I thought the story was more realistic and grounded because of the lack of romance.


11 hours ago, jongski said:

 And lastly I just always see lots of screen caps of  JA and GI and now they feel sorry for him ( his childhood, growing up violent,  jerk of dad killed by JA) that they feel he's jealous that he may have feeling for her of some kind.  There are tweeps/viewers that would like for GI to feel spark of jealousy.


What I think, GI.. he's  jealous that she's  able to to do things like  going to a bar, drinking beer with man, while he's suffering from the past and has become an a hole loanshark. I think death will come to him at some point in coming episodes. You know how in every drama at least one major/minor character dies. So I asked prev post, if you guys think he'll die.


I just want the characters in this drama to find happiness. :D




It is this idiocy that causes people to mistake dominance for love.  Jealousy is not a good thing.  It is not a good indicator of love. There are people who are jealous of people having someone they don't truly want or love. Come to think of it, I think that is Joon-YOung problem.



Kwang-il is a dangerous loose-cannon OCD boy. He is NOT in love with J-An, he is a dangerous abusive manipulator who wants to see her suffer - maybe stabbing DH will make her suffer? If he and JY hook up for revenge, all bloody hell of pretense will break loose!


I thought this too. I think what will happen is Gwang-Il with get the photographs that incriminates Dong-Hoon for having a relationship with JiAn.  If he discovers DY intentions he might use them to separate JiAn from her money source by exposing that she isn't working for DY, or DY might just think she's doing her job. And he will try and explode her relationship with Dong-Hoon. Those two action would cut off her financial support and her emotional support and leave her isolated.


I think the best protection for Dong-Hoon is to stop meeting JiAn alone and to bring her into the neighborhood fold as soon as possible. I doubt if it will happen.

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- I don't understand why viewers keep wanting / insisting on a 'love' connection between DH and Ji-An. She's just a girl who has never had any parents, and all of the responsibilities without having any fun. DH is like a father-figure to this young woman, the first person who has gone out of his way to be nice, helpful and considerate to her. He is decent, not lecherous, who does not want anything from her. That's the way he is with everyone. (In ep. 9 preview, DH goes in full confrontation with Kwang-il which means he cares for her like he does for his family - but that does not mean it's 'love for a woman/ girl'). She has her whole life ahead of her, while he is pushing 50. They are at different stages of life. Even if she likes / loves him, nothing will come of it - because she will get over it, when her situation gets better / easier. Let's be realistic: would a happy, outgoing, well-settled, middle class, employed 21-year old want to be with a dour depressed respectful average-looking married father of one who doesn't have money? The only reason these two 'bond' is because both are equally trapped, equally miserable and equally lonely. Once the equation changes, they will not need each other. 


- DH is a duty-bound guy. He fulfills all of his duties. He may hate it, suffer it, and may lament it too ('I am a building that shouldn't have been born', 'reality is hell and I am being punished') but he will do his duty. He is resilient but comes across as a wimp because he just takes the blows. He hates his 'inspection' work, but does not show any interest in going back to 'planning' department. He hates the way his wife conducts herself (to him and to others) but doesn't say so. She has been having an affair for a year with his boss / college junior and he didn't realize it (when was the last time husband+wife were intimate?!), but despite the betrayal / backstabbing inconsiderate wife, he does not lash out at her, and wants to stay with her because he has invested 15 years with her! He hates his life which is an unending cycle of duties with partial respect, but has no initiative to change it.


- The guy playing JY btw is a brilliant actor: rooftop scene: He is right about DH - DH is a pacifist, who wants to think he is nice while suffering bad people in silence. What DH said about JY is also true but DH's own house is not in order, and he is blaming the other guy - if DH had been a wife and YH had been a man, all the viewers would have been saying YH has such a cold emotionless unreachable morose laidback 'no fun' wife, of course YH will feel attracted to an exciting goodlooking attentive successful person! If a life partner / wife of 15 years has been unable to see or appreciate your strengths (DH's purposefulness, dignity, resilience, patience, care), why do you expect the other man to acknowledge them?


- JY is seen as the bad guy, but he is just another upper-comer / social climber who has got hold of a very important position without any family connections which is a huge achievement in a chaebol-run country. I think he loves YH but cannot be with her because of how a scandal will taint him. 


- YH is coming across more and more as an insufferable human being. She thinks she is sitting on this grand pedestal from where she can look down upon everyone in her life (including JY - man she supposedly is in love with!!!) She is condescending, dismissive, disrespectful to everyone (I have not seen her being nice to a single person without a catty remark). I think her personality problems go deeper than just a marital issue with DH - who is an unsuccessful, uncommunicative clueless wimp. She is a nasty woman. Even with JY, when she feels betrayed, it takes her 2 seconds to cut him into 5 pieces of nothing ('you were nothing in college and everyone knew it', 'I feel so humiliated to be involved with you', ' will ruin you for dong this to me'). She is an unhappy woman who will never find happiness. Is she going through a midlife crisis? But of course DH will never leave her. Let's see if she leaves him once he becomes director!


- Someone said DH will feel betrayed on the eavesdropping / wiretap by J-An - I think he'll take it in his stride, 'understanding' it, like he does everything else. If he did not lash out at a wife of 10 years for her great backstabbing betrayal, he certainly won't blame a young poor unprivileged downtrodden girl!  


- Unfortunately, it looks more like DH and Ji-An will be accused of having an affair (!) by both the company AND YH. So DH will find himself in another muddle that he did not create! His 'proposed 'directorship' will be in danger. And HE will have to provide justifications to his wife who will use it to further humiliate him! 


- Kwang-il is a dangerous loose-cannon OCD boy. He is NOT in love with J-An, he is a dangerous abusive manipulator who wants to see her suffer - maybe stabbing DH will make her suffer? If he and JY hook up for revenge, all bloody hell of pretense will break loose! 

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@maddymappo said:-

guess being 30000 years old clears up the age gap 

LMFAo! Hey it certainly worked for the Goblin, and Twilight. Though they're "young" in comparison, several centuries old:lol:


@justamom said:-

Dong Hoon correcting Jian's arithmetic "It's 30,000, not 3,000" 

:lol:IKR?! I kind of took solace in that Ji-An wasn't good at numbers, I suck at math too!:tongue: Or the fact he corrected her in that she's working at a engineering company not a construction one:w00t: That just speaks to the kind of person Dong-Hoon is, he takes a lot of pride in his work. 


@chickfactor said:-

Soju bombs is my daddy's special talent. A+ from the teacher

Ahahahah! Well their son is in the US (let's face it US has worse issues other than an alcoholic parent) so the teacher probably gives him credit for creativity?:wink:

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6 hours ago, noor1 said:

- I don't understand why viewers keep wanting / insisting on a 'love' connection between DH and Ji-An. She's just a girl who has never had any parents, and all of the responsibilities without having any fun. DH is like a father-figure to this young woman, the first person who has gone out of his way to be nice, helpful and considerate to her. He is decent, not lecherous, who does not want anything from her. That's the way he is with everyone. (In ep. 9 preview, DH goes in full confrontation with Kwang-il which means he cares for her like he does for his family - but that does not mean it's 'love for a woman/ girl'). She has her whole life ahead of her, while he is pushing 50. They are at different stages of life. Even if she likes / loves him, nothing will come of it - because she will get over it, when her situation gets better / easier. Let's be realistic: would a happy, outgoing, well-settled, middle class, employed 21-year old want to be with a dour depressed respectful average-looking married father of one who doesn't have money? The only reason these two 'bond' is because both are equally trapped, equally miserable and equally lonely. Once the equation changes, they will not need each other. 


I have to strongly disagree with you about them not needing each other after they both get better. The whole point of this show is that two very different unlikely people share the bond that defies social conventions. You just don’t dump someone because you don’t need them anymore. Well, you can do so if no feelings are involved, but in JA and DH case, there’s plenty of feelings from both sides. I won’t argue with you about the nature of their relationship - whether they feel like father/daughter, siblings, friends or lovers - each of us perceive them differently and that’s the beauty of it. This show is so unconventional and unprecedented that even longtime drama viewers don’t know what to expect.


And yes, Park Dong Hoon is an average looking and average money earning man in his mid 40s.  At a glance there’s nothing for other women to be attracted to when they don’t get to know him better. But to our Ji An, who can hear that side of him that no one sees, he’s the most special and extraordinary man under the sun.

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Just watched ep 8 and I'm still wiping my tears now haha. This drama is so brilliant, the dialogue, directing, acting hit me right in the feelings... The walking home scene at the beginning alone deserves an award.. 

I love the family gathering for the mother's birthday. It's like they could forget the hardship in their life, breathe and be a little happy for awhile. Those precious moments never last long. That part warms my heart and is heartbreaking at the same time... 

The actress plays Yura has improved a lot since her "Suspicious Partner" days. She's doing a good job here.

So now it's save to say JA's currently having one-sided feelings for DH? (I squealed when she said she liked him).. There're many things waiting for us in the upcoming Eps and I hope the writer and director stay with where the story was supposed to go and won't give us twists so that they can make sure the (subtle) loveline won't happen.

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