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[Drama 2016] Moon Lovers ❤ Scarlet Heart Ryeo, 달의 연인-보보경심 려 \^0^/ Soompi Kdrama 2016 Winner


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But I think it is forgone conclusion it's going the way of the original work which will absolutely tear your eyes out of your sockets just at the irony and the miss-understood story and character arcs of all the leads ( IF it follows 4th, RX, 14, 13 in the C-V )

At a very shallow assumption, 4th prince of Goreyo finally had his face rid of the side-swept bang, scar and costume colour. 4th prince of the original C-version grew a mustache , and his robes bore the royal colour. All this is a set up for that final goodbye, the pain-like-hell parting , the love that won't go away but still burns deeply inside , yet physically they can't meet . The regrets, yearnings for each other , the poetical sighing of a thousand sighs.... !!!! Dying in the arms of 14 th killed 4th in an agonising way.... It was all TOO LATE... TOO LITTLE.... TOO WOUNDING ! Pessimism kills .... it's a hard pill to swallow..... yet there's no other way ( another consideration is that it has to satisfy the " historical board" because in the annals there is no Hae Soo or Rouxi. Even then there is no burial ground  or that they were made Queens ( historical distortion ) So there..... !!! Somehow the memories will have to be obliterated .... Sob! Sob !

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Here I take liberty from @MadraRua insightful posting on page 1 ( yes.... I went back all the way to get to the root of this adaptation.

I believe I will turn into a weeping willow by the river of Han sighing and weeping copious tears. I await with a beating heart.

Bu Bu Jing Xin mv - One Persistent Thought

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I havent really watched BBJX i just skipped from episode to episode, but i read somewhere in this thread that 4th from c version changed the decree. 

I saw the same scenario from a movie with the same genre/story 'palace'. 

And one thing i noticed when Queen Yoo was asking Soo the question if Yo abdicated the throne to So, she gave off the feeling that she is hiding something. Right now i just cant get that idea off my head that Soo might have changed the decree (she is after all, the 'key' that will change history). 

Or it could be the other way

8 minutes ago, Kelly86 said:

HS, isn't the type to lie about that stuff so maybe Yo really did give the throne to So in his last moments possibly bc deep down he always knew it was the right choice or to spite his mom bc she's been using him all his life

Sorry to cut your post 

But that idea could be an alternative, that Yo must have seen through his mother's facade, that he was after all a tool, and giving it to So was the best thing/ a bitter sweet revenge to his mom. 

I have this nagging feeling that there is a 75% chance that they are going to use the reincarnation card to reunite our OTP. But what im really hoping is that if they do, make Soo forget her time in goryeo, make it as if its a dream, i want to spare her from the sadness of not being able to see So. 

And if she does meet So in the future, i hope they use de ja vu/familiarity twist. I-think-i-have-seen-you-somewhere-twist. 

I dont know if i read/or it was translated correctly, but somewhere in the long preview, i think i remember Soo saying the line "if only we could have met on a different time..." it seems to me like a dying line. And if it is, she better say it while she is dying in the arms of So. 


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I am not going to ask for a happy ending in the sense that WS and HS live happily ever after.

But i want to separation (cause HS has to come back to her time) done in a way where it makes sense, it is heartbreaking but beautiful. it should emphasis not the separation but the love of WS to HS and vice versa.

Some of us know that the c-version had a season 2 which was the two leads in modern time. I dont know if korea will do so, but i hope there is some indication in the last ep of ML.

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1 hour ago, antiherofans said:


100 % true.

I think that is the point to this story. Go Ha Jin is transported back to the past to help put the history to itself. She will help Wang So become Gwangjong. That is the main reason.

But, in the process, they fall in love. They are not suppose to because their love will ultimately doomed. Because SHE WAS NOT SUPPOSE TO BE THERE.

That is why, they need 1000 years to finally meet again

their worst mistake is TO FALL IN LOVE WITH EACH OTHER

Okay, now I am depressed :tears:

I expect that they were supposed to fall in love. At the very least on So's side. Because love is the transformative agent for him.

But I never thought for one minute that it would be a happily-ever-after Goryeo affair. Although I don't discount the possibility of reincarnation being used to give us a happily-ever-after on our side, I never thought that long-lasting happiness could be found in Goryeo. I did entertain the idea that Su could become the queen for a couple of weeks but after Eun and Seon Deok's deaths, I gave up on that idea.

I think what's different for me and why I'm not overly anxious about their separation is because these two will have experienced every single thing together before the inevitable separation (unlike the rather annoying Jung Yi: Goddess of Fire where the romance was a bit of non-event. I'm not even sure why they bothered TBH). It's not to say that the break-up won't be painful or I won't shed a tear or two but these two people loved and defied all kinds of odds to do so. At least they did things together even as friends, they suffered together and then went on this journey as lovers. It's more than you can say for Eun and Seon Deok.

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23 hours ago, butterflysaga said:

@sosooyah19 Umm unfortunately no.. they are two diff. person @ruizaio has clarified this issue before.

@missdharma85 Hi.. welcome to the jungle! :)

Thank you @butterflysaga

My heart beat so fast lookin all the spoilers

Our lovely wang eun singing the song at Busan festival to reminders us to keep watching n support MLSHR.




Edited by missdharma85
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I won't quote pictures or any, but might I point out that each and everyone of us was fooled by the makeup industrie for YEARS?


They claimed to have invented THE perfect make-up. Eyeliner and such that won't smear away when we cry and and.

Clearly they already knew that much 1000years ago, or did you see sweat stains, crying lines or whatsoever these past weeks???



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33 minutes ago, bakafan said:

Hi everyone. I just sign up to this forum because of MLSHR:w00t:. Never love a kdrama so much before. Until now, my favorite kdrama was "My Girl" and "Goong". Didn't like DOTS or Doctors and regarding MDBC, i dropped it because compare to MLSHR, it's just too childish.... Kdrama W, just stopped watching after 2 ep. Like everyone else, my life change since MLSHR. Just love reading this forum. All of you are amazing and I never thought that fans can be so crazy about drama.


Welcome to the thread! as we only have 4 episodes left, unlurking as much as you can :D You can throw your speculations and theories here as well! We all go crazy because of this drama and all the fantastic posts here! 



Wow! you've got some old dramas as your fave! I love Goong so much :D Well, people gets their own personal taste when it comes to K-dramas so I'm glad we happen to love the same drama this time!


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13 minutes ago, Yippeuni said:

This is what happen on twritter, 

Eun and Seondok reincarnation????

Guess Ha Jin will meet future Eun and Seon Deok when she's waking up from her coma...


I wish that were true but it's not. I read previously on the thread that the child actors are different :(

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16 minutes ago, Yippeuni said:

This is what happen on twritter, 

Eun and Seondok reincarnation????

Guess Ha Jin will meet future Eun and Seon Deok when she's waking up from her coma...

Or it could be simply the case of 'cost saving' for the casting team..  :grimace:

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1 hour ago, LyraYoo said:


This is when I really appreciate the works of PD KKT , despite the close up madness that he made in this series, I love it when he focuses on the intimacy not only thru kisses but others actions between the couple.

The Gwangjong garb is happening .. Joon Gi's dream came true  50

Hubby said he feels an insane need to keep pressing "zoom-out" on the remote whenever he sees one of those "close-up madness" shots. white-cloud-emoticon7.gif?1292330538

For me, I am thankful for the close-ups whenever it comes to LJG though; it's a treat to see each of his facial muscles tick. And his head seems to be always angled in a way that the closeups don't look awkward (even KHN's shots sometimes look weird when it's zoomed too close).


12 hours ago, littleloony said:

@zi4r chingu well done with the anti HS post. I got a kick out of reading it :D and considering that the post has become a popular one I believe a lot of us agree with your points. I will thank you on venting out the frustration so well on my behalf :D.

For different reasons I gave up on trying to find logic in HS's actions from ep 9. No I never wanted her to chuck Wook and jump into So's arms like instant noodles but unfortunately I never understood how her brain worked (not the feelings part) from that episode onward. So I always look forward to kind chingudeul in here who explain why HS does what she does. I think of her as the necessary engine in Wang So's life driving him to his destiny because frankly I am mostly interested in what happens to him and how. I love the OTP interactions with respect to the same filter---how it affects So ad how he gets to spend time with his beloved person. This way I have seen that I don't get irritated with HS most of the time hehehe

Anyway, I just quoted one of the reasons you summarized in your dislike list and let me just say that I agree 200% with you. I was appalled at how HS threatened to use herself against WS and then even more appalled that there was no remorse or any kind of reflection from her after the incident was over. I don't know about anyone else but for me it just feels like there is no difference between her and Wang Yo or even the evil Queen. From a very nightmarish personal experience I can say that when a person you love threatens you and emotionally blackmails you with their life there can be very few things more traumatic than that. It is absolutely never acceptable to do that, whatever may be the difficulty or circumstance. So yes, when they showed that I was really taken aback and the sequence just sent out a wrong message IMO. Fortunately, I don't take HS seriously after ep 9 because she refuses to take her surroundings seriously and behaves quite like an "Ekta Kapoor Heroine".

@littleloony I was not gonna respond to each of the HS-related posts separately, but I just feel the need to say this. I am so sorry to hear that your response is coming from a very nightmarish personal experience. ***hugs*** Hope you have managed to recover form such a traumatic experience, chingu. :(

On a brighter note, your expression "jump into So's arms like instant noodles" makes me laugh. It brought really weird imagery to my mind's eyes and I kept giggling, quite inappropriately because my team & I are still in office after an all-nighter standby, and they probably think their boss has gone bonkers from lack of sleep now.

And thanks for sharing about Ekta Kapoor Heroine. (Hmm.... I know nothing about hindi dramas. You learn something new everyday!) I am still hoping against hope that HS's character can be something more than just that, though. Maybe, I am just torturing myself by doing so, but it is in my nature to keep rooting for the heroine. Not that MLSHR is a good feminist piece in the first place, but I was so looking forward to the growth in HS's character. Now that such growth is going in a very different direction from how I wanted, I found myself on the verge of abandoning the OTP. Fortunately, last night post lets me relieve my frustration, and now I am as ready as I can be for tonight's episode.

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2 hours ago, ChewyChocolate said:

LOL!!! Laughing my head off here.

The emotional moment when Soo meets Wook after 20 years:



Wook: Don't be afraid, Soo. It's me - Wook.

Soo: Wook???? B..but why are you under my bed?

Wook: I have come to take you away.

Soo: Huh?

Wook: I have come to free you from the palace.

Soo: Errr....

Wook: Let us go now. I will use my ninja skills to whisk you away.

Soo: I'm not going anywhere. My place is here, with So, my 6 kids and my 10 grandkids.

Wook; But I waited for this day for 20 years under your bed.

Soo: No wonder you look so awful.

Wook: I lost most of my teeth in exile. And my hair.

Soo: And why are you dressed in that weird black outfit?

Wook: It's my ninja ensemble - I made it myself from the black robes I used to wear at the palace. To save costs.

Soo: I'm sorry you had to wait for 20 years, but my answer is NO.

Wook: If that's what you want. But could I ask a final favour of you before I leave?

Soo: Go ahead.

Wook: Do you have any anti-pain ointment? My knees are killing me...


Wook: Soo-yah, I have come to save you.

Soo: OMG. I thought you left.

Wook: I didn't get far. My knees were killing me. 

Soo: You walked?

Wook: I spent so much time crying in exile I didn't have time to learn to ride a horse.

Soo: I'm telling you again, I'm not going anywhere with you.

Wook: Yeah, I heard. But it was kinda an excuse....

Soo: For you to see me again?

Wook; Well, truth is, I miss my old spot under your bed. I haven't had a good night's sleep since I said goodbye to you.

Soo; There's no way I'm letting you under my bed.

Wook: Pleassssee, for old times' sake...

Soo: NO.

Wook: I'll give you another bracelet.

Soo: NO.

Wook: We could walk in the snow.

Soo: It's summer.

Wook: Oh, really? Wow. Time stands still when you are stuck under a bed for twenty years.

Soo: I'll call the guards.

Wook: I am not afraid.

Soo: I'll call So.

Wook: I'm not budging.

Soo: I'll kick in your knees.

Wook: Okay, bye.

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I'm always asleep during the live recaps because of school... :sweatingbullets: Which is okay, I always like to wait for english subs anyway

Looking at the stills and episode preview makes me really excited! xD WY dying, WS finally becoming king :D, the mask kiss scene (I hope we really do get it this episode, and that the preview is not just misleading us o.o) but most of all, I'm excited for the bracelet scene! Why? Simply because I've been waiting for it since I first saw it (didn't it show back in the episode 12 or 12 preview?? I never saw the actual occur in that episode though, which is rather strange ._. Why, just why??) 

If the bracelet scene doesn't appear in this episode, I'm going to be disappointed!  :crazy: It's been sooo many years, just happen already!





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