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18 hours ago, LeftCoastOppa said:


LCO Oppa Investing took possession of Oppa Lee Min Ho follow the very public, and very ugly display on this thread, that I refer to as the "Purse Purge" 


Several unflattering photo's of LMH were posted followed by a flurry of even more so unflattering comments. At the time I inquired why no one had come to his defense, his choice of accoutrements aside, I always thought he was a sought after Oppa.


When no one stepped forward, LCO Oppa Investing posted a notice to claim said Oppa, and waited the obligatory 24 hour period. No counter claims came and LMH became the first Oppa in the LCO Oppa Investing portfolio.


That being said - LMH is viewed as an investment - any reasonable offer for transfer of ownership will be considered for either a partial percentage or full ownership. 






I don't agreed with you by giving only 24 hours notice period which is too short, man !

Knowing very well that me & @kokodus are from different time zone (other side of the globe)

Your 100% LMH ownership is VOID  !




18 hours ago, kokodus said:

I'm just here to announce that I HAVE 100% SHARES OF LMH OPPA AS OF TODAY 11.40 am IST. If anyone dare to claim him again without my knowledge, you will see the other side of me. Since @Thong Thin already said she will come back later for oppa, i'll consider her offer whenever she is ready. But no one else think about even coming near my oppa. 



Chingu, what's your offer once I'm ready to claim back my oppa, LMH



18 hours ago, partyon said:

@LeftCoastOppa You’re fighting a losing battle here.  


@Thong Thin and Ms Koko won’t be giving up. I have known them for many years. Hehe



you know me well , chingu



18 hours ago, kokodus said:


@Thong Thin Forget about that, you can have 51% of oppa. I have only one condition you shouldn't abandon him for atleast 1 year.



no worries, since there's a Oppa theft here on this thread, I will lurk on this thread more often

Chingu @LeftCoastOppa 





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10 hours ago, partyon said:

I am just hoping everyone finds an amicable solution. BEFORE it goes too far and oppa snatches occur. We’ve seen them before. It will end in tears….


Ah yes, yesterday you were the agitator, today you're the supposed voice of reason ... sure



10 hours ago, partyon said:

And I CAN understand both Ms Koko and @Thong Thin because I believe you didn’t ask either of them specifically when you took over LMH. Or am I wrong? 

They didn’t have a chance to respond because they were on a hiatus / business trip at that time and couldn’t respond.


Are you wrong??? You practically served the man up to me with a BOW on top!  Now that the situation has gone sideways you try and lay this at my feet? You're the one that started this little sleigh ride, I was never pursuing LMH.  Since it seems you have forgotten your part, allow me to remind you ... this all began with this post from your twin followed by your giddy reply ...


On 3/24/2023 at 8:14 AM, Ameera Ali said:

Only oppa I will ship you is LMH oppa , all his purses free of charge &  @sadthe1st will feed him for you don’t worry :mrgreen:


On 3/24/2023 at 12:25 PM, partyon said:

Well, well, well.... Finally my twin decided to dump LMH... :joy: I guess she got all the purses she needed from him. :joy:


@LeftCoastOppa dongsaeng, now is your chance. Claim Lee Min Ho and make him all yours. Pali!


"... make him all yours ..."  Where was your concern for others who might claim LMH? Nowhere! 


I however, mistakenly believed @sadthe1st had a claim and stated such ... 


On 3/24/2023 at 12:31 PM, LeftCoastOppa said:

Sounds like @sadthe1stmight have a secondary claim so I'll give her 24 hours to make a claim ...


to which you replied ...


On 3/24/2023 at 12:43 PM, partyon said:

Oh, don't worry... @sadthe1st is no LMH fan. So you're definitely good to go!


Congratulations dongsaeng! You just earned your first A-list oppa!


So yes, color me naive in the extreme for trusting the word of an Immortal status EO, who by even the most simple of observations, was perpetually neck deep in almost all +/- thread oppa fights.   While I've been on the thread for a few years, I've only been involved in Oppa transactions for a few months ... I guess i chose poorly who to trust


I will offer 1 apology to @Thong Thin, as @sadthe1st did offer 2 other possible claims in this, 1 being her ...


On 3/24/2023 at 6:36 PM, sadthe1st said:

LMH is @Min2206 @Thong Thin oppa not mine.. i was never interested in him..


This however, was also dismissed along with @Min2206 by a follow up post...


On 3/25/2023 at 7:48 PM, sadthe1st said:

both are @Min2206 's oppa.. but i guess she mia a bit too long and losing them all to you.. lol


I raised the issue of abandonment, and again, the EO mentioned above green-lit my acquisition 



On 3/26/2023 at 8:35 AM, partyon said:
On 3/25/2023 at 8:10 PM, LeftCoastOppa said:

Legal has advised me this is clear case of Oppa Abandonment, and my claim is therefore valid :glasses:   


Yes, as your trusted advisor, I say that the deal is signed and delivered. Lee Min Ho and all his purses are all yours.



"... Lee Min Ho and all his purses are all yours. ..."   So I took possession of LMH ... and the congratulations  that followed ...




On 3/26/2023 at 2:50 AM, sweetroad said:

Congrats on your new acquisitions @LeftCoastOppa:joy: Thanks for taking LMH off our hands. :lol:


On 3/26/2023 at 3:07 AM, Wuzetian said:

@LeftCoastOppa Wonder what's the ROI value of your acquisition? 


On 3/26/2023 at 8:35 AM, partyon said:

Aren't you glad that I am your oppa broker?


Since you're my dongsaeng, I have been giving you a special discount




FFWD to the present, and I'm hit with this ...



10 hours ago, partyon said:

I am of the opinion that Ms Koko and @Thong Thin have a right to share LMH with you. Just because you claim an oppa when someone is not present to defend their oppa, doesn’t mean you can have sole ownership of him forever and ever. Also you don’t have the right to by yourself set the conditions of timelines of response. It can be seen as attempt at oppa theft otherwise…

So I stand by Ms Koko and @Thong Thin in this matter.


So after fast-tracking my acquisition of LMH, the individual above now wants to call me out of line?  I overstepped?  


I invite each one of you go back a re-read it all for yourselves the posts above are clearly timestamped - I was all but gifted LMH - the posts about possible claims were read by all as proven by their emoji's on said post. 


@Min2206 was mentioned twice, @Thong Thin once, and Ms KoKo @kokodus was never mentioned at all!


Where was the stalwart defense of counter claims 6 months ago?  


It seems the only rule in all of this is that there is no rules - they're made up as you go, and changed the moment they no longer fit your individual needs







6 months ago I thought this would be fun ... and for awhile it was - Now its just annoying


Congratulations Ladies - You Won - you've got your Oppas back



As of 8:00 pm  PST  LCO Oppa Investing is hereby dissolved - All Oppa assets are liquidated, and returned to the open market


- Jin Young


- Lee Min Ho


- Choi Jin Hyuk


Carve them up as you see fit -




I'm out ... Suga drop it for me








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Ooo, oppa war over LMH...who's getting him now for his bags/purses collection? :lol:


Midweek, just few more winks and it's weekend snooze fest, hehehe. Ah, I want kabsa and some cold delights to beat the humidity.












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3 hours ago, LeftCoastOppa said:

It seems the only rule in all of this is that there is no rules - they're made up as you go, and changed the moment they no longer fit your individual needs

Bingo! That has always been the name of the oppa war games on this thread. There have never been any oppa war rules that have been agreed upon on this thread. Oppa situations change and evolve constantly.


A few things I’ve picked up on my years on this thread regarding oppa wars:


1) Oppa wars ARE annoying. I’ve been annoyed many times.

2) People are inactive or busy or on hiatus from time to time. Or just don’t have a chance or time to respond at your speed. If they come back at a later stage, you have to re-negotiate the oppa terms/shares because you might find yourself suddenly not being the sole owner of an oppa anymore. 
3) It’s better to negotiate with people on this thread over oppas (negotiating means that BOTH parties feel that they can gain a benefit/positive outcome in the negotiation). Refusing to negotiate will make people even more annoyed. 
4) This is a forum where people are supposed to have fun. Let’s keep oppa wars fun and light. 

Just my 2 cents.

And yea, I’ve had to give a lot of shares of my oppas through the years to other people. Am sure that my oppas are happy that many people call them their oppa. :wub:


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4 hours ago, LeftCoastOppa said:

I was never pursuing LMH.

wow.. i got tagged so many times in your same post and i came to check and its all about LMH.. and you didn't even offer up any food pics as gratitude..


Sassy Red Wine GIF by Married At First Sight


why not post another ver of LMH instead.. lee min hyuk



cr.: owner



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Anyone watching One Piece live action on NF? Never thought I’d like anime this much but the story is well-written and characters well-developed, and rooting like crazy for the leads.


It seems the show’s ranking surpassed Wednesday and Stranger Things. That’s saying something.




abs alert:



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13 minutes ago, kokodus said:

Jin. I think he would be so much fun to be with. 


Really? He is very introvert and has few friends, though. Like Yoongles. He does know how to cook though. And stand in front of a mirror. To admire himself.:D



Of Korean celebrities I would probably go for Siwon - dude is too funny and always cracks me up - and he seems like he would enjoy going for cocktails, sushi and shopping on Saturday afternoons with me.



Plus he likes to work out, so we could totally hit the gym together.



Question is if @MayanEcho or @confusedheart will choose MM? :sweats:



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2 hours ago, partyon said:

Plus he likes to work out, so we could totally hit the gym together.


also he knows how to ride a horse and could teach you....


i need a group of kceleb friends though.


i need someone to go to all the bars, food joints with me!



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8 hours ago, partyon said:


Plus he likes to work out, so we could totally hit the gym together.



+ 2


Si Won is dorky & cute with his humor characters.


I will go to gym with Jun Ho, my current bias :heart3:


His abs !!! :dead:



cr owner

6 hours ago, agenth said:

also he knows how to ride a horse and could teach you....


i need a group of kceleb friends though.


i need someone to go to all the bars, food joints with me!




Some kceleb is on diet as far as i know off...drink is ok but not too much on foods.

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Happy Good Morning GIF by ircha_gram



Omo...The leads from ''Maid's Revenge'' are back together in a modern drama.. :yay:


Forever Love...





Another smart FL...


The FL- '' Take it off''

The ML-  '' Miss Lin, you are engaged...you cant do it to your bodyguard''   :rolleyes:

The FL - '' I give you two choices. Either you take it off yourself or I will do it for you''... :approves:




20 hours ago, rocat said:

Anyone watching One Piece live action on NF? Never thought I’d like anime this much but the story is well-written and characters well-developed, and rooting like crazy for the leads.


I watched the first episode.  For some reason it reminded me of time when I enjoyed reading

the books '' Tom Sawyer'' and ''Huckleberry Finn''.  


I liked the humor the most. ep 1


Zoro is so attractive.. Hope the villains are smart...


Love his smiles...   





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