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YH didn’t kill granny, it was BR. The killer’s jacket was long, like BR’s. YH’s jacket was short.



YH didn’t kill Daniel. YH wore a hoodie under his jacket, but the attacker didn’t wear any hoodie.



But it wasn’t BR either. He was with the search team in prison at that time. Since Daniel’s body isn’t found yet, he could still be alive.


Maybe the person who attacked Daniel was his long-lost brother. And it was one of the serial killer’s 7 deadly sins social experiment. Like what he did with Hankook, he wanted to see if he was envious of Daniel, who was adopted to the US and became successful. Maybe the Ferris wheel in the amusement park held special meaning for the brothers, hence they arranged to meet there.


YH witnessed the attack, saved Daniel and accidentally killed the brother. So, he dumped the body into the sea, went to Hongju’s place and told her he’s scared.


YH can’t be the serial killer because:

1. He dumped the body into the sea. The MO was different from the other victims.

2. He once tried to harm BR by injecting something into his drip. That was a very discreet way of killing someone, very different from the serial killer’s exhibitionist style.

3. His bloodied shoes had soles, whereas the serial killer removed his soles to avoid leaving evidence.


My guess as to why YH wants to kill BR: YH hated his father because growing up, he was bullied for being HH’s son. And so, when he found out that BR is a two-faced psychopathic serial killer just like HH, he wanted to get rid of BR.


Why BR is sus:

1. He commented on how Chikook refused to claim credit during the TV interview.

2. He watched Hankook on TV and he knew the Goat Man character was popular: he gave granny a Goat Man band-aid.

3. He switched sides for his crutch, suggesting that his leg has healed and he was faking it.

4. From the start, the serial killer had planned to submit a fake video. And BR was the one who proposed doing a fake video.

5. When BR and MC searched the prison church, MC looked inside the communion cup, but there was no finger in it. How did the finger appear during mass? It was BR who planted the finger afterwards. This also explains why blood was still dripping from the roof. BR planted the clothes right before the search.



6. BR knew YH is HH’s son ever since he saved him, and he recognised YH right from the start in the hospital. He may have been keeping tabs on YH. This matches what Jaehoon said, “My mom said there was another child who had the monster gene. I’ve always wondered what happened to that child.”

7. BR is a righty, YH is a lefty. The serial killer is Jaehoon, and he was clearly a righty. BR deliberately used his left hand at times to mislead the police.




Now we just need the writer to tell us, how did Jaehoon end up becoming BR? 


Edited to add: Rewatched the part where MC asked for money from Sung Jieun. The child who called out "omma" offscreen didn't sound like Kim Kanghoon. Also, a YouTuber pointed out that if Sung Jieun was Jaemin's mom, he would've hid behind her when she came to save him, instead of running home. So the baby swop theory could be legit.

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14 hours ago, OMORI said:

Right now, I'm definitely leaning towards Ba Reum being the killer and Yo Han stalking his every move.

i have the same feeling...one more thing we never saw his character as a child...maybe next week we will know more about his past

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6 hours ago, holyfea said:


I don't want BR as the killer but it seems interesting if BR did.


I agree but I hope it will be deployed in coherent ways so that it is logical (the whole arrival at the Church for the murder of MC's brother especially!).


If what you guys are pointing out to, I wonder how BR got involved with his Church. The killer keeps saying that he was abandonned by God but the whole front and him being part of the Church makes me wonder why he says that? Let's imagine after leaving the police station, he goes to the Church and that is the whole praying we see him do. Two scenarri: the first, no intervention and he leaves, while keeping his murderous tendencies. What about BR's life then? The second, someone (a priest? MC's brother?) comes to talk to him and takes him under his wing. Then BR lives as the BR we know, the generous kid who tries to control his killing tendencies. Then what happened for him to still blame God? Because he still has those thoughts? But he is still trying to suppress them so why start killing all of the sudden? I say that becaus ethe killings is a revenge against God, as he tries to show he is God. Usually, in the case of serial murderers, you need a triggering event, I wonder whatthat could have been and how it fits in his whole life trajectory.


Someone mentioned (sorry I forgot who and cannot find it again - please respond so you rname can be linked to your theory) that Officer Shin, 신 in Hangeul, means God or divinity. We see it behind MC's brother dead body, on the wall of the Church. I find this really fascinating.


ETA: Found it, it was @nrllee's theory in relation to 신.

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@carolinedl The killer’s first kill was messy.  It was vengeful.  So there’s something about that boxer that made it so.  I think MC said that the boxer wouldn’t hurt a fly (so they had no suspects)?  That may be now but what about in high school?  Was he one of those bullies that picked on YH?  BR and YH were both at that scene.  If it is true that BR is just masking his killer tendencies then potentially all his over the top kindness acts are just his way of assuaging his conscience that he’s “normal”.  That so long as he puts on these extra acts of kindness, it will keep his killer instincts (the monster within) at bay (like penance?).  But they would emerge on occasion eg when he kills cats.  His vomiting reaction is fear (and revulsion) response to that monster within because he realizes that it can only be kept at bay for so long.


He might’ve accidentally happened upon the boxer (BY takes lessons) and recognized him from back then.  And that was the trigger.  The anger welled up, he lost control and started the whole kill cycle because the monster was loose.  

I don’t particularly like this scenario because like you I want the writer to give nurture a fighting chance at the Nature Vs Nurture debate.  And because poor innocent BY is somehow caught up in BR’s kindness act (if that is what it is) and she’s going to be bitterly disappointed again.  She already has trust issues.  BR turning evil is going to tip her over the edge.  :tears:

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On 3/20/2021 at 10:04 AM, __jesse said:

YH didn’t kill granny, it was BR. The killer’s jacket was long, like BR’s. YH’s jacket was short.


It's more complicated than that.

YH was following grandma wearing a coat over a hoodie.




BR's coat has toggles.


I don't see toggles on this coat.


BR chased someone in a long coat.






By the end BR was chasing someone in a hoodie.


Hoodie person is shown as YH.





There are toggles on the killer's coat.

There could be a third person.




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I am not going to rely  to much about the visual  evidence  or what they show in term of cloth and hight since yeh they can play with that in proupse  to make us suspect  so many people  and sadly they will not even  try to explain  all  what in our list of evidences in the end ( they usually  film the killer scene with muilty actors( BR , SS.....) who can be the killer  in the drama or even worst they bring someone  outsiders  to film that scene to show us , then film the real one that they will  only air when the true out) 


So the tall, and some faces part and some of clothes hints are all off my evidence  book , that why you find that evidence  in some scene point to BR and in other point to someone  also ( and they will not even try to explain  the thing that dont fit just saying it was showing from someone  side story not what the true is or like it not important) 


All the evidence  I care about are behavior  or the characters  ; what they could hide, their reaction , their possible  reasons  and time line evidence  ( I hope they dont mess with the last one just for the mystery  in away they cant explain  it later ) 

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On 3/20/2021 at 12:44 AM, OMORI said:

Long time lurker but I had to get out of lurking to discuss this because there's 1209383 theories in my head LOL sorry in advance for the long post!


Right now, I'm definitely leaning towards Ba Reum being the killer and Yo Han stalking his every move. The drama is pushing very hard for us to think that Yo Han is the killer and while there's some parts that I'm unsure of, I just feel like I can't trust Ba Reum's POV for his interactions with the supposed killer. Firstly, I think it's very strange that Yo Han worded his phrase as "Your son is a killer" to his mother, with the implication that he's not referring to himself? If he was indeed talking about himself wouldn't he just simply say "I'm the killer" or somewhere along the lines, he worded that in a strange way. Plus, we see Yo Han's mother at the hospital visiting him, noticing Yo Han staring at one of the hospital rooms and upon peeking in, she sees Ba Reum with Bong Yi. She had such a visceral reaction upon seeing them that she flees from the hospital and throws up outside. She then has a flashback of her strangling her supposed son saying that she should've killed him... This points to me that Ba Reum might actually be her biological son for her to react this badly. 


Next, Ba Reum's recount of the events that took place when he was chasing the killer that killed Grandma. I can't fully trust his version of events, for all we know he could've easily just killed Grandma. He also said that the during the tussle he had with the killer, the killer was left handed, but Bong Yi's encounter with the killer in the church, she said that the killer was right handed? Grandma called Ba Reum after cleaning Yo Han's house and stumbling on his extremely suspicious looking basement, but keep in mind there's actually nothing in the basement that points to him doing anything related to being the killer, just his close studying of the killer's recent victims and how it connects to one another; it's just meticulous research. We also know that in a secret room in the basement, Yo Han has been keeping strict tabs on Ba Reum - he probably came to the conclusion that Ba Reum is the killer, and that he's also his mother's biological son. We also see that he has the psychopath gene test results although we don't know the inner contents yet, so the results could possibly confirm his suspicions about Ba Reum too. When Yo Han realised Grandma had been inside the basement and took a photo from there, he most likely chased after her because if she presented the photo to anyone else as an evidence she would end up being the killer's future victim due to her meddling - unfortunate that Ba Reum got to Grandma first. Again, I cannot trust Ba Reum's recount of events. One thing I also find interesting is how the killer supposedly takes a "trophy" from the victim? The killer took the brooch from Grandma, her prized possession. Why would the killer know that brooch is so special to the Grandma though? Only Ba Reum knows the backstory of the brooch and its meaning to Grandma, because she's the one who told him. 


In a conversation with his mother, Yo Han told her that he doesn't want to have a family or any children and the idea of it disgusts him. If he was the psychopath here, procreating would be an interest to him. He's also shown to have feelings of fear, like when he hugged Hong Ju and told her he's scared - he's probably feeling terrified because the odds are against him, the current serial killings going on and him being branded as HH's son is not a good look for him at all. He's probably aware that Ba Reum is seemingly pushing the narrative for him being suspicious (Ba Reum's recount of the killer being left-handed, having a heavy mint scent, basically describing Yo Han) and potentially pinning him as the killer. Between a doe-eyed, kind-hearted policeman that everyone loves and trusts VS the son of HH... Yo Han doesn't have a fighting chance, nobody's going to believe he's innocent or hear his side of the story. This also explains why Yo Han has been doing his own research on Ba Reum and looking for the ample opportunity to strike and get rid of him. If Yo Han is stalking Ba Reum, that would explain why there's a bug device in his trashcan. In regards to Daniel Lee's death... If Ba Reum is trying to pin Yo Han as the killer because he's the alleged son of HH, Daniel Lee would ruin this plan since he's the one with the psychopath gene DNA test results, so he had to get rid of him. As for why Yo Han had bloody evidence linking to Daniel Lee's death, it's possible that if he was stalking Ba Reum and watching his moves closely, he collected the discarded evidence to investigate or possibly provide future proof. Not too sure on that regard, though.


Lastly, I'd like to go back to the start of Mouse where we see the young boy feeding the mouse to the snake, you'd expect a weak, clueless mouse to be the victim of this situation when faced against a strong and big snake, but the mouse jumped and bit the snake's neck. I think this is a good comparison of the situation between Ba Reum (mouse) and Yo Han (snake). Ba Reum has a weak, innocent outlook and Yo Han looks cold and calculated... everyone expects the snake to be the killer, when in reality the true killer of the fight is the mouse who bit the snake's neck. The drama is really pushing Yo Han to be the killer but I think he's the true victim of this situation if Ba Reum is the true killer...


After suffering from severe head damage with the fight with Yo Han, Ba Reum wakes up with a dead look in his eyes and having no qualms about snapping the bird's neck and throwing it out of the window like a piece of trash, a sharp contrast to his kind, empathetic behavior. I'm wondering if Ba Reum has a split personality that he's not aware of; one that's kind and the other being a more dormant psychopath personality before the head injury? After the injury, it could possibly have triggered the gene in his brain and the psychopath personality became the dominant personality, explaining why Ba Reum acted a whole 180 from his normal self. It's kind of messed up if Ba Reum truly had a split personality and recreated the whole version of events in his head when recounting the encounters with the killer. But I guess we'll have to see in future episodes... I do think Shin Sang is really suspicious though. There could be a mole within the police department tipping the killer off, but who knows? I think I just have trust issues from innocent looking guys after theorizing that Ba Reum is the killer.  :sad1:



Hi, I've quoted @OMORI because some of these observations also came into my mind. But OMORI makes so many outstanding points that I think it is worthwhile to read through all of it. 


There is a lot of intentional misdirections going on regarding Jae Hoon's family life and the family being killed. We are told his "entire family' were killed, but we know that the mom is alive. But was she really married to Mr. Kim?  That relationship is never fleshed out.  Also when Jae Hoon walks out of the interview he says god failed him and then we hear the psycho over voice say "My first kill..." that first kill is the boxer, and so if he actually killed his family that didn't make sense to me but perhaps it will as we find out more and more about what went on in the past.


The above quote about YH"s mom saying "Your son is a killer"  also stood out in my mind. And, it brought back that moment when Mr. Kim called Jae Hoon's mom (after JH slit the bunny's stomach open) and he said "Your son"  And then in the hospital scene where the mom sees BR at the bedside, and she goes running out and vomits.  So,  was there a BR- YH- switch and when did the switch happen?   When we see Jae Hoon walk out of the police station, the mom is not with him.  Could she at this point have had a nervous breakdown and put into a sanitarium, and Jae Hoon was put him up for adoption or fostered out, to a church family? Then when did mom start to raise YH?  We know BR bought his current residence with his parents' insurance money.  (OR could she have had fraternal twins? Unlikely since that would have been mentioned early on. more likely YH is the son of one of the other mothers who were pregnant with a baby with the psycho gene).


And of course BR would know everything that was going on with the fake video.


BR was also close to Na Chi-Kook and could pull off the magic trick in the prison.


OMORi also points out that the YH chased grandma was actually to save her..because he knows BR will find out and kill (which is very possibly what he did).  Also YH, tells BY in the hospital it was lucky she was temporarily blinded because if she saw the killer he would have killed her.


We still do not know how BR could have pulled stuff off while his leg was injured.  Also BY says she thought she slashed the killer's arm.  Perhaps more info on that will turn up soon.


In general 5&6 were quite brutal to watch. I hate child kidnappings and sufferings so it was something i had a difficult time paying attention to, I just wanted it to be over. I  could have lived well without all the other graphic sadistic details of the priest's death and watching the unspeakable pain that his brother went through. 


  The seven deadly sins is also famously used in the horror movie, starring Brad Pitt  "Seven".  


I am wondering if BR knows HH is his bio father... if he in fact actually is. ..   


I dont have any ideas at this point about  Dr Daniel Lee's murder.. the why and the who did it.  Except that after reviewing the Kim family death file with a detective, as Dr Lee walks out of the police station he conjures up in his mind the image of Jae Hoon and the cross on the horizon.  He has apparently connected the religious obsession with Jae Hoon.  Maybe he knows the real Jae Hoon is BR so he had to be silenced.. sort of a very weak theory.


Does BR have a split personality? That is very possible and seems likely.  Less likely, but possible,  YH and BR are wheeled into the hospital together, and there could have been a psychic tranference?







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8 hours ago, carolinedl said:

Someone mentioned (sorry I forgot who and cannot find it again - please respond so you rname can be linked to your theory) that Officer Shin, 신 in Hangeul, means God or divinity. We see it behind MC's brother dead body, on the wall of the Church. I find this really fascinating.


ETA: Found it, it was @nrllee's theory in relation to 신.

Yeaaaa.. it's interesting.

From the very beginning we thought about P.O role, SS is not as that dumb. And he was on top suspect list!

Moreover why did he do several things to destroy evidence?

1. Coffee stick. It was wrpped with evidence bag by MC and it doesn't make sense if SS didn't know it was evidence.

2. He's not being around while MW tragedy happen.

3. He lied about blood test evidence from YH house.


And for number 3, i still don't get it why he did such a thing? Was it for luring YH to come to BR? For what? 


4 hours ago, nona88 said:

I am not going to rely  to much about the visual  evidence  or what they show in term of cloth and hight since yeh they can play with that in proupse  to make us suspect  so many people  and sadly they will not even  try to explain  all  what in our list of evidences in the end ( they usually  film the killer scene with muilty actors( BR , SS.....) who can be the killer  in the drama or even worst they bring someone  outsiders  to film that scene to show us , then film the real one that they will  only air when the true out)

It's all the trap! :Fist1:

11 hours ago, __jesse said:

So the baby swop theory could be legit.

And let's see, momma outfits are different. Jaemin's mom in the kitchen wore light brown outfit. But the lady (is current YH mom) was wearing broken white oiutfit along with the coat.

If you are panicking because you lost your boy, to change the clotch will be a matter and takes time.


I still believe that BR is not righty but ambidextrous :blink:


Edited by holyfea
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1 hour ago, holyfea said:

And let's see, momma outfits are different. Jaemin's mom in the kitchen wore light brown outfit. But the lady (is current YH mom) was wearing broken white oiutfit along with the coat.

If you are panicking because you lost your boy, to change the clotch will be a matter and takes time.

I said the baby's  swapping  theory  as some side theory and wasnt so serious  about it but after ep 4 I start to think it really happened  and ep's 5-6 made me so sure 

It all start with the mother  strange  behavior  I get the feeling  that the sin she talk about not about YH  since her reaction  to remember  things or hearing about the crime different  from her reaction  to YH  


her real son is Jae hoon, he not YH she mosty swap the children  as babys that was only her only chance without anyone known   


If it  jae hoon the killers as they trying hard to show us in this drama  or she only mistake him  for that we dont know, if BR  Is Jae  hoon we still cant be sure 


Even when all the evidence  say that 90% jae  hoon is BR since he only had a baby's  picture  with his mother , since HHS wife react like this to him and more .. ...


The question  here is he really is jae hoon or he is the killer, it has 10% of space  to do tricks and twist  till the end with this two question 


I will wait to see more I  and everyone here had already talk about every  possiblity  that can happen  so let see if they can even suprise us with new thing 


1 hour ago, holyfea said:

It's all the trap! 


trick GIF

That existly  what they doing with the visual  hints  

1 hour ago, maddymappo said:


I am wondering if BR knows HH is his bio father... if he in fact actually is. ..   


I dont gave any ideas at this point about  Dr Daniel Lee's murder.. the why and the who did it.  Except that after reviewing the Kim family death file with a detective, as Dr Lee walks out of the police station he conjures up in his mind the image of Jae Hoon and the cross on the horizon.  He has apparently connected the religious obsession with Jae Hoon.  Maybe he knows the real Jae Hoon is BR so he had to be silenced.. sort of a very weak theory.

Dr Daniel  murder sure has something  with the ID of the children with Gene ( if he really death-we not sure about that trust me till they found the body)  


He come back and properly  tried to check on each one of them and probably  even tell something  he should never tell , about him doing some bad thing in the past with the tests (  I still suspect  that ) 


The fact the same politic woman from ep 1 still  interesting  in Daniel  case make me sure that the third one with the gene us the same man who vote against  the law, if Daniel  and her do something  about the test of that baby  or she know the result  is true and cover the doing of the son then they possibly  the one who killed Daniel  that why his killing M.O. was different ( that why  the body  was hidden) 


So I more with the theory  that Daniel  killing wasn't part of the others killing ( no matter  if the political son is the killer  or no they cant let the  true of him having a son with psycho  gene  out specially  in this timing so they probably  kill him in that secert way or the killer kill him and they di the cleaning since that not the killer way of handle  things) 



I think too that Daniel  upcoming noble  prize had something to do with this three children  as test subjects so that why he come to Korea in this timing.   so the killer or any one of the children  would never like the fact that he done that on them and the fact if he win the prize  even if hide the name of the suspects it will be world  knowing about their existence  in Korea so it will no time to make the names out  ( so if part of the  killing or not he was killed  cause he come back and  try to connect  those children) 


Who will like someone coming  to tell them that they have the psycho  gene no matter  if they know it  or not,  if they already did killing or still holding on 

Edited by nona88
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13 hours ago, holyfea said:


Indeed.. but it happend before God failed him.


I don't even know why but, if YH is the real killer he supposed to come to BY house instead coming to BR house.. Ahaahaa molla..


I don't want BR as the killer but it seems interesting if BR did.


How to do? :wut:

God failed him can be interpreted as he's still view as a monster by others, he tried his best to control his urge by only killing animals (which he think is fine). He's not as kind as he portrays, there was a scene where he kept the bird in his tool box.

I know this theory is still a bit contradicting, he did try to save the bird, but as what others said, it's for show? And he didn't keep the bird (because he knows he will not be able to stand the noise).

I'm confused about the scene that BR change the crutch from right to left (or left to right???), was it a mistake of filming or was it a clue he's the killer (or one of the killers)?  Argh, so confusing... 


I do agree with others that YH's behaviour doesn't fit a psychopath, he said he was scared, and he used a hammer to attack BR and not a knief which doesn't fit the profile of the killer. He's a stalker for sure, BR's stalker. I think he knows that BR has psychopath's genes. 


YH seems to be a very low key person, his home decor and the way he talks, he doesn't fit the killer's profile. Of course, he can be hiding his personality...


SS, on the other hand, has showed some traits that fit the psychopath profile, he's very into branded/limited edition stuffs, so he's a show off personality. I agree with the other that it's too dumb to use the instant coffee in the ziplock bag with label to make coffee. I think he did it purposely. 


I don't trust a lot of the visual cuts, also, writer trying to mislead us...like the ending of EP 4...LOL.

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New still's  


It the hospital , and she was injured  in her neck did YH did that in that night  ? Or ????? 

Ah really I really dont want them to go with YH death and they transform some organs  from him to BR or that  he really damage BR emotional  control  in the head with that hammer 


( okay  the new damage  Is less  stupid  then the organ  transformer since it more close to what can happen in medical  term)

But both choicing between bad choices


But if they going on the road that it cause the injury, he had emotional disability now( no awake  the gene stupid plot please,  just new  medical conditions) if they go that road at least do that right,  show us the really fight between  good past natural  and new fight between  uncontrollably new personality cause the injury ) 

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1 hour ago, Fruitplus LSG said:

I'm confused about the scene that BR change the crutch from right to left (or left to right???), was it a mistake of filming or was it a clue he's the killer (or one of the killers)?  Argh, so confusing... 

Yeaa.. me too..

As we saw in early episode if JH also seems ambidextrous. He drew monster snake and poured amoniac with right hand, he grabbed the knife from the dead body with left hand.

Also BR eat with right hand but opened bottle with left hand. Something's fishy.


About he changed the crutch posistion, i believe with Lee Seung Gi's intelligence i don't think it was filming mistake :w00t:

For me it was a big clue that his leg was already cured.. And he can jumped like whatever.. (mian oppa i pointed out your nose right now. lol )


I hope next episode we can see the wound in the left arm of the culprit, maybe we are gonna know it by the shower scene hahaha.. mian :wub:

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25 minutes ago, holyfea said:

Yeaa.. me too..

As we saw in early episode if JH also seems ambidextrous. He drew monster snake and poured amoniac with right hand, he grabbed the knife if the dead body with left hand.

Also BR eat with right hand but opened bottle with left hand. Something's fishy.


About he changed the crutch posistion, i believe with Lee Seung Gi's intelligence i don't think it was filming mistake :w00t:

For me it was a big clue that his leg was already cured.. And he can jumped like whatever.. (mian oppa i pointed out your nose right now. lol )


I hope next episode we can see the wound in the left arm of the culprit, maybe we are gonna know it by the shower scene hahaha.. mian 

Just when I drawing in the darkness  of the possibility  of what going to happen  if he the killer and you come to say why not we could have  a shower scene just to know if his hand  injured  or not 


Mila Kunis Lol GIF


 you killing me here , why not let the serious  aside we hurt or head to much already,   let just have some fun  

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@holyfea For me, it doesn’t really matter if BR is righty or ambidextrous. What makes him sus is how he repeatedly pointed out and emphasized that the serial killer is a lefty. So much so that it’s obvious he’s trying to mislead them.


The serial killer we know is meticulous and manipulative. He removed the soles of his shoes and was careful not to leave any DNA behind. He is familiar with how the police work. He could’ve deliberately used his left hand for specific actions, with the intention to mislead the police.

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2 hours ago, holyfea said:

Yeaa.. me too..

As we saw in early episode if JH also seems ambidextrous. He drew monster snake and poured amoniac with right hand, he grabbed the knife from the dead body with left hand.

Also BR eat with right hand but opened bottle with left hand. Something's fishy.


About he changed the crutch posistion, i believe with Lee Seung Gi's intelligence i don't think it was filming mistake :w00t:

For me it was a big clue that his leg was already cured.. And he can jumped like whatever.. (mian oppa i pointed out your nose right now. lol )


I hope next episode we can see the wound in the left arm of the culprit, maybe we are gonna know it by the shower scene hahaha.. mian :wub:

Shower scene of Lee Seung Gi or PO? or Both ...LOL...


JH already have shower scene, so we can exclude him...

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The exciting thing when we watch this drama is we can guess and make our own investigation on who is the killer hahaha...

It is only episode 6, and we based on the polling have already guess if BR is the real killer...hmmm..

is it possible that the writer just give us the misleading hint?
And also still many characters' stories have not come up to the screen again, such as the parlianment members..I believe there will be many many stories in the future episodes.

Can I still hope that BR is not the killer....fufufufu...:please:


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