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[Drama 2020] It's Okay not to be Okay, 사이코지만 괜찮아


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After your translation @stroppyse I keep thinking about MY and JR.  I wonder how close / how far they were when they were young.


Based on the conversation between MY and JR in the first episode + the character's description -  They went to the same elementary school but MY left the town later.  That night at the hotel was their first face to face meeting after  20 years.  The first thing MY noticed was the way JR looks now compared to before.


Later MY did mention that  JR's mother was a good cook and asked JR, "Shall I come over for some food like the good old days? But then when she saw JR's face she just said  "I see  you still don't get my jokes"


Is it possible that it did happen? Well, we might be able to get more info next week since it seems MY will be going to JR's house. I wonder what happened between them when they were young that pissed JR so much.  

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1 minute ago, YongZura⁷ said:


After your translation @stroppyse I keep thinking about MY and JR.  I wonder how close / how far they were when they were young.


Based on the conversation between MY and JR in the first episode + the character's description -  They went to the same elementary school but MY left the town later and that night at the hotel was their first meeting again after  20 years.  The first thing she noticed was the way she looks now compared to before.


Later MY did mention that  JR's mother was a good cook and asking JR, "Shall I come over for some food like the good old days? But then when she saw JR's face she just said  "I see  you still don't get my jokes"


Is it possible that it did happen? Well, we might be able to get more info next week since it seems MY will be going to JR's house. I wonder what happened between them when they were young that pissed JR so much.  


I have a theory about this might be they're good friends  when they were young to the point MY hangs out with JR's mom  and might be JR's mom show her motherly love to the point she considers MY as her daughter but JR got pissed off because she felt MY is taking away her mother from her and the same thing is happening to KT.


The question is why does MY need to change school 20 year ago? Because of whats happening with her parents?

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2 minutes ago, shazai said:


I have a theory about this might be they're good friends  when they were young to the point MY hangs out with JR's mom  and might be JR's mom show her motherly love to the point she considers MY as her daughter but JR got pissed off because she felt MY is taking away her mother from her and the same thing is happening to KT.


The question is why does MY need to change school 20 year ago? Because of whats happening with her parents?


The possibility is there .. B)  Not just what happened to her parents.... but what happened to her too.  If her father did try to kill her what happened to her after that?  This is still a mystery that will be revealed soon.

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35 minutes ago, YongZura⁷ said:


After your translation @stroppyse 


Is it possible that it did happen? Well, we might be able to get more info next week since it seems MY will be going to JR's house. I wonder what happened between them when they were young that pissed JR so much.  

So they were good friends

35 minutes ago, YongZura⁷ said:


After your translation @stroppyse I keep thinking about MY and JR.  I wonder how close / how far they were when they were young.

Need to rewatch ep 1 2 and 3

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9 minutes ago, rarawita said:

So they were good friends


We need to find out more..... 


9 minutes ago, rarawita said:

Need to rewatch ep 1 2 and 3


Yes, sometimes we do realise there's something new after rewatching .  Oh btw, you can cut my previous posting ... into smaller parts.


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1 hour ago, glory said:

about the ratings, someone said that the clips and videos of this drama has been blocked in korea and they are not being able to stream it on korean websites. also, some koreans said that this drama is not aired frequently so it is unpopular and the ratings are decreasing. 

How come? 

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The Zombie Child story is a great analogy of a child with a disorder and a parent's sacrificing bit by bit of themselves for their child. To KT, it seems like it brought him memories of his mom and her sacrifices for ST. However MY probably wrote it with her own situation in mind (and I think when JS told KT about MY getting strangled at the hospital is probably when KT realised that they might have more similarities in their childhood lives and understood each other more than he had expected).


Although initially I had assumed MY's father must have been the one traumatising MY when she was young, this episode gave me a lot of questions regarding her family dynamics. Was the Zombie Child an analogy of her and her father? Where her disorder crumbled his reality? Based on the scene where her mother called her special, it felt like her mother had assumed they were the same "breed" of psychopaths (but the present MY appears to be more sociopathic than psychopathic)? Does her father end up trying to strangle her to stop her from being a monster he perceives her to be (or that her mother projects on her to be)?


Yes I have a question about the person at the window overlooking MY being strangled. Was that really JR's mom or was it the head nurse? I am rather unsure.


I really like how MY instinctively reads people well including KT. At the mart when she said he was like a child too because he seems like he needs love, it is visibly on point by seeing KT's expression. All his life he had wanted affection as ST had been the one who held all of his mom's focus. It's painfully descriptive of a home with a special needs child and their overlooked siblings. However I felt really comforted when ST expresses how he wants to do his best so that one day KT can be the one resting and ST as his big brother will take care of his life (THIS SHOW BREAKS ME INTO TEARS AND PIECES). The same scene at the mart, I think is MY's subtle way of saying she really need someone to love her too by saying that she is still a child.


The two leads have a complex character composition and it's not an easy road to loving each other. As we see in the scene of KT leaving MY's car and says that he had expected something more from her and it was his fault for doing so. KT wants to be loved but MY although probably do love him at heart, does not truly understand how to love (in this case, I think it applies to both but we might see KT's end to be better as he is used to being a caregiver and showing care as his profession - just like how he taught her to embrace herself, it is all very methodical). As both of them had been deprived of love as a child and is metaphorically still an infant due to stunted growth from their lack of affection, it is difficult for them to know how to love. In MY's case we see her being methodical as well by trying to use the words "I love you" in a superficial manner to bait him to stay. When it did not work, she just tried amping it up by being louder and angrier (funny scene though hahaha). KT might not really understand how to love but he sure understands that he does not want to merely be an object of affection and something for MY to own or to collect.


These are all what makes the end scene so beautiful. Two deeply broken people trying to offer affection and understanding in the best way they know how. And in this scene, we can see a glimpse of vulnerability in MY as she realised that someone would and could actually care for her in such a way for the first time. It's deeply moving to see how KT's pain from being reminded about his mother had motivated him more to care for MY and to empathise with her past. Definitely a favourite scene for me.


TVN, please don't fail me with holding the story together despite the ratings and public reaction. TVN had always had a good reputation for keeping their scripts and execution in tact and quality is pretty assured. So I hope the same goes for this drama *fingers crossed*

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about the ratings, i dont think TvN have high hopes that the tv rating will soar like CLOY from the start,

I think they already predict since the story revolves around mental health and a bit heavy, the target audience will be very limited and exclude 'the mothers' to watch


and we know that ratings in korea is mostly depends on 'mothers' so that's why usually the KBS/SBS/MBC weekend drama has high ratings, and i don't think this drama genre captivate those mothers haha


let's just enjoy the popularity overseas, i think it's quite successful overseas, last night when netflix delay the release of ep 4, everyone got angry waiting for it lol

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@phikyl Very interesting post. When I saw the flashback of the butterfly. I think she killed the butterflies as a test to Young Moo Gang Tae to see if he really likes her. He failed the test miserably.  Remember the first episode the voice over summarized the mom’s opinion about her being a monster and will always be alone.  

There is another scene when she first night she spent at the mansion, there was a voice over about how she should stay away from the Prince ( MGT) or else she will kill him. I think that may have also played a part in what she did to the butterfly to make him runaway because she wanted to protect him. I might be wrong. There might also be a major trauma with butterflies because at the hospital, she was drawn to the butterfly. 
I watched all 4 episodes this weekend and it was very intense. I almost passed this drama up.  I also don’t think she has antisocial personality disorder, but I am not a expert. I can see she doesn’t know about emotions but it is her parents fault. I feel the father played a major role in that department. She also has a big trauma, I wonder how many times has he tried to kill her. 

I hated that scene where the father tried to kill his daughter, all they cared about was the father not Ko Mo Young. I felt so bad for her. I wonder if he really has dementia. I think the father is a terrible person. I think Joo-Ri is stalking Moon Gang Tae when he is with Ko Mo Young. This scene and the timing of it was just to darn perfect. Catching her when she was already vulnerable. :cries:





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interesting episode, the near ending  with flashbacks got me sad :bawling:

Hits the feels emotion for me.


Joo Ri is soo mysterious, seems like theres more to her.


Moon Young's mum, would be crazy cool if when the face is revealed its a cameo from another celeb....like IU or something since KSH did a cameo in hotel del luna. haha


The manager guy Sang In.....man that guy is always on rage mode. LOL.


Unfortunately, not much legs this episode from Moon Young :yum:

She was very pretty in the white dress though.








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4 minutes ago, stella77 said:

@UnniSarah the ‘serve you right’ - I assume it’s Joo Ri too.9

@stella77Totally because of the timing to take her dad on a walk.  

MGT hurt her feelings at that time. To be called an Empty can. That was brutal but MGT needs to at least find out about her past. I think her mom was being kept captive in that house. Like the KMY’s manager said why the hell build a house so far away fro civilization. It is so gloomy and dark. It probably drove her mom insane. Being stuck there day in and day out. KMY needs counseling too because she herself hasn’t fully accepted her reality yet. 

Seo Ye-Ji as Ko Moo Young being so adorable and some great acting 











Chemistry between the leads 




let me know if you like the GiF 

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5 hours ago, glory said:

about the ratings, someone said that the clips and videos of this drama has been blocked in korea and they are not being able to stream it on korean websites. also, some koreans said that this drama is not aired frequently so it is unpopular and the ratings are decreasing. 


I saw this comment on one of the "streaming sites".... I know these broadcasters regulate the content Koreans can access on Youtube very heavily... I'm also frustrated by the ratings because this drama is a work of art!! However, I do not think their bank accounts are affected because Netflix streaming brings good returns. The money they are earning from rights and residuals is enough to let the production and main cast ignore ratings.


This drama is absolutely amazing and this weekend's episodes were beyond amazing!! I was blown away in Episode 3 by how they showed an episode of Manic depressiveness from the POV of the patient. It hit me like a ton of bricks when the scene was replayed in the hospital setting!


I think JuRi is the typical second lead, orbiting around the Lead, never professing their love until it is too late. She'll only act on her feelings when Moon Young becomes real competition for Kang Tae's affections. In the meantime, she knows he's not in any danger of falling in love because he doesn't have the time to do so while caring for his brother, doesn't settle in a place long enough to form long term bonds, and as with a carer, has to decide whether their romantic interest can handle having a lifelong patient as part of the relationship T&C. She is content with being near him and hoping for THE DAY. I also think Moon Young is her enemy from their school days, but I don't expect her to turn evil, just aggressive.


The I LOVE YOU scene was hilarious but quickly degenerated into a sad scene for me. Moon Young thought she had baited yet another sucker with the "I Love You" move that worked many times before and smiled because she thought she'd caught him when he stopped in his tracks. When Kang Tae continued walking without a glance backwards,  I think she freaked out and became loud and angry. To me there was subtext of a frantic and desperate person in that screeching who really just wants to love and be loved!! In that screaming she meant those words, or at least wanted them to mean something to Kang Tae, for once in her life. I was laughing, but still crying for her in that moment.


The "I'm horny" scene needs no explanation. How did the writer think to put that dialogue in the scene?:lol: I was shocked and so amused. I honestly cannot remember the last time I laughed so hard at so many scenes! Moon Young has no filter and will go for what she wants, manners and protocol be damned!! I love HER!!


The Butterfly Hug scene. That scene was emotional but at the same time, I am about ready for these two to knock boots!!:D Just get it on you two!! Moon Young is like all of us, presenting a front to the world, but still very vulnerable with the inner child whose needs were not met coming to the surface in the quiet moments when we cannot block him/her by distracting ourselves with "doing stuff". I do not expect her to be cured of her ASPD, but I hope for her to make strides in dealing with the root cause of her ASPD, her family background.


2 hours ago, UnniSarah said:

 I also don’t think she has antisocial personality disorder, but I am not a expert. I can see she doesn’t know about emotions but it is her parents fault. I feel the father played a major role in that department. She also has a big trauma, I wonder how many times has he tried to kill her. 


Agreed @UnniSarah! I'm also in the minority. I do not believe she was born that way. She is a product of her parents and circumstances that have created this persona we see. I actually think ASPD is an extreme diagnosis of her character. However, like KKD the manic depressive, confronting her trauma may help her heal just enough to be a social being, not a 180degree transformation.


I think that she will lose her career as a writer. We've almost forgotten Seoul, but the current scandal is out of control and no amount of money can stop it, there's an injunction against the new book, her publisher is about to go bankrupt from the fallout, but Moon Young could care less. She wants Kang Tae, and that is the only problem she has in her world. Maybe her career will crash and her comeback will be a book based on her healing. (which will obviously be a hit, scandals will be forgotten and she's rich and famous! But this time she will be writing from a place of wholeness, not brokenness. EDIT: SANG TAE will illustrate the book.)


I'm really curious as to how this drama will end. I think it will have a "different" ending. I don't want to use the word unique, but the story is not the straightforward drama, so I don't expect a straightforward ending.


4 hours ago, fluffyloaf said:

Two deeply broken people trying to offer affection and understanding in the best way they know how. And in this scene, we can see a glimpse of vulnerability in MY as she realised that someone would and could actually care for her in such a way for the first time. It's deeply moving to see how KT's pain from being reminded about his mother had motivated him more to care for MY and to empathise with her past.


I also think that through Moon Young, Kang Tae will also come to know what it is to be cared for. He has existed to care for his brother, and has a career in caring for other people. As Moon Young heals, she will learn to care for others and Kang Tae will experience what it is to be cared for through her journey in caring. Kinda symbiotic healing. 


I'm really just here for the blazing chemistry and the emotional healing!!:wub:

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I’m not active in this forum however I just can’t get my mouth shut about this drama.

I like the way it’s directed, the transitions between scenes, the soundtracks, and the casts are amazing!


Props to whoever wrote the stories ‘The Boy Who Fed on Nightmares’ and ‘Zombie Kid’!

It gave me the depth I expect from mental illness drama.

As soon as I knew KT and ST situations, my only question is how the hell KT can keep being sane all this time?! Normal person would hate his brother, for taking away all the attention from the mom, also for being ‘burden’ that has to be carried his whole life.


‘The Boy...’ story depicts on how MY doesn’t have emotions, thus she doesn’t know what is happiness and never gets it. I wonder if in beginning she does have it, but something happens thus she blocked her emotions, like the boy asked the demon to take away his nightmares.


’Zombie Kid’ gave me chills as it’s really portrayed MY. Mom locked her cos she’s born as ‘zombie’ with no emotions. She gave her food cos she thought that’s what the kid needs. Until the end, the kid feels mom’s warmth and the question “Was it food or was it the mom’s warmth that the kid really need?”. The underline meaning is how the children grow will depend on how the parents grow them. If the parents believe their child is a psycho anti-social and raised her like that, then she will grow like it, no? The story made KT cried coz as MY said, he craved his mother’s attention. The fact that his brother has autism doesn’t bother him, but the mother’s reaction is.


Anyway, this drama really got me. I’m officially hooked and can’t wait for next week!!

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waiting for new episodes feels like a torture!!! i've been lying on my bed all day and acting as if i'm going through a breakup and it's only been a day since the last episode was released...don't know what i'll do after this series ends :(((((((

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28 minutes ago, glory said:

waiting for new episodes feels like a torture!!! i've been lying on my bed all day and acting as if i'm going through a breakup and it's only been a day since the last episode was released...don't know what i'll do after this series ends :(((((((


i feel this haha! on one hand, i would like to binge watch all episodes in one go so im not left hanging, but on the other hand i'm also grateful for the break in-between episodes bec it gives me time to process and savor all the content and intricacies in each...though definitely i wouldn't mind if the breaks were shorter, like maybe 1 day. LOL!

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