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[Drama 2020-2021] Hospital Playlist, 슬기로운 의사생활 - Season 1 & 2


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@nrlleeyour other couple IJ- Jang? The 2 characters you were bashing in many of your posts here and your "safe heaven". Let's be honest, you're pushing them together because you're into flowergarden and that would make sense to all your hidden clues.

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If that drama was not written and directed by the people who are behind Reply series not a soul  in soompi,twitter and other platforms would spend hours analyzing every breath and stares the actors take and give.

Everyone would agree that the 4 main couples are:


Mihna +SH

Song Hwa+IJ


and everyone would enjoy and pay more attention in the medical stories and the everyday life of the 5 friends .




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Ugggghhhh it is become a bit too intense here you guys? In any case that you feel uncomfortable because of other's contents in the forum, please be advised to check the pinned post of @triplem on Soompi's rules and ToRs. This is a general thread to discuss on every matter regarding HP, including information sharing, so it would be sad if this thread have to be close due to uneccessary ship war. I am no Mod or Admin, but I'm encourage you guys to skip contents that does not match your expectation or too extreme for your POV by using the ignore function on the thread (again please contact @triplem for more infos.) In that way the fire maybe ceased, less damage will be done and this thread can move forward healthily. Cheers!

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27 minutes ago, LovelyLady said:

The 2 characters you were bashing in many of your posts here and your "safe heaven". Let's be honest, you're pushing them together because you're into flowergarden and that would make sense to all your hidden clues.

If that’s how you see it, that’s fine too.  Thank you for letting me know how you feel, I bear you no ill will.  My 3 ships (which are just as valid as anybody else’s)


FlowerGarden - Andrea/SHwa


Capt Ahn-SeonBin



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32 minutes ago, kiklaminHo said:

If that drama was not written and directed by the people who are behind Reply series not a soul  in soompi,twitter and other platforms would spend hours analyzing every breath and stares the actors take and give.

Everyone would agree that the 4 main couples are:


Mihna +SH

Song Hwa+IJ


and everyone would enjoy and pay more attention in the medical stories and the everyday life of the 5 friends .



LMAO, so true.


Maybe I should not have step into this forum, I could have enjoy the drama as it is and not think too much about it.






Meanwhile, JMD have another interview with Esquire Korea after Grazia Korea and Elle Korea.


She is getting many attention now, hope to see her more on tv but I suppose right now she is only on Hospital Playlist since season 2 will be film on last quarter of the year.


Jeon Mido's Esquire Korea Interview


Anyone might helping us translate? This interview is the longest among the three interviews.

Hope someone could translate for us to know the content :sweatingbullets:




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4 hours ago, zonk90 said:

Just focus on your main ship. don't need to try match someone to make your main ship sail. are you feel insecure about your main ship? if me, I will try to find all the details about my main ship to support my ship. no need to focus on finding details or faults from other characters to make your ship still afloat.

Just my 2 cent opinion. peace you all. :smile::blush:


This is a show - It is unfair for all parties if you think one should not express their views. This is a public forum.   If you don't like someone talking about a different ship, you have the choice to skip instead of writing something like this.  


Please support your ship and good luck with that.  No need to write such crap hurting others feeling and making them insecure in this forum to voice their reasons for their ship.

6 hours ago, nrllee said:

Just for completeness’ sake, since I was looking at Crocs, IJ has Jibbitz on his too (but we’ve never really had a close up).  Is that white one a snowflake on his right foot Croc?  :wub:  My other favorite couple IJ-Jang (surely there’s a better shipping name for them - must think hard to give them one) :lol:



Since JW is a pediatrician, he has all those cutie emblems .  IT is nice.  I have seen some of the doctors even having teddy bears, on their stethoscopes and entertaining the kids with playthings in their offices.  Also, were there any pictures of his happy patients in his room?  Have you seen any?

Edited by angelwingssf
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4 hours ago, sakura22 said:


@enigmatic_zephy I suppose its to show that that a woman and a man can be bestfriend throughout almost their entire life without crossing the line when they are older, while they were married with respective partners and until their partners have passed away, and now they are finding comfort and companion in each other? 

Although we could interpret the potentials from the way Rosa cares and nags him, how much he teases her and how much time they spend together, but to date I've not gotten any mixed signals from either of them yet. 

As much as I think they both are cute, I am also okay if they just end up friends without developing further. 




Hmm.. i thought their story is in there to draw a parallel to someone else's story..

but yea..it could be stand alone arc as well since HP is more about friendship unlike family theme of 94 or 88 (97 i don't count because that was this team's 1st attempt and script wise it is simpler)

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1 hour ago, kiklaminHo said:

If that drama was not written and directed by the people who are behind Reply series not a soul  in soompi,twitter and other platforms would spend hours analyzing every breath and stares the actors take and give.

Everyone would agree that the 4 main couples are:


Mihna +SH

Song Hwa+IJ


and everyone would enjoy and pay more attention in the medical stories and the everyday life of the 5 friends.


Heol, yes you're right and thank you for the reminder that we should not forget about the beautiful of friendship, family and hospital life that had been shown a lot in HP :)


However, I wonder whether the production team (PD, writer, actors) have predicted that this drama will be analyzed in such depth, detail and complexity. I think they will be surprised while read/watch some of it (theories/reviews) and also the (shipping) war that also happen in this thread :sweatingbullets: "Wow, I never intended to do that far and much" or maybe "I did not know that the wounds caused by the previous drama were still profound in the hearts of many people" :lol: 



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5 hours ago, nrllee said:

I don’t think that’s his desk.  It was a common computer anyone could use I think.  That’s the staff common room or something?  Or the staff room for GS?  GS staff hang out in that room a lot.  He has his own office with his personal stuff on it.  Snow globe in the GS common room.  Interesting.  Thanks for that pick up.


@enigmatic_zephy my take is that it signifies that you can rediscover love again.  IJ and SH have had failed marriages.  So they can rediscover new loves.  And like you pointed out, the possibility that long time friends can turn into lovers.  And their (Ju/Rosa) relationship just highlights how smooth that transition can be?  They already know each other so well?  Their banter is great.  Which is why I am on the FlowerGarden canoe.  In that Kalgaksu scene (which PD already pointed out was critical), Andrea didn’t need to be asked, but he instinctively passed SHwa a pain relief patch as soon as she massaged her neck.  Then she sniffed and he instinctively passed on a tissue (again without being asked).  They moved together like a well oiled machine.  He was the only person conscious of her needs at that dinner table.  He’s the one to complement her. :).  He sees her when others don’t.  Contrast that with Jang.  She is unseen to him.  The man who sees Jang for all that she is right from the beginning, is IJ.  That’s how I work out ultimate pairings with this duo.  They like to pair couples with the same ideals, same values.  They don’t pair up couples who put each other down in public.  When IJ tried to change SHwa’s eating habits and berate her for buying the wood stove, that was a big hint to me that he wasn’t the one for her.  Just like in Reply1988 when JungHwan kept picking on DeokSun for her messy eating, he didn’t get the girl in the end.  To work out where the end game is likely to be, I profile the writer and PD to work out what they like and what their world view is. Once you get that down, you’re in a better position to guess at where they are heading with the story.  Dramas are their artwork.  They use it as a means to convey their own thoughts, convictions and self to the world.

That's an interesting take on rosa and ju. Guess it makes sense - rediscoveing love


JW-Jang : While i am not crazy about any ship, but this one doesn't seem so strong to me. I am quite lost why so many people are on this ship. I don't know, but just can't see it!


JW-Shwa: Definite possibility (might be my bias since i know SHwa's love interest is going to be amongst the friends). Post ep 1 bereavement scene (Ju asked them how come no romantic entanglements amongst them and the way each looks at whoever is so TELLING), i have JW-Shwa at the back of my mind (atleast JW likes Shwa is definitely true) , BUT, until they show JW was there on the cancer result day - i will continue goading over my make believe couple JW-SH :P


What writers want - i am not sure of that consistency in approach because 97 subverts all the themes they showed in 88. I think it depends - what story, which romance, which personality writer wants to write about. if it were about two headstrong people then public embarrassment might add to falling in love.. lol..

However, what is important is that in context of the story being told, one understands the character's personality and finds the best match


For me, SHwa is academically excellent, was popular amongst boys, has always been a confident woman, does not shy away from chasing whatever she wants, and is socially not awkward ( this is what we have seen in flashback too)


Now, if she were not popular amongst boys (in college) or harboured plain jane insecurities or was a tortured soul, i would have immediately jumped on IJ-Shwa ship.. BUT that is not the case. She is quite balanced and not a jilted daughter/sister/girl/woman .. none of the soap


So, who would such a character fall for? - someone equally smart (genuinely intelligent), which means academically yes, but also in terms of common sense or perceiving situations quickly and observant (Not juvenile, not stupid - remember she doesn't really like kids.. she likes SPECIFIC kids.. and if uju is 1/3.. she likes maturity)


She is fast paced .. which needs to be balanced by who can slow it down

She is not the soft spoken types.. which means she will get attracted by soft spoken kinds (can neverbe JWan :P ) ---- if you question why IJ's sister would like JWan given she is not the soft spoken types then there are two reasons - JWan is actually the mellow one in that relationship and so soft :) , and her environment of military world can't handle a true elegance of speech.. she will find it very amusing


and so on.. so yea, i am just going by the personality ( The one she can look upto given how accomplished she is will be the one who captured her heart back in college)



One thing i am fairly prepared for is that JJS is not getting the Shwa and personally i don't want a romantic arc for him. WHy? Because he is the most famous/priority actor in the group and sthg from very initial reports that came out when they were courting JJS without a script...just gives me this sense that he ain't gonna be the end game (sorry i can't recall why i feel this way).


And with these puns of red roses, i like you, his intense admiration and care for Jhang - i wish drama does not make this romantic. Just not comfortable with mentor-mentee relationship turning sexual (yikes!)

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Speaking about romantic relationship between mentor and mentee, I found something interesting between the differences between Korean doctors' reaction vs American doctors'.


Doctor Mike from YouTube reacted disapprovingly toward that kind of relationship. He didnt exactly react to Hospital Playlist, but he gave reaction video on the pilot of Grey's Anatomy. He felt that Dr. Shepherd, a fellow doctor at that time, shouldn't pursue a romantic relationship with Meredith, who was an intern at that time, even calling it as unprofessional.


The Korean doctors meanwhile, are pretty chill with this? The three Korean doctors support Winter Garden, while the husband-wife one has never commented on it afaik?? They even said that its possible for a professor (in hospital) to have a relationship with intern/resident. Anyone knows a video where a Korean doctor reacts disapprovingly to this kind of relationship?

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Interesting thing about IJ that they show is -


He is actually good at reading emotions and knowing who needs what, BUT just so wrong when he tries to predict something.


How to convince a patients or motivate them, how to comfort them, say right thing to right person - he is probably the best

matchmaking, knowing what one likes and predicting a gift for them , - epic fail - He is my EMMA minus the vanity :)  

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