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[Drama 2020-2021] Hospital Playlist, 슬기로운 의사생활 - Season 1 & 2


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4 hours ago, kokodus said:

@Kaizen68 Only the love arc of Sun woo and Bora resembles Jun wan and Iksun. But if you look at the characters itself Jun wan and Sun woo are poles apart. Sun woo is a very likable guy. He is caring and considerate. On the other hand Jun wan is grumpy all the time and an unpleasant guy in general. He doesn't talk nicely to anyone. How can such a guy be anyone's first love?!?! LOL. Ok well he looks handsome, love at first sight is possible, but something tells me that song hwa is not the type of person who would fall for a person based only on looks. Not saying that all oppa has going for him is his looks, he is a very warm person inside, but you won't be able to see that side of him until you spend some time with him. It's highly likely that she crushed on someone like Ik Jun or Jeong won who exudes warmth and kindness from the moment you see them. 



As we agreed to disagree, chingu. Haha. In my perspective, Song Hwa doesn't seem like a person who's good in judging a man to be her lover/crush. Dr. Jang (her ex-boyfriend) even was a cheater. This means, in my opinion, Song Hwa might have a tendency to fall in love with a jerk/playboy. :huh: Meanwhile, Ahn Chi Hong is one of the best example on the exact opposite. He's kind, caring, and warm. But Song Hwa didn't think twice to reject him.


We also thought that the scene in the shed was the group's first meeting. It turns out that Jun Wan, Song Hwa, and Ik Jun already met before during the university interview. We never expected that. With this character of Shin-PD, there is still a high chance that maybe Jun Wan and Song Hwa had interaction before. Mainly, we also still don't know Song Hwa and Jun Wan's heart in 99 yet. We only know from Ik Jun and Seok Hyung's side.


Well, I don't have substantial proof that Jun Wan is Song Hwa's first love. My only reason is that there is no reason it was not Jun Wan. The 99 flashback, when Song Hwa looking at Ik Jun & Jun Wan leaving the concert, probably strengthen that reason. Jun Wan still in the nomination for us to be concerned. Why it has to be both that she followed? Why didn't they give us clear evidence and a big revelation that Song Hwa's first love is only Ik Jun? Why they didn't provide us other scenes (similar to the one during university interview or something else) that Song Hwa's first love is only possible to be Ik Jun.


But instead, they gave us a hint about Song Hwa's first love: she followed Ik Jun and Jun Wan in the concert. And we don't know more.

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@Kaizen68 I get where you are coming from. Think about it this way, Ik Jun never opened his mouth and said the words that he had a crush on Song hwa. But from the scenes shown in ep 6 it was kinda clear that he had a crush on her. Similarly we have already seen Song hwa seeing Ik Jun with that lovestruck look in 4th ep. It was already clear that he was her crush. Why else would she look at him like that? Well you maybe right too, I'm not denying the possibility, they might add some more flashback scenes and do whatever they want. But why would they unnecessarily involve Jun wan in the love triangle, when they have already assigned him a girlfriend. LOLOL. Jun wan is a dead end. I don't see the logic. If Ik sun is not there, I would have accepted your theory. 


But ultimately you know the reason why I'm against it. My Jun Song shipper heart is lying dormant somewhere. I don't want to wake it up. LOL. 

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4 hours ago, kokodus said:

@Kaizen68 I get where you are coming from. Think about it this way, Ik Jun never opened his mouth and said the words that he had a crush on Song hwa. But from the scenes shown in ep 6 it was kinda clear that he had a crush on her. Similarly we have already seen Song hwa seeing Ik Jun with that lovestruck look in 4th ep. It was already clear that he was her crush. Why else would she look at him like that?


I was thinking about that as well. Because Ik Jun didn't open his mouth explicitly that he liked Song Hwa, and we already could tell his feelings. But I believe, there is something we can distinguish between big revelation and also small hints that scattered in earlier and many episodes. Big revelation usually occurs later in one or two episodes, as we learned that's the style of Reply series. While apparent small clues scattered in many episodes (and often traps?). Jung Hwan reply 1988 showed us that the most obvious clues are more likely to be a trap. So I have this alarm in my mind, never trust what this writer trying to direct viewers, until she explicitly gave the answer.


While there is a clear difference between Ik Jun and Song Hwa's behavior, Ik Jun didn't sleep to visit the hospital where Song Hwa took a biopsy test. Ik Jun doesn't go to his girlfriend, Go Ara, and goes to Song Hwa, instead. Ik Jun looked desperate when Seok Hyung told him that he likes Song Hwa. Ik Jun wanted to give Song Hwa a special birthday present, but he threw it away. There is an emotion invested in that behavior.


But all Song Hwa's behavior we know so far was simply stare at Ik Jun in awe. And anyone, other than Song Hwa, would stare at Ik Jun (a multitalented person) like that without investing any deeper emotion.


Also we thought Jun Wan liked Song Hwa because he is the one who shows care the most to her. He visited her office and texted her apologizing if he made Song Hwa hurts. We said, Jun Wan liked Song Hwa. But it turned out, it was nothing more than caring between friends. For now, I would assume Song Hwa too, just admire Ik Jun (in a friendly way). And nothing more than that, like Jun Wan's case to Song Hwa in earlier episodes. 


4 hours ago, kokodus said:

I'm not denying the possibility, they might add some more flashback scenes and do whatever they want. But why would they unnecessarily involve Jun wan in the love triangle, when they have already assigned him a girlfriend. LOLOL. Jun wan is a dead end. I don't see the logic. If Ik sun is not there, I would have accepted your theory. 


You know. We didn't expect Ik Jun loved Song Hwa because he was married back then. And right now, he divorced and single, and we just found out that he had a crush on Song Hwa. We knew his ex-wife existence had nothing to do with Ik Jun's first love. But we were considering that variable of external conditions (Ik Jun's wife), and prevent us from seeing all the clues from episode one that clearly implies Ik Jun loved Song Hwa in the past. Similar to this case. Ik Sun's existence (external condition) has nothing to do/irrelevant who was in Song Hwa's heart 20 years ago.


It doesn't make sense to assume that Ik Jun is Song Hwa's first love 20 years ago because Jun Wan is dating Ik Sun in present day? Here precisely, I don't see the logic.


And with three seasons, it's more likely for Jun Wan to break up with Ik Sun along the way. Maybe at the near end of season one? And when Jun Wan broke up with Ik Sun, it wouldn't be overwhelming for us if Shin-PD reveals that Jun Wan is Song Hwa's first love.


4 hours ago, kokodus said:

But ultimately you know the reason why I'm against it. My Jun Song shipper heart is lying dormant somewhere. I don't want to wake it up. LOL. 


Yes, I know the reason lol. We were in the same sunk ship and somehow, my feelings still lying there :D but I also don't want there is a shipping war between Jun Wan - Song Hwa and Ik Jun - Song Hwa, and I am confused in between. 


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8 hours ago, fattyfingers said:

It seems like Dr. Jang is quite a "target" in this thread, due to her controversive character in this show. First of all, kudos to Shin Hyun Bin for her perfomance portrating such a role! 


The only reason why she's controversial, from what I've observed, is because she's being set up to have some kind of "special" dynamic with Jeong-won. Whatever that might be. If she was just some random recurring resident, there would be little or no controversy. However it should be said that the vast majority of people on this thread like her and find her relatable.


I think the audience sometimes forgets that Hospital Playlist is ultimately still a drama. No matter how invested we may be in the Fab Five, we don't get to have a say or choose the direction in which the showrunners would like to go. Whether or not we like Gyeo Ul or think she's emotionally compatible with Jeong-won... if that's where the show is headed well... audiences will have to suck it up or watch something else. At this stage it is still a big "if". There is no certainty but there are enough hints... for enough people watching to think that there's something going on there. I agree that her challenge is a big one because Jeong-won aspires to be in the priesthood but as she says... he's not a priest yet. Also she can't help it if she's holding a one-sided crush for him. These things do happen to people and they don't necessarily have control over them.


For argument's sake I will raise this: Most of us have been watching Asian dramas for years so we know that it is not uncommon for flawed, intellectually challenged females to be paired up with Prince Charmings over the years. So why start angsting over it now? That's the part I don't understand. Why does Dr Maggot have to be perfect to "deserve" a nice guy? It hasn't been an issue before so why now? I don't understand why she is being held to a standard of perfection where in most romance tropes doesn't exist.


This is a challenge that the writer has set for herself. How will she resolve this and allow it to play out? GU having a crush on JW was as much a surprise to me as to most. Especially after the fact he ticked her off for poor bedside manners. But I can't deny that they are being set-up for something...  whatever that is. Maybe she's on the path to rejection and heartache... so be it... Maybe this is something that JW will have to wrestle with... it's a tension that the writer wants to highlight before he heads for Rome or makes his final decision as to what his path is. Personally I like the idea of how this whole issue could potentially pose a challenge to his sense of certainty about the future. I believe he needs it because he needs to grapple with his own limitations as a man and question his own trajectory. Ultimately this is a drama in which conflicts of interests do occur. Like it or not, conflicts do make for more interesting dramas. 


To me this isn't all about love and marriage, this is about people having to deal with the unpredictability of life. How they see these occurrences and how they deal with them. I'd agree that it isn't an obvious pairing but shouldn't that be the point in a show where unpredictability is the name of the game?


Medicine I think is an interesting profession in that it sometimes gives people the impression that doctors know everything (or at least what's best) and are in control of everything. I've had discussions with people over the years regarding this and it surprises me that a lot of people think this. It's a myth that has a lot of traction. Since becoming more whole foods, very low sugar in my eating these past couple of years, I've been shocked at how little GPs (family doctors) and even specialists know about diet and nutrition. I've had to do all my own research and N=1 experiments. This is just the tip of the iceberg. 


This is an area that the show must also want to explore. This idea of wanting to save lives... control fate... determine life and death but not being able. It's certainly a recurring theme of the drama as far as I can tell. And the person who seems to struggle with this more than anyone, seems to be Jeong-won.

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9 hours ago, JJS's Fan-atics said:

I for sure, for a long time to come, will keep getting back to this scene when ever I am gonna feel sad or depressed, to have a good lol moment.

                The frustration & anger of JKH when he hits the 2nd time, the utter surprise &

shock in the eyes of JJS that just trying to understand what just happened to him , is EPIC.:tounge_xd:


i need the bts asap :joy:

another scene that make me rotfl is the taxi scene. madam rosa goshhhhh i'm tired of laughing :mrgreen:


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Hey guys,

Glad it doesn't feel lonely defending Dr Jang in this thread because a few weeks ago, I felt I was watching a different show because of what was written about her on this thread. 


It is really interesting to read your takes on the characters in the show which is a highlight for me after watching the show..

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Another scenario would be: Jun Wan and Ik Sun get married/tie the knot at the end of season one. And Song Hwa experiences a broken heart, but she doesn't reveal that she had a crush on Jun Wan and keep her long-hidden feelings as a secret forever. So it wouldn't be overwhelming if she doesn't say anything. And no one knows but herself, while we know from the flashback or what so ever. And Ik Jun's there beside Song Hwa as an available man.


Any scenario can happen with different executions. I am open minded overall. It is just IDK, why I can't help but thinking Song Hwa's first love is Jun Wan. So please, bear with me, guys, even though I understand why people can't see things from my point of view. :lol:

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56 minutes ago, prenchpries said:

Am I the only one whose anticipating jeong won and song hwa's scene together

Nope.  We’re just hiding till the big reveal. :lol:.  Too many bread crumbs dropped so far for it just to be pure coincidence.  Hang in there. 

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1 hour ago, prenchpries said:

Am I the only one whose anticipating jeong won and song hwa's scene together? I mean just the two of them, if am not mistaken until the last episode aside from eating and group practice they only shared two phone calls. 


I am with you on the Jeongwon/Songhwa ship.... based entirely on my Kdrama viewing experience.  As cliche-yish as can be... in every drama...there is always a girl who is open and overtly expressive... wearing her feelings on her sleeve.


And there is also a girl who is modest, humble and unassuming... As expected, the discreet girl wins in the end.  Simply put...who is the more compelling one, Dr Jang Gyeo-UI or Dr Chae Seong-Hwa?


Therefore, if there is a girl who can prevent Jeong-Won from going Priest, chances are... it is not Dr Jang.


Just a minority point of view.



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1 hour ago, Kaizen68 said:

 So please, bear with me, guys, even though I understand why people can't see things from my point of view. :lol:

No no I can see from your point of view very clearly. LOL. Song hwa's past crush can just be that. A crush. Infatuation. And it might not lead to anything. Whoever it maybe. She might have moved on long ago from that crush phase unlike Ik Jun who is clearly stuck in his 20s. Sighh.


If it was any other girl other than Iksun I would have accepted your theories right away and hoped that my sunken ship will revive somehow. LOL. Ik sun and IK Jun's ex wife can not be compared. Jun wan seems to be head over heels in love with Ik sun. And the most important point to consider here is that she is his best friend's precious little sister. If something goes wrong with their relationship it will affect Ik Jun and Jun Wan's 20 years long friendship. Jun wan ex wife was just a cameo and we came to know that eventhough they were married Ik jun didn't love her enough. His heart is somewhere else. He needs closure. 

It is hard for me to strike ik sun of as just a external condition. Your second scenario is most likely to happen though...LOL. 


Eventhough Lee and Shin go crazy with their lovelines, the male leads who get the girls have always had their eyes only on the same girl from the beginning. Correct me if I am wrong as I have not watched R94. But that's why I believe Ik Jun is the most likely to be the endgame for song hwa. But yes they need not follow the same pattern here. In life you don't always get together with your first love. Maybe they will try something new and different here. Considering that our leads are not teenagers anymore, first loves and past crushes need not have any significance at all. Captain Ahn still has chance. LOL. 

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54 minutes ago, kokodus said:

It is hard for me to strike ik sun of as just a external condition. Your second scenario is most likely to happen though...LOL. 


Don't get me wrong, chingu. Haha. When I said Ik Sun as an external condition doesn't mean Song Hwa will affect Jun Wan - Ik Sun's relationship in the future. What I mean is, the fact that Jun Wan loves Ik Sun today is irrelevant to the condition 20 years ago. And anyone in Song Hwa's heart 20 years ago has nothing to do with Ik Sun. So that's why I said Ik Sun is an external condition about whoever in Song Hwa's heart in the 99 era. You get what I mean, right? Haha. 


Ik Jun's wife was a present variable. His love for Song Hwa was past variable. And his one-sided crush to Song Hwa was twenty years ago, a very long time that anything could happen within that period. But we used his married with the ex-wife as a predictor that he's the last person to involve any romantic relationship with Song Hwa. And it turns out we are wrong. So I believe we could learn something from this. 


I also prefer the second scenario. Even though in the first scenario, I think the revelation about Song Hwa's crush is also just like that. A crush. So that wouldn't be overwhelming, and we don't have to handle anything except we know something. Or any other scenario that would happen, I don't think Song Hwa will reveal her first love to her friends. We just know and accept the fact that it might be already died down. And she already mature enough and has moved on.

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1 hour ago, yookitube said:


I am with you on the Jeongwon/Songhwa ship.... based entirely on my Kdrama viewing experience.  As cliche-yish as can be... in every drama...there is always a girl who is open and overtly expressive... wearing her feelings on her sleeve.


And there is also a girl who is modest, humble and unassuming... As expected, the discreet girl wins in the end.  Simply put...who is the more compelling one, Dr Jang Gyeo-UI or Dr Chae Seong-Hwa?


Therefore, if there is a girl who can prevent Jeong-Won from going Priest, chances are... it is not Dr Jang.


Just a minority point of view.




I have a serious question... JW and SH have been friends for 20 years now... given all this time, why hasn't she been able to prevent him from thinking about the priesthood in all that time? What would suddenly have to occur for her to change her mind about him... and then for him to change his mind about her?


Wouldn't it be easier to believe that someone he has never known before until recently (new hospital/workplace) does something that shakes him? Someone different... something new perhaps that happens in his life?


Just a couple of questions to chew over... ;) Not making any definitive statements here.


Now as for your definition of who is supposedly the girl who wears her heart on her sleeve being Gyeo Ul... I honestly don't see it. I find it interesting that she's described as being "robotic" one moment and then now she's being seen as someone who wears her heart on her sleeve. She can't be both. Of course she is different in front of her best friend but in front of Jeong-won, she pretty much keeps her feelings under wraps. In fact, to me... your description of someone unassuming fits GU better. In fact the one that really wears her heart on her sleeve... that is Song-hwa.


@kokodus, @Kaizen68 I think you both really really need to write some fanfiction. Honestly. ;)

Fan Fiction.net has already started a Hospital Playlist category... go and knock yourselves out. It feels like you both have a story that you're busting to tell. ;)

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1 hour ago, prenchpries said:

Am I the only one whose anticipating jeong won and song hwa's scene together? I mean just the two of them, if am not mistaken until the last episode aside from eating and group practice they only shared two phone calls. 


I just want to enjoy the ride while waiting for it if that is the writer's end game.  I would want to see them hanging out together.  When is JWon going to disclose about daddy long legs to SHwa ?   He was in the first episode, but that did not happen.  Well I guess we will first see IJ and his crush on SHwa and looking forward to IS and JW 's dating.  

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52 minutes ago, 40somethingahjumma said:

@kokodus, @Kaizen68 I think you both really really need to write some fanfiction. Honestly. ;)

Fan Fiction.net has already started a Hospital Playlist category... go and knock yourselves out. It feels like you both have a story that you're busting to tell.


I think I have mentioned it before. Lol. I am even laughing at myself when I started to theorizing things  :lol: 

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1st time to reply on this topic ^^ This is one of the most worth-to-watch drama this season so I really wanna join the party here.


I'm a big fan of Junwan-Iksun ship and as a fan of ShinPD works, i think it's unlikely this ship will sink. Junwan really treasure his friendship with Ikjun and his relationship with Iksun, he spend more than a month to think of visiting Iksun, if he didnt consider the chance of marriage, yes not only love but also marriage, he wouldnt make a move. The scenario for his breaking-up with Iksun and moving to Songhwa definitely destroys the friendship between 5. This is not any makjang dramas, it's Shin PD and Lee writer's work which always is highlighted the friendship between main casts. 


This isnt the 1st time in Shin PD's drama in which a charater falls in love with his bestie's sister. Reply94 Sseureki loves Najung (his childhood bestie's sister), Reply88 Sunwoo loves Bora, PrisonP Yoonho loves Jaehee, 2 couples breaks up in the middle but all 3 have happy ending so I would say, Junwan Iksun is kinda confirmed canon now. 

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