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[Drama 2020] The King: Eternal Monarch, 더 킹: 영원의 군주


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1 hour ago, mrsj3n said:

Guess who rewatch from episode 1 again? LOL

LOL. I did, last night rewatchd from 1 to 2. 


1 hour ago, mrsj3n said:

In episode 1, LR was wearing the king's ring when he went took the Four Tiger Sword. 

And in episode 10..  the late Prince Uncle said that is the King's ring.

But I wonder why did LR has it at the first place?

I saw he wore a ring. But was it the same ring like in ep 10? Because I'm not sure whether it's the same or not. But if if it's yes, he must have it because he took it. PB said that ring belongs to the king only. 


1 hour ago, mrsj3n said:

Are you guys thinking that the ring is also part of the magical deal for everything to work?

Ring + sword + flute = Incredible magic?

I'm not really sure whether it has this magical power or not. The only thing I know is only the flute which can open the gate. But recently LG hints us that LR has another door to come and go between worlds because his guards are 24/7 patrolled the forest but none of them reported have seen him pass through. There are only two possible options here. First, one of those guards is LR's spy and whenever the time stops as he come in or out, this spy will help to smooth his escape. Or secondly, he has found another shortcut to pass through aside from the forest, which is likely to be that straight path to Heongdae (sorry forgot how to spell the place name, hope this is right). There LG finally met him for the first 25 years. 


I think the connection between these three things are the flute as the keydoor, the sword will put an end to his revolt, and the ring as the symbol of the king. 


1 hour ago, mrsj3n said:

I think LR's ultimate goal is just to get the flute. Not really to be King. If he wants to be King, he will not openly rebel and kill the King. It will be controversial for him to take the throne.

He wanted something more than just a King.

I think like what @bebebisous33 said. LR thinks he is much more powerful than god. 

Imo, at first he solely wants the throne. He wants to prove that he's superior than others. Much later, the throne he's after is more than of just being the king of MOC but he wants to rule both worlds. He openly did that because he thinks his plan is already perfect to be executed. Remember he said to the late king before stabbing him to death that he's waited that moment, to get rid of him, the whole time of his entire life. That shows how long he has planned it and gathered his loyal people who are ready to do anything for him even if it means they should give up their life. This has motivated him more to do so. 


1 hour ago, mrsj3n said:

The sudden disappearance of LG in episode 10 is not past or future LG.. but rather time might have stopped and LG take that moment to leave JTE before he gets tempted to drop whatever he has in mind.

More might be revealed in episode 11 because based on the director's style.. there is always more than meets the eye based on the ending.

Have faith everyone!

Yup. Like how they keep moving back some several minutes to tell how was it actually happened. We might see some or clearance later on. Oh.. did you refer to the preview? I'm not that hopeless. I believe that TE will be okay. That random preview is given to keep us waiting anxiously. Lol. TE isn't Ji Eun Tak who was destined to die since baby. So we still have lots of higher chances of happy ending. The story isn't over yet. So everything is undecided yet. Right... cheer up peeps... :D

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I spent some time reading all the theories by each of you and I am baffled and amazed by how deep all the assessments are! The theories are so well thought of, so reasonable, and my heart races as I read each one of them. 


As much as most of the theories here are plausible, I think it is very difficult to portray all intricacies into a drama for common viewers to understand. The more complicated the story is, the more confusion it creates to convey the meaning to viewers. In any case, I hope no matter what happens, please let there be a good acceptable ending.


It will be interesting if writer Kim Eun Sook reads all of your analyses and theories. She would be proud of you guys. I am truly amazed that someone like her can think and come up with the tiniest details, and more so that you guys could identify such details!!

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23 minutes ago, Umjicheok said:

So at the end even if they show 2 saviors , 2nd episode scene would still be right since he saw the eyes of his own.


(I am not taking that 2nd episode confirmation btw Lee gon and sin jae at it's face value either why? Bcoz LG just quickly pulls sin jae's hoodie , doesn't even look properly at his eyes and declares he is not the one. :joy:)

Yes, LG confirmed that SJ is not his saviour from whom he grabbed JTE's ID , then again baby LG never saw the Person who actually Fired shots and killed LR's guards, Baby LG saw the man who checked his Pulse (His OWN EYES) . This still does not confirm or deny that a) There was 1 or 2 saviours (I beleive there were 2), and b) SJ was the shooter or not YET.

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I'm not super immersed in Arthurian lore but I feel like they've mentioned King Arthur way too many times for it to be a coincidence.  So I did a character comparison.


Round Table - this little group that LG and JTE have assembled

Excalibur - Four Tiger Sword

Holy Grail - Mansipi...flute thingy.  Too hard to spell ;)

King Arthur - Lee Gon

Guinevere - Jung Tae Eul

Lancelot - Shin Jae - Arthur's best friend who is his loyal companion until he has an affair with Guinevere.  We might be going backwards here, where the relationship/friendship happened first with JTE.  I think the mention of SJ and JH being friends in ROK when young might play into this a little bit.

Sir Galahad/Percival - Jo Yeong/Jo Eun Sup - known as the greatest of all knights.  Currently given Siege Perilous, the seat where the user will be victorious in finding the Holy Grail.  Or killing the villain in this case.

Morgan Le Fey - Prime Minister.  Originally an ally of Arthur, but becomes an antagonist in some storys?

Merlin - maybe the child?


I need more sleep.



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1 hour ago, mrsj3n said:

@MairaA @Alice Wonderland Guess who rewatch from episode 1 again? LOL

In episode 1, LR was wearing the king's ring when he went took the Four Tiger Sword. 

And in episode 10..  the late Prince Uncle said that is the King's ring.

But I wonder why did LR has it at the first place?


Are you guys thinking that the ring is also part of the magical deal for everything to work?

Ring + sword + flute = Incredible magic?


@bebebisous33 I love JTE's father and I do hope his doppelganger if he exist in KOC will be as kind as him in ROK.

But for poor Luna to be all alone in KOC, I think the chances for him to be alive might be slim.



@gwin I think LR's ultimate goal is just to get the flute. Not really to be King. If he wants to be King, he will not openly rebel and kill the King. It will be controversial for him to take the throne.

He wanted something more than just a King.

I think like what @bebebisous33 said. LR thinks he is much more powerful than god. 


I also asked that before. Why was the ring with LR when the Prince specifically said they cannot covet the ring as it is the King's.  At the same breath, why did the Prince fail to turn-over the ring to LG when he  already confessed to falsifying the autopsy?


Over at BOD I asked if the RING will play a part in the equation to defeat LR or to find a beautiful solution? That perhaps like in HP series – (Elder Wand, Invisibility Cloak & Resurrection Stone) – for one to be eternal? Have a peaceful Kingdom & still be with TE?

  1. The flute – instrument which controls time & portals. LG needs to get the other half so LR will be devoid of power, thereby protecting the two worlds
  2. LG already has the 4 Tiger Sword which obviously does not interest LR. But as the message on the sword indicates, it is crucial to vanquish the bad/devil (LR).  This is LR's blind spot.
  3. The ring which LR used to have and he supposedly wanted to retrieve from the Prince. But I have questions:
  • How did LR know the Prince still have the ring?
  • He got it but still left with the Prince? Now that is strange!

Oh Friday please come sooner. Going crazy here for more theories! LMAO

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4 hours ago, ms_inquiry said:

 However: in the character descriptions is it not suggested, even asked rather than stated, that Luna's cancer condition might be hereditaryDoes anyone have access to the description? Didn't JTE's mother die of an illness? Of course both mothers could definitely have the same illness but we know from seeing other doppelgangers that certain things aren't the same.

yes, Tae Eul's mother passed away due to cancer (it is mentioned in Tae Eul's father character description "... 25 years ago, he lost his wife to cancer and since then he has raised Tae Eul by himself")


and also in Luna's character description, it is written that "... terminally ill 3 months left to live. Luna is dumfounded, the only thing that her unknow parents left for her is cancer"



the theory about Tae Eul and Luna swap/twins just creep me out, because this plot twist, if really happened, will be a simpler than the "remnant theory" yet impact can be huge


imagine, if Luna is the one in Korea thats mean she maybe the one who has it all. (even though later she may be dead from cancer, still she would like a happier life) 
yet she was in Corea, turned out to be a criminal living a low dark life

thats sound unfair and can trigger rage

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Hello peeps help me out.. LR was about to kill young LG and two guys come to the scene with guns. the first one is from present timeline only right? it was only LG who came from the future.. the other savior was from present timeline only. like LG's father's bodyguard or something. that would make sense if other savior was from present and is always meant to be there originally. like LG from future knew he was eventually saved by the first guy so he waited until he was saved to enter the scene. 

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On 5/18/2020 at 10:17 PM, Elnin Joery said:

2.  If someone goes back in time,  why would that person save only Lee Gon, but not save Lee Ho?


Because the flute was not yet split when Lee Ho was killed. Going back in time is only possible after the flute was cut into two. Hence LG was the only one that can be saved at that point.


Otherwise, the time traveller - if our theory is correct that there is one such (or 2 or 3) - can go back in time & can simply prevent LR being born all together, right?

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51 minutes ago, rambutan said:

#1 That is an abundance of speculation and theorising which I doubt the scope of this drama can deal with. It's just not KES's style. Although her ideas/genres are creative, story telling is usually simple and  straightforward.

#2, Sorry, this point was not in reference to any of your posts. It was a follow up from my previous views that SJ could be the second savior.  


This is speculation based on facts which were shown on the show, specifically:


1.  There is no corpse of young Ji-Hun shown on screen.  Unlike in the case of all other deaths of doppelgangers on this show, we see either a corpse or the person actually being killed.


2.  In Episode 8, when Ji-Hun's mom follows Shin Jae to the station after Shin-Jae visited Ji-Hun's grave, she said these words while in the car:

"That man came by, looking for Ji-Hun.  I guess we'll finally get busted. Is he Ji-Hun's friend? He seems to be around Ji-Hun's age."


3.  In Episode 10, when Jo Yeong checked out Shin-Jae's address, he overhears Shin Jae's mom saying to someone on the phone:

"You saw Ji-Hun's mom?  The one who used to work for my family as housekeeper?"

The person on the phone responds with:  "Yes, her.  I didn't recognize her at first."


Later on in the same phone conversation, Shin Jae's mom says:  "Her kid was the same age as Shin-Jae.  So I gave her a ton of Shin-Jae's old clothes."


The most important to me is what Ji-Hun's mom said... what will they be busted for?   And then Shin-Jae's mom said that she gave Ji-Hun's mom Shin Jae's old clothes.  So they could have easily made the body of Shin-Jae to be the body of Ji-Hun.


There is no reason for them to give us all the information above if they're not significant.


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4 minutes ago, mychoiyoung said:

Over at BOD I asked if the RING will play a part in the equation to defeat LR or to find a beautiful solution? That perhaps like in HP series – (Elder Wand, Invisibility Cloak & Resurrection Stone) – for one to be eternal? Have a peaceful Kingdom & still be with TE?

  1. The flute – instrument which controls time & portals. LG needs to get the other half so LR will be devoid of power, thereby protecting the two worlds
  2. LG already has the 4 Tiger Sword which obviously does not interest LR. But as the message on the sword indicates, it is crucial to vanquish the bad/devil (LR).  This is LR's blind spot.
  3. The ring which LR used to have and he supposedly wanted to retrieve from the Prince. But I have questions:
  • How did LR know the Prince still have the ring?
  • He got it but still left with the Prince? Now that is strange!

Oh Friday please come sooner. Going crazy here for more theories! LMAO


Not Sure if Ring is a part of the supposed Trifecta , but LR maybe had the Ring because uptil LH's killing he also was a valid prince and the Previous King (LH and LR's dad) had given him the ring?So the ring was his uptil he was declared dead.


Prince Buyeong is a doctor, when LR killed his ROK doppleganger who had polio , besides the body he also left the Ring on his dead-body to erase any doubts that he should be declared dead in KOC. But LR knew his body would be examined by Prince Buyeong due to the suspicious circumstance and there will be examination which would have proven the doppleganger's polio which LR never had. Hence LR knew Prince Buyeong will not buy the dead body as LR's fully and will always doubt if he was still alive somewhere. Prince Buyeong kept the ring due to the doubt. And LG would have never wore or kept LR's ring anyhow.


Now when LR came back again he took the ring back , killed Price Buyeong and made him wear the RING, so as to leave clues to LG, that LR is lets say indispensable and not the one to be messes with, some sort of warning.


This is my opinion ofcourse ! :D 



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19 minutes ago, mychoiyoung said:


I also asked that before. Why was the ring with LR when the Prince specifically said they cannot covet the ring as it is the King's.  At the same breath, why did the Prince fail to turn-over the ring to LG when he  already confessed to falsifying the autopsy?


Over at BOD I asked if the RING will play a part in the equation to defeat LR or to find a beautiful solution? That perhaps like in HP series – (Elder Wand, Invisibility Cloak & Resurrection Stone) – for one to be eternal? Have a peaceful Kingdom & still be with TE?

  1. The flute – instrument which controls time & portals. LG needs to get the other half so LR will be devoid of power, thereby protecting the two worlds
  2. LG already has the 4 Tiger Sword which obviously does not interest LR. But as the message on the sword indicates, it is crucial to vanquish the bad/devil (LR).  This is LR's blind spot.
  3. The ring which LR used to have and he supposedly wanted to retrieve from the Prince. But I have questions:
  • How did LR know the Prince still have the ring?
  • He got it but still left with the Prince? Now that is strange!

Oh Friday please come sooner. Going crazy here for more theories! LMAO


Yes. I also find myself wondering why didn't Prince Uncle turn over the ring to LG?


To be honest, initially I did wonder if he was the real Prince Uncle.


I can only suspect that there are spies/LR's minions in Prince Uncle's residence and were watching his every move and reported to LR about it.

Why did he leave without the ring?

I think his eyes is only on getting the grand prize, the magical flute.

With that, he can get many other rings that is of his own legacy and not passed down.

Can't forget how obnoxious he is. :joy:


@Alice Wonderland Recalling episode 1, everything revolves around the flute in LR's mind.

So maybe we are indeed overthinking about the ring and the sword. 

Or... LR didn't pay attention to the myth that there are other objects as well.



@gwin To be honest, I actually link it to the unnatural death of LG's doppelganger.  Lol

Hence she said "busted". But of course, I could be wrong.


1 random thought again before I go to bed:

I wonder why didn't they show us the meeting of Eun Soeb and Seung - a in KOC?

And with "JY" injured, SA didn't make a cameo to show how worried she is.. I'm pretty dumbfounded. Hahaha


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2 minutes ago, JC's Lingxi said:

Guys .... I am this upset that I am watching Boys Over Flowers... i will keep watching it till friday...cannot even look at King right now despite Lee Min Ho looking 1000 times better at it... :D :( 


Lmao. I am also watching that and strangely enough it's trending in Chile top 8 for today. I was like Chile really? massive BOF rewatching going on.. 


I couldn't believe BOF is still trending after 11yrs


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I have been preparing the theory of all theories but still not finished it's gonna be long like 2-3 pages long. So I may have to space them and post them separately in part 1, part 2, part 3 and part 4 once I complete the theory. 


I tried to figure out the puzzle and figure out how all of this are interlinked to together. It was certainly not easy and it's still not easy and I won't say I have found the final answer as that is only known by the end writer.  :grin:

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10 minutes ago, Elnin Joery said:


Lmao. I am also watching that and strangely enough it's trending in Chile top 8 for today. I was like Chile really? massive BOF rewatching going on.. 


I couldn't believe BOF is still trending after 11yrs


This reason it started to Hallyu wave in the world :lol:

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23 minutes ago, Jaja said:


Hello peeps help me out.. LR was about to kill young LG and two guys come to the scene with guns. the first one is from present timeline only right? it was only LG who came from the future.. the other savior was from present timeline only. like LG's father's bodyguard or something. that would make sense if other savior was from present and is always meant to be there originally. like LG from future knew he was eventually saved by the first guy so he waited until he was saved to enter the scene. 


Er... it's not confirmed there are 2 but it's an ongoing debate.

Same goes for timeline.

Everything is just purely speculation so don't get too confused.

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2 hours ago, madmad min said:

Prince Buyeong is a doctor, when LR killed his ROK doppleganger who had polio , besides the body he also left the Ring on his dead-body to erase any doubts that he should be declared dead in KOC. But LR knew his body would be examined by Prince Buyeong due to the suspicious circumstance and there will be examination which would have proven the doppleganger's polio which LR never had. Hence LR knew Prince Buyeong will not buy the dead body as LR's fully and will always doubt if he was still alive somewhere. Prince Buyeong kept the ring due to the doubt. And LG would have never wore or kept LR's ring anyhow.


The Prince was very specific that the ring belongs to the King and that "...we should not covet it".  Given this, whether LR will wear of keep the ring is beside the point.  The Prince should still have given it to LG.  Something is amiss here.


2 hours ago, JC's Lingxi said:

Guys .... I am this upset that I am watching Boys Over Flowers... i will keep watching it till friday...cannot even look at King right now despite Lee Min Ho looking 1000 times better at it... :D :( 


Bahahahahaha, I did the same thing.  Watched my fave parts.  Am now watching Personal Taste. BTW, BOF was taken off Netflix for a day. That was why I switched to Personal Taste (not on netflix)

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4 hours ago, ms_inquiry said:

"A time loop or temporal loop in fiction is a plot device whereby characters re-experience a span of time which is repeated, sometimes more than once, with some hope of breaking out of the cycle of repetition"

Lol. I thought I'm the only one to do some search on this. 


I really hope the forest hug scene could be resume. I mean what was that? They went so emotional but it was cut to the other scenes just like that. Like what are you trying to tell here huh?? Sidenote, I love all their hugs scenes, TE always wraps both her hands to LG's back and hurried her face on his broad chest. Oh my gosh.... :flushed: :lol: I become a fan of their hugs. They are bear hug couple. :wub: whenever they have this scene they make it so comfortable to see, so flattery and heartwarming. 


Talking about Luna, it broke my heart to see how that stray cat is the only close one for her. So her name is originated from it. Ah.. reminds me of my own Luna, my late cat. It was the same three stripes of color like that. 


2 hours ago, gwin said:

 I am still leaning towards the fact that Ji-Hun is NOT dead, especially since in the last episode, they made it a point to emphasize that:  Ji Hun and Shin Jae are of the same age AND Ji-Hun's mother worked as a housekeeper of Shin Jae's mom.  There must be a reason why they're telling us those bits and pieces of information.

JH is dead. And the mom said they're same ages means that if he's alive until today, he would be like SJ's age now. JH mom was in very bad financial state so he must habe worked there to keep her living. It has nothing to to do with the possibility of Ji Hun to be found alive at the end. No, I guess that's not the point. That scene was a clue for him later to find JH's mom. Someone whom SJ's mom talked via phone call told she has met her being such a wealthy chaebol lady. Because she was the key witness of the murder of her family. So lots of people who knows Song Jeong Hye (JH's mom) sees her in multiple places then the better for our king detective team to find her whereabouts soon. 


My question here is why would LR needs SJ's real mom (who works as the royal staff) and why she would agree to send her son to ROK. The flashback only shows a glimpse of her leaving little SJ in front of that store for  doing something in a minute but she never returns. I wonder she did that intentionally because of LR or she really lost him that time. But we see that she visits that bookstore and found a photo of SJ inside of it and being hurt by it. The. It verifies that she knows her son is in ROK. Why she let it happen. The answer is still mystery. Lol. We need more clues on later episodes. 

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2 hours ago, vangsweetie637 said:

I love all of our theories but remembering how LG just simply disappeared, I cannot help but think: I can accept time loops, time traveling, even time stopping, but I cannot accept a dream sequence!


I can’t accept a dream sequence either! I will flip tables! 

*insert gif of Daejang flipping tables* (there is one out there right?) :lol:

I stick with my original theory: he is the future LG. Here are my reasonings:


1) The flowers.


Where could they have come from? They’ve not grown in the current time. And nope, I don’t believe LG stopped by the store to purchase it before he met her. The flowers must have come from the future where the seeds have sprouted and bloom.


The flowers are also proof this scene is not a dream sequence. When JTE opened her eyes, LG was gone but the flowers remained. The flowers are real, he must have been too. 


cr. madebyjoa


2) These lines. 

JTE: “It took you awhile this time.”

LG: “Because I had to come from far away.”


His answer is a little odd for someone who is obviously coming from a far away place. He’s from a different world so what’s the difference between this time and other times? How come it look him longer to come see her? If he’s just coming from his world, the distance should be the same as before. But it seems his answer is referring to somewhere further than his world (future) and that is why it took him longer.


LG: “I realized that I never even gave you a single flower. That’s why I crossed the universe for you.” 

He had a purpose to come visit her and it was to bring her flowers because he never once did. The way this is worded seems to come from someone full of regrets. It’s not just simply him giving her flowers for the first time, it’s him giving her flowers for the first and last time. 

LG: “I also realized I never told you this. I love you. I am deeply in love with you.”


Again, his love confession comes from a place of regret. “I never told you this.” He’s making up for lost time. This is not just any love confession, this is the first, last, and only love confession. 

3) He disappeared. 


cr. Tukkatamickie37

She opens her eyes and he’s gone. For him to disappear that quickly, he’d have to vanish into thin air. There seems to be magic involved in his coming and going. 

4) He comes to her, broken, with a heavy heart. This is subjective but how I interpreted this scene: he was sad about JTE, not his uncle’s passing. 

5) Leaked photos of lmh. If you know, you know. It aligns with the traveling through time and making stops for visits theory. 

Leaving off with, I believe this is the only time he has appeared other than when we saw savior LG at the beginning. It would complicate things if we now have to guess which scene is him and which scene is current LG. This scene made all the sense because of 1-4. But the huge indicator here is him disappearing. Unless they show us LG walking away and we see him leave in the next episode, we should take the scene as it is. If she opened her eyes and he’s gone then perhaps he did really vanish. 

This kind of show tends to make us over analyze everything. We’re afraid we might miss some details so now we’re breaking down everything. But sometimes, we just have to take the show for what it is. I think I’m done with figuring out whether we are in a time loop and timeline a, b, c or just one timeline. I’m going to rest my brain and allow the show to take its course. But, I am certainly enjoying you all go at it. Please continue :) 

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