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[Drama 2020] The King: Eternal Monarch, 더 킹: 영원의 군주


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This drama is like a labyrinth, u can't get out ,every details are missing and u have to think at  all probability , be sure they build a big castle and u have to put evey puzzle in his place , think think as Alice  in wonder word ,  if u can see time was the biggest.  Clay in the story   and I know kes is obsessed by time , so time is the solution to your question and in the end u will be surprised by the simple secret .

Anyway is a good way , anther week start and we hope we get some energy for next Friday 

PS: I just wanna know what the myster behind this red balon :lol: I died every time a sow her :lol:

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I've read pages. And also pages about 4hrs plus ago. But no one has mentioned the shot ES. Can someone please tell me what happened or what happened to him or Sin Jae?


I have decided to skip episode 10. I am not interested once I learnt that JTE has died or the one we saw earlier has died. Like seriously? I already hated the Goblin ending so totally lost interest once you guys started talking about a tortured Lee Gon reliving seeing his love die again and again.


Yes I have read books where the leads die and are reborn. Whether with their memories intact or not.


So please, what happened to Sin Jae and Eun Seop/Jo Yeong? Hang on the Corea Lee Gon is the ONE Lee Gon? Otherwise the whole Corea country and people can't retool. How can Lee Gon be reincarnated when there is a whole country behind him? Then it makes sense then episode 11 will have a whole new Corean cast.


And I need to digest what you guys mean by frozen moments. Time in the in- between world is travelling at a different speed. When someone enters a portal or enters the world- Corea or Korea- time freezes on that world world only. So using the word  " frozen moment " is it because you guys have found a somewhat logical explanation for it or is it because of the subs? Using the word  " frozen ? " I am struggling to recall of all the time travelling books I've read and all the concept how did this frozen moment explain current timeline Lee Con being able to slip into appropriate past timeline to when The female lead is an adult. Because time travelling usually doesn't usually work that way. That you can pick the moment when you meet your reincarnated lost love.


So yeah. Frozen moment. Can you please just pinpoint when you guys first heard this and I will go peek into the exact minute to listen please?


To explain how multiple versions of TE exists and died but the episode 1-9 TE is current day 2019/2020 Korea. Where else Corea stayed in one timeline. Yet you guys are talking multiple reincarnated TE. And that's why I am not watching episode 10. Unless the recurring deaths you're talking about is only a 1-2 yr recurring time loop. So Lee Gon can always meet an adult TE.


See why I am not watching with the " frozen moment" theory, exact time jumps skills and a heroine who has died or will have. Multiple theories here that don't fit. Even when it's illogical science fiction writing the books I've read had some rules. One doesn't dump multiple conflicting concepts and expect it to work.

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4 minutes ago, scrawford said:

@AgentQuake exactly! It is a complex story, and sure the editing has its flaws. But really, if you are paying attention to the detail, it’s very rewarding. 


Good catch on the flowers. So do you think this would have a happy ending? I’m looking for happy ending theory Heheheh 


I feel like we might?  The majority of kdramas these days I feel like get a satisfying ending, if not rainbows and sunshine.  I mean, CLOY got a relatively happy and realistic ending and you have Kim Jung Un over there glaring at them daring to make a mistake hahaha.


I don't see an ending where JTE just heads over and becomes Queen of Corea, even if she drags her whole entourage.  There's no way the politicians and officials would let her marry him, she has 0 status, is an illegal immigrant, and basically has no qualifications or desires to become a political figurehead.  There's no benefit for LG to marry her, unless if Corea is so magical that they truly just want their King to marry for love.  Which, based on the cabinet and politics we've seen...nope.  She brings nothing to them, not even a rich family that could assist Corea. 


I do see a more realistic merging of the universes though!  The Arrowverse merged this year, with a couple of the universes mashing up to become one big Earth-Prime.  The issue I have with this though...what do we do with the dual characters?  The Arrowverse only worked because we were only invested in ONE version of each character, and the rest just...vanished or something.  Nobody really cares.  But in this case, do we keep Nari?  Do we keep Eun-sup?  Do we keep Jo Yeong?  They can't co-exist on one universe.


Great, I'm back to nothing again.

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The ultimate happy ending for me would be if the person who started the loop was actually JTE and the previous LG who is visiting all the time freeze moments would spontaneously meet the original JTE who saved him in the first time loop in the world in between where she might've stayed to keep the flute from falling into wrong hands and the current JTE and LG would be the ones to close the gates after defeating LR, and JTE moves to KOC to be with LG. If fairy tales can happen, that would be what I wished. 


As for liberal arts vs science. Why even the debate? A person can be both. You need the arts to portray dreams, hope and many intangible things, but you'll need science to make all that come true or make sense of them, so here's to hoping JTE's hopes and dreams can be achieved by LG. 

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I wonder what is yoyo boy actually? Some kind of balance?? Who?? A deity?? Hmm... he is wise enough to teach LR about through the story of King Arthur, the king with noble blood is the one who will be able to take the sword out from the stone. He was staring to the cctv in one of footages that LG watched. This isn't just a coincidence. Ah... so curious. As much as I do, I still can't get over of last night heartbreak. What KSR will do about LR once Ku chairman find the information she wants. I hope she won't use that to be a politician and gain some deals through it. I hope she'll join the horse riding as LG asked. I wonder what if KSR is actually from Korean but was switched to her doppelganger in Corea. That is why that she keeps receiving that newspaper, to remind her who she was. Hmm... just a wild guess here. It's just one of the what-ifs. 

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At this point I believe this whole drama is a freaking loop. That would explained this direction style of jumping and confusing timelines... and that we can only understand the whole story when episode 16 comes then we have to re-watch episode 1 to sort of get the complete picture :)))))) 




Also man, KGE and her crying scenes.... that brief moment when they share so deep kiss then the king just disappear (probably during time stops) leaving her in the middle like that.. man give me chills and indescribable feeling if I were JTE. 

Not liking the look of episode 11 preview with JTE in that state :( It stresses me out :( 



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8 minutes ago, koreaboooo said:

As for liberal arts vs science. Why even the debate? A person can be both. You need the arts to portray dreams, hope and many intangible things, but you'll need science to make all that come true or make sense of them, so here's to hoping JTE's hopes and dreams can be achieved by LG. 


They've talked about maintaining the balance so much that I feel like this has to come into play somehow.  LG and JTE are polar opposites - liberal arts vs. science, math and deductive reasoning vs proof, king vs. commoner, romantic vs. cynic, ROK vs. KOC...they're balancing each other out perfectly.  If we're truly stuck into a loop where one of them dies, maybe the keys is that without the two of them, they will always fail?  Because the final loop involves both of them surviving past the original point of return, that's what will change?

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2 hours ago, ms_inquiry said:

Love the idea that JTE will act in some way due to her sad premonition, that would also mean that her sad scene with future LG will be something she uses to do something to save him/resolve their possibly sad end. It is a clue she has now acquired. 

Which I feel like would be true to the JTE we've already been introduced to.  No matter how many foes seem to be in front of her, no matter the odds, she'll furiously toss her backpack at their feet, taunting them, "Yeah?  I know your face too!!  And don't even think of running!!"  It seems all a bit corny saying it now, but it rings true to me when it comes to those she loves, there doesn't seem to be any obstacle too great.  I'd imagine that would hold through to the very end, just replace mobsters or arrogant high school bullies with time, death or fate.  Even when LG (the titular hero) himself, similarly like teen!SJ getting kicked on the ground by his friends, doubts any happy ending could ever come.  Yo-yo kid may be someone willing to help (even if maybe could only do so indirectly).  As the kid's contrition seemed real in bumping her (aka, sorry about the events that he knew were about to unfold in her life), but she said it was ok (three times) and she'd let it go to get a new one, but that new badge the one that always was meant to exist and it's likely yo-yo kid would have had to know it.

This also seems like a silly thing, but the replacement of the badges themselves could be potential JTE death-rebirth foreshadowing.  Her badge replaced with another badge, similar yet different and a new issue date, but the new badge that was always meant to exist (as it was the one that ended up in 10-yr-old LG's hands in the past).  And it was yo-yo kid that helped make that badge come to exist.  As he could play a role in JTE's possible future death and subsequent rebirth.  What's JTE's new issue date if that's the case...... maybe May 27, 2022?  In which case her death and rebirth more symbolic, it's a JTE (the one who believed the world was flat) dies and reborn to a new JTE (of a round world).  JTE with greater knowledge of herself and the universe and probably now knowing just how much she's willing to go through, sacrifice and fight for those she loves.



LL is very arrogant indeed. LOVED the yo-yo boy/Faith boy/deity basically shading him and indicating that he is a villain. 

I also love how that kid basically just dismissed him.  Deemed the conversation over and bid him goodbye (because he'd rather finish his book than continue talking with LL). :lol:

Though why a kid would be so rude to an elder?  Could be the whole lacking social graces of a street urchin or just not caring about them like a criminal (Luna).  However, I think it's more in the sense that kid is so far beyond LL and his machinations (that are nothing but curiosities to whatever yo-yo kid is) and whatever the kid is can't entirely hide just how beyond LL he is. 

Just as the kid is reading the King Arthur story, he's reading/witnessing the story unfold between LG, LL, JTE and all the other characters.  Maybe even he's not entirely certain how the story will end, but I imagine (just like KSE) has a better idea than just about any other character in the series.

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45 minutes ago, Gariyada said:

This is some seriously ambitious storytelling. It's hard even in 2 hour movies, with a bunch of characters and scenes.. what they are pulling here is in some other level. As this series process, I can't believe what I am watching.  I hardly can imagine what actors felt while they are performing.

Theories.. Here is another one picking up things from here and there; 

These two universes are changed timelines. As mentioned in first episodes timelines changed in 1645 when Crown Prince Sohyeon died. Historically Crown Prince Sohyeon died mystery and found dead bleeding from head in King's(his father's) chamber in Seoul in when he was 33 like Lee Gon is at 2020. Also that's the reason one gate is in Busan (in Corea they changed capital in 1945) other in Seoul. My blind guess is, the series will link to 1645 and Lee Gon will take place of his ancestor Crown Prince Sohyeon and continue that timeline. 

I hope I am wrong, since that looks like a sad ending.

If this happens then there will be only One Korea or Corea and can maybe have a Happy Ending. I think. :ph34r:

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47 minutes ago, AgentQuake said:


I feel like we might?  The majority of kdramas these days I feel like get a satisfying ending, if not rainbows and sunshine.  I mean, CLOY got a relatively happy and realistic ending and you have Kim Jung Un over there glaring at them daring to make a mistake hahaha.


I don't see an ending where JTE just heads over and becomes Queen of Corea, even if she drags her whole entourage.  There's no way the politicians and officials would let her marry him, she has 0 status, is an illegal immigrant, and basically has no qualifications or desires to become a political figurehead.  There's no benefit for LG to marry her, unless if Corea is so magical that they truly just want their King to marry for love.  Which, based on the cabinet and politics we've seen...nope.  She brings nothing to them, not even a rich family that could assist Corea. 


I do see a more realistic merging of the universes though!  The Arrowverse merged this year, with a couple of the universes mashing up to become one big Earth-Prime.  The issue I have with this though...what do we do with the dual characters?  The Arrowverse only worked because we were only invested in ONE version of each character, and the rest just...vanished or something.  Nobody really cares.  But in this case, do we keep Nari?  Do we keep Eun-sup?  Do we keep Jo Yeong?  They can't co-exist on one universe.


Great, I'm back to nothing again.

Yup, every time I try to theorize it, I feel like I’m back to nothing, so I’m really curious how KES will wrap this story. 


Just like you, I don’t see a royal wedding happening, as much as I want too, but due to the reasoning you mentioned above. It makes sense.

Although, I’ll take royal wedding if it happens :)


I thought of the world emerge as well, but after Na-Ri spoke about balance and there can be two people in the same world. I take that as hint, the gate must be closed. 

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1 hour ago, madmad min said:

8.Do I want a Open ending, or Throw my Laptop out any Cry Heartwrenching ending ?



I couldn't stay away and ended up reading this line!! :joy:


Btw why is the chart in JY's hotel room so sparse? Why does it not have the names of Korean LR/Korean King's Father? Right now looking at that I kept wondering are these guys even doing anything while the world is literally going down the drain in Corea??


Poor King needs help!


Oh and where does the chief go? What role will Jagmi and the Chief play? Chief disappearing to meet solitude sounded a bit off (even if it was supposed to be comic) to me.

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@ck1Oz  Nobody has died, except for Prince Buyeong. 

Everything else is pure speculation,

and some of it will turn out to be wrong. 

Watch for yourself. 

Some of what is posted here is just plain confusing.  :lol: 

I am enjoying the story and predict a happy ending,

and not nearly as complicated as some people have theorized.




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It’s been hours since I watched ep 10, but I’m still thinking about the drama lol.

I suddenly remembered all the complaints when LG’s answer to JTE’s ‘I love you’ was ‘me too’ or ‘ditto’. It was a dry moment and it also frustrated me quite a bit. But re-watching the ending scene of this episode and hearing him say, “I realised I never told you I love you” added to the bittersweetness of that moment. I realised the writer had to write the script that way before so that we would be blessed with this impactful line.

This is why I love this drama so much. It’s like we’re watching parts of a unified whole and each part doesn’t mean anything by itself. But later on, as the plot unfolds, we will see everything on a different light. It might even motivate us to do a re-watch and we will realise why particular scenes have to be filmed that way. :wub:


Also, @AgentQuake, your take on the balloons is very insightful. That scene confused the hell out of me. And about the flowers, I also think they’re from the in-between world. Which is what led me to believe that the other version of LG must be staying (willingly or unwillingly) in the in-between. And for me, those flowers are a symbol of hope.

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3 minutes ago, Dramafreak said:


I couldn't stay away and ended up reading this line!! :joy:


Btw why is the chart in JY's hotel room so sparse? Why does it not have the names of Korean LR/Korean King's Father? Right now looking at that I kept wondering are these guys even doing anything while the world is literally going down the drain in Corea??


Poor King needs help!


Because Uptil 1:05:00 pointer of Netflix released episode 10,those who are in ROK still DO NOT KNOW THE GRAVITY of the situation. They are busy eating Bbq Chicken, Kimchi and drinking Coffee. Also theorizing somewhere in the middle. 


Poor LG he did not get to have the Stew now he will Miss Chicken As well that he cant seem to get enough Of. 


Jokes aside because LG never really emphasized or knew the actual gravity of the situation that's why they are all in lets say stage 1.5-2 instead of Level 9.5 of preperation.



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5 hours ago, Heilo said:


People said they flopped on SBS but guess what LMH+KES are on their way to their biggest hit ever.. 


Together they are Thanos!




Uh ... Thanos dies in the end - not the example I want to see


But I know what you're getting at :D




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Other plot points and hints we have seen that will play a part of upcoming episodes:


1. How will LG's doppelganger's mother fit into the plot? She does not seem loyal at all to LL. Will LG and her meet? We know that LG does not think of her as being connected to him at all, but how will she feel seeing a grown-up version of her dead son? Will she ever meet him/learn about his identity? She doesn't seem to know about the parallel worlds at all. Is her presence in the drama merely a way for JY to find LL? JY saw SJ's mum who it was stated has met LG's doppelganger's mother... Or is she merely a tool for LL? Will LL try to further hurt LG by killing this doppelganger and leaving her body for LG to find?


2. LG's need/duty to marry as the King. This has been brought up throughout the drama but especially in these last episodes. However the show ends the drama will most probably address it. I'm personally worried he will have to marry someone he does not like for the sake of the Kingdom, especially now that the Prince is dead (I'm assuming the Prince's children are now next in line for the throne). Hopefully there will be a happier resolution. The PM was shown plotting to get his heart and it was quite ominous the way she implied that she always gets what she wants. She does not seem to be an evil character though. Kinda interesting that they referenced the Prince's child(ren?) in this episode. Will LG be the one to give up his world to go to the Republic? Will the referenced Prince's child be the next King/Queen? Probably not but it feels good to put every idea out here. 


3. I saw on twitter that the clothes JTE wears in the preview are the same as those she wears in the video dated 2022. Is this true? (Edit: apparently not, sorry :sweatingbullets:) And if that the case what does this mean? Will LG be gone for a long time? 2 years?! The fact that the drama made it very clear that it is now 2020 in their respective worlds and that the date of the video is 2022 indicates that it will be important. Also why does the video take place on her birthday the 27th of May? 


4. What role will Luna play? LL wants to meet her and will probably use his understanding of human greed and darkness to bribe her to help him. Will it be to try to kill LG? She is a violent person but it is shown that she is not heartless. She was the one with the rabbit jacket, which she then gave to FaithKid. Will she turn on LL - but why would she? Because when it comes down to it she is a good person? LL will probably promise to save her life, as others have theorized.


5. Will FaithKid play a role? Or do something similar to making sure that JTE got a new badge. I don't think he will play a very active role. It does not seem like it is his place to do so. He is probably the rabbit at the riding range. Will he do something similar again?





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33 minutes ago, Dramafreak said:


I couldn't stay away and ended up reading this line!! :joy:


Btw why is the chart in JY's hotel room so sparse? Why does it not have the names of Korean LR/Korean King's Father? Right now looking at that I kept wondering are these guys even doing anything while the world is literally going down the drain in Corea??


Poor King needs help!


Oh and where does the chief go? What role will Jagmi and the Chief play? Chief disappearing to meet solitude sounded a bit off (even if it was supposed to be comic) to me.

i agree with this. where exactly the chief disappeared.why he need excuse drinking with his colleagues. and how he can accurately remembered the plate number, SJ didn't told him which car he looking. it's seems fishy... 

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