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[Drama 2016-2017] Guardian: The Lonely and Great Goblin 도깨비

Go Seung Ji

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4 minutes ago, faith2 said:

I know it is from a while back but can someone tell me whoes song ET was singing in ep 7 at he wedding. I think I have heard it before may be in another drama. Thank you

 The song is " Meet him among them" by Lee Sun Hee.


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1 hour ago, ucylucy said:

Lee Dongwook makes a big impact with 3-second preview for 'Goblin'

Sports Joseon via Naver: 'Goblin' Lee Dongwook showcases the King's story in 3 seconds with his eyes

1. [+8321, -43] Just by looking at his eyes.... you can feel his pain

2. [+7655, -47] His impact yesterday.. this last scene said it all

3. [+6845, -52] I knew Lee Dongwook was handsome but he's truly so cool...

4. [+5587, -53] I can imagine a lot of things with just this one scene.. I imagine Kim Yeo sitting down in this scene with paintings of Kim Sun and him longing for her or he could be painting her face himself.. His eyes look so empty and sad.

5. [+5012, -54] This ending was seriously legendary~~ his eyes on its own tell the whole story of his heartbreak~

6. [+1037, -5] I'm seeing Lee Dongwook in a new light~ I got goosebumps. He certified his 17-year acting experience with one scene. I hope for him to be much much much more successful

7. [+1023, -1] So he was being cute all this time to shock us all of a sudden with his sexiness

8. [+981, -3] I'm sure all the viewers were expecting it already but I really got goosebumps when I saw the last scene. His eyes really did seem like such a lonely and devastated king.

9. [+948, -2] It was just one scene, with no lines, but his presence was so great. I felt the strength of the actor because he was able to deliver in one moment how the King lived after the Queen's death

10. [+943, -5] Wow I thought Lee Dongwook wouldn't fit historical dramas but he totally matches it... I got goosebumps....




Cr Nezuko


Even though I feel so sad after seeing the story in ep10 (past and present) but this comments are easing my pain. Yes, Wookie's eyes do magic! And in 1 second even he can show everything his character feels....without any lines. And yes, he's freaking sexy. As the last comment I had the same impression after watching his only historical drama, that such dramas are not for him. But still I wanted to see him in Goryeo era's King's costume. My wish came true and he has proven that he can pull of any drama's genre...just with 3 seconds appearance. What a talent!

Speaking about flashbacks, here are some awesome fan arts:



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1 hour ago, Miky88 said:

I wasn't suprised at all when grown up King made his appereance out of the blue in the last episode,i think many of us were expecting and speculating that the King when grown up would look like Grimmy,just like for sure if the Queen lived would look like Sunny...Now i truly want to see if the King before his death ever knew that his Eunuch was behind all those things and he was played as a total fool...Curious if the King died of heartbreak over years and years of pain and guilt,natural death or the Eunuch killed him off...In that insta flash we saw he clearly was hearbroken,with no life and more than sure lamenting what he did,killing his Queen...I'm more than anxious anticipating him reganing all his past life memories and realizing what he did,like Shin said being a fool and that The Queen and even Shin loved him so much,even his older Brother,all of them wanting to protect him...


Still curious how their story will unfold as even if he gets Shin forgivness he is still a supernatural being and Sunny a human,only if the Gods have mercy with him and make him a human as well...

@Miky88 which means it is safe to say in this drama, Kim Eunsook created a miracle, even if it is not a first-ever, in kdramaland. first i mentioned we don't have 2 ships fighting like crazy with either one of the 4 leads making enemy with another from the 4 leads. Then we don't have one of the 4 lead fallin in love with the main OTP, creating triangle-relationship-fighting.
and i jsut realised last night when my old-man mentioned who is that Eunuch in modern world, asking which mean all the baddies in Goryeo are good people in modern world.................... i come to realised, Eunuch was made to redeem himself in this real life... and how great is the character of Kim Shin to forgive him. not just to forgive him, but also to bring him up from the mire (he was a gangster when as a youth), and grounded him solid good education,.. not left him, but picked him to work for him closed beside him...
yes, in this story, there is no villain infact in the real world. its only themselves they need to overcome. and the "ABOVE" that hey need to touch and move to grant a grace, to remove that immortality and be take on mortality. i guess we will all cry bucket when dramatic Kim Eunsook write us a good scene of Shin forgiving WangYeo...

which means with all Kim Shin's flaws of pettiness, rudness, indifference. blunt, couldnt be bothered to observe social etiquette, pride... yes, not a few to say,... yet his other strength covers and white wash his flaws, his tenderness, he is sensitive, kind-hearted, observed what ET liked well... above all, his grace to those who wronged him. i guess in the end, the Key player is the ABOVE. how HE will touch us with HIS turn to bestow grace and mercy.

someone ( Arun Kumar) quoted this;

"Mercy - The punishment//Justice which should be given is not given to the person. For example Penalty for the crime is pardoned will be mercy. Thats why we have something called as mercy plea. In Religious terms God acts his mercy on the people and postpones his judgement after some time. To obtain mercy, We Must be humble in nature. Asking for mercy is humbling act.

Grace : The thing is given for free which the other person is incapable of obtaining. For example. Students are given Grace marks to get promoted to next class. or you help someone disabled to attain something which they are not able to attain. Through grace of God we are given salvation which we are unable to obtain. Grace is given freely, We must be willing to obtain it.

Favor: Special privilege granted to someone by another. This is given in most cases by some one in authority like King. In religious terms, it means God had favor on someone for various reasons. Favor is mostly viewed in terms of monetary benefits or physical benefits or honorary benefits. In religious terms, Trust or faith in God earns favor in all cases. Also honoring the God’s cause also provides us favor."

While favours the four leads cannot earn or work for to obtain.... it is afterall, mercy and grace we ask for them. We all pray for Mercy and Grace be upon all 4. Mercy be granted, that the wrath of being disbedience on the part of the goblin and the reaper be pardoned and forgiven. the heightening wrath enshouding EunTak for not drawing the sword be slow down and dissolved.
then, Grace bestowed, to grant the two immortals to be humans, and not live their lives continuously watching Euntak or Sunny aged and died and buried them.

i mentioned in an earlier post, this story 2 things stand out; Remembrance and Redemption, now i add, Relationships. (as in Relationships returns, strengthened, saved, and most beautifully, co-existing.) yes, 3 great R.
Remembrance, Redemption, Relationship

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3 hours ago, Miky88 said:

First of all,Happy New Year Guys!!!May 2017 be a much better year and all the troubles and pain be left in 2016!!!!


Oh boy,it's so facinating to see just how different are Human Shin and Goblin Shin personality wise...I guess 939 years does indeed that to one's personality but it still is facinating seeing the two of them,how he was then,all serious,solemn and even scary and how childishly adorable he is now,for some moments i wonder"Is that really the same Sin,or is he a lost twin"...I bet Human Shin would instant die if he saw his future self....Still even though i like human Shin i prefer the Goblin Shin,the short tempered,way too petty man-child,he is annoyingly adorable,i want to smack him and after hug him(and Gong Yoo priceless expressions help it)..Also that one of a kind tunnel while grocery shopping walk was hilarious along with the BGM on the background,it never felt more cool doing shopping and it was even more hilarious because they went soo fast and did it both of them just because Eun Tak said they looked cool...The BGM for this drama is seriously AMAZING!!!


My opnion human Shin and goblin Shin are same but we cannot see during human Shin because he is General that time..Need to fight for live and dead.Then we can see Human Shin cannot be serious anytime  especially to her sister.He is General cannot show other character side that time.He need to care king,country ,family and nation for their life before he killed.

For goblin Shin he just show what he characteris to others especially childish and stingy side.He just relax and doing what he wants.He also can be serious, caring,immature and adhd time..you must know what scene show he is adhd.. :w00t:

500 Pages:heart:

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45 minutes ago, shynaz said:

My opnion human Shin and goblin Shin are same but we cannot see during human Shin because he is General that time..Need to fight for live and dead.Then we can see Human Shin cannot be serious anytime  especially to her sister.He is General cannot show other character side that time.He need to care king,country ,family and nation for their life before he killed.

For goblin Shin he just show what he characteris to others especially childish and stingy side.He just relax and doing what he wants.He also can be serious, caring,immature and adhd time..you must know what scene show he is adhd.. :w00t:

500 Pages:heart:

Yeah,that's true,he was living in just another period and was a bloody one yet i still find it facinating and hilarious taking it as they are now,looking just as parallels...it would been so hilarious if Goblin-nim had a twin opposite him:grimace: Oh,and we should very well add that our SHin is such a poet that even makes Grimmy be one as well...

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So many translation of knetz comments lately. 

What if ET's father will really be that King's teacher reincarnation? what a plot twist could be omo. Cos from ET's mom words I've got that father was selfish and not the best person..

But KES really knows how to play with viewers. This article has toped #3 in daily top-30 article's trends. Well, many articles from Goblin appeares on top places in daily top-30 after episodes. 

And as a fan I'm so happy to see so pleasant comments on LDW. And totally agree that King's servant acting was awesome! 

Deokhwa, king's servant and Euntak's father get more suspicious as the story goes on

http://inkigeul.blogspot.ca/2017/01/deokhwa-kings-servant-and-euntaks.html this.jpg

TV Report via Naver: Yoo Deokhwa, king's servant, and Euntak's Father... get more suspicious as you get to know more about them 'Goblin'

1. [+8552, -133] Yesterday's scene with Lee Dongwook as King Yeo was freaking awesome. It was only one scene but it left a strong impression. I didn't know they would show Lee Dongwook in his King days, so I was super surprised by the scene. It was only a few seconds with no lines yet you could feel his devastation. He was filled with charisma.

2. [+5469, -140] Someone said that Euntak could be the past king's servant, but isn't it absurd for someone who has committed such great sins to be reincarnated as Euntak... I think it's the grim reaper's junior... anyway, I was really surprised because I just realized the fact that Kim Shin couldn't recognize the King's face because he only saw the King as a young boy...

3. [+3403, -180] If Euntak's father turns out to be the king's servant, it'd be such a reversal~~! I wonder what the Goblin will decide to do...

4. [+2527, -138] Maybe the kid that accompanied the Goblin in the very beginning became a God? So that he could be with the Goblin until the very end?

5. [+2169, -179] Won't Euntak's dad be the king's servant and appear as a new character... the dad is the one who committed the sin and the daughter is who's going to save the Goblin

6. [+663, -12] But the loyal servant's acting skills though ㅎㄷㄷ.. The scene where he was face to face with Kim Sohyun was so goosebump-inducing

7. [+638, -7] I thought Lee Dongwook wouldn't fit historical clothing but turns out I was just a fool...

8. [+608, -5] The difference between the grim reaper and the king at the end was so evident. That one scene showed us how hard his life has been. His pose was really sexy and his pose was awesome


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i'm back after 24 hours break LOL

@hairuchii welcome baaaaack....

7 hours ago, faidaris said:


I agree. You write and summarize everything really well there, I am definitely not good with words and English is not my main language. I also think we'll have a happy ending for all characters, especially with Goblin's drama popularity soaring high like this it is just absurd (please read this writer-nim!) to have a sad ending even for one couple. Like you said, there must be reasons for the second chances for all --- now it's up to them to plan and choose their paths.

I am a fan of KES since The Heirs as that was the K-drama that first sparked my interest in Korean entertainment as a whole. Now I am not only into K-drama, I am also into K-pop! I am in my mid-30s and sometimes I feel a bit ridiculous for wanting to spend my time watching episodes after episodes of K-drama rather than doing something more appropriate my age, ehem. But age is just a number, so... Anyway, my point is, there is always something about KES drama that draws me in, so deep. Her writing is exactly my type. I have enjoyed The Heirs, DOTS and now this. I used to think The Heirs was the best, but then I found DOTS was better. And now with Goblin, gosh KES writer-nim! I am so in love with ALL characters in this drama. I hope Goblin will eventually pass the 18-19% record rating and remain Top 1 forever!

Hahaha i'm smiling while reading your comment. I am a fan of KES since what happened in bali and secret Garden too... basically i almost watched all KES dramas and yeah i'm not good in english too, worse than you. i find it's so hard to explain some specific words in english and i'm afraid that all of chingus here don't understand my writing especially when i try to explain an analysis... :tears: I haven't talked in english for quite long time, I'm thinking to take an english course again....:tears: BTW... Goblin airs on friday and saturday evening, and i've been rejected unimportant meeting only to watch this live... LOL i need real life after this drama finish but Kdramas seems my life so i need to register to " Kdramas Rehabilitation Center"



i love how KES inserted this scene, i was laughing when he said "it's made in heaven". Despite his gloomy face, he still talked funny.


I need to watch ep 10 twice, because it was so intense and i need to digest and immerse with their past story... and i realize how great @bebebisous33 analyzed and forcasted the story, couldnt agree more with you...and also all of you chingus here who mentioned the king's jealousy....

 What i think about this episode :

1. After seeing the library ghost's scene, i doubt the other missing soul is ET's mom, but i cant say 100% sure because we haven't seen ET's mom drinks the tea. 


First, i thought the other missing soul was Goblin, in ep 2, GR said that he cheered ET because ET can pull the sword out and that's how Goblin die and he finally can take out ET. But i think Goblin is not the other missing soul too, probably other ghost.

2. I dont like the idea about ET is WY's unborn child

3. I still think DH is human but he's close to other deities that's why he said i have my own way

4. I'm hoping more skinship from ET-KS. simply as holding hands while walking, hugging, smooching, sitting side by side on a couch... :dissapointed: when will i get those romantic scenes? 

5. The deity is justice, WY as a sinner needs redemption but I hope Sunny will never remember her past life (she's normal human now). as @jellybellymonster said, after watched ep 10 i 99,99% believe in happy ending...

6. when KS drank 2 cans of beer, flower bloomed, how about now? soju? and i amazed ET as first time drinker could finish 1 bottle. even i felt dizzy when i drank soju for the first time and only 2 cups LOL...

waiting next friday.... :crazy:



I need to say this to myself while waiting next episode... LOL

holiday is over... back to real life for a moment (until wednesday) WFKBJ if u know what i mean ;) 


Happy 500 pages!!!!

see you later chinguyaaaa....

Edited by naritul
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I am definitely sure we're gonna have a happy ending. Remember the letter that ET wrote in the hotel in Quebec? It doesn't have destination address on the envelope. Well, my theory is, the letter is addressed to the hotel CEO. And from episode 2, we know that the hotel is belong to KS. I also hope that this mean there will be no memory lost and separation between KS & ET. 

ET said to Sunny on the phone about her being first time abroad. Maybe it is true that it is her first time abroad in normal way, that is by plane and not through KS's magic door. Maybe what she wrote in the letter was asking KS to meet her in the restaurant 10 years later. 

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Hmm, do most of you here fear we may get a sad ending? Based on past KES's dramas, she doesn't write sad endings and she wouldn't if she wants to keep her legendary good record, LOLLL. But logically, it would not make sense for her to give us a sad ending since I strongly believe the point of this show is character growth, redemption and closure.

Hahaha I'm opposite of you. I've been very cautious not to invest too much into her dramas because I find her previous shows disappointing due to lack of substance/depth. Don't get me wrong, they were enjoyable to watch at the time of airing, but then I can't say the scripts were well-written and I am not a fan of her cheesy lines. But Goblin has so far been different to her past dramas, and she has toned down the cheesy lines too, so I not only enjoy it but the fondness is growing bigger and bigger.  :wub:

Ahahaha oh dear, I'm not sure I want Goblin breaking the record of tvN's Reply 88. I love that show to bits. It's a classic and would love that it keeps its record for a couple more years before someone else breaks it. :w00t: Ohhhh the dilemmaaaaa.

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11 hours ago, bebebisous33 said:

multi-stars-smiley.gif?1292867640 First of all, I wished you and all my other chingus  new-year-smiley.gif?1292867642 2017!!

Thanks for posting the link with the analysis from supaliaxpress! It was really interesting, just like your thoughts completing her analysis. This pushed me to complete my own analysis (see page 1 on this thread) about the topic "walking symbolising living". The more we have episodes, the more striking it is. But let me go back to the episode 7 because from that episode, I had stopped analysing the walking. So this is going to be a long post again!! dig in smileywriter pink mouse

In the episode 7, the viewer can even observe how Kim Shin takes the lead in the following scene. She has to go to her school and missed her bus.  As you can observe, Kim Shin is running in front of her and he is smiling so that his happiness is visible. Yet he is walking because he needs to help JET. So far, his purpose is again not for himself, but for JET. BUT she doesn't know that this makes him happy, for her he is just helping and in my opinion, this is important. Eun Tak doesn't know what this walk means to him. He is by her side, but she doesn't realise the real value of this event. He is living and enjoying it.

Then in the episode 9, unlike in the episode 6 where he waited for Eun Tak whike she was walking,  we contemplate a reversed situation (from the scene shown in the episode 6). In the episode 9, he is the one walking to her, while she is waiting. In this scene (episode 6), Kim Shin recitated a poem and associated Eun Tak to life and death so that we can conclude that Kim Shin was connecting Eun Tak to mortality! Since Ji Eun Tak's walking symbolised life and death, Ji Eun tak can only represent mortality. So in the episode 9, the reversed situation illustrates that Kim Shin is not just going to live, but also his walking symbolises the end of his "immortality". He is in a metaphorical sense giving up his immortality. He goes to his life and death!! Like you @theseasasleep mentioned it, Eun Tak has become his reason to live and to die and now after the last two episodes, Ji Eun Tak is well aware of it. Notice that she summoned him and he didn't appear next to her, like she expected

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He was already waiting for her. He explained this by saying that he wanted to get ahead of her. Nonetheless, we had the impression that the summoning wasn't working any more. Only the explanation gave us a reassurance. Then Ji Eun Tak comments in this scene

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 that it hasn't rained lately. She notices that there was no huge weather change lately. I know that it is connected to his happiness, yet I have the impression that the writer is pointing into that direction: he is about to lose little by little his power. As conclusion, I believe, his loss of his immortality is evoked in this scene. Sure, he has not lost his power yet, since he still has the sword in his chest. 

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Then let's go back to the walking and his position. In the past, I had brought up his passivity. He was either waiting for JET or he was just following her because he felt he had to. Nonetheless, his position has changed. In the episode 9, he walked towards her so that we can see a change of his behaviour: he is now active. Someone can retort that he still keeps walking behind JET in the same episode. However his motivation is different. He is not just following her because he feels he has to; he wants to be by her side and protect... Then he surprises JET by appearing in front of her. This illustrates that he is anticipating things: he is not just behind her, following her but he is trying to do things for her. JET represents his purpose in life and like you wrote, he wants JET to include him in her life, to be her "raison de vivre" (purpose in life) as well. 

But the episode 10 reinforces this idea that actually Kim Shin is more and more living like a human. One of the most striking scene is his trip to Quebec!! This time, we see him walking on his own and alone... looking for JET's necklace. He is no longer the passive man, he is initiating and preparing the future. Just like in the scene where he appeared in front of her. Secondly, the other clue that Kim Shin is living more and more like a human is revealed, when it comes to housework.  In the earlier episodes, we never saw him participating to the housework. But in the last episodes, we see that he is helping now. GR asked him to take care of the laundry, he even went to the grocerystore willingly. He is not delegating task any longer...

Finally, I would like to analyse this particular scene: here we have GR and Kim Shin walking side by side. Sure, the writer wanted to make a parody of the scene in the episode 2. Yet this scene is interesting for many reasons:    

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here we have GR and Kim Shin walking side by side. Sure, the writer wanted to make a parody of the scene in the episode 2. Yet this scene is interesting for many reasons: unlike in the episode 2, they act like humans!

- They didn't appear out of nowhere. They are walking like humans (no teleportation)

- Neither GR nor KS use their supernatural powers (lights off aso)

- They are not acting like superheroes: save someone! They are just on the way back home in order to eat their meal! Just an ordinary task, nothing special.

- They don't get upset and angry, when the motorbike driver insults them... they remain calm and say something... remember how mad KS was at the gangsters. He would have killed them, if JET hadn't stopped them. All this illustrates that Kim Shin's resent is lessening, he is more peaceful with this world. 

Like you wrote, @theseasasleep, he is sincerely desiring to live with JET as a human. When he was threatened and warned by the goddess, he actually wanted to remain as a goblin, while living next to JET. The thread worked because he is now trying to behave more like a human (dating JET, helping his friend to reconciliate with her girlfriend). In my opinion, he still likes playing god (stopping time or disappearing in front of the thief/thug), yet he is enjoying more and more a normal life. Notice that when he fought against the thugs, he used his own skills as warrior, he didn't use any supeun Tak.rnatural power like in the episode 2 or 8!! He didn't twist his hand with his superpowers... he hurt the guy with the stick!!  

As conclusion, KS is unaware that he is on his way to give up his immortality. When he will accept that he doesn't need his superpower, he will ask JET to remove the sword. However, he will need JET to live as a human. As we can see, the need mentioned with this scene

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is another important value that transpire through the drama as well. JET needs love, needs a home, needs protection... just like KS needs to stop resenting the world and god! 

That's it for now!! Tell me what you think about it.... tin tin pink mouse

@LyraYoo @selenette @ucylucy @staygold @Jloves @naritul @Princi_86 @triplem @UnniSarah@carolinedl@papulichan@sakura2016 @ez_yan cute-rabbit-emoticon-02.gif?1301940529@blademan This analysis was much longer!

@bebebisous33   Chingu, I agree with you 1000%. KS and GR are both changing and it is due to Eun Tak. The change in both characters is Eun Tak. I consider Sunny to be just a prize for KS and GR in the end of their journey.  Eun Tak will be the one to help them forgive each other.  SHe will continue to help them concur their fears and face them head on. ET is so fearless, smart and doesn't have a mean bone in her body. 

GR : Was a regular GR who followed the rules, didn't care for the people dying felt no empathy for their loved ones. I also think GR is the top GR in his section because was truly cold hearted. 

KS: He had no purpose, was lazy and chose not be close to people. he didn't help alot of people because after he helped them once they never try to better themselves on their own. So he became very jaded. He waited for the one person who can end his existence "his bride". Then meets his bride and now he wants to live. At first he was still afraid because he new living would make him want to stay more.


LOve Love your analysis.... :heart::heart:

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I think in the next episodes, when the story of the King/Eunuch  (or evil Eunuch who had a back-up puppet king to manipulate). -going deeper- K-net/K-audiences will relate more to their real live now.- Their President and Choi (Park-Choi gate scandal). 

KES really good in connecting the audiences and the real life surrounding them-like a trend nowadays ahjussi looking for below 25th bride, bc in their society now, many men married late, so need to find young bride to pass their genetic code. Not totally the man fault, the demand from the woman family who wants the perfect "bank account' from the future son in law. KES knew this so well.

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14 minutes ago, stargazer187 said:

Finished watching ep 10 yesterday. Waa.. cant wait to see how KS meets his reincarnation sister after he knows it's really her. The feels thathe has whenever they're near.

It's the deity's plan. Missunderstanding between the three in hundred years ago might be solved in the present. I love how those four related to each other. Wang becomes GR because of his sins, that he lost trust, betray his beloved one and own faithful people. KS punished to be Goblin because of his sins killing thousands of people in war. And the queen.. and the goblin's bride..

Why are the goblin and GR living together? I think, the deity wants to finish the things that happens between them in the past.

ET's mother friend and her way of telling the message she carries on... oh.. ET and her made me  cried so ugly. It's so touching... I love that scene.. the feels is soooo heart wrenching.. the same like when little ET met her mother's soul before she told her death.

I love the saeguk part that this drama puts in, and I love how KES arranges that interestingly. I hope, next time she can create a mini saeguk drama.

Wait.. I've thinking this from the start.. the one who becomes the young king isnt yoo jin goo but I feel like he's similar with him.. and KSH is always fascinating as always, I love how she potrays the queen character. Hope to see more flashback of her and the king.

Anyway.. all casts in this drama are doing their best.. I dont love only for main characters but others supporting characters. Writer nim did great jobs in writing them and how the director film it. Hope to see more collaboration feom this teamwork.. nice.

Ah.. the end of episode.. they show GR , I mean.. they show him as the adult king...

So, Where is the preview of ep 14??? When will they release it?

Ah.. it might a bit late... HAPPY NEW YEAR GUYS!!! What do we call ourselves here?

you want episode so early:tears:..hehe..just kidding..next week will episode 11:wub:

agree with you..all cast in here doing excellent job to potray Especially my goblin..ops sory...Kim Shin

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