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[Drama 2016] Moonlight Drawn by Clouds / Love in the Moonlight ☪ 구르미 그린 달빛


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@gummymybear Sorry chingu! My Korean is really basic...lol...but...


I have a feeling there is a separation coming up. In the second picture, there is a line which goes 'Your Highness' and then the last line in the first picture is 'Your Highness, is it really you?'


So I think somehow CP managed to leave the palace. 


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26 minutes ago, yuuinokokoro said:

Oh man I just couldn't stop laughing while watching this.. it is so cute (=⌒▽⌒=)


Wow! That was the highlights of Ep. 1 - Ep. 6.  Although I can only understand the graphics and not the words ;) it is quite impressive.  So let's get ready for the next episode.

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22 hours ago, inlovewithmdbc said:

So far most of the discussion has been about whether there is a happy ending for our OTP but what about the others?

I read on another site that YS is a tragic figure in the novel. Is it true? Hope he won't die in the drama. I like the fact that he's often around at the moment when RO needs help and he's intuitive enough to tell she's female. Our girl RO is so lucky to have two handsome, smart and kind guys falling for her. Don't have SLS as I still prefer RO with CP.

Edit: After locating the original interview (in Korean which I can't understand) with the writer of the novel, I suspect this bit of information could have been misinterpreted due to translation issues.


Can someone conversant in Korean help to translate this interview? The author of the novel discusses the casting of MDBC as well as the novel. http://m.enter.etoday.co.kr/view/news_view.php?varAtcId=75169#cb

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9 hours ago, gummymybear said:

Hello, Miss @Jillia ! Nice to meet you! :D But unfortunately, I think we wouldn't see their interaction anymore. I saw in episode 3 closing that Jeon Mi Seon only did a special appearance. Her name was placed under 특별출연 words. But I don't know if it's true or not. Let's see :)

Now I love Monday because it's MOONDAY! :heart:

Hi gummybear, sorry to cut your post.

I hope that Jeon Mi Seon will appear again. We have not found out yet why princess youngeun is afraid of premier kim.

I remembered that I watched an episode of happy together a few years ago and they were teasing JeonMiSeon of being a ratings queen. She is a lucky charm to the dramas she appeared on.

I hope for a guerilla date ratings for MDBC. I know it will be hard, but MDBC fighting!

Umm, is the guerilla date for PBG only, PBG and Yoojung-ie, or All 5 main characters of MDBC? I am not sure because maybe some things are lost in translation in the EW interview.

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10 hours ago, NRGchick said:

When I rewatched Ep 1 and saw this...first thing that popped into my head was that a guy would never hold another guy's chin like that....




LOL I also got concerned at your comment and then i realized... he was doing this :


Because he was treating 'him' as his puppy already... 

In fact, when I rewatched Ep5, when he headlocks her away to go play at the lantern festival, he was making those squeaky sounds like you may use to soothe doggies too hahahaha

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22 minutes ago, st4rdust said:


LOL I also got concerned at your comment and then i realized... he was doing this :

Because he was treating 'him' as his puppy already... 

In fact, when I rewatched Ep5, when he headlocks her away to go play at the lantern festival, he was making those squeaky sounds like you may use to soothe doggies too hahahaha


ROFL Wow I didn't realise that. Too funny. Adds another level to the dialogue and characterisation. While rewatching the episodes for the umpteenth time, I again wish I understand Korean. Some things are always lost in translation. LIke RO's nickname for CP is 花草书生 (Flower Grass Scholar which I assume in Korea means a well-born, sheltered person) which is also written in her cute drawings of CP in the manuscript/book but it got translated to Silver Spoon in the English subtitles. Because of this, it took me some minutes to realise the drawings were of CP.

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On 09/09/2016 at 7:12 AM, pyoyong said:

Gooood Morningggg/Eveningg Chingudeulll, lovely day today, cloudy with a chance of meatball at my place hohoho. I'm delight to announce that we have already gather 37 CRAZY people...I mean COOL people less then 24hours from around the world to raise a Holy Skinship Flag for our beloved MDBC!!  Look at all these super cute stamp that we gather already!! Mwahahaha



The following people have already been added to the picture:

@moodypie@chocolatepie@mellinadear@myvilvil@genmaikrw@AriaAA@liemkopi@bonuibonui@boyoo4lyf@Bambiina@WildDivine69@Noor IsmahwatiI@Naruto_7th_Hokage@Plummpychan@pyoyong @myutaa @yuuinokokoro @thephamle@nisanadhira95_stv@budzy90@sharsharphee@nataliakay@charliew@chocolatewaffle@Gummy Ting@JexxaS@thea2410@cynkdf@pristineqi@cheekychee@angelineong@darafangirl29@sunlatte@inna75@__jesse@Rin90@Jillia

If you see your name has NO STAMP above, that's because you don't have ANY in your avatar. So people above with no cute stamp plz do message me and send your picture or picture link RIGHT AWAY like pizza delivery method. DELIVER WHILE STILL HOT! If I'm not receiving picture I will choose it for you, and believe me I will choose UGLY ones for you, mwahahaha

All we need now is another truck load of people to fill up the missing spot and we are good to go! Join our NOBLE CAUSE by pressing LIKE button on this post and you will join the NUTCASE above...I mean FUN PEOPLE above! Hmm not sure why the word synonym with lunatics keep lingering on my head since yesteeerdayyyy. Owhh my poor brainnn...

PS Don't quote the picture plz, thank you!


Kamsahanida chingguuuu!!!!

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Finally...one more day. Thank you all for the wonderful 1week of juicy pictures, gifs, insights, mvs, video clips and funny post. 

Everyday without fail, my mind is full of moonlight. And as if this is not enough, I listen to the ost repeatedly wondering when I will get tired of it. 

Is this call MOONLIGHT SYNDROME ??:wub::wub:

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I love watching gender bender dramas, but I get impatient when they keep the lead in the dark longer than necessary. Surprisingly, 2058 caught on quickly after watching the dance. I believe he had figured out RO’s real gender by ep 5, and ep 6 merely confirmed his newfound knowledge. References to the novel are placed under spoiler.

Evidence 1: Lotus dance

Jang Eunuch: Yes, Your Highness. I met with each dancer, but I could not find her. No one knew her, either.
LY: She knew every move of the dance. Even parts that I told only to Ae Shim.

This one’s obvious. Only Ae Shim, LY and RO have memorised the latest dance moves. This evidence alone should be more than enough for a smart cookie like 2058.

Evidence 2: YS and the mystery woman

YS just returned from China and has no close friends, so when LY saw him together with a woman outside of the palace, he naturally assumed she was from the palace. Later, when RO finally got a precious day off, it turned out that YS had made plans with her outside of the palace. Given LY’s good memory, he should also remember that it was YS who directed him to Dongjeongung to find RO.


I must also say how much I love the writing and direction here, which cleverly gave LY physiognomic clues to RO’s true identity – from the fingertips that connected the mysterious woman to the dancer, to the eyes that linked the dancer to RO. Piecing all these together, LY should have figured out that the mystery woman = the dancer = RO.

It’s interesting to note that LY’s possessive statement at the end of ep 5 ‘This is my person/Nae Saramida’ is gender neutral.


In the novel, LY found out RO is a woman at the lantern festival but pretended not to know. He knew RO must have her reasons for disguising as a eunuch and wanted to wait for her to come clean about it.


Proof 1: Jealousy and signs of lovesickness

Soon after LY dismissed Hong Eunuch the next morning, he said, ‘Hoon Nam is all I need.’ That was the first and only time we hear LY calling Jang Eunuch by his first name, and it wasn’t without reason. ‘一心’ literally means ‘one heart’. It can mean unwavering loyalty in the case of Jang Eunuch, but it can also take on a romantic overtone to mean a wholehearted love.


LY isn’t gay. He wasn’t angry because RO was embracing other women, but because even though she’s a woman, she chose YS and the gisaengs instead of him. He was jealous of YS – he wanted RO to belong to him, to look at him alone and to stay by his side all the time. He was in love and becoming increasingly possessive of her.

“I have never let anyone take what is mine before.” – 2058

LY: I cannot breathe. I suddenly get flushed and hallucinate. What is the cause?
Physician: In my personal opinion, your body is healthy. However, if you feel those symptoms often, that is… That is…
LY: What is it? Speak.
Physician: Considering the symptoms, it sounds like an illness that widows and nuns have.
LY: An illness that widows and nuns have?
Physician: Yes. Please forgive me, Your Highness. You see… it is natural for a man and woman to be together. But if you desire someone you cannot have, it eats away at you from within…

Then, there is the hilarious scene of LY getting diagnosed by a royal physician. From this scene, we can derive a few conclusions. One, LY has never experienced lovesickness before. Two, he only developed romantic feelings towards RO recently, i.e. after discovering ‘he’ is a she. Three, the writer is mocking US because we've developed the widow-and-nun syndrome too out of longing for 2058~

It’s amazing to observe how LY-RO’s relationship has changed over merely 6 episodes – from strangers to foes, to master-and-puppy then friends, and now finally a romantic one.

Proof 2: The Chinese envoy

LY must have heard from Kim hyung that RO was assigned to the envoy’s residence. But there was no reason for him to think that RO was in trouble – unless he knew she is a woman. Her eunuch robe was in disarray, which further confirmed that she was nearly sexually assaulted.



In the novel, the Chinese envoy was a notorious gay eunuch. In the drama, however, the envoy clearly expressed his interest in women.

This was why everyone else in the palace couldn’t understand LY’s actions. They had no idea RO is a woman, much less the fact that she was nearly raped. To them, LY assaulted the envoy over a trainee eunuch and that seemed ridiculous.

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25 minutes ago, jilyheidi said:

Moonlighter make it 30% for possible guerilla date for our favorite couple and fan meeting with their traditional custume.


I'm positive it's going to happen. with the million views of ep7 preview, im certain moonlight has drawn much attention to Korean viewers. :blush:

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