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[Drama 2016] Moon Lovers ❤ Scarlet Heart Ryeo, 달의 연인-보보경심 려 \^0^/ Soompi Kdrama 2016 Winner


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12 minutes ago, solelylurking said:


You are right about YH feeling is not a black and white thing. She is very interesting as a character. She is hateable but in certain way she is pitifull too. 

As I think about again, YH feeling for So is mix feeling. There is a little bit of like, there is a little bit of fascination, but love is strong word. I won't be using it to them until it's proven. She wants to tame the beast. If she loves him, she will not say that. But it is true that she fond of him and care about him (the scene where she mend his wound). 

I don't think she will consider So if she want to marries to power. So is scarred. His chance to become king is slimmer than Wook. That's why she back up Wook so much to become king. I don't know why she doesn't want to marry Yo. If it is power she seeks, she should marry Yo. That's the closest fastest way to get it. 

About Wook.. That's why I said So should develop his feeling a lot faster and take away the girl. Wook's character would not see any big development until that day comes. Wook's feeling for Soo is a mountain, the main purpose for him to smile and breath. He taught her feeling is the same too. I think Wook will think So take away Soo without her consent. That's why he will become beserk. 

It will interesting to watch his character change and shift. 

I disagree with you. Yeon Hwa can't marry Yo because she would suffer the exact same fate than her mother. She would be a wife among others and she would be depend of Yo's good will. What Yeon Hwa wants is to become The Queen and not just Queen. She has the same dream than Queen Yoo, yet the latter never succeeded therefore she is trying to use Yo in order to become The Queen. And this is the other reason why Yeon Hwa can never marry Yo. When Yo becomes the king, the Queen will be his mother. She will be the one who shines the most.

Yo's proposition seems tempting, but it is like with the snake, when it talked to Adam (Bible). His points were correct. If her brother becomes the king, she will only remain the princess. However, since she has such an influence on Wang Wook, she could become the Queen in the shadow. Moreover, she would be less depend than with Yo. 

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Funny thing to me is, I always wonder and worry wether HS will do something to change history since she can't remember it herself, but then I think, she already changed history, she made soap !! Soaps didn't exist in that time, she'll be known as the mother of beauty, lol 

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13 minutes ago, bebebisous33 said:

I disagree with you. Yeon Hwa can't marry Yo because she would suffer the exact same fate than her mother. She would be a wife among others and she would be depend of Yo's good will. What Yeon Hwa wants is to become The Queen and not just Queen. She has the same dream than Queen Yoo, yet the latter never succeeded therefore she is trying to use Yo in order to become The Queen. And this is the other reason why Yeon Hwa can never marry Yo. When Yo becomes the king, the Queen will be his mother. She will be the one who shines the most.

Yo's proposition seems tempting, but it is like with the snake, when it talked to Adam (Bible). His points were correct. If her brother becomes the king, she will only remain the princess. However, since she has such an influence on Wang Wook, she could become the Queen in the shadow. Moreover, she would be less depend than with Yo. 


Yes, you are right and your argument is spot on too. It is true that The evilishername Queen mother will be likely to shine the most if Yo become king. But if we look other option (there isn't a lot) the most reasonable choice to be what she wants right now is Yo. Wook chance to become King is not as much because his family status is lower than Yo's family status. That's why Wook is careful. He is trying to set his basic as politician first because he know his background is not very helpful. Yo knew this too, that's why he said that to YH. WS chance to become king is slimmer than Wook if we want to based it on how people in that era thinks. They value beauty very much. So's scare is seen as a disgrace. That's why his mother abandon him. He is no use for her because she tought he can not become king. 

That's the basic of my thinking. :)

Well Yo and YH is peas in a pot anyway. It's like a snake make a deal to a larger snake. If the writer decide to ditch history, they should make Yo as YH husband. I want to see what their house hold looks like hahaha. But I think they will make YH marry So. It will create more intersting story and the basic of Soo's pain. 

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A big thank you to those who have used your wonderful IT skills to post those lovely BTS gifs. I know often BTS can itself be a kind of fan service but IU just isn't like that. 

Junki is such a talent! He can talk to horses and knows how to flirt with IU! She's really very shy but she didn't seem to mind Junki's playfulness. Poor Ha Neul! He could only watch from afar when JK grabbed IU' wrist to kiss/bite it!

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19 hours ago, getsuya said:


Hi! I was only a silent lurker up till now but I have some ideas on my mind that I would like to share.

It's about the premonition. I have watched it repeatedly at least ten times and it seems as it shows the death of three kings.

The 1st is obviously kingTeajo - we can clearly see his face, but the second and the third are different men I think. It is possible that the k-ver drama will go according to the history and WS will become the 4th king after CR and Yo. The face of the 3rd king is blurred but it looks much like a young man's. Also, Soo remembers that Gwangjong is the 4th king and not the next as she thought at the beginning. But HOW that manage to fit it into 20 episodes is a mystery to me!!:blink:

Please share your thoughts. Or maybe someone has already written about that? :sweatingbullets:


One more, it is a question related to C-version of MLSHR. Major spoilers inside!

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In c-drama 4th prince (king at that time) finds about Ruoxi and 8th romance very late - like last episode or one before! I really hated that part. It has hurt 4th prince very much and was a direct reason he allowed the marriage between Ruoxi and 14th prince.

Unfortunately, there is nothing showing that WS knows/suspects about Soo and WW feelings. What do you think?

I would hate it if the director would do it the c-version way!!!! :tears:




To answer your question in the spoiler: yes, WS will soon find out about WW-Soo's affair  (LJG said it himself in the cast interview) And soon WS will get jealous with Wook, and becomes obsessed with Haesoo, and then he keeps getting very jealous later on :sweatingbullets:  I hope So won't be too insecure because of it. :sweatingbullets:

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@skxz I really loved your very good analysis about Yeon Hwa. good job onion head I agree with you that her character is much more complex than she appears first. Yes, she is using her brother to get what she wants that's why Wang So's description really fits her as well: "You can't trust anyone, especially the one close to you". Yeon Hwa is a more cold-hearted and level-headed person than her brother and even Wang So in my opinion. I can't forget the scene, when Yeon Hwa, her mother and lady Hae met Queen Yoo and at the end, lady Hae took her hand in order to comfort her. Wook's wife knew exactly what Yeon Hwa was feeling: upset and mad. However, Yeon Hwa pushed the hand away showing that she doesn't care about empathy and feelings. Wang So is in that matter different. However, she is not cold-hearted and evil like Yo because she felt sorry for Wang So's humiliation. She is able to feel empathy. Yet her calculative nature makes her less emotional and sensitive. She is so different from Wang So because despise his cold and distant behaviour, he is the exact opposite: very emotional.

Just like him, she had a traumatic experience and I guess, she suffered much more than her brother, since she is a woman and as such, her status is much lower. Actually, she is a little different from Wang So and Hae Soo. She thinks, she needs someone to save herself, so as such she is trying to relying on someone. On the other hand she is looking for someone who will need her as well so that the relationship is more equal.

Finally, that explains why she is jealous of Hae Soo

because Yeon Hwa had thought, if she could show interest towards Wang So, he would come close to her so that she could manipulate him and turn him into a human. Yet "showing interest" (an expression she used herself) is not the same than showing care and affection therefore she misjudged Wang So's personality. She never thought, he could have feelings as he seems to be so calm and level-headed. Secondly, when she mentioned "turn him into a human", she had something else in her mind: the human should behave exactly like her: ambitious, selfish, ready to defend his Queen, cold-hearted and calculating. Striking is that Wang So is right now transforming himself, he is turning into a human, but a different kind: someone who is more honest, sensitive to others, less selfish, less brutal and able to socialise. So her jealousy towards Hae Soo doesn't come from her heart, I mean by it that she is not really competing for Wang So's affections as such. It is just that Hae Soo is ruining Yeon hwa's plan, as she can't have any influence on Wang So. Her plan was to get a hold of Wang So, influence him so that she could get what she wants, but with Hae Soo by his side, it makes it impossible. This also elucidates why Yeon Hwa is so eager to get rid of Hae Soo after the singing. She doesn't want her to have more influence on Wang So and the other princes because she needs a relative to achieve her goal.

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Just barely able to stand upright after watching episode 7 with subs...... and trying to catch up with at least 10 pages of back read..... It's an interesting episode .... hmmmnnn..... so many mishmash of so many different things..... WW and HS intensifying romance, WS stirring intense feeling, 10 th birthday party which seems like a k-pop idols participation in a variety show  < sorry > , a very lusty and scheming Number 3, an itching CP., smirky Queen, cold court ladies.....and and and ..... a bear woman..... haizzzz.......etc etc...

I think I suffer from the to-ing and fro-ing of MLSH to BBJX, interjecting certain scenes of the C-version and then running willy nilly off back to its K-drama roots.  I try to distance the 2 dramas so I can find it easy to watch the K-version but it's soooooo distracting. I think I know what's ailing me..... Tong Hua's exquisite writing which is why  even the " sequel " BBQX is a MEH ... because it wasn't a written by the novelist.

Thanks to those who put a explanatory perspetive to certain puzzling events...... I recall @immortalangel, @liddi @MoOnLoVeRz.... pardon me, I read the back posts in haste... will check again those whose posts resonate with me,

Also @bebebisous33..... you are in your element..... good repartee.

Ta...... back to real life.... !! Thanks everyone for your contribution. So many exceptional posters.

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4 hours ago, qwenli said:


This is the korea online amazon equivalent - interpark online book sale.

Apparently, Koreans have been buying the books of the dramas. For Scarlet Heart books, the sales has increased more than 160 percent since the drama, broadcasted. Current "Scarlet Heart sets (total of 3 books)" climbs on September 1, the top 10 best-selling novels.

Interpark Books Marketing Team bakhyeryeon said, " Buyers buy to compare the character One is how to enjoy the original drama that compares the drama character and writing, including the similarity between the original and drama" he said.

I don't understand why the book is out before the drama has finished screening. Doesn't it give away the ending? or is it a translation of the original novel?

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53 minutes ago, uuugogirl said:



To answer your question in the spoiler: yes, WS will soon find out about WW-Soo's affair  (LJG said it himself in the cast interview) And soon WS will get jealous with Wook, and becomes obsessed with Haesoo, and then he keeps getting very jealous later on :sweatingbullets:  I hope So won't be too insecure because of it. :sweatingbullets:


Oh.... wow..... OBSESSED.... that's a strong word..... *imagination runs wild*.... Predicting the things he will do to her since he is not as calm as the one in the Chinese version. :lol::lol::lol:

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Aaaahhhhh ..... had to come back and yell out how beautiful WS is...... with or without his mask.... a face that can launch a million hearts. WW is swoon worthy, so sweet, tender  and handsome but when is he turning into an ambitious and scheming Prince vying for the throne ? Would love to see a chess like manouvering with WS and their teamsto outwit each other,  I thought HS's slashing her wrist is a stroke of genius to get out of marrying the King.... yes that really stumped the " old man with many sons....."hahaha :rolleyes: And the bracelet WW gave her is simply lovely.... surely that will seal a girl's heart for eternity. :heart:

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3 hours ago, bebebisous33 said:

I suppose, you mean Wang Wook, the 8th prince, since Prince Wang Yo, the 3rd prince is so mean and such a coward.

However, I wanted to reply to your description about Hae Soo's feelings for Wang Wook. I agree with your description. Hae Soo doesn't love Wang Wook. First, she said that she liked him which reflects her true feelings. She could have said, she loved him, but she didn't. Secondly, I think like you. Wang Wook seems to behave like her ex-boyfriend. The latter was good looking, nice to her therefore she had no idea what he was doing behind her back. She is such a honest person so that she is unable to see the true personality of people. She trusts people too easily because she thinks, as long as she is honest, the others will do the same. That's why her life has not been working so well for her, because she can't imagine that people can be greedy, selfish and dishonest.

Then since the betrayal, she needed someone who would tell her that he loved her in order to reboost her low self-esteem. She is like Wang So, she needs to feel being loved but she is acting the opposite to Wang So as the latter doesn't allow people to come close to him. To me, Wang Wook is just a rebound because she is making the exact same mistakes like before. Wang Wook keeps making promises but the latter always fails. However, Hae Soo is not noticing it at all therefore she is not criticising him for it. She says that she will wait, that he doesn't need to feel pressured aso. She is so selfless that Wang Wook is taking advantage of it. And in my opinion, the ex-boyfriend must have acted in a similar way because he left her with a huge amount of debts. 

Her conversation with Wang So at the beginning is really telling. She is too naive therefore Wang So is confronting her with the harsh reality. 

While she is such an optimistic person, which can be helpful sometimes, Wang So is the opposite. Through her, Wang So discovers life, how to enjoy it and see the positive aspects, while with him, Hae Soo will learn to be more alert around people and less naive. Finally, Wang So who has learnt from his childhood to mistrust anyone, meets such a honest and direct person so that he starts learning to open up.  


yeah yeah I wrote wrong...8th prince :)..obviously she hurt so much in her modern era life. we also saw a little moment that she is running away from bunch of ajummas....maybe they related with him or with Ha Jin's best friend...or again about cosmetic! but she hurt so much and she just want someone who is nice to her, gentle and can understand her well. Also he likes his handsome face..she said few times "he is handsome"..thats also process of her learning. she will learn to look at people inside. she will learn to care and we humans like to be loved more than love other side. she will learn how to love someone, care someone with everything he have...Ha Jin is obviously older than Hae Soo but still she is in teenage girl mind and this love stories will be a lesson to her in a real grown-up process. obviously she send back to past for 3 reason...change her point of view, learn love and help 4th prince/stop the things he will made with her new matured  life view. 


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15 hours ago, Gabi Bros said:

The drama is pre-produced. They needed to have edited all the episodes and approved by the Chinesse Government in order to be able to be broadcasted simultaneously there. They were running out of time and at last moment they got the approval, just a few days after the conflict between China and South Korea. Long Story...search about THAAD. It's related to politics. Because of THAAD, Chinesse government decided to take revenge with the entertainment industry. Suddenly they were banning korean stars to appear in chinesse productions, no matter if they were filming, also they were banning korean dramas to be broadcasted no matter the inversion. Well, seems that Moon Lovers had luck...maybe because all the episodes were already bought by chinesse at really high prices...so maybe Youku/Mango TV/and more (the ones that bought) cry a bit and the government let Moon Lovers pass. I don't know...but they gave them the OK at the end. So that version, is the original and the same that DramaFever, Youku, ONE TV (and others) have.

Moon Lovers is broadcasted in SBS for the people of South Korea. Some viewers were complaining that the OST were distracting and the story hard to understand. So SBS decided to re-release Directors Cuts a Saturday for the first 3 episodes (a marathon one Saturday) in which they added a few deleted scenes from the first version or more extended ones for an easier understanding. In that version, are deleted the rap parts of some ost...also the ost were made shorter and they added more instrumentals. After that, SBS is broadcasting another version without telling the world. :sweatingbullets: In episode 4 and 5 they did not made major changes, only fix some songs for instrumentals. Episode 6 and 7 have ost fixed and new scenes were added...and in order to add scenes, they need to delete some of the first version.

The version that Moon Lovers has given to SBS is more my taste. Also, Moon Lovers don't have permission to give China the new version. That's why there are 2 versions lately. 


Thank you very much for the explanation, cleared my confusion earlier with many versions of this drama. 

I watched the latest ep in both version,i think i prefer the SBS version more.

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I feel sorry for WS in a way, I mean he has the scar to remind him but he is made to feel lowly by all around him, to some extent i think he has toughened himself up enough to protect himself.  But at the end of that last episode she nievely tries to bond him back with his family, she wants the best but I feel she doesnt understand and thats what i think hurts him the most.  

To him it must look like she too is an outsider like he is in many ways. But the look in her eyes at the scar and what went down makes him feel even worse than anything his family could do to him.  I think it takes alot for him to care about anyone but to think all she is doing is looking at him with pity just makes him resent her i expect.

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23 hours ago, Diana Blanche said:

@bebebisous33  Amaze me with your sharp observation. I never thought that Wang So sees himself in her eye. I couldn't explain to myself his assertion about hating the look in her eyes. Thank you for made me understand.


Thanks a lot... I was afraid that people wouldn't understand.;) 

I don't know why but this drama makes me think a lot about Sartre, a French philosopher and writer. First, one of his famous quotes is: Hell is other people!

Sartre was implying that it is difficult to be among people, when external perception and self-perception are totally different. People tend to judge someone's actions totally differently the person is judging his own actions. This explains why for example Wang So likes being alone because he is avoiding to be confronted too often how people perceive and judge him.  

@40somethingahjumma I agree with you about Wang Wook. I can't help myself comparing him to a playboy or libertine as he is not really looking  into any solutions. He says to Hae Soo, she has to wait, but he has no plan (or he doesn't tell her any plan) how he is going to changer her situation. I mean, I would have been mad at him, when the marriage proposal came because he had promised her, she would never been treated like a nobody. But it did happen.

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