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[Drama 2022] Alchemy Of Souls: Light and Shadow ✴ 반환


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0;12...the cold monster is a little smitten...    :wub:



I wonder how Uk knew he was going to remove the bracelet with just his breath..  :unsure:

Anyway, that was  pretty cool..:fullofhearts:







The scene, when Soi saw the painting on the panel, made me laugh..

Soi- '' That is not her.  Buyeon is Mudeok''  ...:D  Soi is smarter then the others. 




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The scene when Uk is standing in front of the stone tomb was so emotional. (ep 2)

He wanted to say something but he stopped at the moment.

That silence was louder and heavier then any word or cry.







The ''take it off'' scene..   :loolz:

UK's hand trembled a little when Naksu mentioned their first night. 



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2 hours ago, illay said:

At first We got confirmation that it's really Naksu soul based on what Mr Lee said but in the end when the lantern can be turned off.. we are back to take a guess game again.

It's Naksu's soul, that much was clearly and directly explained. But Master Lee said that while Naksu's soul was keeping them alive, her body was burned, and the only body left was Buyeon's. So...to keep the  body from going fully petrified? Mama Jin had to choose which soul she wanted to keep in the body. Otherwise they would both die anyway. So she chose Naksu's soul and Buyeon's body. Because BY's body has Jin blood in it, and that is what gives them power and keeps the family dynasty going. All she needs is an heir from that body and she can get rid of Naksu. 


I know Naksu and I don't know Buyeon, so naturally I am glad Naksu survived, but what kind of $%&#$(%#$&% mother says, sure, kill my actual child, I just want the power in her blood?! (I guess the same kind of mother who would strangle her child for an "experiment.") 


I think the only reason for deciding Buyeon's body will gradually look like Naksu's original one instead is Because the Writers Said So. Because they don't want her recognized by people once she does go out in public. Otherwise, Uk would just say, this is my girl, we're leaving, bye. (Ha, he is doing it anyway...) 


But Seo Yul not recognizing her immediately is just plain silly. None of us have ever set foot in Daeho, and even we know. For someone who has been in love with her since she was a teenager to not recognize her is a bit unbelievable. 


I'm a little surprised that Master Lee is keeping all this to himself. Why the need to keep it from Uk? Surely Jang Uk would feel better knowing she wasn't dead??


Other thoughts: I have such warm feelings towards Kim Dojoo. She truly is his mother. She was kind to Mudeok when she came as a servant, and even though it wasn't her pick, she was kind when Uk and Mudeok got engaged. Now Uk comes home with (to her, anyway) a completely different girl, and says he's getting married. And she's still kind. It's nice (and rare) to see mothers of the groom like that in Kdramas!


Also thought that GYJ did a great job with portraying Naksu in this episode. There were some moments in this episode where if I put my thumb over her face, I would have felt no difference in character at all between the Mudeok/Naksu from part 1 and the Naksu/Buyeon from part 2. I am hoping she will come out with some strong expressions from before her memory loss that will stop Uk in his tracks. Also when she gets her memory back: I wonder if she will be mad at Uk for marrying "another girl," or if she will be glad he rescued her from Jinyowon. (Maybe both?)

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Okay, random thoughts in no particular order -


- Bu Yeon - ( Question 3 ) despite what has been said, I think she's still around - "Naksu" just doesn't carry the Jin bloodine, she's also manifesting powers. Seeing the Ice Stone, dousing the Lamp, and per conversations of others, she can open some magical doors around Jinoywan.  I would also add some smaller "maybe" details - she likes chicken which in the first episode of the 1st season we know Naksu didn't like/eat (until forced too) also she knew the bracelet was a Jin artifact and even broken contained power for the water wraith to feed on. Would Naksu alone have known that? 


I would also add to the reasons Bu Yeon MUST still exist in some form is the clear telegraphing of multiple characters comparing her to Jin Seol Ran. Why is this important? Jin Seol Ran performed the original water dance that ended the last great drought. Daeho is now in another drought ... see where this is going? 


Lastly, even if the writers were to eliminate Bu Yeon, it would be a failure of the largest order if they didn't at the very least explain what Master Lee clearly stated in the latest episode - Naksu had been locked in Bu Yeon's body - and only Bu Yeon can explain that fully.


- Mama Jin - as others have already stated, sacrificing a childs soul to carry on a bloodline is sick. As is imprisoning one in the same.


- Cho Yeon - while her and Dang Gu have their own issues to work out, she knows who is really inside Jin Bu Yeon. Currently, nothing has been shown that shows any character beyond Jin Mu knows why Naksu started killing again at the end of the last season, so it's gonna be a problem if she finds a reason to not share this with Jang Uk.  Mama Jin obviously never would, but Cho Yeon was 1 of Jang Uk's former betrothed/friend.


- Master Lee - He knows about Naksu, and trusted Jang Uk with that secret all last season, how and why he wouldn't tell him whats going on now is another big plot hole.


- Seo Yul - to add to his lack of recollection, Park Jin, and his sidekick should also be able to identify Naksu on sight.  And on a completely separate note, if he still has the worm in him 3 years later, thats an epic fail on both his part and the Seo doctors ... BUT  ... it adds an intriguing possibility ... what if in the course of his wormy relapse, he falls under the care of Lady Heo?  I like my So I, but I can't deny Lady Heo "could" heal Yul's wounds, both physical, AND emotional .... hmmmm :wub:


- Jang Uk and Naksu/Bu Yeon - I'm liking the loose reverse parallels to the first season - This time, its Jang Uk who has no interest, and its Naksu who is constantly hammering at his wall, and slowly wearing him down. In the first season, Naksu needed Jang Uk to get her power back, now Jang Uk needs Naksu/Bu Yeon to take the power away.


- How is Jin Mu still walking around?  And since, Naksu is in Bu Yeon's body ( hey, at least Jin Mu recognized her :lol: ) you can bet the bells will make another appearance


- Crown Prince, call me crazy, I get the feeling he wants (badly) to simply be friends with Jang Uk, he just doesn't know how to get there ... I really really REALLY hope the writers don't try to make him evil again.


- The Queen - if after 3 years, Bu Yeons body now looks like Naksu, then why doesn't the Queen look like her former self? :huh:





There is still ALOT of explaining to do - I hope the Hong Sisters don't get sloppy



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4 hours ago, rocher22 said:

I wonder how Uk knew he was going to remove the bracelet with just his breath..  :unsure:

Breath? I thought he bit it and they didn't show it in frame because it's going to be too raunchy :1646639759_ezgif.com-gif-maker(1): (wait, what's the rating of this show again?)

And yep, even though we're pretty sure it's naksu, the writers won't just let it go that easily. As illustrated very briliantly by @Ameera Ali, we still need to figure out how the magical blender works and what exactly are the boundaries. Sorry i'm an intp and i'm just wired like that. I need definition! I need explanations! Especially when it relates to how things works and why. It's one thing to build a magical universe but even magic has to have rules!

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9 hours ago, illay said:


At first We got confirmation that it's really Naksu soul based on what Mr Lee said but in the end when the lantern can be turned off.. we are back to take a guess game again. Actually I was a little bit happy? Because I like Bu Yeon character & I find it unfair if the writer just kill her off like that.


In my opinion, their soul are just merged. 


Oh and then.. It seems that it will be same pattern again.. 3 guys fall in love with one girl hahaha.. 

I dun understand the lantern part..

can elaborate what did Mr lee explain about it please?


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52 minutes ago, CasualReader said:

To my simple mind...

Part 1 - Naksu was in Buyeon's body

Part 2 - Buyeon is in Naksu's body


anything that happens in between...applying suspended disbelief :hwaiting2:

To your simple mind, did u finish the latest ep2? If u did then you wouldn’t say “Pt2- BY is in Nasku’s body.”

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9 hours ago, marrez1 said:

from what I saw and understood, in the last episode of part 1, it was mama Jin's minions who recovered Buyeon/Mudeok's petrified body, but she was still wanted thanks to Nasku's energy and Buyeon's soul was glued to his soul

by episode 2 part 2, It turns out that in order to save Buyeon's body, mama Jin had to sacrifice Buyeon's soul, while Nasku's energy and soul managed to keep the body alive, so Buyeon's soul left but Nasu stayed in Buyeon's body, because she started to recover, her energy transformed Buyeon's body to what she looks like so Nasku, Buyeon's body contains some powers of priestess but no divine powers, Nasku has lost her memory


so now we are sure that JSM won't be able to make appearance

What? OMG! It sounds like a heaping mess.


I have not watched episode 2 yet. For some reason I have lost some of my interest. I must say that I have been a bit disappointed with the story writing so far but I am willing to give it a chance and hope against hope that in the end the writers would be able to salvage their story and not disappoint too much.

3 hours ago, SleepyKitty said:

Sorry i'm an intp and i'm just wired like that. I need definition! I need explanations! Especially when it relates to how things works and why. It's one thing to build a magical universe but even magic has to have rules!


Oh I can relate so much. I am an INFJ myself and I analyze too much that if there isn't any plausible or logical explanation I lose my mind.

4 hours ago, LeftCoastOppa said:


- The Queen - if after 3 years, Bu Yeons body now looks like Naksu, then why doesn't the Queen look like her former self? :huh:


There is still ALOT of explaining to do - I hope the Hong Sisters don't get sloppy




That is a very good point. I have not caught on that. You are right there's a lot of explaining to do. I am hoping for the same thing in terms of the writers of this story.

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Buyeon is dead. Naksu's soul is now the only one in the body. This was the choice Mama Jin made, in order to keep the bloodline going. (Horrible, I know...)


Even though it was Buyeon's body originally, it now permanently belongs to Naksu, and body and soul are sealed together. She will not run wild. She did not shift into that body but rather was taken into it by Buyeon, so I guess the running wild part doesn't apply. As she healed from the petrification, the body gradually morphed to look like Naksu's original form. At the same time, the Jin powers of the body are temporarily arrested, just as Naksu's memory is. So, she can see magical energy but she can't do much--yet. Master Lee said that she will regain Naksu's memories and Buyeon's powers at the same time. So the fact that she could put out the lamp...means that those powers are starting to come back. Which means that her memories should not be far behind...

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Here are the ratings for Episode 2 of S2! :).




“Reborn Rich” Ratings Soar Past 20 Percent + “Alchemy Of Souls Part 2” Rises For 2nd Episode


Meanwhile, tvN’s “Alchemy of Souls Part 2” enjoyed a significant rise in viewership for its second episode, earning an average nationwide rating of 7.7 percent.


“Reborn Rich” Ratings Soar Past 20 Percent + “Alchemy Of Souls Part 2” Rises For 2nd Episode | Soompi

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50 minutes ago, frozentundra said:

Buyeon is dead. Naksu's soul is now the only one in the body. This was the choice Mama Jin made, in order to keep the bloodline going. (Horrible, I know...)


Even though it was Buyeon's body originally, it now permanently belongs to Naksu, and body and soul are sealed together. She will not run wild. She did not shift into that body but rather was taken into it by Buyeon, so I guess the running wild part doesn't apply. As she healed from the petrification, the body gradually morphed to look like Naksu's original form. At the same time, the Jin powers of the body are temporarily arrested, just as Naksu's memory is. So, she can see magical energy but she can't do much--yet. Master Lee said that she will regain Naksu's memories and Buyeon's powers at the same time. So the fact that she could put out the lamp...means that those powers are starting to come back. Which means that her memories should not be far behind...


I wouldn't count on Bu Yeon's demise just yet -


For Bu Yeon to be gone, it makes the taking of Naksu's soul an arbitrary event - It would mean that Naksu wasn't special in any particular way, she was just a powerful mage, that Bu Yeon decided to capture when they crossed paths. If that was the case, why wouldn't Master Lee tell us that? He seems to telling us everything else, including specifically that it wasn't Naksu's attempt at the Alchemy of Souls.   In a show that is leaning so heavily on Prophecy/Destiny, sorry I refuse to believe that even the Hong Sisters could/would screw the storyline that bad, by making the Bu Yeon/Naksu merge a completely random event.


Additionally,  don't be too sure Naksu still can't run wild.  Master Lee said she hasn't because the body and soul are not in conflict - Bu Yeon's body has no power, and Naksu's soul has no memory, clearly implying that conflict could ensue when both return.  Also, Naksu/Bu Yeon by the rules the drama has established is still a soulshifter, meaning now that Jin Mu has spoken with Mama Jin, the bells of chaos can't be too far off. 


While I freely admit I might be severely underestimating the Hong Sisters ability to wreck yet another drama, I still say we will, at the very least, get at least 1 meeting of consciousness between Naksu and Bu Yeon, ala the barrier episode in season 1.  We'll see. 

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32 minutes ago, LeftCoastOppa said:


I wouldn't count on Bu Yeon's demise just yet -


For Bu Yeon to be gone, it makes the taking of Naksu's soul an arbitrary event - It would mean that Naksu wasn't special in any particular way, she was just a powerful mage, that Bu Yeon decided to capture when they crossed paths. If that was the case, why wouldn't Master Lee tell us that? He seems to telling us everything else, including specifically that it wasn't Naksu's attempt at the Alchemy of Souls.   In a show that is leaning so heavily on Prophecy/Destiny, sorry I refuse to believe that even the Hong Sisters could/would screw the storyline that bad, by making the Bu Yeon/Naksu merge a completely random event.


Additionally,  don't be too sure Naksu still can't run wild.  Master Lee said she hasn't because the body and soul are not in conflict - Bu Yeon's body has no power, and Naksu's soul has no memory, clearly implying that conflict could ensue when both return.  Also, Naksu/Bu Yeon by the rules the drama has established is still a soulshifter, meaning now that Jin Mu has spoken with Mama Jin, the bells of chaos can't be too far off. 


While I freely admit I might be severely underestimating the Hong Sisters ability to wreck yet another drama, I still say we will, at the very least, get at least 1 meeting of consciousness between Naksu and Bu Yeon, ala the barrier episode in season 1.  We'll see. 

Argh..I would hate for those damn bells to appear but I think in ep3 teaser, they showed Jin Mu with the powder or the container that has the powder. Also in one of the other teasers they had a scene of gyj clutching her head and perhaps it could be memories coming back or the bells?


Why do I get the feeling that if the bells work he may get Naksu to extract the stone from Jang UK for himself... Wouldn't that be a Hong sisters ending!


All I have to say is...hong sisters, please break from your tradition of sad endings and let the 2 main leads have a happy one...

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1 hour ago, LeftCoastOppa said:


I wouldn't count on Bu Yeon's demise just yet -

I think the same, also because in season 1 Naksu and Buyeon's souls had a special relationship unlike what normally happens when soul shifting happens (meaning a soul takes over a body, and the original soul of that body is gone forever or dies), in that at times, Naksu and Buyeon saw each other, and kind of communicated, and buyeon's soul saved Naksu, even though it was Naksu that had taken over Buyeon's body. Them communicating or seeing each other always happened when Buyeon's body was thrown in that lake... Buyeon's soul has a link to that lake... I would not be surprised if, during all of season 2, even if we don't see her on screen, there isn't a part of Buyeon that manifests in some ways, at least briefly...


What i said was awfully complicated (blame the writers, not me, lol!), but i hope it makes sense. :lol:

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12 hours ago, LeftCoastOppa said:

Bu Yeon - ( Question 3 ) despite what has been said, I think she's still around - "Naksu" just doesn't carry the Jin bloodine, she's also manifesting powers. Seeing the Ice Stone, dousing the Lamp, and per conversations of others, she can open some magical doors around Jinoywan.  I would also add some smaller "maybe" details - she likes chicken which in the first episode of the 1st season we know Naksu didn't like/eat (until forced too) also she knew the bracelet was a Jin artifact and even broken contained power for the water wraith to feed on. Would Naksu alone have known that? 

I too agree that Naksu and Bu Yeon are still in the same body.  I am so glad they are together. I think Bu Yeon and Naksu love Jang Guk. He is also the one person who understood both their loneliness.

It is so cute they are falling for him all over again. 


I pity Bu Yeon. Her mother’s obsession for power is so scary and her obsession to have her daughter is also scary. I have to say she is a terrible mom, always abandoning the child she has left making her feel unloved. 



i have a major question  are the powers inherited 


I still can’t buy that Jang Guk was the emperor’s son.  I think JG’s adoptive father premonition was wrong

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4 hours ago, sakisuki said:

To your simple mind, did u finish the latest ep2? If u did then you wouldn’t say “Pt2- BY is in Nasku’s body.”

I think our simple mind should tell us to  buy A charm against Nasku :mrgreen:

[ Nasku may need more intelligence body to switched to 



**warning @partyon , @the_sweetroad , @LeftCoastOppa @frozentundra, @lilyphenix@UnniSarah@ktcjdrama first 3 first customer will get discount price :hwaiting2:

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It's a regular workday for me so I watched the episode in bits and pieces (i.e. on the train going to work, during break, during numerous toilet breaks (lol), and again on the train going home). I will watch it again before sleeping.

Whilst episode 1 had more action, things are starting to get more serious in episode 2. We finally know what happened to Mu-deok's body and although I was correct in guessing Jin Ho-kyung was involved, it wasn't in the way I was thinking. She didn't use her power as it was Master Lee who did. But the decision of who's soul to save was her's. 

So we now know the body belongs to Mu-deok/Bu-Yeon but has the appearance of Naksu because the soul inside is Naksu. When I first watched the conversation between Jin Ho-kyung and Master Lee I said to myself "oh a lot of people cheering for Mu-deok are not going to be happy because she is not coming back as her soul is gone". I'm not one of those people, but Master Lee's statement of Bu-Yeon's body has no divine powers, and Naksu's soul has no memory, so the body and soul do not conflict. If she regains her divine powers, Naksu's memory will likely follow" is open to interpretation.

It could mean either mean Bu-Yeon can still come back if the body regains divine powers or Naksu's memory will return if the body regains divine powers.

I'm leaning towards the later because I really believe Bu-Yeon's soul is gone forever. In episode 1 when Jang Uk hit the table with Naksu's sword the blue energy stayed a bit in Naksu's hand. The sword likely recognised its master. 

Naksu told Uk she has no divine powers, but twice already she has shown traces of it. My theory is these are related to sadness and/or fear of leaving the person she likes or the person she likes leaving her. (i.e. Naksu crying because Uk told her to leave and Naksu touching Uk's hand in the assembly).

Naksu in Mu-deok's body technically left Uk in Part 1 after stabbing him. Naksu may have no memory so far in Part 2 but she is somehow drawn to Uk. There is no reason for Bu-Yeon to be drawn to him because they don't really know each other.

My main question for this episode is why Bu-Yeon chose Naksu and trapped her soul inside her body.

I expect more scheming from Jin Mu in episode 3 now that he's seen Naksu. Interesting when he said I shall summon Naksu's soul once again to distract Jang Uk. I hope this doesn't mean he can control Naksu again. In the trailer the red jade was glowing and looks like Jang Uk is running towards Mu-deok's burial place and the girl in there looks like Naksu. But knowing how they jumble scenes together we are not sure if the scenes are related.

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