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[Drama 2022] Love (ft. Marriage & Divorce) Season 3 결혼작사 이혼작곡


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2 hours ago, mellina said:

Why SB's brother is not HR love interest i still wonder until today. What's the point of him treating HR the wine if he is not the second male lead. 

Before her divorce, HR figured out that Dong Ma is Seo Ban's brother at the SPY's mother funeral. Then she concluded that Dong Ma didn't interested to "make friend" with her because Dong Ma didn't contact her afterwards & only gave the wine because she's his brother's colleague. Also she realized maybe he didn't contact her because she's still somebody's wife.

Then she set her plan to hunt for Seo Ban instead.


9 hours ago, chickfactor said:

It was funny how Pi-Yeong and Si-Eun were gossiping about how fake and conniving Hye-Ryeong is. You have to be a really fake person if your friends are going to doubt you when

Yes, I LOLed too. Because we don't gossip our friend like that if she or he jinjjjaaa jinjjjaaa not a fake & conniving person :P


9 hours ago, chickfactor said:

Sa-Hyeon suddenly bursts out with the Lord's Prayer? OMG, seriously. I really think that all their invocations of religion is foreshadowing for some bad stuff. Calm before the storm.

Make sense. As the articles/interview with actors/actresses kept mentioned the ending is something we can never expect. I'm like what??? Any spicy makjang in final episodes? Ohhh I can't wait to watch it tonight.

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5 hours ago, ktcjdrama said:

yeah, lol... the whole time watching I was like why didn’t they just show us that? It’s part of what I look forward to in this drama haha... but I guess we’re not shown to make it unclear who is lying and exaggerating stuff. I’d say both are, LOL. 


i don't think that ami and dongmi attacked each other physically. they just made up lies and tried to convince their oppa that they needed his protection against the other, but he didn't fall for their machinations. 


dongmi bruised herself to get evidence, but even that wasn't enough, or yushin just doesn't care anymore as he is still depressed and can't get over his wife. 



13 minutes ago, hsmz said:

"Unimaginable ending will unfold"


that's... ominous.


writer: welcome to my world :


kyle mooney trash GIF by Saturday Night Live

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3 hours ago, mellina said:


Why SB's brother is not HR love interest i still wonder until today. What's the point of him treating HR the wine if he is not the second male lead. 

I think HR is more interested in SB because he is the first son. Usually the firstborn is the one guaranteed inheritance. Up till now, no one is aware (including SB himself) that HR knows the true identity of SB. Neither SE nor PY knows SB’s family background. 

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9 hours ago, agenth said:

i don't think that ami and dongmi attacked each other physically. they just made up lies and tried to convince their oppa that they needed his protection against the other, but he didn't fall for their machinations. 


dongmi bruised herself to get evidence, but even that wasn't enough, or yushin just doesn't care anymore as he is still depressed and can't get over his wife. 


Me too..  They both are liars. It's very obvious that all the bad characters did in this drama is LYING!

Including the "good character" that viewers think of... the 30s wife! :P 






I'm STRESSSSSSS~~ Somebody help me!






9 hours ago, ktcjdrama said:

I think HR is more interested in SB because he is the first son. Usually the firstborn is the one guaranteed inheritance. Up till now, no one is aware (including SB himself) that HR knows the true identity of SB. Neither SE nor PY knows SB’s family background

Yes, she wanted to hunt for the big jaws, not an anchovies like Dong Ma. Just look how she didn't share the info of Seo Ban to her colleague. She didn''t want them to overtake her... :lol:

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It's time to delurk again. Sorry, it is a long one.


I don't know what to expect in the ending of this drama.  (I skipped a lot of scenes in ep 15)


I think the writer has stated her POVs of marriage, divorce and love in the eps, especially in the dialogues:


1. "Men don't cheat because of a reason"  When affairs take place, people blame the wives and for the flaws they lack of.  Some will even justify the affairs by saying, "No wonder the husband has an affair, just look at his wife"  A wife could be controlling, dominating, and possesses other unfavorable traits/characters. Some wife gains weight and ages. (SPY tries to keep her body in tact in order to keep her husband away from looking at other women)  Some men go for younger, prettier and cheerful mistress (like Dr Shin).  Men can pick any reason to justify their affairs because indeed, no one is perfect, may that be personal traits, preferences, and looks.  Flaws are relative and subjective.  What is considered a flaw in one family is not in another.  Therefore, I can never justify an affair.  


2. "They all have excuses"  Excuses to have an affair are easy to find.  Man can pick up any flaws of his wife and make it as an excuse to fall in love with another woman.  Again, no wife is flawless nor perfect in many senses.  


3."They all wear mask in a relationship"  It is dangerous to commit in a relationship before truly knowing each other.  Short/long distance courtship is very vulnerable to this precaution.  Some says, "Don't commit in marrying someone if you have not seen him/her got angry".  One will certainly appear/do/act well in a new relationship, it is the 'honeymoon or promotion phase'. They show only their good sides to each other. Observe how your boyfriend or girlfriend gets angry or gets in trouble, how he/she handles things. 


4.  Many people get married for "wrong" reasons.  Be careful to commit into marriage just because you're in love. 

I'd say, love is not enough to enter a marriage and build a strong one.  

  • PSH chased after BHR because he was so in love with her.  He didn't think of their differences in age, cultures, family habits/values, roles of a wife, ideas of having kids, etc.  The differences didn't matter then.  PSH changed and couldn't accept BHR as she is.  PSH's failed marriage with BHR because he felt he was out of love with her and hence, couldn't bear the differences he faced in the marriage.
  • SPY's aunt was overjoyed because a young and good-looking man proposed to her.  Does she honestly believe he is in love with her and wants to spend his life with her? Her marriage will be doomed for failure, I'd say.
  • PSH only knew SW for a short time.   (I doubt that it will last. As he fell in love by watching BHR playing drum, he fell in love at first by watching SW's butt)
  • Many get married to 'escape' their own families hoping that the new family can give a better life.  
  • Many would say 'yes' because he/she is the only one available and fears of 'missing out'.  
  • Many get married because the woman/girl is pregnant 
  • Many get married because they are match-made/arranged by their families and they want to please them.
  • Many get married because of social pressures. 

5. Don't take differences lightly in marriage.   I notice that the writer makes it as a big problem in BHR and PSH's marriage.  BHR is a portrayal of a modern, career-minded, independent and 'westernized' woman. 


(Someone said to me, "Think 10x when you are about to marry someone from the same culture, but think 100 times when you are about to marry someone from a different culture"  Are you flexible and adaptable?   I believe it is true in marriage. One flaw in one culture is considered acceptable in another's.)

  • Therefore, her being opinionated and direct, which is considered normal in the West, is regarded as impoliteness/rudeness and talking-back in the East.  Remember the scene, when BHR & PSH dined out with her best-friend and the husband?  The husband mentioned about his in-law who didn't address the elderly politely, instead, calling him by name; BHR asked what their parents reacted to this, and he said, "When we are in Rome, do like the Romans".  Actually, the one who calls an elderly by his/her name is considered rude/impolite in one culture, but in other cultures, it is OK/acceptable.     
  • In Western cultures, wives don't have to serve the husbands.  Wives don't have to cook for the family, many husbands also cook.  In modern society, many modern couples choose not to have kids and it is acceptable, husband and wife share their household chores equally.  While in Asian cultures, it is the wife who does everything for the family/household.  
  • BHR comes from the exact opposite family values, habits, roles and backgrounds from PSH's.  The writer portrays PSH's family as an epitome of the traditional, conservative and patriarchal Asian/Korean family.  (At home, the mom and dad even wear hanbok).   If you have time to re-watch S1, you will see that BHR was once close to her PILs.  They even sided with her at first when they found out that PSH had an affair.  They listened to BHR's radio program everyday.  They had a change of affection after they met SW.  SW matched their typical/ideal type of Asian DIL:  a woman who cooks, soft spoken etc.  PSH didn't study overseas, his idea of a wife's role comes from his traditional mom.  He ignored the fact that BHR was so different from him because he was so in love with her at the time.  He ignored the warnings and chased after BHR.  When he was so in love with BHR, he could tolerate a lot, when he was out of love, he could  no longer tolerate, whined and blamed BHR.  

Tonight we'll face the finale. 


Will the wives have happy endings?  Will the husbands get to taste of their own medicines?  Will the mistresses live happily after they wreck families?   


I am nervous.


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“Love (Ft. Marriage and Divorce) 2” Beats Its Own Record For Highest TV Chosun Ratings In History



Viewership ratings for TV Chosun’s “Love (ft. Marriage and Divorce) 2” are rising every week!

“Love (ft. Marriage and Divorce) 2” has achieved its highest viewership ratings to date with its August 7 episode, scoring an average nationwide rating of 14.8 percent and a peak of 15.3 percent. The drama not only took first place in its time slot, but also set a new all-time ratings high in TV Chosun’s history once again.

tvN’s “The Devil Judge” achieved an average nationwide rating of 6.3 percent and peaked at 7.8 percent. In its target audience of viewers ages 20 to 49, the drama scored an average rating of 3.2 percent and a peak of 3.6 percent.

JTBC’s “Nevertheless” saw an average nationwide rating of 1.0 percent, marking an all-time low for the drama.

Returning after a week-long hiatus, KBS 2TV’s “Revolutionary Sisters” scored an average nationwide rating of 24.3 percent, which is a rise from the 20.0 percent of the previous episode.


source: https://www.soompi.com/article/1482717wpp/love-ft-marriage-and-divorce-2-beats-its-own-record-for-highest-tv-chosun-ratings-in-history



Doesn't this sound like a season 3 is likely....?

Sesame Street Fainting GIF

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Oooh, final episode. During Season 1, I thought I'd never watch Season 2. But here I am, very into Season 2.


My thoughts:


30s couple:


Hye-Ryeong suffers from narcissistic personality disorder. They took the textbook definition of narcissistic personality disorder and created her character around it. She is not capable of having lasting relationships with anyone.


Sa-Hyeon is a dolt. It's good that he left this marriage, but he did it in the most cowardly, immature way possible.


His relationship with Song Won was/is incredibly boring. I zoned out through most of it.


A lot of people expect Song Won, the baby, or perhaps his parents to die because the viewers need "divine retribution." My first reaction to that is - I'm not sure that this actor is up for the challenge of expressing that much grief. Buuut, okay. Good luck to him.



40s couple:


The affair was devastating for her. But she is better off. Her husband was a sociopath who gaslit her and manipulated her. Her insane mother-in-law was drugging her because she was horny for her husband. She may not be fully aware of all this, but this was a bad marriage, and she needed to get out.


Aside from all that horror, it was also a bad marriage because it seemed like she was trying too hard to appeal to him and be worthy of him. It was astonishing to me that she told her mom that she had a job not to fulfill herself, but so she can be intellectually appealing to him.


But I think she will be fine. I hope that she finds a real relationship where she doesn't have to try so hard and just be herself and be loved for who she is.



50s couple:


I feel the sorriest for Si-Eun. The other two wives got to decide if and when they divorced their husbands. Her husband just left her. She had no choice in the matter.


Despite that, she maintained grace and dignity, and kept it together for her kids. Much respect.


I hope that she finds someone who will take care of her and truly deserve her. More than any of the other wives, I want her story to end hopefully - that it's awful when your husband betrays you and leave you, but there is life beyond it, and it could be even better.




Anyway, a quick scan of youtube reactions are that while many predicted death and doom, they are walking it back because now everyone seems very sure that Season 3 will happen. So you can't have too many people die, because they need to appear in Season 3!


For example, many expected Song Won to die, but now they expect the baby to die instead.


Many expected Dong-Mi to die, either by choking on a fish bone or Ghost Grandpa getting her to drink poison that she was trying to feed to Ami.


Now the prediction is that Ji-Ah possessed by Ghost Grandpa will tell Yu-Shin that she caused his death. Conclusion? Yu-Shin will get Dong-Mi thrown in jail, so she can scream and rage for another season.


I guess we'll find out tomorrow. Have fun everyone!




ETA: A random, completely silly thing I noticed that I'm sure doesn't mean anything at all:


Seo Ban's father is named SEO WOONG. (based on Yu-Shin's background search report)


Ami's father is named JO WOONG.


It's an unusual name to begin with so I happened to notice it. It's weird that two people have this name. But I do not think it means anything.

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1 hour ago, agenth said:


i don't think that ami and dongmi attacked each other physically. they just made up lies and tried to convince their oppa that they needed his protection against the other, but he didn't fall for their machinations.


Chingu, here is a re-enactment of Dong Mi's and A Mi's fight:


Step one:



Step two:



In the meantime, us (the audience):




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1 hour ago, hsmz said:


seeing this photo, Lee Ga Ryeong (as BHR) and Song Ji In (as A Mi) are so beautiful. 


39 minutes ago, deandraluv said:

think 100 times when you are about to marry someone from a different culture

INDEED. and I should rethink again when I have to send my kids to study abroad. 


14 minutes ago, partyon said:

an average nationwide rating of 14.8 percent and a peak of 15.3 percent.


Congratulations TV Chosun & Love (ft. Marriage and Divorce) 2. NEXT they will announce, there will be season 3 for closure :naughty:


14 minutes ago, chickfactor said:

I'm not sure that this actor is up for the challenge

Between 3 husbands, I like Jeon Noh Min (as Hae Ryoon) the most for the acting. He is really good in this drama.

and for Sung Hoon (as Pan Sa Hun) is the least one. He is too handsome to do anything. 










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12 minutes ago, partyon said:


Chingu, here is a re-enactment of Dong Mi's and A Mi's fight:


Step one:

Step two:

In the meantime, us (the audience):


The bickering scene was the highlight of the episode... which is truly pathetic and sad, considering the potential of this series that the writer has ruined. This series is about people and relationships. The lack of humanity makes the conversations between these characters very, very clinical. 


Not even that fight scene was done well. The writer should have had Dongmi and Ami push more, until one of them finally makes Dr Shin choose one of them - an ultimatum. I know, ultimatums are not healthy and mostly a bad idea, but in this case clearly ultimatum was needed - to make the fight even more realistic, to convince Dr. Shin that what they say happened, happened - to give the viewers satisfaction. Dongmi or Ami should have tried to plead their case strongly - instead you can cut this scene as the end result is the same: nothing happened  and Dr Shin carries on with depression. It is as if the fighting scene between Dongmi and Ami was simply their imagination, except the glitter fade wasn't utilised. 


Instead of showing real human emotions of people pushing beyond limits, this scene, too, fell short. The writer is a bad tease - it's as if the writer managed to give the viewers amnesia. You can skip episodes and still not be confused and follow the series. All Season 2 barely nothing happened except for discussions or should I say gaslighting and robotic speeches. Where's the passion? Where's the humanity? 


If the writer decides to kill off any of the characters in the finale, I wouldn't care. None of them have much impact. The writer's job is to make viewers sympathise with the characters and their story, make connections. 


The writer failed spectacularly.


Addendum: Well, I'd care if the baby was killed. The baby hasn't done any wrong, but that's not because the writer did a good job of portraying the baby. It's just being humane. 


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This is rather a cheap shot at getting high viewership ratings! You do nothing for 12 episodes in each season and then you suddenly make things happen. This is poor writing on the writer's part. You need to have a tight grip over the script. Unfortunately, this is all over the place and is in a hot mess. There is absolutely no semblance of any conclusiveness. There are too many loose ends  for the drama to be wrapped up in 1hr 15 mins. 


TBH, nothing is amusing about the drama. There was no 'best' part. Even A-mi's OTT tactics are getting on my nerves. She is either too obtuse to understand the situation or deliberately fakes the OTT cheerfulness.  She doesn't take any initiative to reconcile with her father and iron out the differences with her mother. Yet, here she is playing house with the 40s husband. I mean if you are really serious about him and want to make the relationship work, could you please act your act and show some maturity? She's 29, or last 20s I believe. How can she be so whiny, worse than a child! I seriously don't care about her scenes with sexy but creepy step mother. Both can take a hike, IMHO. I feel as disproportionately about them as probably the 40s husband does in the current scenario. 


Ghost grandpa serves no purpose in any of the episodes except prove how big a pervert he is!


40s mistress's ex boyfriend suddenly had a change of heart and proposes marriage to her, suddenly rushing out on his white steed to be the knight in the shining armour for our damsel in distress. But wait, doesn't she already have a knight , albeit an old one waiting in the wings? So, apparently, the old knight has no idea that his amour was already carrying her ex boyfriends baby? Nothing makes sense any more in this drama.


And after an entire episode dedicated to 40s couple talking about cheating and how SPY was adamant that she will never forgive her husband, it would be colossal mistake to forgive him , not to mention, it is unforgivable that the writer has no respect for our time. It will be even more obvious if they continue with season 3. 


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PSH and SW and PIL scenes were so nauseating, ordinarily I would say the baby is totally dying. Who knows with this writer. I don't want another season, but it would be interesting to see if the PIL remain as keen on SW if there is no or little hope of her giving them a grandson. I'm not sure if they will even remain that happy if the baby is a girl. At her age, that would mean no grandson too. I'm against Sung Hoon trying to act out grief though I could use a good laugh, I suppose.

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On 8/7/2021 at 2:47 PM, hsmz said:

Kiss back to you @Gumiho :kiss_wink:


Yes, we have the right to give opinions and points - either from the cheaters, the wives or even mistress and the cheater's parents as well. It just an opinion, what we see from the drama. Be reminded yaaa, this is just a drama, all the characters are fictonal. That's why we can say whatever we want as long as we are not judging the real person. Also, why we have to judge real people?

Some of us didn't have any experience with the cheating spouse or went thru traumatic experience having parents who cheated but for those who have experienced it, my sympathy is for you - as long as you can move on, you are strong in my eyes.



True :kiss_wink: rather than posting something that perhaps I too can not do in real (at least for me) specially in the marriage divorce case which I am not dare to write too over because I don’t know how if I experience it too.. plus I am sure we already too old to judging each other just because of a drama that will end on ep 16 or continue to the next season. 


On 8/7/2021 at 2:47 PM, hsmz said:


Me too. I also didn't condone, support or indulging adultery. Will never. Adultery is bad, real bad, who doesn't know about it. But as much as we said cheater shouldn't be justified with their reasons of cheating, believe it or not they always have their reasons to cheat. Either we can accept it or not, it's up to us. And me too, I don't wanna waste my mind and energy to writer mistress' POVs because for me, they shouldn't start the relationship with a married man, not to mention they know the man they're dated is married. They shouldn't start it at the first place. They also have choice to walk away, but of course they don't want to.



Sometimes it happened and if it happened it would not be useful to judging because of its already happened. How to work from that point will be better (for me) ^_* 


On 8/7/2021 at 2:47 PM, hsmz said:



True that!


So so true! In order to keep marriage vows - "till death do us part", both husband and wife must understand each other, must always tolerates with each other & most important thing is continue to fall in love with each other everyday! Don't ever take marriage for granted and must always communicate with each other. It will be a long list to write, but as the conclusion - marriage is journey for both man and woman as husband and wife & as parents too. In order to find the ultimate happiness, they will face a lot of ups and downs and the most important thing - must face it TOGETHER.


p/s Don't ever think about ME, ME and ME in marriage, but must think about US, WE and TOGETHER. Once you have US, WE and TOGETHER in your marriage, it will be blessed by GOD and with GOD's willing, only death will part you and your spouse, not by cheating or divorce


Btw I remember that you were the first who quoting me in here <3


On 8/7/2021 at 2:58 PM, Waverlyroot said:

Song Won just said that to BHR to deflect blame away from the husband. His parents understood that and admired her quick thinking and self-sacrifice.

Thanks, Gumiho. I came here because someone on MyDramaList was trying to tell me that I must be @hsmz on Soompi because I don't think Song Won is a RickRoll'D or a ho. I think she's the most interesting of the characters, actually, and can easily see why Pan Sa Hun and his parents fell for her.


I like the comments here on this board. Much more measured and thoughtful. (But I like MDL's threaded layout better - easier to follow).


You’re welcome.. even though I am not like any of the mistresses in this drama hahaha. 


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On 8/7/2021 at 8:44 PM, Lfd said:

Lol oh I have not a clue I hope all wives run as fast as they can away from these husbands. I feel like the 30’s has a pattern after a year or so he is ready to move on and 40’s has a mental problem and 50’s has an old age problem lol now don’t u be to hard on me I am 76 years old and have seen a lot of things. But it no telling how the writer will go some blame has been on both Partners but there should never be cheating until u r free

Exactly! Whatever problems within a marriage, it is for 2 people to settle & overcome with, not allowing or be an excuse for one or the 2 to have cheating spree…as what the writer trying to tell. So I too hope all the 3 wives would run as fast as they can from their scumbag husbands.


As for the mistresses, I don’t care much what happened to them. All 3 of them have loose moral to begin with, since they walk into affairs with married men with their eyes wide open. However it will be a satisfactory ending if all 3 mistresses get exposed to the public, afterall they’re happy of what they did, they should be proud of it, right? Its only a matter of time before paparazzi knew abt SW. Also if the public just got a sniff that both NGB & AM are kept women, they can say goodbye to their career for good. That will be the best ending for me.


As for the wives, like many pointed out, they’re too without faults. One is a doormat, one is excessively perfectionist, one is most hated because of her crudeness & self centred, however what all 3 wives have that that their husbands didn’t is they honoured they marriage vows & sanctuary. They remained true to their husbands until they signed divorce papers. They didn’t shop around for lovers even of they’re admired by men. For whatever reason, may it be for emotional or material, they stayed by their marriage oath. Like SPY said its not like they weren’t tempted, they do too, when good looking men with nice voice walk by but they went as far as just look, then forget abt it. Even the self centred BHR, tho she did play with the idea to cheat back but she never did it. Some would say she’s afraid to loose healthy alimony but again BHR isn’t exactly poor. She can do well for herself, and even if she did think on the financial expect it doesn’t matter because she did THINK, unlike hubby who thinks with the brain in his pants. So whether there’s a new man or not, I believe the perfect ending is for the wives to find their own happiness & be more successful in their career

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Main Cast Of “Love (Ft. Marriage And Divorce) 2” Bids Farewell With Closing Comments


Aug 8, 2021

by S. P


The cast of TV Chosun’s “Love (ft. Marriage and Divorce) 2” shared their final comments ahead of the hit drama’s final episode!


“Love (ft. Marriage and Divorce) 2” is the second season of the drama about three women in their 30s, 40s, and 50s whose lives change forever when they discover their husbands are having an affair. The drama recently broke its own record for the highest ratings ever achieved by a TV Chosun drama.




Sung Hoon starred as Pan Sa Hyun, who kept up his marriage with Boo Hye Ryung (Lee Ga Ryung) for show while continuing to show affection for Song Won (Lee Min Young). Sung Hoon commented, “Due to the state of things I wasn’t able to properly say goodbye, so I want to let all of the staff and actors know that it’s thanks to them that we were able to make it to the end. The ending of the final episode will be beyond everyone’s imaginations. Make sure to tune in.”


Lee Tae Gon gave a stellar performance in the role of Shin Yoo Shin, balancing the sweetness of a perfect husband with the selfishness of a husband who cheats on his wife. Reflecting on his preparation for the second season, Lee Tae Gon said, “I think that I did the best I could with the role that was given to me. I analyzed Shin Yoo Shin thoroughly, and I’m satisfied since I think that was conveyed well.”


Lee Tae Gon continued, “There were a lot of difficult emotional scenes and I was lacking in time, but I think that I overcame it well. Although I have plenty of regrets, I’m thankful that there are so many people who gave me love.”


In the role of Sa Pi Young, Park Joo Mi put her passionate acting skills on display through her various emotions, such as feeling betrayed when she witnessed her husband’s affair or her guilt as a mother. Park Joo Mi shared, “I’ve wrapped up the long journey from season one to season two. A really interesting story awaits. Please keep watching until the end.”




Lee Ga Ryung, who had a hand in many of the drama’s memorable scenes as Boo Hye Ryung, commented, “I was so happy to be able to live as ‘charcoal makeup’ Boo Hye Ryung, who received plenty of both love and hate. Every moment on set was so thrilling. I’ll keep working hard so that everyone can remember my name.”


Lee Min Young played Song Won, who became a hot topic in season two after becoming pregnant with Pan Sa Hyun’s child. Lee Min Young confessed, “I didn’t feel very sad after season one since I had to prepare for season two right away, but now that I’m done filming the second season, I get the feeling that it’s going to be a long goodbye. It feels really different.” She added, “There’s still surprising events waiting for everyone at the end, so please keep watching.”


Jun Soo Kyung played Lee Si Eun, who suffered greatly at the hands of her husband’s lover. She commented, “Although there were difficulties living as Lee Si Eun for the past 10 months, I was happy because of all the support I received from the viewers. It’s a shame that the drama is approaching its final episode. Please keep showing your support until the end.”





Jeon No Min took the role of Park Hae Ryun, a man who threw away his family for his newfound love while still showing sincerity in his affection for his child. Jeon No Min expressed his surprise at how fast time flew as he said, “It hasn’t been long since I started filming, so I’m surprised that I’ve already finished filming the second season and that the final episode is approaching.”


He concluded by expressing his gratitude towards the viewers, saying, “‘Love (ft. Marriage and Divorce) 2’ became a hot topic, and it’s all thanks to the love of the viewers. Thank you for all the love you’ve shown us.”


In the role of Ah Mi, Song Ji In was responsible for plenty of comedic moments in the drama thanks to her banter with Kim Dong Mi (Kim Bo Yeon). Song Ji In commented, “I can’t believe it’s already the final episode of season two. I’m so sad. I’m glad that thanks to all the love the viewers showed for the drama, we were able to happily wrap up filming. Please keep watching until the very end.”


Im Hye Young impressed with her steady acting as Nam Ga Bin, who began as Park Hae Ryun’s lover and became torn between feelings of remorse and happiness as she promised to marry him. She shared, “I think the fact that we completed filming the second season safely and with no accidents is something to be the most grateful for. I had an exciting time filming thanks to the viewers’ love and interest. Please stay healthy in these difficult times, and I hope that you’ll enjoy the conclusion of ‘Love (ft. Marriage and Divorce) 2.'”


The drama’s producers said, “We would like to convey our gratitude towards the actors for their passionate portrayal of their roles and the viewers for their enthusiastic interest throughout the 10-month-long journey from season one to season two. Please look forward to the final episode of ‘Love (ft. Marriage and Divorce) 2,’ where there could be an unexpected ending.”


The final episode of “Love (ft. Marriage and Divorce) 2” airs on August 8 at 9 p.m. KST.




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2 hours ago, deandraluv said:

."They all wear mask in a relationship"  It is dangerous to commit in a relationship before truly knowing each other. .......Observe how your boyfriend or girlfriend gets angry or gets in trouble, how he/she handles things. 


5. Don't take differences lightly in marriage.   I notice that the writer make it as a big problem in BHR and PSH's marriage.  BHR is a portrayal of a modern, career-minded, independent and 'westernized' woman. 


I agreed with your points. Most of the time, love is blind when people are in love during honeymoon stage. After marriage, love is a real eye opener.


To add on your point (3) - before marriage, observe carefully how your boy friend/girl friend treats their family members or friends or even the outsider like waiters or waitress or old folks that meet on the road. Is she/he the type who avoids responsibility when in big troubles? How he/she handles matters is the most important one. All these tell tale signs could tell a person's character.




Oh yes, it makes people see the worst. This is like the road frenzy of computer use. If the person you might marry is indifferent to slow internet service, then they are the goalkeeper! If they sigh and show signs of general impatience, that's okay, don't worry about it. But if your partner throw the monitor across the room...Run quickly! :lol:


In conclusion, open your eyes widely....:D:lol:


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1 hour ago, hyall said:

If they have a third season people will drop this like a hot potato including me.

But according to the the poll, 33% will watch and 26% is not sure..  40% say they dont want to watch it, but might be if there will be season 3, people want to watch it just because we want to know the ending.


1 hour ago, gm4queen said:

The ending of the final episode will be beyond everyone’s imaginations. Make sure to tune in.”

said PSH and SW said: “There’s still surprising events waiting for everyone at the end, so please keep watching.” both husband and mistress said the same thing. Cant wait! 3 hours to go!!

50 minutes ago, lebeaucouple said:

love is blind

love isn’t actually blind but actually chooses to overlook shortcomings.


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9 hours ago, lebeaucouple said:

I agreed with your points. Most of the time, love is blind when people are in love during honeymoon stage. After marriage, love is a real eye opener.


To add on your point (3) - before marriage, observe carefully how your boy friend/girl friend treats their family members or friends or even the outsider like waiters or waitress or old folks that meet on the road. Is she/he the type who avoids responsibility when in big troubles? How he/she handles matters is the most important one. All these tell tale signs could tell a person's character.


Oh yes, it makes people see the worst. This is like the road frenzy of computer use. If the person you might marry is indifferent to slow internet service, then they are the goalkeeper! If they sigh and show signs of general impatience, that's okay, don't worry about it. But if your partner throw the monitor across the room...Run quickly! :lol:


In conclusion, open your eyes widely....:D:lol:


Marriage is true a sacred institution for both man and woman.


But..... we must know, marriage comes in a lot of forms too


Love marriage - most both man & woman (or even man & man, woman & woman nowadays) married because they love each other and can't think anything else than to live with the person that they love

Arranged marriage - they didn't know or know little about their spouse before the marriage. Usually parents who arrange this marriage, and both man & woman just let the elders make decision for them

Force marriage - it happened, usually man or woman didn't agree but have to, maybe to save some dignity in the family or because the money/debts & inheritance

Shameful marriage - this is not good! Some people especially woman wants to be married because she saw her enemy or her friends all married. So, she didn't want people to call her spinster, usually they will married the man that eagerly wants to marry her even she rejected him numerous of times OR he or she wants to show to their ex that they also can get the happy marriage after being hurt by their ex boyfriend or girlfriend (example : like Nam Ga Bin) AND.. some married because of the money, social class & not because of love at all..

Contract marriage - only happened in Kdrama, LOL


However, once we married, you must hold the responsibility, and that responsibility ain't cheap. Nobody wants to be cheated by their own spouse, no one even in what forms the marriage was built from... It's all in heart and mind.. And the choice in your hands. Peace!

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