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[Drama 2022] Love (ft. Marriage & Divorce) Season 3 결혼작사 이혼작곡


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Hilarious lines from beginning of episode 14:


40s wife to sound engineer, talking about her daughter: "Omo, you remember her name?" 
Sound engineer: "It's not as if I have dementia." :lol:

(they talk some more, then...)
Sound engineer to 40s wife: "Us brats shall a grab a drink some time then." Us brats! :lol:


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2 hours ago, chickfactor said:

As I said before, you reap what you sow. That means there are consequences to your actions. You cheat on your spouse, things won't turn out well. You purposely ruin people's lives in retaliation, things won't turn out well for you, either.


I'm sure Hye-Ryeong will have plenty of chances to date men. But she wants to be a chaebol's wife now. And you know what chaebol's don't want? Wives who hold press conferences to say things like, "I want to protect her privacy as a fellow woman... because she's with child!" Yeah, she gave her in-laws a really good blow. They felt that. But that was also tacky.


Is Seo Ban sexy? Hmm. The actor is quite wooden, but he doesn't stick out, because everyone on this show speaks weirdly. But that's gotten a lot better lately - or, I got used to it? In any case, there is a certain inscrutable quality to him.


It's possible that he is sexy because he is the only decent man in this show, because all the other men are lying cheaters.

like quite a few here, I was not surprised by 30s wife but was also shaking my head at her during the press conference. it wasn't a good look at all. like @chickfactor mentioned, I do think that scorch the earth personalities tend to scare people as you never know how they will react if you are on their bad side. this means that future spouses will take a long hard look before committing unless they are like 30s husband who obviously had no clue about her character. seo ban was not impressed with her actions and seemed to understand that she was doing it out of spite. since she had a drink with him the night before, her actions the next morning seemed a bit contradictory. 


eventually both sides of the story will get out -- the in-laws and 30s husband will share their side to friends and relatives. the in-laws are well connected and have good networks due to their golf course. especially with gossip, a few well placed words here and there will ensure their side also gets spread. the 30s wife did get a good settlement - to turn it around and make it seem like she got nothing does make her look really bad. people will chat and form their own opinions about what happened. so 30s wife may have shot herself in the foot a bit because some will wonder what part of the conference was real and what part wasn't. some might side with her but others like the sound engineer may be wary instead. 


the sound engineer seemed so bored out of his head listening to 30s wife and 40s wife whine to him about their divorce -- he had this look like "why are you telling me all of this?" he literally does not care either way and the only time he showed any softening during the series was with the 50s wife and when he asked 40s wife about her mother. however, whether he will show any romantic interest at all still seems up in the air. he is sexy because he is inscrutable but mostly he seems like a sharp judge of character who does not like fools. 

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7 hours ago, MLWetherill said:

Ah, he sighted her "Backside" first day in the gym. Lust baby!!! All the way!!!

That's before he really knows her. All woman in gym (of course with body like SY) they are literally sexy in tight legging babehhhhh... Of course he will sighted when saw her butt. His life literally house-law firm-court-office gathering-house-fetching his wife from the wine bar-his parents house (nobody wears legging at court right?) & of course he feels so surprise and straight away look at the butt.

Ask man in their 30s in the street, how many of them wants to cheat on his wife with older woman, in 40s precisely? Of course between sexy 20s and sexy 40s, they will prefer sexy 20s girl. I believe man like PSH can choose every sexy girl that he wants if he wants to cheat, even a few years older than him (if he really have a "things" for older woman) but why writer-nim made him in love with much older woman?

The answer is : he's now doesn't really care about their appearance, girl's sexiness or how they dress as he had married one to that girl, but he needs a woman that full of affections - that's all he wants! He even want to marry her before SY told him that she was pregnant with his child.

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3 hours ago, mellina said:


One thing t i didn't like about this drama is why can't the women just move on with their life without flirting with Mr Seo. He is not even handsome and talk like a robot :lol:

Agreed to  this .haha Writernim,why we have limited choices of great guy in this drama ?At least you should give us 5 more charming guys to be chosen :D


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3 hours ago, TheQueenReturns said:

BHR had the right to fight for her marriage.


Is their marriage still legal and there? Yes!

Me LOL hard. BHR fight for her marriage? Very funny. She fights for herself and only herself! That's what people full of revenge & rage did. Writer-nim painted her as an evil woman now, and I agreed with her. Their marriage was so doomed! Not even a single blessing! She might be looked in love with PSH, but she's not, I can feel it. She just need someone with a good reputation to be her husband - look how her hunt her future husband now. Also the way she told her friends - she trained her husband to be like that (like he was some kind of animal circus?) And not surprising, she will turns her future "prey" just like PSH, but maybe she will slow down a bit, will not be so aggrresive like when she was with PSH because she already exposed about her ex to the world. So, she needs to arrange and prepare her strategies well so that her "prey" will not feel that she will "eat" him alive. Her purrrfect ability - LYING remember?


2 hours ago, ktcjdrama said:

Btw, we've seen this PPL in many other dramas, but I just wonder, how many of you would want to use that cosmetic stick balm? I really wouldn't... I cannot imagine what had gone on my face and neck to go on my lips. Eww, no thank you :lol:


It's small (9 gram) and expensive. True it seems to contain super ingredients, but I will want to keep whatever goes on my lips separate. I can't be carrying two because of the price, lol...

I think I have saw this PPL before, in what drama, I don't remember. In drama Start Up or Vicenzo maybe... They use the same lipstick on face, than lips and neck too. I find it gross too... 

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I don’t care what people say but the best revenge ever was the time BHR tells the truth to public. Go BHR:partyblob:


And why did her in-laws curse her so much, when what she said is a fact! SW protruding tummy is the proof of her words! 2 days old divorce = mistress 8 months pregnancy. So what if she add a touch of drama to it,  she wasn’t the adulterous, she’s the victim. Also didn’t the son did the same when whining for a divorce? Didn’t he acting up, lied & went looking for his mistress behind her back even after promising not to? Why ashamed of if it when they fully supported their son? And it’s true their son was an adulterous & not only they didn’t reprimand him for that, they openly supported him. He dares to cheat his wife but blame her when the truth was exposed! He dares to cheat but didn’t have the balls to take the consequences! So its okay for him to be blissfully happy at the expense of crushing his wife heart, pride & dignity? Its already good enough if the writer gives him a happy ending with his mistress & their illegitimate child, because for me it serves both adulterous the best if the child never been born. The house & the money compensation is nothing compared to what she has to endured upon finding out her husband not only cheated on her but had an illicit affairs resulted with a child. How devastated would it be for any woman, any age with any social status at that. Bravo BHR! You’re the best!


The 40s husband is no better! A real first class scumbag! Didn’t he suggest fo PY to have an affair too & he’ll forgive her just like how he wants her to forgive him? Why just seeing her seating with her handsome colleague made him walked to her with all the murderous look in his eyes? Jealous much? I thought he’s ok with her cheating on him, they can then forgive each other, and get back together? Well, yeah, he’s a scumbag, its ok for him to cheat but his wife must remain faithful. And the stupid Ami still didn't get it if PY gave an ultimatum, 40s husband won’t think twice  to choose PY over her!


50s husband is slowly tasting his own medicine. His mistress has no qualms being in her ex arms with her sob story. Yeah pity her, she lost her parents but that’s the thing. What goes around comes around. Justice comes in many form. She breaks a good family, making 2 children lost their loving father & a wife lost her doting husband, and now she experiences the pain of losing people she loves as she lost  both her parents at the same time. Just waiting for old professor to realise to he was just a rebound tool for NGB broken heart & her heart still yearning for the young, hot & rich chaebol 

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1 hour ago, Lmangla said:

like quite a few here, I was not surprised by 30s wife but was also shaking my head at her during the press conference. it wasn't a good look at all. like @chickfactor mentioned, I do think that scorch the earth personalities tend to scare people as you never know how they will react if you are on their bad side. this means that future spouses will take a long hard look before committing unless they are like 30s husband who obviously had no clue about her character. seo ban was not impressed with her actions and seemed to understand that she was doing it out of spite. since she had a drink with him the night before, her actions the next morning seemed a bit contradictory. 

High five @Lmangla 

Even top class celebrity who got cheated by their ex husband didn't do a PC and did scorched the earth about their ex. The media did it and let them do their job - that's will be the best karma for adulterous. But NO! She went ahead and spilled it all, and wanted people to take her side & blame 100% to her ex family. Why don't you just sit back and relax, let DISPATCH do their things? Once media covered it all, yes, Pan's family will be doomed! And the best things : it's not even from her mouth in the PC & she didn't have to spill everything, media will dig it. 


Like I mentioned, people who greedy will never wins. Shall see next week, either she will get the happy ending or Pan's family will get the happy ending? It's all in the writer-nim's hand.

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16 hours ago, ktcjdrama said:

I guess I am the only one not appreciating BHR’s revenge. She has every right to do that, but she is despicable in putting up a good person front while doing so. She kept calling the Pans deceiving her yet she is the one who is truly deceiving them. She has also lost her chance to score points with Seo Ban for sure, because I believe he sees through her tricks. Yes she got people to sympathize with her and “win”, but I am disappointed in her playing tricks. She is a bigger betrayer of trust and love, I’d say. She already has her eyes set on Seo Ban, son of chaebol’s group, a bigger fish, which is why she agreed to the divorce. I am disappointed that she is written this way. 



No you aren't the only one. I didn't like her revenge as well. But I wasn't surprised. 


I already knew something was off the moment she asked for a divorce and parted amicably. 


She was right to ask for alimony but to put up an act like she was the victim didn't sit well for me. 


SH craves for affection and a lot of pampering which he didn't get from BHR. Which is why he fell so quickly for SW because of her personality. I also know it was still wrong for him to not divorce his wife first before jumping into another relationship. After all he married a celebrity. 


The parents should have not dissuade BHR when she initially wanted divorce. The faster those two split the better. She would still ask for an alimony because she deserved it. They were married for the wrong reason anyway. I'm pretty sure she only married him because his parents are rich. 


Anyway she might have won sympathy points but she won't get SB nor Dong Ma. She could marry some random rich guy and just be who she really is. 


Many are pointing how two-faced the PIL were but I could see why they took a liking for SW. She is an ideal daughter-in-law.  She isn't faking it and is truly respectful of her elders. She also truly likes SH. She knew what she did wrong and was trying to put a distance between her and SH. She also isn't a gold digger. If I were the PIL I would have sided with her, too.


The one to be blamed is really SH. He married BHR for her looks and only realized he didn't really love her when he met someone else. He should have divorced her right away citing personal differences as reasons. He isn't cut out to be a lawyer anyway so he should just consider a career change. 


1 hour ago, hsmz said:

I think I have saw this PPL before, in what drama, I don't remember. In drama Start Up or Vicenzo maybe... They use the same lipstick on face, than lips and neck too. I find it gross too... 


It was prominently displayed in the The King: Eternal Monarch. It was used by Kim Go Eun's character in that drama. I'd say the PPL was done better in this drama because Ami works as a model. She certainly looks young, her skin fresh and dewy. The fact that she is recommending it to Dong Mi is a good use of product placement. Unlike The King where KGE plays a cop on duty. 


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51 minutes ago, hsmz said:

High five @Lmangla 

Even top class celebrity who got cheated by their ex husband didn't do a PC and did scorched the earth about their ex. The media did it and let them do their job - that's will be the best karma for adulterous. But NO! She went ahead and spilled it all, and wanted people to take her side & blame 100% to her ex family. Why don't you just sit back and relax, let DISPATCH do their things? Once media covered it all, yes, Pan's family will be doomed! And the best things : it's not even from her mouth in the PC & she didn't have to spill everything, media will dig it. 


Like I mentioned, people who greedy will never wins. Shall see next week, either she will get the happy ending or Pan's family will get the happy ending? It's all in the writer-nim's hand.

so my view is a bit neither here nor there. so, have seen lots of nasty divorces play out whether it is among celebs or just among regular people. when it is scorch the earth, the agenda is very simple. you are trying to get some revenge by painting the other side completely black. now, that is fine if that was the only goal. however, her actual goal is try get into a successful re-marriage with a chaebol. for that goal, this strategy is counter productive. if she just wanted to raise her popularity profile by getting more listeners, then sure, she has achieved her goal. however, for those with money, this kind of affair or baby with another woman is hardly some new scandal. they just don't discuss or advertise it openly. so someone who does this kind of open media sharing would not make a good prospect. so from that view, she shot herself in the foot. 


what had me shaking my head was her outright lie about the alimony. historically many women were left in the lurch when they got divorced and legal aid activists had to fight to ensure women and children get what they are due. she didn't have to fight for it and she was offered a fair settlement. now she may have disliked her in-laws because they didn't take her side or whatever. but the point is when it came to settlement, they were not miser and gave her what she wanted. if it was cash, then easier to pretend it didn't happen because people cannot access bank statements but a property settlement? people always get to know as it is a physical asset and in that case, she will get proven a liar and again, it is counter productive for her. makes her look bad and will make some question her story. 

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Just imagine the look of surprise and disbelief on BHR and SPY when they find out SB is not interested in either of them. I'm pretty sure it is the writer. 


And I already could see that NGB will dump the professor. Good that will be karma for the guy who never appreciated his wife's efforts and felt burdened by it. 


Just please don't let the the writer forgive the husband and reconcile. I am okay with SB with the writer. Because if she is with SB she will have the last laugh. It also would prove that you don't have to be pretty and young to attract a rich bachelor. 

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40 minutes ago, Ameera Ali said:

Wearing white to finish it B)

Yes, Queen of spin! This ain't PRETTY WHITE LIES girl!


"I just took what they offered"




In fact she was the one who ASKED for Cheongdam Villa - an expensive villa



Once media (who stands neutral & wants to know the real story) DIG it, BURN!!!!!

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13 hours ago, INJINFAN said:

 I actually think there is hope for 50's wife!!

I am fine if Seo ban did not choose 50's wife (although i don't mind he pair with her), I rather prefer him to stay single (he is not that handsome after all and his character yet to find out more especially if there is a chance for co-habiting), but the most i care for is 50's wife to live happily with her children.  


By looking at the next preview, the most disgusting is the 40's husband blame the 40's wife for cheating when he saw Seo ban sitting next to her.  He would twist the word without finding the truth of that day.....What a sly fox !!!


I would be very disappointed if the writer made the 3 wives fight over for Seo Ban, i hope she can prove us wrong in the next EP.....


I wonder why the writer making the wives so desperate for men's love? Unless there is a time jump, why rush into another new relationship to replace the old one? The healing of wound takes time. 


Also when the parent in law and 30's husband offer the alimony which she asked for it, how come there is never a NDA signed for disbursement of wealth asset? This is the general requirement especially for chaebol family, but i guess they both missed out the part (or they probably out of guilt) and thus the wife can take advantage on this. If NDA was signed, the 30's wife could never hold a presscon. I am fine with her revenge act, to be frank because everyone pays for their own karma.


Am I the only one? I am getting amused to watch A mi interacting with the mother in law, and the grandpa dancing on the street scene. Very entertaining for me ....:lol:


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13 minutes ago, hsmz said:



I just took what they offered



I am happy she take what she deserved, they did her wrong ,  all he crying for is unlimited invitation he give her to golf club :mrgreen:






# this family is materialist 



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48 minutes ago, htk9207 said:



Just please don't let the the writer forgive the husband and reconcile. I am okay with SB with the writer. Because if she is with SB she will have the last laugh. It also would prove that you don't have to be pretty and young to attract a rich bachelor. 

But it seems that she is not attracted to him, in any case, nothing proves it, two episodes seem little to me for a solid relationship, again it depends on the writer

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16 minutes ago, Ameera Ali said:

I am happy she take what she deserved, they did her wrong ,  all he crying for is unlimited invitation he give her to golf club :mrgreen:

So, there will be no DISCOUNT from BHR to her friends after this right? Hahahaha :lol:


Bye-bye DISCOUNT & free golfing at Signal Countryclub! 


Maybe if she can trap Seo Ban to be her husband, she will get plenty of electronics items right? :P

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8 minutes ago, Ameera Ali said:

(son wake up , you’re a most trashy husband :mrgreen: ) 

This 30s couple is a trashy couple! Most of woman will takes time to reflect, to stay calm after the storm but not BHR. She constantly thinking to marry the cheabol who definitely not into her - both of Seo's brothers. At least her ex husband have someone that loves him... BOOOO Hye Ryeong!!!!



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