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[Drama 2021] Vincenzo, 빈센조


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Finally watched ep12... urgh, Mr Cho, why did u do that to Vincenzo... u know you're gonna be dead if you cant kill him fast enough. Since we know this is a 20 epiosde long drama, it is highly possible that u will end up dead... though Vincenzo will probably have mercy on u, due to u having a family and working together for so long... sigh...


While they opened the safe (so easy, just send the residents on a vacation?? - where is Cha Yong?)... i was wondering who is going to close the door on them! Hah!


And the Han siblings... Evil Han has a better hair (straight!) do than little brother... the delay in killing was stupid, but hey, its 20 episodes, of course things gotta drag between them, right.


Sigh, that piano girl... now we got glimpses of her being an IT genius now... now she would have a role in the gullitone files..


Sigh, still not much love for the plaza residents.. probably until the last epiosdes... hehe



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from the very beginning, Mr. Cho is playing dumb.

How come if he is ordinary one, he could get gun so easy for VC and for him? He could manage to get Wang Shaolin iris data from Tiongkok that easy? 


Did we ever see Mr. Cho and Mr. Ahn in the same screen?

Is it possible that they know each other? That actually Mr. Cho is also a special agent who is more exclusive than Mr. Ahn? :w00t: (I'm sorry i cannot control my laughter whenever comes to Mr. Ahn face)


His real mission is chasing guillotine file from Wang Shaolin, not chasing that taipan gold bars hahahaa that's why he pointed the gun to VC.. The country, without any doubt will down to chaos if the truth revealed.


Please forgive my randomness..

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OmG...corn salad. Lolz! 
That’s one crazy motley crew of tenants. 

I must say SJK is wicked good as the cold, steely, ruthless, lighter-flipping consigliere who is on his way to retirement when he met the oddballs. I like that he lives by his Mafia family’s code of law and does what he thinks is right, legal or illegal, but carefree he certainly isn’t. He reminds me of Chow Yuen Fatt in God of Gamblers - swarmy and street smart. 

Pitted against Taecyeon’s crazed chairman character, we have a real ballsy-type fight. I get that he’s hiding behind that mousy intern facade for safety but they way he switches between that and the domineering chairman role is nothing short of bipolar.  he fooled everyone including Chayong. I can’t wait for this lunatic mastermind of Babel to be found out. 

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14 hours ago, suzy0604 said:

Like it was said before, perhaps it will take a life threatening situation for CY, so that VC will lose his inhabition and act on his feelings. You know, the cliche plot of the fear of losing someone precious, damsel in distress plot.


Sigh. I am not a big fan of that plot either. It is, like you said, cliche. But it seems like the writer is going that direction. We'll have to wait and see. Hopefully the writer comes up with something that won't make cy a weak character. She's been helped by cy so many times now. The writer wasted their chance to show us how good cy really is as a lawyer this week. But I guess it was inevitable. They had to include Mr An somehow. But we still have 8 episodes to go. I'm sure there will come a time for cy to shine. Maybe just like she asked for in episode 10, cy will get to make the last shot and be the one to finish off babel and wusang, avenging the death of papa hong and continuing his legacy to stand for justice.

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I think they are trying to confuse us with the previews. I think it’s Chayoung who says the gold and guillotine file are all gone instead of Myung hee) There’s no way Babel will know about the gold and Guillotine file unless Mr Cho is very stupid and tells them. Telling them will make him a target since Babel will want to take both and then dispose of him after. Also no one knows about the Guillotine file being with the gold except Vincenzo and he hasn’t told anyone yet(but from the preview it seems he will tell Chayoung) Also Han Seok revealing himself as the real chairman is part of Vincenzo’s plan.Vincenzo’s first part of the plan was to make sure Hanseok reveals himself then destroy Babel so Hanseok thinking his revealing himself will do anything is just stupid of him, he doesn’t know who he’s up against. 

Mr. Ahn owned episode 11. Was he imitating a monkey or something when he was in the office after Vincenzo tried telling him to leave,lol.

”Thank you, I’m sorry” Vinnie and Mr Ahn could go on and on but this was so funny. How petty was Vincenzo about the food though, he clearly said he didn’t want any of Toto’s food and when they respected his wishes he began whining, haha. 



I’m totally with Chayoung on how she was treating those killers. A lot of people seemed to think it was too much but I think it’s too little. These people have murdered over 18 innocent lives over the course of 2 months and they can’t even handle a little torture. (Every time she pushed the button, I was thinking of those 4 victims family members  who died in the car who wanted nothing but justice for their family and a nice trip and thought press more Chayoung, press more!!!) It’s good Vincenzo killed them after, they got a taste of their own medicine before dying/poetic justice!


that Russian roulette scene though, I also felt the fear even though the gun wasn’t even aiming at me. Such a dangerous game and Vinnie was so calm about it as if he’s done it a million times before. I think that’s what added to the fear because he was so calm about it, playing with death so easily, only Vincenzo!


For the forehead flick scene from heaven, each step Chayoung took toward Vinnie I inched closer to my screen. How are they both so pretty?? I was literally trying to force their heads to kiss already!!!!Arrrgggggg!!!  I counted SJK’s eyelashes(*whispering* they’re 18).

At this point I don’t know who will make the first move, I thought it would be Chayoung but from this episode since she shied away I’m not so sure anymore. If she had kissed Vincenzo then, I don’t think he would have stopped her because when he opened his eyes he was also staring intently at her but Chayoung was the one who realized and hit him thus ruining our moment.


How stupid is Han Seo for not actually shooting twice? Doesn’t he watch action movies? Shoot twice or shoot for the head! He will regret not killing Han Seok because that dude will do the same to him. I’m calling it now, Joon woo will hunt him like a dog before killing him (but that’s only if Han Seo doesn’t run away and hide first)


Choi Myung Hee is so despicable, I can’t even think of a good enough punishment for her. Truck of doom is too easy since it’s instant death! Prison is too easy too. Any suggestions on punishment for Myung Hee??


Saturday can’t come sooner!! This drama is making me kinda bloodthirsty but I love Chayenzo so much



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Watching episode 12 made me thinking that CY really doesnt know what she's feeling. It's like the dynamic that happens when friends turn to lovers. She questions her sudden change of comfortable feeling to fluttery. She's confident that she's attractive, she's playful to men, she's no stranger to man's affection, but for her to feel the genuine attraction herself, may be kinda new thing.


For Mr.Cho, he may be a secret agent from intelligence service or someone who has the similar motive to expose the file to bring down certain figure. At least that's what i wish because I'm loving his chemistry with VC and feel it's a waste to turn that friendship into enmity (i'm that simple minded). Therefore i think he will be another force to help VC to bring down Babel. We got the prosecutor, the intel agents, the street fighters, and the hacker to support Jipuragi now (though Mi Ri's motive is still questionable)


JW and HS. Sigh this problematic brothers. I think JW has this hate love relationship with HS. He has way too many chances to get rid of HS if he really despises him and feels that he's threatening. But no, he chooses to let him live and gives him the driving force and power to strive. The moment his father brings HS to JW's world he's faced with the conflicting situation where he suddenly has a brother that can be his enemy as well as the only person who can empathize with him because both experience the same pain.


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Hi, everyone! I've been lurking around here because your reactions and theories amuse me! So much luv!!!:sweet: It keeps me hype up for the next episodes! So upon finishing ep 12, I just want to share my theories on what happened with the gold and guillotine file uwu


In ep 12, did you noticed the subtle change on VC's face when his eyes lingered behind Mr. Cho while he was trying to open the vault door. Could it be that he saw the gun? Also in the Ep 13 preview, VC was crying with the tenants which is highly unlikely true with his badass personality lmao. I bet he'd be more angry than sad esp with the existence of the guillotine file (and the betrayal). In the preview we also saw our jipuragi trio seemingly crying in the office, I also thought it could just be CY teaching Vincenzo how to act when they break the news to the tenants hahaahaha! 


Going back to Ep 12, when the tenant hacker heard the conversation between Mr. Cho and VC, we only saw VC leaving but not the other two, which leads to my guess that she mightve heard something about Mr. Cho's betrayal (perhaps Mr. Cho's conversation with someone else over the phone or something?) and hence wants to warn and join hands with VC. She was also seen sitting and fidgeting about something inside her room, she also warns VC about the story of CEO ghost in the basements (she could be trying to warn him about Mr. Cho's betrayal). In addition, I don't believe she would easily fall for the hot spring trick. This is also in line with her character since she also doesn't want many people to share the gold with. 



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I would bet money that VC is fake crying in the episode 13 preview. The crying is so over the top he looks like he took crying lessons from CY. 




BTS for episodes 11 & 12 is out. Damn, this was lightning fast compared to the 84 years we waited for episodes 9 & 10's BTS last week. Not complaining though.



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9 hours ago, Le_Amarant said:

I would bet money that VC is fake crying in the episode 13 preview. The crying is so over the top he looks like he took crying lessons from CY. 

BTS for episodes 11 & 12 is out. Damn, this was lightning fast compared to the 84 years we waited for episodes 9 & 10's BTS last week. Not complaining though.



I bet it was fake crying too, it looked so HCY-ish hahah. And Yes, I was shocked to see the BTS floating around so soon when I went into twitter! Just waiting for the translations and I’m glad they gave us the BTS of the two most memorable scenes in ep 11 and 12! ㅋㅋㅋ

Edited by ferily
Please don’t quote videos. Thanks!
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It's so delightful to see all the actors working in such a lovely and nice environment. The emotion will come out well hence better drama :heart: viewers satisfaction increase!

Can i hug vincenzo-nim too juseyoooo :joy: but i'll look like a chair beside him, am only 153cm lolol

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Can anyone translate what was written on the Jipuragi board when Mr Ahn came in episode 12? I think they were trying to calculate how to divide Vincenzo’s 70% of the gold? It was almost similar to the calculations I was doing myself regarding the gold.
Vincenzo can actually let the tenants help him get the gold out and give them 12 billion won in exchange?? Since they think it’s only 12 billion and then he can share his remaining 70% giving either 10% or 5% each to Chayoung and Mr. Nam??? Seems reasonable

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37 minutes ago, Dddddddnnnnnnrrrrrrrr said:

Can anyone translate what was written on the Jipuragi board when Mr Ahn came in episode 12? I think they were trying to calculate how to divide Vincenzo’s 70% of the gold? It was almost similar to the calculations I was doing myself regarding the gold.
Vincenzo can actually let the tenants help him get the gold out and give them 12 billion won in exchange?? Since they think it’s only 12 billion and then he can share his remaining 70% giving either 10% or 5% each to Chayoung and Mr. Nam??? Seems reasonable


I think the upper part states "Let's shoot gold!". And it says Geum Gwa Plaza in the middle. Geum Gwa literally translates to gold, too. Haha. They also put the total amount of gold which is about 15 tons. They converted it to grams, too. Haha. 15 tons = 15, 000, 000 grams. I tried to pause the video picture but it's too dark and the subtitles and Mr. Nam's blocking the view. The lower left shows Ji Pu Ra Gi can get 40% which is equals to 58 billion won.  

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3 hours ago, Dddddddnnnnnnrrrrrrrr said:

Can anyone translate what was written on the Jipuragi board when Mr Ahn came in episode 12? I think they were trying to calculate how to divide Vincenzo’s 70% of the gold? It was almost similar to the calculations I was doing myself regarding the gold.
Vincenzo can actually let the tenants help him get the gold out and give them 12 billion won in exchange?? Since they think it’s only 12 billion and then he can share his remaining 70% giving either 10% or 5% each to Chayoung and Mr. Nam??? Seems reasonable

How much was the gold again? Was it around US$150 MILLION based on the sub? 

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3 hours ago, BlackLotus1025 said:

I think the upper part states "Let's shoot gold!". And it says Geum Gwa Plaza in the middle. Geum Gwa literally translates to gold, too. Haha. They also put the total amount of gold which is about 15 tons. They converted it to grams, too. Haha. 15 tons = 15, 000, 000 grams. I tried to pause the video picture but it's too dark and the subtitles and Mr. Nam's blocking the view. The lower left shows Ji Pu Ra Gi can get 40% which is equals to 58 billion won.  

Thank you for translating!:Megathanks:


1 hour ago, realistic2280a said:

How much was the gold again? Was it around US$150 MILLION based on the sub? 

According to the subtitles, Vincenzo says the gold bars are worth "1 trillion and 50 billion won" but I'm not sure what that is in USD.


I don't even understand why the tenants even think they are entitled to any part of the gold. Vincenzo is right not to want to share it with their annoying selves.

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3 hours ago, realistic2280a said:

How much was the gold again? Was it around US$150 MILLION based on the sub? 

1.5 trillion won, which is close to 1 billion USD. 


No wonder they all lost their damn minds over the gold. 

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