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3 hours ago, 1ouise said:

Who do you believe was the killer for the others (boxer, grandma, Daniel Lee, YH's friend)?  Also SS?

I've suspected more than one killer, but I've never believed BR was a killer.

SS looks guilty just from matching the muffled voice of the killer who called in to the show.

Another possible clue is that after YH was shot, his last attempted word was "Sh-----."


So then, the killer's wall of photos would belong to SS.

And he would be the yellow slicker boy.


But Jae-hoon (who is shown to hate God) is the son of Ji-eun, and Ji-eun's son is YH.

What is YH's role?  Tracker?  Accomplice?  ...?


We hear YH say this:

"At times, I go on random hunting trips.  This old lady saw something she shouldn’t have and ended up as an unexpected target.  Until it takes its last breath, a prey should fight for dear life.  However, this certain prey lacks the energy to do so.  Which is what makes this hunt too easy and boring."

Was he just reading those words from the killer's diary??


They have been very careful (or very careless :lol:) in the editing to make everything ambiguous.

For example, if it looks like BY was fighting YH at the church, that doesn't mean he is the person who killed the priest.  It also doesn't make him innocent.  (He came after her instead of just leaving.)


@nrllee See how fun this is?  :D  I'm glad you didn't give up on the show.



I agree with what you said, I never believed that there was just one killer.. I still find it strange that YH was so focused on BR. Like did he think he was the killer? Or the accomplice? Especially if SS is really the killer... Why would he go after BR? Would BR be a possible accomplice then? Maybe YH was the accomplice... Very confused :crazymad:


I feel like YH did kill Doctor Daniel and Bong Yi’s grandma though.. YH was the last person Daniel talked to and we see that Bong Yi’s grandma is being chased by YH. I don’t really have any doubts about that. Maybe YH might not be the 7 sins killer though.


Officer Shin Sung is definitely suspicious but I’m not sure if I lean towards him being the 7 sins killer.

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4 hours ago, 1ouise said:

Who do you believe was the killer for the others (boxer, grandma, Daniel Lee, YH's friend)?  Also SS?

Yup. I think it’s Officer SS too.  YH’s friend - SS was the only one who knew where he lived?  He followed up on the investigation and asked him questions about YH.

Daniel Lee - somehow I get the feeling he was looking up all the positive cases as follow up on his research?  So he could’ve been meeting up with another case and not just YH.  Although now that the lawyer guy has been revealed he could’ve killed Daniel because he knows about him too?   Did they ever find Daniel’s body?  I forget. 


I found it odd that SS (was sent out to the districts for destroying evidence - that coffee stick was in an evidence bag and he used it?  He is a policeman. He should know?) would be assigned Daniel’s case first up and then he rang MC to come out and help him with it?  


I haven’t figured out why he killed grandma yet but killer said she saw something she shouldn’t have.  Was he killing cats then?  Someone was killing cats in the neighbourhood and pulling out their teeth out before?  I haven’t found the link to the boxer yet.  That was personal(revenge).  What did the boxer do in the past?  Writer hasn’t told us that story. 

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3 hours ago, nrllee said:

Yup. I think it’s Officer SS too.  YH’s friend - SS was the only one who knew where he lived?  He followed up on the investigation and asked him questions about YH.

Daniel Lee - somehow I get the feeling he was looking up all the positive cases as follow up on his research?  So he could’ve been meeting up with another case and not just YH.  Although now that the lawyer guy has been revealed he could’ve killed Daniel because he knows about him too?   Did they ever find Daniel’s body?  I forget. 


I found it odd that SS (was sent out to the districts for destroying evidence - that coffee stick was in an evidence bag and he used it?  He is a policeman. He should know?) would be assigned Daniel’s case first up and then he rang MC to come out and help him with it?  


I haven’t figured out why he killed grandma yet but killer said she saw something she shouldn’t have.  Was he killing cats then?  Someone was killing cats in the neighbourhood and pulling out their teeth out before?  I haven’t found the link to the boxer yet.  That was personal(revenge).  What did the boxer do in the past?  Writer hasn’t told us that story. 

Daniel  body wasnt found dear till now just like the kid( I really hope he a live or at least not buried on Br old house ) 


About SS yeh he was and still  suspect  since he show two characters  the idot who make mistakes and the smart one so I dont think the innocent  or he one of the killers or he helped one of them 


About Daniel  death I agree from the start that his death  or disappear wasnt  YH work  or maybe not the 7 sins killer work and we all know that he called YH  from his phone record  but we saw him go to many places ( the police station and HHS  mother house )and all that the police didn't  know about so yeh he maybe visit  more then YH  and his mother,and we know that there  phone that was delivered  to him in the hotel and they didnt  found it later, and we know he the only one who know the result of the three gene holders ( and after last week we found he know about four  and maybe more) 

Beside that any of the above could kill him , we have too the political  reason to kill him and maybe he really did continue  the project in secret with some of them 


We have also HHS  a suspect  on Daniel case he maybe send someone  to kill him too ,  in the few first weeks I wounder why HHS  will send Daniel  rats  that simple  to betury,   but after last week ep we found that he send  him the rats that he experience  on them , he was reminding him of the old promise, telling him that he succeeded and even maybe show off his work, but now the question  why Daniel  who properly  understood why HHS  did kill those people  after seeing the rats didn't  report  that????? Did Daniel  use HHS  work for his own success??? Did they made  a deal or did he just steal it or hide it since he dont want a monster to have fame with his success ??? That a big question now 



The granny,  the night she was killed they found another body that night and it was the work of the 7 sins killer  , that why at least the granny  I was double  that Yh  kill her; she was running  from him and hidden so I wrote how I suspect she witness  the killing of the other victim that night so that why she was chased by the killer and was killed 



I have another question  now, Do the fact that area  that they used  to live on ( BR, BY, BR friend) was almost empty  even one year ago  and now it going they will start the work on it soon will have use  later of get some true out??? Like the fact that maybe some bodies still buried  on of those houses  


Or the most scary part that they found the kid body on BR house and other victim stuff, if BR was the killer he had no time to move the kid body away after what happen

3 hours ago, nrllee said:

I haven’t found the link to the boxer yet.  That was personal(revenge).  What did the boxer do in the past?  Writer hasn’t told us that

The boxer  story is the most important  it was personal, brutal  and have a direct connection  to the killer and mostly really his first killing  

I said before  the first is the most that had clues  on the killer , it the most that still have muilty  ways of killing and the one that the killer lose his control ,   the one that have the most person  connected  or clues  about the killers character and ID 

That why his story will be saved to later as much as they can since his story is the opening  if the true, BR now with his genius  no matter if he killer or no will go back to that case and found the true about it 



I really feel that if they going to make BR the killer from the past ; that they going to make him search  that true himself, see the horrible  of that killing , making him suffering the understanding of the progress  of  killing and then make him discover  he was the one ; as the most horrible  punishment for him , making him chase  and hate his own before  figuring  up the true( I really hope he not the one) 

Edited by nona88
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 A new official  poster for the second half of the drama was released  ,  what written  on the post in the middle  Is

"나는, 시작한 다 새로운 사냥을"

" I am starting new hunting " 


It said it was neccessary  to make a new one that fit the change and transform on the main characters in the second half of the drama 

 The change of BR outfit and facial expression  show the new change of of the character new path 

It the same with MC who his eyes and face expression while looking at BR show the new transformer  of their connection  


Me : I am seeing MC  look between worry and suspicion and seeing BR looking cold  and determination  , what path BR taking after what he think now is his first murder  ( they will not allow  him to trun himself, or regret  his doing and now he seem like embracing his fate somehow instead  of fighting it) 

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3 hours ago, nona88 said:

 A new official  poster for the second half of the drama was released 


It said it was neccessary  to make a new one that fit the change and transform on the main characters in the second half of the drama 

 The change of BR outfit and facial expression  show the new change of of the character new path 

It the same with MC who his eyes and face expression while looking at BR show the new transformer  of their connection  


Me : I am seeing MC  look between worry and suspicion and seeing BR looking cold  and determination  , what path BR taking after what he think now is his first murder  ( they will not allow  him to trun himself, or regret  his doing and now he seem like embracing his fate somehow instead  of fighting it) 

This what I'm think..


"The final ultimatum between human with his inner demon and the devil gonna started soon. Everything gonnna turn up between heaven and hell. The god will silently knew the final fate between the two of his sons" 

Edited by Jillia
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At some point, I also suspect that Daniel is also doing some wrong things...His body is never be founded, it is possible that he hide himself and does bad things without anyone suspect on him...


I really feel that if they going to make BR the killer from the past ; that they going to make him search  that true himself, see the horrible  of that killing , making him suffering the understanding of the progress  of  killing and then make him discover  he was the one ; as the most horrible  punishment for him , making him chase  and hate his own before  figuring  up the true( I really hope he not the one) 


Yes, I feel exactly like you.. If the writer wanted to torture BR mind and feels, I hope that all of the clue that BR is the serial killer is false..yes he had dark mind but tying hard to keep the killing will suppressed (jebaal writer nim....)

I am also curious about the aunt story..she also hiding something fishy...

Well I think the writer will keep playing with us until the end of the drama.. ep 19 for the revelation and 20 to wrap them all, maybe...??:confounded:  

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3 hours ago, nona88 said:

 A new official  poster for the second half of the drama was released  ,  what written  on the post in the middle  Is

"나는, 시작한 다 새로운 사냥을"

" I am starting new hunting "

Can I just remark how handsome does LSG look in that poster, LOL

Edited by Jillia
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I think the break is a good time to consolidate.  The body count keeps climbing :tears:

The 7 sins and the victims. (I think it’s Officer SS).

1. Lust: Byun Soon Young (Little Red Riding Hood)

2. Gluttony: Jo Mi Jung (The Fox and the Grapes) - We find out she had brain surgery done by Dr Park MinJoon  (same neurosurgeon looking after BR).  She was on pills which was presumed to be for her anorexia.  Which we later find out was not for anorexia.  It was for her post brain trauma (same drug BR was on).

3. Greed:  Kim Sung Gyu (The Honest Woodcutter)

4. Sloth:  Park Jong Ho (The Ant and the Grasshopper)

5. Wrath:  Father Go Moo Woon (The Wolf and the 7 baby goats)

6. Pride: Na Chi Kook (The Emperor's New Clothes) - still alive, in coma.  I am thinking the killer attacked CK but staged the uniform and finger at a later date. 

7. Envy:  Han Kook? (The goat and the donkey) - unaccounted for, no body yet.


Other victims (unrelated to 7sins)

1. Grandma (no cross reference) - seemed like an unplanned killing. She was at the wrong place at the wrong time. I think still committed by 7sins murderer.

2. YH’s friend (cross reference) - 7sins murderer.

3.  Daniel Lee (was his body the one they found in the bottom of the ocean?  It was decomposed?  They weren’t sure?) - no cross reference - he was either killed by tie knot killer HyungChul or Officer SS.  Body dumped by YH. 


New victims (after the 1 year time jump)  - which also leads to old case (little girl SooJin) - tie knot killer - Hyung Chul (the lawyer) judged vulgar women for the deity.  Thinks he is God and pronounces judgement as he sees fit.

1. Kang MinJoo - bar worker, Girl found by drain

2. Hong NaRi (girl in the fridge)

3. Kim Young Hee (girl with the dog) - notepad with pic in it.  There’s a few others tied in with this girl.  Bodies found when MC dug the grave with the hydrangeas.

4. BongYi - but she survived.  BY’s attack was weird.  The attacker was definitely the lawyer but when she chases him out of the house, and bumps into BR, suddenly it’s the lawyer’s dad (JaePil).  And the lawyer shows up back at his own house where MC finds the clothes in the dog house?   Timeline is off?  Dad is apprehended by BR and in hospital where he is stabbed to death by the father of SooJin.

5. Kim SeulKi - DG’s fiancé - in the wedding dress - HyungChul was at that dinner where DG was called a fool by his friend for marrying her because she’s known to be the cheating kind of a gal.  Not sure if she died or not, we’re not shown.  She was strangled and BR came in and attacked HC.

6. Little girl SooJin (old case) - (when he was a child)

7. Mother of HC - (presumed killed by him when he was a child - don’t know how he could’ve pushed her out the window given she’s bigger than he is but okay.) 

Other victims who didn’t fit the knot tying MO because of the cross references and mint scent.  I think this is Officer SS again.

1. The girl who was burnt (cross and finger reference) mint scent

2. Kim JinAh - Suicide girl in bathrobe (Grandma’s brooch and MW’s locket found).  Middle finger was pointing at the cross on the locket.  mint scent


1. Officer SS is the 7sins/cross reference killer.  He framed YH and now it looks like he could be framing BR.  He seems to be pitting  people with the gene against each other? YH set upon BR and now BR set upon HC.  Not sure of his motive.  Maybe he wants to be the only one left.  The supreme serial killer.  I think YH had anger issues but he never quite got to the point of killing anyone.  Like the explosive anger that BR has now.  Not sure if he killed HC or not.      


2. DG - I am going to put it out there that he’s been filming everything behind the scenes.  For his big break.  Alfred Hitchcock.  I think that’s how he links into it.  There’s too many hints regarding his fascination with serial killers for it to mean nothing.

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2 hours ago, Jillia said:

The new poster gives a peek at Jung Ba Reum’s transformation. In the previous poster, Jung Ba Reum was wearing a spotless police uniform and had a determined expression that showed his will to get the villain no matter what. However, in this new poster, Jung Ba Reum is wearing a black coat, and his hair is slicked back and parted so that his forehead shows. His expression is cold and merciless, and Go Moo Chi looks at him with doubt and confusion. Unlike the previous poster’s tagline that read “He is hunting people,” the tagline in this one reads, “I am beginning a new hunt.”

Hmm...I am getting Dexter vibes.  I never watched it.  I read the synopsis and it was enough to send me scurrying away.  :crazy:

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9 hours ago, rocher22 said:


Aww..Bareum..so handsome.. :wub:  but, my heart sank a little... 


Omg, Lee Seung gi is looking finneeee!! :cutekitty: I love this new poster! Definitely foreshadowing what's to come with Ba Reum and Moo Chi in the 2nd half of the drama..

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1st Comparision Someone (owen555999) pointed out that at @8.07, the killer of Dr Daniel seems to be BR. I slowed down to x0.25, it seems to be him. 

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yegBRAFOY88 (2nd video)

If you compare the 2nd video @3.54 (in above link) with the side profile of 1st video @8.07, it seems to be the same.

1st Comparision  Compare profile of killer/attacker of Dr Daniel.



2nd Comparision: I compared the shot @8.47 in this video (when BR tried to strangled the lawyer in Ep 10), same expression, same profile.


I'm 100% sure now.


BR killed Dr Daniel (or at least seriouly injured him), so he's trying to hide he has psychopath's genes. So that means, Dr Daniel contacted everyone he tested? What about the phone records? He couldn't contact BR's mum because she had passed away.   


So, BR is the 7 sins serial killer, the memory of killing the Boxer is his own memory. It wasn't YH's nature that affected him, it is his own hidden nature that is revealed to the audience. OMG!

2nd Comparision Compare profile of killer/attacker of Dr Daniel.


I'm quite sure the guy stand beside BY was YH at @2.10, if you compare the side burn at @2.10 with the side burn of YH at @7.38 of the 1st video, it's almost the same. BR's side burn was not as thick.


So the person who attacked BY with a knife at the church was YH, but is he the person who kill Mo Won? If he is not, why did he attack BY?


Edited by Fruitplus LSG
I found 2nd Video that compared profile of Dr Daniel's attacker/killer
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4 hours ago, Fruitplus LSG said:


'm quite sure the guy stand beside BY was YH at @2.10, if you compare the side burn at @2.10 with the side burn of YH at @7.38 of the 1st video, it's almost the same. BR's side burn was not as thick.


So the person who attacked BY with a knife at the church was YH, but is he the person who kill Mo Won? If he is not, why did he attack BY?


BR killed Dr Daniel (or at least seriouly injured him), so he's trying to hide he has psychopath's genes. So that means, Dr Daniel contacted everyone he tested? What about the phone records? He couldn't contact BR's mum because she had passed away.   


So, BR is the 7 sins serial killer, the memory of killing the Boxer is his own memory. It wasn't YH's nature that affected him, it is his own hidden nature that is revealed to the audience. OMG!

I said I am not trusting  any hope they going to give that he was a good guy but after the surgery become  like this 

I know  they going to play with us few episodes  to have hope for him and crash  us later 

So no hope, I wish I am wrong and they really make him have hope but hoping dont make me even trust or believe  it right now .

This writer I think I understand her enough  till now, not expecting  anything but twisted  and madness and dark ending 

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We have new still's did MC really wsd the knee whi make a suggestion  to BR or ye come later after the scene was cleaned  since he hot there alone but with others officer's 

And MC  look rather suspicious so I still think he not the one who make the suggestion to BR 





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Sometimes I don't understand what the writer intented to show about Yohan's character. 

He wasn't playing the DOUBLIE LIFE/IDENTITY like the way Han Seo Joon HH did (good husband/friend, smiling, have a good job that help patient (saving life) saying nice words..... at the same time kill people. The same with Woo Hyung Chul who seems to be a good husband/son, smiling,  have a good job "lawyer" that help people, do charities...., help teenagers.....at the same time kill people. None of their behavior made us think they are killer if we didn't catch them.


While Yohan never showcase any form of "good social life" (maybe because he was bullied) but still a psychopat will try to hide his cold/heartless side to not get suspected. Yohan basically got suspected because of his behavior (of course because they think he is the son of a psychopat too). But Yohan seems much more smarter than that. Like seeing how Bareum think (thanks to Yohan's ability), Yohan knew something (and died with that secret). Remember he said he will say everything to HJ tomorrow (before he died). It could be revelation about Bareum that he knew.....Remember Yohan could listen what Bareum said/do in his house. He did a DNA test as well. Maybe he tested Bareum's hair with his mother/father HH and it matched. 


At the same time we have Bareum who (is supposed to be psychopat as well) seems to be the "good nephew, good friend, good job "police officer" that protect citizen......smile a lot..... BUT WE DON'T REALLY KNOW IF HE IS A SERIAL KILLER OR NOT before the surgery.

And like someone pointed before, we didn't really have that deep "focus" on Bareum personal life, thoughts, actions like that before his surgery. 



About the switched of babies. I think Jieun gave her son to the aunt and uncle of Bareum and paid them to take care of him. Took a picture of the pregnant lady (maybe the lady died with her baby)...and Jieun took advantage of it to create a similar identity. Bareum said his parents died in a car accident.....but it was supposed to be only his father (not both). And it's strange that his mother died and the only picture he have is him as a baby. There is basically no family pictures, no childhood pictures. And strange that the picture the aunt gave, IT WAS ONLY ONE PICTURE....WITH HIM ONLY. But at the same time, Bareum as kid seems to look like the kid Jaehoon look at after leaving his class (remember after he killed the rabbit).


Maybe the writer is just messing with our logic that we suspect everybody. Waiting for new episodes to get more about who is the serial killer who hate GOD and seems to be alive or someone try to copy him



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I vote for mistaken identity but not in the sense that Ba Reum is acting like he was Yohan and those around doesn’t know but in the sense that all along Yohan was not the killer but Ba Reum is right from the beginning but just that Ba Reum lost his memory when they operated on him. There are clues that he might be the real killer but anyway not sure since he keep saying there is another killer during his investigation. Yo Han doesn’t look like a killer to me from the start til he die.

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