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[Drama 2019] Romance Is a Bonus Book ♥ 로맨스는 별책부록


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10 hours ago, bebebisous33 said:
11 hours ago, Yana Mujay said:

I'm not in Ms.Go charm or what's ever but said the truth,i have sympathy for her individualistic life and her way to handling company rule and regulations, she must be someone with clear mindset when take any decision however her flaws is she's introvert who live in her ideal world not much considerate others feelings it's not mean she don't care but she just don't want to get involved deeper in others business.

Maybe in the next episode we would know what her true intention. It seems CEH have so much mystery, he have so much pain who no one couldn't guess.maybe he will find out who is SJ and his relationship with the writer and him.

@Yana Mujay I had to laugh that you couldn't spell my name correctly (bebe =baby / bisous =kisses, in French)

Yes, sticking to the rules and regulations is as such a good thing, but in my opinion she only uses the rules for her own advantages. Actually, she asked DY to take care of her own clothes (send these to the cleaning store) which has nothing to do with the company. KDY could have refused, it is not her job to take care of Ms. Go's clothes but she did not because she was afraid of losing her job. She also was in no position to refuse indicating that Ms. Go was abusing her position. This example proves to me that she doesn't stick to the rules per se, it is just when it helps her. Moreover, she shows a lack of flexibility like CEH pointed out earlier. If everyone just does what he/she is supposed to do, then there is no team work, no help. Besides this undermines the motivation. Their commitment will decrease, people will stop to put any effort

I do not know the employment laws and regulations  in South Korea; however, in the United States, Ms. Go's friend would not have given her Dan-Yi's resume, it would have been against the law.  She also, would not have been able to share personal information with her.  If she did, as she did informally, Ms. Go's friend would not have given her what is considered confidential information from her company's personnel records. (We already know that the friend is bias against Dan-Yi when she said, just fire her...why?) Here in the US, when another company/organization requests information on a potential hire, the only thing the company can tell them is if the person worked there, how long and their salary information.  Okay, Ms. Go was given a tip "off the record" she would have had to do her own research to verify what her friend told her, then she could have acted on it. 

In the US, not including full educational and employment history is not an offense that could get one fired, especially as a contract worker.  Where Ms. Go had the law on her side is that Dan-Yi is a contract worker and; therefore, her contract could be terminated at any time.  Eun-Ho and Dan-Yi both know that a contract worker is a temporary position and can be terminate at will. That is why Eun-Ho could not stop it.  I hope things get so chaotic in the office that everyone start complaining about Ms. Go, terminating Dan-Yi and question her reasoning.

In Ms. Go's mind, Dan-Yi is a threat, that is why she is terminating her contract.  It is not the case that Dan-Yi's services aren't required any longer, Dan-Yi goes above and beyond and everyone relies on her.  It's that Ms. Go sees Dan-Yi as a potential rival and feels she can replace her in the future.  Therefore, get rid of the threat now.  I feel that Dan-Yi will be fine.  She has a stable place to stay and gets some money from her ex-husband; therefore, she circumstances aren't as bleak as they were in the beginning.  Since Dan-Yi has proven herself at the company, I think she will be a shoo-in for a permanent position once she reapplies. 


@Yana Mujay


Since Dani-YA is a contract worker, letting her go, because she did not over exaggerate her education, was a decision that Ms. Go did not have to make.   If Ms. Go thought that she was doing it because it was morally right, then she should have spoken to Dani-Ya directly.  Part of my problem with this dismissal is because Ms. Go's friend told her why Dani-Ya probably did not include her credentials;  Dan-Yi was  out of the workforce for a while and it was hard getting a job.  If Ms. Go had any empathy at all, knowing this, she would not have let her go.  If she thought that she had to, then Ms Go should have told Dani-Ya herself and not have Eun-Ho do it. 

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I agree with the sentiments I've read so far. Dani showed she is as capable her sunbaes. KO must originally thought how dare this high school be as good as me. Then she finds out she's been married and has kid, something KO regrets not experiencing, so enter the green eyed monster. Now she finds out actually she is educated so her spec is as good as hers, so not only talented with work experience to prove it, she has the educational pedigree too, plus she done the house wife and family thing, so triple threat.

She's a bit like her mate, remember in the bathroom after the interview she basically said how dear take time out to raise a family and then want to come back into the workplace. These two are career women with regrets but instead of making peace with their choices they are upset with the women try to have both. She is cowardly in her reasons and then having EH do the firing. Deep down she knows Dani is an ally but she cutting off her nose to spite her face. She'll come to regret it eventually but for now she all up in her feelings.

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Romance is a Bonus Book: Episode 12

by abirdword


Our heroine gets to bask in the good feelings that come with a successful event, and she has our hero by her side from start to end. Everything is going so well for Dan-yi, in her personal and professional life, so of course that means a new challenge must arise. Dan-yi has worked hard to succeed at her job, but the lie that started it all is finally starting to make its way back to bite her.


more http://www.dramabeans.com/2019/03/romance-is-a-bonus-book-episode-12/

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I find it so entertaining that the majority of us are all so taken with Director Ko - for all the faults we see in her character. She is definitely striking a chord with a lot of us. I find her more pitiful than getting annoyed or angry at her decisions. I think it's because that moment where she realised the delivery guy was her ex-fiance, I just started crying. The pain of that moment just really connected with me; seeing someone you loved and haven't really gotten over after so long. UGH my heart. And that moment with the wedding photo frame and her later ripping up the photos she had kept all these years. I just find her so sad and rather hope that she and some peace by the end of the series. 


Also a random note about this article:


As I was reading the post, I was like this sounds like it was written by an Australian and them boom - .com.au website. HAHAHA As a fellow Aussie, I really like that there is an article written in my country about this show! 

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@bebebisous33 , thanks for the tag (way back when). I'm watching the drama but not commenting because I am too emotionally spent after Ahjussi, Encounter and SKY Castle to analyse anything anymore. lol:D. However, the romance is causing me cavities, but I really need a grown up," its-been-20years-of-EUNHO-waiting-and-DanI-hasn't-had-sex-for-a-while-and-she-really-needs-it" kiss from the two right about now!!!


I have been wondering about the title of the drama. Does the Bonus Book refer to the bonus scenes after the drama ends? 

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6 hours ago, teegyj said:

I find it so entertaining that the majority of us are all so taken with Director Ko - for all the faults we see in her character. She is definitely striking a chord with a lot of us. I find her more pitiful than getting annoyed or angry at her decisions. I think it's because that moment where she realised the delivery guy was her ex-fiance, I just started crying. The pain of that moment just really connected with me; seeing someone you loved and haven't really gotten over after so long. UGH my heart. And that moment with the wedding photo frame and her later ripping up the photos she had kept all these years. I just find her so sad and rather hope that she and some peace by the end of the series. 


Also a random note about this article:


As I was reading the post, I was like this sounds like it was written by an Australian and them boom - .com.au website. HAHAHA As a fellow Aussie, I really like that there is an article written in my country about this show! 


She is indeed pitiful. I do think once the dust has settled her, Dani and SY will have a great friendship and could be a great support to each other.

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14 hours ago, africandramalover said:

 but I really need a grown up," its-been-20years-of-EUNHO-waiting-and-DanI-hasn't-had-sex-for-a-while-and-she-really-needs-it" kiss from the two right about now!!!


AMEN sister! Totally onboard this wagon. Yes please!

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On 3/8/2019 at 9:51 PM, faithinme lara said:

can't wait to find out the reason for those mobster trench coat return 

Me too. 10 more hours to go...


Oh the reason, is for voting to publish or not the poetry book.

Now, we know. And we know the voting decision, too.




Another 2.5 hours...


Starts now...

They are in a meeting wearing that trench coat now...

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Why? What happen? Why all look sad at dan i...


She said i am ok but the finger and hand said oppositely.

Huhu waiting for english sub.


She is crying and i m sad too.


Now she is crying in the toilet. Pity her.


She is carrying the blue box now.

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Hi Chingus, I'd like to share my favourite moments/scenes in the drama. I thought of doing a Top 5 or 10, but scrapped the idea because...why put a number or limit on it. Here goes

  • CEH and KDY's telephone conversation about subpar housekeeper and red bra.

For me, this simple phone call really set the tone of their friendship.

  • CEH and KDY's coffee talk, after Gyeoroo interview
  • KDY pouring whiskey out the window.

I love the impish, mischievous look on her face!

  • CEH and KDY's lift ride at office building the following morning.
  • When KDY realised that CEH had repurposed his gym room.
  • JSJ talking to his green onion plant
  • Drunk CEH into a cab and went to KDY's old home out of habit. The flashbacks of his similar trips
  • KDY interrogating CEH about his whereabouts the previous night.

I screamed in delight at his reply.

  • KDY's voice-over about accepting her employment situation at Gyeoroo.

KDY realised that she was not the only one who gave her all during her years as a housewife. It dawned on her that other people had been toiling and working hard as well. She then accepted that she had to work her way up the corporate ladder again.

  • CEH and KDY's udon (if my memory serves me well) dinner.

Not a major, pivotal scene. However, I like how it showed the little things that KDY missed while out of the workforce. Dinner after a full day of work and people addressing her by name.

  • KDY feeling up CEH's pecs
  • KDY asking if CEH likes her

Love the slight quiver in KDY's voice.

  • CEH's rejection letter to SHR

A sad yet sweet scene. CEH is too nice. He really treasures SHR as a junior, friend, colleague. Love that he did not just leave SHR at JSJ's place when she got drunk.

  • SHR's rant to parents about left-over dumplings

This is the only scene so far which got me teary-eyed. SHR had likened her receiving of left-over dumplings to being left out for good things. Her parents went on to promise fresh ones for her from then on.

  • CEH's counseling session with newbie OJY

If only all bosses could articulate like CEH. The session proved effective as OJY decided to roll up her sleeves and be serious about her job. She went on to craft a sincere, albeit non-businesslike, apology letter to her colleagues and bosses; and even managed to get SHR to smile a little at her proclamation to work hard.


Oops, crap I got carried away. This post is getting too long. My apologies! I'll just stop here.






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I can't for the life of me figure out why, just W H Y Ji-Yool is still hired in Gyeoroo!? She's dispensable at best. Shows no growth nor improvement, still dumb as ever. AND someone as motivated, contributes , a hard worker as Dan-I gets fired for what? Just a small white lie on her resume. And Ji-Yool keeps her job 'cause she's cute? Young? Sheesh give me a break.:crazy::rolleyes:  


Seo-Joon and Hae-Rin are uber cute together, if only he'd give her a chance! K-Dramas sure love referencing that infamous scene from, "Love Actually". I've seen it on other K-Dramas as well.


I felt Eun-Ho's sadness on whether to keep or let the Kang writer ahjusshi go...:( It's always hard to let go of a love one but if they're in a lot of pain, it's really best to let them go.:unsure: 

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I thought that DY’s departure from the company will be very harsh knowing ms. Go asked EH to fire her. But I’m pleased after watching tonight’s episode. Thank God DY have Ms. Seo by her side who actually tells her about the contract termination. I do believe that DY’s departure will lead to something better in the future:) 


And is it really Kim Na Young’s voice at the very last scene??? Yeaayy!!

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It doesn't matter whether Dan-I was or was not a regular employee, that's not the issue here. My issue with her dismissal is that it's unfair to let go of someone who obviously is good, no great at what she does! She also helps out the other staff including hapless Ji-Yool so yea rant over. Anyway at least, Dan-I's only consolation is her good looking but very supportive boyfriend so thank goodness for that LoL:P


Way to go to the evil female chief editor! Girl power what BS. Women are suppose to look out for each other not tear each other apart. My heart just breaks for Dan-I:(

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1 hour ago, stroppyse said:

It was so taken for granted, I didn’t realize that fact.
How he watches over me without ever changing, I’m realizing that about Eun Ho.
At that deep love, I can’t help but smile every day.

So true. Eun ho is the best for dan i.


"However, hopefully, Gyeoroo will realize that they are being foolish by getting rid of an employee who has already proven her value to the firm many times over." - yeah i agree with you , stroppyse. I hope too.


Thank you @stroppyse

7 hours ago, greezlybee said:

DY’s departure from the company will be very harsh knowing ms. Go asked EH to fire her. But I’m pleased after watching tonight’s episode. Thank God DY have Ms. Seo by her side who actually tells her about the contract termination. I do believe that DY’s departure will lead to something better in the future

One theory is eun ho will tell her about his secret.

The writer whom disappear. Bring her to visit him.

And she can take care of him, since she choose to resign.

Maybe just  maybe....





He's being doofus again . Is this before or after firing her(meaning sending her to another job interview,i mean?)

--- answer to the above question. Sending her to work in his car for the first time?

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Lee Jong Suk And Lee Na Young Have A Sweet Date At Home In “Romance Is A Bonus Book”

Mar 10, 2019
by J. Lim

Lee Na Young and Lee Jong Suk can’t seem to spend a second apart in new stills for tvN’s weekend drama “Romance is a Bonus Book”!

“Romance is a Bonus Book” tells the story of Kang Dan Yi (Lee Na Young) and Cha Eun Ho (Lee Jong Suk), two people who have known each other for a long time and who are going from just being friends to in a relationship. Their story becomes even more complicated as Kang Dan Yi lied on her resume in order to get hired at the publishing firm headed by Cha Eun Ho.


The previous episode followed the fallout of everyone finding out that Kang Dan Yi had put false information on her resume to be hired as companies had often rejected her in the past for being overqualified. Though Cha Eun Ho tried to stand up for her, a dilemma arose as many didn’t feel it fair to change the company’s rules on hiring new employees just for one person. Though it appeared that Kang Dan Yi would continue to work at the firm with Cha Eun Ho backing her up, she handed in her resignation while Cha Eun Ho was away.

more https://www.soompi.com/article/1309112wpp/lee-jong-suk-and-lee-na-young-have-a-sweet-date-at-home-in-romance-is-a-bonus-book
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