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[Drama 2017-2018] Money Flower 돈 꽃

Go Seung Ji

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49 minutes ago, UnniSarah said:

What if the housekeeper is actually KPJ's mother the older version or plastic surgery version.... OKay Let me stop with the craziness. LOL LOL Just playing everyone. I think that is  good possibility that the housekeeper is helping him. She was also the one to gush how Kang Pil Joo eats his noodles just like The Honorable Chairman. smh smh smh  I wonder when did she start helping him? Did she know from the moment he started living there or years later.  

@UnniSarah  I think she found out later on after he was living there.. Maybe one day she cleaned his room and saw the necklace there with the picture inside of it and out two and two together.. You know she had to hear those arguments about his outside family and thought this is what they get JMR herself brought the kid she wanted so dead into the home..


45 minutes ago, philosophie said:

thank you for that vid of JMR and KPJ scene. My initial reaction (didn’t see actual episode so don’t know full extent of that scene but judging based on the clip) was THEY ARE SOOOOOO NOT PLATONIC (background people: DUHHHHHHH!) !!!!! That time JBC and NMH went to NY and JMR wrist grabbed KPJ and the door closed-did they do it? LMS interviews state otherwise and that they just have a ‘trusting’ relationship but c’mon guys, even though I hate JMR, it’s so obvious she has amazeballs sexual tension with KPJ. On KPJs side, I can see that he’s just wearing a mask that can manipulate JMR and he’s literally dropping a bomb on her at her highest yet most vulnerable moment. I thought it was brilliantly done and of course it does have more impact when he double, well triple betrays her, because it’s on three levels; professional as her secretary, business cause he’s the real heir to chairman position, and personal cause he just reject yooo nasty self! Only more hand clawing at herself to come now on JMRs part...KPJ I’m scared he’s gonna be killed by grandpa because he poses a thread of knowing too much. Or have him be shadow of JYC who will be chosen as next chairman since gpa is all for reputation and he can’t just bring in his underdog as the top dog.

@philosophie  The real kicker to it all is that KPJ/JEC knows her most biggest secret JBC isn't related to that family at all..

JMR is going to tell KPJ/JEC that it was G/pa idea to kill them as he we tell her he's well aware and deliver her another blow that by now G/pa is well aware of JBC not being his father child per her and JBC conversation..


Do you think KPJ/JEC  wasn't prepared for them trying to kill him once he reveals himself as of now G/pa has no other choice but to bounce by his tunes or like i said have the biggest scandal in Korean history to unfold right before his eyes and no way to stop it.. I think KPJ/JEC set all this up to legally take everything away from JMR and her illegitimate son.. Most Korean culture has always been that the eldest Child or G/child recieves the parent wealth and I'm sure G/pa set something up to this situation in writing to try and keep JMS other kids from getting anything.. As of now everything of his fathers will go to him including anything that JMR has because she cheated this family..  I'm liking the idea of JBC getting on national TV resigning and turning over all rights and possession to KPJ/JEC..


1 hour ago, bebebisous33 said:

@sava2sava and @UnniSarah It would be a really good twist, if it turns out that the housekeeper in Mooshinwon had recognized JEC in the end. From her words, it seems that she knew JSM quite well: the grandfather giving the necklace to him, the necklace in the frame aso. But she can not be JEC's mother in my opinion. His mother wanted him to live far away from the Jang because he had no power. Moreover, JMR would have recognized her. She had met JEC's mother at the funeral.


About the last cliffhanger: I believe that JMR will try to use the necklace she took from NMH in order to prove that JSM had acknowledged him as his son, even if she has to confess that JBC is not JSM's biological father. She can only use that as a point. But what she doesn't know is: she only received the necklace from JEC's brother, where there is no picture. On the other hand, JEC has the necklace with a picture of himself with his father. By bringing the second necklace in front of the grandfather, JMR will be put in a difficult spot because the existence of the second son will come to the ears of the chairman. By having two sons with the so called mistress, JSM proved to his father that JEC, his mother and his brother were considered by JSM as his true family. The second son got born just after JBC. If my predicition is correct, we can clearly see that KPJ is two steps ahead of JBC and JMR. I don't think that NMH will be used by KPJ in order to prove JMR's lie: JSM never gave her the necklace, in fact NMH had to give the necklace to JMR because he wants to keep her safe. On the other hand, JBC and JMR could lie in front of the grandfather and NMH gets aware of it so that she tells the truth to the grandfather.    


@bebebisous33  Liking the fact in a sly way she will be revealing herself that JMS had another child with KPJ/JEC mother and G/pa learns that she killed him, Her and JBC real Dad Mr.Oh.. I some how think this will come into play next week with DNA results proving him to be MR. Oh child but NMH promised to never reveal JBC secret.. At this point what will NMH do will she throw the man she's married to under the bus or stick it to KPJ/JEC per her revenge towards him..  All NMH has to say is that JBC never gave her the necklace but JMR ask for it from her.. This wouldn't be revealing JBC secret.. 


Yes but KPJ/JEC is two step ahead of them.. So if G/pa wants to play dumb and blind and try and kill him he's not the only one that knows whats going on there's YG also.. 


Maybe G/pa will enlist uncle and Yc to kill them all..:angry: 

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OMG this was so epic. Captain YG, I'm glad u r ok. The grandfather pissed off KJP big time by touching YG. His time of doom is coming soon in the form of his grandson and also NMH who is checking the slush fund account. That kissing scene, it was so beautiful but sad at the same time. Writernim u betrer give us a passionate kiss and bed scene:D.  We deserve it lol. Oh JMR Hahaha, it was so satisfying :glasses:. From high to the bottom. Now this is what u call real revenge. She just got served lol. Now I'm only waiting for uncle and cousin's reaction. Boy it will be so good. I'm waiting for the eng subs, there was too much talking today. 

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48 minutes ago, zinaa said:

I felt the kiss was a goodbye kiss... why I have this feeling....

Sorry to cut your post but that's exactly what that scene was....

NMH starts by telling him that she knows he used her to get revenge for his brother that died and she might not ever be able forgive him even after several years. However, she knows how much he loves her no matter how much he tries to deny it. She then told him she wishes she could tell him to forget everything and leave with her because of how much he loves her but she knows she can't do that. She said she can't understand the pain he has gone through so she can't ask him to stop his revenge. Lastly she tells him she's leaving him behind at Mooshimwon, then she kisses him. 


overall a rather depressing but understandable scene, but well acted. 

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@kysy thanks for confirming my feeling .... writer nim again give us a masterpiece writing and as you said both of our leads acted so well... now there is totally different meaning to when he hold her hand.... I can't wait for the sub tomorrow.... 

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23 minutes ago, lu09 said:

lol. Now I'm only waiting for uncle and cousin's reaction. Boy it will be so good. I'm waiting for the eng subs, there was too much talking today. 

@lu09  This is what I'm looking forward to uncle and cousin reaction to it all knowing KPJ/JEC is none other then nephew and first cousin.. But knowing uncle he would also not want KPJ/JEC to be recognized as family because KPJ/JEC always have outwitted him and son remember it was nephew that got him kick out if his presidency position..  Boy if you think about it KPJ/JEC has so much on them all.. G/pa thinks stealing all what was there is enough to stop him but where his KPJ/JEC keeps getting all these records from to thow in G/pa's face after everything was supposed to be stolen..:unsure:


What will the other lawyer think when it's found out that he's G/pa real G/son and JBC isn't:crazy:  


Well Guy's gotta go work is calling bye for now..

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I have to say the casting director did a great job casting all these actors/actresses for each role. Wow an amazing cast and I hope they do hang out after they are done with drama. How did they know these roles were perfect for each actor/actresses. I am so amazed at this epic drama. I am planning on going to Netflix to let them know to add this drama to their site.  This drama reminds me of Stranger/ Secret Forest had the same epic feeling with amazing actors. This drama will be the talk of a DAEBAK drama for like a long time.  

TBH chingu’s I don’t even want KPJ/JEC to ever take reign of Cheong A. I feel this company has destroyed so many lives because of greed. I know the company isn’t at fault but it is the drama of a person that drove all these greedy individuals who are plotting and killing people just to be the owner and recognition of this company. I feel this company is the root of all evil. 


@sava2sava.... Chingu What other lawyer are you talking about????

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29 minutes ago, UnniSarah said:

I have to say the casting director did a great job casting all these actors/actresses for each role. Wow an amazing cast and I hope they do hang out after they are done with drama. How did they know these roles were perfect for each actor/actresses. I am so amazed at this epic drama. I am planning on going to Netflix to let them know to add this drama to their site.  This drama reminds me of Stranger/ Secret Forest had the same epic feeling with amazing actors. This drama will be the talk of a DAEBAK drama for like a long time.  

TBH chingu’s I don’t even want KPJ/JEC to ever take reign of Cheong A. I feel this company has destroyed so many lives because of greed. I know the company isn’t at fault but it is the drama of a person that drove all these greedy individuals who are plotting and killing people just to be the owner and recognition of this company. I feel this company is the root of all evil. 


@sava2sava.... Chingu What other lawyer are you talking about????

To me, the best revenge would be to destroy Cheong A because the chairman JKH is responsible for all these deaths and this misery. Because of his greed, he used JMR's father, his own son JSM, NCG and others which pushed people to commit misdeeds and even crimes. The slush fund is a good example that JKH doesn't want to share his wealth to his family, he likes controlling the company and his family. I hope, we will discover next week what happened to JEC's father. There could be more to it. So far, KPJ doesn't seem to question if his father has been killed.

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@purplebass@triplem and everyone in the thread, thanks for recaps <3


I don't post that much here anymore but I read thoughts and views  in this thread. Haven't watched raw.  I'll be waiting for the sub. Applause for the caliber of acting by the cast throughout this whole drama. JH and this drama deserves  awards.

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from a site... this posting though..... :grin:


LOL This is that, "This mf here..." look. lol

Gotta be quicker than that!






my thoughts.....


talking about genetic.... Jang Boo Cheon is a true fake Jang... he can never win to Jang Eun Cheon... 

he thinks he was the smartass...too bad he inherited his biological father (Secretary Oh Ki Pyung) gene... not his mom.. no wonder Pil Joo is always able to outsmart Boo Cheon in a minute... even when this moron showed off to Pil Joo in front of Chairman Jang, Pil Joo managed to be the underdog again and laughing at last.... Kang Pil Joo is a Legend! He even dared to ask Chairman Jang to not call him "his grandson" without his permition... this guy is freaking genius... Chairman Jang finally met his match.



Edited by bebebisous33
Don't mention illegal websides
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18 minutes ago, SeGafanlady said:

talking about genetic.... Jang Boo Cheon is a true fake Jang... he can never win to Jang Eun Cheon... 

he thinks he was the smartass...too bad he inherited his biological father (Secretary Oh Ki Pyung) gene... not his mom.. no wonder Pil Joo is always able to outsmart Boo Cheon in a minute... even when this moron showed off to Pil Joo in front of Chairman Jang, Pil Joo managed to be the underdog again and laughing at last.... Kang Pil Joo is a Legend! He even dared to ask Chairman Jang to not call him "his grandson" without his permition... this guy is freaking genius... Chairman Jang finally met his match.

@SeGafanlady  My sentiments exactly.. None of them is a match for KPJ/JEC not even G/pa.. Don;t you dare call me your G/son without my permission..  DAEBEK.. I was really cheering KPJ on He let's G/pa know he don't need him to be recognized.. At this point I wish he destroy it all.. Poor JBC always a day late and a dollar short.. He so on the losing end.. Sensing KPJ pictures of a nice place when all the tie he's only thinking of placing him in the gutters were he's the one that actually belongs there..


I bet after G/pa listened to that recording gave him a lot of answers to some lingering questions..:huh:

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Subs are out and now watching episode. 



I felt so satisfied when KPJ shot back at his ‘gpa’ not to call him his grandson without his permission. I thought he was horrible to NMH cause she’s not his kin and has no use to him anymore now that her father is out of the picture, but now seeing how he even treats KPJ his supposed blood I am convinced that this Grandpa is a psychopath. Girl, ms Han what have you been doing hanging around this bozo?


KPJ is genius. I love how us as viewers don’t even know his full plan or anything but it’s amazing how he still seizes to surprise me. Love his proposition of the share and threat to use both prosecution and press JUST as jang was wesponized and taken advantage for themselves all these years. Ha how’s it like to taste your own medicine old man?!


freaking ms Han and her big blabber mouth. Loved NMHs expression haha she’s only one who knows wussup.


YC....he has no idea he’s siding with the fake and against his own blood. It is kinda funny though how he thinks he has BC wrapped around his little finger.


seeing his ms Han looks like the same age as YCs mom makes me realize I shouldn’t be so shook about JMR and KPJs age difference (the fact he’s basically her step son) when his grandpa is getting it on with someone that is his daughter in laws age. Guess it’s just a thing with them rich folks.


its kinda nice that YC and BC are not fighting against each other cause now it’s putting the focus on BC vs EC. Way to go writers, you also never seize to amaze me!!!


freaking JMR...treating KPJ like he’s JBCs dad or something by ordering him to keep ‘close watch on him.’ This woman has it coming...haha How did PJ know she would give him her shares without even having to suggest anything so she thinks it’s her own idea?! Haha that ain’t imagination honey, that’s his calculations.


Knowing that YG lives but Oh dies from the live recap, I just have to put it out there that the preview totally threw us off. Who knew that it would be oh instead of YG, basically who are both sidekicks of opposing characters would have opposite fates? Sorry oh feel bad for you but you deserved it after killing an innocent child.


BC is delusional....he really thinks that’s why KPJ made him chairman? I guess this just goes to show his own insecurity and complex about not having a dad.


did JMR even read the contract before she signed that document? I’m keeping a close eye on which person in the House is KPJs mole and by the way the woman (younger servant than other maid) who gave the contract to JMR suspiciously stole a glance at her like she’s in on the scheme with KPJ. She’s the one who switched the pen!!


KPJ...he still is able to smile after failing to leak articles about his evil gpa. I’m loving it, what else do you have under your sleeve, my love?! Definetly has to do with revealing JBC secret hehehe why did he even click the link that BC emailed him? You’re not going to NY, I wont let you boo!!


i honestly feel so bad for PJ...the moment JBC finds out he treats him like shiz same with grandpa..this is the worse family ever. And NMH...both of them screwed over by their family cause of MONEY. Ugh I hate you money you make this world so corrupt and evil!!! Lol I love that KPJ was watching the break up from afar. And that her and BC were already over before she kissed KPJ, showing that this wasn’t even technically any cheating since she’s now separated from BC. 


This is so so random but just had a sudden epiphany, wasn’t grandpa at his sons funeral so didn’t he see mistress with her two sons?


That kiss scene..I loved how the preview misled us to think she actually said that but in reality, it was even better cause she was stating it hypothetically and still conveyed respect to his revenge. I am kinda bummed she’s leaving but I hope she gives info about slush fund and gives him money for investment so that even if it’s indirect she helps him too withmuch revenge. I mean she kinda already did when we think about it by doing the arranged marriage and I do ave to say I like that she acknowledged to him about using her but also that he loves her, so she is aware of both sides.


SO IT WAS GPAS DOING! Who knew it would be him not JBC who ordered the infiltration of the base. And he keeps calling PJ such mean and rude names...you’re such an evil elder. Ugh and then I hate him more and more by how he treats KPJ. I seriously cannot wait till he’s behind bars, PUHLEEEAAASE!!!


woah is YG in love with KPJ? This man is a magnet First he got his stepmom, sister in law, and now his sidechickkk-I mean sidekick :wink: 


i love NMh reaction when JMR is like you’re getting s divorce to be with KPJ right? MH gives her a look like woman where’s yo head at?! Haha you know MH is powerful when she leaves the room and makes JMR sigh. And wow what a twist, gpa is actually scared...serves you right.


i just realized, all those conversations JMR had with SM, NMH, Oh and BC must have all been recorded by pen right? That’s how KPJ knew about train station and that SM was on his trail about loan?


infeel like JMR crying in her car after saying goodbye to Oh is a parallel to JBC crying in his car after threatening SW. I don’t think they loved their baby papa and mama but like it was more a self pity and stuff when they cried. I don’t know, I just don’t buy tha they truly cared about those people cause they always chose their own greed and selfishness over them. So Oh knew he was going to die when drinking poison.....how is it that I can’t fully hate him like JBC..in all their evilness they’re still pitiful. For JMR and grandpa, I don’t feel as much sympathy for them cause I feel like they’re irredeemable. They both had a chance to be-when gpa found out truth about PJ and her murderous behavior till now that won’t be stopped unless KPJ stops her.


”don’t tell mom about it” hmm hun, you’re mom is the one who staged the suicide! Good luck enjoying the chairman position when it was same day your own real dad died!!


this has been one rolelrcoaster. Can’t believe NMH will be getting into politics but then I looove it too and can’t wait to see how that unfolds. I feel like we may get a time jump near the end of the drama but that’s just me.


A lot of audio recordings these past two episodes...but guess that’s revenge dramas overall lol we had gpas, the convo between JMR and BC, etc etc haha


PJ, you really gonna leave without seeing gpas reaction to BCs birth secret?! I would have stayed, it’s show time baby!


im cringing when she hits on him in her wedding dress outfit and his coincidentally groom like tux. It’s cause I ship him so bad with MH I can’t stand seeing her dirty bloody paws on him!!,p get them off!!


my goodnesss though....revenge is a dish that is indeed best served cold :wink:


Again I just have to reiterate how these writers have made an art out of cliffhangers. Like seriously the blow my mind every time :tongue: 

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Guest elenskivios38

Oh! what a kiss! most sweetest kiss in kdrama .Love to remember the gentle 

and tender lips of KPJ and NMH together.It doesn't need to be daring kiss

coz of the situation perhaps when everythings finish:D:wub:

Park Se Young delivered her part beautifully.right facial  reaction, while JH is looking with love everything was perfect...the dialogue my GOD! how writer-nim comes out with such

lines...Dont you dare...DAEBAK!:D

And the last scene!!! everybody is getting heart attack writer-nim!!!


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In the comments of episode 20, there’s heated debates of whether JMR is a pedophile. What do you guys think. I mean she does have children, her daughter at least, close in age to KPJ and met him as a child. Even though now he is an adult and everything isn’t it kinda wrong to be attracted to someone you, well didn’t exactly raise, but at least watched grow up with your son and daughter close to age with him? I mean we are talking about a murderous person so her moral compass is already out of whack. And I’m not someone that’s against taboo pairings in dramas, it’s just a discussion I’m curious to hear your guys’ opinion on.

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6 minutes ago, philosophie said:

In the comments of episode 20, there’s heated debates of whether JMR is a pedophile. What do you guys think. I mean she does have children, her daughter at least, close in age to KPJ and met him as a child. Even though now he is an adult and everything isn’t it kinda wrong to be attracted to someone you, well didn’t exactly raise, but at least watched grow up with your son and daughter close to age with him? I mean we are talking about a murderous person so her moral compass is already out of whack. And I’m not someone that’s against taboo pairings in dramas, it’s just a discussion I’m curious to hear your guys’ opinion on.

@philosophie.. She isn't a pedophile. I believe she lusted after him not only for his look but for his brain. As time pass, she fell for him. Jung Mal Ran's issue is that she is very afraid of being kicked out she never pursued him. As I watched this drama, I often wondered was KPJ a virgin?? I don't think he had time for a social life as he planned his revenge. She never once been jealous or feared of him leaving and I think if he did have a social life . I think her feeling would have been noticed by people at "Mooshowin" I know I misspelled it . Looked at how she spoke to NMH about her leaving her son so she can pursue KPJ. LOL LOL  

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Finally watched with eng subs. My thoughts on ep 19: 


1. Gramps met his match in the form of his grandson Hahaha "Don't call me ur grandson without my permission". Finally someone put gramps in his place.The old man thought that KPJ wanted the last name JANG but nope, he wanted shares of Cheong A. The look of his face was priceless .After the doctor told gramps that Attorney Kang is his grandson. Lol this was so much fun hahaha. KPJ 3 : gramps 0


2. JMR gave KPJ half of her shares in Daesil Distribution Company as a reward. My face was the same as KPJ :o. I can't believe she did that.She made his job easy.This woman is long gone to lalaland lol.


3. Gramps knows that NMHs dad is alive. But what he does not know is that JYC made a visit in the hospital room.


4. Finally NMH found out that she was sold out for money. She demanded half of JBCs fortune and consolation fee lol. She is going to file a lawsuit if he does not agree with the divorce. I'm proud of u girl. Pack ur stuff and run like the wind.


 5.That ending scene, it was beautiful but sad at the same time. :(I hope when everything is over, they get a fresh start.


Thoughts of ep20:


1. It was gramps who hurt captain YG to get those files of evidence. Did it not occur to them that there is something called digital :crazy:. Whatever that was in the envelope made gramps call the bank immediately. When gramps asked what he was going to do if he refused: KPJ " I would have sent you to prison"

KPJ 4 : gramps 0


2. JMRs secretary is working for KPJ.That pen recorded JMR and JBCs conversation admitting that JBC is not a JANG.Boy, gramps will be furious.This recording will be in the hands of uncle and cousin in the next episode. Let the war begin.


3. I thought that JMR had a HEART crying like that after she made secretary OH leave but man she was planning to kill him with a poisoned coffee. The envelope didnt contain money but a suicide note. The note says to cremate his body but I don't KPJ will allow that. Secretary OH should be paying for his crimes for killing JKC but he is dead, what will KPJ do now?.


4. NMH, what did u just said? U r going into politics:blink:...  is that where u r using the money for? I hope this ends well for her.


5. is it just me or JMR is not planning to pay for NMHs alimony? I mean every time the subject is brought, she dodges it. Is JMR having money problems? If she is, then its good lol.


6. That last scene, oh it was so satisfying. I was holding my breath the entire time. 20 years was a really long time for KPJ but it was worth of it. He let her go high and it's about time that she gets her punishment for everything.


Sorry for the long post and thanks chingus for recapping the eps today.:wub:

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Thanks to @azureblue7



Saw this on IG. This is so saddddd... it’s like I can’t let u go but I can’t go with u too! 


And Jang Hyuk had to post this last night when I was trying my best to avoid all spoiler!  He looks like he is preparing to show hand. And he looks so deliciously awesome!!!!! 






Edited by triplem
Please put any images above 3 in spoiler. Thanks.
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