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[Drama 2016] Moon Lovers ❤ Scarlet Heart Ryeo, 달의 연인-보보경심 려 \^0^/ Soompi Kdrama 2016 Winner


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1 hour ago, fathiayunia said:

Hey, @bebebisous33 another great analysis, as usual ;) I just wanted to add a little bit of what you said.

Sorry haven't backtrack so I don't know if somebody said this before.

Summarying up my feelings for Wang Wook in the 11th episode apparently equals many many Richard Simmons to Soompi. lol (I apologize to whoever read my post before with many Richard Simmons, and for you who doesn't know, it means I use many curse words. Maybe I should start saying Avada Kedavra as my curse words. lol) 

At the beginning of the episode I actually have this little faith in Wang Wook, because despite his dark side, and how scary I found him to be, he is still a cute man who gives poem, emoticons, likes to laugh, likes to play in the snow, have a ticking moral compas (like when he kneel in front of the king after that temple massacre things, when YH is punishing HS, err.. can't remember anymore), and more good points. Though he seems like a good person, he is actually more similar to King Taejo. No. I should rephrase that. He IS King Taejo to a Tee. He is an ambitious man, very calculative man, intelligent and a really passive risk taker. That's why his reaction to things is so much slower, because he thinks too much before he acts. Just like Taejo, and that's WHY Lady Oh gave him a very hard warning, just before she volunteered as tribute (bawling again after remembering Lady Oh). Because she sensed Taejo all over again in him.

Okay back to the point, I actually have faith in him, but it's all gone when he choose his family and throw his moral compass to the wind. He knows what YH doing is wrong, I actually cheered when he said "You're not my sister anymore" but he goes and ruined it with he more or less agreeing with being a conspirator to YH. He choose to do bad things to be king!!! & He abandoned Hae Soo!!! He keeps on burying everyone else bad deeds, hence the same with his father who keeps on burying the evil Queen Yoo bad deeds. See the similarity? I'm so speechless. I'M UTTERLY DISAPPOINTED WITH WANG WOOK. SIGH. It's gonna be interesting seeing his transformation later. Right? Just like @solelylurking said, man needed to show his wolfish side for the Game of Thrones to start.

Wang Wook's character is so in contrast to Wang So's who thinks WHILE he acts, or doesn't think too much BEFORE he acts, sometimes though, Wang So also thinks AFTER he acts (that kiss in the preview? Is it impulsive or he can't contain himself anymore?? Hahaha). And I'm very glad he never throw his moral compass to the wind. I also disagree that So doesn't have family to consider, while Wook does. Why consider your family when one of them totally does what every possible kdrama mean girl do. I mean yes, consider her, but doesn't mean you should just let her go for her evil deeds either!!! (sorry @solelylurking I know how much you love him but I really wanted to slap him hard in this episode ><)

Man am so pissed with YH and the fact that nobody scolds AND punish her.

And So does have family!!! For now, it's only Hae Soo and Baek Ah, later it's the whole Goryeo!!

Isn't this right? Sorry for another long essays. Haha

I definitely can return the compliment.  good job onion head You saw similarities between Wang Wook and Taejo and this is so true.crazy monkey Thanks to you, we can reach a deeper understanding of our characters that's why I like this thread so much. We are all completing each other. 

Your idea made me think: if Wang Wook and Taejo have much in common, their first goal is to keep the "family/kingdom" safe. In Taejo's case, it is a little different: it is about his legacy. He wants to make sure that his achievement won't disappear. He was first a warrior and united three nations under his roof. Therefore he wants his son Wang Mu (who fought with him) to become the next king and will do anything to achieve his goal. Funny is that he is not different from his wife Yoo. milk bottle Both are using their children to achieve their goal. In the last episode, he was the one who was pushing Mu to keep being the Crown Prince. So he is not different from Yoo who is using Yo to make her dream come true: her son should make her shine. In the end, he is as greedy and ruthless as his wife. He dumped lady Oh whom he loved due to his greed and ambition. Wang Wook kept wavering and doubting to marry Hae Soo because of her social status. He would have kept her waiting for him, if Wang So hadn't appeared in the picture. Then in order to keep good appearances, he has no remorse to let Hae Soo executed. He only tried to persuade lady Oh to stop it. Directly, he did nothing. Taejo is doing exactly the same thing. He has no remorse to have her killed. Unlike Queen Yoo, he seems to be more caring but this is just a facade. His kingdom is in the end much more important so that he has no problem to dispose of people, if they are a hindrance. After the rain ritual, Taejo welcome Wang So with such a warmth and Wang So thought, he had finally succeeded. Then a rumour starts and soon Taejo decides that Wang So is no longer necessary. He is not the shield for his brother. So Taejo and Yoo are both coldhearted. Well, Taejo hid from Yoo that he had Wang So trained in martial art. Taejo saw that Wang So could become a help for Wang Mu. So back to Wang Wook: he is definitely using people as well. The way he talked to lady Oh to convince her that she should be the one who helped Hae Soo. There is some manipulation in this: make her feel guilty, especially when he said something like "Hae Soo is like a daughter to you!!" He is not interested in justice (like his father), the safety of his family/nation is the priority. Wang Wook declared that Yeon hwa was no longer his sister, the same happened to Wang So who was sent away as hostage. The father knew that his son was an outcast but he didn't care. It is all about his son Mu. Lady Oh lost her child but the only thing Taejo could do was to punish someone... it didn't matter who! So he used Hwangbo as scapegoat. He hates Queen Yoo but he needs her therefore he will never touch her as she comes from a powerful clan. Wang Wook is doing the same thing: he isn't trying to get some justice, because if Yeon Hwa's secret is revealed, he might lose everything. Moreover he needs Yeon Hwa in order to win the king's seat.

Both have lost their moral compass in my opinion due to their greed or ambition. Appearance is very important to them: Taejo is never shown angry or as someone who can't control his feelings, quite the opposite. Both used marriage as a strategy to stabilise their power.

Wang Wook and his father lost their loved ones due to their ambition and lack of courage: it is much more difficult to drop a throne than a loved one. It takes strength to do it, both were not able to act on their feelings. There is one difference though: Wang Wook lived in luxury for a while, then got banished... Taejo had to fight for it from the start. Wang Wook is only aiming at the achievement of his father: so he is much more passive than his father who was first a fighter. Taejo won't survive the loss of lady Oh for long: her death had an impact on him. The way he almost fell down, when he heard the gong was really telling. His heart is suffering but he is responsible for her death as he never tried to fight for justice.

By the way, I don't think that lady Oh was right. She said, at least one person would remember her. Taejo, Hae Soo and Wang So will remember her. Wang So knew how lady Oh felt for Hae Soo and in my opinion, he hold her in high esteem. Besides, he stood next to Hae Soo in the final scene which is really telling. 

  @solelylurking @evie7 @littleloony 

 @dramu51ch0c10ve @40somethingahjumma

@syeramy  @Yongzura @valsava  @junee22

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53 minutes ago, yuhotarubi said:

Can you please tell m ? Is the singer for the ost played when lady Hae and lady Oh died is she the same singer who sang fox rain and fate ? Two very iconic Ost songs? I forgot the singer's name but her voice is just so unique and I want to confirm this. Thank you for answering m :) 

Very much like Park ki Young's voice as in "only longing grows" in women's secret... Such beautiful voice.

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I just realized; So's holding the hairpin he gave to Soo when he waves to her in the preview. Is he giving it to her again or did she give it back or something???

Also, masked So (!!!) appears again. Not going to lie, I kinda missed him.

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37 minutes ago, am420 said:

I don't agree with the narrative that Wook has so much more too lose than So. Episode 10 showed us that So also has a lot to lose up to and including his freedom. His one wish was to stay in Songak but the moment his mother and #9 and the others began scheming to ruin the relationship between him and the CP, the king wanted to send him back to Shinju where he was abused, held captive for years and basically thrown to the wolves. Sure he doesn't have a family that will be impacted by what he does but he puts his freedom in jeopardy for Soo because he places more value on Soo and his promise that she is his person than he does on what he could possibly lose, he essentially tells her so on the beach "even if I have to leave Songak, I wanted to bring you here". I'm not saying that Wook should abandon his family for Soo anything of the sort but I just wanted to point out that So does indeed have a lot that he could lose by continuing to protect Soo. 

Amen to this admire onion head ... I keep saying it too. I can't accept this as an excuse. Like I mentioned it last week, he is the typical man who is in "bad faith" (Sartre's philosophy: existentialism). Wang Wook feels that he is not responsible for the events in his life but he is because he allowed people to control his life. He is just like Taejo who allows the clans to dictate him to a certain extent. When he is pushed to the extrem, then Wook will react which makes him lose: episode 4 by protecting Hae Soo and Jung, later the marriage with his father. 

So endangered his freedom and even his life (killing the monk) and he is willing to take some risk. He could have died there. To me, wang Wook is not willing to die for someone else. He has no remorse to kill others, while Wang So shows much more remorse!!

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4 minutes ago, am420 said:

I don't agree with the narrative that Wook has so much more too lose than So. Episode 10 showed us that So also has a lot to lose up to and including his freedom. His one wish was to stay in Songak but the moment his mother and #9 and the others began scheming to ruin the relationship between him and the CP, the king wanted to send him back to Shinju where he was abused, held captive for years and basically thrown to the wolves. Sure he doesn't have a family that will be impacted by what he does but he puts his freedom in jeopardy for Soo because he places more value on Soo and his promise that she is his person than he does on what he could possibly lose, he essentially tells her so on the beach "even if I have to leave Songak, I wanted to bring you here". I'm not saying that Wook should abandon his family for Soo anything of the sort but I just wanted to point out that So does indeed have a lot that he could lose by continuing to protect Soo. 


I never said that So had nothing to lose—your post is reason enough to show that he does in fact have a lot to lose as well.

However, the difference is that if So were ever ordered to return to Shinju, he could run away like he planned to with Hae-soo should she have wished it when they were at the beach. There is arguably some leeway there.

In the context I was speaking about, Wook didn't have a third option. If he chose Hae-soo he would be throwing his family to the wolves; if he chose his family, he'd have to give up the woman he loves. 

In that same context, Wang So could draw his sword and cut down the guards that were taking Hae-soo to the noose because the only thing he cared about was her. Whatever the consequence of that action were Soo not have been spared wouldn't be at stake for him because like you said, he values her above his freedom, and by drawing the sword he had already made that choice.

If So rescues Hae-soo, and the consequence of that action been a loss of freedom or even his death, it would be worth it to him.

However for Wook, it's vastly different. Having made his choice to save his family at the expense of Hae-soo, would he be able to say it was worth it? If that were the case, he wouldn't be fighting as hard as he is going to for the throne.

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45 minutes ago, angel318 said:

Hello everyone~ I've been silently following for a couple of weeks now. Thank you for the all the spoilers and insights (especially the little details of history)!!! <3

Btw, side note to the above comment~ the king knows what's going on (he knowingly sent his loved Lady Oh to death after much persuasion). The king didn't have power back then in those times, that's why he married so many women to get support from their powerful clans. The throne is a seat for one who's willing to bear it. It's not all that glamorous. If you're willing to sit on it, you must put the weight of the country on your shoulders. 


I get he didn't have power back then but with so many years pass by and yet he cannot create his own power to control the others which make you wonder how did he manage to run the country. I mean throughout history from china to japan, etc all the kings who rose to power due to supports and clans, they themselves make sure to know how to subdue the power and strike fear in others in order to maintain their power. This king here knows one of his wives is out to harm others but yet does nothing. But then I'm wondering how strong is evil queen clan i mean remember during the flashback when she threaten the king with Wang So he was set on marrying another wife for their power and she cant do anything makes you wonder if her clan is strong or after that incident she made sure her clan has enough power to threaten the king?

I get that once you become king, you are a figure to the nation, a person who has to bear the burden of his people but in order to do that one needs to learn how to control his family. I mean without structure, how can one rule the country? Instead of running around marrying wives for power, try to create and build your own and with that you show people that you have the power to wipe out another clan instead of relying on one clan

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Been away and am way, way behind but I just have to say this...  ...this drama really does death scenes well...

Ah, the burden of being king, part military general, part. politician, part diplomat, full-time strategist.  I haven't read all the postings so pardon me if I step on someone else's post..  I've been thinking about the Crown Prince.  I must say, of all Taejo's sons, he really is the only one who appears to have all the qualities to be a future king.  He isn't as hard as Taejo .but he seems thoughtful, compassionate, diplomatic, we've seen he's gone out on military missions so. there's no lack of courage there.  All the other sons are either power hungry, greedy, scheming, immature and lazy such as when Wang Wook tells his mother he just wants to live a comfortable life.  Well, heck, someone's got to make that comfort possible..

It seemed to me Lady Oh was ill, all the eating of bland poridge, etc.,  She claimed it was so she could better taste tea but I think she may have had stomach cancer and while I haven't watched Ep. 11 with subs, I'm thinking the conversation with Soo and the King went something like, I'm dying anyway so let me take responsibility for the attempted poisoning of the Crown Prince...  Hopefully, Soo will get kicked out of the palace at the same time So also has to leave to return to Shinju and they both can find their way into that pool and back to the 21st Century.

Oh, another thing.  I wondered why So waited so long before coming out to stand beside HS.  Methinks he knew of her infatuation with WW and so waited until his brother showed his true colors before stepping up to show her who the real man was...

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@Adnana There was a rumor on Korean web that the director didn't even get to edit the first 10 episodes because they didn't have time before the Chinese review deadline (they were still filming hectically in July). Of course, it was posted by an anonymous person, so it can't be trusted. 

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54 minutes ago, aypopa said:
Yo is so happy to see his father die ....

Yup ! no wonder! His father sent him in mission of death and Yo knew that and didn't forgive him for "abandoning" him. He is so heartless and evil just like his psycho- mother. And I guess they have no real family-bonding between the royals. They are just there aiming for the throne and plotting on getting ride of each others. A son could kill his father , a wife her man or even her own son  and brothers will eliminate each others casually. No regrets, no remorses, no guilt.. How harsh could this be?

1 hour ago, churasan said:

Wow... A ship sailed today... and WW was left at the dock...

I have to say I love how the Kdrama version depicted the "break-up" of HS and the 8th prince.  In the original, I felt although it was sad, Ruoxi and 8th Prince's break up was subtle and even a  little uneventful for me. However, in the Kdrama version the whole poisoning plot had so many players involved with alot of emotions going on.  But in the end... that moment when Soo saw WW turn his back on her... NO WORDS had to be said to realize that was the end of that ship.  :vicx: Definitely well played.

Next... I'm wondering how bitter and angry WW's character will get because of this.  There's no doubt that WW still loves HS, but he'll have to jealously watch her fall in love with So (and I can't say I'm not looking forward to that actually...)  I'm sure that is going to eat away at him.  So... I'm wondering what is he going to do next?

1.  Do you think he will try to become crown prince to win HS back (or even force her back to him... because obviously she lost trust in him.)

2.  Or do you think he will completely give up on Soo and try to become crown prince just to spite So? 

3. Or do you even think he will have a hand in arranging YH and So's marriage?  - Maybe something like "If I can't have Soo, then no one can?"  (This would ruin any chances of Soo becoming WS's first wife.) :o  Would he become that cruel to even forsake Soo's own happiness?

I'm just hoping that even though the 2nd male lead's ship is over, his character won't just fizzle out. I am also hoping WW will come back with a vengeance because if not,  it would be a waste of KHN's talent.  WW and WS scenes are just so intense... probably even more so than when WS and WY face off.  It'll be a shame to lose all that. :(


Also... I just love the crown, 13th, and 14th princes' loyalty to Soo.:wub:  In hard times, you really learn who your real allies are.  That was such a touching moment.  I know in the original the 13th and 14th were on different sides, but they always came together when it came to Ruoxi.  I'm so glad I see that in this version. :)

And finally...  there are no new words I can say about WS - this forum has said it all. :wub: Obviously HS will be pretty sad and depressed, but I hope we will get some cute (and even adorkable) moments of seeing WS's attempts to cheer her up.


I like your theory about how WS and YH will get married . WW , YH and evil Queen will somehow find a way to force this marriage. Each of them for his own selfish reason. WW to get revenge from So, who stole HS from him, YW she only has eyes for the throne and wants to be empress and powerful , evil Queen already shares the same ambition as YH and we must not forget that she hates seeing WS happy . She will make everything to make his life miserable and split him and HS apart. Plus she will make sure that WS become a king after Yo. For her what only counts is that one of her sons are taking Goryeo. And when all of these three evil and hell smart people have the same target, which is WS-HS, WS will have it hard to fight all of them and outsmarts them. And also doubt that maybe they will have their tricks and traps to manipulate HS and make her leave WS. :( 

side note: I think the major reason why HS was sent back on time , is to make her realize that being too kind , too emotional and naive  will get you always in trouble and you are not helping anyone with putting people before your own self. She did it with her ex-boyfriend and her best friend. She sacrificed too much to help each one of them. Now even in another era , surrounded by other people, she never knew, keeping acting the same way got her in trouble.  She has to learn it the hard way, that people are not always thankful for putting them first, for being so understanding and patient. She has to learn to put herself first. She has to learn to better judge people based on their actions not the image they gave her. The good and kind Wook is turning his back to her, when richard simmons goes down.  He kept none of his promises and never truly helped her out. When he has to make a choice between his sister and her, he chose his sister and mother without thinking about HS future for a second. He surely resents his sister for putting him in that situation. But I was expecting from the smart Wook to find a way to get HS out of jail, get his sister punished because she actually did wrong and find a way to help out his mother. However he choses the easy way. Sacrificing HS for his family. He is the same Wook that married lady Hae who he never loved as woman, just to save his family. And he is the same Wook that got very angry, when he knew for the first time that he has feelings for HS and that she could be his weak-point. He is the possessive one in my opinion. I bet he mentioned marriage to HS because he doesn't want WS to have her. Out of jealousy after seeing them on the horse and how she told him she will return with WS and not with him. He got really pissed off, because WS is taking something that belongs to him. And he is not willing to witness this once again, that's why he told Jung that he will make sure that  this will never happen again and proposed to HS the same day. I might be really angry at WW right now and seeing him really really as a bastard. Seeing the wise concubine Oh also opposing the marriage of HS ans WW made me believe that this woman has really good ability of judging people and seeing their true colors. She didn't encourage HS to accept the offer. I am so sorry for hating on WW this much :sweatingbullets:

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29 minutes ago, angelflower said:

elurking here after such an intense episode... My eyes will be swollen tomorrow and there will be an ache in my chest...

The haunting song during the deaths of Myung Hee and Oh Sang Gong is the latest OST, Part 9. Had to look it up...


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And here I thought, he's not that ambitious of the throne.. I'm utterly mistaken, guess family knows best.. bottom line is he's not coward, he just doesn't love her enough.. to suffice his hunger of power and thirst of fame.. this is a brilliant scene, YH knows exactly when to penetrate.. not your average villain. even if she's a straight witch, gotta give her some credit she's got more guts than Wook.. I know her drinking the poison intentionally was not entirely for So, but let's be honest if she didn't step up.. So could've died.

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Think its possible next episode will be more uplifting (at least the part where king is assassinated)?

Assuming the drama is following the major events from novel, 


They've already killed off her female relative and her mentor in the palace which had originally happened near the end of the novel. She's been demoted to laundry maid. So, unless they add new misery on top of the novel like YH marrying WS (although in the novel, 4th was already married and there were scenes where it was showed that he only married his wife for political reasons and didn't show her any affection), other than CP and Yo, there should be no more deaths until WS becomes king.


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