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[Drama 2021] Gentleman and Young Lady, 신사와 아가씨


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On 1/1/2022 at 6:18 PM, Rimmy said:

This is NOT it. No matter what Soo chul still cheated so even after cheating you still want Soo chul to stay with DB’s Mum? If he loved DB’s mum he’d never cheat in the first place. I’m puzzled how some of you still want DB’s mum to stay with a cheating man. No one deserves to get cheated on. And I’m not going blame Anna kim either here. All fault likes with Mr park. He couldn’t say No. They both deserve each other Mr park and Anna. They cheated. DB’s mum should stay single instead of staying with a cheater.

i don’t agree with what you have said. You’re essentially saying that Mr park needed to cheat in order for him to realise DB’s mum was the one? No no no thats not how it works. He had 27 years!! 27 years to realise that. A cheater can leave. Idk why some of you are still want DB’s mum to stay with Mr park even after he cheated. He should just stay with Anna.
Both cheaters. Ugh.

I never said I want DB’s mom to stay with her adulterous husband, what I said I hope Mr Park would have realised his real feelings for DB’s mom after meeting his ex again but before sleeping with her. But now the deed is done, even if he finds out who AK really is & hates her to the core, I wouldn’t want him to go back to DB’s mom anymore 

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33회 미리보기 

죽은 줄만 알았던 엄마가 살아있다는 것을 알게 된 단단은 애나에게 엄마의 행방을 찾는 것을 도와달라 부탁하고 수철은 애나에게 하루빨리 떠날 것을 요구한다. 한편, 영국은 단단에게 엄마를 찾는 것을 도와주겠다고 약속하는데...



Episode 33 Preview (translated)


When DanDan finds out that her mother who she thought was dead is alive, she asks Anna to help find her mother.


Su-cheol requests Anna to leave as soon as possible.


Yeong-guk promises to help DanDan find her mother...

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I've been behind a few episodes and just got caught up this weekend. I'm just going to say if folks don't stop making my Dan Dan cry, there are about to be some consequences and repercussions. A sweet girl like her doesn't deserve all of the heartache she's having to endure.

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YG pushing DD away is getting really old. DD really should just leave. Maybe not for the U.S., but seriously, get away from this house for a while and let YG figure his **** out.


I love the older boy, Se-Chan. He is smarter than all the adults combined.


Did NOT enjoy the violence. Even though Anna is awful and Su-cheol has every right to be furious, that was upsetting to see.


But any notion that these two will end up as a couple is out the window!


My prediction is that DD will find out, be upset for a while, and eventually welcome Anna into her life.


Still no idea why they had to tell DD that her father and Yeon-sil committed adultery. It's not even true, and she was an infant, so I don't know why they just didn't tell her Yeon-sil was her mom. Does this make too much sense?


Sara was obviously behaving like a lunatic, but I was genuinely "awwww" when she ran into his arms and cried. Having said that, Gun is basically a saint, putting up with all that from her. And there's more to come! Evil Ex, and Se-Jong's birth secret! So let's see how long he holds out.


I'm glad Se-Jong didn't cry this weekend.

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At this point, it will make no difference to the plot whether YG regains his 3-monts-memory-loss or not.

- The engagement is broken

- Sara is out of the picture

- He's now very much aware of his own feelings

- and DD showed hiw proofs that his 22-year-old self also had feelings for her.

So, I think we're pretty much done with the memory loss track. If anything, it will just throw more shades on Sara's character, and we all know she's shady enough!  


Concerning DD, I saw many comments here and on YouTube asking DD to have some self-respect and to stop going after YG. I, myself, don't mind it at all, I like that she's headstrong, and goes after after what she wants. At least, she's consistent: she behaved the exact same way at the start of their relationship. She went after him and asked him to be honest; and she's doing the same thing now. It's refreshing to see the FL taking the lead and not the other way around. Moreover, YG is very good at drawing the line (Sara must be blind, she couldn't see it), but with DD he keeps giving mixed signals, whether by his actions or his body language. So, yes, I want DD to go after him until he gives a clear response: if he wants her to just be his children's tutor, then he should treat her like so, otherwise, he needs to man up.

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7 hours ago, chickfactor said:

Still no idea why they had to tell DD that her father and Yeon-sil committed adultery. It's not even true, and she was an infant, so I don't know why they just didn't tell her Yeon-sil was her mom. Does this make too much sense?

From what I remember of the beginning the did not tell her that. She just assumed that is what happened. She made up a story in her head where step mom is evil and drove her real mother away due to an affair with her father. It was one thing when she thought that as a little girl, but the fact that she still believes that as an adult is dumb. 

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1 hour ago, youactlikeicare said:

From what I remember of the beginning the did not tell her that. She just assumed that is what happened. She made up a story in her head where step mom is evil and drove her real mother away due to an affair with her father. It was one thing when she thought that as a little girl, but the fact that she still believes that as an adult is dumb. 

I can’t understand why they left her believe this. I mean, why couldn’t they tell her her mom died giving birth or something more plausible? 


Or how about the truth? I mean… 

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51 minutes ago, Min Mcgonagall said:

I can’t understand why they left her believe this. I mean, why couldn’t they tell her her mom died giving birth or something more plausible? 


Or how about the truth? I mean… 

I think they said she died then used the excuse of a fire for the reason why they didn't have any photos. I am not sure if they said she died in the fire. Maybe DD was suspect because of how young she was when step mom started raising her and how fast her father moved on. Either way they tried to tell her it wasn't true but she just refused to believe them. 


I understand not telling her the truth as a child. But as an adult its ridiculous. 

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KBS2’s “Young Lady and Gentleman” reached 36% (Ep.32) which is currently the drama’s highest rating. It was an increase from 32.3% (Ep.31) recorded in the previous episode.

Read more: https://kdramabuddy.com/the-king-of-tears-lee-bang-won-and-young-lady-and-gentleman-record-highest-ratings/#ixzz7HaoSZrO0

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4 hours ago, youactlikeicare said:

From what I remember of the beginning the did not tell her that. She just assumed that is what happened. She made up a story in her head where step mom is evil and drove her real mother away due to an affair with her father. It was one thing when she thought that as a little girl, but the fact that she still believes that as an adult is dumb. 



Yes, that's what I mean. Why did they even tell her that she was her stepmother, and allow her to think that? She even believes that the adultery is the reason her real mother died! And she says this out loud, and no one is allowed to correct her?


It's interesting that Yeong-guk happens to believe the same thing. According to him, his father having an affair with Dae-ran was the reason that his mother died. From heartbreak, I suppose? But at least he witnessed that and knows if that is true.


Mistress = murderer? While I can't defend the mistresses who knowingly sleep with married men, are they responsible if the wife gets sick and dies? What about the husbands who are straying from their marriages? Don't they bear any responsibility?

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I think part of the reason they didn't tell Dan2 than YS was her mom, is that they came from a small town.  Everyone there knew that both Dad and Stepmom were married before.  


In the scene with the neighbor, she even knew that AK had come back to see them that one time.  They could easily say she died later. And I can understand saying she died, because Dad didn't want Dan2 to look for her.  Seeing this last episode, it is obvious he has harbored very deep resentment for AK all this time (I didn't see that before in the flashbacks).  His anger was not just solely because she was trying to get back into their lives.  He's kept it pent up inside.


Like most of you said, I don't understand making YS an adulterer.  I guess they needed a reason why AK left.  My story would have been, she was sick; left for the states for treatment; died there.  Of course the neighbor would have messed that up, since she saw her come back.

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1 hour ago, TheaN said:

I think part of the reason they didn't tell Dan2 than YS was her mom, is that they came from a small town.  Everyone there knew that both Dad and Stepmom were married before.  


In the scene with the neighbor, she even knew that AK had come back to see them that one time.  They could easily say she died later. And I can understand saying she died, because Dad didn't want Dan2 to look for her.  Seeing this last episode, it is obvious he has harbored very deep resentment for AK all this time (I didn't see that before in the flashbacks).  His anger was not just solely because she was trying to get back into their lives.  He's kept it pent up inside.




Oh yeah! Really good points. I didn't think of that.




A few more thoughts about Mi-Suk (Su-cheol's sister):


I've been praising her because she's been pretty low-drama compared to the other shrieking ladies, but she does have some worrisome parts of her personality, now that I think about it.


For example, I thought it was odd that she was so affectionate towards Dae-beom and just kind of ignored DD - because sons are more important that daughters or something? But now that she knows Dae-beom is not Su-cheol's biological son, she seems no longer interested in him and only cares about DD, because blood is the only thing that matters. I don't know... mostly, I'm just worried about how she's going to treat Mi-rim, who NO ONE pays any attention to! It's like she's on her own show.


And of course, there's Su-cheol. He honestly seemed like a good guy. He seemed fair and honest, and truly loved Dae-beom as his own child. But then he slept with Anna, then slapped and choked her... ugh, he no longer seems like a decent person.



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36 minutes ago, chickfactor said:

For example, I thought it was odd that she was so affectionate towards Dae-beom and just kind of ignored DD - because sons are more important that daughters or something? But now that she knows Dae-beom is not Su-cheol's biological son, she seems no longer interested in him and only cares about DD, because blood is the only thing that matters. I don't know... mostly, I'm just worried about how she's going to treat Mi-rim, who NO ONE pays any attention to! It's like she's on her own show.

In Korean culture, sons are seen as more important that daughters historically. Sons carry on the family name while daughters do not. However, when women marry in Korea they do not change their names and continue with their maiden names. When married to have children, the child is registered with the father's last name.


Regarding the whole DD being told her mother is dead fiasco. I can see both sides of the argument but SC should have told DD the truth at some point. I was struck by his statement that how can a parent traumatize their child by telling them the other parent abandoned them. Except, imagine when DD finds out her mother is not dead the trauma that is going to cause? She will be bitter towards both her father and YS for lying to her all those years. She should have been told when she reached adulthood.

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4 hours ago, TheaN said:

I think part of the reason they didn't tell Dan2 than YS was her mom, is that they came from a small town.  Everyone there knew that both Dad and Stepmom were married before.  


In the scene with the neighbor, she even knew that AK had come back to see them that one time.  They could easily say she died later. And I can understand saying she died, because Dad didn't want Dan2 to look for her.  Seeing this last episode, it is obvious he has harbored very deep resentment for AK all this time (I didn't see that before in the flashbacks).  His anger was not just solely because she was trying to get back into their lives.  He's kept it pent up inside.


Like most of you said, I don't understand making YS an adulterer.  I guess they needed a reason why AK left.  My story would have been, she was sick; left for the states for treatment; died there.  Of course the neighbor would have messed that up, since she saw her come back.

Do u remember the neighbor saying that Anna wasn’t normal and thats the reason she left I’m gonna go back and find that

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4 hours ago, chickfactor said:



Oh yeah! Really good points. I didn't think of that.




A few more thoughts about Mi-Suk (Su-cheol's sister):


I've been praising her because she's been pretty low-drama compared to the other shrieking ladies, but she does have some worrisome parts of her personality, now that I think about it.


For example, I thought it was odd that she was so affectionate towards Dae-beom and just kind of ignored DD - because sons are more important that daughters or something? But now that she knows Dae-beom is not Su-cheol's biological son, she seems no longer interested in him and only cares about DD, because blood is the only thing that matters. I don't know... mostly, I'm just worried about how she's going to treat Mi-rim, who NO ONE pays any attention to! It's like she's on her own show.



I like to see what her reaction will be when she finds out that DB is the gigolo and the parasites are her brother’s family she was gossiping about with SaRa and Ki Ja a couple of episodes ago. 

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