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[Drama 2021] The King’s Affection, 연모


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  1. 2. Why do you think Dowager Queen suddenly decided to appoint a body guard for Crown Prince?

    • She is genuinely worried for Lee Hwi after the attempted assassination and wants to ensure her grandson's safety.
    • She wants to have a spy in the Crown Prince's quarters. 
    • She was behind the assassination attempt, wants to cause confusion and political war with it and seize the power at the right time. 
    • Something Else (Please Mention)

Since I’ve missed this poll, I just want to share my pov on this, I’ll choose something else.

I suspected Queen Dowager knows what’s going on within her daughter in law palace. Afterall both twins are her biological grandchildren. What if Hwi didn’t really die, and Dowager queen help hide the injured Hwi, raised & trained him away from the evil maternal grandfather. The evil grandfather thought he had Hwi, the future king in his grasp but instead he only has a princess. And the real Hwi is Gaon, so the Dowager sent him to Dami’s side to protect her as well as taking back his position from her.


  1. 3. Why do you think The King has turned cold towards Lee Hwi?

    • He is disappointed in Lee Hwi seeing how arrogant she has become.
    • He sees Lee Hwi as a threat to his throne, since Lee Hwi's maternal grandfather can anytime plan to replace him with Lee Hwi. 
    • He knows Lee Hwi is a girl. 
    • The Queen has been manipulating him and has turned him against Lee Hwi. 
    • Something Else (Please Mention)

I think guilt overruled his feelings. Everytime he sees the “prince” he probably remembers the daughter he failed to protect, and how broken hearted his late queen was. And of course his present queen has been poisoning him against Lee Hwi


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I'm enjoying the latest episodes so far. I really do hope Kim Ga On doesn't plan to harm the "Crown Prince" and is sincere about protecting her, though the drama is telling us otherwise...i'm excited to learn his backstory and for him to talk more. His acting without talking reminds me of Shin-Ha in Akatsuki no Yona (Yona of the Dawn) anime series. Lol...he uses his actions, not words when the latter is necessary, so the "Crown Prince" and her right hand maid (?) thought he was gonna kill her. LOL.


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 Hello guys. i follow this drama alot and love it so far.


ep 6 really give me tears when dami remember the wish she make in the lake with jiun. it so deep and she knew deep inside no matter how hard she want to outs ji un father for killing her brother she just cant. 


and i must applause ji un to fulfill his first love wish. dont forget that he is a hotshot that can easily get place in palace and can be in ming too. but the reality is he want to cut off with his father ( for his wrongdoing ) and try to live his way with fulfilling the wish he make in the lake.


and ofcourse soeun look like she was attracted to ji un and almost kill him too. i wonder what she will do to get ji un to marry her. i knew it wont be pretty.


and then we still got crown prince wife yet to be introduced to the palace. probably after ming arc happen. and i want to know what will happen with it and how jealous ji un gonna be lmao. 


i must say from my prediction in ming, lee hwi will get trouble with the ming but ji un will save her in the end with his connection to the minister. so lee hwi save ji un from banish. ji un will save lee hwi from the ming. argh cant wait for next week

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I watched both 5th and 6th episode at once so this post will be quite long.


So Hawk Hyun knew DamHwi (my nickname for Dami that's disguised as Crown Prince) is a girl. He is also a cat lover so he got brownie points for that  but he was kinda scary threatening Vole Uncle while smiling. Lol at DamHwi feeling guilty for badmouthing Jiwoon in front of Hyun, his friend. These friends sure are alike to the point liking the same girl without realizing it.


The inspection scenes were so funny especially DamHwi kept blaming Jiwoon for it. The institute/infirmary were quite messy but it's because they were too busy to clean it properly. I hope they do clean up the places after the inspection and maybe Jiwoon should take care of the institute's cleanliness first before his side project of the abandoned place.


DamHwi has 3 men ready to protect her from any danger. Jiwoon with that hug scene, Hyun's smiley threats and Gaon smashing doors and unleashing swords. But she has her own heroic moment when she saved Jiwoon's friends. I also love the gender reversal where Jiwoon admiring DamHwi being cool while holding flowers.


That Gaon being Hwi theory is interesting. I remember watching the scene of the dead body of Hwi disguised as Dami being shown to the evil grandfather felt like an echo of baby Dami's fake death. I also like the cat-and-mouse chase between him and Commander Yoon. Talking about Commander Yoon, I'm curious of his relationship with Inspector Jung which seems to be like frenemies.


Poor Jiwoon! He has to be the royal tutor for only 2 weeks but there are so many obstacles. First with DamHwi rebelling against him and now his friends and his are in danger. So if he really will be banished, how the romance between him and DamHwi will develop?

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Both episodes were pretty interesting, and now things are moving towards the route of political struggles happening in the court. We already see how the Queen is planning to weaken the CP's grandfather's influence in the court, and also how CP went against her grandfather in the case of ML's friends.


While they do show that FL still has got the human side in herself, but honestly, she has been doing the exact thing the grandfather said told her which should be done. Which is killing those who put her position as CP in danger. We have seen how many maids were killed just because they came to know about her identity, and also how she was planning to kill ML for the same. Of course it is not the same thing as grandfather actually intended to say, but what I mean is, this has been happening already. 


Also, I really feel like grandfather does know or at least has got the hint that the CP is actually the twin girl. He is just not doing anything since he has already bet his everything on CP becoming the King. At least that did seem to be the case seeing how he reacted to the uncle's stunt there. Or maybe he was just imposing his authority there. 


But for now, politically speaking, while the grandfather and ML's father are too evil, they are actually the only proper political supporters FL has got in the palace. She wouldn't even be alive right now with them gone since many have got their eyes on the throne and see FL as the obstacle. Dowager Queen also does seem to be on CP's side, and we have seen that she does not really like how the current Queen is meddling in the matters she should not. Not so sure about Dowager Queen's stance here, but I still feel she is genuinely on FL's side. Since if the maternal grandfather is removed, she will be the only proper support left for CP in the palace.


Talking about Kim Ga On, its interesting to see the comments on him being the male twin here. I feel otherwise though for many reasons. Firstly it was ML's father who killed him, and must have made sure that he is dead before allowing commander Yoon take the body. Secondly if the male twin had really survived and sent somewhere far to be treated, I strongly believe that their mother wouldn't bet on FL being the CP and bring him back asap. 


But I do feel that he is related to the CP's tutor who was killed in the first episode. Seeing how he is going after those who he feels had a hand in framing the tutor. I am not so sure but initially to me it felt like he was aiming for the King in the hunting ground, but since FL turned back and saw him, he shot the arrow towards her instead. Still, if he is related to the tutor he could be blaming the CP too for not helping his tutor. For now, to me it seems like he has come close to her to see her stand on this issue rather than attack her. 


What I actually find interesting is how he intentionally gave away his identity to Commander Yoon. Also if we see, even then he was checking on the King. So I think Kim Ga On's ultimate targets are CP's maternal Grandfather and also the King. 


I look forward to the next week, since the previews show that CP's gonna disappoint her father big time doing the right thing actually. I am still curious to know about why he suddenly changed and started treating CP rather badly. This is a 20 episodes long drama, so I expect some serious political conflicts happening. I also liked the fact that they already revealed that 2nd ML knows CP is a girl. 

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I am late but just caught up on the latest episodes. Soooo funny, moving, and so good! I am really impressed by PEB’s acting as Hwi - cool, but kicking CP and yet vulnerable. She strikes a great balance and can portray the dual role so convincingly. I also feel great chemistry between our leads too. I now starting to feel sorry for the second male lead because he doesn’t stand a chance. 

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Okay so I finally got caught up with this show, only to be waiting for next week.


My thoughts are all over the place with this one. I am split on who I think Kim Ga On is. I can see him being related to the CP original tutor, but I can also see him being the true CP. If I have learned anything from dramas it's that when you think you might have an idea sometimes they really throw you for a loop.


Can't wait for next week just to see what happens... honestly I wish it was out all at once just so I could binge it. :please:

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I also just caught up on Ep 5 and 6. Loved all the humor in Ep 5, as all the political machinations get to me after a while. (That's why I have to pace my sageuks!)


The whole - "Lord Jaeun, you must have been in quite the hurry. This hat has no string of beads, which means it should be reserved for someone like me, who looks good in anything." Ha! Cute. And it makes me laugh when the CP and Ji Un are both pouty. 


One thing I really appreciate about this drama is the short flashbacks we have to their childhood days. They didn't drag out the childhood story but kept it to Ep 1 and 2. But we still get to see key scenes from their early days sprinkled throughout the other episodes which I like....they're just telling us what's important when it's important to know.


On 10/26/2021 at 12:12 PM, agenth said:

Even though I enjoy the Prince/Tutor banter, I often think that the way he acts towards Crown Prince is very out-of-line.


@agenth I agree Ji Un is off-protocol in his manner and familiarity with the CP. That seems a bit odd to me, almost like they're bringing modern sensibilities into their Joseon interactions. It doesn't quite fit with the times.


On 10/27/2021 at 10:23 PM, Sleepy Owl said:

But for now, politically speaking, while the grandfather and ML's father are too evil, they are actually the only proper political supporters FL has got in the palace. She wouldn't even be alive right now with them gone since many have got their eyes on the throne and see FL as the obstacle. Dowager Queen also does seem to be on CP's side, and we have seen that she does not really like how the current Queen is meddling in the matters she should not. Not so sure about Dowager Queen's stance here, but I still feel she is genuinely on FL's side. Since if the maternal grandfather is removed, she will be the only proper support left for CP in the palace.


Good points @Sleepy Owl.  The Dowager Queen seems to have a good heart. Hopefully we can see more of her mettle in upcoming episodes. The new Queen is a terrible person. Her son has a kind, pure heart for now, though, always looking up to his hyung the CP.

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Dang. This is why I could NOT live in the Joseon period. All the protocol and the coddling of big atrocious babies. The ending was spectacular even though she's going to get a verbal lashing from the King now.


I do love to see Crown Princes and Kings be smart and clever against all the political manipulation though (a la Moon Embracing the Sun and Love in the Moonlight). She was wonderful in testifying in front of the Court and saving Ji Un and his friends. Why are all of the Prime Ministers/ Left Councilors always so evil, though?! @Sleepy Owl are there any sageuks where the Prime Ministers AND the King are good? :)


Now that we know that Jaeun knows that the CP is a girl, all the sad gazes he gives her when she's thinking fondly of Ji Un are heartbreaking!


Also... the actress who plays Ji Un's mom looks about the same age as him. At first I thought she was a sister. :lol:

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I just noticed Dami is wearing the ring Hyun gave to her in the show's official poster! (I wonder how that will play out since we know Ji-un and Dami shared a moment with lotus flowers instead).


And can I just say that the envoy from Ming (forgot his name) really acts a villain well! I remember watching him from other shows but this time, wow, I was really pissed at his character so he really did it well.

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I just finished watching episode 7 when episode 8 is already out.


i love how DamHwi secretly investigated the case and turned the tables making the accusers the accused instead. Even her next role is a lawyer lol. Thankfully Jiun and his friend went scot-free and Jiun even stays as royal tutor at his own free will. Lol at him keeps giving DamHwi praises and twisting the meaning of her Ice Prince nickname into something good. I love the gender reversal of the scene of DamHwi saving Jiun from falling into the pond.


I actually like the chemistry between Jiun and Soeun. I wouldn't mind watching a different drama with them as the main couple. Anyway, it can't beat the first love chemistry of DamHwi and Jiun. I love seeing DamHwi being jealous of Soeun. Miss don't worry, the flowers are for you, you just need to wait for the big picture to be completed.


The Korean envoy from Ming is a certified a**hole. Oversensitiveness and violence are a dangerous combo. I can't even imagine how he behaves back in Ming if he's already like that at a foreign place. It's interesting how they implied a deeper backstory for him with that knife. I think I can already guess what it is, the girl probably died and that's what motivated him to succeed in Ming.


The cheek kiss in the preview :wub: Another thing, when will they introduce No Hakyung properly?

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