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The special episode, Mouse: Restart, aired today instead of episode 11!


This clip is Bong Yi Interview and they talk about how fans are calling Ba Reum and Bong Yi, BaBong Couple :D



More clips from Bong Yi's interview



So cute how the actor of Kang Duk Soo and Bong Yi are seen together. He says he doesn't want to appear because he'll get cursed at because of his character XD but he mentioned how it's hard for him to act as Kang Duk Soo and practices his script alone only, in the car, because of his character. We all know the actors are nothing like their characters and sweet in real life. Fighting to Kang Duk Soo actor! :hooray2:


Viewers burning questions about who the serial killer is. Is Jung Ba Reum Jae Hoon or is Yo Han Ba Reum? Is Shin Sung a psychopath? Actors of course don't give any spoilers XD Oh but the actor of Yo Han said that he believes that Yo Han is Jae Hoon but he said he isn't sure haha..



Discussion about Lee Seung Gi playing Ba Reum



Actors choose their favorite endings of the drama!


Last words of the actors :)



Overview of each character in Mouse!







More videos about Ba Reum haha






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Okay I just finished watching episode 9 and 10 (Yeah a little late with the episodes :sweatingbullets:) and I am more and more leaning towards Ba Reum being the 7 sins killer (I'm like leaning more towards 75% BR now). I like what @Gamechanger11 said about psychopath living double identities, how Head Hunter seemed all nice and kind, but in reality he killed people for brain experiments. Woo Hyung Cheol was a seemingly nice lawyer and husband but he killed woman who would be "lustful". And now Ba Reum seemed like an innocent, naive, but nice police officer...


Ugh I really don't want BR to be the 7 sins killer but at this point the drama is slowly foreshadowing it is him (unless this is all of the writers GRAND PLAN and she has another twist for us where neither Yo Han OR Ba Reum is the killer and it's completely someone else. But I don't think that's the case because the memories that BR is seeing wouldn't make sense, plus the drama seems to be trying to convince the viewers that Yo Han is the culprit).


I'm thinking that Yo Han most likely found out that Ba Reum is really the Head Hunter son and he's behind all of the killings with the 7 sins victims, which is why he tried to kill Ba Reum. He lived all his life believing that he was HH's son but in reality he wasn't and BR is out there killing victims so that's why he started to kill him with the hammer. That's probably why Yo Han had a whole bunch of photos of him...? Gosh but the way Ba Reum acted before his accident seemed genuine and real.. Plus he immediately went back to his house (knowing that Bong Yi was there) after seeing his photos in Yo Han's basement. Would the reason why he rushed back is because of Bong Yi? (BTW that TREE at Ba Reum's old house, super suspicious! There must be SOME evidence under there)


As of right now, I think there are 4 people that have the psychopath gene:


- Head Hunter's son (Yo Han or Ba Reum)

- The woman that Ji Eun (HH wife) met (unknown)

- Woo Hyung Cheol (confirmed)

- Official child, the one that voted against finding the psychopath gene (unknown)


One thing that stood out to me in episode 9/10 is when Ba Reum said that the person beating up someone doesn't necessarily have to be the killer. Hmmm so is that hinting at the possible fact of TWO KILLERS? I mean the whole serial killer with the women is found to be Woo Hyung Cheol, but we still don't know who the 7 sins killer is OR the new "Yo Han" copycat killer. So does that mean that Yo Han or Ba Reum beat up the boxer guy but the new "Yo Han" copycat killer is someone else?


Something else that really confuses me is WHO KILLED BONG YI'S GRANDMA?? Like the show made it seem like it's Yo Han since Yo Han was following her, but then we see at the end of episode 10 that BR has the memory of stabbing her with the pipe. LIKE WHY... I feel so bad for Bong Yi if Ba Reum killed her grandma and I really hope this isn't the case. Do you guys think that BA REUM killed Bong Yi's grandma?


PS.. This thread kind of got quiet the last couple of days? haha

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OMG Daniel  is a live I think 


The video, explaining  that the lawyer  body was missing , BR turn himself  to the police and said he killed him but the body was messing and they treat him as crazy or it was his imagination  , in the video BR want to give himself  on  again when the phone come , it Daniel offering him to tell him the true but ask him to come alone and to not tell the true to anyone 




I know that he was involved  on all this mess but I though he was involved  on the past, on the DNA  results  fabric  and maybe also treating  all the child as live experiences  as I said before  they was a living paradises  to any one who work  on that filed 

And after known that HHS was doing experience  on rats and people  and he send the rats  with his experience surgery  to Daniel,   I asked why Daniel  who mostly figured  up the reason behind the killing after seeing the rats  didnt say the true to police  

So I suspect  or  he continues HHS  work ( steal it) or made a deal with HHS or that simple  he didnt want HHS  to get created  for his monster  work


As I said I know that he was involved  on all the mess in big time but I though that was in the past but to find out that he was still a live , that he still keeping eyes  on them :surprisedwut:

So let summary  the political  people  were involved  on Daniel  experiment  all a long 

Daniel  really treat those baby's  as living experiences  , they all maybe had the gene but we should consider  the chance he fabric  some of them 


He was  testing the natural  and the environment  so yeh he maybe involved  on fabric some of them to see the effect  of believe  you a monster and the effect  of people  who your family accept  or reject  you 


And yeh now we need to he ready to another crazy things, Daniel  adding to all what I said above maybe was involved  on the stress switch  on the kids, making them in propose  going into some stress and some bad environment  to test how that will effect  them 


We have another crazy person who maybe was toying with the lives of all the children  in past and now to get results  

A man that maybe was  the reason  why we get so many serious  killers here 

Be prepared  my friends  we maybe found that all this was Daniel  fault  


The question  if he still on the experience, still with the government  or he want to stop it somehow  that why he fabric  his death, maybe he and YH was working on solving this ( no I am trying to think he maybe change his mind that to late dear we have to much pain cause of you till now) 


I should know the moment  the government  were so interested  on his death investigate  that he was still involved  with them 


Edit; as a I said before child abuse  the most I can't forget  I though I need later to talk about how much child abuse  were showing in this drama, but now we have another level  of it ( I am not blaming  the drama for showing how on reality  there  a really so much child abuse  and the affection of that on their life, and now the drama showing another level treating kids as experienced rats  

Edited by nona88
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1 hour ago, nona88 said:

OMG Daniel  is a live I think 



OMG i did not see that coming, but silly me, every episode is trying to shock us so it should not surprise me.

This makes more anxious for next episode!.


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Are we sure it’s Daniel?  Is it someone else?  There was another guy in the beginning who let Daniel use his lab when he flew into Korea?  The one who brought the parcel with the mice from HH?





Daniel helped him a lot way back in England?  When he was with HH in Cambridge?  Is he the guy that bumped into BR?



Something else that really confuses me is WHO KILLED BONG YI'S GRANDMA?? Like the show made it seem like it's Yo Han since Yo Han was following her, but then we see at the end of episode 10 that BR has the memory of stabbing her with the pipe. LIKE WHY... I feel so bad for Bong Yi if Ba Reum killed her grandma and I really hope this isn't the case. Do you guys think that BA REUM killed Bong Yi's grandma?

Officer SS.  Not YH.  BR found grandma first, knelt by her body.  Then he spots YH in the corner of his eye and gives chase.  If YH killed Grandma, why would he punch BR?  He had a knife/pole - I thought it was a knife but it looks like it was a pole now?  He could’ve easily killed him or at least tried to kill him to get rid of a witness?  YH ran because he thought BR was the killer and was chasing him to kill him (YH).   Officer SS does very strange things.  He is trying very hard to frame YH and now BR (who has YH’s brain :expressionless:).  He acts all clueless but he’s actually smart.  Remember how serial killers have dual personalities?  Like HH and HyungChul?  YH didn’t have that duality.  He’s not our killer.  Is it BR then?  I doubt it.  He doesn’t have that duality either?  He retches and looks shocked when he’s investigating the HH’s lair.  When he was on his own?  He didn’t need to look shocked?  He could be himself during those times when he is battling his inner demons or investigating on his own.  

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1 hour ago, nrllee said:

Are we sure it’s Daniel?  Is it someone else?  There was another guy in the beginning who let Daniel use his lab when he flew into Korea?  The one who brought the parcel with the mice from HH?

It Daniel  I think from the actor voice I know it him   but everything  can happen  we  should be ready for everything  and the most we should be ready for is the truth  of jae hoon I think even with all what we know and think happen and will happen   we still can get shocked  by the truth of jae hoon story 

I think it all was planned  from the start and if BR  is jae hoon then all his family were involved  somehow  in Daniel  test or did do something  with him 

 Again I still dont think that jae hoon killed his family he maybe trun to be a killer later , but his family  murderer  i think someone  else involved  


And if jae hoon is the 7 sin killer I am double  that he really only kill them fir the sins thing I think he has another reason specially  the boxer 

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2 hours ago, nrllee said:

Officer SS.  Not YH.  BR found grandma first, knelt by her body.  Then he spots YH in the corner of his eye and gives chase.  If YH killed Grandma, why would he punch BR?  He had a knife/pole - I thought it was a knife but it looks like it was a pole now?  He could’ve easily killed him or at least tried to kill him to get rid of a witness?  YH ran because he thought BR was the killer and was chasing him to kill him (YH).   Officer SS does very strange things.  He is trying very hard to frame YH and now BR (who has YH’s brain :expressionless:).  He acts all clueless but he’s actually smart.  Remember how serial killers have dual personalities?  Like HH and HyungChul?  YH didn’t have that duality.  He’s not our killer.  Is it BR then?  I doubt it.  He doesn’t have that duality either?  He retches and looks shocked when he’s investigating the HH’s lair.  When he was on his own?  He didn’t need to look shocked?  He could be himself during those times when he is battling his inner demons or investigating on his own.

Oh that does make sense. What's with the flashback that BR has then with someone stabbing grandma with the pole? :huh: Could it be that YH witnessed someone stab the grandma then? Hmm how come you think it's Officer Shin?


@nona88 OMG so Daniel is alive! I didn't really expect that coming... Although I did think it was strange how they killed off Daniel so fast. So Daniel is going to meet BR and will Daniel tell him everything then? Hmm so the person that attacked Daniel though, was that BR? I also recognize that is Daniel from the voice.

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28 minutes ago, ferily said:

Oh that does make sense. What's with the flashback that BR has then with someone stabbing grandma with the pole? :huh: Could it be that YH witnessed someone stab the grandma then? Hmm how come you think it's Officer Shin?

Yes I think YH witnessed it.  Officer Shin has been shifty right from the beginning (he’s the 7sins killer).  He’s the Assemblyman’s son - the one who voted against the Bill to abort babies with the psychopath gene.  I think he has the gene too.  He destroyed evidence (the coffee stick).  That coffee stick was in a ziplock bag on MC’s table.  It wasn’t just sitting there on MC’s table waiting to be used.  What detective do you know decides to take the coffee stick out of a ziplock bag and use it up?  He keeps tipping HJ off as well in the beginning with the cases.  Why?  He rings MC about Daniel’s case and asks him to help him with the investigation.   He’s always yanking their chains.  Then most recently, he does this.


He’s on the phone with BR.  His desk phone rings and he picks that up, all the time still keeping BR on the line (so BR overhears everything he says)


SS - O hey.  A murder case?  Okay I’ll be right there.

(he hangs up the phone.  Then he mutters to himself out loud so BR can hear it because he’s still on the line)

SS - did he really resurrect or what?  He’s always claimed himself as the deity.  
(he puts his hand phone to his ear and returns to talking to BR)

SS - Hey Officer Jung.  YH’s MO was found at a murder scene. 
BR - His MO?

SS - the finger and the cross.

Why would he do that?  He keeps doing this consistently all the time.  Leading them on.  Suggesting things.  Feeding them information.  That’s someone who is likely to be leading a dual life.  Acting stupid and careless in front of others but in reality knows exactly how to control their thoughts and actions by seeding information into their minds. Who would suspect poor Inspector Nepo (I don’t know why MC calls him Nagasaki? San...it sounds like it’s a derogatory term?).  Edward Norton was playing the poor helpless choir boy who was abused and he fooled everyone in Primal Fear.  He changed right at the very end and revealed himself to his lawyer.

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On 4/3/2021 at 8:01 AM, Avocado80 said:

Have you seen the BTS of Mouse in Youtube?

in that BTS, there is a scene when BY fight with the killer..
And although the face is blurred, but I think it is not LSG..I think it looks like Kwon Ha Woon (YH)..
Hmm..is it possible that???? How do you think guys?

Oh yeah, definitely good catch there.

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I am not surprise that Daniel is alive..I think we in this forum also have discussed this chance..considering that his body has not found yet and also becoz all of this matters (the gene, the brain things) were begun with HH and Daniel so..both of them will have very significant role in this drama. There is no use if this character is being killed in the early stage of the drama..
Someone post the video that man in black who strangled Daniel in the amusement park is just look alike BR.. If Daniel is not died so BR is not killed him, yeyeyeye..my level of hope that BR is not the 7sins increasing again :) 



Regading the man beside Daniel, I think he was Daniel counterpart who was the husband of pregnant woman with psycho gene's baby (who died in car accident..hmm...I think it is not real accident becoz he knew many things so maybe someone shut him up)

Actually, I am glad that BR is not, by real evidence that we have seen until now, a killer. :bashful:This is very important to me..  because if he really kills WHC, so my hoping that  BR is not the 7sins of SK will be sunk and there will be no way back for him..
But they can't find WHC body..so it could be that  that he is still alive somewhere..
And in the video BR is trying so hard to give him in because he is afraid do some harm to anybody ..Hmm..if he is real psycho he will not doing that (there is also a possibility that YH good brain changes his behaviour :tounge_wink:)


Yes.. it is also possible that Daniel is behind all of this. Based on my assumption, there should be someone or some group of people behind all of this. After the missing of WHC body, it is possible that the brooch and necklace are not in BR imagination. Someone hides those things same as with WHC. Detective Shin, is it you??:coolshades:

I am just curious. This is not a pre production drama, is it possible that the writer nim change the story if the netizen seems to be able to predict the mistery?? hmmm...  


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1 hour ago, Avocado80 said:

Regading the man beside Daniel, I think he was Daniel counterpart who was the husband of pregnant woman with psycho gene's baby (who died in car accident..hmm...I think it is not real accident becoz he knew many things so maybe someone shut him up)


The mouse incident happened after the ladies met in the hallway of Daniel’s office.  The husband of the other lady who was pregnant (who we later see as a nurse and assume is BR’s mother) was already dead.   The very next scene we see HH reading a paper in jail which talks about how the little girl’s body was found and also how Daniel was back in Korea for a visit.  And he sees a mouse trying to escape the facility.  That’s when we see this new lab guy who brings the parcel with the mice into the lab.  He’s not BR’s dad.

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1 hour ago, nrllee said:


The mouse incident happened after the ladies met in the hallway of Daniel’s office.  The husband of the other lady who was pregnant (who we later see as a nurse and assume is BR’s mother) was already dead.   The very next scene we see HH reading a paper in jail which talks about how the little girl’s body was found and also how Daniel was back in Korea for a visit.  And he sees a mouse trying to escape the facility.  That’s when we see this new lab guy who brings the parcel with the mice into the lab.  He’s not BR’s dad.

Yes it happen after 5 year in the same time with the kid in yellow  scenes so it not the husband of the pregnant wife ( if there wasnt a twist and he  work to the government  in secret  lap and he and them fake his death:joy:


But that more suspicious  why HHS took 5 years to send that to Daniel   

Daniel  looked so surprised  and scary from the rats in that scene , but later we found that he was the one catching rats for HHS on US so what scare him was the message  behind that gift 


I think HHS send that after 5 years cause he found out what Daniel was doing 

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2 minutes ago, nona88 said:

But that more suspicious  why HHS took 5 years to send that to Daniel

Because Daniel went back to England.  And he only returned to Korea then.  HH read it in the newspaper that Daniel was back and that’s why he sent the mice.  He couldn’t have sent it if Daniel was in England.  The mice wouldn’t have survived.  There were 2 in the parcel.  One jumped out and ran away, the other stayed in the parcel.  How did it just end up in front of the kid with the yellow raincoat like that?  

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BaBong couple, fighting..  

She is smart and capable. The police didnt inform her that the man was in her neighborhood. 

I feel sorry when the store owner told her that.  




He looks so handsome in that  olive shirt..  



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8 hours ago, nrllee said:

(I don’t know why MC calls him Nagasaki? San...it sounds like it’s a derogatory term?)

낙하산 / nak-ha-san (slang) = (lit. parachute) someone who gets hired or promoted through the influence of a high-ranking official


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Please tell me it was the rapist he killed and he's dragging down that road?


Whoever hit Moochi must be from HH's experiment (the mark on the side of his palm) or that Lil kid who admired JH when they were Lil & became an accomplice or is working for Daniel Lee.

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