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[Drama 2020] The Flower of Evil, 악의 꽃


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39 minutes ago, Jillia said:

@sal2 @Madu Mita

Looks like it was a red herring. Baek Hee Sung is using psychological tricks to scare people which is... I guess even worse because it shows he is capable of something like that.

well he's capable biting off the ear of the driver, even though it was "self defense" I didn't see 'normal' people would bite ears off, at least not many movies/dramas show it.

Some movies show psychos cut ears and eat them with knives etc, but bite directly.. it was unexpected.... LOL... (I wonder if the writers is a psychopath.... )

Anyway, my point is, I think BHS is a ADP/psychopath to some extent, but it doesn't mean he is a serial killer or a regular killer, yet...

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30 minutes ago, Jillia said:

OMO! Baek Hee Sung will be SHOOK'd when Ji Won wants to catch Do Hyun Soo.



He suddenly gulp. Anxious much. I'm bothered by the sexiness of his Adam's apple.




I was touched by this moment. 



















... and suddenly when unstable hubby called his wifey 'NOONA'





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4 minutes ago, Mona Ys said:

well he's capable biting off the ear of the driver, even though it was "self defense" I didn't see 'normal' people would bite ears off, at least not many movies/dramas show it.

Some movies show psychos cut ears and eat them with knives etc, but bite directly.. it was unexpected.... LOL... (I wonder if the writers is a psychopath.... )

Anyway, my point is, I think BHS is a ADP/psychopath to some extent, but it doesn't mean he is a serial killer or a regular killer, yet...

 Makes it easy for reaserch I suppose.... then we would have a genuine account on psycopaths

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AHHHH EPISODE5 killing me is the sister a killer?:cries::wut:




Edited by MinLyn
Please kindly note that the fourth image onwards will have to be put in a spoiler tag. Thanks.
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Eunha calling Hyun So appa as a baby though:heart2beat:

@Kdrama, if she is ,why is she not suspected ,since has not changed her identity?

Hee Sung seems to have only nice memories of her though and remembers her in his comotose state. From the trailer, we see her flinching when someone drops a jam/wine , which makes me wonder if she has trauma too. Maybe her work is a way of overcoming trauma for her. She can create blood and dead bodies but she get surprised when something similar appears out of nowhere.

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I think the drama is so interesting as the lead characters are so complex. I don't think Cha Ji Won will become the typical long suffering female character, stoically accepting her husband's betrayal. From the beginning, she is already quite atypical for a female character in a drama; she is not particularly maternal, is career driven, and if the restroom scene with the social worker shows anything, it's that she retaliates strongly when provoked. I feel that after finding out the extent of HS's betrayal, she will try to destroy him/drive him off the ledge, which will be heart breaking, but i am excited to watch that as its really refreshing for a female character to take on this type of trajectory. 


I am also very curious about what role the real baek hee sung plays in the story. It feels like its going to be super unpredictable. Things must have really escalated fast for the situation to go from car crash to identity theft. Maybe he is a killer himself and made use of his father's hospital to hide bodies of people he killed, therefore even his own parents feel that he should be subdued. And I have a feeling Hyun Soo ended up being one of his victims who survived and he cleverly used that as collateral to gain his new identity. 

I think it would be really interesting if the story unfolds to uncover all the different traumas hyun soo managed to overcome, only to reveal that the one opponent he couldn't survive from was Cha Ji Won, the wife he will realize he loves dearly. It will be tragic story telling of the highest level. 


Also, i cannot wait for the bts for ep 5, the scene in the tank feels like a terrifying scene to film. I dont think the actor was really tied down, but having the water rise above you like that and having to film several takes of the same scene in different angles must have been a challenging sequence to perform. 


Lastly, shout out to the soundtrack, the violin refrain has been stuck in my head for weeks.

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I think in the next few episodes, CJW will trap BHS in his own game and force him to reveal the truth. Though I do anticipate her being angry, this is a melodrama (as the director himself said). They wouldn't be showing flashbacks of the couple falling in love if this wasn't a love story. So I don't think she will remain untrusting of him the entire time. I do think she will team up with him and help him clear his name. 


I am looking forward to him being his true self around her, not this fake happy go lucky guy. I like the dark, gritty side of him better. I think we will be in for a treat when we see his true thoughts and feelings towards her. I can already sense that he cares about her and he is protective over his life with her. That is an excellent start cause his protectiveness will also extend to her. 

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They look so lovey dovey, I just start the first episode and it already looks amazing.

The plot looks great and the chemistry between the characters are strong! You can tell by looking at their eyes that there are some genuine feelings, even though he doesn't know what feeling is, I can see he is trying his best to be the person his daughter and wife wants to see.


Some might say he is a faker but actually he is trying his best not to be normal but to show his love to his family. 


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watching ep 5 & am i the only one who's annoyed with that reporter? i know he's trying to save his skin bc of LJG's charac but he's still v annoying at least for me


i think JW will soon uncover her husband's big secret & how long can she try to conceal that is quite interesting to know! this is quite interesting drama!


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What is the actual lie that Hyun So tells?


That he is the village foreman killer or that he was his father’s alibi in the Mi Sook case. 

Or is he telling the truth in both cases? 

I don’t think he’s lying, to moojin especially.

49 minutes ago, Jillia said:

So Hae Soo entered a prestigious art school and the look she gave the reporter when he told her she could her face proudly because she is pretty.... WOW! She is almost made of ice.



She is used to being on the run and hiding since her father is also a serial killer. Her identity haunts and like Hyun So she didn’t change it.

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5 hours ago, lightbringer06 said:

"I always thought that I was lucky to have met you. But.... for the first time, I'm thinking you should've never met me. Yes, I finally know what it means. I'm.... sorry."


Man, that contrast at the ending of episode 5, HS feeling sorry for JW while she is desperately trying to revive him. 


Strangely, when HS's father started to turn his back and started walking away after HS pleads for him to go, I kinda felt sad. It's like when someone is always there for you and watching over you but then you tell them you're already okay so they don't need to. Idk, the feelings and the music kind of fit right at that moment. Do Min Seok is still a mystery so I really don't know what to feel about him yet.


To all confused about Hae Soo, yes, she is a dark character. The actress herself said so during their Kakaotalk interview that her character is dark, and of all her previous roles, this is the darkest so far. I thought the father was creepy but after this, Hae Soo is creepier. Imagine your older sister giving you something that belongs to a victim and says it'll bring you luck and you kept it all these years, yikes ~ !


I love how aggressive Ji Won was about confessing her feelings for HS in the past. Always nice when a girl initiates esp. if the other party is someone as clueless as HS ... or is he? Totally love it when she said, "You don't see yourself in the way that I see you."


And didn't anyone feel like the ending of Ep. 5 feels like it's the final episode... LOL.. with all that present and future scenes that are about to happen. But I love how they put those scenes plus the OST ~~~



I'm with you on this lightbringer06. I can totally relate with Cha Ji Won here. Plus why would Do Hae So give her brother that key chain to bring him luck...more like bad luck because he keeps getting blamed for everything.

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Still need to watch the episode with subs, but..... 

I love Cha Jiwon. What an amazing female character we have here.

Even after finding out the truth, after being lied to for years, feeling betrayed in a way I can't even imagine, she is still giving him chances, she will dig his past to understand him, his condition, and why he did it. I think after she finds more information about him, she will end up helping to clean his name... I hope.

Her mental state is crazy, to endure all alone, to stay by his side. 


Like I posted before, we will see her taking him to Do Hyunsoo's abandoned house, while he has no clues she knows. It's when that confrontation scene is going to happen, and I'm a little worried about the outcome of that, being honest. Having your husband almost choking you,,, 


I particularly think Hyunsoo changed over the 14 years they know each other, even tho he don't noticed that, he became more "humane" because of her. "I will teach you everything you need to know", and she did. I want them to realize that. He was never the monster people said he was, and right now he is far from that.


The pace of this drama is just ughhh Chef kiss!!! I'm glad we are already seeing them having all these dramas now, and not as a closing rushed thing. Love it. 

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@Madu Mita That is called a sexual or inappropriate comment, that creepy reporter made a careless speech that she should showed her face cause she's very pretty and that puts her off.  If you understand the meaning, you would know that is an advance move


It might hint what happen in her past too as she was visibly put off with that comment.  

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I just finished episode 6 with subs and OH MY GOD!!!! MIC DROP!!!




The plot twist I didn’t see coming was JW finding about DHS identity so early in the game. I was expecting the writer would tease us with a near revelation every week until the very end. This changes the tone of drama and I’m ready for it. We all suspected JW wasn’t just a sweet and dumb wife we were supposed to believe. And now we’re uncovering the layers of her personality. I totally got chills when she said at the end of episode 6 she was going to investigate DHS herself and would determine how heavy punishment he deserves for betraying her. Oh she’s definitely going to take her revenge against DHS. 

I find it ironic that the moment DHS realised he actually loved her is the moment she stopped trusting him and now he’s going to have to work real hard to both clear his name and prove his sincere feelings to her. He always felt lucky to meet her - she was the one who chased his hallucinations away and he used her to both stay hidden from his father and from the law. But when he saw the depth of her love for him, the desperation in saving his life, he realised he felt guilty for deceiving her, he felt sorry for betraying her... And if he felt guilty for hurting her... it must mean he has deep feelings for her.


It’s so heartbreaking to see JW thinking he never cared about her. When she yelled at him that he would never understand how tormenting those past 10 days were (because she thinks it’s only the one-side love), my heart ached for her.

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10 minutes ago, jazz85 said:

flower of evil 

|| Episode 6 Ratings || Nationwide 3.615 Seoul 4.030



wow congratulation they always number 1,..this rating is high when it comes to the late time.


So happy for themmmm!! Next target is to get it on Netflix and good appreciation award.


Watching episode 6 yesterday and I found myself so hard after putting Jiwon situation on me. Literally Jiwon is so smart and will not easily influence by the media and others. This is much heartbreaking to know that their relationship wont be as good as before but Jiwon need to pretend for the sake of Eunha


This story is so emotionally and physically intense and I would like to praise the director and writer for a such good drama! Not forgotten all the casts and crews. Let’s screwed us up until the end. Hehe

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CJW is really an amazing character. I just watched EP 6 with subs and I am blown away. She figures out that BHS is DHS and she STILL defends him, she was STILL worried about him and she STILL genuinely cares about him. I have a good feeling about her. I think she will get him to confess the truth, and though she may be angry for a bit, I feel like she will come around to help him clear his name. The only crime he has committed is the murder of the village foreman, and I am sure that was done in self- defence (seems like he may have tried to rape his sister or something).


She wants to keep an open mind and give him a chance as she is confident that man that people are describing and the man that she has known for 14 years cannot be the same. 


Here is another observation I have made. He loves her and his daughter. Not much terrifies BHS, I saw that during his torture scene, he is not afraid of death, but he is terrified of losing his life as BHS. I think BHS is unable to recognize his own feelings of love because it doesn't match the typical feelings of love that others have. I also feel like his father may have driven it into him that he is not capable of love. 

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hello to all FOEs here, i may be watching too fast or i may be too slow but bear with me y'all! i need some clarity plzzzz pretty plzzzz :)


why is Kim ji hoon's character also baek hee sung? is LJG's charac his brother? sorry but i'm still in the dark LOLs is he the real son's killer? woah i'm quite baffled hahaha




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