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[Drama 2020-2021] Hospital Playlist, 슬기로운 의사생활 - Season 1 & 2


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If in the unlikely event that the writer does pull a twist for a twist sake... or for shock factor... ;) you can be sure that I will never watch anything written by her again. Nor will I be watching the second season of Hospital Playlist. Because to me that is a mark of bad, lazy writing. A cheap move of bait and switch. It would be like Mr Bingley marrying Miss Darcy at the end of Pride and Prejudice. Or Mr Darcy ending up with Jane Bennet. I, however, have more respect for the writer than that. 


I want to preface what I say next by insisting that I have no agenda. I'm not here to promote one pairing above another. All I'm interested in is analysing what's going on the show itself and coming up with conclusions that fit the facts. I'm not here to start fights or a war. In fact, I'm hoping to avert one.


As far as I'm concerned... from everything I saw in Episode 9... the WinterGarden duo, as well as Song-hwa and Chi-hong are a done deal. Something's changed and it all happened under the radar. I've talked a lot about the WinterGarden duo already so I won't go there in this post. That Song-hwa and Chi-hong are already an item is clear to me from two scenes. Not just from a bit of physical contact here and there in the ER. The first indication is when Chi-hong talks to Ik-jun about Ik-sun's previous relationship. At the end of the recounting, CH assures IJ that he and IS are just really good friends. When prompted CH stresses strongly that he doesn't just admire SH but likes her. IJ catches that. Then CH mentions that he knows that they have a band practice on that day. But the kicker is this. He asks for permission to attend a session in future. Why would he (knowing that he isn't the presumptuous type) unless he feels close enough to SH to ask for that kind of access to something that only a tightly-knit group have. This indicates to me that he is a lot closer to SH than anyone realises. It is also in part a backhanded confession to IJ that he is now dating SH. IJ knows it and tries to deflect it with some rigmarole about SH and fanboys. The restaurant scene at the end only confirms it. In fact, the restaurant scene at the end shows that they have been together for a while by that time so he can take liberties with her. It's definitely not their first outing together. I personally think that CH is a good choice for SH not just because he is a nice reliable man with very little ego. But they actually have a fair bit in common. They both seem to enjoy the outdoors and with his military background, he is used to roughing it out in the wild I'm sure. 


No big declarative moment. Very low key. Just a couple of quick glimpses that these two people are together. 


Why? Because after everything's said and done, the show wants to celebrate friendship above romance. That friendship is a good, great thing. That it can, under the right circumstances transcend romance. Unlike much of the audience, the show actually believes that men and women can be friends in the phileo kind of way. Non-sexual, fraternal and familial. We should take our cue from Jun-wan when he said to Professor Jang after the latter accuses him of protecting SH with ulterior motives. What did Jun-wan say in response? "You are so old fashioned." 


In Episode 9 the show presented many scenes between SH and IJ. Why? I very much doubt it is setting up some kind of love triangle. That would be inconsistent with the tone of the drama. I contend that it is because the show wants to celebrate the lifelong friendship between a man and woman who don't have any romantic baggage between them. It may be that IJ has more feelings for SH than just friendship but the reality is that SH values him as a friend first and foremost. And what's wrong with that? Whatever latent feelings IJ might have for SH, ultimately he values what they have already. He is certainly not shy about bragging about his own popularity. Many have observed quite correctly that SH and IJ are being paralleled with Jong-su and Rosa. So what do those two pairs have in common? They are lifelong best friends of the opposite sex. 


Jong-su and Rosa were married to other people. They obviously grew up together if they have been besties for 65 years. But they didn't marry each other. We also know that Jong-su was truly devoted to his wife for 45 years. So much so that he barely left her side for the final weeks of her life.  Now that she's gone, they're still friends supporting each other through all kinds of situations. It's really sweet. Jong-su is ailing as we can see. His children have their own lives and they keep busy. He doesn't get a lot of time with them. But he has Rosa... and now he's even becoming friends with Seok-hyeong's mother because of Rosa. They are building their own senior's friendship group. Notice too that they are all spouseless now.


Unlike us, the show doesn't obsess with lovelines. What the show challenges us to do is think outside the box in that regard. Romance is well and good but there is no price tag on a lifelong friendship that has survived divorces, biological family feuds, adultery, crushes, mistakes, deaths, loss and failed romances. The Fab Five know that even if their personal, individual trajectories so haywire from time to time, they can always rely on one another for support. These people are a kind of family away from family. What they have is far, far greater than any romance. It is built over the crucible of time and has withstood the test of time. 


So when the writer and PD tell us that this show is really about friendship, they're not lying. It is primarily about friendship. That's why all the best scenes of the drama are of the Five eating, chatting, confiding and gossiping. That's why even when people crave for more from their lovelines, they seemingly only get bread crumbs. Because what the drama values above all is the friendship not just among the Fab Five. 

These are other friendships highlighted in the drama in recurring fashion:

1) Gyeo-ul and Min-ha

2) The NS residents -- CH, YM and SB

3) NS residents and Jae-hak

4) Jun-wan and Jae-hak

5) Rosa and Jong-su

6) Ik-sun and Chi-hong

7) Dr Bong and the Five

8) Ik-jun and Gyeo-ul


As I've always said, we should take our cue from where the show places its emphasis. Romance only really makes up 5-10% of each episode. If that. So we should conclude that romance isn't a priority for the drama but a peripheral matter. Of course romance has its place because human beings need an exclusive, intimate type relationship to express that side of themselves.


I want to leave you with a quote from C S Lewis (author of the Narnia Chronicles) from his book The Four Loves... It sums up perfectly what the show is trying to do.




"Those who cannot conceive Friendship as a substantive love but only as a disguise or elaboration of Eros betray the fact that they have never had a Friend. The rest of us know that though we can have erotic love and friendship for the same person yet in some ways nothing is less like a Friendship than a love affair. Lovers are always talking to one another about their love; Friends hardly talk about their Friendship. Lovers are normally face to face, absorbed in each other; Friends, side by side, absorbed in some common interest. Above all, Eros (while it lasts) is necessarily between two only. But two, far from being the necessary number for Friendship, is not even the best. And the reason for this is important.

Lamb says somewhere that if, of three friends (A, B, and C), A should die, then B loses not only A but 'A's part in C', while C loses not only A but 'A's part in B'. In each of my friends there is something that only some other friend can bring out. By myself I am not large enough to call the whole man into activity; I want other lights than my own to show all his facets." (p.74)



That's why I personally believe that HP is quite a groundbreaking kind of K drama after the fashion of Prison Playbook. It's even trying to break the mould for which the writer is famous for. Now when I think about it the slice of life format is really the perfect vehicle for showing how friendship is a great, good, wonderful thing. No matter what happens, no matter where life leads... you can count on your friends to be there for you whatever happens.

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57 minutes ago, nrllee said:

@enigmatic_zephy you’re such a tease. :lol: I have no problems with FlowerGarden.  Far too many breadcrumbs left by the writer and PD for it to be a plot twist.  It’s there but hidden well, just like Jang/IJ.  So when it happens (unlikely in S1), it will just be a natural progression for me, not a plot twist.  Capt Ahn has confessed and I am waiting for the other Ahn to do the same (maybe next season or in s3).  I am patient. :lol:  

Btw I don’t think Capt Ahn was meeting SHwa for a date. He didn’t even stand up when his date walked in.  Too casual.  Possibly meeting his NS resident? IS?  SHwa maybe her dad? JWan who wants to ask her for advice about IS? Who knows? We’ll see.  With writer’s penchant to troll it’s never as it seems. :lol:

ha ha..


i feel no one with anyone. And i don't even care who is with whoever. The only things I am confident of are:


1. Main lover boy of the story is going to be JW, because there is too much prominence to his love life - writer goes out of the way to keep him virgin and try to make him the hot cake amongst women - you know the male version of first love who is innocent and pure and the owner will gain in him the PERFECT untouched lover :)


2. SHwa will definitely find her lover within the group. This is their genre. No exceptions here.


3. I protest, if this does not turn into a BL :P



PS: Outside of everything, i am noticing how Na Young Suk and his team are paying extra attention to YYS since that coffee variety show (rather when they first came to know that he runs coffee thing for charity).. and his treatment on the show is very different.. i feel and sense the love..



One other thing i am sure of is chilbongie as a character is very very very dear to the writer..


AND I CAN BET MY LIFE that they will not let CHILBONGIE go GIRL/ BOY (if i have my way) free :P


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12 minutes ago, enigmatic_zephy said:

AND I CAN BET MY LIFE that they will not let CHILBONGIE go GIRL/ BOY (if i have my way) free :P

So this (HP) is the “alternate ending” for Chilbongie?  :lol:  Took them long enough to write one.  I like that thought. #justiceforchilbongie

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1 minute ago, nrllee said:

So this (HP) is the “alternate ending” for Chilbongie?  :lol:  I like that thought.

h aha.. i rather have YYS play a jerk and casanova then play a character that breaks heart..

he has a childlike innocence which completely breaks my heart each time.. (like sunshine too :P )


Yea, but on a serious note - i honestly am not sold on any couple, because i do have my reservations.

For e.g.


SHwa - no matter how many clues or whatever, if her end game was not there on the day of cancer result, this will never fly with me (unless at that point in time said lover was not in love)


Jhang - if it were real world, JW-Jhang should not happen. Girls gotta keep her self respect and he has right to his own choices. If they show jealousy immediately, that would be out of character. They should show a strong reason for JW to change his opinion towards a girl. We are talking about a person who has not been in a relationship since 40 years despite girls throwing himself at him - smart girls, intelligent girls, cute girls, girls he already respects e.g. potentially ShWa


Mina - she actually might be the most sorted character on the show


IK- hope she gets over her hurt and truly moves on. She and JWan would work well.




Ques: Is JW the match maker of the group? That means he understands infatuations, love, and romantic companionship very well. He must have desired it real bad at some point :P

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4 hours ago, enigmatic_zephy said:

They didn't even know JW is rich..


So, honestly i am not sure if they have been friends through all these years.. or god knows what shallow level friendship it is :P

Personality, feelings and family background are different.  No? 

I have friends for 13 years, i only know their parents job if they told me, bcs there will be that one person in the group who doesnt like to share their family related things :sweatingbullets: 

But i def know who they like, what their personality are, whats their favorite etc, they dont have to told me about that, we will know it by our self. 

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8 minutes ago, enigmatic_zephy said:

SHwa - no matter how many clues or whatever, if her end game was not there on the day of cancer result, this will never fly with me (unless at that point in time said lover was not in love)

That’s why I think that segment was spliced.  Clues - she prayed in her car (hands clasped).  Exact same mirror scene in the marathon for Andrea.  He clasped his hands to pray before the start (he never made that run).  The run was the Pink Run (Breast Cancer support).  It can’t be a coincidence.  So my bet is that he was there but just backed off when he saw IJ.  SHwa (who never cleans) was seen to be obsessively cleaning her table during outpatients after the biopsy result.  Why would she do that?  So random?  Why not look at he computer screen to check on patient files?   She hadn’t eaten.  She was always berating Andrea for cleaning.  So my take is that PD was linking her cleaning with him.


As for Reply1994.  I didn’t get past Ep6(?).  I knew from all the clues dropped then that end game would be Trash.  And I much preferred Chilbongie as a person.  So I couldn’t watch to the end.  :lol:.  

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12 minutes ago, revel best said:

Personality, feelings and family background are different.  No? 

I have friends for 13 years, i only know their parents job if they told me, bcs there will be that one person in the group who doesnt like to share their family related things :sweatingbullets: 

But i def know who they like, what their personality are, whats their favorite etc, they dont have to told me about that, we will know it by our self. 

No.. not possible. Do you have a real life friend and whose immediate parents you don't know about that.

It is IMPOSSIBLE, plain impossible.


And please understand, talking about siblings, families is not what i am talking about. I am talking about in 20 years of friendship, would you not know the person??? He can talk what he wants to talk.. and what works between 2 people, but it is impossible to not be aware of basic info .. like approximate age, like where that person lives or lived, parents - you would know!!!

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56 minutes ago, enigmatic_zephy said:

No.. not possible. Do you have a real life friend and whose immediate parents you don't know about that.

It is IMPOSSIBLE, plain impossible.


And please understand, talking about siblings, families is not what i am talking about. I am talking about in 20 years of friendship, would you not know the person??? He can talk what he wants to talk.. and what works between 2 people, but it is impossible to not be aware of basic info .. like approximate age, like where that person lives or lived, parents - you would know!!!

what? Its not impossible because i do have that friends, my real life friends, what r you even talking about? :blink: 

This is tmi, but I do know where she live, she didnt live with her parents, she never talk about her family even if me and my other friends talking abt that. Bcs we've been together for so long, we just dont care about it anymore. Family background is not basic info btw ~


For the drama, seokhyeong knew about that, the others? Maybe bcs andrea didnt tell them for so long, they just forget it i guess?  That can happen, doesnt mean they arent close :huh:


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45 minutes ago, 40somethingahjumma said:

That Song-hwa and Chi-hong are already an item is clear to me from two scenes. Not just from a bit of physical contact here and there in the ER


I remember my first post on this topic, i said I am just enjoying the storyline and doesn't really mind a particular lovelines... and then they confirmed Junwan and Iksun after showing chemistry between Songhwa and Junwan.. now there's a hunt on Songhwa's loveline... personally, i think its poor taste to make songhwa a lone flower among the bees...a little competition among the others will make it more interesting...


I guess the reason why we are now seeing closeness with capt.ahn and songhwa.. because capt.ahn is close friend with IkSun and we know iksun is related to both Songhwa's bff...


coz in real life, if you are used to being the centre of attention then suddenly not anymore, its only natural to feel pain and jealousy...


I know this is a light drama but if there's no twist and turn how is it going to progress. They cannot sustain viewers with hospital scenes and band practice, eventually storyline will become flat. They already tackled issues re: family values and good long lasting friendship, somehow the writer needs to introduced other conflicts and i hope they dont leave us hanging anymore with more questions than answers bcoz its tiring.


If ever, I am with you for dropping this drama if they will not give closure to all unanswered scenes by the end of season 1. For me, I am here to be entertained not to lose my brain overthinking scenarios. I want a clear solid pictures, a story that will leave a satisfactory feelings. I am sure Its not too much to expect from the writer. 

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@40somethingahjumma I actually thought there is a possibility when Chi Hong started to confess to her but she stopped him and brushed him off. This particular scene suggests that there is a possibility of her changing her mind and opening up to him in the future, though depends on how much effort he puts in. 

To date, imo, have shown mostly a one sided one focusing more on the conversations he had and things he did. With Song Hwa it's still pretty much normal, and there were little to none scenes focusing on her facial reaction that suggests her mutual feelings towards him. 

Smiling while holding the umbrella confuses me because it just seems like typical her character to be smiling when she ends the day, even when it is rainy outside. Or when smiling waving towards him if indeed they both were meeting up for dinner. 


I noted the skinship by the ER entrance, however, for now it felt still more one sided with more from Chi Hong's side. I may not have picked up much because Song Hwa hasn't given me much more than the ordinary. There is a possibility for them to end up together, but I have only been getting hints with Ik Jun more including from the flashbacks. Anyway, who she will end up with is still not certain for me yet. 


I'd touch on a little bit about Winter Garden or the possibility of Song Hwa and Jeong Won and I am basing on what both writing and director have been showing me in the scenes and one shots focus or both characters being in one frame together or with others having a conversation about the other. There is a clear focus on facial expressions  or things they do when they are in conversations with the other mentioned, both being one shot or just unhindered in the frame. There were also clear scripted lines uttered by one or the other about the other person. 

To date, for the other preferred pairing, it's been part of filler scenes or a group scene with less focus and less lines - which to me still leaves the impression that it's kept friendly.

If indeed the writer and director wanted to build up that story, they usually need to make it blatantly obvious for the viewers so we could all follow the story. Not spending even the littlest time to build this up clearly to me is very misleading and deceiving to the viewers,  rather me especially, even if they are planning a plot twist in the later season. I wouldn't trust them anymore in the future to give me the drama that I could dissect and interpret based on what they present to me. All this said without any knowledge or reference to their previous work and I hope they would have learned from the constructive criticisms and feedback on the enjoyment of their previous viewers to the decisions they have made before. 

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@40somethingahjummaaww... every time I think I am over the hope of Chi Hong you write something and my hopes rise up again.


All shipping talk aside I have reached a state of no- shipping. Honestly. I really enjoy this drama and I am so touched in each episode with the humanity shown.  I cried when I saw how sincere the father was. 


That is the true talent of the writer and PD. Their ability to cast so well and appropriately for their characters. And the timing. The PD's editing is so good. 


Take the dinner scene in episode 9. Just a simple dinner yet the chemistry is just so comfortable. I know the actors can act but the director had to get the timing right. With so many angles. No moment is too short. Or too long. Like when they banter or when 3 of them said " heol " at the same time. There was the other dinner when SH paid when they discovered JWon was sponsoring an orphanage. The actors timing was just spot on.


Then the music practice. That would have been harder to learn then memorizing their lines I think. The actors are used to delivering performances. But music practice is here hard work especially in a band setting. I really, honestly feel like enjoying this drama for their presence itself.


The shipping is just because we are conditioned to want or insist on romance in each Kdrama. I honestly do not remember the romance in Prison Playbook but can remember what happened to each individual inmate. The same with 1988. I really didn't ship that much and when it happened I felt so unexpectedly thrilled. Like I didn't believe those 2 were compatible. But when it happened I was like " why didn't I see it? " that sort of feeling.


I am actually open to any pairing if it happens. But most of all I wish the actors retain their friendships since its now ended. It felt like a group of senior actors just hanging out together. It must feel somehow liberating since no one person is responsible to uphold the ratings. There must be a lot of pressure when you're the sole male lead etc.


There is such a nice chilled vibe to the show. I want it to end well so I can marathon it at the end and notice all the details. The writing team's drama is the only one where I can consistently rewatch an episode and notice so many details I missed. This is  very good writing directing team.


So yeah ignoring yet another week of endless shipping. Don't you guys get tired? No one even mentioned YYS taking his shirt off. I thought he put on weight since he looked bulky in the scrubs but his body looks younger when he is not clothed.


Or JDM has put on weight during the show too. Did they really eat all the BBQ meat? I recall the meal order in episode 8. Man that was a lot, a lot of food. Those 40 year olds can eat.


And IJ giving his sister pocket money was so cute. I met up with my younger brother after a few years- I live overseas- and felt the need to pay him expenses when he wanted to pay for meals. Lol. Even though he is a bank VP and earn richard simmons. Lol. A younger sibling is always a younger sibling. I don't know about you guys but I counted the ₩50 000 notes. Good oppa Ik Jun really good Oppa. And I am glad the writer wasn't stingy with the pocket money. Hahaha.


Just because even I am worried about SH being alone when his mother dies I want him paired up. No anyone in particular but Ahjusshi has made me feel for him.


I like the residents. I watch a lot of Kdramas and medical dramas. And there is a lot of posturing and politics. It's nice to actually like the Chairman of the board,, the professors bar Cheon, the heads of departments, the chief residents and residents. I  say no to the manipulative lazy ObGyn resident.

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I believe this pairing has already established a reputation for trolling.  And the fact that even after multiple Reply series with the same formula, there are still those who come back to watch despite swearing off their future dramas is saying something.  Many have come back to watch this drama despite the pain of past Reply dramas?  I see many here who know their Reply series?  It’s what elevates this pairing from your run of the mill KDrama writer/PD pairings.  And I would wager it’s exactly what the cast expect when they signed on the dotted line...again...and again... They know exactly what they’re in for and they join in for the roller coaster ride.  Why else would previous cast members not hesitate to say yes when asked for cameos or future works?  They know the past works and revel in the twists and turns.  I am told that most times the cast themselves don’t know the final outcome and have to just keep guessing amongst themselves?  Wouldn’t that be fun?  Coming into work having a puzzle to solve right to the end?  Keeps it exciting for the cast too. :lol:  I love the guessing game.  And the differences in interpretations.  Thrilling to the end.

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The way SongHwa smiled on entering the restaurant , there is no way she would smile like that to cap Ahn. Her smile was when she smiles to her friends, very friendly, very frank smile, I don't know if I am making any sense here but from her smile alone I can tell she is not meeting to Capt Ahn. So who is she meeting?

My wild guess 

1) She is meeting Andrea because he wanted to talk to her about that task they talked about on the phone in earlier episodes.

2) Ik Jun is eating with Min ha & Dr maggot as he told in the episode & he invited SongHwa over. So she smiled to all of them.

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11 minutes ago, JJS's Fan-atics said:

2) Ik Jun is eating with Min ha & Dr maggot as he told in the episode & he invited SongHwa over. So she smiled to all of them.

A thousand yes for this scene!!!! And learn something significant of Dr Maggot other than her crush (yes we know she likes BTS and other stuffs, but I want something with more weight, like they did with Minha and Jaehak in ep 8)

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24 minutes ago, JJS's Fan-atics said:


2) Ik Jun is eating with Min ha & Dr maggot as he told in the episode & he invited SongHwa over. So she smiled to all of them.

This is a very good possibility imo~ or even maybe Chi Hong is there too eating with all of them. LOL. Oh, I can't wait to see whether your guess is right! 


58 minutes ago, ck1Oz said:

So yeah ignoring yet another week of endless shipping. Don't you guys get tired? 


Or JDM has put on weight during the show too

I second you on that - in regards to being tired of another week of endless shipping :D I mean I don't mind people expressing opinions, please go ahead. I did state my preference too every now and then. and when I get tired, I just skip reading those parts and concentrate on others.

YES! Glad someone noticed it too..i thought JMD looked like she put on some weights (could see it during the band practice in ep 9). And I thought JJS also put on weight during ep 7? Good on them! Eat lots and eat healthy you all :)@ck1Oz Please keep sharing all these randoms interesting stuff :lol:

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I'm a novice to kdramas, its my first time to follow a weekly episodes. I normally binge-watched and finishes within 2 days. I tried watching reply series, just first ep. and reply 1988 up to ep.3...my interest was piqued by this new drama bcoz of Jo Jung-Suk, the musical and hospital themed... The first episode was hillarious that made me want to watch more... I didn't get this vibes from other reply series except for the '88 one. I am planning to go back to it sometime in the future. for now I wanted to enjoy HP on its own without continuously referencing to other works of the writer. I am glad I am seeing her drama with a new eyes and not being clouded by her past works.

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I just started the show yesterday and watched 1 - 7 lol. For some reason I thought it was finished to realize that noooo - there’s 4 more episodes! 
Such a large and amazing cast of characters. It is a very good show that is funny and touching and I can relate so much to. I am just really enjoying the show and I don’t focus too much on guessing the ships; for me that isn’t the focus of this series.

Sure I do think there is bound to be a love story but it isn’t a priority. All will be revealed eventually (and if we have multiple seasons - the story is far from over, right?) and I just try to enjoy all their relationships to each other. Strong friendship is the best and so under appreciated. I still keep in touch with a group of friends since high school/university days too but we are all spread out across the globe and in different fields of work but still meet up once every few years and talk regularly. This show is a homage to this kind of friendship. 

I watched Reply 1988 (my favorite one because of the families and me growing up in the 80’s), 1994 but haven’t watched Prison Playbook but will now go watch it too.

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3 hours ago, sakura22 said:


I noted the skinship by the ER entrance, however, for now it felt still more one sided with more from Chi Hong's side. I may not have picked up much because Song Hwa hasn't given me much more than the ordinary.

Song-Hwa touched Chi hong's shoulder twice during the ER scenes first when they met then when they separate... 


Though I dont think its them meeting in the restaurant. Chihong's date could be Iksun, she's spending the money her brother gave her :D 




1 hour ago, dairymilks said:

New theory on Junwan/Iksun




hmmm... i noticed a Union flag as well on the side table of the Director (forgot his name) Junwan called him in the middle of the night to say he's accepting the position. it's a union flag tissue box. 

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