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[Drama 2020-2021] Hospital Playlist, 슬기로운 의사생활 - Season 1 & 2


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Its Official!!!


Jo Jung Suk Aloha after 20 days of release 


Reach #1 melon Realtime and #1 daily melon. + #1Ichart daily and weekly too

something that not every singer or idol group can reach easily. especially for OST and NON Singer/Idol.


thats the first time the song reach #1 which is amazing considering it is debut at #15 and slowly climb the chart even with new releases coming but still climbing it way up and up!


soon we need other chart to rise aswell. other is still #2 mostly but #1 melon and flo (two hardest chart to high rank) already conquered. 


the comment section in melon is so supportive for our actor! hopefully this bring good influence to the drama popularity aswell.


JOY Ost also slowly climbing it way from mid 30s debut and now already #16 daily. 


i guess Jo Jung suk is the first male actor to get #1 melon daily and realtime? anyone can check it? 


the comment mostly also praise JJS voice and many reference to the drama character like Ik Jun and other things. also some promote to watch the drama at 9pm tonight lol. what a time to rise right before episode 6.




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Aloha is topping the Melon daily chart...I didn't expect that. Didn't realize the scale of the show's popularity until I found out. 


Are there translated articles about Hospital Playlist? I wonder what the Korean GP thinks, especially of the loveline. 

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@40somethingahjumma I'm one of those who frequently keep comparing this show with the writer's previous works. Hehe. I can't help it, there are so many similarities not just the lovelines. I don't think there is anything wrong with that. But I'm pretty sure they will experiment and do something different with this one. So I'm looking forward to what that is....

As for Dr. Maggot and Jeong won, I didn't think he treated her any differently until that chase happened. Something about her bothers him and he is not sure how to handle her. Even if he does not end up loving her, I hope it's not because he hates her ways. Jeong won is such a pure soul who always sees the good in people, so his reaction towards Dr. Jang is suspicious and is clear that she is having an influence on him as much he has on her.


I love reading your posts @40somethingahjumma They are so insightful and unbiased. 

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This Actor Just Took Over The Top Of Melon’s Chart, Beating Apink and Other Digital Monsters

What an impressive accomplishment!



14 minutes ago

Hospital Playlist OST “Aloha”, sung by actor Jo Jung Suk, just took over the top of Melon‘s realtime chart, beating out Apink‘s latest comeback and digital monsters such as M.C the Max, Gaho, and BTS.

“Aloha” was released on March 27 and 20 days after its release, it took the number 1 position on Melon, thanks to its steady rise day by day. “Aloha” is a remake of 90’s co-ed group COOL‘s song.


The song is also charting extremely well on other music streaming sites, taking number 2 on Genie…


Number 2 on Bugs as well…


And number 11 on Soribada, only behind Kang Daniel‘s two mini albums.


Jo Jung Suk couldn’t hide his excitement when speaking about his song taking number one on the charts.


"I sang the song for the drama, and I didn’t know it would be loved this much. I am so thankful and happy. It has been a very new experience singing a song that many people already hold dear to their hearts and working with my fellow actors, and it  has been a very happy and enjoyable time.I hope this song can also give strength to many people."

— Jo Jung Suk


How to put tweets in here . Can some kind soul tell me?

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4 hours ago, JJS's Fan-atics said:

@Samuel Yohanes  girl u made my day. Thank you very very very much.:thumbsup:  Love U.:love::kiss_wink:. Can u please tell me the website URl for melon & Flo.

JJS should now try to be an actual singer:thumbsup: as well. Sooooo much happy for u.:heart:.



for flo just google flo realtime chart and you can see the chart.


for overall korean chart it is on Ichart 


ichart.instiz.net and you are good to go


maybe they are the first husband and wife ( JJS and Gummy ) to had both #1 OST in melon lol


last year gummy got remember me and this year jo jung suk got aloha. what a power couple lol

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these two xD


oh and i remember someone asked about, if in Reply series there’s Goat sound, what’s the paralel in this Drama?

i guess it’s this Rooster sound lol





well, who in the world dare to refuse him tho? Hahahaa congratzz Junhwan oppa!

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Preview for ep 7


Short Version


Hard Sub
SHwa: If there's another case like this in the future, do you want to try it? (take the lead for the surgery maybe)
CH: If the patient have ... (sorry I'm not familiar with the medical terms), I decided to ... (lead the surgery?)
IJ: Because it is the last and only chance to save the baby
JWon: The bleeding won't stop
Guardian 1: It's going to be alright, right?
YB: Then what should we do, Prof? He/She is having a hard time to stay alive
Guardian 2: Just please let me die, doctor
IJ: You've been doing great for staying alive
IJ: I'm feeling ashamed when I looked at others.
IJ: Why live is so twisted like this?

Long Version


Hard Sub
IJ: Because it is the last and only chance to save the baby
JWon: The bleeding won't stop
SHwa: If there's another case like this in the future, do you want to try it? (take the lead for the surgery maybe)
CH: Really?
CH: I decided to ... (medical terms, not familiar with it sorry)
Dr Heo: I'm feeling more nervous now then when I was the one who did it
Nurse (?): What if you just give up
Guardian 1: It's going to be alright, right?
IJ: I'm feeling ashamed when I looked at others
IJ: Why live is so twisted like this?
JWon: It's already Autumn? 
Dr Bong: Autumn has finally come
Dr Bong: I wonder if he has any good news? He is always in a good mood these days
SHyeong: A blind date? or Marriage match making?
SHwa: Really? 
JWon: Who is it?
JWon: Who is the woman that makes him out of his mind?
IJ: Kim Joon Wan, is it someone I know? 
IJ: Yes this is Lee Ik Jun, Kim Joon Wan's friend
JWan: You know that golf range is quite good. The ball is entering the hole by itself
JWon: The patient come for ... (again medical terms sorry)
Dr Do: Did you go to that golf range?
Director Ju: You said that golf range is ... (not sure about what he is saying here, if I'm not wrong he mentioned about 200 million won)
JWon: Hey, you didn't go there, did you? 
SHwa: Why? Is there something happened? 
JWan: What?! Did you see that?!


Spoiler and thoughts for ep 6



- JWan will have to wait for IS answer for about a week. At first she said to give her 3 days later ask for one week. JWon asked if he is dating when he saw JWan kept looking at his phone.

- IJ and SHwa met in the parking lot and IJ asked her to park his bike because he got an emergency call (from nature lol). They had coffee together and spent short time chatted SHwa residents who just finished their night shifts.

Dr Heo asked if they have one week or maybe one year with nothing to do, what they are going to do. SHwa wants to spend her time in small city, enjoying the nature while doing work in small hospital. IJ wanted to spend his night every day visiting the night club while touring around Seoul visiting the dept store

- IJ met with GAR again in his round during to VIP room. He's being professional as a doctor and GAR asked if she could treat him for a meal. GAR now can eat happily and IJ commented it during their lunch at the hospital cafeteria. They talked about their past, about who was the one asked for break up. Her fans kept saying their greetings to her when they passed and JS and RS even greeted her. JS is a big fan and they took a picture together. JS wanted to take a selca but because of his bad eyes, he couldn't. RS got frustrated and in the end IJ took it for them. JS and RS kept arguing later when they are looking for RS car in the parking lot. But RS didn't drive her car, but take a taxi to the hospital for her check up visit. They had a good laugh.

- JWon's patient condition isn't in bad condition and GW was there for the check-up. His eyes hardened when he heard GW told the baby's parent and she reassured him that she has kindly explained the situation to the parents especially the mother who is waiting for the baby outside.

- JWan and SHwa had phone call with their respective mothers and they have different tone while talking with their mother. IJ came bringing some hard boiled egg as an additional side dish for them.
Captain Ahn visited SHwa and the guys when they are having lunch. JWan is glaring daggers at CH when IJ and SHwa joke that CH is IJ's brother in law. IJ had fun talking about IS. Apparently IJ is the one who teach IS the pigeon joke. 
CH denied any special relationship and said that he and IS are just friends. JWan is shooting laser from his eyes to IJ. IJ kept saying that IS might like CH more than friends and JWan hit IJ head with egg to crack it open with gusto because he is so angry. They are having fight because of that. SHwa was laughing at JWan disheveled appearance.

- Dr Do visited Dr Bong during his lunch time and joining the gossip club. He wanted to know about JWan. Today themes is about their hobbies. JWan loves playing golf. JWon likes to do marathon in spring surfing in the summer hiking mountain in the fall and skiing in the winter. SHwa likes to camping and SHyeong probably just stay at home. IJ loves to do everything including cooking. His weekend is a special time with WJ. 


-JS and RS spend their leisure time together at RS's home. They act like a newlywed couple.

- Softie JWan towards Dr Do for Dr Do first time leading the operation. Dr Do is boasting about his ability to lease an apartment. JWan is being teased by him because JWan kept looking at his phone. He asked if JWan is dating and maybe the girl who didn't reply any messages might didn't like him.


- Twins are waiting in GS's doctor room waiting for their next mentor. There are no doctor that will talk or teach them because the doctors are so busy. They only dropped for a while and asked about who they are and what their fathers did for living.
Finally IJ came inside and talked with them. He advised (while rapping) them to take a tour instead of waiting in the doctor's room. 

- GW is having an allergy and her condition has got worsened. Her face is so bloated and even lost her consciousness in front of IJ and the head nurse. 

- MH is smitten with SHyeong warmth towards his patients during the consultation. She said she will treats them for lunch. She sit with SHyeong and shyly asked her questions about his meeting with the mistress. SHyeong honestly said about the woman identity. She helped him to hold the seasoned sesame leaf while he tear it up to eat (it's a romantic gesture, from what I have watched in other drama or variety shows).

IJ then JWon joined them at their table. JWan asked if MH and GW are best friends because he kept seeing them together. IJ then told them about GW's bad condition and currently she is treated in the ER.


- MH stayed with her during the night and GW phone has been ringing continuously and her seniors keep visiting while she was sleeping. JWon too wished her for a speedy recovery and MH found out about her crush in JWon.

- SHwa asked the boys for dinner together and told them about her condition. She is waiting for the result of her biopsy. The boys are worried about her. They are angry because she didn't tell them before her check up and won't reschedule with the hospital about treating her patients. They asked if they should join her next morning and she firmly said no.

IJ can't join them for dinner because of an emergency call and had a friendly call with GAR on his way. She asked if he finished his surgery at dawn maybe he could come and treat her coffee. (and that marks her last cameo)
IJ finally finished his surgery at dawn and bought lots of coffee at the mini mart. He went somewhere with taxi.

- SHwa feels so nervous while waiting for the result inside the car. Her hands is trembling that she can't put on her lipstick. IJ is there for her, together waiting for the results.(I've been shipping IJ and SHwa silently and feel happy with this small talks) He shares coffee with the hospital staffs. 
SHwa asked what if she had a cancer. IJ reassured her he will definitely help her to recover. She said she can empathize with her patients and will be more careful with her words now that she is in their position. SHyeong called her and ask for an update of her results. 
IJ asked her about SHyeong's past crushed for her. He told her that SHyeong was so drunk one night that he slept on the street because he got rejected that day. SHwa didn't know that. She asked him that he knew about it all along. IJ denied that he only knew that SHyeong liked her not the detail of his confession towards her (I think he lied?)

- SHwa's result is not bad because she is being cheerful in her preparations for consultation with the patients. SHyeong, JWan and JWon visited her office the moment they arrived at work (or finishing the surgery for SHyeong's case) to ask about her condition and she told them she is fine and it's not dangerous. She asked CH who hasn't come and then IJ came and asked her if the other boys have come and he bought a coffee for her. 

- Before the band practice they had dinner together and they were talking about the past and bad fashion. IJ and JWan lost because of the complicated way on their first visit to Seoul. They are having a hard time to speak in Seoul dialect. They were waiting together with SHwa for their university interview entrance. She was listening to their conversation. IJ told JWan to tidy up because he overheard somewhere if you didn't look good maybe you couldn't pass the interview.  Hearing that SHwa who let her hair down was looking for a tie and IJ gave her the hair tie he bought earlier on the street (didn't know maybe he bought it for IS in the first place but then he gave it to SHwa?).


- IJ is the lead vocal for this episode song. It is a slow song and quite nice. SHwa still has the hair tie (?) and glanced a little at IJ when he was singing.

- From the flashback at the freshmen outing, SHwa kept stealing glance at IJ and JWan. The moment they left, she also left the room. Another flashback, that night after their band practice on SHwa's birthday, IJ was comforting heart broken SHyeong and cancelled his meeting with SHwa. (Nooo IJ T-T why did you left SHwa's present behind? Why was itin the trash bin? T-T Did you forget it? Or did you really throw it away because of SHyeong who got rejected and you were being considerate with him?) 


- IS accepted JWan proposal and they are dating now. JWan is so happy that he is jumping around and called her directly with his sweet voice. He can't stop moving and smiling while calling her. 



OST part 6 will be sung by Kwak Jin Eon - In front of the City Hall beside the Subway Station (literal translations 시청앞 지하철 역에서). Original song by Zoo (Dong Mul Won 동물원)






From what I understood, the lyrics of the song is about a man who met the woman he used to love in front of the city hall near the subway station. They met again after some time and asked about each other lives. The woman has married and have two children while the man is still single and looking for 'the one'. The man wanted to say that sometimes he still think about her, but because of the crowds and lack of time, they only said their short greetings and go on with their each way. The man still thinks about that day when they heard a song together.


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Junwan's little squeal was hysterical. Never thought I'd see that grump so happy lmao


So I definitely thought Ik Jun was Songhwa's crush but I never would have guessed he liked her too. I'm kind of rooting for them, but I really like Dr. Ahn too! This is a love triangle I can get behind, one where both choices are actually good either way. But Songhwa might pick her cool single life over both of them lol

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ah i’m in turmoil. 


cap’n also like SH, IJ also likes SH.


even if i wasn’t behind the Jwan-IS ship i have to say i smiled when Jwan was dancing with joy. i think i can start to ship them now.


im still upset over Jwon not giving attention to Dr. Jang. i feel so bad for her. so bad.


also i’ve come to terms with being okay with everyone just being friends. their friendship is what’s important.

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That fight hahahahaa. Junwan really annoyed at Ikjun and Ahn Chihong felt nervous that Songhwa is there and Ikjun try to match make him with Iksun hahahhaa.


Really glad that SongHwa looks fine. And her friends take a good care of her. Thank God, Ikjun was there with her although I want her family knew it too, but as long as she is fine, then it is fine. (The way Junwan opened the door makes me think that he is mad from the beginning of the day hahaha)


And now we know that Ikjun do fall in love first. To SongHwa. That girl has a charm that makes even Ikjun falling first for her. That's why the way he looked at SongHwa when they took the first photo in 99 looked like he is shy to sit next to her but then he put his arm around her in the photo. 


Iksun-Junwan is in love right noooww. 


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