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[Drama 2020-2021] Hospital Playlist, 슬기로운 의사생활 - Season 1 & 2


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Heh, I wonder where they are going with Dr. Jang's story. Like @40somethingahjumma @kokodus, I'm waiting to see her purpose in the show. She's actually a mish mash of many residents I have met over the years.  Residency is when you honed your skills and interests.  It can also highlight your strengths and confirm your deficiencies (esp if you are the only resident that have to assist many subspecialties).  Dr. Jang should have chosen her cases based off her interest or skills but she couldn't.  There's no real drive here. As a first year, that's trouble some.  As a third year, that's an SOS sign for me.  What I see missing is the passion for her career.  It's as if medical schools/residency have sucked the life out of her... she seems like she is going through the motion.  On the other hand, she is not incompetent, cuz those surgeons would have chew and spit her out over mistakes.  She gets along with other residents.  Believe you and me, hospital politics and residency gossips would have made her life miserable - first as a GS, second as a woman in a competitive field.  I don't think she gets flack for being the only GS resident.  If not for anything, she appears hardworking, hardly a diva (notice her sans make up - OB/GYN fellow hello!!), hair unruly, quietly does the work without having the need for drama.  She just have flat affect, I will give her the benefit that it is a +/- as a surgeon.  There's a reason why she is not in medicine but in surgery (where physicians are more interested in procedural aspect instead of the whole holistic healing as a whole).  JuWan doesn't have great bedside manner but his intentions are better expressed.  Sure, he has excellent skills, something that Dr. Jang still lacks and needs to learn.


One thing about the ER child abuse case, surgeons often are called in to eval for a specific need.  Yes, she should have been more thorough and examine the child.  Yes, she should have work up the case from point zero.  She didn't with the first pediatric pt in episode 1 where she just basically repeated what Dr. Bong wanted.  What many residents often do is go down the protocols to rule out diseases... ordering tests, imaging... all the basics before they see the patients. It saves time and make the process more efficient.  They also rely on the medicine team to work up the medical problems, they show up for the consult.  Being a GS resident, Dr Jang needs to be better at decision making and time management.  That's her weakness.  That and being more confident/assertive... perhaps she is not a good fit for a surgeon. Nothing wrong with that, she just needs to find out this on her own.


Yes, she has a lot to learn in terms of physician instinct and bedside manner... those can be nurtured through residency and experience under the right mentors.  In contrast, she lacks ego, non gossipy, is soft spoken, treats her intern nicely (to a cup of coffee).  There's a calmness to her that is grounding and reassuring in time of stress and uncertainty for patients.  I'd prefer my doctor to be competent over one that only appears to be on TV like the chief neurosurgeon.  She does has potential to be a good surgeon, one that does not cherrypick her cases for personal gains instead of patient needs. What is worrisome here for me is the lack of passion, for her career, for her patients.... why did she choose to be a physician?  There's no obvious joy, nothing that tells me she connects to the patient or her job.  Is there a backstory to Dr. Jang that we have yet discovered.  Ik-jun has pretty good people skills and judgment, he must have some trust in her character to even consider playing match making.


But yeah, I love reading the opposing thoughts here about Dr. Jang and our show.  Thanks.


Off to see the new episode.  Hi @nrllee @ktcjdrama


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OMG! Its true, favourite part that makes me laughing is the Ik Sun kick. Jung Wan did ask IJ but her brother didnt give honest answer!! Yes, the usual good friend.. 

My note, 

- Dr Jang takes off quickly and chased the abusive father without shoes and SHwa ends it with throwing empty bottle. Wow, girl power. 

- The elder meeting is heartwarming. JWon's mom and her friend looks good together. Now, they r single again. 

- There are also a few sad part. Dont want to mention. 


For now, we have 2 divorcee, 1 dream to be a priest, 1 into a relationship and 1 secretive lady. Good nite! 

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On 4/8/2020 at 12:46 PM, maggiee said:

Is it just me or do you guys can't tell that SongHwa has used the new shoes too? Because I didn't see that they showed the new shoes already worn by SongHwa.  #CMIIW


I like the interaction of Ikjun and Jungwan. They call each other as "idiot" hahaha. And Jungwon is the richest hahaha.


Tomorrow is Thursday, so yeaay. 

In the camping site, they showed her and captain ahn talking about the shoes. He asks her if she is using the shoes well and that he was the one that gave her.

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i felt it.. since earlier episode, the Director seems intentionally showed the contrast on how Jwon behaves toward dr.Bae, and how he behaves toward GW. And they did show it again in today episode















i must say, i like dr.Bae, she indeed gives a really positive vibes and dependable..just like Jwon. The way dr. Bae and Jwon treat their patient is similar, maybe that’s why he felt “clique” with her? Meanwhile he once said that the way GW works isn’t suit him.


but who knows, it might purposely shown so we can see how Jwon-GW relationship develop

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Not my favorite so far, but I still had so much fun cause it's Hospital Playlist

- Bare feet Dr. Jang chasing the abusive father and Song Hwa to the rescue. It gives me so much girl power feels! You go girls! Though why didn't JWon compliment Dr. Jang? Or even ask her if she's okay? Or atleast scold her for being too reckless? Not much of this pair in today's episode. Bummer

- Seokhyeong's father forcing an employee to donate a part of his liver to Congressman Sim. He's the worst! But why was Seokhyeong pissed at the Congressman's son? That wasn't answered right?

- Everyone badmouthing Seokhyeong's dad but the one thing JWon remembers was when dad never payed for the cigarettes. That was so funny. He's just so pure.

- The band scene cracked me up. SongHwa, JWan and JWon singing "Don't Go, Don't leave me behind" as SeokHyeong and IkJun left them. Hahaha that was gold! They were practically begging them not to leave.

- SeokHyeong' faux emergency surprise party! Awww and Min Ha! Okay they would really match tho

- Professor Cheon Myeong tae what a d***

- I knew it! He was going to say The Lord! Knew it!!! As much as I like watching the parents' interactions, we spent so much air time with them. 12 mins? I counted haha

- Chi Hong's confession was so beautiful my heart fluttered! SongHwa rejects him but I hope Chi Hong's sincerity changes her mind. I'm slowly losing my IkJun-SongHwa ship *pout 

- IkSun's high kick, JWan's petrified look and IkJun's uncontrollable laughter wow! That was the best scene of this episode. Plus that holding hands scene! *swoons The shot and scene was so beautiful! Urghhh Jung Kyung Ho always makes my heart flutter. I'm KyungHo-llic! Hahahaha

- the nerve of that mistress! If I'm Seokhyeong's mom the more I won't go for a divorce! No mom don't divorce him. Make him suffer more! But at the end they should move on to be able to be truly happy.

- SongHwa's breast lump gives me serious Lee Hwasin flashbacks. I hope everythings okay Song Hwa! She looks so shaken on the previews. I hope she doesn't hide it from her friends (usual kdrama habits). I want to see them support each other through the dark times too.


I'm not going to dissect the previews ever again. I got all predictions wrong hahaha. I'll just enjoy this show and not think too much about the easter eggs.

- Go Ara as IkJun's ex! So pretty! It's only a cameo right? So she's not the end game. So far, IkJun is the only one without a proper loveline. But I'm excited to see what purpose there is to her reappearance. 

- oh my god! Jo jung suk's voice!!! Oh my god! He's so perfect. I'm quite new to him but already watched Jealousy Incarnate and Oh My Ghost during quarantine. My next project is Dr. Romantic so I can watch Yoo Yeon Seok

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Many good scenes.

I laughed so much at Mafia game. "I`m not Yakuza", said Seok-Hyeong`s mom. :lol: Jeong-Won`s mom and  Ju Jong-Su made me laugh so much. I am so glad that they appeared in this episode. Seok-Hyeong`s mom liked spending time with them. She needed it because she was depressed.  More scenes with them.


Ik-Sun applied some karate kicks to Jun Wan and Ik Jun telling Dr Jang how many kicks she knows. :D I like Ik Sun and Jun Wan. I am looking forward to see kore of them.


The band singing and suddently Ik Jun and Seok Hyeong were leaving. The rest of the band singing "Don`t leave me behind" with a desperate face. Jun wan`s face was the funniest. :D


But Song Hwa is worrying me. Nothing bad will happen to her, right? No bad news, show, OK? Her smiling face in the preview was hiding something. I hope it is not cancer.



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Thank you writer-nim for clarifying and tying up the abused case. I am concern on the vengeful father though. Will we see him again in later episode?


This episode has so many crack moments, as usual :) The parental love topic for this episode is nicely presented i.e. JWon's mom, the pregnant lady with a singing husband, the sick father who is receiving his daughter's liver. 


Shwa's story take an unexpected turn towards the end of the episode. I hope the biopsy result is not as serious as the initial diagnosis. I am still reading articles on her conditions. I am curious to know which one will the writer write for her. She is preparing to leave the boys and live on her own probably throughout the treatment T_T. Hope her friends can console her and be there for her. My next week is gonna be for my girl, Shwa. Fighting!




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Ah, just got off from Episode 5 and it was a good one as well. I love how they portrayed heart-warming hospital stories for this episode: the father who sang after his wife's birth was both lovely and funny, the daughter who gave up her liver for her father was a beautiful watch, the brief moment of recovery of Captain Ahn's patient was touching too and the dad who gets by with just enough who came to the hospital for his son's surgery brought me to tears. The round of patient narratives are quite optimistic this time around as compared to the past few weeks. 


I love Ikjun's demeanor as a professor. He was just so cool during the scene where he lightly lectured and lifted the spirits of the Intern who did the surgery. Again, it was in contrast with Junwan's strict method of teaching.


The scene of Seokhyun'gs hospital birthday party was so funny. I mean, he really does look like he can't believe they pulled that prank on him and seemed like he wanted to get mad but can't because they were all girls and meant well. Lol :D It's kind of a bummer that we already got past two birthdays of the main gang but never saw them celebrate it together.


Got to say, my favorite scene would be the hang-out of Jeongwon with the elders. It was so adorable, funny and lovely. The mafia game really was the highlight. I somehow hope that we will see more of them from now on. On a side note, I kind of see Director Joo and Rosa as the depiction of Songhwa and the guys. You know how the chemistry is there but they never crossed the line. They take care of each other pretty well too. Rosa had an unhappy marriage as she had mentioned (by far) and who knows, maybe they'll be used as a reference in the future. I'm kind of seeing a Love, Rosie scenario where they can lecture the kids about timing when it comes to friend-turned-into-lovers dynamic but that could be far-fetched. 



Into the aspect of romance, 

-Jungwon and Resident Jang's love line is on pause but seems like they'll pick it up next week. Actually, not fond of this couple but again, I respect the writer's choices .

-Iksun and Junwan - Man, it's so hard to not like Iksun. She was exquisite and hilarious this episode. I love how her character is upbeat, independent and strong (kudos to Kwak Sun-young's portrayal). The kick was just so remarkable and humorous. I'm not sure if Iksun has accepted his feelings though, no clues nor hints for her answer. I'd love to see how they're going to continue the relationship of this in the future seeing that Captain Ahn is still in the picture for Iksun as of episode 5.

-Captain Ahn and Songhwa - I really thought they already started going out (with my Junwan x Songhwa ship sinking) but hey, he really is just a glutton for unrequited love. I mentioned previously that I could totally see Songhwa rejecting him and she really did (got swayed for a while thinking Shin-PD has finally shifted tides and go linear this early). His character description got updated as well (it was mentioned that he gave Songhwa the shoes because he noticed her shoes were old, he likes how she smiles prettily at flowers and it's not like he can stop liking her even she told her to stop doing so. Hence, his mind is complicated) He is clearly geared towards the unrequited love arc. Not sure how they're going to develop it though, his feelings can get reciprocated or maybe not.

-Ikjun, as he always is, remains a possibility to be tied with Songhwa. I'm quite sure Go Ara is nothing permanent but damn, she looked so radiant and pretty in her cameo.

- The escalation between Junwan x Iksun and Captain Ahn x Songhwa's relationships was quite a jump as compare to Resident Jang's pursuit. By next week, I think they'll make the score clear for Minha x Seokhyung and Jang x Jeongwon.


Just a few observations, we haven't seen any personal scenes of Songhwa x Jungwon by far. He's the only one left that hasn't gotten any exclusive scene with Songhwa apart from the phone call they shared from the first episode (which by the way is currently still on hang). I noticed the group either goes by three(s) and two(s) and they haven't been paired. So, I can't quite grasp the dynamic in between them so far. 


Songhwa seems to be unwell :( I know she's going to persevere and will be just fine but it could be a heartbreaking watch, I can already tell. She went straight to the guys after her check up :( At this point, I'd really be fine if she ends up with no one. You don't always need a romantic life partner to find meaning in life. Songhwa has a wonderful set of friends, a job she loves and a family she cares for and sometimes, that could be all you need. I noticed they haven't shown her family too though, alongside Junwan.


I can sense that Shin PD and Writer Lee will keep going around circles for the love line hunt. After all, old habits die hard. Korean viewers mentioned it's not just a Husband Hunt anymore, it's a Couple Hunt. Lol. 


All in all, everything is still out in the open for everyone and can't wait for next week!



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Finally watched the episode, overall this episode is more merrier than the last episode.

Hoping Song Hwa condition is okay. Shiiiid, got hooked up by this series so bad, they need to air more episode per week. 



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Jun wan getting kicked in the face by Ik sun has got to be the most funniest scene i've ever watched in dramaland. His utter shock and disbelief over what just happened....LOL poor oppa.... Last week someone here mentioned the bruise on his lips from the preview and who would have thought it would be from Ik sun.....gosh that girl is just awesome on many levels. Oppa holding her hand and asking her out was just so beautifully shot like the Jajjangmyeon scene in last ep. Orange is their couple colour I guess. Hehehe. I love this couple so much. 


Jeong won specifically ignoring Dr. Jang itself should mean something, right? I think he is hiding something. I can't quite read his expression. Either he is sooooo mad at her or he is just slowly falling for her and is in denial stage right now. It's hard to tell. I wouldn't have suspected anything if he said something to her after that chase scene. Ignoring her feels like he is giving more importance to her.....we have to wait and see....what do you think @nrllee??

Looks like they are going with the breast cancer route for Song hwa. She is 40, right? Highly prone to Cancer. Sighhhh. I hope she doesn't hide it from her friends. I was actually thinking the other day how it's all only fun and games until now for our Fab five. Singing together, having meals together....I wanted to see how they support each other and be there for each other during tough times. Song hwa's condition will be a perfect storyline to showcase that aspect of friendship. 

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11 hours ago, Tessitone said:

As much as I love Ik Sun, I don’t know why but I can’t get behind her possible relationship with Jun Wan. I don’t know why.


I must admit that I feel the same too. I tried to compromise by watching their scenes, but somehow still not really into this relationship. I am sorry, guys. I love Ik Sun, and she's fantastic, but hm... idk. It's not that I only wanted Jun Wan to be with Song Hwa, or I don't want Jun Wan ends up with Ik Sun, but maybe because the writer didn't flesh that out properly in the first place, imo. And I know Shin-PD will show their scenes more often in the future, and that's fine, and I can see myself support them together in the future. But it also might be because I am not rooting in Jun Wan's character as much as I did before. Like I almost don't care anymore what he's doing since I realize that I don't understand his emotions dynamic. I understand that maybe some of you explained why Jun Wan naturally likes Ik Sun and highlighting the brighter sides of them, but it doesn't convince me. Only the show itself can do that, which I think is already failed unless they provide the flashbacks of Jun Wan and Ik Sun's first meeting and conversation. But I don't think they will.


11 hours ago, Tessitone said:

Btw, I wasn’t that happy with today’s episode, I don’t know why. I miss Dr. Jang and her crush. We didn’t get much scenes between them. And obviously I knew Jeung Won was gonna say he’s interested in the Lord. Lmao.



I am in the same boat as you, chingu. I usually rewatch the whole episode immediately, but for today's episode, I only rewatch the very first part (Dr. Jang chasing the abusing dad) and the trailer of the next episode. I still enjoy the show tho, I cried during the baby born scene, and when a liver recipient was crying because he got the liver from his daughter. But in recent episodes, what makes my heart flutter the most are Dr. Jang and Jeung Won's scenes. And unfortunately, I didn't get many scenes between them after seven days of waiting :D Again that's fine. It means I can be more relax in waiting for the next episode.

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This episode, like all other episodes, is making me laugh out loud one moment and then cry the next. I think this is probably the only drama where I never used the fast forward button. 


I know some people think we spent too much time with the parents (the mafia game was hilarious) this episode. But I think it is an important scene, if only for the possibility of Seok-Hyung's mom being happy again. I laughed so hard during the mafia game antics and then the show twisted my heart with the phone call between Seok-Hyung and his mom where she said it's the first time in a while that she laughed this much. As much as I hate Seok-Hyung's dad and the mistress (the guts) and want them to be miserable forever, I want Seok Hyung and his mom to be happy. And they can't do that if they are still spiteful towards the dad. The mafia game and the parents gathering is probably to show us (and mom) that it is better to move on. This pd and writer never ever does anything that is unnecessary. I also wanted more scenes with the 5 friends, but I appreciate the show treating every character as a living being, and giving them full story arcs. One of the reasons I will forever be a fan of this creative team.

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