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[Drama 2020] The King: Eternal Monarch, 더 킹: 영원의 군주


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1 minute ago, Heretorant said:

I’m guilty. I watched two of those 3 shows :lol::lol::lol: and even watched Too Hot to Handle while killing time waiting for this drama one week :lol::lol::lol:


Am quite embarrassed to admit it lol.


Girl.  I watched Glee for 6 years and posted daily on a forum. I have ZERO room to talk hahaha.


Um...I also watched Pretty Little Liars, Once Upon A Time, every Arrowverse show, and most embarrassingly...Reign.  Hahahaha


I also watch every TLC show :(


So watching kdramas actually make me seem like a more intelligent, observant, multi-faceted person!  Until people hear that I've stopped sleeping on Thursday nights so I can get up at 6am to watch TKEM and then can't work all day because I'm time-travelin' in my head.

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12 minutes ago, leeminhosny said:

No I just wonder what happned KGE in this drama kiss scenes? looks like her first kiss:lol: Yes This is my only fear :lol:

I brace myself for sad ending, I think this drama will finish without good kiss scene , no can't you give us at least Heirs level kiss ( it is high school drama ) I hope it won't finish with  just middle school kiss , who is guilty? KES or PD I just know isn't LMH :lol:

Ma dear friend, you must have not seen KGE kiss before because she is not afraid to kiss. They have two good kissers on hand, writer and PD better take advantage. And if we don’t, it’s writer Kim so we should go after her lol. 

Sadly, I have a feeling that’s the end of LeeEul’s kissing days until maybe episode 15-16. :bawling:


@AgentQuake Hahahaha you and me both. I can’t even sleep during Thursday nights! I try to but I always wake up every 2 hours to see if it’s 6am yet :lol:


@leeminhosny KGE kissing: 

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@SweetButters :joy: i even got confused from reading your second meme :joy: but now i am really starting to think exactly why do we see all these people again in LG’s life if he is frozen in time and traveling far to meet JTE. Is LR frozen in time too? And exactly which LR are we looking at? Aside from my thoughts being scattered everywhere because of this drama, when I think I figured something out, I think again and feel like this:




56 minutes ago, Guyangi_Dalpeongi said:

Yup! Agreed! :lol: I’ll NEVER drink that coffee! Off topic, but I am a big fan of Seo In Guk - especially in Shopping King Louis, and one of the never ending PPL was for this brand of instant coffee - Maxim Gold! I spotted it in a Korean grocery shop, so I bought a packet to try - Gah ... Couldn’t drink it! I never liked 3-in-1 coffees anyway and Maxim Gold is just ... Gah ... Since SKL was one of the first few KDramas I watched, I was also introduced to jajangmyeon!! So yummy!!  LOTBS was my first live KDrama and that’s when I first learned about LMH plus ramyeon and eating at a convenience store (so cool!) and jajangmyeon!! YUMS! (JJH made it look even more messy delicious but I think her favourite is pasta! Hahaha)

 Now, the FRIED CHICKEN, though ... we have so many Korean places in Singapore, but somehow, after seeing all the PPL for this brand, none seems to look as good as this brand! :rolleyes::D Power of LMH endorsing FRIED CHICKEN!! Seriously, though, fellow Chingus in SG, do we have this brand here?? I think I really need to order soon ... Haha 

I am tagging Chingu @vangsweetie637 here! Hahaha - cos like you, I also love food and each time I see the amount of unfinished food in the drama - I get so hungry ... And I REALLY wanna have a bite of that fish cake or rice cake  on the stick that JTE & KSJ were chomping on ... uuugghhh! 


Another question for our Chingus in the US, how’s our drama doing on Netflix US? Is it even on Netflix in the US? Just curious! 


haha i agree with @AgentQuake. These PPL are only tasty in the show. When we get it in actual life, it’s pretty sloppy haha. One time, there was a bacon hamburger commercial and dang it looked so good. The ad said it would be “delicious and juicy.” So I went and bought one. It looked nothing like the commercial. It looked like a regular hamburger with lettuce and tomato only. Bacon wasn’t even crispy. I felt so cheated haha. I even wondered how is this hamburger advertised as juicy and delicious when it’s something I could have just made at home :joy: ah, to answer your qn about Netflix. This drama is doing well on NF and it’s trending right now as one of the top watched dramas. Sometimes it takes awhile for an episode to upload on NF but with TKEM, it uploads right after it airs and with subtitles! Amazing! 


40 minutes ago, Guyangi_Dalpeongi said:

YESSSHHH!! Me too!! Or maybe just get tf out of 2020 ... sigh and maybe into 2022 or 2023, when this COVID would be over and there’s a vaccine... :sweatingbullets:


Yes! Hallelujah to this!!! I want everything to be settled already. So we can all get back on our feet. 

@Jaja ooo, it does seem like a spoiler I haven’t seen yet. Seems like LG is rushing to her. Did he get her message or already knew beforehand? Hmmmm...



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4 hours ago, scrawford said:

KGE is doing great as well, You want to cry when she cries. Ahhhh.....


I do agree with you. When she cries, she cries from heart. I can feel and touch her feeling when she cries. She is a great actress.

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@AgentQuake & @Heretorant - Hahaha!! All the guilt-inducing shows!! Riverdale was HIGHLY recommended to me by my American ex-colleague though!  It’s like me with books ... I used to read those torrid M&B or Sidney Sheldon crap in secret and then brandished Dostoyevsky or James Joyce books ... which I usually couldn’t get past Chapter 1! 
But seriously, I think most, if not all of us depend on subtitles!!?? So I don’t quite understand this reluctance about subtitles?? :blink:

Oh, and I simply LOVE both your profile pics!

@Heretorant - and SO GLAD to have you, a Long time LMH fan to be part of our Lady Noh’s Talisman Court Ladies in our Shipper’s Forum!! 

And @AgentQuake - YES, I think I am going along with your predictions 80%! Ok, I am gonna wager FRIED CHICKEN - sigh ... I can’t order it from here in SG to send to you in Seattle though ... Hahaha! We have many local versions of fried chicken in SG which are very very yummy too, but it’s a bit too far for me to send them to you! :lol:

@leeminhosny - YES, they mentioned LMH in SKL - it’s about that No.1 Designer Jacket!! :lol:

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1 hour ago, YongZura⁷ said:


Good question.  People mentioned of different LG and JTE but never mentioned different LR .... or did we missed that point?  Well anyway, I'm just visiting he he.... .. just like LG... I'm going now.  Take care.

We could just be overthinking it but if LG is frozen in time, then LR could too??!! :sweatingbullets: come back soon :)


52 minutes ago, Heretorant said:

I wasn’t able to back read every single post but what I have gathered from the last two pages is that some of the PPL worked on us. Not so much the kimchi but everyone seems to crave the fried chicken, me included. And definitely not the coffee! But mostly, we crave ourselves LMH Lol. 


I have a solution that is quite simple. There’s only one LR because LR will never posses the whole flute hence will never be able to travel in time. LG will defeat LR and gain the flute which will allow him to time travel. 


I am reposting your gif because we can’t quote gifs. 

The hand grabbing somehow made this scene so much more emotional. It feels as though she never wants to let go. All I have to say is bravo to the actors and the person who directed this scene! This scene set the bars for all other scenes to come and all other love confessions in other dramas to come! 



I might be alone on this but this scene hit me harder than when Kim shin vanished into thin air in Goblin. 


To wish for top 10 would be too much to ask for but it’s gotten on the popular list a few times. I guess that’s all I can ask for. Americans be sleeping on Korean dramas. 

Hahaha I love how you said “of all things” because I can see where you’re coming from. God, the show just went south. Season 1 was the best of all seasons and I gave up on the show completely midway through season 3. 

Btw, I love your profile photo. Looking good :wub:




haha at this time, i need a laptop to type my replies. So much easier than my phone. Unfortunately, my laptop is already frozen in time, forever lol. Honestly, this ending of episode 10 made me shed tears without even knowing. The Goblin scene did the same for me but I think it’s because of three things: the actors, the music played and the dialogue. For me, with Shin, i know that he was meant to disappear so when he actually did, it was heartbreaking watching JTE break down. With TKEM, i was not expecting LG to disappear so I cried too because of the yearning and anguish of not knowing where he disappeared to. In Goblin, JTE cried aloud. In TKEM, she had to cried silently in a way with her hands covering her mouth. This is the type of cry people do when they are hurting so much inside but wants no one to hear or know they are crying :bawling: both scenes from two drama are different but the effect delivers the same breakdown for us and the characters. 

also, in regards to LR, if LG actually ends up getting the whole flute then it means LR would no longer possess the power to not age. It means he could have died already too and Time is turning back because LG is also coming back to Time. Haha see, there goes my mind again. 

@AgentQuake @Heretorant talking about shows, the longest one I followed was Supernatural. I followed it for 14 seasons despite the fact that it lost some of the original authenticity that I really enjoyed from season 1-2. But that’s another story haha. 

@leeminhosny hahahaha, KGE can definitely kiss. That’s why we need these two to deliver a real proper kiss. Don’t let it go to waste. But with how things are going for these two, another kiss wont be coming our way any time soon. Prove us wrong, writer and pd-nim :P



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If JTE dies, could Lee Gon go back in time and bring her with him in present? 

or if she is rescued in past, would she be automatically resurrected in present? 

or he can only go back in the past just to watch her for a few minutes (like in episode 10 end)? 

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8 hours ago, leeminhosny said:
8 hours ago, Keikokoko said:

How do you expect us to think straight if you photo-bomb us with King like this? 


Love King! Long live King. Wish JTE could give you thousands of hugs. 

I think this is most intimate hugs scene in the Korean drama history, I watched so many Kdrama for 8 years but Really I don't remember this like


Aside from passion, this barrel-chested hug speaks of desperation and need.  That by clinging to each other with every inch of their bodies as much as possible, they fill each other's intimate urgency .  They hold each other so hard that they will still feel each other, embossed on their person when they pull away. 


For TE, hugging him makes it achingly real again.

And for LG, there is that protective need to envelop her, to assure her and himself that they are safely together, despite the almost insurmountable challenges they face.


Such hugs are like words that can never be unsaid or forgotten.

That hug is life itself. 

How can you live without that kind of love?!

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37 minutes ago, vangsweetie637 said:
1 hour ago, Guyangi_Dalpeongi said:


haha i agree with @AgentQuake. These PPL are only tasty in the show. When we get it in actual life, it’s pretty sloppy haha. One time, there was a bacon hamburger commercial and dang it looked so good. The ad said it would be “delicious and juicy.” So I went and bought one. It looked nothing like the commercial. It looked like a regular hamburger with lettuce and tomato only. Bacon wasn’t even crispy. I felt so cheated haha. I even wondered how is this hamburger advertised as juicy and delicious when it’s something I could have just made at home :joy: ah, to answer your qn about Netflix. This drama is doing well on NF and it’s trending right now as one of the top watched dramas. Sometimes it takes awhile for an episode to upload on NF but with TKEM, it uploads right after it airs and with subtitles!


Hahaha!! Yeah, me too - Got scammed by the power of PPL! But that robot skincare device thingy ...that is one helluva expensive device ... whoa ... Hahaha! Though, with all the social distancing we may have to endure, sigh ... we probably can’t go for facials / spa treatments for quite sometime ... So, eventually this could be the way to go ...

And so Glad that the drama is doing well in the US! 

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1 minute ago, msdot said:

Sorry for my ignorance, but what is someone’s obelisk? I know the definition of an obelisk, but I didn’t understand the reference in the episode. 

No worries, we’re all here to help each other understand better. My interpretation: LG’s obelisk is his gate to Korea. LG is looking for LR’s obelisk meaning he is looking for the gate LR is using to cross between worlds. 

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If LG will go back and forth in frozen moments in time while he's away/not in the present time, it will be like the concept of the movie "The Time Traveler's Wife". Difference is, the time traveller there can't control when, where, how long it will happen. Lee Gon can control everything. On that movie, the time traveller dies. But in the future, it is shown that he visits (in a short time) his wife and daughter because it was the "past him" time traveling to the present (his future). Heart-breaking too. But this won't happen to Lee Gon because he is "eternal". Maybe it's the other way around. Even if JTE's life span ends (die or die of old age), Lee Gon's eternal life won't be lonely because he can always go back in frozen time to spend time with JTE without limit. Eternal Love :wub:


Don't we all share this feeling!! :tears:



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Just went and rewatched ep.9 with the whole JTE/Yoyo Kid/LG 2022 vid. I guess I must have missed it but in the video, LG says:


LG: Is it an error?

Tae-eul wasn't wearing that on that day.


^How does LG know what she was wearing in the year 2022?


Now I dont know if the LG we have here at the laptop is present LG or future LG. Meaning what if he had already manipulated some events and was going back to watch that video of 2022 in the present (maybe to remember happier times), but suddenly JTE is wearing a different outfit than what she was wearing in that same video in 2022? :o




33 minutes ago, vangsweetie637 said:

@SweetButters :joy: i even got confused from reading your second meme :joy: but now i am really starting to think exactly why do we see all these people again in LG’s life if he is frozen in time and traveling far to meet JTE. Is LR frozen in time too? And exactly which LR are we looking at? Aside from my thoughts being scattered everywhere because of this drama, when I think I figured something out, I think again and feel like this:


@vangsweetie637 hahaha right?!  its like the revenge of the doppelgängers ! hahah couldn't agree more with the thoughts scattering everywhere. Literally been going back to watch episodes to try and see where this show is going to go. 




1 hour ago, Guyangi_Dalpeongi said:

YESSSHHH!! Me too!! Or maybe just get tf out of 2020 ... sigh and maybe into 2022 or 2023, when this COVID would be over and there’s a vaccine... :sweatingbullets:

@Guyangi_Dalpeongi OMG that would be great too, but the way I look at covid 19 on a positive note is that it gives us more time to watch TKEM more closely and to analyze it better !:heart:



1 hour ago, Heretorant said:

I have a solution that is quite simple. There’s only one LR because LR will never posses the whole flute hence will never be able to travel in time. LG will defeat LR and gain the flute which will allow him to time travel. 

@Heretorant AHHHH GOOD ANSWER! Mind blowin' :joy:

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5 minutes ago, SweetButters said:

Just went and rewatched ep.9 with the whole JTE/Yoyo Kid/LG 2022 vid. I guess I must have missed it but in the video, LG says:


LG: Is it an error?

Tae-eul wasn't wearing that on that day.


^How does LG know what she was wearing in the year 2022?


Now I dont know if the LG we have here at the laptop is present LG or future LG. Meaning what if he had already manipulated some events and was going back to watch that video of 2022 in the present (maybe to remember happier times), but suddenly JTE is wearing a different outfit than what she was wearing in that same video in 2022? :o



My understanding here is that he was previously watching JTE's vid from 11/12/2019. He thought all CCTV captures were from that day. So when he saw the date, he wondered if it was a mistake. But then he noticed that JTE's clothes are different between the two vids he watched. 

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Read on twitter that if there are multiple timelines and in at least one timeline JTE dies, then LG have to marry Prime Minister in that timeline to produce heir argghh i don't want to see that :dizzy:

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