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[Drama 2020] The King: Eternal Monarch, 더 킹: 영원의 군주


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2 minutes ago, 2handsintertwined said:

I'm sorry to jump on this post. I wish I knew what you were talking about. Doing a lot of backreading.. So I believe you talked about timelines. I'm already confused. I'm asking which timeline is Lee Gon(Your Majesty) in? And which timeline is Jung Tae- Eul in? And which timeline is Lee Gon's uncle in? Lee Gon jumped through the two stones and I'm like, "What just happened?" And he had his horse with him. And he sees Jung Tae-Eul. But how did he know her before? I'm sorry I'm dumb. I just wanted to share that I appreciate you giving your opinion. :) 

The timelines are just a theory for now hehe, since time travel hasn’t been introduced yet in the drama. The idea of him knowing her beforehand is just a speculation.

What has been introduced so far is only the parallel worlds (2 spaces/ dimensions). But most of us believe that there is a time travel involved because of the ID. Time travel is HIGHLY PROBABLE. But for the time loop part... more episodes are needed to back that theory up.

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It's Thursday morning KST.  With all of the on points discussions ( + the spoilers) , I'm looking forward to tomorrow's episode.  Some of the points do make sense and the story has become clearer.


TMI: I wonder how Lady Noh will react to the handsome ES



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25 minutes ago, rcresh said:

This is my take on the time loop theory.

@rcresh Welcome!! I myself is a relative new member and joined this broad because I liked the intrigues of fantasy and sci-fi stories.  I shared your enthusiasm and thinking in this post about time travel. My belief is that the write wrote the drama with dynamic time travel, creating looping and ending with paradox. Early on, I have posted  my observation of time travel and time looping from MATH's viewpoint on  "0" being infinite, the end will just be another beginning.and start over again.  Each time loop ended with with slightly different outcome depending on actions taken. There were a lot of hints sprinkled throughout episodes that confirmed this to us. Many of us have posted them since early on. If you haven't read them yet, worth back reading. I have feeling that you will enjoy everyone's contributed thoughts. There are many brilliant minds like you in this board. 



I also think there is a twist by writer to end the paradox by creating a wrinkle in the dynamic time travel theory, and that wrinkle is Luna - I call her JTE's leftover in Corea from different round of time loops. I think she is another savior aside from LG himself. If anyone is keeping the list of possible savior or saviors, please kindly add my speculation of "LG + Luna" to the list. :) 

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35 minutes ago, rcresh said:

I really hope something similar will happen in TKEM, although this is a very complicated theory as it will involve multiple timelines when there's already a parallel universe involved.

Actually, I think this theory makes absolute sense. This aligns with the many worlds theory. All possible outcomes of LG and JTE, and everyone in the universe, that is, exists in another world. If there are 10 outcomes, then that moment will split and create 10 different worlds. Sometime ago, Corea and Korea split into two different worlds because something happened that led to two different outcomes (LG explained this in episode 2 or 3). Of course we are only exploring two worlds in this drama but for now, we can still assume that there are many worlds but we cannot access it. Multiverse time travel would then make total sense. Each time someone travels back in time and changes something, it creates a separate timeline (world) from the current one. Except, like you, I feel like this route is way too complicated to explain in 16 episodes. And I wish the writer wouldn’t explore many worlds. It would also mean the LG we’re currently seeing does not end up happy. And truth be told, he’s the one I care about. I don’t want an LG from a separate timeline to end up happy with JTE, I want this one and this one only! 

I’m going to rule out fixed timeline because there’s a reason why LG travels back in time. If it’s fixed, he cannot change the future and we’re left with the same ending, which I don’t think is what the writer is going for. 

A paradox doesn’t seem to be the case either because everything cancels out each other. But, I would like to point out that JTE’s phone case says “back to the future”. The writer is deliberately placing clues for us to see. I have never seen back to the future so I have no idea how it’s going to play out. But my bet is on dynamic timeline. 

56 minutes ago, scrawford said:

@Heretorant did you see this? KGE represent! ever since i found out about the Lead casting for the king, I have been waiting for something with passion, knowing how the leads did in their previous drama.

OH MY GOD! That was a HOT kiss! I would literally die if lmh and kge have a kiss like that! Not a chance though, don’t even dream on it! The King is SBS! Hdowbakrbekdbrnekdbdkdb :rage:



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3 minutes ago, Keikokoko said:


I also think there is a twist by writer to end the paradox by creating a wrinkle in the dynamic time travel theory, and that wrinkle is Luna - I call her JTE's leftover in Corea from different round of time loops. I think she is another savior aside from LG himself. If anyone is keeping the list of possible savior or saviors, please kindly add my speculation of "LG + Luna" to the list. :) 

Wow, I’ve also been wondering how Luna’s character will play into the time travel part. It would be amazing if she really was an aftermath from a time loop.


I wish there was a compilation of these time-related theories :lol: this thread is moving so fast that it’s hard to catch up with other’s comments haha.

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7 minutes ago, Heretorant said:

Actually, I think this theory makes absolute sense. This aligns with the many worlds theory. All possible outcomes of LG and JTE, and everyone in the universe, that is, exists in another world. If there are 10 outcomes, then that moment will split and create 10 different worlds. Sometime ago, Corea and Korea split into two different worlds because something happened that led to two different outcomes (LG explained this in episode 2 or 3). Of course we are only exploring two worlds in this drama but for now, we can still assume that there are many worlds but we cannot access it. Multiverse time travel would then make total sense. Each time someone travels back in time and changes something, it creates a separate timeline (world) from the current one. Except, like you, I feel like this route is way too complicated to explain in 16 episodes. And I wish the writer wouldn’t explore many worlds. It would also mean the LG we’re currently seeing does not end up happy. And truth be told, he’s the one I care about. I don’t want an LG from a separate timeline to end up happy with JTE, I want this one and this one only! 

I’m going to rule out fixed timeline because there’s a reason why LG travels back in time. If it’s fixed, he cannot change the future and we’re left with the same ending, which I don’t think is what the writer is going for. 

A paradox doesn’t seem to be the case either because everything cancels out each other. But, I would like to point out that JTE’s phone case says “back to the future”. The writer is deliberately placing clues for us to see. I have never seen back to the future so I have no idea how it’s going to play out. But my bet is on dynamic timeline. 


At the moment, as I am also leaning towards a similar view like yours: with highest probability that we are watching a dynamic timeline (with a caveat that this timeline run is about how they break the loop and how JTE and LG could find a probability where they end up together).


As previously noted as well, the multiverse is possible. But it would be quite sad :(

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4 hours ago, Guine said:

I hope one can enlighten me: Ep3 , when JTE wasn't able to trace family of LG based on his DNA , while on Ep8  she was able to trace family of LR doppelgänger's autopsy (the king , the queen and LJH  on ROK) , why is that ? I mean , how's that possible ? They already have records of the family which is direct to LG's DNA,  right?  

@Guine Not sure which of my post you cited. But looked like  @syntyche has answered your question. Welcome on board. 

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1 hour ago, rcresh said:



I also think that in the upcoming episodes, JY and ES will switch roles and ES will protect LG referencing back to what JY said earlier in ep 7, “ how can they trust people like you to protect the country?” (somewhere along those lines), then he really ends up saving the king.



@rcresh Omg I'm thinking the same way! Also in that same scene, JY says " If it's a problem that we look identical, we can solve it by just eliminating one" and then everyone turns to ES and ES says Well don't regret this later by saying "I didn't know you'd do this, okay?". At first I thought that line was kinda weird and out of place, but after rewatching multiple episodes now, I've learn you literally have to pay close attention to everything that is said and shown lol. So what Im thinking is that it's a foreshadow because later the other characters are probably going to be like "we never thought ES would have done this"...aka jumping in front of LG to protect him




Still the possibility remains that it could be JY that jumps in front of LG. As I had mentioned previously how I'm thinking part of TKEM is going to go the whole Queen Daenerys route meaning that LG is going to lose the people he most cares about (JTE, JY, Headcourt Lady, and Prince Buyeong) and this will propel him to do all sorts of crazy things that would normally be uncharacteristic of him. Loving people are your weaknesses (even Luna says something similar along those lines in that scene where she's beating up that guy) and well LR is going to exploit every one of LG's weaknesses until LG has nothing left to lose essentially. A person who has nothing left to lose is going to be one scary person! LG is going to be like I'm tired everyone jumping in front of me because after all what is a life without those who love us and that we love.:cold_sweat:

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5 hours ago, heartoppaya said:

Has any of you watched the American crime show “Fringe”? I saw something about the birth secret similar in it.



Big fan of J. J. Abrams and of course Fringe. SJ's background story from Corea was one that we all speculated early on and confirmed in ep 8. I can't wait to see his story line further evolve. I am anticipating him to be the tragic "Dark Knight". 

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7 hours ago, Heretorant said:


7 hours ago, Heretorant said:

OH MY GOD! That was a HOT kiss! I would literally die if lmh and kge have a kiss like that! Not a chance though, don’t even dream on it! The King is SBS! Hdowbakrbekdbrnekdbdkdb :rage:



7 hours ago, madmad min said:


Great hypothesis.


Looking at the general Local Response and already too simply complicated theory to understand I do not Think KES and her bandwagon will try to approach the Multiverse and or 2 Timeline LG saving himself too ambitious and botchering for 8 episodes.


My cents Timeline A never happened. Timeline B and C is what took place looking at current scenario.Attempting Timeline A would be giving JTE and SJ the Flute and Sword's power.


If people can cross the worlds only with the flute possesion then  the TimeTurning power of flute and sword can be weilded by its TRUE CALLER /Owner who can HEAR the Flute , at this point its only LG or LR.


@heretorant to be fair TVN didn't show that whole thing. They cut the steamy parts. So i think the problem would be KES. TVN had shown steamier kiss than that. So, our luck SBS+KES = Sweet and proper kiss. unfortunately :(.


@madmad min I Agree with you 100%. While all the time travel and time loop theories are fascinating, we only have 8 episodes to wrap up. I would be glad if she can do it cohesively and make sense, and adding more universe/world to introduce would be more of a headache for viewer to digest and already complicated story. 

My guess would be he travel back to the past to change something in the future. And with the "back to the future" easter eggs, let me give a quick synopsis.


1st one Marty goes to the future year 2016 (I think)


2nd one is about Marty went back to the 50's because Biff (the Bully) had his hand on time machine and went back to change his history  to make himself successful and one of the side effect was going to make Marty's parents didn't get together and that will resulted in Marty didn't exist. So he went back to the past to stop the change and keep things the way it was i.e his parent still get together and he would be born. (This is seems to be relevant in a sense going back to the past to change the future?). Do look up the synopsis, this is just by my memory, but the 2nd one he went to the 50's.


3rd one He went back to the western world which is not relevant at all to TKEM.

Edited by Jillia
Please answer outside the quote, thanks!
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Anyone wondering why this love story is not the “slow burn” type might want to give this a read. @scrawford and I said this earlier, that everything happens quickly in their relationship because they have already been in love, god knows how many times. To us, it may seem fast, but to them, it’s been forever. This blog post explains it flawlessly!



20 minutes ago, scrawford said:

@heretorant to be fair TVN didn't show that whole thing. They cut the steamy parts. So i think the problem would be KES. TVN had shown steamier kiss then that. So, our luck SBS+KES = Sweet and proper kiss. unfortunately :(.

Fine! I’ll take sweet and proper kisses in exchange for real kisses from MinEun! This will forever be my response lol :lol:

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A bed scene  was also cut out of DoTs. Pity. 

Just musing but I wonder if KGE sometimes feels held back and frustrated by the main NetWorks Puritan views on Kissing, let alone bed scenes. She is very daring we know this. 

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4 hours ago, lindas55 said:

I agree with both of you while I like most of Lee Min-ho's dramas Heirs just didn't work for me. He is always great eye candy but now days I also need a story line and even with it's faults and what drama doesn't have a few, this one is a great story.  I took a break from the K drama world because the stories started to be to routine and boring. The King brought me back to the K drama world and soompi. 

Sister, you have matured. :D I hope you don't mind my joke, just want to compliment you. This is the first K-drama I watch with LMH as lead.  He has such kingly/princely aura that one can't take eyes away from him. When the camera zooms into his face, eyes in particular, I don't know about you all, but I feel hypnotized. I can understand completely why so many of you on this board are his long time loyal fans. I hope he will continue to choose well written projects that stretch his acting muscles and showcase his acting prowess.  

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At this point, I am going to go with a possible theory that the time when kiddie LG was going to get killed is actually a reverse time. The savior is LG himself. The theory that him and JTE has known each other longer than the first time we met them makes sense. Then that means the future also collided with the past. So in order to stop the future from happening again (JTE dying, maybe?), he goes back into time to fix the balance that went off. The future is affected by the decisions of the past and present. Now, how do I explain this? Honestly:


But the fact that a future has to exist has been on my mind. If there is already a parallel world and an in-between world then the future world of both parallel worlds have to also exist somewhere. 

h8jqOug.gifthis is my mind right now :joy:


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5 minutes ago, vangsweetie637 said:

At this point, I am going to go with a possible theory that the time when kiddie LG was going to get killed is actually a reverse time. The savior is LG himself. The theory that him and JTE has known each other longer than the first time we met them makes sense. Then that means the future also collided with the past. So in order to stop the future from happening again (JTE dying, maybe?), he goes back into time to fix the balance that went off. The future is affected by the decisions of the past and present. Now, how do I explain this? Honestly:


@vangsweetie637  Well, that's pretty much it. At this point, what needs to be said has been all said. Whatever theory the writer has or still is working on, just give us some well deserved hot kisses and a peek into the chamber of secret. We've waited long 8 episodes now, need motivation to go on to finish line. 

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8 minutes ago, Keikokoko said:


@vangsweetie637  Well, that's pretty much it. At this point, what needs to be said has been all said. Whatever theory the writer has or still is working on, just give us some well deserved hot kisses and a peek into the chamber of secret. We've waited long 8 episodes now, need motivation to go on to finish line. 

haha i feel like my mind is so scattered that I am expecting the writer to make up for it! :joy:

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