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[Drama 2019] The Secret Life of my Secretary / I love you from the beginning, 초면에 사랑합니다


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It's actually sad that almost everyone is trying to harm Do Min Ik and that just our heroine is by his side...With friends like Dae Joo better be all alone,(doubt he even considers Min Ik his friend)hope in the long run Do Min Ik will cut ties with him because he doesn't deserve it,trying to kill him or be bystander to it doesn't have any excuse in my view,if he was unlucky he would be dead by now...Quite hope by the end he will leave with Gal Hee and start their own business away from all this shady people...

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1 hour ago, Miky88 said:

It's actually sad that almost everyone is trying to harm Do Min Ik and that just our heroine is by his side...With friends like Dae Joo better be all alone,(doubt he even considers Min Ik his friend)hope in the long run Do Min Ik will cut ties with him because he doesn't deserve it,trying to kill him or be bystander to it doesn't have any excuse in my view,if he was unlucky he would be dead by now...Quite hope by the end he will leave with Gal Hee and start their own business away from all this shady people...

This is why I hope GH doesn't make a habit of pretending to be VP. DMI desperately needs just one person to be on his side without any ill intent. So far, it has just been GH, as his friends and family all have something to gain from their connection to him. That is why when they were at the police station with DJ and DJ suggested they close the case because it would bring unwanted attention on DMI while he is up for CEO, and DMI readily agreed I cringed. People like him, who have been desperately trying their whole lives to belong to something or someone are quick to turn a blind eye to people that they believe they can trust who betray them. While I don't think DJ put a hit out on him, he knows that other people probably did and who it may be. If this happened to my friend, I would be on the cops neck to find the culprit. It doesn't fit that he would be so quick to push this under the rug. He knows that DMI's uncle is trying to push him out and he is just allowing himself to be used in that plot.


Also, Secretary Lee is going to somehow make GH out to be the villain in the future. You can see it lining up. She was the first one to remind everyone that DMI does not hold on to secretaries. So, why would she then show up, uninvited to the secretary's club outing? She isn't close to any of those girls, so how did she even find out about it? The one secretary friend who is related to the driver/attacker probably tipped her off. There is clearly more than meets the eye here.


I just want GH to wake up and pay closer attention to what is going on around her. She is too clueless to all of the snakes. That is really the only way that she could be of any help to DMI. 

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@nohamahamoud2002 i was laughing my head off at this scene where she was ”exploiting” her VP identity & making him do all the things he would never have done for her as Gal Hee


And Gal Hee looking out for Min Ik has become such a habit that she , instantly without thinking makes him cough out his steak when she thought it had traces of nuts, which he is allergic to



Turned out it wasn’t & she was cursing herself in the toilet . :w00t:, yes dear dear Gal Hee . This is like an occupational disease



He asked her how she knew about his allergy to nuts..quickly covered up & said his secretary told her 



Lol, she could barely look him in the face the next day at work . Wahh our boss here has no idea of personal space . He is practically inches from her face each time 


so I thought this was quite a crucial scene , instinctively , Min Ik in spite of his face blindness , thought the driver in the mask was his assailant . He was right of course . So he tried to bring the guy down . gal hee comes into the room to stop him and says it’s the driver. I’m actually so nervous that the driver is aware of Min ik’s every move . Still wondering who sent him 






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2 hours ago, nubianlegalmind said:

While I don't think DJ put a hit out on him, he knows that other people probably did and who it may be. If this happened to my friend, I would be on the cops neck to find the culprit.

I'm sure he knows and he already warned him even in today's episode to let him go to be able to keep living,something that was pretty awful...It's clear he doesn't consider DMI his friend and think of himself more like a minion or errand boy but heck,he is a grown a$$ man,if he had problems he should have talked with him and sort it out long time ago rather than pretend and put this mask of righteous man that Veronica Park well pointed(in terms of his business card)...Curious what the Secretary is hiding even from DJ,as clearly something happened before he left to USA...Curious if she made a deal with the former CEO(curious if he is his son)that payed his studies...About DJ,how much of a coincidence is that he meet the Driver that night when DMI was almost killed and even planted him besides him knowing more than sure he tries to harm him and looking for that USB...I find him quite horrible,no matter  what the story it can't excuse his behaviour...He is plainly a snake and that double face is way worse...Sad that DMI can't see it or pretends not(nor does want to find actually the truth)as he will loose even the friend he thinks he has...Hope the Police continue the case not dropping it till they find the people behind all of this...

Also from the preview i sense GH sister might audition for Veronica Park if i saw it clear...

After today's episode i'm curious if he indeed will be able to see her while she is pretending to be Veronica Park and keep quiet and continue along her....

I think deep down GH likes DMI as a man but she doesn't realize it yet....

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3 minutes ago, triplem said:

@nohamahamoud2002 i was laughing my head off at this scene where she was ”exploiting” her VP identity & making him do all the things he would never have done for her as Gal Hee

 yes exactly, I felt the same, she is taking revenge :D I don't know why I remembered this song :D "Treat Her Like a Lady" :D





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Ohhhh Dom is FALLING HARD :love: 


To see this completely different side to him - where he is not interdependent on another human :lol: he is so dependant on GH it's insane! But from context, it makes sense why he acts like a spoilt brat with her (remember this is a drama irl it's a different story) and I kinda get it...he just wants to feel like he belongs somewhere. He desperately wants a family to call his own. Deciding to go on a date just for his mum's approval. He even disregarded clear proof that DJ was at the scene of the crime cause he's in denial and doesn't want to lose his best friend. (I'll get to that later :ph34r:) Besides, at this point GH is immune to it, it's like second nature to care and provide for him that it's almost enabling him. But again, he has changed...slightly - he now makes coffee for himself and shines his own shoes LOL that took him long enough!


DJ. I don't know how to feel about him. On one hand, it seems like he's conspiring with the driver. But then, I'm assuming he was a good friend to Dom but then got tired of being compared to him and now wants out. He even told Dom he doesn't want to be his 'minion' anymore! OUCH. Clearly it is one-sided at this point. It also seems like the uncle is trying to make him compete with DJ a lot. And SECRETARY LEE :crazy: she creeps me out so much! Their friendship is also weird and shrouded in mystery...idk just please don't hurt Dom.


GH :wub: I LOVE HER! I really like her character. She's feisty, kinda awkward, cute and trying her best to live a good life honestly :lol: I like that she told herself it was just going to be that ONE TIME pretending to be VP but girl we know how flustered you got. Her relationship with Dom is so dang adorable I literally wait for their scenes as GH and Dom all the time! But now that she can see a new side of Dom with her acting as VP...its gonna send her on an emotional roller coaster. 


Keep the lies coming :joy:


Also spoiler!!!


Now we know that Dom may be able to see faces again if his blood pressure is high enough to ensure blood flow to the affected part of his brain. The doctor from the US said her patient with the same condition reported 3 occasions in which he could clearly see faces again, for a short while. One was when he was making his graduation speech (nervousness and anxiety). Another time when he was working 3 nights in a row (stress and fatigue) and the third was when he realised he was in love :wub: 


I wonder if Dom will figure out its GH and confront her about it...or maybe hide the fact to see how far she can go along with the lie?? We'll see!


PS. The visuals in this scene :heart:


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I'm not sure what to make of this drama 'cause a lot of it just seem like a farce to me? 


There's been a growing trend of office romance dramas lately in particular to the dynamics between boss & secretary. Why? Are secretaries underappreciated in South Korea LoL? Well, it is a tough job after all, picking up after your boss.. 


I thought Lee Sung-kyung on Cheese in the Trap took the cake for most outlandish character..but nope. Veronica Park tops her! And geez I find Gal-Hee really LOUD. Like why she need to talk so loudly, almost screaming at times?! 


And without her Ugly Betty get up Min-Ik can't recognise her LoL? Like he can't differentiate her voice? As if ha-ha. I'll keep watching but..with no expectations..there's really nothin' much else to watch currently in k-drama land.. 

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The lead actor here is a lot better at depicting the facial recognition symptoms than that other guy from Rich Man. The chemistry between the leads and storyline flows better as well. The main actress is so cute, she makes a great match with most of her co-stars! It's a predictable plot & cliche secretary theme...so hopefully the two leads will give us something different this time around.

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I know this is supposed to be a rom-com... but after watching subs, I can't help but feel bad for both our leads and wonder what's in store for them down the road... For Dom, because he is falling in love with the "wrong" person. He thought it is Veronica Park (:P I like spelling out her name in full) although I'm sure he won't mind when he later on found out that it is JGH after all.... As for DH, I feel bad for her because she is falling in love with Dom for all the sweet things he does, and yet he is doing all those stuff because he is doing it for Veronica Park, not for her...

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So what do you all think of this theory ? Do you think he knows ? I think he’s got a hunch but can’t be absolutely sure 


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45 minutes ago, triplem said:

So what do you all think of this theory ? Do you think he knows ? I think he’s got a hunch but can’t be absolutely sure 

I don't think so, because of him still wondering in the hospital what she looks like... but I'm happy to be proven wrong... that he's known all this time and was just teasing her :D


Based on the last info by the visiting Doc, I am guessing that somehow one day he would finally see JDH face, dressed in Veronica Park outfit, when he truly fall in love with her. And the moment he sees her face, he would wonder why, what's happened, but he would keep it a secret and play with JDH a bit, a little bit of sweet revenge for deceiving him. She would then feel tortured and conflicted, and finally confessed.... ??

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so at this point, i am sure the sec lee (whom DJ calls noona) is his mother.. and he might as well be uncle's son

making our two leads cousins.


I love how much he already loves the secretary GH :) .. 


Who was the girl he fell in love 3 years ago? And how did she break his heart? - either mom tormented the girl because she was low society or she was employed by uncle to spy on our male lead



Veronica Park rocks!!.. go and fiddle with DJ .. i like it :)

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Love episode 3 :yum: 


Crack me up , when Jung Gal Hee  was talking about her experience working for Veronica Park :joy: 























She joking right  , all veronica Park want is to keep her warm , all season  :sweat_smile:


* Bonus :joy: - how she nearly been caught badmouthing her was awesome  :phew:





# best ex boss ever in my eyes :D

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3 hours ago, triplem said:

So what do you all think of this theory ? Do you think he knows ? I think he’s got a hunch but can’t be absolutely sure 


i thought he hid it instinctively because its first crush.. and you don't want the world to know.. less your secy to see your changed attitude and fiddling with umbrella (she knows park)

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