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[Drama 2018-2019] Encounter / Boyfriend, 남자친구

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5 hours ago, gumtaek said:

KJH was guiding CSH to understand the motive of her action, i.e. radio song request, by using his own action of going back to Sokcho by spelling it out for her: "Because I missed you."


Yes it was not a direct formal confession of love but it is safe to say that CSH's was an indirect confession of yearning for Jin Hyuk. So between the two, @yonaiomi123 had a point when she said CSH confessed 1st, indirectly, that is, without perhaps realizing that what she had was a yearning for KJH.  



I agreed with @gumtaek that CSH’s feeling when she requested the song is missing or yearning, she might not ensure that is love level. Likewise, KJH might have the same level of feeling after hearing the song requested by CSH which made him wanna meet CSH urgently. 

As I mentioned their feeling development...Encounter, Attraction, Interest, Fondness, Affection, Love. 


4 hours ago, krisan said:


And can I add that his reason to worried is not just because he had helped her but also he have already enchanted to her, he was so happy waiting for csh in the cafe, he waited more than what he said to csh, he said he will wait for 30 minutes in fact he wait more than an hour :rolleyes: he feel that csh is very high for him to reach when he knew the fact. 




 agreed with this post too.

I wrote a comment in previous page even their attraction were mutual but CSH might have to  move slightly earlier by 

- asking for money to buy beer

(KJH bought beer, walk bare feet with CSH, and bought her new sandal)

- ask for buying salsa ticket

(KJH spent last resource of his money to buy salsa ticket even he has gone there three times already)

- go to KJH’s playground and ask him about telephone at 12.42

(KJH showed CSH his photograph with her pics)

- ask to have ramyeon in rest area

(KJH gave CSH mobile number and cleared his no dating status)


because CSH looked much higher social status till it might not be trustworthy for KJH to move and approach too obviously at the very beginning.

KJH’s slightly later move, after he felt that CSH knew his good intention, is understandable and at the right time. 

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2 hours ago, gumtaek said:

It was not a formal confession of love, true, but it was a confession of her yearning for him. It was not just gratitude, although that was part of it. The title and the lyrics of the song can attest to this.



Yes, of course we can agree to disagree..:)

Bottom line is : we all love "Boyfriend" and we love PBG/KJH and SHK/CSH and our discussions are fruitful, interesting and mature.


The human being is a complicated creature and we all have different opinions and perceptions but that's what make us so interesting too...lol. We present different views and we are richer for it too.


I agree with your views and it's good that you reinforce the connection between "Yearning" and KJH's poem at the moment that CSH requested the Cuban song over the radio. She was unconsciously reaching out for KJH and their magical moments in Cuba. To me, it's a sign of yearning, not so much of a love confession. Yes, it's a confession that she yearns for him indirectly. KJH is such a sensitive guy, in his own words too, that he could immediately associate CSH's Cuban song request with her loneliness and longing for the time they had together and of course, unconsciously longing to see him. Like you said, she's not one who can demonstrate her feelings easily so it's implicit in her actions and thoughts.


Thanks for sharing your thoughts.


I also think that KJH could also have the yearning to see CSH when he made the breakfast appointment with her in Cuba, after rejecting her request for his contact number for fear of some misunderstanding. Like I said, they were attracted to each other from the start. Attraction leads to yearning/longing for each other.


To me, the yearning is mutual. As to who yearns for who first, well, I'm just glad that their path crossed and they fell so deeply in love! :D


@twtwb @bebebisous33


I see where you're both coming from too. It's heartening to see that the story and lines might appear simple, yet the thoughts, actions and mental connections are profound.  What's implicit is harder to read than what's explicit but isn't it beautiful that we get to see KJH's and CSH's beautiful interactions just by their body language, non-verbal signals and I love especially their eye contact and parallel actions/response like one blinks...the other blinks in return to signify their deep connection.


"Boyfriend" is so refreshing and beautiful.

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Topic who declare first is subjective for me. IMO they both showed interest as soon as they saw each other.

Ep1 - CSH, when she saw KJH dance with the girl, and KJH when he saw her walked in the red dress. SH start want to spend time and night at Cuba with JH, then JH ask her to have breakfast together next morning.

Ep2 - SH curious about JH and go to the playground, they met and JH want to talked more with SH and asked her to try to take a look the pic of her at Cuba. And so on.

Through all this scene you can see they are nervous from the start with small gesture of their hand and body movement when they were together.


In other word their feeling is vice versa and this magic of encounter and enchanted keep following them. 

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33 minutes ago, bebebisous33 said:
  • Notice that first CSH admitted that JH was her boyfriend only to secretary Nam : she would go on a date. Yet, she never declared it as such in front of JH. Only when he kisses her, she finally admits that she loves him.        

Totally agreed with your whole comments. 


24 minutes ago, jl08 said:

To me, the yearning is mutual. As to who yearns for who first, well, I'm just glad that their path crossed and they fell so deeply in love! :D


@twtwb @bebebisous33


I see where you're both coming from too. It's heartening to see that the story and lines might appear simple, yet the thoughts, actions and mental connections are profound.  What's implicit is harder to read than what's explicit but isn't it beautiful that we get to see KJH's and CSH's beautiful interactions just by their body language, non-verbal signals and I love especially their eye contact and parallel actions/response like one blinks...the other blinks in return to signify their deep connection.


"Boyfriend" is so refreshing and beautiful.


Totally Agreed, KJH’s and CSH’s story might look like fairy tale with swiched gender but I appreciated that the script has been developed with reasons and Park Bo Gum&Song Hye Kyo can portray these characters to create KJH&CSH realistically to the point that audiences can discuss about their relationship and development as we are posting here.   

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The other things that caught my attention in ep2 and 3 we can see CSH is in stress stage because of ramyeon scandal then MIL and her mother came to threat her followed by Artist Jang retreated, she prefuently take those sleeping pill. I hope in this upcoming intense episode she will not do that again. She is not alone anymore. You can depends on KJH and Mr. Nam SH ya. Fight together.


Hope for Sec. Jang, HI, Dae Chan, PR team and JH's family to join the force and support them. And also WS (don't know why but I have soft spot for him. Hope he wont betray SH :sweatingbullets:)

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Am I one of the last to notice that KJH was seen at 26:33 in ep 1 in Cuba, when CSH was about to sit on the ledge?

He was seen leaning over and standing up to turn in CSH's direction. The sight of her in red, standing up then sitting must have caught his attention. I am really curious if he was there to take photos or he followed her....instinctively wanting to get closer to her and/or protect her as he had seen her walking alone. I had assumed he was there earlier without actually seeing him....

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25 minutes ago, jl08 said:


Am I one of the last to notice that KJH was seen at 26:33 in ep 1 in Cuba, when CSH was about to sit on the ledge?

He was seen leaning over and standing up to turn in CSH's direction. The sight of her in red, standing up then sitting must have caught his attention. I am really curious if he was there to take photos or he followed her....instinctively wanting to get closer to her and/or protect her as he had seen her walking alone. I had assumed he was there earlier without actually seeing him....

I never noticed this before! Thanks for pointing this out


He was hidden in plain sight all along lol

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1 hour ago, bebebisous33 said:

@twtwb @yonaomi123 @gumtaek @krisan @jl08 In my opinion, the second episode clearly illustrates CSH's curiosity and interest for JH. She was the one who made the first move and not the other way around. Clearly, KJH was happy after discovering that he would work for her and even see her again at some point but during the entire month after their encounter in Cuba, he never tried to contact her. But the moment CSH saw him, she reacted sending signals to him that he had caught her attention:

  • During her speech, she stopped for a moment which was quite shocking for the audience.
  • Then she smiled to him.
  • Later she asked for KJH's file and read his letter which led her to visit the playground where he spends a lot of time
  • She even asked him about that phone call around 12.42 (quite precise) indicating that she had been observing him

All these were signals that CSH was interested in him but he had no idea what she thought about him and how she felt about him. He was a little hesitating because he didn't want to leave the impression that he was just interested in her due to her position, especially after being hired by her company (which he explained to her directly). 

She is also the one who picked him up, when he was drunk and later who teased him during his interview with him. All this time, JH treated her like a friend and not like a celebrity/princess. He was still respectful towards her but he always did what she asked him without questioning her requests or belittling her. This was something new for her because even her secretary JMJ had always questioned her request/desire. CSH had always been told to think about her desire and her actions: "Is it possible to do so?  Will this cause trouble? How will people think about this? What will it bring to your father?" She had been trained to question everything she does or everything she wants. JH never questioned her actions or desires the moment they met. So when she asked him to eat ramen... it had nothing to do with him in the first place because we know that she had always wanted to eat ramen at the stop area. She needed someone to help her. So she considered him as a friend. But unfortunately she got caught... hence she kept her distance from him. Her driver Nam knew that she needed a friend hence he asked JH to keep CSH company. JH was already attracted to her but he wasn't sure about her and he was still thinking that he might be seen as a playboy. Don't forget that he mentioned it twice in front of CSH (the false impression he might give). Only when he heard about the song on the radio, he knew that he was meaningful to her. But he was still unsure how she felt about him. I don't think that this gesture (asking for that song) from CSH could be seen as a love confession because when he met her the next morning, he asked to clarify their ambiguous relationship: "What is our relationship?" Employee-boss or friend. He gave her the opportunity to make a statement. On the other hand, he seized the opportunity to reveal his true feelings about her. He missed her and longed for her... so he had stopped seeing her as her boss. But here she rejects him. Notice that later she confides to him that she had no friends as it is painful to cut ties with a friend. So in that scene on the beach, CSH unveiled her feelings for him: a friend. After witnessing the harassment and gossip about her, he decided to make the first step... but it is clear that his gesture is still ambiguous: eating ramen with her can signify that they are just close friends or they are "lovers". First, he is satisfied with this but notice that his desire to get closer to her increased. He became even hopeful after spending time together, until he realized that he might lose her hence he went to that painting. He got aware that CSH might do what she had told him at the beach, when he faked he was sleeping: cutting ties with a friend. Here, JH made the next move and proposed a some relationship. He knew that if he remained a friend, she would cut ties with him. CSH was still unaware of her feelings for him... she felt that this future separation would hurt her so much. She tried to run away from all of it but she couldn't. The fuel shortage symbolizes that she can not escape from that predicament. She needs to make a decision... that's why she went to that painting in order to find the right answer. That fateful encounter makes her accept his proposition: a some relationship. As such, CSH is "forced" to treat him differently, not keep a distance from him. 

To conclude, CSH was still unsure about her feelings for JH at that point. She felt that he was different from a friend because the idea to keep her distance from him was really painful. So when she announced that they were in a some-relationship, we can say that CSH hasn't confessed her love for him yet. She just admits that she is interested in him, she views him more than a friend. JH has realized his feelings for her a long time ago (episode 5, he admits to his friend that he likes her so much) but this is not the same for CSH.

We all know that she already loves him but for her, all this is really new. She has never been allowed to feel anything before, she was just asked to be useful to her parents. Only when they date before the separation, she comes to realize what she feels for him but she is still hesitating compared to JH to admit anything. How could she distinguish between friendship and love before? Now, little by little she gets aware of the difference: the physical touches, the way they are spending together... Here JH asked her to move to the next level (becoming her boyfriend) but she refused him first. Notice that first CSH admitted that JH was her boyfriend only to secretary Nam : she would go on a date. Yet, she never declared it as such in front of JH. Only when he kisses her, she finally admits that she loves him.        

OMG... i just love the posts today.. thank you so much... i am hoping that somehow there will be a point of jealousy on CSH’s part. Maybe someone who eyes KJH in a special way.. and hoping to see CSH in a different light. Keeping my fingers crossed

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1. As I read your analysis about who fell in love / confessed first, there's some things that are clear to me now. We know that CSH is a repressed woman who must constantly monitor her behaviour and keep appearances. She has a lot riding on it, her MIL, her father's image, her image, her mother, the staff, etc. Everyone has claims on her. Her actions have a domino effect in the public domain. All these people and the repercussions of acting out of turn have made her extremely timid. 


In Cuba, and with JH, we see her true, assertive, take-charge self. She reaches out to JH letting him know that she's interested. Back in Korea, she asks him about the 12:42 phone call, suggests eating ramen etc and other things y'all have mentioned to let KJH know that he can approach her, that the space called boyfriend is open.


In episode 6, she suggests they take a walk instead of waiting for the tea lady. KJH notes during this walk, "Your past actions suggest that you can take risks,  but why are you hesitant with me?" She then puts her arm in his and smiles innocently. She later lassos him when she ties his tie. (I need to take notes!) Her approach is not direct, it is sneaky, disguised as requests for money, conversation and banter and musical memories of Cuba. She also has to take the lead as the one with more power in the relationship to make herself more approachable and reduce KJHs concerns. She takes charge of the relationship early enough.


Her true character must go back into hiding when she is constantly reminded about the reality of her life, she is a CEO, divorcee, politician's daughter, etc. She goes back into hiding, but KJH has already gotten enough courage from her moves and the insight he has into her life to step up and take the lead. He is obviously more open about it now, and she falls back to responding to his efforts. Someone upstairs pointed out how their actions are "parallel".


She is obviously conflicted between the assertive person inside that wants to have this relationship and the public side of her that cannot be in a relationship with a poorer, younger, status-less, everything-less KJH. The conflict is what drives her car to the Art bridge to contemplate her choices. That is the conflict KJH talks about as he describes what a SOME is in ep5. "Having an interest in someone is a fight between the certainty and doubt of liking someone. And certainty and doubt cross each other like tides. When that doubt faces away, all that is left is certainty. That's when love begins."


She resolves her inner conflict and accepts KJHs proposal for a some. Later, the battle becomes externalized and she chooses to go with her inner assertive self that confesses in public. Her inner assertive self wins over her public repressed self. Her assertiveness is also what tells her mother that she is NEVER going back to TaeGyeong and is not a pawn in her father's political career, factors that her public self had to consider before KJH.


All this time, I had seen her as scared and slowly gaining courage, but her true assertive self was always there from episode 1. 


2. Someone mentioned KJHs hairstyle during the kiss scene. It is my responsibility to comment. That hairstyle was so manly! He needs to keep it!! Effing sexy hair! He had me saying DAYUM!!! You are a MAN!!:D 

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13 minutes ago, shyguitar said:

OMG... i just love the posts today.. thank you so much... i am hoping that somehow there will be a point of jealousy on CSH’s part. Maybe someone who eyes KJH in a special way.. and hoping to see CSH in a different light. Keeping my fingers crossed

Well, she felt a little jealous, when she saw his face talking over the phone (call at 12:42). She wondered who could make him smile like that. Nonetheless, this jealousy is different as she wasn't his girlfriend yet. Like you, it would be great to see how CSH reacts, when she realizes that there is another woman loving JH. So far, she has never experienced any competition or thread. Sure, there was the affair of his husband but since in her eyes, JWS didn't love her, she didn't feel the need to see the other woman as a thread. Moreover, she was a celebrity. So far, she thinks, HI is just a colleague and friend. The moment she realizes that HI loves JH, she might get scared that she could lose JH to HI. On the surface, HI is a better option: she is younger, there is no social gap and no enemy, JH could lead a normal life and not get hurt or become the center of attention in the media. 

I do think that CSH needs to reveal her love for him and fight for him... so far, JH fought more than her.  

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I noticed it too. Actually, if he followed her after he photographed her, why he didn't help her when the thief stole her bag. And then he was already there (sunset place). So, maybe he didn't follow her from the beginning or he lost his direction when he followed her. Then, maybe he thought she would go to see the sunset, so he wait for her there and he was right.


Edited by bohmi
find the right words
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1 hour ago, africandramalover said:


In episode 6, she suggests they take a walk instead of waiting for the tea lady. KJH notes during this walk, "Your past actions suggest that you can take risks,  but why are you hesitant with me?" She then puts her arm in his and smiles innocently. She later lassos him when she ties his tie. (I need to take notes!) Her approach is not direct, it is sneaky, disguised as requests for money, conversation and banter and musical memories of Cuba. She also has to take the lead as the one with more power in the relationship to make herself more approachable and reduce KJHs concerns. She takes charge of the relationship early enough.


Her true character must go back into hiding when she is constantly reminded about the reality of her life, she is a CEO, divorcee, politician's daughter, etc. She goes back into hiding, but KJH has already gotten enough courage from her moves and the insight he has into her life to step up and take the lead. He is obviously more open about it now, and she falls back to responding to his efforts. Someone upstairs pointed out how their actions are "parallel".


She is obviously having an internal conflict between the assertive person inside that wants to have this relationship and the public side of her that cannot be in a relationship with a poorer, younger, status-less, everything-less KJH. The conflict is what drives her car to the Art bridge to contemplate her choices. That is the conflict KJH talks about as he describes what a SOME is in ep5. "Having an interest in someone is a fight between the certainty and doubt of liking someone. And certainty and doubt cross each other like tides. When that doubt faces away, all that is left is certainty. That's when love begins."


She resolves her inner conflict and accepts KJHs proposal for a some. Later, the battle becomes externalized and she chooses to go with her inner assertive self that confesses in public. Her inner assertive self wins over her public repressed self. Her assertiveness is also what tells her mother that she is NEVER going back to TaeGyeong and is not a pawn in her father's political career, factors that her public self had to consider before KJH.


All this time, I had seen her as scared and slowly gaining courage, but her true assertive self was always there from episode 1. 


2. Someone mentioned KJHs hairstyle during the kiss scene. It is my responsibility to comment. That hairstyle was so manly! He needs to keep it!! Effing sexy hair! He had me saying DAYUM!!! You are a MAN!!:D 


Another comment that I totally agreed esp. 2., Hairstylist to set this hairstyle for Park Bo Gum should get the trophy to make Kim Jin Hyuk to be such manly and kissed Cha Soo Hyun beautifully. 


By the way, I like Encounter with Eng Subtitle in viki with also translated song lyrics but my main available source to watch is Viu. 




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