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[Drama 2018-2019] My only one, 하나뿐인 내편


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32 minutes ago, iminela1 said:

Like telling her to rush to the restaurant to bring him an envelope, knowing she wouldn't come otherwise. And she seems to be telling him to stop. But he is ignoring that. I know it should be a nice pretty love story there, but she seems uninterested.

I didn’t agree with him doing that but Do Ran is not a push over. She sat down and listened to him and then left. She knows how to handle him. However, that is the only instance I can say he used his status as a boss to summon her.


While we’re on the topic, it didn’t exactly sit well with me how Do Ran physically assaulted him with a trash can when she thought that he wandered into the women’s bathroom. Was that okay? These two have a history of rubbing the other the wrong way but I honestly think Do Ran has more of an upper hand in their budding relationship.


In any case, I think I would be more inclined to consider it harassment if Do Ran frankly told him to stop. She hasn’t really outright rejected him. She just responds in a way to say that he’s “better” than her. She’s caught up in his status. Why not just tell him plainly that she doesn’t like him romantically and never could? That’s a proper rejection leaving no hope whatsoever. In that way its not ambiguous.

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So far Yi Ryook seems the least develop characterize.  Hopefully he’s no pushover and let Da Ya create a rift between him and his brother over power struggle as the story progress. Troubles are already brewing in the Wang household.  Who the h*** Da Ya think she is?  Asking her mother to get someone to take care of haelmoni.  Sorry to say but Da Ya is over stepping her boundary.  The chairman have yet to forget about her recent rude behavior and now she’s trying to get rid of Do Ran by taking charge of haelmoni care.


Based on this week cliffhanger, Dae Ryook may be the first one to discover driver Kang is Do Ran’s father.  


I, too would like to see Do Ran pursuit her dream to become a prosecutor and then maybe have her dad’s case reopen for retrial for accidental manslaughter and NOT for murder.  The likelihood for a retrial is far fetched due to the timeline of 28 years later.  But this is Kdrama, so hopefully there’s loop holes within the convoluted plot.

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On 10/30/2018 at 11:57 AM, RobinM said:

He is dogged and persuasive  that’s for sure but it’s not as if she really vehemently Refused his advances he would fire or blackmail or threaten her to be with him. He is mature and pretty professional as well as a good person. But the Drama is young. I think he is in the infatuation/walking on air stage that comes before real love. When the richard simmons  hits in the fan about  her family history, the inevitable Chaebol Mother protesting, her reticence about Romance and The Brats problem causing  then the relationship will grow much deeper.

First of all I finally beinge watch all the episode.. We already knows theres going to be a problem with the concubine and her evil spawn as halmoni calls them..


Now some of you not understanding Mr.wang situation.. Mr Wang took the money and hurried and left because he was trying to save his wife life DR mother..  The Lil evil spawn only thought about how she would be placed in that family just because the mothers are friends Evil spawn thinks she's going to be the next Mdm of Bom Foods.. She never thought about whom the eldest brother might marry.. She was jealous of the fact that he was dating the girl from Q pharm..  The Brat has a lot of growing up to do and so does the brother the party boy.. I don;t see they marriage lasting that long anyway.. I also don't see older brother giving up his love for the younger brother.. 


I see all the mothers ganging up on DR making life hard for her but The Chairman and the Old Mdm is going to put all of them in they place..

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@sava2sava, I know that Mr. Kang grabbed the money and ran because his wife was critically ill and time was short but in doing so he also took a life. If he hadn’t grabbed/stolen the money he would not have taken the knife and accidentally kill the man and therefore set off a chain of events that will impact several people for many years to come including his own daughter.


I quite frankly really dread seeing Do Ran find out the truth because when we were first introduced to Do Ran she was all gung-ho about the female prosecutor who was prosecuting a case about scam artists who scam several families and some of them were going to commit suicide. The prosecutor asked for the severest penalty for the scam artist. Do Ran was mesmerized and began fantasizing about prosecuting a case where she asks the judge to punish this “evil” person etc. She then walks out of the court house with her friend and enthusiastically declares she’ll become a prosecutor that will annihilate scam artists who destroys family. I wonder then what she thinks of murder or manslaughter or robbery. 

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On 10/31/2018 at 5:37 PM, celebrianna said:

I quite frankly really dread seeing Do Ran find out the truth because when we were first introduced to Do Ran she was all gung-ho about the female prosecutor who was prosecuting a case about scam artists who scam several families and some of them were going to commit suicide. The prosecutor asked for the severest penalty for the scam artist. Do Ran was mesmerized and began fantasizing about prosecuting a case where she asks the judge to punish this “evil” person etc. She then walks out of the court house with her friend and enthusiastically declares she’ll become a prosecutor that will annihilate scam artists who destroys family. I wonder then what she thinks of murder or manslaughter or robbery. 

@celebrianna   Actually it's not manslaughter or robbery.. The loan shark agreed to loan the money  manslaughter is something he planed to do.. In his case it was and accidental death..


I also don't like how things are going to unfold around DR especially with the brat father was involved..  She's never going to understand that this man was trying to save his wife life and her father buted in something he had nothing to do with..

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2 hours ago, sava2sava said:

@celebrianna   Actually it's not manslaughter or robbery.. The loan shark agreed to loan the money  manslaughter is something he planed to do.. In his case it was and accidental death..


I also don't like how things are going to unfold around DR especially with the brat father was involved..  She's never going to understand that this man was trying to save his wife life and her father buted in something he had nothing to do with..

Mr. Kang did in fact rob the loan shark. The loan shark didn’t agree to lend him the money because he lacked collateral. I do wonder though if the loan shark also died because it looked like he hit his head hard on the ground. If so, then that would be two dead men that would equate to manslaughter. Now Do Ran will have to forever feel sorry towards Da Ya.


This is the definition of manslaughter:

The crime of killing a human being without malice aforethought, or otherwise in circumstances not amounting to murder.


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8 minutes ago, celebrianna said:

Mr. Kang did in fact rob the loan shark. The loan shark didn’t agree to lend him the money because he lacked collateral. I do wonder though if the loan shark also died because it looked like he hit his head hard on the ground. If so, then that would be two dead men that would equate to manslaughter. Now Do Ran will have to forever feel sorry towards Da Ya.


This is the definition of manslaughter:

The crime of killing a human being without malice aforethought, or otherwise in circumstances not amounting to murder.


I really not know much about the law when it comes to kilings this us why I thiught it shoukd have been ruled a accidental death..  I already kniw it woukd be her evil foster mom that rats her out.. She''s not going to like the fact that DR has the owner of a company son madly in love with her while her daughter is madly in love with a denist..  She may even try to seewrate the brother from the brat until she learns he's married.. I see evil step mom pulling out all stop to be a hindrence to DR life.. When she told DR she owes her for 28yrs of raising her she meant just that and will want the pymt in full

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1 hour ago, sava2sava said:

I really not know much about the law when it comes to kilings this us why I thiught it shoukd have been ruled a accidental death..  I already kniw it woukd be her evil foster mom that rats her out.. She''s not going to like the fact that DR has the owner of a company son madly in love with her while her daughter is madly in love with a denist..  She may even try to seewrate the brother from the brat until she learns he's married.. I see evil step mom pulling out all stop to be a hindrence to DR life.. When she told DR she owes her for 28yrs of raising her she meant just that and will want the pymt in full

Actually I don’t think Do Ran’s step mother would go that far. I actually hope she improves as the show goes on. I don’t think she would try to thwart Do Ran’s possible relationship with Dae Ryook. I’m kind of hoping that she would grow as a character so that one of these days she actually stands up for Do Ran as a mother. 


The people I kind of expect to give Do Ran grief are Eun Young, Hong Sil and Da Ya. These three ladies are my best bet especially when they find out that Do Ran is the daughter of the man involved in the death of Hong Sil’s husband and Da Ya’s father.

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I fully expect Some glorious nobly idiocy from from  Do Ran when Mommy dearest  eventually starts telling her she is not good enough for her Son and family,  using her fathers past against her or threatening to make life difficult  for him.

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Anyone knows where I can watch live? I found a Youtube KBS drama link. 


That daughter in law is such a troublemaker. I wonder if they have not noticed how chaotic the house has been since she moved in. She needs to move out and pronto. 



Thank you.

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wow, I am glad to see here too chingus from Sunny Again Tomorrow :) @sava2sava @angelwingssf  :) 


I am following this drama from the start. It is excellent. But I wait for it on KBS World, it is easier to watch on TV while doing some work :) 


I hate Daya, she is humiliating Doran :angry:

I like Mr. Kang when he asked DK if he intends to marry Doran :) smart of him. He summarized the problem in a few words


@celebrianna Doran's stepmom has her eyes on Doran's dad :D

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2 hours ago, nohamahamoud2002 said:

wow, ich bin froh, auch hier Chingus von Sunny Again Tomorrow  :) @ sava2sava  @angelwingssf zu sehen  :) 


Ich verfolge dieses Drama von Anfang an. Es ist ausgezeichnet. Aber ich warte auf KBS World, es ist einfacher, während der Arbeit im Fernsehen zu sehen :) 


Ich hasse Daya, sie erniedrigt Doran : wütend:

Ich mag Mr. Kang, als er DK gefragt, ob Doran  klug heiraten :)wird. Er fasste das Problem in wenigen Worten zusammen


@celebrianna  Dorans Stiefmutter hat Dorans Vater im Blick : D

Was ist das für    eine Liebe zum Hing. ? Aber zurück zu dem Drama ... Wer würde bei der Stiefmutter ein heißes Chaos aussehen? Wie in aller Welt glaubt man, in Gangnam zu leben ? Ich glaube, DR hat das Recht getan, ihnen eine Zeit zu geben, aber ich will, dass sie sparen wird, und es wird kein Fall schaffen und vor Anker gehen, weil sie die Grausamkeit eines anderen Ankers nicht Es ist nicht möglich, wie es heißt, es folgt ihr, um zu arbeiten und wird genauso grausam behandelt wie ihre TochterAuch kann sie diesen Pfeifentraum genauso gut aufgeben. Auf Herrn Wang ist er ein so netter und sanfter Mann, der ein fürsorglicher Vater gewesen wäre, der zu Vipern gekommen ist, sterben IHN Beobachtet Haben, : wütend: aber er sollte sich nicht mit IHM verbinden Haushälterin zu sterben ..


GY dachte, sie wäre glatt. Du glaubt, sie sollte über alle stehen und es wird wirklich neben ihr stehen, wenn   der Bruder seine Liebe zu DR ausdrückt. Ja, sie wird sich mit ihrem Schwiegermutter zusammenschließen und alles tun  can't have DR raising above her and stepping in her madam positions.. Oh this is going to get down right nasty and DR is going to have to prepare herself to fight..


Alzeheimer is a horrible thing to get in ones old age.. Even when young one tend to forget things but I'm liking G/ma in her role glad DY lil plan backfired in her face.. I don't see her marriage lasting long anyway.  Both her and husband are spoiled chidren and very selfish I'm looking forward to him converting back tio his old ways he'sgoing to cheat on her by meeting a much more mature woman..

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Finished watching today’s episodes and I’m so glad Da Ya and Eun Young’s plan blew up in their faces although I’m sorry that grandma had to be the victim. Turns out that the horrid nurse was feeding grandma sleeping pills to get her drowsy and sedated. Chairman Wang came home from his business trip just in time to find out that his mother was being drugged and he is rightly enraged with his airhead wife and whiny DIL. The preview seem to show him packing his wife’s bag to throw her out of the house.


As to Dae Ryook and Do Ran, I understand Mr. Kang’s dislike of Do Ran dating Dae Ryook especially when he sees how Da Ya treats Do Ran. I think Dae Ryook is thinking too simply of the practicality of dating Do Ran but then I thought he deserved credit for seeing Do Ran as his equal. He has never looked down on her like his mother does. So I suppose this is why he never thinks of the obstacles they might face if they want to marry. Meanwhile, Mr. Kang is working as a barrier to prevent Do Ran from giving in to her growing feelings. I have mix feelings about his actions partly because I think he is still Do Ran’s Achilles Heel and the most likely to hurt her the most once the truth of his past and their relationship is revealed.


Nice to see Do Ran’s stepmom acknowledging her by telling Hong Shil that she has two daughters. Mi Ran and Go Rae are fortunate that they are outside the world of the craziness taking place. I look forward to seeing their interactions grow.

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