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[Drama 2018-2019] Memories of the Alhambra | Recuerdos de la Alhambra, 알함브라 궁전의 추억


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I like the slowww burn romance between Hee Joo and Jinwoo. Their eyes and smiles are telling.



I admire Heejoo's self restraint :D:unsure:

Jinwoo love, you're asking for trouble. Must you smirk and bite your tongue like that?! :sweatingbullets:  Do that one more time and...you will be murdered with love :P 
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4 hours ago, angelguccio said:

I'm so confused...is CHY still alive?


This is only my guess or my theory...frankly at this point, no one really knows how the script will develop so I am sharing my guess only.

In real life, probably no(meaning dead) but in the AR world, they are able to resurrect him repeatedly to fight YJW with the objective of killing him in real-life.

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5 hours ago, pattsue said:

8.154% is a good rating for the cable drama.. And this is the highest so far for MoA..I hope it will keep increasing and able to reach double digit rating..


Like W was, this drama is not easy for any audience. This is the concern when an author tries to remain honest and write the stories that really interests him, without making compromises for the general public.


W was very lucky in his time that the audiences were good. But when you think about it, such a masterpiece should have done so much more, everything was perfect in every respect, not just the story, but also the direction and the background music.
When I first discovered story, I immediately thought that it was rather the kind of story that would have worked in Japan, or could have been written by a Japanese, which is a country that has accustomed us to extreme originality, and daring everything and anything.


So it's a good idea to have this partnership with Netflix. I don't have an opinion on this distribution network, but it certainly broadens the audience. The Korean audience index alone weighs less on the production's shoulders under these conditions, and helps to preserve the originality of the script.


It would be interesting to know the budget of this drama, because I suppose it is high.
Hyun Bin is, for example, an expensive actor! But also filming abroad, in Spain, is very expensive. And special effects or action scenes are also expensive.
We can see that there are 3 production organizations.
I suppose that the professional community has been more receptive than the general public to the previous story of Song Jae-Jung. Already for "W", the producer had given her carte blanche (MBC was in trouble at the time, and the drama helped to put the channel back on track). I guess it's the same here, especially I hope.


Opening up to an international audience could also have negative effects. We can find some interesting American series about the originality of the story, but I must admit that even that, I am not used to watching it, for a quite obvious reason: the lack of emotion. It is the Korean speciality to know how to make a spectator react emotionally and sincerely. Dramas succeed in making people cry, because they sound real humanly, and have the know-how to intensify emotion. There is a whole sense of moral value and human dignity behind this, but also a (non-psychological) knowledge of the human soul, its torments, its purpose.
I think that's the main problem with Western productions, and it would take too long to discuss here the why and how.


A Korean drama that would be too adapted in this way would mean his death.
Ahn Gil Ho directed the drama "secret forest", which is unfortunately the exact representation of what I am saying. Of all the drama, there is only one part that makes you cry.
Although its realization is effective, I therefore moderately appreciate its presence on Memories of Alhambra. I have difficulty trusting him... his style is quite cold and realistic. I have trouble differentiating him from other directors. This was not the case with Jung Dae-Yun who has a very strong, warm style and uses brightness to perfection, and whose only defect (which he has corrected in part since King2hearts) are the action scenes.

To qualify my point, I must say that there are probably not many directors who are strong enough to direct this drama, and Ahn Gil Ho is very good at restoring action, nervousness, battle scenes in subjective view.
Despite my criticism, these are things I don't take into account when I watch the drama, I fully prefer to let myself go and be captivated by the story. It is more of an analysis that I undertake after the fact.



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8 hours ago, anjelikaeyes13 said:


Hyunnie is so good in acting this out and his model like stance, CEO of IT company really suits him well. Even his team behind him is so good.  


I would like to guess in advance Marco Han is the private detective that JW always talk online. But his character tells JW trust this person so much. 



Binnie is :wub: LOL.  Jin-Woo has the natural charisma that easily is a plus for the media and business dealings of a CEO.  PSH is so fresh here, both leads are visually on par, it reflects through their great chemistry yeah?  


Yes, is Marco = A? Second question= why? What is the motive for his double agent agenda?  Why would both HS and JW trust him so much? Hyung-Seok is Dr. Cha, his dad is referred to as Professor Cha, so both men came to develop games from academia. I would think they must have some integrity.  I believe Hyung-Seok was somewhat truthful in his comments to JinWoo before they fought.  JinWoo has an issue with trust.


I think what we are looking at here is different level of trust in our characters.  Jin Woo comes to appreciate and like Hee Joo after observing how caring and honest her character is toward others.  Her open nonjudgmental personality rekindles the feeling of trust he lost after personal betrayal by partner and ex-wives.  I’m sure as a CEO, he is used to having women around.  Did he marry his second actress wife as a response to the hurt he has toward his first?  He may have felt money was the source for the break up of his friendship and love.  The scene in the taxi, the look Jin Woo gave Hee Joo after she nonchalantly said she would translate for free since she no longer needs money, was long and hard.  His comment afterward of how she has changed has all the disdain of a bad experience.  I think by slowly seeing Hee Joo’s trusting nature, Jin Woo will beginning to heal and change in his personal relationship with others. I don’t doubt that the early years of a start up company made Jin Woo ultra competitve or hard to live with for his first wife.  The work must have consumed his personal life, thus distancing his relationship with her. 


For Hee Joo, her brother is writing a game character with power based on her musical gift.  It’s a sweet thing to do, telling Hee Joo to regard and remember her talent as extraordinary.  Reminding Hee Joo to trust in her talent.  



4 hours ago, lovehbhjw2013 said:


My guessing thoughts are similar to yours....that both of them have another enemy lurking around.  That enemy is getting  HJ to program repeated lives for virtual HS to kill JW in real life now.   And level 5 meeting Emma is a safe ground because the OST sings  "I will be by your side when you are scared and blue....."     ....just a figment of my wild imagination but I truly enjoy this drama because of that. :)


@lovehbhjw2013 @alcides14ahjumma Okay I don’t have the explanation yet on the walking dead Hyun-Seok or the rules of the games, we are after all only on episode 4 hahaha.  But, I agree that we are looking at an enemy in the shadow who is programming havoc in both of the men lives.  Jin Woo has lost the ability to log in and out.  I am not a programmer but I believe creating rain or water is pretty challenging to make.  It’s hard to get the movement of water right so I think the rain/thunder/water is the part of the game that has not been programmed correctly.  That makes sense for me why the glitch occurs whenever the weather turns stormy.  Our characters will eventually realizes this phenomenon they are leaving reality to enter into VR.  


BTW, the title is referring to the guitar piece which is an ode to the Alhambra.  But remember, the Alhambra’s literal translation is “The Red One”, referring to the sunset color of the palace.  In this drama, it is Hee Joo who is the lady in red. The title could be from the perspective of Jin Woo remembering Hee Joo. LOL

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Hello every one and thanks to the positive discussion which makes us thinking to understand the drama :heart: My theory that Se joo the creator of this game has  a doppelganger in this game who controls every one who is playing I think this movie Tron Legacy made me think like that :D


Image result for Tron: Legacy

Memories of Alhambra: Episode 3     by dramallamaalhambra-03-00104.jpg

As our CEO turned gamer discovers new elements of the augmented reality world, he gets a glimpse into a certain hostel owner’s life and aspirations. It seems now-missing genius programmer added some personal touches to the game, and while that elevates the game’s charm, it also distracts our CEO from seeing the game with a critical eye. The deeper he becomes immersed, the more he’s willing to overlook the seemingly small flaws of the game.


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So far my guess is that programmer brother has been sucked into the game. So my possible theory on CHS is that somehow the real version and the game version have been swapped? But no...that doesn't make sense, because when JW tried to touch him, he was all buzzy like a game character, not real. (Then again...people in W were able to die and come back, so...) Well, I don't know. I guess I have to keep watching. :) Ep 4 was a bit scary, though, with this creepy CHS appearing all over.


Was so happy to see Kim Eui Sung again. Annyeong, Appa! Don't lose your face this time! Fight back if the writer wants to do that to you, lol. I don't know if he'll be a good guy or a bad guy in this, but I'm intrigued that he seems close to both JW and CHS. (Is he CHA's dad?) He also seems to be way more clued in to the whole game system than anyone else, which is curious. 


I love the setting and the atmosphere. Oh, I'm also very impressed at all the Koreans' Spanish speaking abilities. Nice accents, and you feel like they actually know what they are saying. (As opposed to blindly reciting memorized lines, which is often what I feel when "English" actors show up in Kdramas.) 


I'm not feeling the romance yet (sorry, don't throw things), mostly because JW strikes me as a controlling jerk and I can't see any reason for them to like each other yet outside of a transactional nature. But this is a kdrama, so reformation of jerks is something I can hopefully look forward to. But otherwise, the acting is nice, and the story is compelling on a puzzle level. Song Jae Jung has earned her 계속 ("to be continued") ending every time (as she should!). Looking forward to the next installment.

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36 minutes ago, scarletlover1 said:

The game has started to mix with reality sooner than I thought... Also thought it was sweet of the brother to design a character after his big sis:blush:!



I believe her sister's talent in classical guitar and her personality has a part to play in his game concept but I agree it's nice that he is observant about his sister to include her in the game. 

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Good Data Corp Top 10 TV Drama Actor 12-03/12-09

1. ParkBoGum
3. HyunBin
4. ShinHaKyun
5. Lee Jong Suk
7. ShinHyeSun
8. ChoiJinHyuk
9. #ParkShinHye
10. KimYooJung


Based on online articles, blogs, SNS & video responses

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Episode 1 & 3 vids below showed the enthralling world of AR game. So fantastic I'd like to go inside myself and experience it's magic the same way Jinwoo had. You get to live in a surreal period, exciting missions and endless possibilities. Everything is just a game, killing your enemies, you just have to try again until you win. So COOL, isn't it?  :glasses: 


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On 12/10/2018 at 1:23 AM, enigmatic_zephy said:



Isn't he binnie's dad? I think dad is going to be like the congressman in W. He doesn't know about the game initially but when he does he will turn it evil


I believe his actually Cha Yoon Seok father as they both have the same surname as well as JW called the man Professor Cha instead of father. I think YS was always jealous of JW esp it seems like his father favored JW more than him. Ep 4 gave me the impression that both JW and YS were best friends and YS was working under JW and later betrayed him by falling in love with JW ex- wife and marrying her.  Thus the rift between JW and YS began and YS developed his own I.T company to go up against JW. 


I dont think Marco is the investigator that JW is talking to. His caller ID is "A" am I right?


Here is a link of Marco played by this actor Lee Jae Wook that @maris1 posted many pages back. 



He reminds me of Nam Joo Hyuk lol! 


I think Marco is linked with SJ perhaps a uni friend with SJ. His the one whom contacted YS about SJ new game and gave him access to the game. Marco is/was (?) SJ friend and they both mustve worked on the concept of the game or perhaps he knows of SJ game and was pressuring him to sell it to YS but SJ refused and rather offer it to JW instead. Maybe Marco is also in the game and was the one chasing SJ (at the station)  and perhaps is the one whom made SJ disappear. Marco is also a programmer so he too could be  playing and controlling the game and the rules.


Also Emma, created by SJ will help JW ?. I think the reason JW hears the music is because Emma plays it to warn JW that there is an enemy (zombie Cha) coming. Also in some of the stills of Emma I see her very different to HJ, she looks cunning and not as innocent or trusting as HJ.:blink: OR maybe its just me because I want to see PSH play a devious role :lol: She did say we will see her play a different role to what we r used to seeing





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As appealing the enhance world as it is, Episode 2 & 4 presented it's ugly, scary & deadly reality. When you can no longer control things instead you're being subjected and manipulated by it. It hurts other people, ruins you beyond reason and your future.




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It seems to me that JW's ex wife did love her husband CHS. I find her outburst towards JW interesting. As if there's another side/layer of JW that is not shown yet. JW is divorced 2 times and he's not shy to admit it. There must be something wrong somewhere for both his marriage to turn bad.


I dont know what to expect next. From the ep5 teaser, i dont think JW fell from level 6. His injuries are not consistent with injuries obtained from falling from a high place. If he did fall, it doesnt make sense for him to be alive. Not that the drama makes sense anyways with all the virtual reality stuff lol. My thoughts could be completely wrong. But CHS died from excessive blood lost. If JW really fell, i think he would have died too. However if he didnt fell, what did HJ see?

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That fateful day Heejoo first experienced magic (other than 10B won) in the real world  :blush:




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33 minutes ago, katakwasabi said:

I dont know what to expect next. From the ep5 teaser, i dont think JW fell from level 6. His injuries are not consistent with injuries obtained from falling from a high place. If he did fall, it doesnt make sense for him to be alive. Not that the drama makes sense anyways with all the virtual reality stuff lol. My thoughts could be completely wrong. But CHS died from excessive blood lost. If JW really fell, i think he would have died too. However if he didnt fell, what did HJ see?


I think HJ witnessed herself Jinwoo's horrible falling from 6/F.  Consistency is irrelevant at this point after what happened with HS. Heejoo is a smart woman though naive, all these weird events related to JW, particularly about Memories of Alhambra piece, will lead to HJ awareness and involvement. 

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