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[Drama 2016-2017] Guardian: The Lonely and Great Goblin 도깨비

Go Seung Ji

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9 hours ago, AddictedToDramas said:


i thought the player on my phone broke when there was a sudden cut off from the shintak sofa kissing scene lol 
The extended better be in the director's cut hmph.
After watching the ending with subs, as many have said already, it actually made sense and it was logical 1f603.png:D it was a very bittersweet ending, but it does lean towards the sweet side. 

I'll explain... it'll be a long post ! 

Something to put all y'all's minds at rest :wink:

ET and KS are fated 
they can finally enjoy life together with no restrictions. They can wholesomely love and spend time with one another without deities chasing after them and ET being a missing soul. They're bound together by fate. It was fate that they met again at Quebec. It was fate that ET/Park So Min went to that specific high school that had a school trip to Quebec. It was fate that KS decided to take a walk out in Quebec that day and sit at the cemetery. Everything they did led to that exact moment. And that'll happen in all of ET's future lives. Yes, she will have a different name each time, but with each new life, she will remember the memories of the previous. And that means that come her final life, she'll have quadruple the happy memories with KS ^-^ instead of them being both human and only loving each other once, the above has granted them the blessing of loving each other 4 times instead. Them meeting will always be fated, they'll always find one another. 

ET will remember all her past lives every time

ET is truly special, and for those worrying that she won't be granted the opportunity to remember her life once she dies this time round, she will. Why? Because of her sacrifice of saving the kids. She's an angel (there's a reason why they included that clip of the lady saying she was an angel). She'll always be granted the ability to remember her past life (and the same face !) because that is her reward. There's a reason why she was made to die, not as a random occurrence, but as she wanted to save the kids. The above isn't all that cruel, if the 'above' was cruel, he wouldn't have allowed ET to remember KS after he 'died' in the first place. The 'above' wouldn't have allowed KS to be left in limbo and granted ET this blessing. The 'above' left the door ajar on purpose (the deities ship ET and KS, eh?). 

KS won't be sad and lonely all the time
As for KS having to wait for his bride each time round... well it's a sad eternal love for a reason. It's sad because he's going to have to wait each time round, but hey, the loves eternal right? Yes he would be lonely, but he wouldn't be completely alone like the last 900 years. He has his memories of ET. His thoughts have become his companion. ET has impacted his life so much and she's going to stay with him, even if she's not physically there. That is why he wears her scarf, a reminder for him that she is always with him. Before he met ET, he had nothing to look forward to. He lived each day wishing for death. But now, he'll live each day with something to look forward to: either waiting for ET to be reincarnated or ET to walk through the front door of their house (after theyre married in all their future lives aha). Also, the fact that KS has to wait for ET would make their time together even more precious. 

ET is will always be ET, regardless of her names
With the whole 'ET is not the same as the reincarnations', I've made a post about this already, but she is the same person, she has the memories of her past life. Having memories of your past life = being the same person because you remember all the decisions made previously, it won't be like 'oh my past self did this, so I must be like this too!' it's more like 'I did that, so must blah blah blah', ET would have also had these memories from the beginning, unlike Sunny who remembered her past life late into her current life, so her personality was diff to her current one. When 'Park So Min'/ET was behind KS in the future in Quebec, she answered the 'Is it sorrow or love?' question as 'sad love', not because she remembers saying that, but because she still thinks that that is the answer to that question, meaning same personality as before. If she simply said it as a memory, she wouldn't have said it so affirmatively. She feels the same emotions answering that question because she is the same person.

It's as if she fell into a deep sleep and woke up with another name, and when she wakes up, she'll resume her life. The only thing different is her name. I'll betcha KS would still call her ET even after all her names lol and plus, can you imagine all the future ET's bringing KS to meet all her 3 sets of parents in future lives lmao 
'this is my mum and dad this time round' :glasses:

The fact that she would have new friends and family would only be another cute thing for her and KS to chat about :wub:  her life would change each time, but the thing that'll remain constant is KS. So don't fret about over the assumption that KS is just romancing with some random gal each time round with the same face and memories as ET, he's going to be with ET every single lifetime. 

What happens after the 4 lives?

After the four lives are up (it doesn't sound like a long time but four lives is basically eternity, mind you) , KS and ET will pass on together. KS is goblin now not bc he has to, but because he asked to be. He chose to stay goblin to be with ET. He is not goblin as a punishment. Meaning, his punishment was over once the sword was pulled out, meaning, he can ask the 'above' for death whenever he wants because he became goblin with his own free will. Then, him and his bride will pass on together into happiness. It's sad but it actually isn't quite that sad :tongue:They had four wholesome lives together, thousands of memories, perhaps even centuries of happiness, and now they'll have the chance to be together for actual eternity in heaven. I'd like to think that KS can't stay on earth forever, like Grim weepers reapers, KS will move on once he is at peace with himself (bc he's found ET). WY moved on bc of this imo. That's the beauty of sad love. I sound so delulu, but this drama is just so dsnkjnandkjvn

Why not make them both human/immortal?

Making them both human could work, but they'd only have one lifetime together. If KS became human at the time ET was 29, he would have missed 9 years of her life already. Their ending would only come earlier. This would have been a good ending too, but it wouldn't be a consistent one. Why not make her immortal? She's basically immortal now :wub:  KES has made ET immortal in the most logical way possible. Although, I would have liked it if she actually became a deity like KS but hey :D 

WHAT I'M REALLY MOURNING FOR: GR AND GOBLIN BROMANCE LIKE MAN, CAN'T THEY BE BEST BUDDIES IN ALL THEIR LIVES TOO. CAN'T THEY BE FATED TOO <_< but smth tells me, somehow, ET&KS, WY and Sunny's life will all somehow intertwine each time. 

You see, it's an open ending, but not really, because there has been clues for the whole series that pointed to this ending and suggested what would happen after. That's why everyone is along the same lines of what happens after they reunite, because it's all been implicitly told to us already. It's an openly closed ending. 

It's a been a wonderful drama!! I'll be back to see their BBQ pictures and two special eps!! 

Now, I'll be back to stalking the GY and KGE thread because i ship them and hoping this ship will sail out of the arctic and into the open seas, they're too damn cute together. 


^ who needs designer scarf when you have your wife's scarf amirite :wub::wub:






Daebak! I don't usually post but I feel like I need to. @AddictedToDramas Seriously, thank you for sharing your insights and analysis! I really enjoyed reading them :) :)

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35 minutes ago, Nerdy Mina said:


I agree with you. The face KS made when she said "I love you" was my selling point. It shows how all his life he was never told such a thing and him being a general, and an immortal that witnessed so many deaths, it was disarming for him to see such pure, innocent love aimed at him.The ending didn't give me the closure I wanted and it keeps sending me into little episodes of depression because I keep thinking of the worst-case-scenarios but now I have made peace with it. I've attached my view on it below.

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I feel as though this is one of the most logical endings they could have. Why didn't he go to heaven with her? Because he didn't get to live his life with ET. He also didn't get to see her live her life without being cursed as a special case, which is also unfair to ET no? And also because ET begged him to continue onwards and to be happy and live life to the fullest because she will for sure find him. To him, promises he makes to ET mean so much (I mean he walked 9 years in purgatory to go back to her. If that doesn't show how much his words and her words mean to her I don't know what does).

It could very well be that now that he's met her, they will grow "old" together and he will walk upstairs with her. Remember, god left the door open for KS :) 

Here's basically how all their lives will look like (at least in my head)

As for why no hugs or kisses at the end, well remember she's a 18-19 year old. He is treating her like a minor like when ET was 19 in her first life. As we all saw, once she reached 29, he had no problem kissing her breathless 


I do not mind the that there is no hugging or kissing in the end, but I prefer to see their manifestations of happiness in pictures of them as a couple like cooking together or watching the ocean side by side from their favorite spot...I need to see to believe instead just assuming that they are going to be happy like with the Grim Reaper and Sunny



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7 minutes ago, frankreich said:

Did they attend the BTOB concert? If they did... what a cute friendship! They're supporting their maknae, Yook Sung Jae!

Just did a quick search and look!




Yes it is BTOB concert..Samchun deul and his bride come to support.. 

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2 minutes ago, psp1206 said:


I do not mind the that there is no hugging or kissing in the end, but I prefer to see their manifestations of happiness in pictures of them as a couple like cooking together or watching the ocean side by side from their favorite spot...I need to see to believe instead just assuming that they are going to be happy like with the Grim Reaper and Sunny




I agree with you. That would have been a nice closure for the fans and I wouldn't have such a gaping hole in my heart lol But I think KES purposely left it open ended :) with WY and Sunny we never saw a recent time in which they're happy, just confusedly dating. We saw a glimpse of their past life but it was short lived so I think the 4th life of Sunny needed that kind of ending. But for the Goblin and his bride, the audience was able to get a glimpse of how they would live their life as they date, fall in love, and get married. They have 3 other lives together and we can fill it to our heart's content

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14 minutes ago, bebebisous33 said:

God will be by his side, when he is deviating. Notice that when he was a little down, the man with the sandwich showed up and offered him the sandwich. So he recognised God. Before his time in the limbo, he had problems to see that God had been by his side all the time. He has not regret as God gave him a choice. 

I am still reading your post, but had to intrude since I have been thinking along this route too. Did you also think that was god intervening and giving him some ray of hope?

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1 hour ago, booo28 said:

I'm just woke up and see the news that kim go eun open her new IG and her first post IG is with Gong yoo.. :heart: ARGHHHH YASSS *scream.. :lol: #sundayblessed ^_^


Maybe kim go eun start new life? new relationship? found her true love and will be married soon?? hahaha... KES may be a cupid for them... lol.. 

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1 minute ago, nearsea said:

I am still reading your post, but had to intrude since I have been thinking along this route too. Did you also think that was god intervening and giving him some ray of hope?

Yes, it was definitely God and by sharing his sandwich, he made the Goblin realise that Kim Shin was not alone. God was by his side, When the man mentioned, he always bought a pair of sandwichs, it was to share it with someone. So by doing so, they are sharing their work. They work together. That's why Kim Shin sends the guy to the CEO's car. He knew that the man wouldn't remember that he had been possessed by God, moreover he wanted to show that he appreciate God for working together!! While in the past, he resented god and saw him as cruel and lacking (he wouldn't listen to anyone's prayers), the goblin's reaction illustrates that he doesn't see God as lacking any more. He is listening just like him. He sees God in a totally different light.

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Goblin.. emmm... I love Goong Yoo  and I love Lee Dong-Wook... crazy crazy misses them..since I was young, when both of them were confirmed on Goblin, I just got spasm...  the drama was really good.. but it made me wonder can love be that powerful... Kim Go-Eun carried the role so wonderfully that even for that split 5 minutes, she made her action so worth while.. I guessed time doesn't matter anymore, is about how one cherishes one happy moments with the love ones.. I wanted more of all 5 of them together, even don't mind the ghost appearance sometimes. Thank you for bringing the best of you all in this drama.. I had laugh, cried and cherished every moment.... that Goblin had brought me - the meaning of love. It doesn't need an announcement or recognition-one just knew it.

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21 minutes ago, bebebisous33 said:

@selenette @naritul @staygold@maryofbethany@triplem@Jloves@ez_yan@theseasasleep@sakura2016@dramu51ch0c10ve@littleloony

I am not disappointed with the ending at all. Actually, it's a very beautiful ending. :heart:Because of his meeting with JET, KS has finally realised that 

- God will be by his side, when he is deviating. Notice that when he was a little down, the man with the sandwich showed up and offered him the sandwich. So he recognised God. Before his time in the limbo, he had problems to see that God had been by his side all the time. He has not regret as God gave him a choice. 

- for 900 years, KS hated memories as he connected these to deaths. He only saw people dying and for him, death was terrible. You see the change of KS in the last episode. He sees his sister's soul and he is smiling, he wishes her to be happy in her next life. Memories he hated so much are now his comfort. The short time he spent with JET (when she was 19 years and 29 years old) was enough for him to wait for her second life. We have to imagine that in her second life, JET will spend a longer time with KS. They might have children... why not? The more time she will spend with him, the more memories he will get. He will cherish his time spent with her. So their love for each other is beyond time and space. In my opinion, he will be by her side, until she has lived 4 lives, after that they both go to the afterlife. 

In the ending, we can see that God was on the Goblin's side. He gave JET the same body. From my point of view, JET will choose again to be reborn with the same memories after her second life. She will always refuse to drink the tea of oblivion. If you think carefully, when she sacrificed herself, she left with no regret. If she hadn't stopped the car, she would have felt guilty and remorseful. As such, after spending a long time with KS, she might have felt so burdened with her regret (not rescuing the kids out of selfish reasons) that she would have asked for the tea of oblivion. Notice that the tea of oblivion is there to help people to get a new start. But for JET, her life was beautiful. She really shined as she enjoyed each moment and never said something that she regretted later. She doesn't need that tea in the end. To me, JET is an angel in human form and the clue is the comment of that woman (the one watching the news). KES used this intentionally. God gave Kim Shin the perfect bride, the one who taught him how to enjoy life, how to forgive, how to accept God's intentions and judgement. JET has never resented God at all, despite her hardships. 

@AddictedToDramas I agree with your long comment. I really loved it. We see God's good intentions in the end.  


Thank you for your insightful commentary. 

It has helped to ease my heartache at the ending

and made me realize I should be more open minded about what a happy ending entails! 

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9 minutes ago, bebebisous33 said:

Yes, it was definitely God and by sharing his sandwich, he made the Goblin realise that Kim Shin was not alone. God was by his side, When the man mentioned, he always bought a pair of sandwichs, it was to share it with someone. So by doing so, they are sharing their work. They work together. That's why Kim Shin sends the guy to the CEO's car. He knew that the man wouldn't remember that he had been possessed by God, moreover he wanted to show that he appreciate God for working together!! While in the past, he resented god and saw him as cruel and lacking (he wouldn't listen to anyone's prayers), the goblin's reaction illustrates that he doesn't see God as lacking any more. He is listening just like him. He sees God in a totally different light.

Thank you, this changes my perspective!

PS: That's why I asked here earlier if anyone else also thought so. I felt something when the camera panned on them from a different angle. As if Shin 'received' the message that god was giving back.. when just a while back he was sulking on those roads alone. The dialogue was quite powerful too. I might have to go back and see the scene again.

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1 minute ago, nearsea said:

Thank you, this changes my perspective!

I am glad that I could change your perspective. Actually, JET and KS have a better ending than GR/Sunny because

- both have their memories

- they get to live four lives together

Notice that Sunny has only one life left. So their love will be much shorter and less beautiful because of their past. Moreover she didn't remember her past life. She drank the tea of oblivion. So they have no idea that they were fated to love each other. 

I guess, people thought that God preferred WY and Sunny because we saw them living happily at the end of the episode 16. But their happy ending together is much shorter. Nonetheless, we shouldn't forget that Sunny decided to spend her third life away from the GR because she felt that she shouldn't be together with him. It was her decision. I am not sure if she wanted to punish Wang Yeo for his sins. I think, she felt the need to stay away from him as he was a GR, then she might have felt obliged due to her brother. She could only live happily with WY without her brother around her in the end.   


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