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[Drama 2016-2017] Guardian: The Lonely and Great Goblin 도깨비

Go Seung Ji

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If the situation was not so heartfelt   I would  say ET has been watching Too many cheesy Makjang  dramas with Reaper with the whole "If I see you I'll kill myself" bit 

ESP since once again she forgets her boyfriend is  a Goblin and would not let her die no way no how. 



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1 hour ago, azuri said:

Omg... all these speculations about DH.

But I do admit that DH is special. He is somehow able to catch things very fast. As if he can read thoughts...

Like how the hell can he just suddenly casually slip in the idea that maybe GR is KS's younger sister? Like... it can't be just for fun. I'm sure he said it for a reason.

In all seriousness, his ability to read the confession in ep 8 even before KS said it and also to hide the actual message that was in ET's journal which was copied from KS is seriously freaky. Is it mere coincidence? (I seriously doubt it...) 

Also, if he is just a normal human being, there is just too much coincidences happening.

If he really is another supernatural being then that will seriously be...




AHA for that reason GR may be the queen... When Shin write Wang, maybe the queen has a big sin too to Wang and get so hurt when everytime Shin sent the white lantern to the sky (for hope of peace, etc etc)

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After seeing that preview, how am i supposed to sleep now?? I just hope that it will not be that depressing the entire episode.  I actually don't trust the previews anymore.  I've been conned! LOL

But seriously, those PPL pays well.  I've never watched a drama this visually good-looking.  Everything is a feast for the eyes.  

All those sandwich PPL is almost worth it.:lol:


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I was so sleepy just now and almost fell asleep. But until i refreshed this thread, my eyes opened wide in a sec saw the preview. Lol... 

from the preview i can see a sweet moment of the squad (KS, ET and GR). Can it be the flashback or the moment ET spends with them before her leave? I can't wait to see KS reaction when ET tells him she loves him (since i heard "saranghae" that means "love" not "like"). Finally we know that KS love is not one-side love :blush: will he tell her that she is his first love? Arghh...why should tomorrow be thursday, not friday :confounded:

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just wanted to point this out..


DH crosses the bridge.. with grandmother changing from granny to hot woman.. and DH asks her out for a drink..

Next episode, the opening scene .. we do hear voices only of DH inside the pub and a woman (it sounds very very similar to our actress who plays granny) . and then he is basically not able to pay because card doesn't work.. and he calls goblin.. when goblin ignores his call abt the credit card..


Just saying.. y wud goddess flirt with a 20 yr old? to enquire abt DH's family aka goblin? or get him to rent an appt to GR.. that is a strong possibility as others have pointed out..


Regarding DH being god.. not too sure.. however,

after the episode aired, i was confused because I always thoguht and even the text looks similar - what KGE wrote down was same as that war piece in foreign land that KS wrote abt.. it wasn't love letter...

FIrst i thought DH just took the clue from ET abt it being a love letter and made up the text.. he said as corporate heir he is made to learn hanja.. which is very very possible.. both as goblin's serving family duty and as a modern age businessman..HOWEVER, what he said turned out to be truly the poem KS recites at the very end.. possibly i saw it wrongg..


is there no one here who can read hanja n confirm..


because other than this ( his name was kept by goblin.. so slim chances of him being god) .. there really is nothing that hints him being god even remotely

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Hey, guys! I'm new here, the Goblin Effect effectively pulled me out of my cave. The first and last time I came out of the cave was when Master's Sun was airing. That was quite a while ago so I don't even know how to log back into my old account. I made a fresh, new account just to jump onto this bandwagon with y'all! This drama and Gong Yoo brought me back to Kdramaland! So happy I get to make friends here because these days I don't have any real friends, I just sit in my room and stalk Goblin and Mr. Goblin on Instagram :blush: not even ashamed, though...hehe

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Plz plz plz plz dont let this be a sad ending i cant take breakdown again but still i wont assume just by the preview can u believe CHINGUS i cried jst by watching the preview :bawling: i dont know what i m going to do on friday after watching the episode plz writer understand my soft heart and dont give us a sad ending:tears:도 은다

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I'm just curious ,,,do you think they already filmed the ending scene in Quebec..the previous episode when KS saw ET future at the restaurant?? I' wonder if it's the ending part..Im just curious if they already filmed it ahead of time..I remember during Dots ,,the kiss scene ending was filmed already in advance than the other episodes

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2 hours ago, packmule3 said:


Hey there @Sarang21

7:29 am here. I’ve 10 minutes to post this before getting ready for work.  This will be roughly written (so don't mind my grammar mistakes) but I don’t want to leave you hanging or worrying about this question of yours.  

I’m tagging also @autumna because she also raised this point but I didn’t have time to respond back then. Sorry, Autumna, my fault.

I agree with you on the scrolls, @Sarang21.  And if I was doing the scoreboards (@phikyl) this is definitely going on Team Sunny-is-Queen section. I also must note that the Reaper himself keeps a lot of scrolls in his room. Did you notice that? If the Reaper is the reincarnated King, then these scrolls are a sign. 

However, here’s my caveat: The existence of the scrolls does NOT prove the ownership of the scrolls

We are not shown explicitly where the scrolls were found, nor told who really owned those scrolls. We were meant to "assume" things. Of course, we can always make a reasonable guess that they belonged to the king.

But given the propensity of the writer/director to obfuscate or to conceal details (like the ceramic bowls) I have to hold *my* judgment until something more concrete comes up. Of course, others don't have to follow me and they are free to believe what they want to believe. We're all adults here. :)

But look, what if the scrolls were kept in the Royal Library as part of the archives? 

Or, more importantly, what if the scrolls belonged to this old man whom Shin briefly exchanged "speaking" glances with, in Episode 1. This man made Shin stop in his tracks and alter his course. Who was he? Was he related to Shin and the Queen? If he was, it was possible that he had scrolls with her portrait on it, too. Or he had scrolls belonging to Shin himself? Who knows what when we aren't given the backstory.   


See that? I have reasonable doubt.

That’s why I insist on the backstory. Unless I know more of the background story, nothing, as of Episode 8, proves CONCLUSIVELY -- to me, at least -- that the king regretted putting his queen to death.   Of course, this can all change in Episode 9….or 10 or 11, 12…. The writer can show us then the king pounding earth and wailing at the queen's grave or something. 

As I said, I’m willing to play the waiting game with this writer because I think she’s worth it. :)



But look, what if the scrolls were kept in the Royal Library as part of the archives? 

First let´s look at the setting where KS found the portraits of the queen (pic in spoiler). It looks like a workplace for a painter and one picture was in progress of being painted. Now I don´t know much about how traitors were handled at that time, except that the whole family were killed. But I would assume that, they would also try to erase any trace of them from history? Even tho she was the queen, she was also a traitor and therefore all of her  pictures would have been destroyed. I may be totally wrong on that part since I don´t have that much knowledge of that period :sweatingbullets:. I don´t even know how I came up with that idea lol. So if someone got more information please tell me. :)  




We are not shown explicitly where the scrolls were found

I  think that they were found in the palace because after KS took one scroll for himself, he set the rest on fire (pic in spoiler). the next shoot was, the room where the dead king was lying also being on fire and we see KS walking with the scroll in his hand. (pic in spoiler). So it must have been the same place.







So base on my assumption that her pictures should have been destroyed and it wasn`t, someone must have wanted to keep them. And since the pictures were in the palace (IMO), the only person who would want to keep them would be the King. It couldn´t be the old man since as traitor he wouldn`t be allowed into the palace.  I hope I´m making sense here lol.

But I understand your point of view and you have made some valid points. I also agreed that at this point it´s all speculation and there is no conclusive evidence showing that he felt remorse for what he did. I hope that we will get more backstory this week.

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