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[Drama 2016] Moon Lovers ❤ Scarlet Heart Ryeo, 달의 연인-보보경심 려 \^0^/ Soompi Kdrama 2016 Winner


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Okay I'd spent hours to back track thankfully the pages I missed wasnt that MUCH than yesterday after episode 4 ended :D

Anyway, I must say that I agree with @Maria Brimstone and her comments on HS. It's just to me something is wrong with the way she reacted to BA who confronted her with her true feelings towards WW. It was like a sudden change on her part because previously she's been trying hard to suppress her growing feelings towards WW yet out of the blue she feels like all the emotions she has towards WW flooded her and that's why she said those words to WW near the lake.

I was quite disturbed with the both previews. WW's grieving so bad over Lady Hee's death is strange to me though I know he might have been feeling guilty over all that happened. Then we have scene HS and BA sitting as drinking buddies. what makes BA become closer to HS when he was the one was so furious over letter given by WW? We will also have scene where HS and WW holding each other's hands while smiling. Does that mean they somehow will confess each other feelings and try to start a new relationship? And I wasn't happy with HS's words saying that I didnt think I'd see you again. Does that mean she loves him now?

Well, maybe because I was right there from the beginning for WS-HS thus these kind of things bother me haha maybe for narrative purpose this might serve as the driving force for the battle of throne. But as some other commenters here, I really hope the battle of throne was the main plot of this drama not because of HS they fight with each other.

Btw, I agree with the guess that HS might be sent to marry one of the Kang Clan.




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I thought for a Moment that Yeon Hwa really likes So and at least wish the good for him (that have to be her). But this...



Made me change my mind completley - i throw my last sympathy for her out of the window... a very high windoy - so it can crush in all little pieces. What to Hell... She is calling So an Animal - and it would be Fun to tun hin into Human - that tells for sure that right now he is not the Human for her too - maybe because he is so different form the Boy she once knew...


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33 minutes ago, KdramaSwimmer said:

hahaha....LJKs face has become piece of hot cake (he is already to hawt to handle nd then like a yummy ice cream at same time) on this thread everyone is focused on it badly....

Hahaha i'm giggling to myself about what we're going to do when that mask finally comes off and we see his entire beautiful face in those close up shots~ :wub: *faints*

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4 hours ago, dhia205 said:

i maybe wrong but why interpret this as 3rd also have an eye for YH?? really?? if that so it would be great for them..their household will be a living hell for the servant 


I notice that as well, I prefer 3rd and YH together than 4th/WS. YH is someone to watch out for, I get the vibe that she might be representing the 8th prince wife or minmin in C-version BBJX.


Maybe one of the people that will ruin HS and 4th relationship to the point of no return.

4 hours ago, chubbz said:

This feels like an "evidence" she would find when she returns to modern times and cannot find historical records of her existence, to confirm that her time travel did indeed occur. Just like Zhang Xiao found some accessories she received as Ruoxi, although history did not record her existence. Possible? Or would there be historical records of HS, the soap maker? :D


There's a possibility of modern version..


In the other version he 4th purposely rid of rouxi and roulan's record. Rouxi was looking for evidence whether what happened really happened. She then later on found the painting of her in the museum wearing the hairpin 4th gave him. That's how she learn that it was true. Her other stuffs including the hairpin was supposedly locked away but it gotten an accident during transportation. This is BBJQ version.

I know the moonlovers might be going to different direction, clearly, but it's going to be interesting. I'm hoping that it will also take the route to modern version. A girl can dream of Lee Junki /Joon-gi in suit and fast cars(instead of horse). \^0^/

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5 minutes ago, yourmindisasnowflake said:

Hahaha i'm giggling to myself about what we're going to do when that mask finally comes off and we see his entire beautiful face in those close up shots~ :wub: *faints*

that why i never think close up is distracting because i can see LJK face full whole screen. HEHEHEHE

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I went to see the bts and found this enlightening.


I thought both were sitting down and was wondering why HS is not sitting beside him but infront of him. All thanks to the director's love of close up shots. Now it make sense that she was standing and just leaning against the wall chit chatting to him. they were not yet chummy enuf to sit side by side, but for her to lean against the wall and chat with him, is sweet.

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10 hours ago, Niki Azia said:


10 hours ago, Niki Azia said:

can't wait this episode!

 tumblr_od3267FneG1qi2eq9o2_400.gifyeaaaah Same as me *-* 

do u know it's for which episode?  :wub:

and um.. i'm not really new here But it's ma first Cm so i guess i Am :D 


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14 minutes ago, sugarista said:


I notice that as well, I prefer 3rd and YH together than 4th/WS. YH is someone to watch out for, I get the vibe that she might be representing the 8th prince wife or minmin in C-version BBJX.


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Maybe one of the people that will ruin HS and 4th relationship to the point of no return.



There's a possibility of modern version..

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In the other version he 4th purposely rid of rouxi and roulan's record. Rouxi was looking for evidence whether what happened really happened. She then later on found the painting of her in the museum wearing the hairpin 4th gave him. That's how she learn that it was true. Her other stuffs including the hairpin was supposedly locked away but it gotten an accident during transportation. This is BBJQ version.


I know the moonlovers might be going to different direction, clearly, but it's going to be interesting. I'm hoping that it will also take the route to modern version. A girl can dream of Lee Junki /Joon-gi in suit in fast cars(instead of horse). \^0^/

and how awesome would it be that while coming out of the museum she will be almost hit by a car only for a man to rush in to save her.. and lo and behold its WS :P


OR, since this series has introduced one aspect that makes it more possible to classify this entire drama as fantasy (tht astronomer who apparently time travels during eclipses and remembers the same),,,... maybe he will just find a way for WS to time travel and meet HS of 2016

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I was holding myself back from watching the raws, and now it paid off. I feel so good for holding back, so I understand everything in the episode, wohooooh~!

This episode is very good, but not in cute kind of way like episode 4, but like, all the stories lined up and it gives me a roller coaster of emotions...the ending was so heart-breaking. Lady Hae...why you have to go so fast Lady Hae...she's one of the few genuinely good character to Hae Soo...I was bawling my eyes out when she's gone, but at least...she goes with a happy feeling isn't she? She died in the arms of the person she loves and it seems that...she doesn't have any regrets in her life even though Wang Wook doesn't love her they way she loves him. Gosh, thinking about the fact that she's gone, makes me tearing up again. Moreover, I noticed that Wang So's mother seem to not like Lady Hae in the scene where Hae Soo delivered the soaps, there's an air of hostility in the way she treats Lady Hae...why is that? It's not like Wang Wook is the next in line for the throne? There's still the 1st Prince (Crown Prince)...

Also, I think Ji Mong, the astronomer might hold the key to Hae Soo's time travelling, their conversation seems to lead that way...but what I still don't understand is, is Hae Soo's time travelling on purpose? Like, Ji Mong has planned that before? Or she simply just a variable that Ji Mong didn't calculate before? And I think Ji Mong's existence as the astronomer is to make sure that Wang So becomes the king in the end...I wonder if Ji Mong travelled many times before, to change the past?

I'm sad for Hae Soo...I don't think Hae Soo loves him, but Wang Wook does love her. Hae Soo's feeling more like, admiration? I mean, after she got her heart broken in 21st Century, Wang Wook is like the first male that she encountered, and he's the first one that showed her kindness. I think after a harsh broken heart, she would receive anything that is close to comfort, and I also think she's still confused with her feelings towards Wang Wook. I might be wrong about this though, it's possible that she got the hint about her 'blossoming feeling' from the awkward situations when they touched hands several times, but out of respect to Lady Hae, who is like a mother/sister to her, she backs off. She tried her best to do so, but then Wang Wook openly flirts with that poem, which, she's one hundred percent oblivious about the meaning and his intentions, then she replied and got the flack from Baek Ah who has feelings for Lady Hae. I think when Baek Ah confronts her, she just realized Wang Wook's feeling for her, but I still think she still doesn't know her own feelings exactly towards him.

And umm...I'm kinda scared of Wang Yo. When he talks to Yeon Hwa about who should she marry in front of Wang So, it feels like he said that for his own benefit, politically. From the scene with the King, Yeon Hwa is like the golden child to him, and if Wang Yo marries her, he would fall in King's favor. I don't like Yeon Hwa so far, but I don't want her to end up with Wang Yo. Wang Yo looks like the type to throw something away when he doesn't need it anymore.

Oh, genuine question, on the scene where Wang Wook asked Hae Soo about which one does she like more; poem or songs, Wang Wook looks kind of surprised when she chose 'songs', because it's a commoner's entertainment. Why songs were considered "commoner's entertainment" back then?

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8 minutes ago, KdramaSwimmer said:

hahaha....LJKs face has become piece of hot cake (he is already to hawt to handle nd then like a yummy ice cream at same time) on this thread everyone is focused on it badly....

wekekeke... like yummy ice cream... Me to.. He is such a cute but very manly at the same time... :blush:  @mabelialong Wow, i never realize that the mask is different... \^0^/


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2 hours ago, Yippeuni said:

I think he will do big part on helping Soo get the throne and HS escape from her painful fate. JM there to lead the way and make everyone has their happy ending even with a very painful road. JM know that Mo will die and he said once to the king that Soo star shine brightly allign with Moo star....so in simple way...if Mo failed to be a king then Soo will be the one?

since he maybe know everything.. bring him back to the palace can be his plan to?? Mo safety is just the excuse so he can back there to replace mo one day...

1 hour ago, qwenli said:

ok I am selling tickets to a horse ride with Wang So, any takers? :D

I will be the first in queue. lol. Just joking.

can i ask the duration and route first?? i'll buy it tho.... even if that's mean i have to queue for one month.. :P

1 hour ago, mabelialong said:



different item for different occasion, that how fashionista is :lol:.. maybe later when he become a king he will become mask collector from a round the globe, made by gold :P

i can see the love spark already.. sparkling in the dark sky like a thousand star.. stars that only exist in goryeo :lol:



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3 hours ago, Yippeuni said:


JM know everything in my take. He know the history very well that's why he always have great opinion for the king. And the way he did so Wang Soo can finally entering and even stay at the palace, he know how to say it and how to do it very well. In first episode where the princes gather and Won told what he will become in future, make me realize now this man really know everything. And he seem play a big part in every decision of the king, and even know how to escape from a trouble very well. Like in the preview where Wang Soo cornered him and ask JM on how to avoid the marriage for Hae Soo.

 Oh and one more little thing, the brothers and even crazy eomma always wondering where Soo got his martial skills. He even exceed their expectation on his fighting skills. Seeing how close he is with the general, could it be him this whole time?? And seeing the King also not even surprised about Soo special ability, that make me wonder too. Crazy eomma once said if JM know about Soo then the King definitely know too. So is the King do everything to also prepare Soo as his crown prince behind that crazy eomma???? The King assign the general to get close with him and teach him everything he need??

Soo is more intelligent too....remember how he is the only one that understand Hae Soo drawing??? LOL....even Wook failed to recognize it at first.

I think Wang So knows more about JM than anyone. As mentioned, he is very close to him and may even know that JM knows the future and has been guiding him. In the preview scene where he grabbed JM and said "you know how to avoid this marriage" may have given us a hint. It is also possible that as you say the king has something to do with preparing him to help the crown prince and later ascend the throne. It was so in Jang Hyuk's SOGC drama.

If I may propose a possible scenario, what if WS was actually from the future when he was little before he got the scar. There was an assasination attempt so maybe both princes died but a future boy (like HS did) came into the body of the 4th prince, and he changed enough that his mother doesn't recognize him anymore as her son, it could account for her denying him. Then later he and Hae Soo could go back to the future together and live happily ever after :)The only problem though is history, WS rules for a long time and dies at the age of around 50, can HS wait that long or they meet again in the future when they are older.

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1 hour ago, pwnkl said:

Just a quick rant my friends.. First I'd like to apologize in advance if some might get offended by this, *Miyanheyo*

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I just need to breath out my outrage (or I can't sleep):angry::( done watching episode 5 and guess what I hate Wook and Soo :tears: at first I didn't really mind incest thing (or whatever the term is) since it's common during that time so it didn't really matter. But gawd Baek Ah, jal haesso! for knocking some senses into their foolish minds.. Baek Ah's fury made me realize how improper it is no matter how genuine the feelings involve, that's right cry a river in the next episode.. how could they flirt? oh god.. I'm so upset :angry: One more thing, I don't know what's the director/writer was thinking but come on what is Soo doing there? I remember Myung Hee only asked for Wook ... tchh forget it when I said I'm alright with Wook and Soo ending up, now I'm all out to my So-Soo ship :tears: Soo redeem yourself.. jebal~ I guess I'm really that in to SHR that it affects my mood this much :phew:  I hope to be back tomorrow with a positive tone :mellow: (But my perception of them as an individual doesn't change it's just that I really hate what they did, arggg)







Don't take it to heart, it really was a beautiful death scene and I for one think it really gave Wook and Soo a pause for thought and an end to their relationship, although we will have to see next Monday if it really cooled down for them both.

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1 hour ago, mabelialong said:




what a sharp observation...just like HS did invent emoticon in Goreyo so I can say WS will be the inventor of collectibles and he started it with Masks. And by the end of this drama he wil have vast collection of Masks, may be he can take it to his incarnated life as a token of his Goreyo life....

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45 minutes ago, yourmindisasnowflake said:

Hahaha i'm giggling to myself about what we're going to do when that mask finally comes off and we see his entire beautiful face in those close up shots~ :wub: *faints*

exactly....*fanning myself*

thats the reason its called more you hide something more desirable it becomes...


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