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[Drama 2016] Moon Lovers ❤ Scarlet Heart Ryeo, 달의 연인-보보경심 려 \^0^/ Soompi Kdrama 2016 Winner


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4 minutes ago, meahri_1 said:


I did the same. But if I got kicked out early, they should allow me one more hour before they open it up to voting. :flushed:


I suspect u got kicked out early coz now I can't even see the post. And it's GMT + 1 not GMT - 1

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13 minutes ago, summer2017 said:


Can u paste the link for me coz I can't see it at all. Can u edit your previous post in the thread? 


Went to the contest thread, but the first round link is also grayed out there. It was probably setup to lock down automatically at a certain time.

I guess we just have to wait till they've assessed everything.

@summer2017 Google says 12:00pm +1 gmt is 12:01pm...so it represents only a minute.

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Oh no... can we make a special request just to upload? Sometimes we could be held up by technical difficulties beyond our control... I hope they will still allow us to upload what has been put together. We can prove to them we've been working on it and intend to join, can't we?

Nevertheless, even if eventually it doesn't go through, I really appreciate so much for your effort @meahri_1 and @summer2017

#hopingforthebest #hopingforgoodnews

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16 minutes ago, ktcjdrama said:

Oh no... can we make a special request just to upload? Sometimes we could be held up by technical difficulties beyond our control... I hope they will still allow us to upload what has been put together. We can prove to them we've been working on it and intend to join, can't we?

Nevertheless, even if eventually it doesn't go through, I really appreciate so much for your effort @meahri_1 and @summer2017

#hopingforthebest #hopingforgoodnews


Thanks for your kind words, @ktcjdrama. They have to be fair to everyone. There were 19 other teams and everyone potentially has the same issues. Allowing us to upload would appear to be special treatment. If there was a miscommunication regarding time, it would be a different story. :(

Perhaps what isn't reflected is California Daylight Savings time, when we spring forward 1 hour on the Spring Solstice???

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1 hour ago, meahri_1 said:


Thanks for your kind words, @ktcjdrama. They have to be fair to everyone. There were 19 other teams and everyone potentially has the same issues. Allowing us to upload would appear to be special treatment. If there was a miscommunication regarding time, it would be a different story. :(

Perhaps what isn't reflected is California Daylight Savings time, when we spring forward 1 hour on the Spring Solstice???


I PM-Ed @MadraRua to check what happened. 

Honestly I don't know what is the time because when I checked the thread by GMT 11.35am it was already gone when meahri_1 posted that she was locked out. I googled so I don't know if they counted daylight savings but I'm like 1 hour behind South Korean time zone so I can only Google for GMT time and if Google gives me the wrong timing I wouldn't know too. I appreciate @meahri_1 Chingu efforts to resolve this too, I'm guessing it must be already 6am at her side and she worked so hard for this too. My only regret is we are not able to showcase the lovely MLSHR to everyone in the forum and to show them the best scenes of MLSHR and also to thank everyone for giving us feedback and make this thread alive again. Hope if it's a technical issue we can be given fair treatment.

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4 minutes ago, summer2017 said:


I PM-Ed @MadraRua to check what happened. 

Honestly I don't know what is the time because when I checked the thread by GMT 11.35am it was already gone when meahri_1 posted that she was locked out. I googled so I don't know if they counted daylight savings but I'm like 1 hour behind South Korean time zone so I can only Google for GMT time and if Google gives me the wrong timing I wouldn't know too. I appreciate @meahri_1 Chingu efforts to resolve this too, I'm guessing it must be already 6am at her side and she worked so hard for this too. My only regret is we are not able to showcase the lovely MLSHR to everyone in the forum and to show them the best scenes of MLSHR and also to thank everyone for giving us feedback and make this thread alive again. Hope if it's a technical issue we can be given fair treatment.

The thread opened back up...I think for voting. Our entry is still in there, but we would be up for disqualification since it's missing a LOT of requisite elements. In hindsight, since we were trying to get everything in during the last 12 hours, I should have stuck everything in, then worked on organizing it. @summer2017  I wish I could make it up to you and the thread. Thanks so much for all your work and your enthusiasm. :(

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47 minutes ago, meahri_1 said:

The thread opened back up...I think for voting. Our entry is still in there, but we would be up for disqualification since it's missing a LOT of requisite elements. In hindsight, since we were trying to get everything in during the last 12 hours, I should have stuck everything in, then worked on organizing it. @summer2017  I wish I could make it up to you and the thread. Thanks so much for all your work and your enthusiasm. :(


It's ok Chingu, honestly I wouldn't be able to do all the posting too coz I'm using mobile browser (so sad that I don't own a laptop to work on this properly). It's really not easy to organize everything and include pics too. @meahri_1 I'm honored to have worked hand in hand with you on this too, despite us being in two time zones. Thanks for gathering everyone together too. I saw the thread at least 2 scenes went in for now. I guess most important is for everyone to recognize how lovely MLSHR is. But I just feel a bit sad because ML's ending was sad enough and I was hoping we could have a happier ending by hoping to win something for ML lovers and the stargazers.

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The other three dramas all have happy endings. I understand sometimes it's hard to show love for a drama with sad ending, which is also why I hope we can win something too for our beloved MLSHR. Anyhow, let's keep hoping for the best until we hear about our entry status. Stargazers fighting!!! :blush:

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@meahri_1 I combined all the last 3 scenes here for you to work on, drafting a short ending too

3rd scene Episode 11

Title: Even if the world abandons you, I will be there for you 

This is by far the best moment of the drama! It showed Wang So's deep loyalty and undying love towards Hae Soo. Despite the whole world abandoning Hae Soo, Wang So never gave up and never stopped trying to save her, in whatever ways he can. Ladies, how can you ever resist such a man in this world? A man that will put his life before you? Please read on to experience the greatness of Wang So's love.

Hae Soo knelt in the rain, almost fainting from exhaustion as the rain mercilessly battered her frail bloodied body. It took all her might just to keep her mind and body going. From afar, the princes watched, but no one dared to step up and disobey the king. They could only kneel far away in the rain in protest. Her lover from the past approached from a distance and their eyes met. Hope once again filled her small heart. But to her greatest disappointment he turned and walked away!

It seemed like the whole world had abandoned her, and fallen apart in those few moments. Pain struck her heart as she felt her heart shatter into pieces bit by bit. She was thrown into the great depths of despair when suddenly... when she least expected, a black cloak was cast over her, sheltering her from the merciless rain. 

It was him! Someone who would throw his life away and give up everything for her, protecting her always. Even when the whole world abandoned her, Wang So would always be there for her, at every startling step of her journey. He stood by her silently, as no words were needed at this point in time. All it needed was just pure love, as action speaks louder than words. With renewed faith, Hae Soo once again regained her strength to carry on kneeling beside her pillar of support, the man that stood beside her silently, never once doubting her. He was no white knight in shining armour but through his actions, he proved himself worthy of her heart. 

4th scene Episode 16

Title: The fruit of our love

We have chosen to present the scene that showed a love so strong, transcending beyond time and space which culminated in a living proof of their love - their precious child.

That fateful night, Soo risked her life by slipping out of the palace to nurse So's injury when he risked his life to shield her from a deadly arrow. A few years had passed since their separation when So was sent to oversee the construction of a new capital. This was the first time in years that the 2 had a chance to see each other again properly, away from danger. When So awoke, he found himself dressed and his wound bandaged nicely. He saw Soo slouching in a corner and slowly walked towards her. After Soo had bandaged So's wound, fatigue overcame her and she drifted off into dreamland. When she awoke, she found herself staring into So's eyes all of a sudden.  So tried his best to turn away from her, but her sudden confession of "Do you still love me?" threw all of So's pretense out of the window. How could he not love her? He loved her so much that no words could express his thoughts.

So grabbed and kissed Soo on the lips long and hard, as though there was no tomorrow. In return, she hugged him with all her might. The candle flickered, and they spent the lovely night together, two hearts beating in unison. That night, they shared a special bond between them. From that moment onwards, Soo's body, heart, mind and soul truly belonged to So, and only So.

When So awoke, he found Soo sleeping peacefully besides him, sharing the same bed. He knew that something special had happened between them, and he took a moment to stare at her angelic face. A face that brought him back to life and made him feel human once again. As he caressed her face gently, and Soo smiled at him, he thought he was in heaven. 

Euphoria continued throughout the night when they played with their hands, creating cute shadow images. As they giggled like two fools in love, So was deeply contented to have Soo by his side.

The following night, they sat down together to enjoy the stars. As Soo knowledgeably pointed out Pegasus to So, he thought to himself what a smart woman she was besides her exceptional beauty and how lucky he was to be with her. He really wanted to be with her forever. How nice if time could just stop at this moment, he thought to himself.

5th scene Episode 18

Title: You are my only Queen

This scene was chosen because it was so heartbreaking to see 2 lovers fall so deep in love, yet after going through so many trials and tribulations over the years, Wang So was unable to give Hae Soo the happiness she truly yearned for. Soo had waited so long for the day when So would become king, and for her dreams to come true. Ironically in a cruel twist of fate, she not only could not marry him, she had to watch him marry another woman, which would be the Queen instead of her. We can see that despite So being the king, he was helpless in this situation. He sworn in his heart that Soo would be his only queen. This was the very least he could do for her, on their last date together which was so saccharine sweet before he married his "Queen", his half-sister, Princess Yeon Hwa in a seemingly loveless marriage.

The scene opens with Soo pleading with So in her usual cheery manner to leave the palace for the market. The couple put on 2 masks and leave the palace incognito. As they stroll through the market, they hold hands like how couples in love always do. The scene where they tease each other in masks is just too cute for words. They stop by the pond for prayers and So suddenly hugged Soo gently from the back and put his cheeks right next to her face. He pecks her on the cheek suddenly without warning. For that moment, it was pure bliss and happiness for them. 

As they stopped in front of the prayer tower, So suddenly proposes to Soo after confessing that he did not know what drawn her to him. After many failed attempts at asking Soo to marry him, finally, he managed to look at her and utter 2 simple words "Marry me". So looked expectantly at Soo as she smiled at him and gazed into his eyes. 

She looked at So and replied with 2 words as well, "I cannot". It was not what he had expected to hear at all! As she explained to him patiently that she would still continue to stay by his side, it was just too heartbreaking for the couple. Even at this moment, Soo was thinking of So, and how his future as the king would be secured. She was willing to sacrifice her own happiness for him, just so that his wish of being the king could come true. Such is the power of true love, that makes one throw away their own happiness, hopes and dreams so willingly for the one they love. 

So was dumbfounded by her explanation and at the same time touched by Soo. He knew she was right; they could not get married. Soo's "I'm really fine" broke his heart. It pained him that despite being king, he could not give her the happiness she wanted. Instead, she had to sacrifice herself to fulfil his dreams, hopes and ambitions. Was this the happy ending that he foresaw for them? Did he make the right decision by becoming king? What was the use of being king when he had to sacrifice his and her happiness?

He hugged her tightly, and said "You... are my only queen" as a tear rolled down his cheek. 


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Ending: MLSHR is a drama that has touched thousands of hearts, young, old, male and female both within South Korea and internationally. It cleverly incorporates Goryeo's history within the storyline, making it authentic yet adds an element of surprise and mysteriousness through time traveling. 

It also shows a journey of self discovery between 2 characters Hae Soo and Wang So. Soo, who finally realises her heart and true love and So, who finally awakens to his calling and destiny to be King of Goryeo. 

The numerous trials and tribulations as well as the inner struggles each character went through were nicely laid out in the drama. The SoSoo love story was tragic, heartbreaking and yet very real at the same time as after all the couple had been through, they still did not end up with a happy fairytale ending. Instead Soo, having lived a short life, died thinking that So hated her. So, because of his foolish pride, was also filled with deep regret that he was not by her side when she died. How cruel can that ever be? How tragic those scenes were? 

Back to the present, Soo was remorseful that she left So alone back in Goryeo. The story was even more heartbreaking because there was no happy ending for SoSoo. Soo was back in the present whilst So was a man of the past. Two lovers were separated forever by time and space. 

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@summer2017 @chi13lou  Thank you so very, very much for your assistance today. There was no way I could have taken advantage of the extension without your help since I continued to work throughout the day while uploading the rest of our submission. 

I didn't get to include everything I wanted in our post, from a visual perspective.And then it should have also had connecting copy between each scene but I was very lucky to have found that gif wall that @40somethingahjumma had posted. It succeeds in articulating just how much So values Soo, and it's a plus that it echos a similar message in the opening Tweet.

Mianhe, my friends. We definitely could have done more, but we were very lucky to have been granted an extension. Thanks so very much @MadraRua and @Berou for the consideration and allowance. It was sincerely appreciated. I would have included you in the thank you section of the post, but wasn't sure if that would be appropriate.

If we fail to proceed to the next round, so be it. Things happen for a reason.

But if we do get the opportunity to participate in the 2nd round, then let's go all out.  =o)

Thanks for cheering us on!! :heart:

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3 hours ago, meahri_1 said:

@summer2017 @chi13lou  Thank you so very, very much for your assistance today. There was no way I could have taken advantage of the extension without your help since I continued to work throughout the day while uploading the rest of our submission. 

I didn't get to include everything I wanted in our post, from a visual perspective.And then it should have also had connecting copy between each scene but I was very lucky to have found that gif wall that @40somethingahjumma had posted. It succeeds in articulating just how much So values Soo, and it's a plus that it echos a similar message in the opening Tweet.

Mianhe, my friends. We definitely could have done more, but we were very lucky to have been granted an extension. Thanks so very much @MadraRua and @Berou for the consideration and allowance. It was sincerely appreciated. I would have included you in the thank you section of the post, but wasn't sure if that would be appropriate.

If we fail to proceed to the next round, so be it. Things happen for a reason.

But if we do get the opportunity to participate in the 2nd round, then let's go all out.  =o)

Thanks for cheering us on!! :heart:


Thank you @meahri_1 for working through the night and day for uploading the extension. Thank you @chi13lou for editing too. I know how hard it is to work on it during the day, most of what I put together was written at night except the prison scene which I used my lunchtime (thankfully we are in diff time zones). Thank you both for your efforts as I could only hang on till 2am last night until I saw Berou's post on our thread.

I am unable to view the full thread as it keeps hanging on my mobile but will try to have access to a laptop later today coz I can't wait to see our final product!

Honestly I'm bushed and didn't have time to watch any drama this week but it's ok, for the sake of our beloved MLSHR and for the chance to showcase such a great show and my favourite actors and actresses (yes I love all the princes and even Hanna now) it is totally worth it! Pray hard we can advance to round 2!

All MLSHR fans, pls support us!

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I know a lot of MLSHR fans are inactive now, but still going through the pages to tag as many of you as possible. Hoping to reach you before the end of the voting period. Sorry if I have double tagged.

Come show your love for this drama!!

LET'S VOTE!!! click on link below



@kaoriharang @vangsweetie637 @andy78 @penelop3 @kdramawriter @lavender2love @violet90 @dramu51ch0c10ve @kriswu @junejungki @Rose3 @Silvermaine @MyMindIsASnowflake @sosooyah19 @whyo @redlion @redfrommars @enigmaticangel @smitten1710 @itzibitzispider @syeramy @SizzlerZ @pwnkl @liddi @qwenli @tinniet @glacial @MoOnLoVeRz @soph_t @zi4r @ShaiKeun @Shae @Lampel @yuhotarubi @dears @kathylim82 @Mona Ys @Gabi Bros @Diana Blanche @kilovekyo @trizha1 @staygold @thenagain @Yippeuni @car148 @Ainee Etp @amaliafajri @hiluna @Killa92 @liongurl @briseis @moonangelcake @Claudia Koh @gratitude_27 @sriskaddict @am420 @millie10468 @rei_smasher11 @Juno JUno @bitofmadness @fathiayunia

That's all I can tag for now. Had some difficulties tagging earlier. Will be back to continue tagging more people. Please help spread the word to other soompiers you know who also love and support this drama.

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